the-rocket-woman · 4 years
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Well well well, how the turntables ...
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the-rocket-woman · 4 years
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the-rocket-woman · 4 years
Families of Fallen IDF Soldiers Tell Their Stories
I remember. We remember. Let us never forget.
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the-rocket-woman · 4 years
An Arab Muslim in the Israeli Army
I grew up and still live in a small village named after my family’s Bedouin Arab tribe. Our roots in this land run deep.
In 1948, when Arab armies invaded the new state of Israel, my family thought of leaving our village. Some of them did. But when the Jews’ leaders heard that, they implored us to remain. “This is our country, for both Arabs and Jews,” they said. “Stay, and we will work together to build it.”
My family stayed. My parents were born here, made their lives here, started their own family here—in Israel.
In 2002, I was a teenager. It was a violent time. Palestinian suicide bombers were blowing up Israeli civilians—a danger to Arabs and Jews alike. Israeli troops entered to the West Bank to stop them at their source. As a result, many Palestinians were killed.
I was torn. Whose side was I on, I thought: Israel’s or the Palestinians’? Is it possible to be an Arab and an Israeli? The question became even more difficult when I saw men from my own village wearing the uniform of the Israeli army. Only Jews are required to serve in the military. No one forced these Arab men to join; they chose to. “Why?” I asked them.
“Our home is here, in Israel,” they said. “Our home is under attack. Our neighbors in this home are Jews. They are being attacked. We fight together.”
Still, I struggled.
I went to high school in Nazareth. There, unlike the village where I grew up, most of the Arab students identified as Palestinians even though they are citizens of Israel.
Some of the students—my friends—hated Israel. They couldn’t understand me. “You’re a Palestinian”, they said, “so you must hate Israel.” When I said that I didn’t, that we had far more freedom and opportunity than Arabs anywhere in the Middle East, they called me a traitor.
After high school, I went on to study electrical engineering at Technion, a leading Israeli university. During my first semester, heavy rocket fire from Gaza forced Israel to launch a counterattack.
Not long after the war began, I witnessed a group of Arab-Israeli students expressing their solidarity with Hamas, the Palestinian terror organization that controls Gaza and is committed to Israel’s violent destruction.
Did these students not understand that those rockets could just as easily be aimed at them? Hamas didn’t care who they killed as long as they landed inside the borders of Israel. Had my fellow Arab students forgotten that Israel had left Gaza a few years before? That there wasn’t a single Israeli living there?
That day, I dropped out of school to join the Israeli army, the IDF. A few months later, I was a soldier in the Israeli Air Force. After months of training, I was assigned to the Search & Rescue Helicopter Unit.
Our job was to save lives. We never concerned ourselves with the identity of the people who needed our help. We rescued Syrian civilians wounded in their country’s civil war, Palestinian children from Gaza requiring urgent medical care, and countless Israelis of every religious and ethnic background. A life—whether it is Muslim or Jewish, Palestinian or Israeli—is a life.
On a base of 6,000 soldiers, I was the only Bedouin. But it didn’t matter. The only thing that mattered was keeping Israel—our home—safe. We came from all parts of the country and from many parts of the world. We were every shade of skin color. Our shared goal created a deep bond.
Today, I am a student at Haifa University. Half of the students are Arab. More than once, I have seen the Palestinian flag being waved at a rally or protest on campus. In Israel, you can do this because, whether you are a Jew or an Arab, you are free.
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the-rocket-woman · 4 years
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the-rocket-woman · 4 years
Sauron in Dol-Guldur in the middle of the night: *ominous noises of evil and hatred*
Thranduil, leaning out his window to shout like an 80 year old lady at the kids in the park across the street: Either come kill me or shut the fuck up!
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the-rocket-woman · 5 years
Fandom , Talking about Geralt : He doesn’t deserve you. if he doesn’t treat you right by now. you are gone!
Jaskier: I am gone
Fandom: Now Go chop his dick off-
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the-rocket-woman · 5 years
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Her name is Frieda Jungst.
She was murdered in the gas chambers in Auschwitz in January 1943 because she was Jewish. She was 5 years old.
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the-rocket-woman · 5 years
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the-rocket-woman · 5 years
Healer Draco Malfoy
After the war, Draco goes back to Hogwarts to finish his eighth year and get all the NEWTs he needs.
Somewhere along the way, he realizes he also wants to make up for his past, prove himself, and help those who are in need or hurt in the war
After long deliberations and changing his mind several times, he settles on trying to become a healer - he knows it won’t be easy, considering the requirements and his past - he’s worried they won’t accept a reformed death-eater to work with patients. Nevertheless, he decides to give it a try.
During their 8th year, he manages to reconcile with Harry (much to Ron and Hermione’s initial fierce mistrust - he doesn’t blame them) and they develop a tentative friendship.
Turns out, after some guarded, careful, and overly polite conversations, they get on quite well.
One late night, they get drunk and talk about their futures. Draco confesses he’s aiming to become a healer. He can’t stop the tears as he shares his concerns about all of it being futile and how he’s probably going to be rejected solely on the grounds of what kind of person he used to be.
Unexpectedly, Harry takes him into his arms and.. just holds him, stroking his hair. He says everything is going to be all right and if Draco’s grades are good, they will have to put their prejudices aside.
Draco is infinitely grateful Harry doesn’t say he can pull some strings for him, being the Saviour and all. He just comforts him.
Draco finishes the eighth year as the second-top student, with only Hermione beating him (well, that was expected) - however, he’s top of their class in potions.
When Draco receives a letter informing him that he’s accepted into the Healer training program, he somehow finds himself running to Harry to share the news. That day, they kiss for the first time. Later on, they don’t really talk about it, both scared they crossed a line (you know, like idiots).
Harry is accepted into the Auror program and since Hermione and Ron are getting a flat together, he offers Draco to room with him at Grimmauld Place (it’s a huge house and there are plenty of rooms) - it’s close to both Sr Mungo’s and the Ministry and it would feel decidedly less empty. Draco’s shocked at the proposition but tentatively accepts.
After a full month of mutual pining and unbearable tension.. well, they start sleeping in Harry’s room. Which becomes Harry and Draco’s room.
Their friends are a bit skeptical but decide to give Draco the benefit of the doubt, seeing his road to redemption.
Draco finishes the apprenticeship, top of the class. He decided to specialize in spell damage with a particular focus on dark magic (given his experiences, the healers agree it’s wise to use it for the good)
Harry becomes a full-fledged Auror with Ron as his partner.
After a few Auror raids, Draco learns that Harry has not changed one bit since the war and still flings himself into danger with no regard for his safety.
He always furiously takes care of him at home when he’s dismissed from St Mungo’s and worries himself sick
At some point, Draco demands he’s appointed as Auror Potter’s primary healer - it means he would always be immediately notified when Harry’s admitted and have the last word regarding Harry’s treatment.
Given the intimate nature of their relationship, St. Mungo’s doesn’t agree - their relationship might cloud Draco’s judgement and affect his professional conduct.
Hermione also gently advises him to reconsider - she knows how hot-headed Draco can be when it comes to Harry.
Draco is furious and pulls all the strings he can, including scheduling an appointment with Kingsley and Robards to present his case (and yell at them)
Somewhere around that time, Harry gets admitted with some serious dark arts-related injuries. Draco is scared shitless and feels completely powerless being forced out of the room as usual.
However, that night is a slow one and there are fewer healers on duty so they are forced to let Draco in to help.
He immediately goes into full-healer mode; he’s professional, steady and seems unaffected by the fact that his boyfriend’s life is in danger.
After Draco helps save Harry’s life, Robards meets with Kingsley and Draco’s head healer and they come to a decision - given Draco’s level-headedness, they make an exception and appoint him as Harry’s primary (also, he trashed the breakroom that one time when Harry was admitted)
From that day, Draco is always the first to treat Harry and never breaks his focus, until one time he does.
After an especially nasty stakeout-turned-fight, Harry is brought unconscious to St. Mungo’s by Ron, who’s splinched himself and is on the brink of passing out.
In that moment, Draco loses it. While the other healers take care of Harry, he marches straight to his head healer and informs him that this time, he’s unable to remain unbiased. His supervisor thanks him for his candor and puts him off duty.
As soon as Draco takes off his robes, he joins Hermione in the waiting area and bursts into hysterics. She’s also crying, worried sick about Ron and they comfort each other.
After both boys are stabilized and safe, Draco is terrified he will be recalled as Harry’s primary. Fortunately, his boss is rather impressed with how well he was able to assess his emotional state and how he knew it was better to remove himself - it was only proof of Draco’s professionalism.
When Harry’s released, Draco takes a week off and remains by his bedside the whole time. 
When Harry regains his strength by the end of the week, they talk about what happened and Harry promises to try and be more careful
Two weeks later, Draco gets called down to St Mungo’s. They don’t tell him anything, just to get there, so he rushes in, terrified something happened to Harry again. 
When he arrives, they reassure him nothing bad happened and send him to one of the rooms, explaining they were short on healers and needed some extra help.
He enters the room to find Harry, wearing a tailored, well-fitted suit. He looks so hot Draco’s glad he’s already in a hospital.
Harry gets down one knee
Draco’s convinced he’s having a heart attack.
“Draco. I love you. In sickness, and in health.” He chuckles. “I love you so fucking much. You’re my everything. My partner, my healer, my friend. And my husband, if you say yes.”
“Harry.. Yes. Yes, fucking yes, you reckless, brave, impossible prat. I’ll marry you.”
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the-rocket-woman · 5 years
Harry Potter and His Real Life Before He Had This Stupid Nightmare Where Everyone Dies #1
Voldemort ? Who? lmao. Nope in this one.
James and Lily being totally in love with their son.
Harry smiled for the first time during his 8 weeks while watching Lily yelling at James.
She stopped yelling immediately to smile at her beautiful baby.
“At least now I know how to stop you from yelling.”
She started yelling again.
James is his first word, he was 11 months.
Dada was his second, first to Remus and then to James.
Mama followed soon. Pa'foot and Moons too.
lmao Peter has been killing by the author apparently
“M'nerva” + smile = minerva mcg really happy.
Taking a ride on padfoot back, baby harry loves it.
Staying in bed with Lily and James in the morning to cuddles.
Lily reading to him a lot of story, he loooooves bambi's children, the story of a forest family
Fucking hates carrots, throw them at Lily the first time he ate it.
He has the Evans Stare, look at you in the eyes for 10 minutes straight until you're scared.
Love to be held, want to be in his parents arms everytime
Will totally cry when Lily or James put him down
“no, no, no, mama, no floor”
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the-rocket-woman · 5 years
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Yay! I’ve finally finish this cute little panel story of Harry and Draco. This is dedicated to Draco Birthday this year (hopefully im not too late /cries ) so yeap~ Hope you guys like it!! Feel free to reblog from tumblr but please refrain from reposting to any other site! Thanks! :3 
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the-rocket-woman · 5 years
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scorpius: mic drop
draco: we’ve been banging for over a year. also, i’m going to kill you
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the-rocket-woman · 5 years
I might have said this before:
Men can rape women
Men can rape men
Men can rape non binary people
Women can rape women
Women can rape men
Women can rape non binary people
Non binary people can rape women
Non binary people can rape men
Non binary people can rape non binary people
Any gender can rape
Any gender can be a rape survivor
Stop the rape stigma.
Let all survivors feel safe to speak out and get help when needed.
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the-rocket-woman · 5 years
same energy
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the-rocket-woman · 5 years
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Gary: “Keep reading ‘till you got the pictures!”
David Thewlis and Gary Oldman on interview from “Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Azkaban (2004)” DVD & Blu-ray Special Features
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the-rocket-woman · 5 years
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Have a very drarry Christmas!
(i know it’s past i’m sorry) but this one’s for ya’ll! Thank you so much for everything, these past months have been so much fun ヾ(♡ ³♡)ノ Especially @avoidakedavra for being the sweetest and most supportive person ever
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