convxction · 3 years
[it has been a while since i talked about the shepherds but i never forget that each and every one of them taught chrom something or they are really super duper important people in his life, whether directly or indirectly by their actions or words. just a couple of things i remembered and i like to implement in my writing because mwah chef kiss to his character development (that intelsys thinks he is just a big dumb himbo who cant ride a fricking horse and uses falchion for cake cutting and even does not know how to peal a frikcing orange please that was gaius trying to make olivia smile im crying stop)
probably the man. the legend. the myth who said something it send me to deeper thinking zone because gdi someone needed to slap that to chrom’s face. it’s in one of the dlcs if you couldnt save the citizens from that crazy grimleal (im lazy to search but you know what i mean right) and chrom is beating himself for not being there and frederick just booms drop that even the hero-king could not each everywhere;he’s human. he can help the people he can reach but he can’t be everywhere and for everyone thats why he needs to just focus on what he can do and chrom just wow...deep...surprisingly coming from you freddy and frederick lol-wait what? its just a good moment you will miss if u saved everyone. like this line could really save chrom’s tormented soul i kid you not. this line is just mwah mwah mwah. i love frederick for always knowing what to say to calm chrom and im just here...crying.... best big bro/father figure chrom could ever ask. pans and pots frederick for a very long vacation from this hell please give him vacation. he deserves it.
i will beat anyone if they say she is useless. bitches she cried for chrom when he couldn’t. she complained when chrom couldn’t. she did everything when chrom couldn’t because she wants to be of help to him. she looked after chrom the most and im legit cherish her so much. after frederick she knows how chrom beat himself over everything even if he didnt say it out loud she knows he is trying to take everything on his shoulders thats why she tried her little stunt to go and scout on her own to help him. i will treasure her. her pranks? anything to get him to loosen up. probably started as pranks but i can see her just trying to make him smile or just have a reaction out of him to loosen up. i love her man. i just love her. i hope lissa fire emblem awakening is happy forever.
the man. what can i say about vaike dude? the man makes chrom feel like his struggle against classes and ranks and all that crap is worth fighting it. vaike not seeing chrom as a prince, keeps bothering him in every possible way and that talks volume of the amount of trust vaike gives chrom. being from the slums--the slice in ylisstol affected the most of the 15 years war and the exaltship been shifted to emmryn and the slow healing process, yet vaike decided to give chrom the benefit of the doubt and trust him to do something about it. im here for my bro. i am here for the source of inspiration to chrom to keep going. right here. this man. the teach.
yodels into the next galaxy about the drama cd and i will never ever shut up about how gaius is the coolest motherfulucker for saving chrom’s ass because he is a stubborn lil beech. not only that the slaps of wisdom words at him. im here for someone frankly and all honestly tell chrom what is wrong with him 1,2,3 and just not sugar coat it. im here for someone to drag his ass and use him as a walking peggybank but you know showing him how a normal person spend money and enjoy his life. im here for gaius working from the shadows to support chrom. im here for this thief. now i wanna go and rewatch the drama cd...sobs..gaius..my love...my husbando ...
listen. cordelia did a huge favor for chrom by getting vaike stronger. you dont understand he owe her. she made his rival stronger and as she said that it will make chrom stronger. bless her soul she knows how that muscle brain works.
forever grateful she is lissa’s friend. chrom could entrust his sister to her and go without any worry to wherever he needs to go because he trusts that maribelle will have her back. in her debt for keeping lissa in check. thank you mlady. you are the best. it warms his heart to have someone by lissa’s side because of how tough her childhood was sobs...no brand and all ;a; thats why maribelle is just ...literally the heroine. three cheers for maribelle !!!
rolls on the ground ... listen .... come closer ...listen ... i am .... i care for this boy. chrom may have fans or whatever but ricken is just ... the best. the little brother he didn’t have. ricken fanboying over chrom makes him more eager to be the best role model he can--but not to the effect where he does not act like himself. ricken inspires chrom to do his best and work harder seeing the boy doing his BEST to be of help and honestly get chrom to notice his efforts. please. boy you are perceived but dont be reckless. u got magic. thats the coolest thing. he cant do magic. be the best in what you do. another lesson chrom had to remember when he talks with ricken. he got his swordsmanship skills but he should always strive to be better, to be the best ! not stopping his learning journey! 
STAHL!!!! im crying the poor man. stahl reminded chrom that his words carry a lot of weight if he didn’t notice how he say them. stahl trying to present the best just killed him because he didnt want to disappoint chrom and chrom is just wait hold on what are you doing when did i--oohh...im sorry;; i didnt mean to burden you like that i just wanted to praise you;;; .... IM WEEPING.... stahl my son why. and it is honestly funny and insightful because chrom praise people left and right and as someone as stahl it can be a lot of weight on his shoulders--the expectations of being the BEST from now and on. it opened chrom’s eyes to choose his words more wisely. yes he is charismatic by nature but not all have the same personality you know. some their anxiety gets the better of them like stahl and their mind play tricks on them to make it sound like an order more than a praise. so yee.... sits in here ....my boy dont kill yourself please. 
i will rant more but now my other hand is hurty hahah...what is going on hahaha...ahh...
i love the shepherds. they are chrom’s family. 
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