#[The Boss Is Talkin- The Mun]
strykingback · 4 months
I think Ares' might become the most hated muse on my blog. Even worse of all is that I HATE HIM as well.
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pandoranrabbit · 3 years
"Ya know I was a lotta things but I never ratted anyone out. Unless they deserved it. An' that only ever happened a few times."
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characternerdocs · 4 years
The Fool, Death, Temperance (for mun, and also Heather :3c)
☀️🌙✨ tarot questions ✨🌙☀️ ||| @icybreaths
the fool: do you have any nicknames?
I go by Eri, it’s not my real name, but it’s my preferred name. Other then that I don’t have any nicknames, though in High School I went by ED in the theatre club, as E and D were my first and middle initials. Though my college roommate did suggest that for a dark persona I could go by Eerie Lorewright, but funnily enough some people at my work do call me Eerie cause they don’t know how to pronounce Eri. I don’t mind the Eerie pronunciation as it give me a chuckle, but the other mispronunciations of my name is “R-Ee” when I pronoun it as “Air-Ee”
Heather//: Oh, I’ve got a ton of nicknames, Vincey Bear calls me Pooka, but sometimes calls me simple thing; not like he’s calling me simple like stupid, tho. And Heath calls her Sis. but I AM his sister so… maybe that not really a nick name… Logan calls me firecracker, Sparky, and fruit loop (But I gave her the a-ok to use that one) Rox calls her Pipsqueak and half pint, still warming up to those.. Levi calls me Tator Tot but he’s also started to call me Boss. Skid calls her Tweetie, I think cause of my yellow hair. Then Beeyel calls me Puck and Fun Size, which is rude. Ramiel calls me freak. And Sammy calls me the weirdest things- creepy things…. and I’m like the queen of creepy but gotta say what he says makes me uncomfy…
death: what are three things you want to do before you die?
Three things I’d like to do before I die, One, publish my writing. Two, I want to do something that earns me a place in the credit roll of a movie. Three, learn how to animate.
Heather//: Interesting, Gotta admit, I don’t really have huge goal from myself. After getting outta Glenbrooke I sorta just live everyday as if it would be my last. But I guess if I had to choose, Definitely want to commit the world’s BIGGEST heist with Vincent by my side. cause that be a dope ass legacy to leave behind. Arm-wrestle the top 27 most deadliest predators of the world. Also be a dope thing to have as a title. Then- prolly convince V Bear of his self worth- Like I know he know he got it, but like i don’t know I want him to see himself like i do, cause he really lets others’ stupid option of him get him down.
temperance: can you describe a strange dream you’ve had?
One of the weirdest and honestly scariest dreams I've had, I was out shopping with my sister and I was really upset with her. So my dad came to pick us up, but I refused to get in the car with my sister, I was so pissed. so instead I walked home thinking and hoping it would cool me off. But as I was walking it started to rain. When I finally got home, my sister was standing in the yard and started to taunt me about about having to walk home in the rain. And I got some mad I beat her into coma. I started to freak out when my mom came out and saw what I've down and simply said: "don't worry, you're on meds for that (my anger) now." And then I woke up.
Heather//:  I don't know... I really don't like talkin' bout my dreams besides with Vincent. their creepy and it leaaves me feeling really raw, having them ans talking bout 'em. They're like, either these gold tinted meremories of a life I don't think is my own or trauma filled horrors of what I was put through at Glenbrooke. Like being summerged in a tub of ice as I was getting that weird sappy serum pumped into me. The Doc always hoverin', spectating overhead. That horrible, awfuling feeling of constantly being under observation but completely alone. Utterly alone. And this miserible state of sub-human exist, reduced to being that lab rat, a play thing for this surgical mask-wearing creep, who sees the live and death of patients as a data point, nothing else.
Thanks for the ask @icybreaths, Hope you enjoyed finding out a little about me and a little bout Heather. You even started to breakdown Heather’s feral, crackhead persona with that dream question.
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dissimulxte · 7 years
SHIPPING INFO // answer the following for your muse(s) so people know how shipping works on your blog. REPOST. don’t reblog. WHAT’S YOUR OTP FOR YOUR MUSE?: y’all if you can’t guess this you aren’t following me
I like little glimpses at what they’re like living together, little pictures of moments from the mornings or lazy days around the house, those sort of “wrap your arms around them from behind while they’re doing dishes” and fluffy-garbage-shit, but the bulk of that I prefer to cover in headcanons and banter with my partners, as it’s not usually super interesting to thread. One-liners and short stuff here and there is all good, but I prefer to dig into the meaty bits when we’re really writin’.
Stuff like big disagreements, traumatic episodes, the angsty, holy shit why would you kinda thing, as well as them really doing stuff together. Mari’s a world-traveling criminal with an adrenaline addiction, so I think she really shines with people who get into trouble with her, and there’s a lot of relationship to be explored in there.
Also, basically as soon as a ship is confirmed between her and someone else’s muse, there’s almost inevitably a night where me and the other mun end up throwing down for a few hours and end up explaining, plotting, and talking about their entire relationship so it goes from 0 to 100 real quick, even if they’re still practically strangers in our official threads. Oops, all berries.
Yeah I’m gonna go with the easy, good shit and say no minors-- this obviously has it’s exception in the handful of aus & verses where Mari is, herself, a teenager, but in that case there’d be no chance of her usual shit. I don’t really write smut, but I certainly won’t write anything sexually suggestive with underage muses or muns. Them’s the rules, kids, you’ll be a big grown soon enough.
In terms of the upper end, I’d say there really... isn’t one... Mari’s pretty hypersexual, as you’ve probably noticed, and age doesn’t particularly bother her. If it seems like they’re capable (wink wonk), she’ll probably give it a go. Maybe that makes the cut off like, I dunno, in their early 70s?? If there’s a ceiling, we haven’t found it yet. ARE YOU SELECTIVE WHEN SHIPPING?: 
Anything meaningful, for sure. Mari’ll hit on, smooch on, and sleep with just about anybody, but she has profound romantic feelings for mmmm one person we’ve met on here so far, and inklings for maybe one more. She’s grayromantic, almost completely aromantic. Like, it’s super rare, and it’s definitely something I’ll have to have discussed at length with the other mun before any real ship sets sail. HOW FAR DO STEAMY MOMENTS HAVE TO GO BEFORE THEY’RE CONSIDERED NS.FW?: 
when something’s said or implied that you wouldn’t want someone passing by to read over your shoulder?? we’re talking naming/touching/explicit mentioning of the Good Bits. I think it’s pretty easy to know. WHO ARE OTHER MUSES YOU SHIP YOUR MUSE WITH?:  
haha most of my ship partners for mari aren’t active anymore, so I’d say currently it’s Wy (fucking duh [ @cadcnce ]) and to some extent the Boss (@puckish-rogue ) [but that’s pretty different imo] and some Soft Good Shit w/Jamie (@valorandheart) [but we haven’t talked about that As Much]. I’m on the hunt for more, because even if I’m selective, I do really love shipping, (especially w/girls...we miss girls...) DOES ONE HAVE TO ASK TO SHIP WITH YOU?: 
I mean, yeah. For like, a real ship, I think we’ll definitely have to have talked about it. Some grow organically sometimes? but even then, I’m pretty sure myself and the other mun would be chatting about it as it goes along. 
DO NOT try and make a ship happen if it’s clearly not happening, don’t assume or preestablish without extensively talkin’ to me first-- just don’t try and forceship. I’ve had some fuckin’ bad times with that kinda shit and I’m Not Here For It. HOW OFTEN DO YOU LIKE TO SHIP?: 
Let’s be real, I fuckin’ love to ship. I really do. But it’s only gonna work out, especially with Mari, to be something Really Good every once in a blue moon. I know her, I know what she’s like, and I know what kind of folk I think she’s really compatible with. It’s gonna be pretty rare for her to have a really substantial romantic relationship. THAT BEING SAID get the fuck at me with more platonic ships/friendships. ARE YOU SHIP OBSESSED OR SHIP MORE-OR-LESS?: 
Kinda, yeah, but the reason I like it so much is more about seeing what we can find out about/build more in our muses and their characters than it is about aw look at them they’re so cute they should smooch and be happy. I like building relationships that are interesting because I like doing interesting things with my daughters. ARE YOU MULTISHIP?: 
Yyyyyyeeeesss, but as I’ve specified before, in a weirder way than most people. Until a relationship reaches REAL levels of PRETTY EXTREME COMMITMENT, all of Mari’s “relationships”/flirtations/FWB arrangements-- all of those exist in her “canon”. Like, she might be chillin’ with you one night, and then skip over to another muses’ pad the next day. And it’s totally available for your muse to know that and comment on it/know about the other people she’s seeing. She’s not exactly secretive.
When she does get particularly ROMANTICALLY involved with someone, that moves into it’s own verse, with exception for some special plots (which would be discussed beforehand). As mentioned in this post, Mari will try to be faithful in her important romantic relationships... it just might not... work out... anyways.
Mari & Emi. Oh my god they’re so good. I love them. My rival, shitty, bad decision daughters. (I’m mostly fandomless, so, I’m referencing a ship with one of my other OCs. It’s my fandom, get it.).
After we’ve touched our toes in some threads and started getting a little conversation going between our kids, if you feel somethin’s there and you wanna talk about it, hit me up. Literally just drop me a line in ims and tell me what you’re thinkin’, and we’ll see about going from there. I can’t guarantee I’ll love it right away, (but, y’know, I probably will), but I’m willing to throw ideas around and try something out. If it doesn’t work, it doesn’t work.
Tagged by: @cadcnce wowie thanks bud
Tagging: ♪ if you want it, here it is, come and get it ♫
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strykingback · 7 months
For those that do not know Dragon Ball Z has been one of the most favorite shows of my childhood. I remember when it aired on Toonami I would get so excited to watch it and wonder what would happen in the next episode at the same time I could not help but wonder how far was it going to go.
Then I stopped watch it around the age of 12, then I picked it up again when I saw a reboot movie of the original Dragonball anime. Named Dragonball the Path To Power and then... when I saw another special that was a post Dragonball GT arc that was supposed to lead into another Dragonball series...
Then years later as an adult my excitement to see Ultra Instinct Goku.... and just that bringing out that little kid who saw Super Saiyan goku for the first time... and now... here I am an adult making his own characters the way I'd write them.... and when I made Louvel yes he was Samurai inspired but it was also Future Trunks that became a driving force for Louvel as well. ....
Thank you so so much.. Akira Toriyama... Rest Easy... buddy.
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strykingback · 4 months
@dethdvncer replied to your post “I think Ares' might become the most hated muse on...”:
that means you're a good writer //
​Of course! Really its because of a few things that inspired me to make Ares.
He's an abusive piece of shit as seen in Hideyoshi's and his bio
His inspiration is from those scammy Alpha Male Seminars
Further Inspirations come from EVERY TOXIC MALE EVER.
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strykingback · 10 months
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strykingback · 7 months
Me imagines Zek Post-Capture:
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strykingback · 10 months
Alrighty. Good afternoon friends!!!
First things first, I just want to say Happy Thanksgiving to everyone hope you all are having a good one, and just to say this to anyone who can't be with their families due to personal reasons or otherwise.. know this.
You are welcome here at Strykingback
You are loved here.
You can cry on a shoulder here
You are welcome regardless of gender or sexuality
You are always Welcome Here.
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strykingback · 1 year
Okay so im bask with a drink of henny in my hand, so apologies about any mispelling but no joke. 
Fuck RWBY Vol 9.  Like the what the fuck
 How are you just gonna call it a fucking “character development arc” and CRWBY Still fails at writing a character development arc. Hell at least in Slice of Life Anime they manage to do a better job developing their characters, hells at least in action anime they manage to FUCKING WRITE THEIR CHARACTERS BETTER.
But in RWBY they failed at writing 
1. Racism 2. Any Gay Relationship (Only made BB canon for the sake of fucking Rainbow Capitalism)  3. War Arcs 4. Anything about a powerful figure that defeated a powerful  figure before but we still get vague details  5. LITERAL FUCKING TRAUMA 6. AND NOW YOU CANT WRITE A GENUINE DEPICTION OF SU!C!DE?!?!? 
No fucking joke CRWBY. You fucking suck! LITERALLY. Like none of the characters even had good character development at all! This was just a FILLER ARC!!! Literally SHIT as Nothing Ventured and Nothing Was Gained. FOR FUCKS SAKE! AT LEAST ONE PIECE DID SO MUCH BETTER AND THAT SHIT HAS MULTIPLE FILLER ARCS. 
AND RIGHT AFTER YOU MILK THE FUCKING SHIT TO HAVE YOUR SHITTY CROSSOVER MOVIE!?! Like nah chief fuck that! I hope the movie falls flat on its face gets ratioe’d by every fandom ever. RWBY is officially the anime community’s punching bag yo. 
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strykingback · 10 months
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Uhh Zek you do have a type. You like Tall people, goth girls, and EVEN DEMONS!
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"Fuck You, Boss."
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strykingback · 10 months
Looks up who is the lead singer for 30 Seconds On Mars.
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strykingback · 4 months
Okay before I make the first dash commentary post with Ares I just wanna quickly say this.
The mun is not equal to the Muse. I just wanna put that out there. That I do support womens rights, I support pro-choice, and intersectional feminism i support as well.
Ares is very misogynistic and embodies toxic masculinity so any posts that I make with him whether it be in a thread or otherwise will have the content warning for misogyny.
Just Remember Please.
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strykingback · 7 months
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strykingback · 9 months
Y'all have no idea how hyped I am to bring out this next Event and I think this one may be a bit long with a months worth of rest or a three week rest in between.
Buuuut Im a nice peep so heres where the location of the event will be in....
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strykingback · 9 months
I know I hate double posting but as a reminder. Forde's Christmas Celebration has been extended to Saturday to better connect with some peoples schedules and such not to mention giving people a chance to join in on a certain day.
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