#[amped up/riled up/charged up] akira
poorly-drawn-akira · 2 months
"been thinking..."
"m," Iwao nodded, moving from the kitchen to where Akira had remained posted in the front room immediately. The house had been disturbingly quiet for the past few weeks, "Yeah?"
"why did you fuck my mom?"
Iwao stayed standing for a while. He chewed on his options for a few moments but. It wasn't as if he could make Akira's opinions on the situation any worse, he figured, "I don't remember. I was young and thought I could get away with it. She was bored probably. Bored enough to say yes. Could have been bad, but she and I were lucky I guess that he looked just enough like you two. And Mr. Otoishi wanted him badly enough to ignore whatever doubt he had, I assume. I don't know, I didn't get to help mastermind that coverup."
"... toshihiro didn't want eiji."
"He... Didn't want Eijiro, but he did want another son since you and Nao didn't seem to be... Tempered right for the business life, not that he didn't absolutely write off your brother just-"
Iwao paused. He'd never thought about it before. He sat down. It always seemed like the big to do was always about Naoaki and Akira occasionally when he was doing what Mari wanted him to and finding that success. Eijiro proved ill-suited for Toshi's uses and Iwao knew Mari never had anything to do with him. He just.
Why hadn't they been in touch?
The story had broken national news by now, surely. But no one had called, no flowers, nothing. He hadn't really thought about it before, but he couldn't muster up anger about it.
Just, "listen. I'll get Sato to watch the house, you and I need to go somewhere. Anywhere. It's been too long. You've been cooped up too long," just that it would be very convenient for them if Akira quietly disappeared too. And the fact that Akira was the one alive was probably very inconvenient for at least Mari, "just a walk somewhere."
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ask-a-guard-dog · 2 years
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"Hey, Otoishi," Nana stopped twisting her hair around her finger as the young man looked up from the wall of drinks. The punk grinned as he turned back, "Man, you can call me Akira. What can I do for you, Nanners?" The girl giggled, "When did I become Nanners?" "I dunno," the man stood up, a couple canned coffees in his hand, "sounds good, but whatcha need?" "There's all kinds of rumors... About the piano in the music room playing itself, I need a lillllll help sneaking in to investigate it." "Ain't that more your club's speed?" The girl stuck out her lip in an exaggerated pout, "I thought you'd be better for the music stuff~ You might be able to connect with it better~!" Akira puffed out his chest as he sat his drinks down on the counter, "Well don't stop," he chuckled. Nana swung herself behind the counter, "Plus I need someone to pin it on if I get caught." "Hey!" the man jokingly bopped her on the top of the head, "You're a badder gal than you seem, huh?" "Mayyybe~," she handed him the bag, "you in?" He hummed, "Sure, when're we due?" "Saturday at midnight?" "Cliche." "Cliches are cliche for a reason." "I'll be there," Akira nodded with a smirk as he walked out of the convenience store. Nana waited a few moments before jumping in the air with a frantic punch and a very quiet, "yes!"
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Akira was nervous as he took the last bus to S City. His breaths were shaky, but deep and even. He tried to convince himself it wouldn't be bad. It wouldn't be bad. He needed a drink. He just needed a drink, and it'd go easy, and he knew that there'd be one where he was going. He'd been promised as much as he needed to hold up his end of the deal. He didn't want to do it, but he- He had to. He took some more even breaths. He had to. He didn't know what would happen if he didn't, and he wanted to. He needed the booze. He wanted to, he thought he wanted to, he needed- Akira cradled his head in hands. He didn't know. He didn't know what he wanted anymore. They won. Everything was supposed to be easy now, but it wasn't: Naoaki's death still hurt, he wasn't sleeping well, he wanted to drink, he wanted to get better, he wanted to get along with his family, he wanted a better relationship with Eijiro, he wanted to have a steady life, he wanted to leave, and- And so much of that contradicted each other and it made his head hurt. He wanted a drink. He needed a drink. He needed to keep whatever would happen to him and Eijiro if he didn't go to Rem from happening. It'd make sense after he drank. It'd all make sense after this. It'd make sense. He'd make it make sense. Fuck everyone else, he could make it make sense on his own. Right? He sank down further, head in his lap. Right...
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poorly-drawn-akira · 4 months
It had been.
Painfully slow, but an uneasy sort of normal had started taking shape in Iwao's life again. Akira's steady pace of physical recovery. A return to work. Normalcy. Of a sort. Of a kind. Anything from the outside would absolutely topple it. He knew it. It made him sick to his stomach. He would keep it in tact. He'd keep that peace together no matter what.
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poorly-drawn-akira · 1 year
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Day 1: Runway
outfit from here
For @fashion4standusers fashion week!
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poorly-drawn-akira · 7 months
Iwao knew it wouldn't stay quiet forever, and the inevitable storm of well wishers as knowledge of Eijiro's death spread had only just started tapering off this week.
Sato had joined the fray, and Natsumi were more than welcome. Extra hands were helpful (although neither Diran nor Iwao we're going to let Natsumi do a lot in her current state) as people trickled in and Akira made people nervous or pity him or someone had actually gotten mad and struck him about the whole thing.
Still, Iwao had to admit the company was nice. More to do than worry about Mitsu and the kids or Akira or Eijiro...
Another knock at the door, preventing him from dwelling on those thoughts for long.
He hadn't been expecting.
The demoness's plump lips pouted, "i heard the news~ that poor thing, that must have been awful scary for such a tiny thing~"
"... How'd you find out," surely- nah... But what if h-nah...
"ohhh, that little shinigami is frightfully upset about the whole thing! About being cheated, you know how you men get about these things," Lorelei shrugged the suggestion that the Alley felt it was owed Eijiro somehow, and that Iwao should understand the feeling, off with a dainty gesture of a gloved hand. Diran had let out a breath he had been holding at the Alley's mention, as Iwao remained in Lorelei's way, "Well, I think he's pretty damn," he cleared his throat, "dead. And you don't seem to have him either so I think we-"
"ooo is my wittle Kiki doing okay~?" She clasped her hands, pouting her perfect lips and- Iwao shook his head, he suddenly had a wicked migraine, "Yesyes, he's fine."
Lorelei huffed. Fine, be that way, "Well, he's not here, but let Kiki know Mani's offer still stands. He'll just have to take me up on it instead."
"Offer," Diran interjected before Iwao could get the question out.
She giggled, "Yes, Mani made him an offer, but he's not here, so if Kiki's interested, I'm authorized to fulfill it~ Although I'm sure he really wanted to be a game piece again," Lorelei tacked on bordering on sarcastic but dripping with sweetness still, "but do tell him I came by at least, pretty pwease?"
"i- sure, of course, ma'am," the demoness smiled warmly, oh there now, he couldn't quite get free from her, could he now? She blew a kiss as she walked off leaving Iwao standing confused, head throbbing in the open door, about that whole exchange.
Between whatever that was and the damn wolf coming around from time to time now too- Yeah, Rem sure did buy this place, didn't he?
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poorly-drawn-akira · 8 months
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Realized I never posted the au where Akira and Eijiro were raised by Darius bc I'm actually proud of how it turned out.
Lookit that absolute unit.
Let this man be massive and violent and have a hammer the au.
Let him have concerning growth patterns and be a giant kiddo under the cut
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poorly-drawn-akira · 9 months
Iwao had brought Akira some food regardless of what he'd said about not being hungry. He placed the cup of soup on the windowsill. Akira didn't look away, "Hey. Come on, Oda said you need to eat better. It'll heal you faster."
Akira sighed and picked up the soup, "thanks..."
"No problem," he pulled a chair over, "I asked them to call when they get home."
"... thanks."
"no problem. I agree with you on it," he also agreed with Akira's breakdown a few days ago, worrying about Nana because he didn't know if she had gotten back safe. And how he was going to "freak out if anyone else went missing around this goddamn place," and an entire panicked spiel about the town itself being evil. Iwao got up and draped a blanket over Akira's shoulder.
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poorly-drawn-akira · 10 months
"... do you think he's okay? maybe he's hiding out with okuyasu?"
Iwao grit his teeth, he'd resolved to rip it off, but actually being faced with it was different, "Eijiro is dead."
Akira blinked a few times. Iwao took a deep breath, "I'm sorry. He's dead. Yuri killed him."
Akira didn't respond. Iwao finally broke at the silence. He collapsed to the floor in front of Akira, "I'm sorry. He's dead. I'm sorry," his hands tangled in his hair, "It's my fault. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. He's dead."
"... i wanna go to my room..."
Akira squirmed uncomfortably as he went unheard over the continued flood of apologies...
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poorly-drawn-akira · 10 months
"There we go," Iwao was rather pleased with himself for getting Akira in the wheelchair without hurting him, "Now you can go wherever, just holler and I'll help you out."
"... i wanna see out the window..."
Of course he did, "No problem," the window in the kitchen had a very nice view of the yard, but Iwao moved him to the one in the front room. Where he could watch the street.
"... when is eijiro coming back, do you think? it's not like him to be gone this long, even if he's hurt..."
Iwao sighed. This had started up shortly after Akira had recovered his memories, "Akira... I need to make dinner, I'll think about that and tell you later, okay?"
"... you think someone took him?"
"I don't know, okay?"
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poorly-drawn-akira · 10 months
Iwao had managed to calm himself down. He felt all cried out. He just. Couldn't cry any more. He had nothing left in him right now.
He wondered... He wondered...
He carefully moved Eijiro into his stand, the arms reaching up from his shadow. He carefully... He wondered... The arms tried to push into the tape. They shouldn't have been able, but he had to try...
He couldn't get in, but the raspy breathing was more relaxed now, he noticed. He hadn't really noticed it once he'd started talking to Eijiro after Izzy handed him the tape, but it was gentler now: still struggling but easier.
Iwao gently wrapped his scarf around it and considered what to do...
"Watch your brother," he carefully tucked the bundle up next to him, "if Izzy comes back and wants him back, you can give him to her, but no one else, under any circumstances, is allowed to take him, okay? I'm going to run home and see if we have a tape player somewhere."
There. That should be okay, right? Iwao supposed... He was just going to be a moment, tomorrow morning at the latest if he ran into the hospital stopping visitors, but he wasn't worried about it. Eijiro was much safer here in a secured building than he would be taken just out and about. Besides, he sounded so comfortable right now, he'd hate to ruin that...
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poorly-drawn-akira · 1 year
"… Your mental layout is… Interesting." "Don't judge my brain…" "I'm not," Dr. Cross gently touched one of the piles of corked bottles of various sizes through Walk of Life, "I didn't expect it to be so… Representative…" Dr. Cross had talked Akira into letting her into his mind in the hopes that they could jump-start his recovery. She never had expectations of what someone's mind looked like, but Akira's still caught her off guard. They'd been wandering the endless hallways of doors, open, locked, and bolted like the world would end if they opened. Walls of shelves filled with corked and open bottles and jars. She was tempted to touch an open one, or walk through an open door, but pushed that aside. Especially since Akira shot down the idea of entering a door when she brought it up earlier. If she had to guess, the open ones weren't the issue. Akira also poked around some bottles. He took a large, sealed one off the wall and flipped it upside-down, watching the violent shade of red and glowing yellow mix together. Unfortunately, just as confused about his mental space as Cross was. The contents sparked and crackled in the now empty bottom of the bottle. Akira fumbled it for a few seconds before hastily shoving it back on a random shelf. "A lot of these are closed… We probably have to open them." Akira froze, "open? they're… probably closed for a reason." "Some of them probably aren't supposed to be closed. Do you know which ones aren't?" "We can't just open them all." "No, but we can try and determine what part of your life we're in with them," Dr. Cross considered, "… There was a wall where almost all of them were closed up. It was pretty far back, that seems like a good place to start." Walk of Life jumped into the opposite wall, scrambling to stop bottles from falling off shelves as the boarded, bolted door a few feet away suddenly started rattling the whole place as something on the other side tried to break it down. Akira remembered. He remembered- "out." Dr. Cross didn't move. Akira struggled to pull himself up amidst the shaking. Walk of Life was focused on the door, watching it get pounded off the hinges, nails ripping from the wall, locks pulling apart- "-YOU SAID WE COULD STOP WHENEVER I WANTED I WANT OUT NOW!" Akira sprang up and crashed to the floor before Dr. Cross could stop him. She scrambled to the floor, "Hey. Hey, it's okay, we're out…"
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poorly-drawn-akira · 1 year
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poorly-drawn-akira · 1 year
Thinking bout King Boo making different ghosts and
1. Making Eeries because he wanted a Yoshi
2. Prince Boo: >runs up and plops ghosts down on his lap
thuh-this is a puh-peepa. :>
King Boo: oh my god it sure is
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poorly-drawn-akira · 1 year
Heisberg almost had a heart attack at the noises coming from the waiting room in the middle of the night during a very uneventful patrol. He was ready to shoot first and ask questions later as he turned the corner and-
Akira froze at the sight of Heisberg.
The guard let out his breath as he lowered his gun. He wasn't sure how to approach Akira, "... zhese zhings aren't good for my heart, Otoishi," the guard lowered his gun, "I take it you got your stand back?"
"... My what?"
"How did you get out?"
"... I just... Opened the door?"
Heisberg took Akira slightly forcefully by the arm, "Don't do zhat again, okay? Come on, back you go..."
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