#[V. Gin And Tonic On My Mind // Human AU]
paisleycowboys · 1 year
Find the Word/Manuscript Search Tag
thank you thank you to @seraphfighter​ for the tag!
The words I have are sound, tense, break, and care.
Rogue scans the crowd disdainfully. This is a room full of people she dislikes at best, loathes in many cases. She’s willing to do a lot to survive and even more to get ahead, but these people have willingly subjugated themselves for a sliver of capital. Corpo-rats, supplies the voice in her head that still sounds like Johnny Silverhand after all these years.
(this is an unfinished Rogue/Fem!V fic with my Corpo V)
TENSE (cheating here and using the word intense)
“God, I love this place,” Jackie says when they both nearly get plowed over by the woman driving a cargo cart, its lights flashing as she cuts through the thick crowds. 
V is a spacer, born between the stars out in the black on a nomad ship, so he finds it hard to say he agrees. He’s never sure what to do with the strong gravity of ports or the crowds that congregate there. The anonymity is nice, but V gets overwhelmed and exhausted easily. So many aliens, so many destinations. It’s easy to get lost. 
“Dex should be expecting us,” Jackie says. 
Night City is a glassed-in port city that has its own gravity and environmental system where it hovers in space. Above them, the stars shine beyond a thick pane of duraplast, giving the city the feeling that it exists in eternal night. Being one of the older ports, they didn’t invest in a genuine light-cycle system, which has been the subject of some intense debate over the years—is it cruel to leave humans accustomed to the sun trapped in a glass bubble without sunlight?
(a silverv spacefaring sci-fi AU that I forgot I even had lol)
Johnny comes back with two drinks: a tequila old fashioned for himself and a gin and tonic for V. V takes his with a grin.
“See? You actually do know me well when you’re not trying to be a dick.”
Johnny sits down. “Come on, give a guy a break.”
V realizes how odd they must look—two men sitting on the same side of an open booth like weirdos. He can’t bring himself to worry too much about it. He likes Johnny sitting close. When Johnny was in V’s head, he always came with the residual scent of cigarette smoke, a memory of his former self. When he got his body back, the miracle that it was, he never picked smoking back up. He stopped binge-drinking, too. Now, Johnny mostly just smells clean.
“You got this weird look on your face. That racist drunk hit you hard enough to knock some thoughts into your head?”
V frowns and then winces when that makes his nose throb where he was hit.
“Maybe he knocked some sense into me. Made me realize I hang out with the wrong sorts of people.”
Johnny hums and takes a sip of his drink. “I told you that cop Ward was bad news, but who listens to Johnny?”
“Not what I meant.”
(from a silverv snippet that was never really meant to be finished)
There are three Claws, along with the man on the ground, who is even now struggling to his hands and knees. He doesn’t look like a nomad, with his bright blue fluffy mohawk. He looks more like a shitty NC merc, but Johnny knows better than to judge anyone in Night City on appearance alone.
“Mind your own fucking business,” the middle Claw sneers with his lips pulled back over silver teeth.
“That’s Johnny Silverhand,” says the man to his right, eyes widening.
“Who the fuck cares?”
A bottle explodes over the back of the middle Claw’s head, and he goes down with a grunt. Johnny is left staring right at the nomad, who’s got a sneer on his bloody mouth and a broken bottle in his hand.
“Fucking Claws,” the nomad spits.
(this is an unfinished AU where Johnny didn’t succeed in blowing up AHQ and is still alive when he meets V)
Thanks again for the tag!!
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artofdeviancy · 4 years
Connor sat in his car for ten minutes after arriving. Leaving the tower before his daily shift was over was an easy decision. No one would complain about it. No one would say anything to him. He was the boss. He could do whatever he wanted. That is exactly why he feels at fault. 
Genevieve said he was married to the job. That’s all he ever cared about. Sometimes he wished that was true. He wanted to only care about his job. 
Despite his anger today he still cares about Gen. That doesn’t mean he can forgive her for what she accused him of. He sighed, opening his door and leaving his vehicle. The few steps he had to take for the front of the apartment complex were brief. 
He should have gone to her shop. It was too late in the day. She’d only be at home and that’s where he knocked now. On her door when he reached her floor; Connor rubbed at his face, visibly tired and emotionally drained.
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deviated-detective · 5 years
Pancakes topped with whipped cream and strawberries made up the breakfast presentation. A side of french toast for added sweetness perched beside the plate. Resting atop a cloth napkin they were homemade. Adding a glass of orange juice atop the tray, Connor folded another napkin for her to use while eating. He placed the silverware neatly. 
Picking up a red card and setting it behind the orange juice glass finished the tray up. He took a minute to find the box he had been hiding. It’s not easy keeping things from Daniela. The man had to get crafty.
Today wasn’t going to be too elaborate. Just this breakfast and the silver rose bracelet he bought a few weeks ago. That new jewelry shop had some nice stuff. 
Connor picked up the tray. Moving out of the kitchen and taking it upstairs is a swift barefoot trek. He nudged open their bedroom door. “Good morning Mrs. Anderson,” the man quipped, smiling as he brought the tray of food over. “A Valentine’s Day breakfast.” Connor leaned over to capture her lips in a kiss. He hummed. “Hope you’re hungry.”
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artofdeviancy · 4 years
Connor shook his head at the news story. Reading about a woman who died in a car crash is grim enough. Details on her losing a limb is not what he needed to start his day off with. He sighed. Exhaustion weighs on him today. He figures things would let up a little bit. The only time lately he’s had time to himself is when he’s on lunch breaks. Or if he forces himself out once his work is done for the day. 
Today is one of those rarities where he is finally able to breathe. He chose to stop in here for his time off. He could go anywhere. Maybe he should visit his brothers. But here he was instead. 
“Do you want to get food?” Connor asked her with a smile. 
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artofdeviancy · 4 years
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artofdeviancy · 4 years
Settling down for the night allowed Connor to relax. His neck was stiff today. Finally he’s home for the holidays. It’s what he looked forward to. Since they bought this house he’s been far too comfortable with it. Married life is better than they make it out to be. 
He smiled, sipping a mug of coffee. The cream added a touch of sweetness to the bitter. The soft glow of multicolored lights dazzled on the nearby tree. It made for a beautiful scene. 
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artofdeviancy · 4 years
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“I thought you’d like some company this weekend.” 
Connor smiled. Offering her a chance to have some time to herself without worry, he purposely put Lotus in a position of accepting dinner. He brought Italian from a newly established bistro. The meal itself was perfect. The company of her was better. 
He wanted to clean up after dinner. Keeping things from falling into her hands is his goal. It worked well. 
Dinner enabled him to hold her close. Closer they become through this and there isn’t any other way he can think of this. Whenever he sees her he feels it. Whenever she’s looked tired he’s tried to sway her to a gentler sleep. That had been words. Tonight he can’t help but fall to action. 
After cleaning up those dishes he found his way to her. Just them. No one else. Her daughter was with his brother for the weekend. 
All of that seemed fresh still but Connor could only think of one thing. He slipped a hand over to her waist. Giving her a gentle squeeze, smile causing his dimples to show, Connor leaned back against the couch. A comfortable and intimate place to be. He allowed his touch to move to her hand. He held onto hers now. 
“You should have some time to yourself. Everything will be alright. I know Calla is enjoying herself. You should too. Lotus, what is one thing you’d like to do. I will do it right now for you.” 
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deviated-detective · 4 years
“Hey, Cass. Are we OK?” Maybe it was a loaded question but Connor tried his best. He knew things were not easy to forgive but he wanted his brother to know he was here. “I know things have been messy. I just want you to know no matter what happened when we were still living with Amanda I love you.” 
@unitedxfront dropped for convo
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deviated-detective · 4 years
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@coffee-and-guns​ said:
💋-Do they use tongue when they kiss?😈-Favorite sex position?⚔ : Does your muse have any specific kinks? (for human connor)
Naughty Little Meme
💋 Straight up? Yes. Connor will use tongue when kissing. Make no mistake he will only to do this after being with the person for a while. He doesn’t want to step over boundaries. With his significant other he offers those soft kisses, those long kisses, those hungry passionate kisses with a slip of the tongue. Expect it if you’re with him.
😈 Connor likes to be in control just as his main verse. The answer is pretty similar to this one here ---> link
⚔ As someone who works in an office in an executive position he has been known to use his office. Sex on the desk? Oh yeah. He’ll do it. Ties you say? Tug on his and his head will be between your legs faster than you think. He enjoys fingers through his hair, scratching and digging fingers into his back. Just make your mark and he’ll be for it. 
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deviated-detective · 5 years
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@stayhuman-genevieve​ said:
👐 "Why can't you fall for me? Is my charm not good enough for you?" From Corrupted!Gen to MrAnderson
My muse is under an honesty spell for one hour.
Send 👐+ any question you wish to ask my muse. They will have no choice but to answer truthfully.
Genevieve Scott is persistent. He’ll give her that as a compliment. While she is a beautiful hardworking woman Connor can’t return anything for a good reason. The executive sighed. An abundance of truth bubbled up in her continuing advances. 
“Charm has nothing to do with it, Genevieve. I’m already spoken for.”  He was resolute in denying any relationship beyond professional. Unfaithful is not his middle name at all. Connor would never betray his wife. “You are a wonderful woman from what I have seen. Anyone would be lucky to have you. But I love my wife. I’m a married man. I’m sorry, Genevieve.” 
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deviated-detective · 4 years
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@lethalxarsenal​ said:
Cassius was trying to run from his brothers playful chase but the small child stumbled and fell face first, tears gathered in his eyes as he sniffles, “I’m sowwy... C’nner...”
“Cass!” The older brother skidded to a halt. Crouching down where the younger fell, Connor helped pull him upright. He brushed off his little brother’s clothes. Getting the dirt off, he used the sleeve of his jacket to wipe the tears off his face. “It’s OK to cry. I’m not Caleb.”
Making fun of his twin for being mean to Cass? Yeah, he is. So what? Connor glanced down at the scrape on Cassius’ knee. He helped pull him up to his feet. “Let’s go so I can give you a bandaid. We’ll play later, OK?”
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deviated-detective · 5 years
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Random Asks | Selective
@stayhuman-genevieve​ said:
"Guess what I read about you this morning? Not so faithful, are you? Trouble in paradise. Well, if you need a lawyer, you know one." ( From C!Gen in regards to the Nightly article lolol)
Connor snarled. “I didn’t cheat on my wife!” 
His anger stemmed from the other bits of the article. Taking his photo without his permission and plastering on a tabloid like they did his brother; the entire segment on Daniela, photos showing her kissing another man - 
He needs to confront her. He plans on it as soon as he gets home. Having this attorney make comments isn’t helping his mood. Connor will end these rumors, this gossip tonight!
“I’m not unpleasant, Ms Scott. But mind your GODDAMN business!” 
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deviated-detective · 5 years
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@doctor-for-you​ said:
Empty was the bed when she woke up in the middle of the night. After getting up, dressed in her dressing gown, she saw her husband leaning thoughtfully on their kitchen counter, his eyebrows furrowed. Daniela approached him from behind and leaned her cheek against his back while she snaked her arms around him in a embrace. With a kiss on his neck she whispered. "Sweetheart... I am missing you in the bed. Is everything alright...?"
The tension in his shoulders lessened at her warm body. Coming up as unexpectedly as his thoughts on current problems at Atomix, he slid his hand along her arm. Clutching atop her hands fused against his front, Connor exhaled, showing his anxiety a little too easily. He never fails to let his emotions fall in the privacy of his home, alone with her and nothing else. Something the man needed to make sure never got in the way of their life.
He didn't finally get to marry this beautiful woman for no reason. Imagine he almost lost his life because of his views. Androids are more than property, high end electronics to sell off like the next iPhone. Working close with Cyberlife opened his eyes but his boss isn't making this easy.
"It's fine, love." Connor pushed it aside, twisting around to pull her directly into his arms. Placing a lingering kiss into her lips, he smiled, hair a mess from sleep. "What would you do if I lost my job? Would you hold it against me?"
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deviated-detective · 5 years
Human Connor Take Over
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Main Human Verse  ▪️ Gin And Tonic On My Mind
Connor is a young executive with a lucrative career in technological holdings working as a top executive for Atomix. Their current business association with Cyberlife draws him into a deeper tie with their advanced investment: androids. As this advancement continues to grow, he views Cyberlife's creations in a sympathetic light which is more than his superiors want out of him. With him falling into stress from his position as he watches events unfold with the growing android rebellion his loyalties are tested. 
Ultimately let go by Atomix despite his esteemed work ethic, Cyberlife makes a deal to bring him personally into their employment. He is reluctant but must face the truth he requires this new job after being laid off. His views on what it truly means to be alive come into question the more he dives into the inner workings of the very company who bred this artificial intelligence.
Family Life: 
Born fifteen minutes before his twin brother Caleb (RK800-60), Connor was an Anderson by name but quickly found himself in the care of an orphanage with his sibling. The two went through hardships before they were adopted by a woman who lived up to her surname, Amanda Stern. 
Stern is exactly how she raised the boys and Connor was meant to go onto great things in her eyes. It's only fitting his brother would want to follow suit. This created some early animosity between them but despite Caleb's penchant for jealousy, Connor still very much cared for his brother. In fact he loved him as any sibling would; he hated seeing his twin fall completely under the spell of Amanda. 
Connor viewed her manner of tough love and cold tendencies as unfit. To this day he still refuses to speak with Amanda for a specific incident involving her and his brother. Caleb seems to forget but the executive surely does not. Hence the reason he kept his family's last name attached to him, all the while Caleb decided to adopt the name of their 'mother' out of a sense of loyalty.
He has loyalty for those he cares for. While he doesn't hate Amanda it's difficult for him to forget the manipulation and brainwashing she put his brother though. She still continues to call on him now. Connor's reception is not hostile but neither is it affectionate. He's wary of her intent especially with his current dealings with Cyberlife.
Human Connor will now be taking over the blog. Any asks will be answered by him and marked accordingly. Threads still owed with Con's main verse etc. are still in drafts. They will remain for replying. Anything new will be Human Connor verse specific.
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deviated-detective · 5 years
@coffee-and-guns | Detroit Chronicles | Plotted Ish | Human Verse Soaps
"Mr. Anderson, you have a meeting at 2:00 pm today. Would you like me to-”
He switched off the call before the secretary finished. Slouching back in his chair was both exhaustion and frustration seeping into his bones. This week has given Connor nothing but problem after problem. If it isn’t technical issues within the building blocks of Atomix it’s personal. 
Ever since his brother decided to leave he’s been left to pick up all the pieces. What good was Caleb when he hardly worked in the first place? Connor always was in the hot seat. Maybe it’s a reason his brother envied him.
[ Lotus ] I know you received my last messages. 
[ Lotus ] Lotus, please. 
[ Lotus ] I need to know where he is. He up and left without a word. It has been several weeks. This is important. 
[ Lotus ] He must have come to you.  
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deviated-detective · 5 years
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@diivinerose​ said: 
💒 (Human!Connor x Main!D)
send me 💒 + a ship for five wedding headcanons!
> Connor proposed to Daniela during the winter. While they were coming back from the Thanksgiving holidays at her parents’ home, he parked his car near commemorative park. Taking her on an impromptu snow walk, the executive had her sit on a bench after brushing some of the new fallen snow away. There he went down on one knee in the frigid cold and presented her with the engagement ring. 
> Wedding planning is a family affair between them. Connor insists on both their families being fully integrated into the lead up. He has a lot of love for Daniela’s family especially when his relationship with his mother is non-existent. It just shows how family oriented he truly is. 
> Before the wedding, Connor asks Daniela to go out of town with him. They have one last moment before they’re a married couple as they get away from all the stress. Both of them are very much of a mind to keep things private and to the point. This is why their last minute trip for solitude freshens their minds and reminds them how much in love they are with one another.
> Their wedding itself is smaller despite the obvious money the two have with their respective careers. They only care about having close loved ones witness their long awaited nuptials. It goes off without a hitch and both are far too occupied with one another to realize their kiss was a little risque. It hardly stops there when they have their first dance together and the sexual tension could be cut with a knife. Both of them hardly care as they’re too lost in each other. 
> Connor has to carry Daniela into their hotel room after she’s had a little bit much to drink. Their honeymoon starts a little later but is well worth it as they wind up stuck in the room in bed for three days without leaving. They live on room service during those periods where they’re not all over each other. 
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