#[abroad brother] haru
poorly-drawn-akira · 1 year
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flokali · 2 years
You don’t have to tell me twice >_< So sorry it took me so long but ya girl has to get that degree somehow 🤧
Put him under a readmore JIC because this took me so long and it’s way longer than I thought it’d be and it’s still missing information 😭
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— Basics
I’ll tell you about the bastard first, his name is Genji Amamiya!
He’s a 99’ baby, born on the 19th of October making him a Libra sun, Aquarius moon, Gemini rising. Take that as you will ^_^
He’s 1’87cm (so like, 6’1 according to google), his parents are both Japanese but he was sent to study abroad in England so he speaks both English and Japanese, he has shoulder-length black hair with curtain bangs, he’s of slim build but maintains some semblance of muscle due to having played soccer during his teenage years. The best way I could describe his appearance is… a mix between Kanae from Pink Heart Jam and Ryuunsuke from Hare-Kon! He’s got a few tattoos he gave himself with some friends he hides from his parents and two piercings in each ear, he thinks it makes him look cool and mysterious.
He’s actually a student too! Genji is a rather smart individual, he got into one of the top schools for his major and excels at pretty much anything he wants - the issue; he’s not really motivated to do anything. He’s currently studying biochemistry at Tokyo University. He plans on working at his mother’s pharmaceutical company once he graduates.
He’s an only son and both his parents are together, his parents are named Amamiya Kenji, a well known fiction writer and co-owner of the Amamiya publishing house alongside his brother, and Hime Seyna, founder of the Haru Health Company a renowned pharmaceutical company that also dabbles in medical technology. Kenji travels through Japan and neighboring countries to both write and help young writers, often holding free lessons to engage the youth with literature. Because of that, he wasn’t home often when Genji was growing up, not even now. Senya, on the other hand, as a CEO, was often away, leaving Genji with a nanny. While she regrets not being with him more, she works hard to provide him a good future – she inspires him greatly, and is why he’s currently studying biochemistry and planning on getting a degree in pharmacy soon.
— Aesthetic (?)
Style wise, he’s the type to wear a lot of japanese-street style! Baggy pants and wide shirts, he also likes carrying bags of any kind, however, he also isn’t the type to dress up, he much rather prioritize comfort over style (unless you imply you think he looks bad). Have you guys seen some male k-idols airport fashion? They tend to wear baggy pants and oversized shirts/hoodies, but mix it with some of the more street-style elements you’d see in videos where they show off outfits that are multi-layered with the “cool” guys… does this make sense?
Overall, he’s got pretty features, so he gets a lot of attention but he’s rather obsessive and he turns down anyone that isn’t you giving him a heart-breaker reputation when in reality he’s a dangerously hopeless romantic.
— Psychology
Not having his parents around definitely influenced his idea of love, he was heavily influenced by the shows and anime he saw that would often portray very absurd and borderline toxic relationships often entailing how one of the main characters would be obsessed with their partner or just toxic towards his partner or others around the relationship. Because of this, and the fact no one really bothered teaching him what an actually healthy relationship entailed, he just grew up believing that to be a good partner he needed to be like the characters he saw on TV.
This led to a lot of weird behavior that became evident during his past relationships.
He has a tendency to be paranoid that his partner is secretly cheating on him or in love with another person, it leads to actions like checking his partner’s messages and social media when they’re not around, deleting contacts, and even in extreme cases following them around during the day — that’s mostly the extent he’ll go to, at least with others until he falls in “love” with you.
He thinks loving someone means not letting them go, if something makes you happy you should keep it close to you - it’s what he thinks. He’s the type of ex to think about you five years later because he thinks he was the happiest when with you and would stalk your IG to see if you have a new s/o and try to slide in your DM’s.
His parents not being around also contributed to the fact he’s really dependent on people, he relies a lot on praise from others he deems “cool” and “more important” - once he gets into a relationship he can’t be away from his s/o for too long before he hits a wall and can’t function. He genuinely believes he needs his s/o to live, their praise and love to him are more important than anything, he’s also really clingy and likes physical touch so being away from you is probably the one thing that will drive him insane.
— Yandere Type
I’d classify Genji as a puppy-type, he’s really attached to you to the point of possessiveness — he lives with a “if you like something, why share it?” mentality so to him there’s no reason as to why you shouldn’t be with him 24/7 or why he shouldn’t be attached to you by the hip. He’s also delusional, in his head there’s already a reality where you’re both into each other and dating. He’s the type to twist things until they look like what he wants to see, even if it means it becomes too distorted for anyone else; beauty is the eye of the beholder, right?
He’s not physically aggressive, even if he’s kind of the bigger side and he has some muscle, he’s not the type to get violent — he might scare off a younger, weaker-looking rival if things get too out of hand but he’s not the type to enjoy doing so. He’s more “passive”, he’s the boyfriend who won’t like being away from you – he insists on going everywhere together and will get sad (and even mad) if you insinuate you don’t want him to come around - and will get paranoid whenever you try leaving the house without him.
A hand is always on your person, it’s his way of marking territory, Genji will softly nuzzle his head against you to indicate he’s uncomfortable or wants to leave and/or look the other person in the eye for prolonged periods of time in an attempt to make them uncomfortable - he’s got zero shame when it comes to PDA, especially if it means people know you’re his and he’s yours.
Since he’s from a well-off family, he’ll be very extravagant with his love — expensive gifts and trips, everything money can buy will be gifted to you. He knows he can’t exactly buy your love but he will still absolutely subtly guilt you whenever you deny him anything by bringing up that really expensive thing he bought you yesterday
Will also absolutely try and rope you into moving in together early on and make you financially dependent on him. He’s not stupid, he knows the type of power he gets from the amount of money he has, he doesn’t like holding it above you but he won’t hesitate to remind you he’s paying over half of the rent and bills whenever you get too out of line.
He’ll never do anything extreme, never breaks the law nor does he visibly overstep any boundaries, so you can’t ever really be too sure if you’re imagining things or not with him nor can you bring the police in since 1) his family is rich and 2) he’s technically done nothing illegal… yet.
He has small trackers on your clothes, has people he hires to “check” your friends/acquaintances to make sure they’re not threats, he may even have you fired from work and leave school so you can just be together more often; he slowly begins to plant himself as the center of your world until you realize you haven’t called your family in months and your friends and you never text. He’s clingy and always wants your praise and love and will get jealous if you mention anyone that isn’t him, even if it’s family or friends.
It’s awful, the way he operates makes it seem like you’re the one in control - and in a way you are, he’s emotionally and mentally dependent on you, without you he’d literally die or become a shell of what he used to be - but he has so much power over you as well once you enter a relationship it’s basically impossible for you to leave.
— Your relationship
He’s the type to fall for a classmate, like, you probably share a course and you’re struggling with it to the point it’s noticeable enough for someone like him (he’s a little dense, what can I say). He thinks you’re really attractive, that’s how most of his crushes probably start too, and offers to tutor you in exchange for some help in some other area he’s not doing well in; you exchange numbers and that’s how his interest is peaked.
He’s not the type to immediately fall for someone, it’s mostly the accumulation of events and coincidences that have him believing you two are meant to be. Think; liking the same music genre, enjoying the same tv show, reading the same book, disliking a certain food, even riding the same train can and will be taken as a sign from the Fates that you were destined for each other.
— Fun Facts:
□ He’s left-handed just like his mother.
□ His favorite animal is the gorilla since he thinks they’re cool and big.
□ He says his favorite color is black but it’s really blue.
□ His favorite food is probably the yakisoba his mom makes.
□ He doesn’t know how to cook and he mainly lives off the groceries his parents have sent to his house.
□ He was in a band in high school and if you mention it to him he gets really embarrassed.
□ His first tattoo was made by his friend, it was a stick and poke that should have gotten infected but it never really did and it’s been almost five years and it’s still there. It was a poorly drawn Mickey Mouse and it’s on his right ankle.
□ He can speak Japanese and English fluently, he tried taking Spanish and French lessons but he sucked so he only speaks those two.
□ He’s a switch in bed though he tends to like being submissive, he also doesn’t mind bottoming or topping as long as he gets to be close to you. He also cries when overstimulated~
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Genji is physically a mix between these two fuckers -> God bless him 
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rebornologist · 3 years
hi! it's so nice to see a new khr ask blog. anyway, can i have some dating headcanons for the girls (kyoko, haru, & chrome)? if that's okay with you? and also, please take care and i hope for this blog to prosper ♡🍒
Hii hello sorry about the delay! I got a little swept up in uni stuff and studying abroad for the past few months. I’m super glad to be back and even happier to write for the girlies ofc!
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Kyoko Sasagawa
omg an angel?? you have an angel in your presence can’t you see the radiant energy emanating from her?!?
You absolutely adore her!! nothing can get between the two of you
And you’ve got to be a darn good partner because you have to gain the approval of both her brother and I’d imagine Tsuna and Haru and others wouldn’t let some asshole date her y’know, she’s got some very caring and concerned close friends...
Y’all go on dates nearly every week and it’s always to hit the most aesthetically pleasing and adorable cafes and restaurants
When you first met her and was getting to know her, you found her super endearing, and that fondness just grew when you watched her scarf down three slices of cake like her life depended on it
You don’t really mean to spoil her, but it’s like whenever she looks at you with those big puppy dog eyes the colour of sweet honey, your hand just gravitates to your wallet and next thing you know she’s eating the fanciest desserts and wearing the cutest little dresses, all your treat...
But of course it isn’t her intention to lure you into doing her bidding, seemingly like a siren
She’s always sure to return the gifts, and all her little presents to you are super heartfelt and personalized
Handmade sweets, hand knit scarves and gloves, home cooked meals..
All decorated nice and pretty for her lovely s/o that she puts so much love and care into cherishing
She gets a little flustered with PDA at first, but slowly settles into it and soon she’s sharing pictures of your dates (the food, the views, you across the table from her) on her social media, with simple captions like heart emojis and the date/time (all to be super aesthetic duh).
Soo an apple a day keeps the doctor away, just like how hugging her and getting that hit of the scent of strawberries and peaches fuels your will to live reminds you of the sweeter things in life
She’s a super good listener and will always be there to help you with your problems!! and you’re sure to do the same <3
Haru Miura
You will never have a boring day omg
Also your couples Halloween costumes are sorted
They always turn out to be weird as hell though, like the shovel and the bucket of sand, the popcorn and the soda, the ?? t. rex and the meteor that causes the extinction of dinosaurs???
You are probably the chill and more rational one in the relationship, since she can overthink and you’re always there to ground her, even if it takes making silly faces and stupid jokes to try to distract her and lift her spirits
You’re going to get so good at craft projects if you aren’t already, because she finds lots of solace in costume making and it’s one of her favourite creative outlets
If you have any interest in dressing up, she’s ready to make the fit for you
She’s definitely the cheeky type to caress your waist and legs and butt as she’s taking your measurements for costuming/tailoring
Contrary to how she is with larger groups and certain individuals that grind her gears coughGokudera, she’s quite sensible and even gets flustered easily when the two of you are alone
Call her your wife and she will simply pass away, right there, on the spot
Be ready to call the ambulance bro
She loves the stability that you bring to her life, and you adore her for the crazy stuff that she drags you into!
You had to brave the judgement that was Hana (and either you were given a pass because you weren’t a man, or you had to do everything you could to prove that you weren’t like other men and she reluctantly gave Haru her acceptance of you)
Not saying that her friends should have a say in your relationship, but getting along with them is fun!!
Whenever you’re asked why you put up with her crazy antics, you’re not even sure what they mean by that
She can be a lot to some people, but you like that she’s always unabashedly herself, and that probably has gotten you to come out of your shell more as well !!
I also think she smells like freshly baked cookies, or orange blossom...
She always pulls you into the tightest hugs when she sees you and when you guys say goodbye after hanging out omg even if she’s a little bummed to part ways, I think she’s always happy that you got to spend quality time together and tells you how much she’s looking forward to seeing you again (and to text when you’re home safe xoxo <3)
Nagi/Chrome Dokuro
pls tell me I’m not the only person who’s obsessed with calling her Nagi like it’s so lovely that Mukuro calls her Nagi and insists that she be Nagi now bc it’s symbolic of her growing into her own person and away from the figure that Mukuro made of her when she adopted the identity of Chrome Dokuro asdgahsdas
She smells like fresh cotton, like clean laundry and faintly of lavender
Which is what lulls you to sleep as you two lay in each others arms
She’s not a super high energy person, so you frequently find solace in quiet moments together, perhaps binge watching your favourite shows or just listening to music, or nothing but the soft patter of rain or the falling snow outside the window
She gets so flustered when you’re affectionate omg especially with words of affection and close contact
There are also times when she’s not as meek as she usually is with bigger groups, you find her razor sharp focus in combat so hot bruh quite admirable, and you are reminded in those moments that she’s always been a soldier
You do your best to comfort her when she’s having bad memories of her past, and feeling low since she doesn’t feel quite normal? (which is bs bc normality is a bunch of socially constructed capitalist garbo anyway but the way she was neglected definitely made her internalize her experiences as unnatural)
You’re on good terms with Mukuro, Chikusa, and Ken as well due to your close relationship with and care for her
Ken teases a lot about you two and she actually never backs down from it, she kind of just takes the facts and spits it back in his face (all softly and sternly and matter-of-factly)
She isn’t embarrassed about your relationship, she adores you so much and has your photo as her lockscreen asdfjhdkf
However, she’s not too familiar with regular relationship stuff, and she’s pretty curious and 100% open to doing fun things for anniversaries and going on dates, but it’s all a learning experience for her and she was never too much of a hopeless romantic to begin with
She kind of goes with the flow, and the two of you have a low-key (as in not extravagant or showy) but immensely close bond in which no matter what y’all are doing, you’re enjoying it because it’s with each other <3
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finoalcielo · 3 years
☆ NEW YEAR ① ☆
~Haru-kun who returned to his parent's house on January 1st~ HARU: I'm home~ SISTER ①: Haru-kun! Welcome back! SISTER ②: Haru-kun! Welcome back! Time for New Year's present♪ MOM: Oh my, Haru-kun, how popular. HARU: It's my wallet that's popular. DAD: Oh, Haru-kun, welcome back. Where's our New Year's present? HARU: ... T/N: The New Year's present is money given to younger children by relatives and visitors.
#They were treated to sushi
☆ NEW YEAR ② ☆
RELATIVE'S CHILD: Kai-nii! Let's play soccer! KAI: Sure! RELATIVE'S CHILD ②: Kai-nii! Catch ball! KAI: Sure! RELATIVE'S CHILD ③: Kai-nii~~! Tell us about the time when you went abroad for an archaeological excavation! KAI: Sure! Kai tells the story of his archaeological excavation as he catches balls while playing soccer. RELATIVES CHILDEN: Wow!
#Older Brother Hero
☆ NEW YEAR ③ ☆
Bang! HAJIME: ...I concede. PRINCESS MUTSUKI (HAJIME'S MOTHER): There's no need to be considerate of me, alright? Surpass this mother of yours without any reservation. HAJIME'S FATHER, MARRIED INTO FAMILY (ORDINARY PERSON): I do not think that's something you should be saying to someone you beat up relentlessly (sweats). Hajime-kun, are you alright? HAJIME: ...I was not beaten up relentlessly. HAJIME'S FATHER: (bitter smile)
☆ NEW YEAR ④ ☆
~In front of their parents' house on January 1st~ KOI: ! Ai!? AI: ! Onii-chan!? KOI & AI: What a coincidence?! KOI & AI: ...Happy New Year! KOI & AI: Hahaha T/N: Onii-chan means big brother
#Siblings in sync
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melzula · 4 years
The Reunion
*part of the Fire Lilies series
request: Could you write a Fire Lilies blurb about Zuko's and Princess! Reader's reunion when he joins Team Avatar?
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The atmosphere is oddly tense when you wake up that morning and head out for breakfast. Aang and Sokka refuse to meet your gaze and Katara keeps her eyes set on the pot of rice before her. Unlike her brother and the Avatar, her eyes are more firm and hard set.
“Did I miss something?” You muse inquisitively. Sokka begins to sweat nervously, and you take that as an opportunity to narrow your gaze at the boy- if anyone’s going to break first it’s going to be him. “Sokka?”
“Zuko was here!” He finally blurts, earning a fiery gaze from his sister.
“I’m sorry! I couldn’t hold it in anymore, it was killing me!”
“What?” You gasp softly. Your bowl of rice begins to tremble in your pottery crushing grasp, and you feel absolutely sick to your stomach.
“He came yesterday while you were exploring with Haru,” Aang explains gently while trying his best not to upset you. “He wanted to join our team and teach me fire bending. He said he’s changed.”
“He was obviously just trying to trick us so he could turn us over to his crazy sister,” Sokka adds indifferently. “And he admitted to sending Combustion Man after us!”
“I wouldn’t put it past him,” you grumble whilst angrily stabbing at your rice with your chopsticks.
“He... also asked for you,” Aang says, causing you to go wide eyed. “He wants you to know how sorry he is for everything he’s done to you.”
“We didn’t tell you because we didn’t want to upset you,” Katara consoles in response to your uneasy silence. “You’ve been so much better off without him, you don’t need him trying to uproot your life again.”
“I appreciate the sentiment but you don’t have to keep secrets from me,” you argue. “I’m glad I didn’t see him, but I have the right to know about him.”
Katara isn’t able to say anything more as Toph tumbles through the rocks with a groan.
“Toph!” You exclaim, rushing to her side and gasping at the sight of her feet. You’re quick to coat her burned skin in a pool of water, making sure to lower the temperature so that it’s nice and cool against her wounds.
“My feet got burned,” she frowns. “I went to see Zuko last night-“
“Zuko did this?!” You seethe. Anger and fury flow through your veins at the thought of him hurting the girl who’s basically become like a little sister to you.
“Hey, easy with the water there your highness,” Toph complains, and you barely notice that your anger has caused the water’s temperature to rise.
“Sorry,” you murmur apologetically as Sokka and Aang lift Toph from the ground and set her feet into the fountain.
“That’s the stuff,” she sighs contently. “Now I know how you guys feel. It stinks not being able to see with your feet.”
“How did this happen?” Katara asks.
“I kind of startled him, it was an accident.”
“Accident or no accident, Zuko is obviously too dangerous to be left alone. We have to go after him.”
“Go after him?” You repeat uneasily, despising the worry that begins to wrap around your heart at the thought of them going after Zuko. Why do you still care?
“I have to agree with Sokka,” Aang sighs. “I hate looking for fights but we have to do this.”
“Toph said it was an accident, can’t we just let him go?”
“Why are you defending him? He burned her feet! He’s obviously still evil,” Katara criticizes.
“I’m not defending him! I’m just saying maybe it’s better if we just avoid him. Seeking Zuko out will only lead to more trouble,” you try to rationalize, but your fellow water bender isn’t having it.
“Leaving him alone means there’s a chance he can hurt someone else. Wouldn’t you have wanted someone to stop Zuko from hurting you before it was too late?!” The question leaves you misty eyed and hurt, but you don’t have time to argue when a harsh blast shakes the earth underneath you. You’re quick to scoop Toph up into your arms before being guided to safety by Sokka.
You focus your attention on tending to Toph while the others fight off Combustion Man, keeping her safe since she can’t use her bending to protect herself. The battle doesn’t last very long thankfully, but now you find yourself facing a new obstacle.
“I can’t believe I’m saying this but, thanks Zuko.”
“Hey, and what about me? I did the boomerang thing,” Sokka points out, and you’d laugh if you weren’t so conflicted at the sight of your ex boyfriend before you. He looks so different from the last time you were together; his hair is shaggier and he looks a bit leaner, his eyes are tired and full of remorse. You do your best to conceal yourself behind Sokka, holding onto his arm for comfort and refusing to meet the Prince’s gaze.
“I know I didn’t explain myself very well yesterday. I’ve been through a lot in the past few years, and it’s been hard. But I’m realizing that I had to go through all those things to learn the truth. I thought I had lost my honor, and that somehow my father could return it to me. But I know now that no one can give you your honor. It’s something you earn for yourself by choosing to do what’s right.”
His eyes meet your own then, apologetic and full of longing for your forgiveness. You had tried to explain that same truth to him countless times before during your time abroad together, and each time it only seemed to go in one ear and out through the other. He had to learn the lesson on his own, and now that he finally had he was ready to follow your advice. He just hopes that you’ll let him. You look away and give Sokka’s arm a squeeze to which the boy responds by taking your hand in his own, and Zuko deflates slightly at the action.
“All I want to do is play my part to help you end the war and restore balance to the world. I know it’s my destiny, and I hope you’ll allow me the opportunity to see it through,” Zuko admits humbly. He turns to Toph. “I’m sorry for what I did to you. It was an accident, and I need to learn to be more in control of my fire bending so that I don’t hurt people unintentionally.”
A single tear slides down your cheek at his admission and you’re quick to brush it away. Don’t hurt people unintentionally. It was a little too late for that, wasn’t it?
“I think you are supposed to be my fire bending teacher, and I’d like you to teach me,” Aang says. “But I can’t let you join our team without asking my friends first.”
With each member of the group giving their acceptance, some more reluctant than others, of Zuko becoming Aang’s fire bending instructor, all eyes land upon you as the deciding vote.
“Y/n?” Aang calls gently, forcing you to meet your friend’s caring gaze. “I know how much pain you’ve been through and how long it’s taken you to overcome your heartbreak. Are you going to be comfortable with Zuko joining our group?”
Sokka’s arm comes to wrap around your shoulders comfortingly as you shrink under everyone’s gaze. At least a full minute passes before you finally will yourself to meet Zuko’s hopeful gaze. His eyes are different than the one’s you last saw in the cave, softer and lacking the malice they had once held, but you still can’t look at him without seeing the same boy who had intended to burn you in order to appease his sister. You swallow harshly and will the tears away from your eyes.
“I’m willing to put my feelings aside for your sake, Aang,” you finally answer. “Defeating the Fire Lord is more important than anything else.”
“I won’t let you down! I promise!” Zuko beams, and the group begins to disperse until it’s only you and him standing face to face. His features soften, remorse immediately washing over him as he takes a step forward. “Y/n, I-”
Zuko stumbles forward, struggling to regain his balance as he finds he cannot move; you’ve frozen his feet to the floor. He looks at you wide eyed and astonished, a hint of amazement at just how much you’ve improved since the last time he saw you.
You’ve spent countless sleepless nights figuring out what you’d say to Zuko if you ever saw him again- if you’d yell and curse his name to every spirit within ear shot, if you’d cry and scream with anguish, if you’d tell him off or welcome him with open arms. But now, with Zuko standing frozen before you, you find that you have nothing to say to him.
You leave Zuko behind to unfreeze his own feet, silently following Toph and Sokka back into the temple.
| tags: @titaniafire @dekahg @emberislandplayers @kikaninchen-2 @multi-fandomstan @eridanuswave @royahllty @lozzybowe @izzieserra @melacholy @music-geek19 @thia-aep @thyunnamed @kittenthekat1234567890 @haylaansmi @nataliahaslosthershit @coldlilheart @idkdude776 @aangsupremacy @thirstyforsometea |
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134340am · 2 years
Ahhhhhh you absolutely get it!!! I've been telling my friends how Haru Kato (coincidentally another hot Haru, why are all Haru's hot?) is the Miya Twins in one body, he coukd pass as theur older brother!
As for my Kageyama-verse of madness:
1. Husband: Daisuke Kanbe - without spoiling too much he is everything. He is like a matured Kyoya. If i didnt know him, i would def choose Kyoya too.
2. Best friend: Haru - i think we'll have a good tandem together with Makoto! While watching the anime i wasnt a fan of Haru growing up mostly by himself so i would definitely (probs) baby him and have a sibling like relationship.
3. One Night only: Kageyama - i feel like without meaning to Kageyama is actually pretty great in bed. Awkward yes, but boy is a fast learner and i think he def learned a trick or two from staying abroad.
omg the miya twins... with a hot older brother... you sit in at practice to ogle at the two silly fellas BUT THEN this handsome college-age hottie shows up and you switch lanes faster than lightning ~( TロT)σ
foaming at the mouth because a matured kyouya sounds dreamy and very very hot (but i'm hoping that unlike kyouya this daisuke fella won't try to take advantage of me because that whole scene in ouran... just wasn't it :-/)
it's been a long time since i've watched free and i can barely remember anything about their earlier seasons but!!! this just brought me back ; ; baby haru was so cute but he was also very lonely... i'm so glad he has makoto's (and your) friendship! it's so sweet of you to want to take care of him, anon <3
ofmgfbfgvj that's so hot to thjnk about... if this game was husband / bestie / fwb i think kags would make a good fwb too!!! u don't have to worry about him catching feelings and i think if you get the chance to sleep with him multiple times he can really learn what you like and please you properly... just like how setting is a learned skill that takes practice and experience, yknow 👀 (thinking bout the distance when he goes abroad and how needy it makes him nsjfbwghuejn HELP)
anon u r so big braned for this i'm glad i've found another kageyama + kageyama in diff fonts luvr
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peace-coast-island · 3 years
Diary of a Junebug
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The trail of the Whispering Winds 
The Moonlit Woods transforms into a different place after midnight. It's still as eerie as ever, but in a different way though - as in different vibes. I hardly venture out here for good reason so when I do, it's usually with a group, preferably those versed in magic and supernatural stuff.
Last time I came to the Moonlit Woods was with Team Magic - Pippa, Mariposa, Angie, and Willow. While hunting for gyroids we came across an old travel log and found a cocostar tree, which is super rare, so we struck gold with that discovery. Being with the girls made me feel a bit more confident about venturing into the woods so since then, planning out my next adventure has been in the back of my mind.
Speaking of Team Magic, the girls are looking forward to coming back for another gyroid event. Mariposa's been working with Daisy Jane on gyroid designs since then and they're pretty much ready to go. We just haven't been able to set a date yet because the girls are busy with school and college apps but they're hoping to drop by sometime in the near future.
Instead of Team Magic, we have a new group accompanying us in the woods. They don't have an official name but they have been working as a team for years. There's Taiki, a freelance exorcist who comes from a family that has dealt with the supernatural for generations. He's a friend of Miki's, having gone to the same university together.
Nene's his best friend from his hometown - she actually spent a semester at Tome U so she also got to know Miki a bit. She's also the artist Rika has been following, the one who just set up a Patreon and is in the process of getting her webcomic, Seven Wonders, published.
Haru is what they call an untethered spirit. He used to haunt the halls of the school Taiki and Nene went to before it was demolished. Basically Taiki contacted Miki who contacted her brother and his friends at the consultation center so they can find a way to keep Haru around. I only know this because Mikayla asked for some sparkle stones and essences a while back.
Then I got curious and decided to do a bit of research. Turns out there's a lot of different kind of procedures that have varying results. So what Taiki and the others did was no easy feat and they succeeded either by luck or some other factors. In other words, Haru's still a ghost or a spirit, but now he also has a physical form. He looks young - 13 or 14 at the most - but he's obviously a lot older than that - though for the most part he's like any other guy as far as I can tell.
Nene is an artist and the author of Seven Wonders, a webcomic about a girl who befriends a spirit who resides in her school. The story's loosely based on her life - as well as Taiki and Haru's. She started writing it a few years ago, originally a side project to keep herself busy. Then she began updating it regularly and grew a following, prompting her to expand the story. The webcomic then reached international audiences when Taiki offered to translate her work into English so that's when it really started taking off.
The three of them go way back, having first met almost a decade ago. Nene managed to summon Haru in hopes of granting a wish, similar to what happens with the main characters in Seven Wonders. The two end up in a series of misadventures that result in them being bonded by a curse, resulting in Nene being connected with the spirits of the school. Then Taiki came along with the intent of exorcizing spirits such as Haru, only to end up befriending him.
They've been through a lot together, even defying fate (Haru's words) so they can have this future they're living in right now. From what I've heard, dealing with the supernatural - willingly or not - always has a price to pay. It's one of those things where no matter how lightly you tread, you'll step on a landmine either way.
In other words, there's always something to lose.
Taiki was never one to have a "normal" life considering that he comes from a family of exorcists. He has an older brother and younger sister, both who are powerful and pretty well known back home. Miki mentioned that he hasn't really spoken to his family much since moving out. According to Nene and Haru, Taiki was close to his brother, having looked up to him a lot back in the day. Nene and Miki have both speculated that the rift between Taiki and his brother was probably one of the reasons why he decided to stay in Mina Creek instead of going back to Inazuma.
Nene stuck around Inazuma before deciding to join Taiki. Even after graduating she stuck around the school to see Haru, working as a janitor so she'd have an excuse to be there. But when Taiki graduated the following year, the trio didn't see much of each other. Taiki went abroad to Tome University and while Nene still visited Haru and the other spirits, she had to focus on her studies.
Then Nene signed up for a study abroad program, which happened to take her to Miki and Taiki's school. I remember Miki talking about helping out this freshman who was an international student. She said he was struggling quite a bit so it was lucky that they ran into his old friend - his senpai, as he called her back in the day. During her time there while reminiscing with Taiki, Nene was inspired to write Seven Wonders so that's how it all began.
Nene ended up dropping out of university after that semester so she became an artist/content creator while working as a school janitor. Along with that she was also the bridge between the living and the spirits, a role she carried since becoming Haru's assistant when they first met.
In the years that followed, Nene and Haru got involved in supernatural affairs while Taiki offered his assistance once in a while. Things were going well until the school had to close due to financial problems. If that wasn't bad enough, the city was going to demolish the school and a bunch of other old buildings in that area. So Haru was in a tight spot as he would have nowhere to go since he couldn't be outside of the school. And as for Nene, she didn't really have anywhere to go either since being a janitor was what kept her afloat.
Thankfully Taiki and the others were able to come up with a solution or else Nene and Haru wouldn't be here with us. Taiki made the offer for Nene to join him in Mina Creek, something which she was understandably on the fence about. She says she's been adjusting to the move a lot better than she thought, probably because she has been here before so it's not too drastic of a change.
However, it's a big leap for Haru considering that he's been restricted inside a school for years and now he's in a foreign country surrounded by a lot of unfamiliar things. He does seem to be a fast learner - Nene and Taiki were surprised at how quickly his English's improving and if I didn't know, I'd think he'd been studying the language for at least a year or so. Taiki's obviously quite fluent while Nene's sorta in between - Taiki serves as an interpreter when they need a bit of help, which is pretty much what he does during his non-exorcist job.
So far Nene's enjoying life at Minai Creek, though she admits to missing home. She finds the change in scenery intimidating but also necessary. On one hand she's sad to leave the school and the other spirits but at the same time she feels it's probably for the best. Haru's holding his own, though Nene worries about him as the changes they're going through can't be easy on him. She's also worried about Taiki too, especially since it seems like he's completely cut off his ties from his home - by that she means his family.
Nene definitely comes across as a big sister/mom friend. Taiki sometimes calls her onee-chan, which is a way one addresses their older sister in Japanese. I've met Taiki a few times before and I see a different side to him when Nene's around. Or maybe it's because this is the first time I've really gotten to know him? He just seems more ...himself? open? ... when he's with Nene and Haru. It's sweet how much he looks up to Nene - whenever he talked about her in the past you can tell how much he respects and admires her - and now that I finally meet her, I can see it. I think Nene and I are gonna be good friends.
Taiki's had his eye on the Moonlit Woods for a while as there's a section that's kinda dangerous to tread if you're not well versed with spirits and such. Only the bravest exorcists venture there to help clean up the place a little and contain the bad karma by doing what's necessary. He did his research extensively before considering going to that place due to rumors of seasoned exorcists being ill prepared and becoming corrupt, which is the worst case scenario.
Since strength lies in numbers, Taiki needed a reliable team to keep things under control and make a speedy retreat if necessary. Haru and Nene's connections to the spiritual world are valuable, especially since Haru has a bit of a pull with certain higher status spirits that can come in handy in case things go south. As for me and the campers, we're kinda the brute force, serving as the muscle and sort of an anchor to keep the others grounded. Something about certain spirits having an effect on those who can see and interact with them and taking advantage of that by blurring the lines between reality and delusion so we have to keep them from straying.
I don't know how the trio does it, especially Taiki and Nene. To live between mortals and spirits is not easy, more of a curse than a blessing to many. For people like them, they have no choice but to fulfill their roles - Taiki in damage control and Nene in being the communicator. And for Haru, being a spirit who voluntarily chose to stay in the world of the living after being bound to one through a curse, I can't imagine that being easy on him either. There's a lot to unpack with these three and whether I'll get to know the full story or not, it's clear that there's a lot on their shoulders.
Like I said, there's always a price to pay when it involves things beyond our understanding. I just hope that it was worth it. Me being cautiously optimistic, I'd like to think it was or else they wouldn't be together.
The Whispering Winds trail, as expected, was full of perils. On one hand, it was kinda good that I was kept in the dark in an ignorance is bliss sorta way. But that also makes it a bit harder to know exactly what's going on. In a place where the spirit world and mortal world becomes blurred, it gets disorienting, to put it simply. We know we're there when us mortals can see some spirits so it's important to keep our guard up.
There's a reason why they call this trail the Whispering Winds. I heard voices from all around - it wasn't a pleasant experience, to say the least. It was jarring at first but then I grew numb to it. Still, it was an unsettling feeling - 0/10 do not recommend. This is why it's best to go in a group because unexpected things will happen so it's better to be (over)prepared.
In between exorcism rituals we did a bit of sightseeing, which helped lighten the mood. Haru introduced us to some spirits he knew to be harmless and they served as guides through areas they were familiar with. Taiki and Nene did most of the heavy lifting when it came to the rituals while the rest of us stood guard. From what I've seen, it looks like a lot of work - the kind of thing you should leave to the professionals.
All around us were these blue light orb things - spiritual remnants that serve as trail markers according to Haru. Depending on the traces the remnants can leave behind, Nene can manipulate them to open up new pathways. The deeper we go into the trail, the harder it is to navigate as it's supposed to be like that for good reason. Nene's the only one who can directly interact with stuff like that so people like her are the ones who really are granted access to forbidden parts such as these. According to Haru, he and Taiki can't touch them because it can cause trouble due to their blood - meaning it's off limits for exorcists and spirits.
The light orbs also gave us some much needed visibility as well as an eerie glow. When things got quiet, it sorta felt like we were just walking down a long, dimly lit path. When things start to get a bit hazy, that's when it was time to investigate. The feeling is heavy, almost suffocating - a heavy burden to bear indeed. When the heaviness is gone, we move forward, going as far as we can before hitting a dead end. From there, our trek is over and instead of venturing a different path, we go back the way we came, careful not to disturb the newfound peace.
It was an interesting experience - again, it's probably for the best that I don't know too much about it. There's a whole 'nother world out there with exorcisms, spirits, psychics...as curious I am about these sorts of things, I respect that it's not my place when it comes to certain aspects. It's a fascinating world out there but we can't experience or begin to understand certain things that are beyond our scope. It sucks sometimes being just a bystander or outsider but it is what it is.
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zero-heather · 5 years
Persona  Main Cast Arcana Swap (Spoilers!)
I wasn’t really paying attention to ships and stuff like that while making this, more-so what was interesting to switch. It occurred to me in the planning of the P2 cast that some crushes are canon. But, here we go anyway!
Persona 1
The Emporer - Reiji Kido (Protagonist): A silent boy who lost his older half-brother during his younger years. He carved an X on his forehead using a knife to make sure his parents don’t treat him like he was his brother. The Chariot - Naoya Toudou: The partially-spoiled son of a manga company. An occasional troublemaker, but also a nice person. His crush is in the hospital. The Hierophant - Masao Inaba: A rich young boy who will soon inherit control over a large group of companies called the Inaba Group. He’s spoiled, intelligent and has no tolerance for stupidity of any kind. The Strength - Kei Nanjo: A father-like figure that almost everyone St. Hermelin looks up to. He is an ex-yanki who was reformed by one of his teachers, to whom he has great respect for. The Justice - Yukino Mayuzumi: A girl who likes to make jokes and prank people for attention. Her parents were never really around for her and she was laughed a lot during her childhood. The Hermit - Hidehiko Uesugi: A young boy who has been hospitalized for a little over a year. His childhood friend, Reiji Kido, occasionally visits him and he gets more frequent visits from Naoya Toudou. His father is too busy to visit him. The Judgement - Maki Sonomura: A beautiful and intelligent girl who has come back to Japan from studying abroad. She aspires to travel the world, but wants to stay in her hometown for the rest of her studies. The Magician - Eriko Kirishima: An airheaded girl who hates hearing anything that displeases her. She likes to live in the moment and doesn’t think about her future too much. The Devil - Yuka Ayase: A delinquent who doesn’t have much care for anything or anyone other than her parents, who are poor. She usually plays hard to get but is a really nice person inside.
Persona 2 Duology
The Sun - Katsuya Suou: A delinquent type adult. His younger brother gives him lectures on how he should try and be a better person but he doesn’t care. Hates his brother and his father. The Justice - Tatsuya Suou: Katsuya’s younger brother, a high school student who wants to join the police force to clear his father’s name. Also has an obvious crush.
The Death - Kaoru Saga: A narcissistic young man in his early 20s who runs a band, in which he is called Baofu. He rejected his parents constant complaining on how he should be a ‘Traditional Japanese Man’, but he still has a very low self esteem. The Hanged Man - Eikichi Mishina: A high school boy who is able to wiretap and hack into any known database. He hangs around Tatsuya’s friend group, despite remaining a mystery to even them. He goes by the name Michel. The Wheel of Fortune - Maya Amano: A young woman who was the childhood friend of Katsuya. Her parents are both deceased and she works for COOLEST Magazine. All that aside, she’s calm, collected and likes flowers.
The Moon - Jun Kurosu: A high school boy whose motto is ‘think positive’, even in tight situations. He makes friends easily and happens to forget a lot of things, but is a good person. Also doesn’t believe many people like him. The Lovers - Ulala Serizawa: A hyper young woman who knows martial arts and is a fan of Bruce Lee. Her parents wanted her to be a ‘Traditional Japanese Woman’, but just like Kaoru, she rejected their wishes.
The Star - Lisa Silverman: A high school girl who has bad luck with men and can never seem to find someone right for her. She’s a professional boxer and also sneaks out to drink, despite being underage.
The Strength - Kei Nanjo: A photographer for COOLEST Magazine who was involved in the SEBEC incident. He works with Maya Amano, and with the help of her and his old teacher, he’s comfortable with who he is now.
Persona 3
The Fool - Aigis/Metis: A high school student who came back to Tatsumi Port Island 10 years after their parents died on the bridge due to a fire. Canon is Aigis, which is female, and optional is Metis, who is male. The Lovers - Minako Arisato: A young bubbly girl who likes big crowds. She’s a popular girl at school, unknowingly, and also stays in the Gekkoukan High Dorms. She has a gun holster on her belt and has a brother. Somewhat loud and “obnoxious”. The Magician - Minato Arisato: A young blunt boy who hates big crowds. He’s a popular boy at school, unknowingly, and also stays in the Gekkoukan High Dorms. He has a gun holster on his belt and has a sister. Reserved and introverted. The Empress - Yukari Takeba: A wealthy individual and next in line to inherit control of the Takeba Group. She’s a very intelligent person and many people look up to her, as she is also the student council president. The Emporer - Junpei Iori: A second year that runs the boxing club at Gekkoukan High. He takes boxing very seriously and also finds it a good stress reliever. He’s determined and courageous, and also a good mentor. The High Priestess - Mitsuru Kirijo: A quite and kept-in girl, she serves as the navigator for SEES. Her best friend would have been found outside Gekkoukan High with Apathy Syndrome if not for her. She’s a bookworm and likes sci-fi. The Hierophant - Akihiko Sanada: A shady third year who hardly shows up at school. He only joined SEES for personal reasons which he refuses to share. Has a soft spot for Fuuka, and is good friends with Junpei. The Justice - Fuuka Yamagishi: A little girl who seems to know Akihiko from her past. She’s well behaned and a good role-model for others her age. Despite being 11, she lives in the Gekkoukan High Dorms. The Chariot - Shinjiro Aragaki: A robot made to destroy shadows. He can only develop human feelings through contact with those feelings. He is enrolled in Gekkoukan High as a second year, despite being a robot and seeming more like a third year.
Persona 4
The Fool - Teddie: A transfer student from Tokyo who came to live with his uncle for a year. He’s very anxious in social situations, and arguments between his friends makes him nervous. Has a weird obsession with bears. The Magician - Rise Kujikawa: A goofy and fun young girl. Her parents are the managers at Junes, and she works part-time there. She’s also in Teddie’s class.
The Chariot - Kanji Tatsumi: An intimidating young boy with martial arts skills. He may be buff but he’s not really aggressive. Suggests eating more meat a lot and is good friends with Rise. The Emporer - Yosuke Hanamura: A badass who was able to take down an entire biker gang by himself. Feared by his classmates, but he is a good person. He likes knitting and has more feminine hobbies, he also questions his sexuality a lot. Despite being skinny, he’s a lot stronger than the buffest one in the group. The Lovers - Yu Narukami: A model who is famous for his cross-dressing and his way to charm crowds. He’s very blunt about his thoughts but he means no harm. He’s a fun person to have around, but he already has a crush.
The Star - Yukiko Amagi: A strange woman who came from the TV world. She makes a lot of puns, albeit sometimes doesn’t know what she’s talking about, and is fascinated with the human world. The Wheel of Fortune - Chie Satonaka: A detective who acted like she was male for most of her life. Is only now getting used to being able to freely act like a woman, and is still coping with her identity. She’s logical and the smartest in the group.
Persona 5
The Fool - Morgana: A young boy who was arrested on false charges and sent to Tokyo for a whole year as ‘probation’. Despite all the rumors surrounding him, he’s a good person and probably the most lenient friend you’ll ever find. The Chariot - Haru Okumura: An ex-track and field runner, she hates how adults think they can just lie their way through life and not have any consequences. A good hearted person with a somewhat goofy attitude. The Magician - Futaba Sakura: A young girl who was found trapped in Kamoshida’s Palace. She eventually decided to come over to the human world and take the guise of Futaba Sakura. Kind of annoying but overall understanding and polite. The Lovers - Akira Kurusu: A young boy who was being sexually abused by Kamoshida, as for a while he kept telling everyone and himself he was female. He eventually came out as a male publicly, despite being a bit nervous about it. A strong-hearted individual. The Emporer - Ryuji Sakamoto: A young painter who seems to think Akira is still a girl, despite him publicly stating he was male. He’s polite but also poor, so he starves himself a lot which explains his slim yet tall figure. The High Priestess - Ann Takamaki (P5)/Kasumi Yoshizawa (P5R): The student council president of Shuujin Academy. She keeps up her polite and obeying act in public, but when she’s with the group she’s an absolute unit that no one dares cross. The Hermit - Goro Akechi: His father runs the coffee shop which Morgana is in, and he also has an obsession with video games. He serves as the navigator for the group. He is reserved and hates going out in public. The Justice - Yusuke Kitagawa: A young and upcoming detective. He may be polite in public, but he’s really a sociopath who will murder anybody and anything that upsets him. The Faith - Ann Takamaki (P5R): An elegant and intelligent young girl, who gets the top score at Shuujin, which is why she was offered a scholarship there. She’s actually very stressed out and often becomes depressed for no reason.
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A/N: Interesting ask @bellathecatlover, I’m going to do this on a scale of 0 to 5. 0 being no knowledge or proficiency at all to 5 being mistaken as a native speaker.
Haruka Nanase: 2.
He can remember basic words and phrases, his pronunciation is passable. But when it comes to actually understanding anything in conversation or grammatically, he’s totally lost.
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Makoto Tachibana: 1.8
Surprisingly worse than Haru in this subject. He can’t seem to make heads or tales of the grammar or the pronouciation. Has a lot of difficulty mixing his Rs with his Ls and contractions confuse him to no end. Is it there, their, or they’re? What is whatcha?” “C’mon? Do they mean common?”
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Nagisa Hazuki: 0.5
He if put more effort in, he could probably pull this up to a 2, but he has absolutely no interest in learning English. The extent of his English studies is singing along to English pop songs, in which he butchers the pronouciation and sounds more like incomprehensible gibberish.
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Rei Ryugazaki: 3.4
He can read it very well, almost fluently. He has a good grasp of the language on paper and the grammar, but when it comes to speaking he gets flustered. Despite all his studying, his pronouciation is terrible and he has to constantly ask people to repeat sentences and slow down when talking to him. But he can still manage in a conversation if he has to.
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Gou Matsuoka: 3.6
Having a brother living abroad where English is the native language is the only reason she was able to reach the level of proficiency she has. She’s kind of the opposite of Rei, where he understands the language better on paper, Gou has a better grasp on conversation and pronunciation. She makes quite a few grammar mistakes on tests, but she’s the best out of Iwatobi who grasps how to communicate without a dictionary. She also listens to a lot of foreign music and watches a lot of English-speaking youtubers which greatly helps her.
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Rin Matsuoka: 4.9
He’s not a native but he’s close. (It wasn’t portrayed well in the anime) But Rin is able to fully understand, read, and speak English fluently. He still has a slight Japanese accent with some words, sometimes he forgets the word for something in English and remembers it in Japanese, sometimes it’s reverse. But he’s able to understand when it’s spoken quickly as well as speak it fast. Sometimes he even pretends to not speak Japanese when he wants to be left alone.
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Aiichirou Nitori: 2.9
Like Haru, he is able to remember simple phrases and words, but when it comes to grammar he gets all turned around. Becoming roommates with Rin really helped him understand English far better than he used to, but he still finds himself making lots of mistakes when it comes to the workbooks even with Rin’s help.
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Sousuke Yamazaki: 3.5
Interestingly enough, he has a natural ear for languages. He’s not fluent by any means nor could he pass for a native speaker, but he is definitely part of the higher curve when it comes to tests. While he doubts he’d be able to hold a conversation of anything past the weather or ordering from a restaurant, his pronouciation isn’t half-bad. It helps that he listens to a lot of foreign music and watches foreign films.
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Momotarou Mikoshiba: 1.5
A terrible student. Truly terrible. Not quite as bad as Nagisa, but still only a minor improvement. He has a lot of trouble focusing in class and sitting for long periods of time. Sometimes when the teacher is talking to him, he just zones out entirely and doesn’t remember a word. Learning English is frustrating and he’d rather be doing anything else if not for his mother who put the fear of god into him after his last failing grade he wouldn’t be barely passing the class.
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thisisfunyaywhoo · 5 years
Where I wish EY went by the 2nd half of the show
- Given Nam Joo his awareness – this way he could’ve fought for Ju Da’s love fair and square
- They explain all the rules in the beginning – no adding anything in the last minute. Jin Mi Chae explains all of them when E3 gains awareness
- Haru never loses his memories (BECAUSE AMNESIA STILL SUCKS) – instead Haru is suddenly introduced as one of the extras (now on the same level as Dan Oh). Like he gets a new character introduction in the stage as if the writer was drawing him for the first time, as if the writer didnt know that Haru was in the manhwa in the first place. The trigger was Dan Oh giving him a name, because the writer was like, “OH YEAH HIM! Yeah, let’s bring him in. I missed drawing that handsome guy”
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- Explained that the black holes they kept seeing were portals to the writer’s other books – they try to go through one and that’s how they find out about Flower
- Kyung gets a proper redemption arc – earlier on, he realizes that Dan Oh doesn’t want to be with him and he helps them change their fates
- E3 + Kyung – E4 now I guess – go through the portal to Flower. New discovered rule: you can only change the stage if you’re not a character in the manhwa. So when they started to go to Flower and change stuff on the stage secretly, they do it successfully. That’s why Haru was able to change the stage before because he technically didnt exist in Secret yet.
- They conspire with their Flower counterparts who are aware (Haru, Dan Oh, and Jin Mi Chae) to change some things in Secret. They alternate going through the portals but unfortunately, when it was time for Flower!Dan Oh’s death, they didn’t catch a portal and they fail.
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- The portals stopped showing up (as these come in randomly) and E4 loses hope. They try other methods but they know the rule and they know it wont work. Dan Oh’s sickness gets worse and worse. Do Hwa’s brother suggests a surgery. All throughout this, Dan Oh and Haru find strength in each other (not the BS where they kept tings from each other because they wanted to protect each other kind of thing).
- Then like an episode later, we find out that they discover a miracle cure and Dan Oh doesn’t have to go through surgery anymore. Who could’ve possible done this??? Why it’s Flower!Haru! After Dan Oh’s death he’s sworn that he doesn’t want Secret!Haru to feel the same he does and went through the last portal they went through. All this time, he was trying to figure out a way to help cure Dan Oh.
- When the manhwa ends, they all remain in the shadow. No more stages. Not all are still aware but now they are free to do what they want. They adopt Flower!Haru, but him still grieving his Dan Oh, he decides to go abroad to learn and find himself. The rest of E4 find their own happy endings. Nam Joo disowned for being an illegitimate child, lives a humble life. Still friends with the gang but he’s a Candy now, and he finds himself another Candy in the school. Kyung finally finds love through his brother. Do Hwa wins Ju Da’s heart fairly. And of course Haru and Dan Oh end up together.
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ryuukia · 5 years
[Translation] Anikuji Tsukiuta. B-4: Tsukiradio Special Edition (Hajime & Arata ver.)
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In my attempt to postpone translating things I started to dig my collection and came across this. Again, audio is not my forte so keep that in mind. I also recommend you to listen to the CD while reading this.
Many thanks to Ryota for helping me with the proofreading~. By the way she has translated another CD from the anikuji set not long ago (Hajime & Haru mini drama) so check that out if you’re curious. 
Both Gravi and Procella have 3 mini dramas featuring the original combi partners and 3 tsukiradio sessions featuring shuffled combinations. So this is not the last one you might be seeing from me (or Ryota).
Please don’t use/repost my translations. Likes and reblogs are appreciated.
Hajime: Hello, everyone. I’m Six Gravity’s Mutsuki Hajime. 
Arata: Also from Six Gravity, Uduki Arata here. Hello.
Hajime: We’re currently live broadcasting the Tsukiuta Radio, a.k.a. TsukiRadio. This time Arata and me are in charge of delivering the live broadcast. Just as we are about to do with the title.
Arata: Tsukiradio Special Edition: Shuffle Round-Table Discussion! Whoaaa. -claps-
-claps from the background-
Arata: With that said, the die was cast, Hajime-san.
Hajime: Indeed, Arata. I had the feeling we would be put face to face again, but as expected, the two of us are an unusual combination.
Arata: Right. Ah, wait. We usually do talk when we’re inside the dorm, but sitting together like this and talking in the middle of a live broadcast is something that doesn’t happen every often, dear listeners. 
Hajime: Don’t change the topic so suddenly. 
Arata: Mentioning this is important. If I don’t properly say we’re actually on good terms, some might think there’s a conflict between us. I’d hate that to happen.
Hajime: Is that so?
Arata: It is.
Hajime: … You’re strangely full of energy today.
Arata: Really, Hajime-san. You just noticed that now? I have always been full of motivation and shining bright. Just like this. -sparkles-
Hajime: ....If you say so…
Arata: Ah, wait. Why are you turning your face away, Hajime-san? Today I’m actually really motivated. And excited too. I’m in a round-table discussion with Hajime-san. I’m in a round-table discussion with Hajime-san.
Hajime: -grunting- I can hear you even without you saying it twice.
Arata: I mean look, I am acting like this because I am in high spirits. Hajime-san should be the same.
Hajime: Don’t say absurd things. Well, for the time being I’ll do my best. Shall we proceed with the topic?
Arata: Oh, shall we? Then here we go. Uhhm. Bam. The first topic: “Tell us an episode or something about you that the other might not know.” That’s what it says. 
Hajime: I see. 
Arata: Something that Hajime-san doesn’t know about me…? About me? Hmmm…. Ah, I know.
Hajime: Hm? What?
Arata: I adore strawberry milk.
Hajime: I know that. -nods-
Arata: I’m done.
Hajime: That’s all?
Arata: I’m an open person after all!
Hajime: Hmm, you really do seem open. About various things.
Arata: Looks like we’ve reached an agreement. Now it’s Hajime-san’s turn.
Hajime: Mine? Hm, I…
Arata: Hajime-san’s rare episode. Or a rare aspect. I’m totally expecting something now.
Hajime: I don’t really think it’s something to expect much from though...ah…
Arata: Then, please proceed.
Hajime: You and me sleep a lot, and we have a sofa in the common room, right?
Arata: We do. Kuroda also sleeps on it a lot, its huge. Its coldness feels the best. Sleeping on it is the best. 
Hajime: Yeah, exactly that. The brand that made that sofa also makes desk chairs and I recently bought one for my room in the dorm. 
Arata: Eeeh? Huh, but wasn’t that brand a really expensive one coming from abroad? 
Hajime: Seems so. However, even though I got to work, I don’t really get the chance to use the money I earn. I wanted to buy something good for once. 
Arata: I see. It’s so like Hajime-san to get a desk chair instead of blowing money on accessories or other things.
Hajime: Really?
Arata: Yeah. Then, the next topic… but before I start, it was written on the cheat sheet just now that I have to mention an episode again.
Hajime: No wonder. Your strawberry milk news is something that not only I, but also everyone already knows.
Arata: Oh, ok. I got it. Then I’ll be talking about something I bought, since the topic just now was related to that.
Hajime: Ah, go ahead.
Arata: To be honest it happened by chance, but I’ve also done some impulse shopping recently. The item is fairly good too. It’s a luxury item that normal students don’t really buy, but I worked, saved money and bought it with the intention of rewarding myself.  
Hajime: Eh? What did you buy?
Arata: A pendant. It’s silver and very simple, but cool. 
Hajime: Eh? A pendant…? That’s unusual. Surely, you...
Arata: In private I’m not the type to wear accessories. I basically don’t wear any. I have this strange feeling of discomfort when I put them on, and I’ve always been the type to fiddle with them.
Hajime: Yeah. Why was this time any different?
Arata: I’m very glad you asked. To put it bluntly, it’s because of Hajime-san’s influence.
Hajime: Me?
Arata: That’s right! Even now for example, Hajime-san is wearing some simple yet cool piercings or even that pendant, like it’s no big deal, right? I’ve been thinking they were nice since a long time ago. That’s why I imitated you and bought it.
Hajime: I didn’t think you admired me that much. Plus, I don’t have such a strong commitment to wearing them either. 
Arata: I know that. The other day too, you let Koi choose your piercings, didn’t you?
Hajime: You sure know many things.
Arata: Koi was boasting that he accidentally saw you looking at a catalogue in the dressing room. The pendant I bought too is something I chose from that catalogue.  
Hajime: Eh? Is that so? So, where is that pendant now? It doesn’t seem like you’re wearing it.
Arata: I put it in the shrine from my room.
Hajime: You enshrined it?
Arata: Hmm, as expected, when I wear it, my existence becomes the center of my focus and my shoulders become all stiff.
Hajime: Ah, I think I know what you mean. Right now I can somehow wear things without any problems, but before I got used to it I also felt my shoulders getting stiff. Even now I’m not good with overly heavy or jingling items.
Arata: So even Hajime-san had times like that. It’s a bit of a waste for now but I enjoy simply looking at it. Since I’ll be wearing a lot of accessories at work from now on, I wonder if I’ll get used to it. And then, one day, I’ll be proudly wearing it. Fortunately, the design can go with any kind of fashion style.
Hajime: Is that so? Then I’ll be looking forward to seeing you wear that. When you get used to wearing accessories, I’ll be giving you one of your choice as a present.
Arata: Eh? Really? Woohoo. I’m lucky! -whispering- I’ll show off in front of Koi.
Hajime: You two really get along, huh.
Hajime: Now, the next topic is: “Talk to each other about how things with your combi partner are going.” About four-eyes?
Arata: By four-eyes… you mean Haru-san, right?
Hajime: Yeah. He’s been starting to do producing work over the past year and he’s now happily moving around. It seems he liked work that involved advertising and assisting to begin with, thus he’s very active. 
Arata: He is. Because of that I ended up working in a shop last year during New Year’s holidays. Koi and me were making announcements in front of the shop while wearing that visor and apron equipment.
Hajime: Indeed. Seems like you gave your best. 
Arata: I did! I couldn’t go against Haru-san while he was grinning and saying, “This is work, okay~?” 
Hajime: I can totally picture that kind of scene.
Arata: Well, it’s fine though. I know that the jobs Haru-san gives us are really necessary. He’s smart, he can handle things flawlessly, and he’s unshakeable. To me, Haru-san is like an older brother I can depend on but in a different way from Hajime-san.
Hajime: If he heard that, he’d surely be pleased.
Arata: Would he?
Hajime: Of course.
Arata: Now, we know that Haru-san is really reliable, but if I were to say that in the future I’d like to become like Hajime-san, whom I admire a lot, would you also be pleased?
Hajime: Hn… ngh....that is… obvious.
Arata: Ooh… I’m glad.
Hajime: Arata, your frankness sometimes surprises me.
Arata: Is that so?
Hajime: I think I somehow understand Aoi’s hardships now.
Arata: Eeeh?
Hajime: You’re doing that without being aware? In any case, since we mentioned Aoi’s name, shall we let this discussion turn that direction?
Arata: Shall we? I think of Aoi as the steady prince Aoi.
Hajime: A prince?
Arata: Yes, a prince. He emits a large amount of light and sparkles to girls and boys alike, and then he puts his princely smile into operation. For Aoi it’s something normal, but I find that communication ability amazing. 
Hajime: He emits amounts of light, huh? Aoi and Haru are quite similar.
Arata: They really are. 
Hajime: Though compared to him, Aoi is not shady, which is nice.
Arata: I wouldn’t go as far as calling Haru-san shady.
Hajime: Is that so?
Arata: Probably.
Hajime: Aoi’s personality is not as cheeky as Haru’s I suppose.
Arata: I get that somehow. No, wait. I didn’t mean Haru-san was cheeky.
Hajime: I know. 
Arata: Since Aoi is very good at reading the mood, everyone thinks well of him and he’s not really that unassertive. That’s what I meant by saying he was not cheeky.
Hajime: He really isn’t. You’re the assertive one instead.
Arata: I am.
Hajime: Instant answer, huh?
Arata: I am aware of it, you know? I’ve had this kind of personality for as long as I can remember and, my partner Aoi’s great at reading the atmosphere. I sometimes think that having us paired has its benefits.
Hajime: Well, given the fact that you two are exactly each other’s opposite, you two complimenting each other’s strong points and weak points well is what makes you combi partners.
Arata: You’re right. Ah, the last topic: “Lastly, please give each other a message.” is what it’s written here.
Hajme: A message, huh?
Arata: Fufu, fu.
Hajime: Arata, I think your unwavering strength is amazing. Sometimes that makes me feel envious. If you keep developing in the same rhythm, I’m sure you’ll turn out to be a reliable junior in a different sense than Aoi. I have big expectations from you.
Arata: Wha…… oooooh. Thank you very much, Hajime-san.
Hajime: Saying this directly to you really does sound a bit embarrassing.
Arata: Eh? But I’m actually really happy! It’s something rare after all.
Hajime: Good for you.
Arata: Yes. Then I should also proceed with what I have for Hajime-san.
Hajime: Yeah. 
Arata: E-hem. I said so before, but to me Hajime-san is my role model and someone I admire. Of course, there are a lot of things I still have to catch up with, and I’m not even sure if I will eventually be able to catch up, but someday… someday I want to become an existence as reliable as Hajime-san. Please take care of me from now on too.
Hajime: Sigh … Likewise.
Arata: Yes! 
Arata: Hajime-san and me have been taking things very leisurely until now, but all the topics have been covered. I think we did a good job. Hajime-san, good job.
Hajime: Good work, Arata. Thank you to all the listeners for staying with us until the very end. 
Arata: This time we attempted to have a round-table discussion featuring an unusual combination, but from now on too, the Tsukiuta. series plans even more challenges and projects, so look forward to them.
Hajime: You caught that from the advertising cheat sheet, didn’t you? Well, that being said, we’ll be in your care. This is the end, so see you soon.
Arata: Bye, bye.
Arata: Sigh. It’s over, it’s over. I did my job properly.
Hajime: That’s right. I was wondering how things would end up with only the two of us here, though you talked more than usual and that helped me out a lot.
Arata: I told you in the beginning, I’m overflowing with motivation.
Hajime: Yeah, you certainly did. Alright! Since we did our best here how about going back and having a mini after-party? Arata, what do you want to eat? It’s my treat.
Arata: Whaa… I did it! I’m okay with anything, I can eat anything. Now that that’s decided, let’s go immediately! -gets up in a rush- Hajime-san, quickly, quickly.
Hajime: I get it, I get it.
-Arata leaves the room quickly-
Hajime: This guy is always eating except for when he’s hungry. And he’s still in his growth period. Sigh. That’s only one of the many things I can look forward to.
Arata: Hajime-san! Let’s go faster! I’m hungry!
Hajime: -chortles- Okay, I’m coming now! -gets up from the seat-
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poorly-drawn-akira · 1 year
Jiro staggered home, still feeling the effects of the gas... God, the effects... His throat never felt better... Haru was still up as he staggered inside. His older brother smiled and returned to his guitar.
He gave a crooked, half smile back. Haru... Understood.
They understood each other. In ways that Aiko and even Nana couldn't understand, but...
Whatever he thought Jiro was doing... Haru couldn't picture what was going on.
He was working on that song again...
Jiro almost laughed. He sat himself on the floor and listened. He almost laughed...
That song would be meaningless...
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queen-of-bel · 5 years
So by popular vote, Gin won to be the subject of my next character analysis
naoya | kaido | atsuro | amane | mari
Gin is introduced by Yuzu as Haru’s “guardian” and a big brother to everyone. He’s a kind person and genuinely cares about the well-being of others.
He used to be a thug/gang member, as he refers to himself as an “adult Kaido”. He didn’t choose that life out of anger or frustration, but because he was bored with the world and probably couldn’t find another place to belong.
That all changed once he met Aya.
Gin didn’t really have a reason to live before, but he did once he found Aya. Aya snapped him out of it, and he became a better person because of her. He states the reason he likes to look after younger kids is because he’s trying to atone for what he did when he was their age.
This transformation was all due to Aya, and Gin became indebted to her. He found a reason to live because of her. The problem is, Aya became his only reason to live, and once she disappeared, he lost himself again. He became pretty apathetic, going through his daily actions without much emotion.
At this point in his life, Gin isn’t the same person that Yuzu introduced him as. Gin has lost his sense of being a “big brother” to everyone, only minimally stepping into people’s affairs if he would be directly responsible for their death.
The most obvious example of that is when he stepped in to save Shoji. The demon that was attacking Shoji came extremely close to killing her. She said that she was close enough to see the demon’s jaw open wide to attack her, and at the last second, Gin stepped in to save her.
Now, there are two reasons I can think of for Gin’s last-minute appearance. The first is purely because of timing. Gin was walking down the street or stepping outside his bar, saw Shoji getting attacked, and immediately rushed over to help her.
The second reason, which I think is more likely, is that Gin really did wait until the last second to interfere.
If this were the case, then from Gin’s perspective, there were multiple ways Shoji’s encounter with the demon could’ve ended. Maybe she was a demon tamer herself. Maybe she could escape. Maybe someone else would save her.
None of those things happened, and when Gin saw that Shoji really was about to die, he stepped in.
The reason I think that is a more likely explanation is because of how Gin treats Haru throughout the game.
He tells Haru that Aya has moved abroad to study music, which is why Aya isn’t around anymore.
However, that’s a lie about Aya’s disappearance so that Haru doesn’t blame herself. He knows that Haru is majorly depressed, and if Haru thought she was the one who drove Aya away, Haru would kill herself.
As somebody who is known to be Haru’s guardian, that’s a pretty odd move.
Here’s the thing. I agree that Haru would certainly harm herself if she thought she drove Aya away. However, Haru wouldn’t think that way if Gin just told her the truth– that the Shomonkai took away Aya.
The evidence that Gin has so far that points to this is pretty strong. Aya was last seen getting into a Shomonkai’s car, and the Shomonkai are highly avoidant of Gin. Sure it’s not a perfect case, but it’s still a much better explanation than the one Gin gave Haru.
Aya packing up her bags and moving abroad without telling anybody is a pretty half-assed lie, to be honest. Haru’s not stupid. She doubts that Gin is telling the truth, and that’s a huge gamble that Gin is taking. Haru is the type of person to jump to the worst possible conclusion, so if she didn’t believe Aya was abroad studying music, it’s extremely likely that Haru would think she drove Aya away.
So why doesn’t Gin just tell Haru the truth?
I think it’s because Gin doesn’t want to be around Haru.
In the prologue, when we see Gin and Haru together, Gin actually has his back to Haru, only facing her when she begins speaking. Haru expresses her worries that she can’t finish the song that Aya gave her, and Gin tells her to do whatever her heart tells her to.
There’s a few things wrong with this, which support my theory that Gin is avoiding Haru.
First off, it’s strange that Gin wasn’t originally facing Haru. It certainly didn’t seem like their conversation was over, and he wasn’t walking anywhere either. Haru was engrossed in her sequencer, and I think that’s when Gin realized he could look away without Haru noticing. He only turns back once he sees she’s started talking again.
The second thing that’s off is Gin’s lack of support. Again, Gin is known as Haru’s guardian, and I would think someone like that would encourage Haru to finish Aya’s work. Instead, he just says to do whatever she wants and seems to leave it at that.
This is reason to believe he doesn’t want to be emotionally close to Haru. If he encouraged Haru to continue Aya’s song, then Haru might return to Gin for more support. The thing is, Gin doesn’t have the energy for anything, let alone encouraging Haru to break out of her shell. So what he does instead is basically just sends her away. Haru won’t kill herself over that, so she will remain physically safe, and Gin won’t have to interact with Haru. That’s a win-win for him.
Even throughout the lockdown, we can see how he wants to distance himself from Haru.
Once he finds out Kazuya has been talking to her as well, he essentially pushes all responsiblity onto him, despite the fact that Kazuya has only known Haru for a day. Gin warns Kazuya about Haru’s suicidal tendencies, and initially says to stay away from Haru, but when Kazuya pushes further, Gin totally backs off and says he leaves her in Kazuya’s hands.
Again, he doesn’t know Kazuya, or even Yuzu very well. The fact that Gin so easily handed over responsibility reinforces the theory that he just wants to be alone. Haru isn’t his problem or responsibility anymore, it’s someone else’s. The lockdown was becoming an increasingly dangerous place, and the chances of Haru surviving were becoming slimmer and slimmer, especially considering her suicidal tendencies.
If Haru were to die while she’s still under Gin’s care, I think the guilt would kill him. Not just because of Haru’s death, but he feels like he won’t be able to face Aya, who was the first person to take Haru under her wing.
But now, Haru seems to be opening up to another person. If Kazuya were to be responsible for Haru instead, Gin wouldn’t have any reason to feel guilty if Haru died. It would be Kazuya’s responsibility, not Gin’s.
Now, none of this was done with any malice, and I personally think this was all done subconsciously. Gin of course cares for Haru, but the stress of losing Aya has caused him to revert to his old habits– viewing the world as lackluster and gray.
On the 6th day, Haru says that Gin has become lifeless and suicidal after Aya disappeared, which is how she knew Gin was lying about Aya.
So, if Gin doesn’t even have the energy to deal with (who we can assume is) the second most important person in his life, there’s no way that he’s going to play hero with Shoji, a complete stranger. He doesn’t want to see anybody die if he can help it, but his obvious emotional detachment is why I think he waited until the last moment to save Shoji.
So we know that during the past few months, Gin has been wildly depressed and withdrawn. It’s during the middle and end of the lockdown, though, that he starts to actually break out of that.
Gin has always suspected the Shomonkai of being involved with shady business, but seeing their involvement with demons solidifies those suspicions.
Given that there isn’t anywhere the Shomonkai can run to (everyone is trapped within the Yamanote line after all), and that there aren’t really any laws being enforced, Gin can afford to be a bit more on the offensive. He knows everyone will die within a week, and this is his last chance to find information on Aya.
Now, Gin isn’t afraid to die. He never has been. But what he’s afraid of is never being able to find Aya again, and it’s this desperation that fuels his actions throughout the seven days.
Gin knows deep down that Aya is dead, but he doesn’t have the courage to confront that yet.
If Kazuya chooses to become overlord, but didn’t help Gin find out what happened to Aya, Gin actually will join the Shomonkai temporarily. When Kazuya attempts to kidnap Amane, Gin steps in to save her. He apologizes to Kazuya, as he doesn’t really want to fight Kazuya, but Gin knows that siding with the Shomonkai is the best chance he will ever get at finding information about Aya.
Azuma is no doubt just using Gin to protect Amane (really, Jezebel), and Gin knows that. Again, Gin knows that Aya is dead, but he’s still in denial. He’s desperately clinging on to any hope that Aya could return to him, and Azuma took advantage of that.
The fact that Gin allowed himself to be used by the Shomonkai indicates how Aya is Gin’s sole reason for living. But there are other, bigger signs of that as well.
If Kazuya chose to break out of the lockdown instead, then he has the option to invite Gin along. Gin refuses and says he’s just going to relax at his bar and have a drink instead.
At this point in the game, there is no other way to survive the lockdown. There’s not enough time to reach the summoning server or become the King of Bel. People in the lockdown will either have to break out or get killed by the UEM field.
So depending on Kazuya’s actions, Gin may have found out the truth about Aya. But even if Gin didn’t find out, he thinks it’s too late. There isn’t enough time to find Aya, and instead of fighting to stay alive, he decides to succumb and die at the hands of the government instead.
The thing is, he could have continued to search for Aya if he broke through the lockdown, but he explicitly chooses not to. This means that by the end of the seventh day, he has finally come to terms with the fact that he’ll never see Aya again. Unfortunately, this also means that he has totally lost his reason to live.
Gin has no desire to live in a world without Aya, but he also has no desire to contribute to a world that Aya would not recognize.
In Overclocked, the only eighth day he shows up in is Yuzu’s to restore the barrier between the human and demon worlds. Even though some form of peace comes for humanity in both Amane’s and Naoya’s endings, Gin is noticeably absent. From what we know about Aya, she would’ve been content with either Amane’s or Naoya’s no kill endings. Aya loved the world, and was the type of person to find beauty in anything. Someone like that wouldn’t be averse to change. In fact, she might even welcome it.
But Gin is different. Gin never learned what Aya was really trying to teach him. Gin learned to appreciate the things about the Tokyo Aya fell in love with, but that’s not the point Aya was trying to make. Aya was trying to teach Gin how to appreciate the beauty in any situation. Aya would’ve wanted Gin to learn to find something to love in any world, but Gin couldn’t see the big picture. This is why he’s so obsessed with restoring Tokyo, and why he doesn’t show up in Amane’s or Naoya’s eighth days. Neither of these outcomes will bring Tokyo back to how it was.
The Tokyo that Aya loved wasn’t ruled by angels, nor was it one where humanity fought for its freedom. Aya would have found things to love about those worlds, but it isn’t the same world she fell in love with.
Granted, the outcome of Naoya’s no kill route meant that Tokyo was restored to normal, but there’s no way Gin would’ve sided with the overlord. Before Metatron conceded and moved the battle to heaven, the entire world was at risk of getting purged. Everyone else fought because they wanted to support Kazuya and take a stand for humanity. Gin isn’t that noble, though. For him, the biggest risk was that humanity will be purged or even worse, the war between angels and demons would destroy the world.
Gin’s highest priority is the preservation/restoration of Tokyo. He doesn’t actually care about saving others, he just wants the world to go back to how it was because he thinks that’s what Aya would’ve wanted. By the time Naoya’s eighth day rolls around, Gin has accepted that Aya is dead. He doesn’t want to restore Tokyo to get it ready for Aya’s return anymore, but he wants to do so as a final love letter to Aya.
I feel really bad for Gin because he had just started to break out of his shell, but losing Aya was more than he could bear. He really was trying to fix his old habits, but he got even worse once Aya disappeared. He becomes massively depressed, lost the will to live, and shut out the people in his life who really cared about him.
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frsmlk · 5 years
Sebagai pasangan dokter yang lagi sama-sama ngambil sekolah spesialis, waktu ketemu gue dan A sebenernya ngga banyak-banyak banget, di sela-sela waktu itu, gue kadang lebih milih untuk ngobrol santai aja di rumah dibandingkan jalan ke mall atau nonton bioskop. Beruntungnya, A adalah orang yang selalu nanya pertanyaan yang sama setiap malam: “Jadi, ada cerita seru apa hari ini?” lalu tumpah ruahlah semua cerita, dari mulai cerita bahagia sampai cerita sulitnya sekolah spesialis (garuk-garuk tembok). To every single words yang A selalu dengarkan, I consider myself lucky and blessed, soalnya selepas ngobrol sama A gue selalu merasa lebih lega, kalo abis cerita bahagia gue bisa lebih bahagia sementara kalo gue lagi cerita sedih, gue bisa merasa lebih tenang. Alhamdulillah banget deh. 
Sangking merasa beruntungnya, sampai-sampai kalo ada seseorang yang lebih muda nanya ke gue tentang tips mencari jodoh gue akan dengan lantang mengatakan: cari orang yang bisa lo ajak ngobrol. 
Ternyata, ga salah kalo gue merasa beruntung karena emang  di luaran sana, banyak banget orang yang susah mendapatkan “akses” teman cerita, baik karena emang literally tinggal sendirian atau yang punya anggota keluarga yang ga supportive. Buktinya, dalam tiga minggu stase di psikosomatis, gue ketemu lebih dari 3 kasus beragam mulai dari gangguan cemas menyeluruh, depresi sedang hingga psikotis akut yang punya akar permasalahan yang sama: ga punya teman ngobrol. 
Dari beragam cerita, gue paling sedih denger cerita ibu berusia 80 tahun yang mengalami depresi sedang. Jadi, ibu ini menikah di usia 16 tahun, dijodohin orang tuanya pada masa itu, suami ibu ini kaya raya, beliau tinggal sangat berkecukupan, tapi layaknya kata orang-orang bijak di luar sana “duit bukan segalanya untuk bikin lo bahagia”, kenyataannya si ibu ini sejak nikah jarang banget diajak ngobrol suaminya, di rumah cuma masak dan nyapu aja, selebihnya kalo diskusi apapun suaminya lebih suka nyari temannya karena menganggap ibu ini terlalu “tidak pandai” untuk diajak diskusi. Sampai akhirnya si ibu merasa selalu tertekan dan lebih dari separuh hidupnya beliau hidup dalam perasaan unhappy and unwated. Gue ga bisa bayangin diri gue di posisi tersebut, ada di rumah yang sama, rumah yang besar dengan segala kemewahannya, tapi ga punya teman ngobrol, tersiksa banget sih pasti. 
Setelah ketemu pasien-pasien tersebut, gue coba untuk lihat sekitar, sebenernya mungkin perasaan yang dialami ibu itu bisa jadi dialami siapa aja, ga terkecuali orang terdekat gue sendiri. Then I remember, back in 2018, mama gue pernah mengalami chronic fatigue syndrome, setelah gue coba teliti, beliau cuma butuh teman bicara karena anak-anak mama rata-rata sudah tinggal sendiri (padahal sebenarnya kami rutin whatsapp dan telfonan), but somehow she needs our presence, our physical touch. Akhirnya gue dan saudara kandung gue mencoba bikin jadwal nelfon (cause my brother lives abroad) dan mengunjungi ibu gue setiap hari secara bergantian. Gladly, mama sudah sembuh total dalam waktu satu bulan saja. Since then, gue percaya bahwa hanya sesederhana “didengarkan” saja seseorang bisa merasa lebih baik dan sembuh.
Ngedengerin orang itu emang merupakan seni yang harus setiap orang pelajari, mungkin gue juga cukup beruntung because my husband is a doctor and as a doctor we’re trained to listen. Tapi sesungguhnya, ga harus jadi dokter untuk mendengarkan, cukup siapin telinga, tanya keadaan sekitar dan dengarkan dengan empati (well yeah, this is the hardest part).  Gue yakin orang yang butuh teman cerita itu masih banyak banget di sekitar kita. Mungkin driver go-car yang kalian tumpangi, mungkin teman kalian yang udah lama ga ketemu, atau bisa jadi jangan-jangan pasangan kalian sendiri? They’re everywhere, dan hal sederhana yang bisa kita lakukan to make their life a bit brighter adalah mungkin sesederhana menanyakan “Bagaimana hari ini? ada cerita menarik?”. Well, jadilah telinga itu, they probably will forget what you said, but the thing that they will never forget is what you make them feel.
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kaylichun · 5 years
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“Ignorance will be a human weakness, as it takes time to leave that mindset.”
gєиєяαℓ ιиfσямαтισи
иαмє: Kay Li Chun(Birthright)/Wright(America)/Haru(Japan)
αgє: 29
вιятн∂αу: Jan 11
gєи∂єя: Female
ѕєχυαℓιту: Straight
αffιℓιαтισи: The Armed Detective Agency
[bci]αρρєαяαи¢є: Pictures. Has evenly parted hair.
нєιgнт: 5’2
нαιя ¢σℓσя: Dark Brown
єує ¢σℓσя: Silver/Grey
туρι¢αℓ ¢ℓσтнιиg: pictures Almost always seen with her jacket from her “Grandfather” and necklace of her mother’s
вα¢кgяσυи∂: She was an orphan born as Chinese immigrant sent to America from Japan, to live with an adopted family. Her family started to feel comfortable with until, she started becoming an overachiever. She wanted to keep her adoptive parents happy; the only thing a child could do is to get good grades, be abiding by their rules and helping around the house later on as she grew up.
There was an episode of at the time that enforced her mindset, to go beyond expectations. When one of her term grade flawed her gpa getting low average in calculus. Stress was something she use to be able to handle. That night was the shift of the bright good willed to a shy and paranoid workaholic. Words hurts equally as they charm.
The factor of her shift for her relationship with her younger brother Miles J Wright to grow strained, as they mention the bright achievements of the oldest and later on she left to explore and teach. She was scared of things around her, she thought they were moving, shaking, shivering and other things.
Miles was given the freedom, as Kay was under the influence for their parents’ pride and good upbringings.
She was 16 when she loved writing, knowing the old man who lived up the hills. He used to be well know in his career after retiring and with his own family. He had an ability to have good memory, he described every moment, projected it out like a screen and into minds. Maybe he was able to see others, he saw my alive mother and father. Mentioning of going to Japan and passing by the small town she was born from.
[“Forget Me Not”]
He did not forget, he loved and lost. His wife passed and his children had their own in separate states. He let her in his heart until death rode by and took away her grandfather.
“Do not stay upon the asphalt Road.” Was the last thing that left her in tears. The house was unraveled behind her after she left in tears.
His small travels was her ambition to seek a muse look further about her birth parents, writing the details of beauty and the monochrome. At 24, they didn’t allow her to purse her career as writer, yet, however they allowed her to be a English teacher. Her paranoid never left her, she chose to persue in teaching abroad in Japan. She took the chance to get away from their influence, leaving Miles in the tragic leftovers of an Overwhelming remains of his parent at age 18. He tried to run away.
Was a Teacher/Professor abroad Japan at a college for around 4 years. Either Kunikida/Tanizaki twins invited her to ADA
ωєαρσи [ιf αиу]: Anything around her involving Matter, but she could still use any weapons for close combat.
ρєα¢єfυℓ σя νισℓєит: Peaceful
αвιℓιту иαмє: Dying Dreams May Strike
αвιℓιту ∂єѕ¢яιρтισи: Emotionally effected to feel miserable/Dead inside lacking humanity; in exchange giving her the ability to manipulate matter around her and her herself if needed to.
When she uses it, she must not be left alone. She cannot operate without orders around her operating as a machine. She only do so little; Emotionally enacted.
ρσωєя: 7/10
ѕρєє∂: 6/10
яєfℓєχєѕ: 8/10
ιитєℓℓιgєи¢є: 8/10
∂єfєиѕє: 5/10
¢σммσи ѕєиѕє: As a literature teacher 9/10~> using ability must take orders/repeat instructions 2/10
мσтнєя: Dead and Unknown/ Adoptive: Gwen (Adams) Wright
fαтнєя: Dead and Unknown/ Adoptive: Ben Abel Wright
ѕιвℓιиgѕ [ιf αиу]: Step Brother Miles J.ackson Wright
ρєяѕσиαℓιту: Shes a really sweet gal. Old fashion and modest gal. Just afraid of being yelled at. Awkward,timid and shy, but will get comfortable or be intense if need to.
She would be the mom of the group of friend.
Polite. Would most likely become a Meme dealer when you introduce her to comedy. Fluster her with compliments, she’ll bloom. Knows when to be serious.
But when her ability active she’s an Android who need to be told what to do. It’s terrifying to see her in battle, the change of character will shake you to your nerves. It’ll take very long awhile for her to be able to decide for herself. Her emotions she bottled up would overdrive her to the point she has no control of her actions.
ℓιкєѕ: Cute things, Grandpa’s Jacket, hair ribbons/accessories, animals, sweets, tea, baking, kids(she really cares about Miles), making/Having fun with friends, reading and writing.
∂ιѕℓιкєѕ: Being yelled at, a disappointment, disliked by people, Calculus(Math), pressure.
нσввιєѕ: Babysitting, Knitting, Baking/Cooking, Volunteer/Helping elderly(Respect) and Tutoring.
тнємє/¢нαяα¢тєя ѕσиg: Skyscraper By Demi Lovato
I Do Adore By Mindy Gledhill
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englishvisualnovels · 6 years
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Travel to an Alternate World Where Isaac Newton is a Woman — Sol Press Releases Newton and the Apple Tree on Steam
Developer: Laplacian Publisher: Sol Press Release Date: August 15, 2018 Platform: Windows Age Rating: All-Ages & 18+ Price: $39.99
Newton and the Apple Tree by Laplacian is now available on Steam.
The Steam version is all-ages, but Sol Press released a free patch that adds adult content back to the game.
Relevant Links:
Where to Buy (Digital): Steam
Official Site (Demo available)
18+ Patch
Features, via Sol Press:
Woo the hearts of 5 potential ladies, all of whom have their own quirks and... “airheadded-ness?”
Discover multiple endings as Syuji attempts to return history to its natural state
An exciting visual novel featuring an all-star Japanese voice cast
Newton and the Apple Tree centers around protagonist, Syuji Asanaga, and his childhood pal Yotsuko Utakane.
They are on a mission to find Syuji's grandfather who has mysteriously vanished. The two somehow end up hurtling through the fabric of time and ultimately crash land into a tree.
“Standing” there before the mishap is a cute blonde girl with twintails. Believe it or not, this petite girl turns out to be the famed Sir Isaac Newton! Unfortunately, through Syuji's foolish conduct, the great scientific discoveries of the past have now been altered.
The two must find a way to correct this and get back to their own time.
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Syuji Asanaga
Role: Stuck in the Middle (Including heroines from the waist down)
A teenager that hates science. Our protagonist. Also a virgin.
His grandfather was the second Japanese physicist to be awarded a Nobel Prize. Syuji and his childhood friend, Yotsuko, have been mentored by him ever since they were young.
A science-loving boy, but the constant comparisons to his grandfather made him grow sick of it. One day, his grandfather went on a trip to England, only to end up going missing. Syuji was in so much shock that he started writing music to escape reality.
And so he lived as a miserable virgin, until he was reunited with Yotsuko and they somehow ended up being flung through time. Syuji now finds himself surrounded by four strange girls (and Yotsuko), and to make matters worse, he's the only one with a lick of common sense!
Make your way into the heart of a heroine, change the future, and find your grandfather!
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Alice Bedford Voiced by: Hana Akino
(Known roles: Da Vinci from Eiyuu*Senki - The World Conquest, Kotori Takigawa from Nanairo Reincarnation, Yuzuyu Hiiragi from Fureraba ~Friend to Lover~, etc.)
Role: Conceited Airhead
An extremely bright girl who enrolled at Tenbridge University after skipping grades.
Because it was prohibited by law for women to write theses, she used the pen name “Isaac Newton.” That's why she went down in history as a man.
With her exceptional abilities, on top of her excessive pride and greed, she is almost untouchable on the campus.
She has a bad habit of adding notes to the books inside the library without permission. Barely a book has escaped her scientific scribbles!
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Yotsuko Utakane Voiced by: Midori Shirayuki
(Known roles: Nana Ogasawara and Yuki Kanno from Corpse Party, Rimu Tamamo from Deardrops, Sayaka Ichimonji from Cho Dengeki Stryker, etc.)
Role: Sharp-tongued Airhead
Yotsuko is a girl who loves to measure everything around her, and she won't be satisfied unless she's measured down to the tiniest detail!
She's Syuji's childhood friend. His grandfather taught her how fun science could be, and she's been devoted to the field ever since.
She has a daily routine of measuring her own body in millimeters and adding it to her records every morning.
Ask her about her figure and she'll give her most up-to-date measurements without a second thought!
She's very good with numbers, but between you and me, she's kinda clumsy.
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Haru Tsukumo Voiced by: Yui Ogura
(Known roles: Jerusha Abbott from Sona-Nyl of the Violet Shadows, Kagami Wakatsuki from Wonderful Everyday ~Diskontinuierliches Dasein~, Maple from the NEKOPARA series, etc.)
Role: Natural Airhead
Haru is an exchange student from Japan, studying astronomy in 17th century England.
Her grandfather was the one to originally move abroad, but Japan closed its borders and isolated itself from the world soon after.
Because of this, Haru was born in England, unable to see the Japan she yearns for.
She is the only person who truly understands Alice, and they support each other while spending their days together in Tenbridge.
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Lavi Gier Voiced by: Tomoe Tamiyasu
(Known roles: Riki Naoe, Rin Natsume, and Sasami Sasasegawa from Little Busters!; Makina Irisu and Satoko Kazami from the Grisaia series; Sanzouhoushi from Eiyuu*Senki - The World Conquest; etc.)
Role: Deranged Airhead
A problematic girl who's constantly causing fires all around Tenbridge University.
Unlike Alice's theoretical and factual approach to science, she's a genius scientist who lets intuition guide her hand.
She lives in an age where modern science, magic, and alchemy coexist. If her intuition is telling her “yes,” then you bet she's gonna do it!
She was the first to figure out that Syuji wasn't from her time, igniting her curiosity.
What she wants the most right now is a male test subject that listens to everything she says.
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Emmy Felton Voiced by: Iroha Haruno
(Known roles: Daphnis from Tiers to Tiara II: Heir of the Overlord, Nana Abe from the Idolmaster series, Shichirya from the Utawarerumono series, etc.)
Role: Potato Airhead
Emmy works as a maid at Tenbridge University to support her younger brothers. Her work takes her all over campus, so if you ever want to know anything about the place, she's the girl to ask!
She resides in the same dorm as Alice and Haru, handling all of the household chores such as laundry, cleaning duty, and cooking meals, while also looking after all of the residents.
She takes her job very seriously, never removing her headband while she's at work. This means your only chance to see her with her hair down is when she's off the clock!
Though you'd need to be a lucky guy to see that. She works every day, leaving her with only enough time to spend with those truly close to her. That's exactly why her headband is so valuable to her.
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