strykingback · 6 months
So... the Volume 9 Epilogue has gotten an extended epilogue sequence and...
What the actual FUCKING FUCK.
So just like before it starts where Volume 8 ended with everyone mourning the loss of many people who died cause the four little dumbasses and Harem wannabe knight and his team brought down all of Atlas. And thus reintroduces Sun and Neptune. Team CFVY and others.
So then cue a timeskip where we see things in Vacuo arent good as Atlesians and Vacuans are all trying to live together but at the same time shit has hit the fan literally between them. As the Vacuans do not appreciate them being here.
And oh right Mercury is there with Tyrian as they are joining forces with the Crown of Choice group from the stupid RWBY books or should I say forgettable.
To make matters even worse everyone is on edge with eachother as Nora steps up to be a leader while Ren is trying his hardest to keep everyone together to work as one. Oscar is trying his best to resist the merger between him and Ozpin and then after some yadda yadda talk and more refugee interactions.
An airship is in the distance and its from Vale and none other than Professor Port and Oobleckas they reveal that Vale has been destroyed by Salem.... and with no sign of Glynda Goodwitch.. it can be assumed she died.
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(Literally my genuine reaction to hearing that info.)
You cant be serious. The writers fucked up one the most easiest cliche's ever. That me and many RWBY fans agreed that the final battle would take place in FUCKING VALE. And they decide to OFF-SCREEN ITS DESTRUCTION.
Like oh my fucking sweet baby rays on top of RIBS! This is garbage. Not only did they fuck up the most easiest CLICHE of all time the "It Ends Where It Began" but utterly fucked it up and placed it in a trash fire. Just Cause!!!
Whats even is the four dumbasses (RWBY) even fucked over Atlas by deriving Remnant of its ONLY SINGULAR MILITARY FORCE!
Oh? No Consequences in RWBY okay how about this then.
Thanks to Vale's destruction this would mean:
Millions of people may have died in Vale from Salem alone and those who managed to survive are suffering from starvation. Faunus Rights May Have Been Set Back By A THOUSAND STEPS because the White Fang attacked Vale and Beacon Academy.
The Humanitarian Crisis in Vacuo has went from bad to worse to "We're fucking cooked!" We've now been derived of a Glynda and Ozpin reunion.
Anyways. It seems all hope is lost and then Raven reappears with none other than RWBY+ J as everything now is sparked up into a fire once more with everyone getting hyped up.
Like... okay. This is some ol' bullshit right here chief!!!! Like not only the writers just once again think its a good fucking decision to fuck over what many agreed to be Vale as the final battle location of RWBY or its final Volume. But the fact that Rooster Teeth couldn't even write a proper fucking ending to this show. So Basically to sum things up.
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Fare Thee FUCKING WELL RWBY Heres hoping to your inevitable Reboot.
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I know you hate canon Yang but do you think she and Mercury could at one point bond over having been messed up by a parent that made them base their worth on their strength?
....Long Post Ahead
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Anon let me tell you-
I fucking hate that people now believe Adam was Yang's foil because the writers fucked up. No, he's not. He's Blake's foil; they share the same story, and the same past, and everything about them was supposed to be linked together down to their fairy tale allusion. Whatever came out of making him and Yang rivals are bullshit ass-pulls.
Mercury was designed to be her foil; he has a grey monotone color palette and a very low-key, cyberpunk-esque fashion while Yang is in a warm-tone, bright-colored palette with a steampunk style that sets her out from others visually. She's mostly a boxer, while he's focused on kick-based combat. Mercury doesn't have a semblance and has to rely on his own skills, and Yang relies TOO much on hers and it becomes her double-edged sword.
Mercury has a terrible father and no mother, suffering alone in a home that took everything from him and forced him to kill. Yang might not have Raven, but she has a loving family who cares for her even when they're not perfect. Everything about them was set up to be a narrative of two people who could very easily become the other had the circumstances of their lives been different, but their actions had also led them to this point and they have to take control of their future now that a new chapter begin.
Nothing, and I mean NOTHING, should have changed this aside from the fact that MK and CRWBY are fucking stupid enough to make Yang wedge into a narrative that she DOES not give a fuck about even though she supposedly cares about Blake and her causes, but never fucking does anything for the Faunus or even talk to Blake about her goals for them. It muddles their characters (Yang, Blake, Mercury, and Adam) because now the writers have to make dumbass fucking reasons for Yang and Adam to fight each other when Mercury and Blake are right fucking there.
I made a post about this subject before here and the same sentiment still stands. I fucking hate it here.
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grayskyzephyr · 7 months
I wanted to make this its own post and add some stuff.
Miles and Kerry are the reason Rwby went to shit and Rwby stans refuse to acknowledge it because they see these two white men as their gods. They even go out of their way to downplay Monty's part in his own creation by reducing him as "the animator who does cool fights," while giving majority of the credit to these two wackadoos.
They don't want to admit they prefer Miles and Kerry's version of rwby, because they also have to admit it's no longer Monty's work post vol 3 and on top of that, Miles and Kerry's version of "Rwby" sucks ass. Thats why they're hellbent on the "Monty planned everything since the beginning and Miles and Kerry totally knows his vision" while at the same minimize Monty as the creator in the same breath.
This is also why they are terrified of Dillion buying the rights to rwby when they found out Shane works with him and is close friends with him. They spent years slandering Shane as nothing more than a "bitter and disgruntled ex employee" when he released his letter because they don't want to believe their "besties," their "fam," they're "little meow meows" in crwby could possibly be terrible people. I mean, why would anyone ever lie about themselves on the internet guys??? /S
They purposefully "forgot" about the abuse scandals that were exposed once again just two years ago and are thanking Rooster Teeth for the fond memories. They're thanking the people they saw on that live stream because thats all who they care about. The animator who had to endure crunch time with little to no pay, who found out through twitter they no longer have an job? Who cares about them? They're a nobody. Miles and Kerry are not nobodies, they're celebrities on Youtube and in RT. That's who the rwby stans truly care about.
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sunnysunsins · 6 months
Since recently everything here has been taken over by dipshits who lack media literacy, i will come back here to say - RWBY is a good show. It is good. It has good story and good writing and good characters. Does it have stumbles and limitations? Of course, like everything else ever created. Is it the real reason yall are dedicating your lives to religiously following and picking apart every detail to find something, anything, to hate on and make it your whole personality? Nah.
Yall are just pissy your hc wasn't canon. And i'm only half-joking.
Yall are just stuck in the expectation of "cute girls in school fighting monsters and baddies", which it hasn't been for almost a decade. Let Beacon fucking die already, it was the most boring part of the story anyway. If you like it so much, watch.. idk, high guardian spice. Or maybe my hero academia, it has godawful writing too with your favorite Adam-like and Ironwood-like archetypes you adore so much.
And if you didn't click off already in hissy rage, and want to challenge me on the writing point:
Yall are complaining about pacing, characterization lacking, skipped development, insert some other reason, how "show went to shit after volume 3". Well, newsflash, look back at volume 1. REALLY look at it, without your nostalgia boner.
How, in what actually can fit into 3.5 full-length episodes, it skips a whole semester with only a few moments shown in like 3-8 minutes. Notice how Ruby and Pyrrha interacted like 2 times in 3 volumes total. Ruby and Penny? Yeah, they barely interacted too. Ren hasn't talked to rwby girls at all aside from ensemble scenes.
Too many characters in later volumes? Honey, 1-3 had SO many pointless grunts and you ate them up. The whole Vytal festival was filled with them.
Can you tell me the plot of volume 2 from the top of your head? Yeah, me neither. If i think maybe i can remember there was a mecha fight, a dance and a train, but beyond that what was the point of that entire volume again?
Your favorite, pedestalled, volume 3, most of which is fighty-fighty filler and the only stuff you actually remember when jizzing your pants about it is last 3 episodes.
Most character interactions and development happened after Beacon arc. Most actual plot and bigger story happened after it too. Yall are stuck circlejerking to *filler*, setup, which only purpose was to show the status quo to later destroy it and start to show the real picture.
Do you know why v4 and 5 feel so empty and missing something? Sure, juggling multiple plots gave it's pacing issues too, but it felt empty because there were no side characters to fill out the world and make it feel alive. V5 cast was so tiny it felt like nobody interacted at all. Because there were none of those "extras" yall hate on so much. The extras make the world feel real. Which is why Atlas feels alive when Mistral wasn't.
The most complaints about later volumes are chucked down to lack of media literacy and nuanced reading of situations and characters. Translated for your easier understanding: the writing was too nuanced for your "cute girls go fighty fighty brrr" brain to comprehend. Sometimes things require you to put the situation into character perspectives. Sometimes their decisions are made under stress + personality + influence of events and interactions. But i guess yall don't want to think, yall just want to watch "girl go brrr killy killy monster"
I can continue writing down all these other points, but i'm hungry and should get up so i won't. Bottom text: RWBY is a good show with good story and good writing and good characters. It has struggles and fumbles like every other piece of media. But for some reason, because it's indie, it's held to a much higher standard and everyone feels entitled to pick apart every detail of it to make themselves feel justified for feeling sad over their dead headcanons, even though they'd never do the same picking for big production popular series with much *much* worse writing than even the worst of RWBY's fumbles.
If you made it this far and are a member of rwde, congratulations, you still have a reasonable bone or few. Most others i guess clicked off at first point and blocked me after sending me some kinda death threat, idk, i haven't posted this yet after all.
So yeah, feel free to leave your takes and death threats below, i'll happily discuss further later
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papillaee · 10 months
"Yang is such a great masc lesbian representation" If m&k saw a actual real butch lesbian in front of them they would throw up let's be honest.
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chaoslordjoe · 1 year
Do not let CRWBY deter you.
The current FNDM situation involving Volume 9 Episode 6 needs no introduction, by now, y'all know what happened and how pissed most everyone is in the following episode at recent character actions. Who can blame them?
But after scouring some RWBY-related forums and channels, I have to say that I'm almost not surprised by how disheartened everyone is rather than enraged. Well, there are folks who are angry, but what really shocks me is how everyone is more sad and disappointed rather than pissed off.
Anyway, with my point being made, let's cut straight into it: Don't let RWBY's latest controversy deter you from criticizing this show. And to any fanfic writers, fan-artists or general content creators who still write RWBY fanfiction, don't let the events of this episode or CRWBY's "planned from the start" mantra make you feel bad. 
That's exactly what they want to make themselves feel like they're being smart about this to flex on us, the beleaguered critics of this show.
Perhaps then, this isn't the right sub for this kind of rallying cry. But rather, the kind of post to motivate creators of fan content who have been burned out, and it seems like the Wasps and other toxic elements of the FNDM have won.
We should not let CRWBY win either. They got the last laugh in deciding the events to canonize a controversial ship, but we should resist their efforts to dominate the FNDM discussion as we have more power than them, we can still write our own fanfics, our own alternate universes, rewrites, whatever else.
Do not let CRWBY's idiocy deter you. They started this shipping war, and the only way to resist that is to let them know that you will ship whoever you please, however if fits within YOUR narrative. Not Rooster Teeth's. If you give in, then Miles, Kerry, Eddy and Kiersi wins.
Arryn Zech wins.
Barbara Dunkelman wins.
Where they've successfully demoralized you. You have more creativity than those braying jackasses ever will. Continue writing fanfiction. Continue drawing art. Do not let CRWBY deter you.
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edit: the reason i put reboot under Dillon are
it not being rebooted kinda just makes it a "everyone wins" button and that would make the poll boring
2. i also think it'd be pretty likely that they'd reboot it TBH
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dragynkeep · 1 year
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the villainㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤthe real villain
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blueskyportrait · 1 year
they delayed v9, put unnecessary strain on their animation team (which consists of 5 people, a shoelace and a broom) for a shitty crossover that did NOT needed to be developed in house alongside v9.... bro rt is such an incompetents company like its impressive how badly they run their company
and then there's Ar*yn Tr*che acting as defense speaking for everyone that the budget for vol 9 and the JL x rwby movies were separate. Just ignore the other animators who worked themselves to death on those two projects practically for FREE.
Its so unreal and unbelievable seeing in real time the mental gymnastics of rwby stans trying so hard to twist themselves into pretzels defending this garbage show and the people behind it. Because they don't want to feel bad for wanting vol 10 just so they can see the bees nuzzle their foreheads together and buy whatever brand new bee merch made from gum and cardboard from the RT store. Again, the higher ups of crwby are part of RT. Your besties are selfish egotistical people
Edit: I don't hate this show. I hate how it never got better throughout the years and MKEK keep repeating the same mistakes over and over because the stans blow smoke up their asses praising them for spray painting gold on a pile of horse shit. Rwby could have been good despite some flaws, but its not. And I'm tired of keeping my mouth shut about it
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oddlyhale · 1 year
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I don't know who the OP is of these texts but it really doesn't matter. What made me wanna share these from reddit was that:
CRWBY will 100% see things like this - RWBY fans coming up with excuses and reasons for [this] and [that] to make sense, and will totally yoink it and pretend they thought of it first.
"Yeah, that was totally our entire point for [this] and [that], guys. Please do not fact-check us and don't think too hard about how it probably makes no sense in the grand scheme. This was our meta plan this entire time, we did not steal this excuse from a fan, we swear."
Which is where I think CRWBY is. They just find fan theories and excuses they come up with and just roll with it. They're not even thinking hard enough anymore, they just look to fans to defend them.
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Race fetishist says what?
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strykingback · 5 months
So for RWBY Beyond I have only one thing to say and its this.
Fucking Garbage.
Thats all.
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This day can't can't getting better because according to the leaks Vacuo was going to be a colonized nation!
And you know what else? The writers were going to make the "oppressors" be wrong and bad because they don't like they fact they are being colonized.
Now I'm not to sure if this was the finalized storyboard but if it was......may they all burn in hell. Cause wft is this shit!!!!
Pretty sure stans will eat this story arc up and trying to justify why colonizers were actually good people who had good intention when colonization brings nothing but pain and trauma
Oh fuck me, they're gonna colonize Vacuous again...what the hellllllllll.
Yes, I said again because Vacuo WAS colonized. BY ATLAS. That was a canonical event that caused the Great War, and got Weiss' family to become fucking tycoons. The exploitation and colonization of Vacuo 80+ years ago was a crucial part of Atlas' domination in technology and Dust production, as well as the monopoly that the Schnee Dust Company controlled.
And let's be honest here, bby, was any of us surprised that CRWBY is planning to make an oppressed group the bad guys for not being nice enough to their oppressors?
Of course the stans would eat it up. They DID. On multiple occasions. That's why I'm glad that fucking bitch of a company is 8 levels of hell under.
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grayskyzephyr · 7 months
Rwby stans: Miles and Kerry are the only ones who know Monty's vision and somehow Monty's spirit Astral projected into Eddy and Kiersei's head so they know what he wants too. Crwby is a package deal if Dillon wants to buy Rwby
Also rwby stans: Shane is a bitter ex employee who knows nothing about Monty's vision, even though he worked directly under him. Big yikes that Dillon is friends with him. And Monty's wife Sheena is just some woman and she possibly killed him.
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awkward-tension · 2 years
“Why does rwde focus on the race or disability of a character? It’s so pointless!”
Because the writers that have more non-white/disabled villains than heroes are the same people who did this:
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And also this:
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Like. CLEARLY there’s a pattern here.
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papillaee · 10 months
People don't realize that calling faunus names associated with animals WOULD be fine if there wasn't any faunus racism and if it wasn't established that using those fucking names is considered offensive in canon. And the fact that they established this in canon but still make human characters use these words against faunus to be cute and funny is contradictory and tone deaf. That's why a lot of characters end up sounding like fucking racist jerks even if that wasn't the writer's intention.
If crwby just made faunus a simple and quirky animal people race, they could just do that. It would be fine. But they chose to follow the fictional racism route, which is a plot device they clearly don't have the maturity and critical skills to follow.
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