#[four puffs of farrah fawcett spray*/threads]
alwaysthesitter · 1 year
Fuck the full moon and everything that came with it. When it came to the actual being a werewolf part, it wasn't all that bad. If only because he didn't remember anything. Which was scary enough in itself, but Steve had started taking precautions to make sure he didn't accidentally hurt anyone. Drive the BMW to the far outskirts of Hawkins, away from most of humanity, and just run wild in the woods until morning. There were occassional freak outs, like when he would wake up naked and covered in blood, relieved - and absolutely grossed out - to find a dead animal nearby.
But what sucked the most, other than the fear of doing something he would terribly regret one day? The transformations themselves. It wasn't easy on the body to go from a human to a full blown wolf, and his body had already been through enough as it was. Limbs would elongate, hair would sprout - well, more than it already was on Steve - fangs would grow, spine would curl and hunch. And then it was like doing everything in reverse, shoving everything into a tight and compact space. And of course it couldn't be fast, oh no. It always felt like time was going in slow motion.
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Thankfully the full moon was over, and Steve wouldn't have to deal with that all for another month. But this last transformation had been miserable, and if anyone spotted Steve driving the Beamer back home, they would certainly be alarmed. Ripped clothing hung off him in shreds, usually tamed hair tangled and knotted with branches and debris, blood smeared across his face. He felt weak, and he couldn't even make it up to his room as he stumbled into his house, in pain and disoriented, deciding that he would much rather curl up and fall asleep still mostly naked on his living room floor.
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alwaysthesitter · 8 months
Random starter (angst angst angst) for @tczier.
He didn't know why he was here. He had hardly known the guy, if he were being incredibly honest, even if he was married to his cousin. All he knew about him was that he had seemed incredibly high-strung throughout his life, and he wouldn't be surprised if the cause of death had been an and you rizzum. Stress. That had what it sounded like. Especially since when asking his parents how he died, his father had shrugged and said no one really knew.
The last funeral he had been at had been that of Barb Holland. He was glad that Barb had had a proper service, even if her 'manner of death' was completely falsified. Funerals just made him depressed. Especially when he felt he shouldn't be there. He felt that his parent had only decided that they should go in order to make appearances, act like they gave a fuck about anyone other than themselves. After all, when was the last time they had talked to Myra? She was a Harrington, but it was like she was the black sheep of the family.
And really, he supposed it made sense why his own parents had shunned her. She was nothing more than a cousin, that could easily be brushed off if not for the last name. Other than that, she looked like she didn't fit into the high class lifestyle that Richard and Leanne had set out for themselves. Even if she had lived in New York, which was where the funeral was currently taking place. Steve honestly just wanted to head into the city after this, get out of these stupid black funeral clothes.
His parents had gone to mingle after the service was over, Steve noticing a man sobbing not-so-quietly to himself near the front. He could tell that the other was trying to hold it in, holding his face in his hands, rubbing at his eyes beneath spectacles. Steve, always the type to help someone in need, walked up through the aisle and over to the other, who previously had been surrounded by some others he didn't recognize. Maybe they had wanted to give their friend some space.
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He paused, awkwardly, debating if he should ask permission or just sit. He chose the latter, pulling out a blue handkerchief from his suit jacket pocket, holding it out to the other. "Here. You look like you might need this." Steve smiled softly. "I get it. Funerals are hard." Steve had lost a lot of people in his life, and not all of them had gotten a funeral. Most of them hadn't. "Did you, I mean....did you know him well? Edward, I mean." Stupid question, Steve, he wouldn't be sobbing if he hadn't.
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alwaysthesitter · 6 months
@somethingvicked continued from here.
"Oh! Uh, you're right. I guess I should, you know, show you around." He cleared his throat, a little embarassed. It wasn't like any of his other guests that came over, that had seen the inside of his house more times than he could count. This was an entire new experience to her, though he supposed it was to the both of them. "I've never done something like this before, so...."
He trailed off, rubbing the back of his neck as he closed the door behind her. "Here, I'll give you the grand tour." He brushed gently past her, nodding for her to follow him as he made his way into the living room. The Harrington household looked like any perfect home that one would see in a magazine. At least, it did when his parents were home. When it was just Steve, it appeared much more lived in.
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"So this is the living room. We are one of the only ones in town that has cable, which I guess is a big deal or something. The door right there - " He pointed to the glass sliding door that was currently covered with elaborate curtains. "That leads out to the backyard and the pool. Though I suggest not going out there at night. Or even alone." He wasn't going to tell this new girl that someone had died in his pool, but he could at least give somewhat of a warning.
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alwaysthesitter · 2 years
@devildungeondm continued from here.
"Not fair? You're the one who ruined my perfectly good candy cane weapon!" He knew he was being ridiculous, they both were, but that was part of what made their relationship dynamic great. Especially once Eddie had recognized that Steve Harrington was really just a huge goofball, and that his popularity was a thing of the past. Now he was fighting off demobats with his bare hands, and fastening weapons made of peppermint.
Once Eddie grabbed ahold of his shirt, though, he wondered if he had taken it a bit too far. Boundaries were still something he was learning with Eddie, and what that looked like. Whereas Robin and him could hold hands on the top of Starcourt and have it be simply platonic, maybe Eddie didn't like physical touch. No, that wasn't true - Eddie had been constantly invading his own sense of personal space since they first met, broken bottle to his neck.
"Eddie, dude, I didn't mean to like...that was really gay of me, I know, and - " Oh. Okay. Well. Apparently Eddie had liked that that was very gay of him, because suddenly Eddie's lips were on his, tasting of butter and peppermint, and Steve was frozen in place for a second. Only a second, because his brain kicked in and told him if he didn't do something, that Eddie might panic, and this could impact a lot of things.
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Besides, Steve Harrington was not one to not return a kiss. Especially once he had been teasing at getting for forever. So once the confusion and panic flashed across his face, Steve was burying his hair into Eddie's long curls, groaning and tugging him close to him, maybe a bit too excitedly, teeth clashing a bit as he closed his eyes tightly and kissed the other back.'
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alwaysthesitter · 1 year
Random af starter for @devildungeondm because I'm drunk and have no chill.
"Damnit, Munson, what the fuck did you drag me to?" Steve whined, as he finally brought the car to a stop, turning the keys in the ignition and shutting off the BMW as they parked in the overly crowded parking lot. It had felt like they had been driving for hours, far out of Hawkins, into the middle of nowhere. Even the so-called parking lot that they were in was made of dirt and grass, and it gave Steve the feeling that this place had literally been placed wherever there was space, hoping that people would show up.
Apparently, it was an incredibly popular thing, based on the amount of cars and sheer amount of people. Steve had never been to something like this, and he was honestly preparing himself to feel beyond overwhelmed, especially as people dressed in elaborate outfits and elf ears with swords and shields were walking in front of the beamer. "God, this is like a nerd's wet dream." No wonder Eddie had taken him. He was just glad that the other hadn't forced him into dressing up.
He stepped out of the car, the slightly humid Indiana air hitting his face, sunglasses pulled over his hazel eyes. He pocketed his keys, checking for his wallet, before he took a deep breath. "Alright. Let's do this." Good thing he loved Eddie. Anything for Eddie. Nikes hit the gravel as Steve started walking towards the large looming drawbridge, people dressed like princesses and fairies and jesters welcoming people in. A renaissance festival. Steve hadn't even heard about this sort of thing until Eddie had turned the puppy dog eyes on him, and Steve had agreed.
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He fished the tickets out of his pocket, handing them to the individual at the front of the gate who took them with a bow of "My Lord", and Steve instantly knew he was going to hate this. But he took Eddie's hand, squeezing it, one hand on his hip as he looked over at the other man. "Okay. As someone who has never been here, what do we want to check out? What do you absolutely want to make sure you do?"
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alwaysthesitter · 10 months
Starter for @tczier: Richie moving to Hawkins.
He knew that Richie had consistently talked about growing up himself in a small town in Maine, and a small town that certainly had its own share of terrors, but he couldn't help the nagging feeling that was eating away at his chest as he knew Richie was coming in that day. Hawkins, Indiana was basically like the chewed up gum on the bottom of a shoe. Only if that shoe had also been through fifteen mud holes, maybe some fields full of cow shit, and....okay, his brain couldn't take that analogy much further.
Basically, Hawkins sucked. And the guilt he felt in taking his boyfriend, who lived in big cities like Los Angeles or Chicago, out to this scum of the Earth town? It was eating at him; even though he knew damn well that not only had Richie Tozier made the choice himself, but that it had been his idea. He knew it was only temporary. Only until all the crazy shit happening in their town was eliminated, and he knew the kids were safe. That had been the agreement.
Either way, changes had to be made. Steve had had to scramble. Up until this point, he was living rent-free in his parent's house. He was working his minimum wage job at Family Video (that hadn't changed, but still) and was watching over the Harrington house whenever his parents were on business trips or vacations, which felt like it was every single week of every single month. But knowing his luck, his parents would come home and wonder who the forty year old man was living in their house, also rent-free, with their only son.
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So he had scrapped together to get a small apartment. It was a step above the trailer homes in Forest Hills, but it wasn't anything to call home about. The bedroom was also the living room, the kitchen seemed to total five square feet, and he just felt blessed that he had a bathroom big enough for all his hair care and hygiene products. It was going to be a tight fit for two grown men, but it was better than the alternative.
His leg was bouncing a mile a minute, no stranger to anxiety, though never having been able to put a word on it as someone who didn't really dabble in the realm of mental health. He had fixed his hair up a total of three point five times, making sure it looked its best. Sprayed probably far too much cologne on, and was wearing one of his older polos from high school as he waited on the steps of the apartment building for Richie's arrival.
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alwaysthesitter · 1 year
@faeryworlds continued from here.
"You're right. We didn't work. Key word, didn't. As in, you know, past tense. I might have almost failed English a few times in high school, but I at least know what that means." He crossed his arms over his chest, because he wasn't going to let her get away with this. This clearly was a conversation that they needed to have, and had been putting off. He had confessed his love to her in the Upside Down, and from what both Robin and Eddie had consistently said, it had seemed she still loved him in return.
Guess they were right.
"But that was the past, Nance. Just because we didn't work, doesn't mean we can't." And then Nancy was more or less repeating herself, despite swearing not to repeat herself. She had said what she had said. He had heard her. Damn right, he had heard her. It was three words that he had been begging to come out of her mouth. Right before their break up, it had been all he had wanted her to say, and she couldn't even give him that. So yeah, he had lashed out a bit.
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"I know it really isn't any of my business, but you and Jonathan. I can tell that things aren't going well there. You don't seem happy." He frowned, lips pursed together. "And I'm not saying to like, dump his ass and run back to me. That isn't fair to anyone involved. But I think you....you really need to think, Nance. You need to think about what you want, what makes you happy, and make decisions based on that."
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alwaysthesitter · 1 year
@devildungeondm continued from here.
Steve felt a literal chill run down his spine, and he was pretty positive that the older of the two would be able to see the way he shivered and goose pimples rose to tan flesh. Fuck, he was going to have to make note of that - he might have just unintentionally discovered a new kink. Something about Eddie referring to himself as master was so damn sexy, though the longer he dated Eddie, the more he found things about him sexy.
Eddie Munson was like a damn drug to him, and Steve was addicted. He had often considered himself a dominant man, an alpha type, and then Eddie had come into his life and he was learning so much. It was like this submissive side of him came out, and he wanted to throw himself at the metalhead's feet and beg to be used. His brain was trying to process all of this, while also attempting to be sexy and seductive.
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"Mmm, well." Steve's fingers walked down Eddie's chest, into his pants as he tugged him closer, raising an eyebrow to the man. "How exactly would my master like to be served then, hm?" He grinned rather confidently. Even as someone who had discovered he was definitely more bottom-leaning, he still had that confidence he always had through high school when it came to sexual prowess. "Tell me everything you want me to do, my liege."
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alwaysthesitter · 2 years
@silver-blooded-synthetics continued from here.
"Oh. Huh. Well damn, I guess you're right." He laughed a bit awkwardly, looking at the cover of the VHS himself. It was definitely right there, printed vividly in green, capitalized letters, over what very much looked like something from space. His cheeks heat up a bit, realizing that in his attempt to make small talk, he was just proving his own point that he wasn't very bright. "You never know though, maybe it's trying to mislead you."
A shrug, before he listened to the other describe the plot. Steve would never admit that that sounded like the furthest thing from appealing - he had already dealt with hostile monsters from another world, the idea of watching them on a screen sounded like the furthest thing from fun. "Well, I sure hope it's a good one. You'll have to tell me all about it when you return it, assuming that I'm working that day."
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A soft smile, before he raised an eyebrow at the other man. "I hope this isn't weird, but you look....incredibly familiar. Did you go to school with me or something? Maybe a few years ahead?"
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alwaysthesitter · 2 years
Closed starter for @usawfulfew​
He couldn’t believe it. At first, he had thought that Max was playing some sort of elaborate prank on him, even though there was no reason for her to do so when it came to Billy. As far as any of the kids knew, Billy and Steve weren’t exactly on fantastic terms. Steve had been the number one ring leader in helping them to try and take down the Mind Flayer, and when they had found out it was Billy, he hadn’t exactly been as supportive as he could be. Fuzzy feelings weren’t exactly present. 
So Steve didn’t really know why he had found himself almost collapsing in relief when Max had told him that her brother was alive. When she had asked for his help, in order to figure out how to readjust him into Hawkins society again. What cover up should they use? Everyone had thought that Billy Hargrove was among the list of the dead in the mall fire. Some even thought that he was what had started it in the first place (not entirely wrong). 
Steve had insisted that that could come later, after Billy was fully recovered. He was still in a state of shock - there was no way. He had seen Billy die with his own two eyes. And it wasn’t even one of those, ‘oh man, guy doesn’t have a pulse, let’s leave the body and run.’ He had seen Billy Hargrove stabbed through the chest, lifted, and tossed like a rag doll, by a hideous creature of the Upside Down. Entire chest impaled. 
He supposed weirder things had happened; the Upside Down itself was a weird place that none of them still fully understood. Maybe Billy’s true form had been taken to the Upside Down, while the Mind Flayer had duplicated his body? Who fucking knew. All Steve knew was that he was showing up at the door to the hospital, knocking timidly on the entrance to the room that Billy was in, bouquet of sunflowers in his hand. 
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“Hey....” He whispered, leaning against the door frame awkwardly. “Is it, uh, okay...if I come in for a little bit? I brought you these. Unless they’re tacky. Then I can, you know....throw them out or something...” 
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alwaysthesitter · 2 years
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Random starter for @hawkinsheroines (Jessica Henderson)
"I don't know if I'm going to be able to make it through this." Steve said, slightly panicked. There were plenty of things he was confident and collected when it came down to it, but being Best Man? Not in his repertoire. Especially since it was for Dustin Henderson, who he still saw as the little kid with the light saber battle handshake who was asking him the best way to impress girls. Oh, how things changed as they got older, that was for sure.
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"Everyone is expecting me to say this big speech, and what if I say something wrong or stupid? There's a reason I nearly flunked English in school. And that Nancy always was correcting me. And I just don't want to embarass him, you know? He's like my little brother, well...I mean...he's your little brother but you know what I mean. And this is his big day and everything..."
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alwaysthesitter · 2 years
@hawkinsheroines continued from here.
"Oh.....ex? I would say I'm sorry to hear that, but I have a feeling that it's nothing to be sorry for." He hadn't heard much about Jason and Chrissy's relationship, especially since he wasn't in the school anymore where he could hear the constant rumors floating through the hallways. But he had been at that basketball game, and he had seen how he treated her, and he hadn't liked it. Steve would never do that, and never had, even in his worst days.
"And yeah, you're right, at least we know each other now. I just wish the circumstances were, er, better." The Upside Down and all its bullshit had definitely done a good job at bringing a group of misfits together, but that didn't mean that Steve had wanted it that way. Though he wondered if he would ever have met any of these individuals if not for the craziness surrounding their small, Indiana town.
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"Though I'd like to get to know you more. I only know bits of pieces, and I don't want to trust everything I've heard because I know how this town likes to gossip."
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alwaysthesitter · 2 years
@legends-and-savages continued from here.
"I mean sure, Billy, you could do better but...not at the risk of hurting yourself." He didn't know the full extent of the damage that Neil had done to Billy in the past, but if Billy were here saying that Neil had literally moved them from California in an attempt to make his son different, he couldn't even imagine. He knew damn well how his dad felt about queer people. He'd be disowned, definitely homeless at this point. Fortunately his dad was hardly home to be able to tell.
At the mention of Billy agreeing to moving, Steve gave him a look that clearly read 'are you serious.' He hadn't been completely opposed when the idea had crossed his mind, but still - "There's a lot that goes into a move like that, babe." Steve frowned, trying to figure it all out. Could they even afford to pack up and go across the country on their budget? Family Video didn't exactly pay the big bucks.
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"We'd need to start saving. Plus, I...." He frowned. Getting out of there, and being somewhere safe that they could be in love was a high priority, sure, but - "I don't want to leave the kids until I know this place is safe. I know they're not my responsibility, but they matter a lot to me. They're practically the only family I know, and until I know this hell hole is safe, and the Upside Down is really a thing of the past...."
He just hoped Billy didn't resent him for that.
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alwaysthesitter · 2 years
@alwaysxsomething continued from here.
"Great. Cool. Because like, I want it to be a place that the kids can feel safe to hang out too, you know?" Not that they were really kids anymore, now in high school themselves, but Steve wanted them to have a safe space. Steve wouldn't be surprised if their new apartment because the newest Hawkins hangout for the party, and he knew damn well that Eddie was going to have DnD nights at least once a week.
"So while my go-to is naked girls, that seems very Freshman year of me." He laughed, before blinking as the other pat the seat beside him. Steve couldn't help but let the grin spread across his face, immediately flopping onto the spot on the couch, kicking his legs up a bit. "Yeah. Home. We did it, man." Eddie and him, having their own home together.
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He was pretty sure this was going to be the first home that ever felt truly his, and he couldn't be more excited. He rolled his head to look over at Eddie, gently punching the older's arm. "Finest bachelor pad in all of Hawkins, am I right?"
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alwaysthesitter · 2 years
@usawfulfew continued from this thread.
"Huh, yeah, that's probably smart. Water, I mean. That would probably be good for you." Really, he didn't know why he was so nervous. There was a reason that he was rumored to have the Harrington charm, and this felt completely out of his wheel house. It wasn't like his feelings weren't already out there, considering the things that he had said to Billy in the car. Things that had made Billy open up and be just as vulnerable. It was just that, unlike Billy, Steve had never pursued a boy. Wasn't sure what was and wasn't allowed.
He snapped out of his thoughts at the mention of the bathroom, pointing down the hallway. Once the younger headed in that direction, Steve made his way towards the kitchen, grabbing a large glass and filling it with water, stopping and grabbing a few Tylenol for good measure. If Hargrove wanted to make sure he was avoiding a hangover for the morning, any preventative measures would probably be appreciated.
He waited patiently for the other to come back out, ignoring the fact that he was chewing anxiously on his nails until that point happened, leaving them more dulled and chipped than they already were. Once the other made his appearance, Steve handed him the glass of water, as well as the two little pills. "Thought these might help." He smiled gently, moving over to his living room and flopping down on the couch, legs spread in a position of comfort. Even if his home wasn't much of a home, it was still his.
Eyebrow raised at the question, even taking a moment to ponder himself. What did he do, in a house like this? "Honestly, try my best not to be here." A snort. "Pick up extra shifts at Family Video so I don't feel so..." Alone. He didn't want to admit it, but the unspoken word hung heavy in the air, the hollowness of the walls only appearing to make it that much more heavy and real. He rolled his shoulders in a shrug, staring up at the ceiling.
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"Sometimes Dustin and his crew will come over. I let them use the house as a bit of a safe haven away from their own parents. Robin likes to come over for movie nights a lot. Kind of some best friend time. I don't know. A lot has changed from the kind of shit this house used to be known for." No more parties. And fuck if he had touched that pool since it had been a precursor to the string of murders that had happened in this shithole town.
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alwaysthesitter · 2 years
@rebelliousfamily continued from here.
"Of course, of course. I know that." He didn't want to act like Nancy was incapable of protecting him in return, just because she was the female in the dynamic. Steve Harrington had been a lot of things in his past, but sexist was certainly not one. Besides, he knew that Nancy was actually better at protecting herself than even Steve was - girl knew how to use a gun, whereas Steve preferred the brute strength and his bat.
"I guess we're just meant to protect each other. But damnit, Nancy Wheeler, if I were to lose you because you were trying to protect me, I would never be able to handle it. I'd blame myself for the rest of my life." He pointed out, very clear about this, giving her a certain look. Nancy was not allowed to sacrifice herself to protect him, and apparently Steve wasn't allowed to do the same.
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"Guess that we just have to beat Vecna and finish all this bullshit for good so we don't have to worry about this shit anymore, mm?"
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