#[snippets of linear time - queue]
funnel-webbed-au · 10 months
Dark Matter
Red Son stopped as the time on his phone shifted from 11:59 to 12:00. A sigh escaped from the fire demon despite the familiar flow of unnatural Diyu magic that swirled around him, the herald of a friend's arrival.
"Have you found Nezha yet, Dai Xie?" The fire Demon asked the shadow Demon. He didn't have to look to know that the mayor was behind him.
The shadow Demon's tail nested itself in front of him, lying on the pavement almost dejectedly, the sharp edge unaffected by the asphalt. The former right-hand man of the Lady Bone Demon shook his head, then pinched the bridge of his forehead, sighing.
"No. I found something worse, sir. A husk of your dear friend... He saw me, and didn't recognize me as... one of the men who would take care of him when he needed it the most. I... sincerely apologize, my liege."
Red Son could hear the bow, and the forced smile on his face. The fire Demon clenched his teeth as a pit rose in his stomach, followed by almost palpable nausea. He wanted to know... but something told him he'd regret knowing.
"...alright. Mark the location on our digital map of the city and its surroundings, I'll investigate when I can." Red Son wiped sweat off of his face. He couldn't fathom what had happened to the Deity he'd come to appreciate so deeply. He didn't need to know yet. He knew that whatever Nezha was enduring, he'd make it through. He was a tough, stubborn bastard, after all... but his curiosity still got the better of him.
"...what... what happened to him?" Red Son's voice cracked, coming dangerously close to breaking as he turned around to finally look at his legal expert. The way his brow was furrowed, and the way he pinched his lip between his fangs, it gave away the desperation that had burrowed itself into his heart. It ate away at his guard, and at his rationale like maggots into an old carcass.
Dai Xie forced a smile for Red Son's sake as he raised his head to make eye contact. The words he was going to say next would be devastating... but Red Son couldn't say he hadn't warned him with how cryptic and vague he'd been before.
"Stella got him."
Red Son's vision swam as everything in his line of sight became hazy and clouded. The Demon fell to his hands and knees as the pit in his stomach turned into a bottomless void, and the nausea reached a fever pitch. The mere thought that Nezha now had eight limbs and four eyes made the fire Demon's insides churn as if possessed, as if they needed to be ejected from his body to avoid sepsis.
The mayor shook his head, then kneeled down, setting his hand on Red Son's shoulder before he entwined his tail around his boss's, gladly offering the comfort.
"Breathe, sir. Breathe." Dai Xie pulled the fire Demon into his arms, holding him in a firm, familiar grip. Red Son could almost hear Nezha's voice, telling him everything would be okay... that they'd be home soon, reassuring him with that gentle, loving smile that only a real friend could deliver.
Hai'Er hiccuped as liquid rolled down his cheeks, staining the mayor's upper sleeve with the transparent liquid. Dai Xie hardly moved in any form of protest from this.
Red Son only tightened his grip.
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mickmundy · 1 year
Hello dutchie! I've re-read your fics multiple times now and now I want to write my own! I have to ask: do you have any writing tips or advice about fanfic in general? I enjoy your pacing but I have no clue how you manage to update every week. Cheers!
OH MY GOD EEEEE ;___; IM SO HAPPY TO HEAR THAT MY FRIEND!! AND HIII ^_^ that's so awesome im so proud of you!!! hmm idk if i'm really a great person to get advice from, this is just stuff that works for me personally and my hectic irl schedule so just take it with a grain of salt!! ;-; <3 BUT i will gladly talk about it HEHE!! i'll actually just make an entire post about my writing process at some point because making long posts forces me to reflect and i'm overdue for a Self Reflection on how i write so! if/when i do that i'll link it back on this post heh ^_^ BUT ANYWAY!
i have a few Personal Rules about posting/writing fic that i must never break... and this is...:
feel free to break up your (longer) fic into parts. this prevents SO much burnout and gives you time to breathe between writing! if you're in it for the long haul like me, it's easy to get overwhelmed and feel like you're on a Crunch, which is never good! :'(
so i don't technically write a new chapter every week and post it on friday; i've had malus, for example, complete for a few months now! and so now it just "posts on a queue" where i just upload the next chapter every week! so for example, if malus is 21 chapters, at 1 chapter a week, that gives me 21 weeks (about 5 months) to write my next fic. that's a lot of time!
always finish the fic before you post it. this seems super unrealistic At First but i love the "arc/seasons/parts" style of posting, especially if it's long fics. nobody's saying you have to finish a 293849283498234 chapter fic in one day LOL but if you find that you're overwhelmed at the idea of writing Long Fics, then don't write one! write shorter parts that Combine and Create a long fic! :-) see what i mean? this is also an effective way to show time passing in your fic instead of just "~*~ two years later ~*~"-type of disclaimers.
chapters shouldn't be more than like... 3 google doc pages and paragraphs should be broken up. i like keeping my fic chapters short-ish so that they're easily digestible and force readers to Linger on the parts that i want them to. giant walls of text can sometimes put Huge Moments in your fics at the risk of getting lost!
let yourself sit on it for at least 2 days before you post it. do not read your own fic during the "sitting on it" time. let yourself back away from it and invite your mind to think about other things!! i've caught a LOT of my own mistakes or inconsistencies this way!
much easier said than done, but try not to let yourself get wrapped up in "the numbers" of posting (views, kudos, etc). obviously our goal as creatives is to get our work seen, but please remember to value yourself and your art above the numbers game! ;-; it literally took me a year (as of january lol) of constantly promoting my fics on twt (and later on here once i made an acct) before i found all of the amazing readers i have now! ^u^ and i wouldn't trade them for the world. i'd happily take 10 readers who comment and talk to me like a person over 100 hits/kudos or whatever!
that being said, don't be afraid to promote your fics. i felt annoying and stupid promoing mine but i'm ultimately so glad i did
there are probably others but i think these are my biggest ones (other than delving into like. tf2-specific "guides" i have for myself but i won't bore you with those). as far as tips for outlining or planning, i just have a channel in my gf and i's server dedicated to my fic that i post random snippet's i've written and want to include, random one-word concepts, like literally any time my brain has a Fic Related Thought i slap it in there. i'm also a huge fan of Linear/Traditional outlining too and do that with my more Complicated/Larger concepts that i want to execute in my fics so that i can stay consistent! :-)
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growinstablog · 4 years
5 Reasons Why Instagram Stories is Better Than Snapchat
How people use Instagram has drastically evolved over the years. Back in the day, people used Instagram mainly to upload photos of their brunch plates and share their latest selfies.
Now, people — and brands — are using Instagram Stories to share snippets of their days in a linear narrative through disappearing photos and video clips.
When Instagram launched Instagram Stories, people couldn’t help but notice how similar it was to Snapchat, another social networking platform where photos and videos self-destruct after 24 hours.
Instagram may seem like a copycat — and it is — but it sure knows how to replicate success and take it up a notch. Within just a year, Instagram Stories has far surpassed Snapchat with over 300 million daily active users, compared to 178 million for Snapchat.
If you’re not using Instagram Stories for your current marketing efforts, you’re missing out on a lot. Find out why you should start creating these evaporating but engaging stories for your followers and customers below.
Image credit: Mashable
Home Screen Advantage
One of the greatest advantages Instagram Stories has over Snapchat is its interface. It’s placed right smack on top of the native feed, which makes it perfectly accessible to all users.
Once a user logs in, they can instantly see all the Stories updates from everyone they follow.
Snapchat, on the other hand, is not so user-friendly. It requires a lot of click-throughs that prevent users from enjoying a continuous viewing experience.
Instagram is generous about promoting updates on Stories from verified accounts, and will send push notifications to all your followers whenever you do a live session.
Instagram Stories are also arranged in ascending order, which gives users access to the latest updates with minimal click-through needed.
With stellar placement and accessibility, it’s no wonder people are loving Instagram Stories more than Snapchat.
Better Ease Of Use
Both Instagram Stories and Snapchat operate the same way but the former trumps the latter for being more user-friendly.
Instagram Stories is the success that it is now because it addressed some of Snapchat’s major pain points by designing a timeline with more intuitive navigation.
Instagram Stories has an autoplay feature that allows users to binge-watch updates from all the accounts they follow uninterrupted. If you want to watch updates continuously on Snapchat, you have to pre-select the people you want to see and create a queue — which is A LOT of work compared to the ease of Instagram.
The effortless viewing experience makes it so easy for users to watch update after update from friends and brands. Instagram has successfully addressed some of the issues people had with Snapchat and took it up a notch.
The autoplay feature encourages users to watch more stories, both from friends and brands they follow.
If you’re a brand, now is the perfect time to integrate Instagram Stories into your current strategy. Instagram Stories is the perfect avenue to connect with potential customers on a more personal and casual level — away from everyone’s manicured and carefully curated timelines.
You might also want to consider purchasing a few thousand Instagram Followers from a reputable provider to kick off your marketing efforts. Buying a few thousand followers will give you a seemingly buzzworthy status that will have everyone’s eyes peeled on your Stories. And if they like what they see, they won’t hesitate to follow you as well.
250 Million Active Users
Back in June of this year, Instagram Stories hit over 300 million daily active users — and those numbers crush Snapchat’s 178 million by a mile.
When it comes to the sheer volume of users, there’s no denying Instagram Stories is the clear winner. Snapchat’s user growth continues to disappoint year after year as they lose momentum.
Instagram Stories’ user count is a clear indication that they’re doing something right. As a result, more people flock to this service than any similar competitors.
The number of users alone is enough to draw brands in and encourage them to create stories in their marketing efforts, for a chance to reach out to the platform’s 250 million active users.
Cataloging VS Permanence
Snapchat Stories and Instagram Stories may seem eerily similar — and they are — but how they’re packaged can’t be any more different.
Creators marketed Snapchat to the fun and reckless youth who want to send fun, silly or even compromising photos of themselves to friends without the repercussions that come with permanence.
Instagram, on the other hand, launched Stories with the idea of providing users with a place where they can catalog snippets of their lives — either in short video clips or images.
Instagram managed to strike the perfect balance of carefully curated and aesthetically pleasing newsfeeds with fun and casual disappearing timelines that ease the pressure of perfection — two things Snapchat can’t offer their users to the same degree.
Location Tagging
If there’s one thing Instagram is doing right, it’s making intuitive UIs for their users. Aside from the incredibly easy viewing experience it provides, Instagram makes it a lot easier for users to personalize their posts.
Instagram Stories also has a location tagging feature that helps businesses drive attention to their brick-and-mortar locations. Since not everyone can put a clickable link in their Instagram Stories, adding location tags is a great way to boost a brand’s social proof on the platform.
Aside from boosting a brand’s credibility, location tags also help users reach a local audience. Adding a specific location tag on a photo or image on Instagram Stories automatically associates it with other posts in the same area.
For an experiment, Bustle uploaded a series of photos and tagged their location. Within minutes, their posts were seen by users who are either in the area or are interested in seeing posts tagged by users within the immediate vicinity of their HQ.
The location tag is a nifty feature that will help smaller brands enrich their presence among local users.
Instagram Stories Is Where It’s At
From the sheer number of users down to ease of use, it’s clear how Instagram Stories attracted over 250 million users.
Now is the perfect time for brands and business owners to start integrating Instagram Stories into their current campaigns. Instagram Stories puts you one step closer to reaching your target audience, one story at a time.
Take your Instagram marketing campaign to a whole new level by uploading stories for all your followers to see. And consider purchasing a few thousand Instagram Followers from a reputable provider to give yourself a more impressive social proof. These extra followers will make your Instagram account look more noteworthy, and new users will be attracted to all the hubbub.
Instagram Stories is killing it right now and it would be a shame if you don’t take full advantage of it for your marketing efforts — so start uploading those stories TODAY.
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funnel-webbed-au · 11 months
A Shiny New Royal Heir
Riley's Notes: Nezha and Lian have a very cute platonic dynamic. Also, RIP Nezha. Welcome to paperwork hell, bud, same hell Erlang Shen has to deal with. Also, this post was written by Onyx and proofread by me. Onyx highlights their titles in pink.
To say that the Deity was bored would be an understatement. He was completely and utterly devoid of stimulation, not a familiar soul in sight to help him manage his strict and stressful duties. The issue was how ready he had(n't) been to take up his father's mantle, and there was not really any other solution to it than let him learn on his own, which was how he found himself in such a tricky situation in the first place. Prince Nezha, heir to His Highness Yang Jian was unhappy.
Unhappy in his role, unhappy without his beloved snake and certainly unhappy with how many imbecilic Celestials felt the need to send their complaints straight to the palace instead of using their brains to sort the issues out themselves. Was that really too much to ask? Apparently so. He had never known just how infuriating some people could be until he was already far too deep to escape his anxiety riddled torture, so he was stuck listening to the high pitched whine of whatever citizen was giving him a headache at any one time. Anything would be better than that.
Alas, he knew he could not leave his duties to collect dust. He would let his love for a special Storm Deity motivate him into keeping his childish habits and behaviors at bay for long enough to prove that he could handle the weight of his new, freshly polished, gold crown. He dreaded what may happen if he didn't... which forced his posture straight and his chin up, his façade no longer that of a traumatized child, but instead one of a war-hardened, invulnerable soldier. Soon enough that would no longer be an act, but instead the whole, undeniable, truth.
A long sigh left his lungs as he moved on to the next stack of written requests, the piles of paper slowly becoming painful to deal with and simultaneously getting taller every time he looked at them. When three-year-old Nezha said that he wanted to be a war general when he grew up, this was almost certainly not what he had meant. Ah, how present Nezha longed to regain that childish innocence. Realistically, it wasn't going to happen, but a man could hope, right? That wasn't really the prince's style even though he'd been shifted to different views a little.
He was shaken out of his thoughts by the entry of his beloved peach blossom, her footsteps near silent but loud enough to his overly sensitive ears that he knew she was coming. Hurrah! A savior! The tea that she was carrying with her smelled absolutely delectable, and the sweet treats that he knew his 'mother' had made almost rivaled it. "Nezha, dearie, you need to take a break. You will burn yourself out otherwise, and we can't be having that." Her soft, mellow tones were enough to convince his tired mind nigh on instantly, so he took the tea.
She seemed relieved that he hadn't fought her gentle orders, and it shone in the way she happily joined him behind his desk, resting on the hanging chair that he'd commissioned specifically for her. For some reason, any room that she was in almost immediately lost any tension that it had been carrying. It was weird, but Nezha wasn't about to complain, her presence lifting so much stress off of his tired shoulders. She was not even doing anything, just sitting behind him and sipping at her tea, and she was, miraculously, still the only medicine he would ever need
"Thank you, Lanhua. Your efforts in assisting me are appreciated and certainly do not go unnoticed. I do not know how to repay you, but I promise that It'll happen at some point." She clearly wasn't in the mood to be serious, as his words only elicited a giggle and a slight head shake, but even still, her point came across clearly: her kindness was free, he did not owe her anything. Upon Nezha figuring out what she meant, another sigh left his mouth but this one was just somewhat exasperated, all stress gone from his systems for a time
It was astounding, how she knew exactly what to do to get him to relax, but he wouldn't trade it for anything. He loved cared for her.
Author's Note!
I am incredibly sorry about the poor quality of this one! Wrote it late at night and almost fell asleep before finishing it, so it isn't my best work (Have a future!Nezha design as an apology). Thanks everyone for your support!
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funnel-webbed-au · 1 year
The Sparks of Hope
Nezha cringed after the shards scattered across the floor at his feet. He'd been shaking far too much to be able to hold such a beautiful vase without dropping it, and he should have known better. Now, he could only brace for the strike that would inevitably come.
But there was nothing.
Nezha opened his eyes, confused. Why had he not been struck? Wasn't it... normal to be struck for something like that? Erlang Shen sighed and shook his head, disappointed, but not angry. Why wasn't he... why wasn't he angry? The lotus Deity tilted his head, confused, but when Erlang's eyes met his, the raven stiffened, then bowed hastily.
"I, er, apologize deeply, Your Highness." He spoke quickly and eloquently, desperate to avoid being hurt for such a mistake. He couldn't afford to be anything but perfect, anything but the golden boy, the golden soldier, the most perfect and powerful Marshal that Heaven had to offer.
"It was an accident, my boy. Don't fret. Sure, perhaps there won't be another vase exactly like that, but it is a small tragedy that would pale in comparison to what it would be if the shards had harmed you."
The younger of the two Deities could hardly wrap his mind around what he had just heard. Erlang... really did care for him, didn't he? It almost brought a smile to the Marshal's face, but not quite. So close, yet so far. Nezha was quick to fetch a broom and dustpan, cleaning up the shards of broken china so that his superior wouldn't have to kneel. Such would be hard on his back, after all, and Nezha hated to see him suffer.
With the shards disposed of, the Storm Deity passed his protege a nod of approval, glad to see that he was as diligent and responsible as his reputation implied. The gesture drew a soft sigh of relief, no, contentment, from the Marshal, who soon reveled in soft scratches around his pointed ears.
"Thank you, my boy. It would be a shame to have had to disturb one of the three housekeepers at such an hour. I am very proud of you that you kept your composure... and I assure you, I will not strike you in anger. May Buddha cast me down should I ever harm you." The gentle, reserved affections that Nezha received while his superior spoke only served to convince him more of the storm Deity's sincerity. He didn't bite anymore, not if he didn't have to.
Maybe, just maybe, Nezha would get used to this.
One can hope.
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funnel-webbed-au · 1 year
Lunar Tides and the Price of Sanctity
Chang'E opened the door of her home and took a deep breath of the cold lunar air. There were some perks to living on the moon, and one of them was the almost eternally unbroken silence that the stars had to offer. Today, however, was an exception to this rule.
She smelled blood, and it made her veins run cold. Someone was there, and they were likely hurt. It wasn't unusual for certain Deities to be wounded in their lines of work; the scent made her spine tingle, regardless. As Chang'E followed the smell of blood and the trail of powerful magic that hung in the air, she found strange flowers blooming on the moonrock, where life shouldn't have been able to grow.
Her interest piqued, the Goddess of the Moon kneeled down to examine the flowers, and soon discovered that each one was sprouting from a tiny pool of ichor, the blood of another Deity. The colored tints on the petals made her heart skip a beat. They were pink, which reminded her of... no. It couldn't be.
She picked up the pace, and soon discovered that one of her closest friends was washing severe injuries in one of the ponds around her garden. She had mixed feelings about that, for on one hand, his ichor would nourish her garden, and on the other... hiding himself away like this wasn't healthy, and they both knew it.
Every drop of the Grand Marshal's golden ichor brought clarity to the water. Perhaps it was a cruel joke from the one who had granted his wish for a new life; perhaps it was simply tied to his powers as a nature Deity. Whatever the case was, his golden ichor turned the water from a soft grayish hue to a shining, translucent teal. The potent magic that filled the water would fuel Chang'E's garden for a long time.
...but nothing was worth the price of another's happiness.
The Goddess of the Moon approached the Central Altar Marshal, resting her hand on his shoulder. His muscles clenched, and he turned to her fast enough to startle the goddess, who fell backwards onto the gray rock sheet beneath them both.
A deep sigh escaped from the ancient Deity. He'd never meant to scare her, he never wanted to hurt anyone. Yet, it was all he was good at, or so he thought. He watched with interest as Chang'E disappeared into her home. She was leaving him; who wouldn't?
What caught him off guard next was when she came back.
The goddess had returned with a first aid kit, and as Nezha's eyes widened, she began to treat his wounds. It was a small gesture of kindness that caused the tension in his shoulders to evaporate. Even though his wounds wouldn't take too long to heal, Chang'E was still taking time out of her day, and maybe her livestream cooking show, to take care of him.
It was honoring, really, and reminded him that his few friends truly did love him.
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funnel-webbed-au · 1 year
For There Is No Hell like Heaven
As Nezha shed his armor, he swallowed harshly. He knew what laid beneath his signature red sleeveless shirt, and he didn't want to see it, but he knew he needed to bathe, needed to clean those scars. He paused to breathe, for it was all he could do to prepare himself for the wounds that would almost undoubtedly reopen under the hot water and the weight of his own grief.
His shirt came off far more easily than it should have. The horrendous mark right over his sternum and the marks around his major joints made him flinch. He hadn't gotten a good look at them in a while, for he never let his glamors down. He remembered who had done this to him, but he wasn't mad about it anymore. It was just the way it was, it was just his fate. Even the people that loved him sometimes felt he needed to be contained, and then there were the chain whip marks on his back... and the burns that had never healed around his worst scars.
They might never heal.
Nezha knew he'd have to live with that, as much as he hated that fact. The lotus Deity sighed, then turned around so he could examine the lash scars on his back courtesy of the multiple mirrors in his bathroom.
The scars didn't look any better than they had the day they had finished healing as much as they would. The Deity flinched as the memory of the chain whip against his skin returned with the same hateful fury that only Li Jing could deliver. That man never had the right to be referred to as his father, and Nezha knew it.
He'd just been naive, once upon an illusion-filled time.
Nezha ran the shower water to his favorite temperature, which was just a little too hot for most to handle. Not him. He couldn't help but relax as the water pulled the stress out of his body. Hot water had always been as much of a blessing as sky water, and he never got enough of either of it... though alas, he rarely had the time to really enjoy it, especially before Erlang had struck Li Jing down from his status as one of the Lords of Heaven.
It wasn't too long before the Deity remembered his responsibilities, remembered what others expected of him, and as he scrubbed his scars clean, he winced. Sure, he had an incredible pain tolerance, but with his heart in such a vulnerable state, his scars seemed to hurt much more under the surface of the sponge he used.
Gritting his teeth, Nezha finished scrubbing the dirt off of his back. He'd been knocked around a lot in today's training session, a minor inconvenience normally, but today? It was annoying and painful. He'd have to get back at his mentor for that.
As he stepped out of the shower, the Deity released a deep sigh. The mirror really highlighted the dark circles of permanent exhaustion below his eyes, and the harsh LED light only made it worse. The intensity of the light finally got to him, as he figured it would, and he was forced to turn the light off. Once his eyes adjusted, he dried himself off the old fashioned way, taking his time to savor the soft towels his shifu had bought for him. Unlike most... the fabric these were coated with didn't rub against his scars much.
He'd have to thank Yang Jian for that later.
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funnel-webbed-au · 10 months
Wood smoke and Ashes
Riley's Notes: Kinda long one. Here's something from early in arc two that explains largely why Iron Fan and DBK don't show up much, in this AU. Based a bit loosely off of my own interactions with my mother, but let me tell you, she was already making plans with what she'd do with my room before I'd even moved out yet. It felt like I never existed.
Red Son opened the door of his workshop with a quick entry of a passcode to the keypad near the door. A chill ran down his spine at the prospect of the conversation that he was about to start, but it needed to be said. He had to tell them, this had to be discussed. There was no getting out of it if he wanted a better life for himself.
He had to leave.
The fire Demon came into the living room with his nails tightly digging into his upper arms. Any tighter and onlookers would have said he was going to draw blood.
It was a terrifying thought, the idea of having to leave this fortress behind, but it was one he knew would give him more freedom than his lawlessness and his power ever would. Sure, he could do whatever he wanted in the city without consequences because he was such a powerful fire Demon, but when he was in his own home, it was like he didn't matter.
He hissed, wiping a tear from his eyes as he remembered a day he might wind up bringing up in the conversation he was about to start. This wasn't going to be easy, he knew that better than anyone else.
How did you leave someone you love behind?
“Mother…? Father…?” His voice cracked with the unease that had sunk its icy claws into his heart. He was usually so bright and filled with fiery passion, but now, in the presence of his parents, it was thoroughly stifled.
How the Hell did you tell your own family you wanted to leave, after everything they'd been through? The idea of broaching the topic twisted Hai'Er's stomach into horrible, painful knots that he'd almost forgotten. He had almost missed this pain. Perhaps this was what it meant to feel alive.
Princess Iron Fan turned to her son, raising an eyebrow though her expression didn't change from a deadpan otherwise. The entire sequence opened up a bottomless void in the fire Demon's gut.
He hated it.
“I, er… there is something we need to discuss. It is… of utmost importance and I dread broaching it now, in such an informal environment…” Those words brought Iron Fan to her feet, and she approached Red Son with an intimidating, almost towering presence that instilled fear into the one of her children who'd stayed with her, her favorite child…
Hai'Er flinched, unable to hide the chill that went down his spine from her cold gaze, filled with more frost and more unfeeling nothingness than that of the Lady Bone Demon… or so the redhead might say.
“Red Son, my dear, you know you can talk to us about whatever you need to. This is our home, although it doubled as a wartime fortress.” Iron Fan glanced at her husband, who had turned to watch the scene from his seat. He was still distracted by Chang'E's cooking show, however.
It was then that Red Son snapped. Boiling emotions tipping over, the heat of his workshop, and of the core of the volcano, erupting from within him.
“No, I can't talk to you, and no, this isn't our home. It's your home.” The fire Demon stepped back after saying those words, sweat rolling down his cheeks. The fear that set in afterwards couldn't be overstated, but despite it, Iron Fan didn't raise her voice.
“Why do you say that?” She tilted her head as she spoke those words, and it wasn't long before the Demon Bull King loomed at her side, expression serious. He didn't even need to prompt Red Son before the words came gushing out.
“This- this isn't my home. It doesn't… it doesn't feel like home.” He took a few moments to gather himself, steeling his nerves. Yes, right, he was the current wielder of the True Samadhi Fire, he didn't have anything to fear from them.
”You weren't there when I broke my arm in a training accident. I had to find ways to express myself without the use of my dominant arm for months. Sleeping wasn't easy, either, since I'm most inclined to sleep curled up on my right side, but I didn't expect you to be aware of that.“ His harsh tone drew a growl from his father, but he didn't stop. ”You two are always busy planning to take over the city, planning to take what was once rightfully ours. I'm not so sure if that city is ours to take anymore…”
He stopped, swallowing the vitriol that had threatened to overcome him… and for once, he made a choice. One he hadn't made in his own home for a long time.
The fire Demon allowed his expression to fall, showing the centuries of hurt he'd endured in the past. The instability, the lack of support, it was all hitting him harder now more than ever.
”…I can't stay here. This isn't a slight against you, but I can't stay here. You're not there when I need you, and I hate to say it, but the damn noodle boy and his friends always are. Someone he knows, if not him, will ask the unpleasant questions you two just… don't.“ He swallowed, then raised his expression to face his parents.
The Demon Bull King had turned his head away, no longer able to keep looking at his son. He knew he'd failed him, but he didn't know how severely until now. It was a mighty blow against his ego, one he might not recover from easily.
“I understand, son. If we can't give you what you need, I'll help you move out. Don't be afraid to use some of the yuan we've gained over the years to find yourself somewhere stable.”
Red Son smiled weakly, and for once, couldn't help the way his heart swelled, feeling warm and full for the first time in a long time. He wiped the tears from his eyes, nodding gently as he approached his mother.
Iron Fan moved almost too fast for comfort, wrapping her son up in her arms. The day had finally come, eh? She wasn't surprised, but it still hurt. She ran her fingers through her son's hair, appreciating the silky texture that was only there when Red Son took care of it.
“…I'm sorry, dear. This is… all of our faults, isn't it?” Although Iron Fan's voice cracked, her expression was reserved, restrained. She didn't want anyone to see her cry just yet.
“…I think so. Yours for not being there, mine for not communicating. Time will tell if this is… salvageable. If it's any consolation, I have hope that it is.” He smiled weakly as he clung to his mother. DBK picked them both up, holding them close to himself. He was going to miss his son deeply, but maybe it was better this way.
Sometimes, hope was all you had.
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funnel-webbed-au · 10 months
Take a Moment to Breathe
Tag List: @skellebonez
Riley's Notes: Hehe. I learned how to write panic attacks, flashbacks, and dissociation a little too well. Can you tell the venom, and his inner war with it, is severely fucking him up.
Since when was Nezha's room so... dark? So eerie? He couldn't remember, and as the ancient war Deity pulled his legs against his chest, the images flashed through his mind... and partially through his eyes. He flinched, hissing under his breath, even as venom dripped from his now curved fangs.
He pressed his back flat against the wall, fear clawing at his heart. That was Li Jing standing before him. So he really had come for him, hadn't he? Oddly, the older Deity said nothing and Nezha had to remind himself that he'd never be allowed here, and the enchantments on the palace wouldn't allow him to open a portal.
Nezha blinked, and the man he'd come to hold such a dreadful, all-consuming fear of was gone. Of course his mind and eyes were playing tricks on him; the venom was dangerously close to breaking the blood-brain barrier, and when that happened, well...
Nezha just hoped no one would have to see it.
He knew that seeing the venom's immediate aftereffects would tear his family's heart asunder. They'd all been through enough, and although they were healing, it was a slow and painful process as recovering from anything was. Nezha burst into a coughing fit with those thoughts in mind, and for once, the golden ichor he coughed up had lost its celestial glow. The subtle tint of green to it made the Deity's heart stop.
Breath, Nezha. Just breathe. He could already imagine his beloved mentor's words in his ears, imagine the careful scratches he would dole out with all absence of shame, all absence of care for judgement. The thought of being petted once more brought him some degree of comfort...
But it would never be enough.
The visages cleared for a moment, and Nezha realized that he wasn't in his room.
He was in a cave, at the funeral service of his own mind.
Where was he?
When was he?
Sydney felt the claws on his back, then glanced around as his four eyes finally came back into focus. He didn't know if that had been a true memory, or a hallucination. Gods, he really needed to get his next injection of his medicine.
Maybe it would help.
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funnel-webbed-au · 11 months
Hindsight's 20/20
Tag List: @skellebonez, here. Have some notes on this AU's iteration of Erlang Shen, in lore drop form.
Riley's Notes: Shorter piece, as it came to me spontaneously. Hopefully it sheds some light on how both Onyx and I write Erlang. There are some differences between the way we write, but the overview is the same.
The palace was too quiet in the so-called Prince's absence. He was Erlang's prince, after all, recently adopted thanks to the changing rules of Heaven's courts. The ancient Deity sighed as the eerie silence, only breached by the tap of his cane on the tiles, left him alone with his thoughts.
He was once quite a cruel man in the past. None of his attempts to justify his actions could soothe him now, as he knew better. It was a blessing and a curse, for he missed being that deluded, and yet knew it was better now that he wasn't, now that he could feel those nails digging into his heart. It had once been ashen and black, but now, it bled the golden, pure ichor of a man who loved and lost in equal measure.
A painting on one of the walls caught his attention. A single glance made his heart quietly fall to ruin within his chest, and the Deity approached it, every step labored as if forced. He remembered the monkey depicted on the canvas all too well.
The paint put into excruciating detail what he had thrown away so carelessly in the name of his 'justice' in the name of his so-called 'law'. What good was the law when it broke apart relationships?
What good was it then?
Yang Jian rested his hand against the frame of the painting, then closed his eyes. Mistakes like these weren't something that healed in a millennium, much less overnight. Perhaps he was a fool to hope, but hope was all he had at this point.
He could only pray that this hope wouldn't destroy him as utterly as it had Kui Mulang.
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funnel-webbed-au · 11 months
Just Press Pause
Tag List: @skellebonez
Riley's Notes: It's just Lian and Syntax being fluffy and domestic. I guess I should give everyone a break after that horrific post where Syntax passed out lol Also, drop theme is Soft Serve by Rook1e and park bird
Lian rolled out of bed with a soft groan, annoyed that her husband had left before she was even conscious. The mantis stretched her claws out before fully returning to her humanoid form, though she left her antennas out. She knew he loved them, and she adored the tender touches he would sprinkle her antennas with.
Once she was up and out of bed, she checked her closet. For once, her favorite black jacket was conspicuously absent. It drew a raised eyebrow from the former peach maiden, who soon shrugged and slid on a casual dress and house slippers.
The moment she came out of the hallway and into Pierre's workshop, she found two things: Her jacket, and her adorable partner, asleep at his desk. His head was resting on a throw pillow directly on top of his mousepad, and her jacket was draped around his shoulders. She knew he loved to steal her things, but this was getting ridiculous. As much as it exhausted her, though, the sight made her golden heart sing.
"Hey. Hey, bug. Wake up, bug." Lanhua snickered as her husband released a few soft French swears, and was pleasantly surprised when one in Mandarin slipped out. Syntax reached for his glasses, and the moment he had them on, he turned to Lian.
The sight of her alone soothed the residual stress from the episode he'd had that night, and any and all thoughts that were bothering him fell to a back burner. He rose to his feet, then stretched, all while Lian patiently waited for him to finish.
Lian didn't waste a single second when her partner held his arms out to her. It was nice to feel his exposed hands, and she intertwined her fingers with his. A shudder came from the spider, but he soon relaxed and Lian purred while her bug smiled, returning the purrs at a lesser intensity.
"Good morning, bug." Those words alone brought a barrage of morning kisses. It was a nice change of pace to be on the receiving end for once, and Lian wasn't going to take that for granted. She scooped the smaller Demon up into her arms to allow him more access, reveling in every touch he doled out.
"Someone's happy today."
Her voice drew a soft snicker from the spider in her arms, even as he used his metal claws to ease some tension in his spouse's back. They did have their uses, as annoying as the spinal attachment could be, not to mention painful. But, the utility outweighed the temporary discomfort that came from taking it on and off.
"Of course I am. How can I not be when you're the one that woke me up?" Syntax chuckled as Lian cooed from his words, then froze up when she kissed him. It rarely lasted, as they both had work to do sooner or later, but this time, he pulled himself deeper into her embrace. Her arms around him, and his head on her shoulder... he really treasured these moments.
Syntax flinched and shuddered, clinging to her more tightly than before. He relaxed somewhat at the sensation of Lian's fingers in his hair.
"Hey, sweetie, how about we freshen up, then head out to that cafe my brother likes so much? I'm sure it will help." The way she'd lowered her voice, softened it, it brought a degree of comfort to the spider's stress-addled mind.
"Let me retrieve my meds first, blossom, I'll meet you outside." The spider pressed a kiss to her cheek, and she repaid him in a split second, covering his cheeks with kisses.
It was mornings like these that reminded him he'd have the support he needed, no matter what came. He had Lian, he had Maverick, and he had his extended family in turn.
It put him at ease.
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funnel-webbed-au · 11 months
Through the pits of Hell, Together
Tag List: @skellebonez (Huntsman and Syntax bit. Figured you'd want to see this.)
Riley's Notes: Additional content warning not in the tags: Syntax passes out from blood loss. Also, this is a vent drop. Some of the things that happen with the spiders will have parallels to some bullshit I'm going through right now. What little sense of stability I had imploded on 6/11/23 and I am very out of sorts. The blog might go on another hiatus while I deal with the isolation and with moving out.
The clock ticked by, every sound, painful and agonizing as Syntax sat, contemplating the information he'd discovered from his exploratory genetic testing. He'd discovered something that had truly broken him, and it wasn't just that he'd once used to be human.
The spider he'd treated so harshly was the last blood relative he had contact with now, and that fact only contributed to the sense of isolation that was gnawing at him. He leaned against the wall of his workshop, long after Maratus had put his lab into power save mode. This knowledge truly had him in a chokehold, unable to forget it, unable to fully process it, either.
Mac turned as the blast doors to his lab were unlocked, and the spider he'd been thinking about so intensely crossed the threshold into his living space. As the larger spider approached, Syntax curled up, desperately wanting to hide from everything and everyone... and especially to hide the marks on his body.
No such luck.
Huntsman kneeled down in front of the younger spider, shivering with dread. The blood dripping from those wounds dug a pit in his stomach. Those injuries would need stitches, and he knew from experience that the younger spider was more of a danger to himself than anyone else. It made Knox glad that he'd brought a first aid kit with him, along with the supplies he'd need for stitches.
"Mac. Mac, stay with me, damn you, nerd." Knox shook his cousin, his junior by fifteen years, until the younger spider opened his eyes before the blood loss could knock him out. A soft croak came from the younger, shorter spider as he fully registered the presence of the last blood relative he had contact with.
Pierre didn't know what to think anymore, and he didn't have the strength to fight, either. He hardly moved, even as Knox jammed the local anesthetics he had around the lab into three places along Syntax's leg.
Was he Syntax? Was he Pierre?
Who even was he then, and who was he now?
Was there even a difference...?
Pierre didn't feel the needle going through his skin while Knox stitched up the horrific gashes on his calf and thigh. He could hardly hear his cousin's voice, either, even as his consciousness faded in and out.
At least he wasn't bleeding out in the cramped silence of his private workshop.
~ ~ ~
Pierre woke up in his bed, connected to an IV filled with a deep green liquid mingled in with shining neon green flecks. He raised his free hand to his forehead, then winced from the harsh light above. He reached around, and somehow, quickly found his goggles, then slid them on over his eyes. The relief from his migraine was immediate, and it drew a sigh of relief from the small spider.
"You scared me, kid."
Huntsman's deep, gruff voice, filled with exhaustion and relief alike, pierced Syntax's usually cold heart. The elder spider had been crying, hadn't he? Syntax sat up, then craned his neck to see Knox covering his face with one of those huge, scarred hands.
"...you scared me... kid..."
The way Hunter's voice cracked, then broke the second time keyed him in all too well. Maverick had been crying, and the fact both surprised Pierre and gave him hope. The 5'8 spider tapped the edges of his bed, shaking somewhat, then swallowed and spoke.
"...Hunter, have you been..." He didn't even have the courage to finish his statement. Sometimes, though, he didn't need to. The bond between them had already been established long before Pierre had discovered their genetic connection.
"...what does it look like..." Maverick allowed his cousin to catch a glimpse of the tears dripping down, even though his voice was begrudging about it. The spider shivered before the tension in his shoulders completely gave out, resulting in a dramatic slump. The relief was immeasurable.
His cousin was alive. He hadn't been too late.
"...I'm... I'm sorry, Hunter... I... learned something that made it nigh impossible to live with what I'd done on Estelle's behalf. We're related, Hunter. By blood. You're my older cousin, Maverick Braddock... I... I never got to meet you until Stella got us, and now, we're stuck here because of me-"
As Pierre dug his nails into his forearms, he soon felt Maverick grasp is upper arms to stop him. Maverick's jade eyes were still misty with tears, and the younger spider could only sigh as he relaxed his assaults on his own skin.
Knox sighed.
"Kid, you thought you were gonna get out in one piece, that's the only reason why I thought you'd help her before she got you. Now, though, we're in this together, for both better, and for worse... and we have to make the most of that."
Syntax swallowed hard. It would take a miracle for the older spider to trust him, that much he was sure of, but there had to be something he could do to help. For now, though, he simply watched the IV drip replenish his life.
It was then that he noticed the needle in his cousin's arm.
They were in this together, come hell or high water, the deepest caverns to the highest mountains.
"...I'll... keep that in mind. Thank you, Knox." For once, Pierre's voice wavered.
He didn't mind.
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funnel-webbed-au · 11 months
Tag List: @skellebonez
2. A.M.
Syntax closed his laptop with a soft sigh, then narrowed his eyes. There would be Hell for the unforgivable, horrible things that Estelle had done, to him, and to all of them. She'd lied to Esmeralda, she'd lied to her now henchmen. It was only fair that he lie to her about what his true intentions were, about what he meant to do now that he had decided to stay for now.
He was going to tear her apart, steal everything that mattered to her, just like she'd stolen his humanity. He couldn't go home with the first member of his family he'd met in a decade. No one would recognize him but his cousin, who was stuck here with him, stuck here because of him.
If only he hadn't been so naive. Maybe he could have prevented this. Now, though, there wasn't any use quietly tearing himself apart over it. Syntax wrapped up the injuries on his forearms, throwing the blade away as he did so. No. There was no use in letting this grief fester, he had to do something with this wrath.
So, the spider prowled through the cursed passageways of the cavern he begrudgingly called home, passing by a number of different chambers as he moved. Every footstep was filled with purpose, filled with wrath and anger and hate.
She wasn't getting away with this.
He wouldn't let her.
The smaller spider crossed the threshold into Estelle's room, his intentions fully masked. He couldn't let her know, not yet at least. When she took notice of him, he nodded at her, forcing a smile that she couldn't tell was a lie.
She'd taught him too well how to lie.
It wasn't long before his claws were at her throat, his eyes drilling into hers.
"You took everything from me, from us. You stole our humanity. If you think I'll let you live after this, you're sorely mistaken." His voice was deathly quiet, for rage never makes a sound. He was going to make her pay for everything she'd done. She'd stolen things from him he could never take back, and as the venom dripped down his claws, Estelle knew he was going to kill her. The fear rendered her paralyzed. His claws were so close to her throat, so sharp, so well refined...
It was only fitting that it would be used against her now, for after all, she'd ruined his chances of finding a home in the Megapolis. If he was going to die here, despondent and alone, he was going to take her with him, with the very same weapons that were once used in her service.
Alas, the footsteps of his beloved adopted mother forced him to leave Estelle alone. As Esmeralda entered the room, she was too late to see what Syntax was trying to do. His claws were clean now, as were his fangs, and both of them knew damn well that Esmeralda would never believe her partner. Syntax, no Pierre, maintained too good of a facade of complacency for anyone to suspect him just yet.
While the jade scorpion went to comfort the obsidian spider, Syntax simply huffed, then sighed, as he always did when he was upset about something... or seemed so. His cruel, venomous green eyes made his former master shiver, because now she knew.
Her minions no longer served her.
She wasn't safe from them anymore.
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funnel-webbed-au · 1 year
Ashes, Thunder, and Gold Dust
Sydney opened his quartet of jade green eyes as sweat rolled down his cheeks. He sat up so sharply mere moments later that a tremor ran through his body. The adrenaline rush that followed wasn't pretty.
Who had those men in his dream been? One of them wore shining golden armor and had an award winning smile, but something still felt wrong about it, like it was pyrite, fool's gold. He didn't trust that smile, and seeing it again would fill him with a thirst for violence, that, he knew. He was the second eldest of the three men he'd seen... and his hair was the second longest, as well.
One of the other men had nature powers and dressed like a scholar would. Sydney could vaguely remember that this man had been cruel to him. His voice was harsh, scathing, yet maintained pseudo manners. It reminded him of... someone. He couldn't pin any of their names, but he knew this man was like them. He always expected the worst of Sydney, even when he hadn't done anything knowingly wrong. His cruel voice and the harsh blows he would deliver when he was commanded made Sydney's tainted blood boil.
Fire filled the spider's veins as he staggered to his feet, hissing. He could already see him now: His black hair tied back neatly into a ponytail, his face unfeeling and cruel. Yet, Sydney knew that for whatever luck of the horrible draw, this man was supposed to have taken care of him.
He did anything but.
The spider's eyes lit up with jade green as the tears began to fall, caustic and dangerous, too much for anyone to handle.
His veins burned with his grief, burned with the adrenaline that coursed through them. Every moment of his fury only caused it to grow, the pain, and the wrath, driving him to claw the edges of his lair. The marks in the rocks would terrify anyone, but at least he had this way of venting his frustrations. No one needed to suffer because of his outbursts.
What were their names? He didn't know the names of any of the three men, and the third's demeanor, the third's face, it eluded him for a few more horrific moments. The spider sighed as venom dripped from his jaws and onto the cave floor below him. No, he had to calm down, no matter how much it hurt. He had to protect the spiders who'd taken him in. They were all he had left, after all, and he couldn't disappoint them the way he had two of the men in his dream.
As the pain subsided, along with the adrenaline and the stress, the face of the third man finally came to him: It was a kind, sincere one, filled with the crease marks of age that would have come with a Deity of his caliber. He was an ancient, wise man, one who's heart was as filled with love as it was with pain.
For some reason, the thought of the raven caused the funnel web spider to relax. That man's arms were held out to him in his dream, and the way he'd held him spoke to the love between them, spoke to the unbreakable bond. He missed it... he missed someone he couldn't even name, someone he hardly remembered.
But how was that possible?
More importantly... What was Estelle hiding from him?
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growinstablog · 4 years
5 Reasons Why Instagram Stories is Better Than Snapchat
How people use Instagram has drastically evolved over the years. Back in the day, people used Instagram mainly to upload photos of their brunch plates and share their latest selfies.
Now, people — and brands — are using Instagram Stories to share snippets of their days in a linear narrative through disappearing photos and video clips.
When Instagram launched Instagram Stories, people couldn’t help but notice how similar it was to Snapchat, another social networking platform where photos and videos self-destruct after 24 hours.
Instagram may seem like a copycat — and it is — but it sure knows how to replicate success and take it up a notch. Within just a year, Instagram Stories has far surpassed Snapchat with over 300 million daily active users, compared to 178 million for Snapchat.
If you’re not using Instagram Stories for your current marketing efforts, you’re missing out on a lot. Find out why you should start creating these evaporating but engaging stories for your followers and customers below.
Image credit: Mashable
Home Screen Advantage
One of the greatest advantages Instagram Stories has over Snapchat is its interface. It’s placed right smack on top of the native feed, which makes it perfectly accessible to all users.
Once a user logs in, they can instantly see all the Stories updates from everyone they follow.
Snapchat, on the other hand, is not so user-friendly. It requires a lot of click-throughs that prevent users from enjoying a continuous viewing experience.
Instagram is generous about promoting updates on Stories from verified accounts, and will send push notifications to all your followers whenever you do a live session.
Instagram Stories are also arranged in ascending order, which gives users access to the latest updates with minimal click-through needed.
With stellar placement and accessibility, it’s no wonder people are loving Instagram Stories more than Snapchat.
Better Ease Of Use
Both Instagram Stories and Snapchat operate the same way but the former trumps the latter for being more user-friendly.
Instagram Stories is the success that it is now because it addressed some of Snapchat’s major pain points by designing a timeline with more intuitive navigation.
Instagram Stories has an autoplay feature that allows users to binge-watch updates from all the accounts they follow uninterrupted. If you want to watch updates continuously on Snapchat, you have to pre-select the people you want to see and create a queue — which is A LOT of work compared to the ease of Instagram.
The effortless viewing experience makes it so easy for users to watch update after update from friends and brands. Instagram has successfully addressed some of the issues people had with Snapchat and took it up a notch.
The autoplay feature encourages users to watch more stories, both from friends and brands they follow.
If you’re a brand, now is the perfect time to integrate Instagram Stories into your current strategy. Instagram Stories is the perfect avenue to connect with potential customers on a more personal and casual level — away from everyone’s manicured and carefully curated timelines.
You might also want to consider purchasing a few thousand Instagram Followers from a reputable provider to kick off your marketing efforts. Buying a few thousand followers will give you a seemingly buzzworthy status that will have everyone’s eyes peeled on your Stories. And if they like what they see, they won’t hesitate to follow you as well.
250 Million Active Users
Back in June of this year, Instagram Stories hit over 300 million daily active users — and those numbers crush Snapchat’s 178 million by a mile.
When it comes to the sheer volume of users, there’s no denying Instagram Stories is the clear winner. Snapchat’s user growth continues to disappoint year after year as they lose momentum.
Instagram Stories’ user count is a clear indication that they’re doing something right. As a result, more people flock to this service than any similar competitors.
The number of users alone is enough to draw brands in and encourage them to create stories in their marketing efforts, for a chance to reach out to the platform’s 250 million active users.
Cataloging VS Permanence
Snapchat Stories and Instagram Stories may seem eerily similar — and they are — but how they’re packaged can’t be any more different.
Creators marketed Snapchat to the fun and reckless youth who want to send fun, silly or even compromising photos of themselves to friends without the repercussions that come with permanence.
Instagram, on the other hand, launched Stories with the idea of providing users with a place where they can catalog snippets of their lives — either in short video clips or images.
Instagram managed to strike the perfect balance of carefully curated and aesthetically pleasing newsfeeds with fun and casual disappearing timelines that ease the pressure of perfection — two things Snapchat can’t offer their users to the same degree.
Location Tagging
If there’s one thing Instagram is doing right, it’s making intuitive UIs for their users. Aside from the incredibly easy viewing experience it provides, Instagram makes it a lot easier for users to personalize their posts.
Instagram Stories also has a location tagging feature that helps businesses drive attention to their brick-and-mortar locations. Since not everyone can put a clickable link in their Instagram Stories, adding location tags is a great way to boost a brand’s social proof on the platform.
Aside from boosting a brand’s credibility, location tags also help users reach a local audience. Adding a specific location tag on a photo or image on Instagram Stories automatically associates it with other posts in the same area.
For an experiment, Bustle uploaded a series of photos and tagged their location. Within minutes, their posts were seen by users who are either in the area or are interested in seeing posts tagged by users within the immediate vicinity of their HQ.
The location tag is a nifty feature that will help smaller brands enrich their presence among local users.
Instagram Stories Is Where It’s At
From the sheer number of users down to ease of use, it’s clear how Instagram Stories attracted over 250 million users.
Now is the perfect time for brands and business owners to start integrating Instagram Stories into their current campaigns. Instagram Stories puts you one step closer to reaching your target audience, one story at a time.
Take your Instagram marketing campaign to a whole new level by uploading stories for all your followers to see. And consider purchasing a few thousand Instagram Followers from a reputable provider to give yourself a more impressive social proof. These extra followers will make your Instagram account look more noteworthy, and new users will be attracted to all the hubbub.
Instagram Stories is killing it right now and it would be a shame if you don’t take full advantage of it for your marketing efforts — so start uploading those stories TODAY.
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