#[arc three - detox - 15+ years after canon]
funnel-webbed-au · 1 year
Just Press Pause
Tag List: @skellebonez
Riley's Notes: It's just Lian and Syntax being fluffy and domestic. I guess I should give everyone a break after that horrific post where Syntax passed out lol Also, drop theme is Soft Serve by Rook1e and park bird
Lian rolled out of bed with a soft groan, annoyed that her husband had left before she was even conscious. The mantis stretched her claws out before fully returning to her humanoid form, though she left her antennas out. She knew he loved them, and she adored the tender touches he would sprinkle her antennas with.
Once she was up and out of bed, she checked her closet. For once, her favorite black jacket was conspicuously absent. It drew a raised eyebrow from the former peach maiden, who soon shrugged and slid on a casual dress and house slippers.
The moment she came out of the hallway and into Pierre's workshop, she found two things: Her jacket, and her adorable partner, asleep at his desk. His head was resting on a throw pillow directly on top of his mousepad, and her jacket was draped around his shoulders. She knew he loved to steal her things, but this was getting ridiculous. As much as it exhausted her, though, the sight made her golden heart sing.
"Hey. Hey, bug. Wake up, bug." Lanhua snickered as her husband released a few soft French swears, and was pleasantly surprised when one in Mandarin slipped out. Syntax reached for his glasses, and the moment he had them on, he turned to Lian.
The sight of her alone soothed the residual stress from the episode he'd had that night, and any and all thoughts that were bothering him fell to a back burner. He rose to his feet, then stretched, all while Lian patiently waited for him to finish.
Lian didn't waste a single second when her partner held his arms out to her. It was nice to feel his exposed hands, and she intertwined her fingers with his. A shudder came from the spider, but he soon relaxed and Lian purred while her bug smiled, returning the purrs at a lesser intensity.
"Good morning, bug." Those words alone brought a barrage of morning kisses. It was a nice change of pace to be on the receiving end for once, and Lian wasn't going to take that for granted. She scooped the smaller Demon up into her arms to allow him more access, reveling in every touch he doled out.
"Someone's happy today."
Her voice drew a soft snicker from the spider in her arms, even as he used his metal claws to ease some tension in his spouse's back. They did have their uses, as annoying as the spinal attachment could be, not to mention painful. But, the utility outweighed the temporary discomfort that came from taking it on and off.
"Of course I am. How can I not be when you're the one that woke me up?" Syntax chuckled as Lian cooed from his words, then froze up when she kissed him. It rarely lasted, as they both had work to do sooner or later, but this time, he pulled himself deeper into her embrace. Her arms around him, and his head on her shoulder... he really treasured these moments.
Syntax flinched and shuddered, clinging to her more tightly than before. He relaxed somewhat at the sensation of Lian's fingers in his hair.
"Hey, sweetie, how about we freshen up, then head out to that cafe my brother likes so much? I'm sure it will help." The way she'd lowered her voice, softened it, it brought a degree of comfort to the spider's stress-addled mind.
"Let me retrieve my meds first, blossom, I'll meet you outside." The spider pressed a kiss to her cheek, and she repaid him in a split second, covering his cheeks with kisses.
It was mornings like these that reminded him he'd have the support he needed, no matter what came. He had Lian, he had Maverick, and he had his extended family in turn.
It put him at ease.
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funnel-webbed-au · 1 year
A Night Out
Lian snickered as her partner stepped out of the limousine she'd hired. Sometimes there were perks to the fact that both of them had big stakes in separate companies, and tonight, she was flexing some of the yuan she received as an allowance from her father.
Unfortunately for Syntax, the bright lights of the paparazzi's cameras triggered a migraine, and his obsessive thoughts only grew worse due to how exposed he was to all of the other individuals there. He couldn't exactly be called a person, not after what Estelle had done to him. Sadly, it wasn't going to be easy for him to shut down the spiral, but he knew that some alcohol might take the edge off... or maybe the chill of some ice water would do the trick.
"Oh, come on, you silly bug. They're not going to bite you. If anyone bites, it's you and your cousin, not all of these wonderful people here to greet us... and, well, maybe me, too. I bite. You learned that last night." Lian snickered as her words made her partner blush, then took his hand and dragged him into the restaurant.
The intricate chandeliers gave away the fact that it was a higher-end venue, and suddenly, Pierre felt underdressed for the occasion. He was just in his usual lab uniform, nothing particularly appealing to anyone who might be there, much less his own partner. He knew he had to change or else all Hell would break loose. He'd never be able to stop thinking about it, and it might keep him awake.
It didn't take long for Lian to notice, and she pointed to where the restrooms were so that the arachnid could go change into the emergency outfit that he had with him. He exhaled with relief, then disappeared, out of sight, out of mind. The beautiful ruby dress he'd brought with him sure looked good in the mirror. The way it sparkled and glittered from the embroidery on it would shock and awe, he hoped. One final glance at the spider emblem on the halter neck top, and Pierre relaxed.
Maybe he was a monster, but at least he was a beautiful one... and at least he wasn't the only one here.
As Pierre added the finishing touches to his winged eyeliner, just as his brother-at-heart had taught him, he paused periodically to examine his handiwork. It didn't look half bad, actually, and for once, he didn't stress over it as much as he normally did. A smile crept over his face, and although his sharp fangs still drew some discomfort, it wasn't anything he couldn't handle. This was him, this was his body, like it or not... and one day, he knew he'd come to love it.
The moment he stepped out into the lights of the dining hall, Lian's jaw dropped, which drew a scoff from the spider she'd arrived alongside.
"What, spider got your tongue? You're drooling, orchid." The toothy smirk on the spider's face had Lian in a chokehold. Gods, he was such a pretty boy, such a wonderful little spider. She loved the way her boy wore that dress, as it hugged his subtle curves. When her pink eyes finally returning back to him, the same color spread to her cheeks as a dreamy sigh escaped her.
"A spider certainly had my tongue. You're ravishing, dear, I should take you dress shopping." The soft purrs emanating from the Deity only emphasized how completely and utterly starstruck he'd left her, and as he sat down and crossed his legs, she couldn't look at her menu. She was too busy looking at him.
Maverick's arrival wasn't as loud or as sudden as usual, and neither was he wearing any denim for once, despite it being his favorite material. The larger of the two spiders had come with his beloved partner in tow at his side, and the height difference between them was almost comical from how dramatic it was.
"Well, well, well. Look who finally showed up to the party. I see you brought your boyfriend with you, Knox. How scandalous." For once, it was the elder of the two spiders who blushed from the teasing, which drew laughter from the tech spider. While Syntax only smiled, Huntsman dusted himself off, forcing his blush down with a soft huff and a soft flurry of German swears. It was all his partner could do to calm him down, but as the group united at the table Lian had reserved for them, she buckled up for the teasing she knew would ensue.
She danced the night away in his arms, in Syntax, no, Pierre's, arms. One hand on her waist, the other taking her by her other hand, all while the two larger Demons they'd come with simply held each other while the music played overhead. They were nice, nights like these, and as the younger spider spun his mantis around, he was finally sure.
Pierre had come to love her. Sure, it had taken several years to cement the relationship and fully convince him, but Lian had been patient. She'd been kind, she'd been gentle, she'd been generous, and he intended to continue repaying her in turn.
Until reality's lights burned out.
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funnel-webbed-au · 1 year
The Parents™️
To say he was nervous would be an understatement. He had realised some time ago that his daughter's future happiness rested on his shoulders, and he couldn't quite come to terms with it enough to reduce his anxiety. Yang Jian, Erlang Shen, the Arbiter of Justice, was worrying about meeting someone new. How silly. Never had he once been more nervous in all his years, and he had seen the battlefield several times.
The reason why this particular person made him so nervous? Well, she was none other than Zhīzhū Jīng, the Spider Queen. Not many people were taller than him, but she definitely had at least a few inches on him and he was quite intimidated by it. He didn't know her personally, but he knew full well that she could take him down within moments if they didnt get along.
Even still, he couldn't let that fear stop him, not when the spider was the honorary mother of the one his daughter adored. He had to make an effort. For her. Not even his extreme slight fear would convince him to back out of it, not when he was so stubborn and brave. Where had the young Deity he'd once been gone, hm? That idiot's foolishness would have served him well in that moment.
He checked his clothes, makeup and hair one more time before he exited his chambers, making sure that there was not a thread out of place. He wanted to make a good first impression, and he'd been raised to believe that a person's clothes often tainted everyone else's view of them. Whether that was true or not was another question, but anything that was believed in could have been the truth, so he didn't mull over it for too long.
Lian seemed incredibly excited to see him looking so prepared, and the way her face lit up brought some hope to his own expression for a brief moment before he schooled it into a pleasant smile that would hopefully win over the spider he was about to meet for the first time. He could vaguely hear the Princess talking, but her words became muddled when they mixed with his own sea of thoughts.
He inhaled one last deep breath through his nose before he set one hand on the door and used what little strength he had to push it open. The sight he was met with was certainly not the one he had been expecting, but he refused to let it show on his face so the smile stayed. Not just one massive spider, but a second one who looked to be somewhat human and a giant Water Demon.
Hoo boy, they were intimidating.
Still, he smiled and shook each of their hands when given the opportunity and greeted them in the most cleanly spoken Mandarin any of them had heard in years. He was setting the standards incredibly high (he hoped) and wanted to see if they would meet them and become his extended family. He... sort of wanted them to. As much as he had opposed the idea of his only daughter marrying a Demon at first, she had not given up and somehow managed to convince him. She was stubborn like that.
After Zhīzhū had gotten over the initial shock of her Mandarin name being pronounced nigh on perfectly, the conversation went almost incredibly smoothly, with many shared interests being discovered between the two parents and a close bond being formed almost instantly. It was honestly surprising how quickly they got along, especially for the engaged couple that were watching.
This... this was beauty, right there, in Jian's living room. He adored her protective personality, and she enjoyed his passion for his family. What better combination could either of them have asked for? They both knew that they would most likely work fantastically in a team together, and they were going to work hard to make that goal reachable. For the sake of their kids.
It was amazing what a parent would do.
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