#[dq + fe = this] fantasy au
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got another fantasy ref done, for another character that hasnt been introduced yet-
his name is kazuichi and he’s an edgy boi
also srry for a lack of content, but i got no asks for the event so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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The group of three approached the White Lily Platoon. "Ave," the largest boy greeted them. [poorly-drawn-akira]
Jacian had been talking to a small group of soldiers, whom dispersed as the three approached.
"Hm? Ah, greetings." He gave a bow, before straightening himself and quickly assesing the group. "I can only assume that you three are simply passing through the area as well, yes?"
( @poorly-drawn-akira )
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what a dynamic duo
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(ok srry it took so long to do this but i was finishing my magnum opus and then had to set up my new computer so-)
(fantasy starter time :] )
“We should be less than day away now, so let’s just set up camp here for the night.”
“Alright.... I’ll go let the others know....”
“Thanks Saino!”
Taiana watched as her brother ran off to inform the rest of their rag-tag group, before letting out a small sigh.  Leading a platoon was harder than she had expected... But she was a knight now!  She could handle it.  And so far she had been able to help so many people that the whole endeavor was most definitely worthwhile.   Their current mission was a bit concerning though.... Apparently an assassins’ guild was having some infighting, and a local village was being used as a warzone.  And while she had no doubt in her comrades’ abilities, it was quite a bit more dangerous then any of the previous missions they had gone on.  If worst came to worst, she could always.... Use that, but...
“Uh, Taiana?”  She was shaken from her thoughts as a blue haired boy approached her.
“Oh, Gabbrielli! Apologies, I was lost in thought.  What do you need?”
“Oh, no worries.  And it’s not me that needs something, you see-”  
They both turned their heads towards the shouting, before Gabbrielli continued.
“There were some hunting traps along the route, and Kazuichi may have gotten himself stuck in a tree.”  
Taiana, stifled a laugh, before proclaiming “Well then! As captain of the Bladed Roses, I must always help those in need!”  She began to run off in the direction of the shouting, stifling yet more laughs, and completely abandoning any negative thoughts she had held previously.
“We may have a lead on where they are headed, Sir.”  Jacian turned around to face the person addressing him.
“Oh?  In that case, full report Anton.”
“Of course Sir.  There seems to be a disturbance in a nearby village, some infighting from the Bloodwater Assasins Guild, and as there has been some civilian casualties it is very likely that their group will b headed there.”  
Jacian rested his chin on his hand, contemplating this new information.  Hm... If she was a knight of the caliber she seemed to be, then surely she would not stand by and ignore an issue such as this one.  Still, it would be better to to stand by and watch for the moment.
“Anton, tell the troops to prepare.  We leave at sunrise tomorrow, but send a small group ahead to assess the situation.  I’d recommend placing Kyō at their head, as she has the most experience in stealth and the like.”
The young man gave a salute. “Yes Sir! I shall ensure our departure is flawless.”
“Thank you Anton.”  And with that, Anton left the room.  Jacian turned his focus back to the night sky, the moon hanging heavily in the sky.  Taiana Dracheilig.... He had heard tales of her; a knight originating from the lands of Nalion who wandered the lands with a rag-tag group that accepted all who wished to help others.  Why on Earth his lord had ordered him to go after her, he had no idea.  In truth, the situation seemed a bit strange, but.... As a knight, he lived by his values, and that included faithfully following his masters order, regardless of his own feelings.  This was his oath, what he lived for.  And the White Lily Platoon had never once failed.
Theo sat in his study, tinkering with some manner of invention.  I was nearly midnight, but the nights were truly the only time he had to himself anymore.  Gods, how he despised leading a country...  But, at the very least Nalion was unconventional by many means, so many of a leaders normal duties were absent.  Even so, he simply wished to focus on his studies and research.  Suddenly, there was a knock on the study door.  initially Theo was confused, but he then realized that there was only one person it could be.
“Come in, but pardon the mess.” He said, and shortly after the door creaked open.
“My word, you really were not kidding about the mess.” 
“Are you really surprised Vladislav?  You know how I get when I work on my projects.”
The man who had entered the room smirked, tiling up his hat a bit. “No, no I suppose not.”  He stretched out his bat like wings a bit, yawning.  
“....So, any leads on my father?”  Theo asked, still working on what he had been previously.
“Sorry, but not yet.  Though, there has been an even great influx of undead and the sorts.”  He sighed, fidgeting with his long, white hair a bit.  “I hate to say that the two might be related somehow, but....”
“Hm... It does seem so.”  Theo sighed, turning to face the other man.  “Well, if you could keep searching that would be appreciated.  I shall see what I can do on my end as well.  Oh, and...”  He turned back to his desk, grabbing some sort of weapon and talismans from the drawer on its left side.  “Here are the things you requested.”
Vladislav tipped his hat. “Many thanks.  I’ll be back next moon so we can reconvene.”  Theo nodded, and with that Vladislav departed.  
Theo stared intensely at the small flame illuminating his workspace.
Where have you gone?”
Two gods, one of life and death,
Two knights, their fates intertwined,
Two assassins who have forsaken their own,
And Two kings, one of freedom and one of tradition.
How do these fates intertwine?
Only the gods know.
[JJBFantasy: Start]
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Any gods around here willing to help some guy break a curse?
"Willing? Yes. Able? Depends."
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Shoza and Synia sat across from each other, the only thing between them being Synia’s desk.  Neither wanted to start the conversation.  But, eventually Shoza did.
“....Why didn’t you tell me he’s been missing, Synia.  It’s been 3 damn years, you have no excuse.”
The woman avoided his gaze.  “Because you didn’t need to know.  And I knew you’d get like this.”
“I didn’t need to know? I DIDN’T NEED TO KNOW!?” Shoza’s tone was getting angrier by the second, and he slammed his hands down on Synia’s desk. “LIKE HELL I DIDN’T NEED TO KNOW, HE’S MY FUCKING SON WOMAN!” Synia stood up, avoiding eye contact no more, giving the man a piercing glare. 
“Oh really? Coulda fooled me, with how much he despises your sorry ass.  I can’t blame him, honestly, it’s not his fault his father was such a goddamn coward he treated his son like shit just so he could get him to take his life, all because ‘Oh wah, it’s too hard to live without my wife’.  What makes you think he wants your sorry ass saving him, huh?”
As soon as the words came out, she regretted them.  Not because they were false, or exaggerated.
But because they were painfully true.
Shoza just stood there in silence, hunched over the desk.  For a second it seemed his rage had boiled over, that he was about to explode, but then....
He just got up from the desk, his posture and expression just hollow. Empty. Defeated.
All he could muster was a near silent “......You’re right.”  Behind those tiny, seemingly insignificant words were years of denial, years of pain, years of suppressed regrets.
And with that, before Synia even had a chance to say anything back, the man left.  All Synia could do was curse herself.  
But... maybe accepting the truth would help him.
At least, that’s what she hoped.
As the truth was all she could offer.
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"....Why didn't she tell me...?"
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