#[flower friend] saino seiryu
Oh it’s the touhous!
...I didn't notice at first.... But that was because a good lot of them.... Are actually from future entries in the series.... Had to break into one of the counselor's offices to figure that one out....
....But there has to be some reason for it.... And I intend to find it out.....
....Among other things...."
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Saino rested his chin onto his folded arms. Sigh. Things had been really boring lately... He couldn't do anything with Taiana, since she was still stuck in studying hell (hell, she had barely even spent any time with Jacian since he had gotten back, and she had been anticipating that for months), and really besides her he didn't exactly have any friends. He usually just tagged along with her or helped Theo out at home.
...Neither of which were options right now. Siiiighhhh.
...Maybe he could finally start looking into That. He had the time, and he had been meaning to at some point...
...Yeah, yeah he should. But hm... It would be hard to do alone. He needed a partner in crime, so to speak...
...And be knew exactly how he was going to find one.
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it is very important to me that you know that this is how saino's dressed
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saino momence 2
aka i realized something while listening to yuuka's theme yesterday on a related not saino's stand name has been changed
pc-98 saino ft. probably one of my favorite touhou quotes ever (from stage 1 of yuuka's route in mystic square)
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and just the sprite bc hot damn. im kinda proud of this despite it being done quick + low effort lol
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saino momence
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Knock knock, plant boy returns to the Seiryu residence for Robot Consultation(tm)
Once again, Saino was the one to open the door, but this time he at least recognized Len. He stepped back, pointing to his left. "...Theo's in his study, um... It's the door right there...."
[ @poorlydrawnmoriocs ]
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"Hey Jacian, do you think it would be funny if we left Saino unconscious on the sidewalk?" [ @tub-thump3r ]
Jacian jolted out of thoughts, a bit startled. "Ah, um..... I.... Think he would not be too pleased, but...." ....Did he think it would be funny? He.... He wasn't sure. He hadn't been very sure about quite a few things since Orlando had went to check up on the others, but.... Surely, he was just tired. Surely. "......Maybe....?"
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Give us a rundown on the top 5 shadiest alleyways in town!
"Oh man, that's hard... Most of em are like, equally shady? So i dunno if there's five stand out ones, but... I'll try!
So obviously number one is the one Jimmy Hundredknives hangs out in. I mean, it makes sense, he does just teach people how to do illegal acts. But also that place is mug-central, don't go in there unless you're prepared to get jumped, ESPECIALLY at night.
Uh, I don't know if shady is the right word exactly, but the ghost alley is definitely something that people should probably avoid if they aren't stand users or experienced with ghosts and stuff.
I personally will never go near the alleyway where that weird homeless guy hit me in the head with a wine bottle ever again, though that's honestly a fairly tame alleyway besides that.
Oh yeah, there's one alleyway that that third year girl who does the sword duels and her brother uses as a secret hideout! Though I don't think that's necessarily shady since she fights crime and doesn't cause it. Actually, thinking about it, there hasn't been any duels lately... Huh, i wonder why?
Anyways, uh...... There's one time I saw my mom's boss in a dumpster, and I have refused to go near that alleyway ever since. I don't know why she was in the dumpster. She's kinda weird.
And I guess that's it. Most of em aren't... ''''shady'''' really, but, they're odd at the very least!"
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“...Uh, Saino?”
“Isn’t.... Your hair supposed to turn blonde when you bleach it?????”
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“.....Oh.....my god.....pfft....”
“What? Saino, c’mon don’t do this to me right now!”
“....I’m.... I’m so sorry... It’s just.... You look like dad without his mustache......”
“....Ok, you have a point but STILL- Do you think the pink hair dye is gonna look purple now???? Is that how hair dye works?????”
“.....I think it’ll be fine.....?”
“.....I should have just asked Theo for help.”
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🐣 gimmie an absolute BAPY
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Do Not Seperate.
bonus, edgy nerd brother (though like a century prior lmao)
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"....Hm..... 7000 yen......
....I hope that's enough...."
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Perfect anniversary gift: giant stuffed bear holding a heart that says Shit Bitch You Is Fine on it. Works every time.
".....I.... don't know if she would appreciate that.....
.....Her little sister probably would..... but not her...."
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No sir I support your scheme!
"....Mm.... I hope that Keina likes whatever we come up with...."
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Oh? Schemin?
"...I'm not scheming, just....
....Ok maybe I am scheming, but it's for a good cause, ok....?"
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"Oh hey Saino! Just your usual, I can assume?"
"....Uh, yeah... Thanks..." He fiddled with his hands a bit as he waited that the cafe's counter, seemingly nervous, which was... Unusual, at least from what Cris knew.
He placed the new-finished drink on the counter. "Hey, are you doing alright? Wanna talk about anything, or...?"
Saino looked up, but averted his gaze a bit. "....Well, I'd hate to distract you from your work, but...."
"Oh, I was just about to go on break anyways, no worries. Besides, sometimes it helps to talk about something you're nervous about." He put his elbow on the counter, resting his face in his hand.
Saino placed 500 yen on the counter, taking his drink. "....Alright, um.... So my girlfriend and I's third anniversary is coming up.... And I... want it to be special, but.... I don't know what to do to make it that... Plus I don't have as much... money for it as I would like... I just.... I want to show her how much she means to me.... And I know that anything I do would be appreciated, and it's my feelings that matter most, and all that sappy stuff, but.... I still want to do something big for her....! She works really hard, and has to support herself and her sister, so.... So I want to treat her to something really nice...."
Cris nodded along as he spoke. "I see.... Well, I think I can help you with that!"
".....Huh...? Really....?"
He smiled. "Yeah! Before I moved here I had a girlfriend, and we had been together for around 5 years, so you could say I have so experience. I'll tell you what: Once I get off my shift, we can meet up and start on a game plan. That sound good?"
Saino gave a small smile. "....Yeah..... thank you, Cris...."
"Hey, it's no problem! See you then."
Side quest: All is Fair in the Game of Love; START!
Saino and his girlfriend's third anniversary is quickly approaching, and he wants to something really big for it. However, a lack of time and funds-as well as the general hecticness of recent events-are making things hard, and stressful. Will Cris's experience in the dating world be able to help him go big? Or in the end, will the simplest solution prove to be best?
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Taiana made her way to the principal's office the next morning before classes started, Saino in tow. She knocked on the door, waiting for a response.
...There wasn't one. The two exchanged nervous glances, before Taiana pushed open the door.
"Hey Jacian, you doing alright in... here..."
".....I guess even he can... get overworked..."
Jacian was laying facedown on the floor fast asleep; There some papers scattered around him, seemingly what he had been doing before he (unintentionally) took a power nap.
"Yeah, seems so." She made her way over to him, shaking him a bit in an effort to wake him up. "Hey, Jacian, it's morning, gotta get up bud."
"Ghhh... Taiana...? He turned his head to look at her, as he tried to get himself up, before fully processing what she said. "Wh- H-how is it morning already!? Oh gods, I barely even had the chance to look over the intel Merridith gave me..."
Taiana helped him to his feet. "Jacian... Don't tell me you're trying to run the school AND do an investigation at the same time.
....Actually I don't need you to tell me. C'mon Jacian, you're burning the candle at both ends. You haven't had an easy past month, I know that, and I doubt you've had a single day of ACTUAL rest since... You know. You can't keep piling responsibilities onto yourself, especially since you just got out of the hospital."
"But Taiana, I can not just-"
"When was the last time you had something to eat?"
"Jacian, have you eaten recently? I bet you got too absorbed in trying to do two people's jobs at once, and forgot. Am I right?"
"I...." His stomach quietly rumbling made the answer quite apparent. "....Fine, you are correct. But you saw the state of things yesterday! Someone qualified needs to hold down the position of principal to ensure nothing goes awry while I try and find out while we are even in this situation to begin with; I may not be the best fit, but I at the very least know I can keep things in order, and ensure all goes smoothly on both fronts."
"Jacian, come on.... Look, you trust me, right?"
"Of course I do Taiana; You put your faith in me, and I will put mine in you as well."
"Then let me be principal."
"Taiana, are you sure abou-"
"Yes, I am. I want to help you Jacian, and this is the best way to do that. Besides, I have some knowledge in overseeing and managing people, and I got Saino here to help me if I need it!" She gave him a reassuring smile.
"....Alright, I suppose I can do that. But do try not to change anything major; I just got everything back in order last night...
Ah, and you would not mind me using the office as a base of operations still, would you?"
"Of course not, you're free to come and go as you please. And don't worry, I'm here to maintain order and help you out." She gave a thumbs up, and Jacian smiled.
"Alright then; Thank you Taiana. And, I, uh..." Should he say it? His face turned a bit red as he averted his gaze. "I-I love yo-"
In the blink of an eye, Jacian disappeared. Taiana sat there in shock for a moment, just... Trying to process so many things? Her face was a bit red too, but she quickly shook herself from it.
"Gahhh things are so weird around here... Alright Saino, let's...
Saino had made his way outside as soon as Jacian had put him and Taiana in charge, smile on his face and sleeves rolled up.
He was going to line the walkways and windows with SO many flowers.
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