alwaysthesitter · 1 year
Mermaid AU starter for @devildungeondm
"Oh come off it, Henderson, you know that the fresh air is so much more enjoyable than being stuck in the palace." Steve had shot at who he considered his best friend, who also just happened to work for him and be the one to keep tabs on him, but Steve hardly cared about that. Dustin had been complaining that he needed to focus more on not being such a 'rebellious little shit' - his words, not Steves - but Steve knew that he was tired of all that palace life. Everything his father wanted for him, to form him into this perfect Prince. No, Steve wanted freedom to be himself.
"Besides, it's just one day at sea. One. It isn't like I'm kidnapping you for a week or anything. I just was tired of having to listen to my dad bitch and moan about how I needed to start taking more responsibility, settling down, all that shit. I'm still young. I should be able to find love when it's ready to find me." He knew, in all actuality, that Dustin agreed with him. He could see it from the way that his eyes glimmered in his own mischief - he just needed to do what King Harrington said in terms of keeping tabs on Prince Steven.
Steve was practically leaning over the railing at this point, allowing the salty air of the open sea to hit all his senses, eyes closed as he took it all in. "None of this changes the fact that a storm is very clearly coming, Steve. We should get home before it hits." Dustin had been eye-ing the weather nervously, the way the dark clouds were rolling over the horizon, competing with the blue of the ocean. Steve, ever ignorant in his bliss, simply shook his head. "It will be fine, man. We'll be home long before it reaches us."
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He clapped the other on the back, moving back across the expanse of ship with a confident grin. "We've got time." He reassured, kicking his shoes off, not because he had any intention to hop into the murky fathoms below, but because he wanted to feel less prim and proper, and feel that sense of independence. Rolling his pants up to his knees, he sat down on the edge of boat that opened up to water, crossing arms under his chin and supporting himself as he looked out. "It's like a whole new world out there, Henderson. We don't even know what's down there. Like sure, there's fish. But is that really all?"
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hawkinssongbird · 2 years
The rustle of papers and scratching from the drawing Eddie was doing suddenly stopped, which made Dinah alert that he had once again dosed off. That was the perk when one of your best friends just happened to also be the right tutor, because some days? It was best to let him go at the pace he needed to, and today was one of those days where his motivation was stuck on his next campaign. Something which required the same amount of energy to study.
She had been so immersed in covering notes for both of them, that she also didn't notice the state of the floor covered in his work. "Like a minefield. Every.. time!" She had to be extremely careful to not step on any of it and even when the next hop had a soft thump to it, he still didn't stir. Did she have the heart to wake him? Not really, but it didn't stop her from reaching over carefully to place her hand gently on top of his, before curling her fingers around it.
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When he did stir from the contact, she didn't pull away, smiling at the term he used. No one but him could get away with calling her that. "Awakening the sweetest dragon from the Land of Nod, apparently." She teased, giving his hand a squeeze before pulling away. "I finished your notes, and they should be enough to get you an A instead of a D. And don't roar at me, you promised that you're going to walk that stage. We're at a critical level and time, Eddie. How else will the world know about the most metal guitar player if he doesn't graduate?"
@devildungeondm​ continued from here.
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rebelliousfamily · 4 months
@devildungeondm gets Ronnie Ecker as a random muse
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"I can't believe that people still think that DnD is all demon shit. It's like... can the religious folk not think for a second about what they believe in? A mystical man in the sky that created everything?" Ronnie rolled her eyes and sipped at the beer in her hand. "I think that's pretty hypocritical."
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distoretion · 2 years
Dis swung by Hawkins High in the afternoon, hoping to catch her DM in the throng of students eager to get out after the last bell. Making sure to get there a little early so she wouldn’t miss him, she settled against the bike racks and put on her headphones to pass the time while she waited. So long as she kept her eyes peeled she should be able to spot him, since he’d need to pass this way to get to the parking lot where the students kept their cars.
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entangledmuses · 2 years
@devildungeondm​ || Continued from this meme reply
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Chrissy didn’t know what came over her, she just knew that this was her chance, and she had to be brave, and kiss him. So she did.
When she pulled back, the nerves overwhelmed her, and she blushed, her cheeks flaming red, and hot as she looked up at him. “Oh.. I... Well.. I just felt like... kissing you.” She smiled softly, lowering her head, but looking up at him through her lashes.
“Is.... is that ok?” She asked, chewing her lip a little as she smiled softly. 
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storiesofthenight · 2 years
@devildungeondm​ continued from here.
All his life, Billy had been no stranger to pain. More than once he’d wondered about bruises on his skin, thinking that those weren’t his. He hadn’t recalled any blows landing to that part, right? But in the end, Billy had never been certain and had come to a point where he’d believed that he didn’t have a soulmate. He’d heard the stories of course, of the soulmate’s pain being reflected in bruises on one’s skin. But how was he supposed to know which were his own bruises and which weren’t? Quite frankly, ... he’d just figured he was going to be alone in the world. He’d always been alone, right?
What he didn’t know was that after almost dying from the Mind Flayer’s attack, the nurses in the hospital had more than once seen bruises form on the comatose body of the blonde and it had made them smile. The unfortunate young man clearly had someone out there for him. It’d do him good for sure if he woke, to know that even his dad had left and he’d almost died, at least he had someone that he was destined to be with.
Little had they expected that one day soon, the bruising would be forming so quickly that it’d actually worry them. They were present in his room as the bruising worsened and Billy, despite his unconscious state, began to stir restlessly. His vital functions spiking and dropping quickly until at one point, he’d opened his eyes, a scream leaving his lips.
Now was weeks later, or months? Honestly, time kinda blurred together for Billy these days. His life existing out of sleeping, eating, doctor visits and exercises to recover muscle strength. It was only the third time he got to visit Max actually and it broke him each time again. He had hoped that without him there, perhaps she’d be better off. She’d be safe ... Oh how wrong he had been.
Sitting by her bed, having been helped to the room by the nurses, he was reading one of her books. It helped keep his mind busy, because everything was better than thinking back to ... almost anything really. And that’s how Billy was so drawn into his book, he didn’t even realise that someone had opened the door. It wasn’t until he heard a voice that he looked up, spotting a somewhat familiar mop of hair.
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“Munson? What are you doing swearing in my sister’s room?”
Putting the book aside for a moment, he looked at the other, a frown on his face as he took him in. Eddie Munson ... He looked different in a way. Were that ... scars? His eyes wandered, his frown deepening as he vaguely recalled the bruises that he’d woken up after all that time in a coma. “Wait ... a- ... no ... no that’s not right. I don’t ...” He shook his head, not getting it.
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somethingvicked · 2 years
VampireEddie Munson RP
Valerie 'Val' Ashburn sighed as she arrived at the picnic table in the little groove behind Hawkins High where Eddie Munson used to conduct his business. It was now a regular stop on her daily round to all the places which reminded her of him.
Used to. Past tense. As in part of the past.
Eddie was now the past. Gone. Dead. 
And for the life of her Val wasn’t sure how she would survive this agony that lived inside her chest, threatening to swallow her whole. 
Val hadn’t even known Eddie that long - she had met him as they all teamed up to fight off Vecna, and to clear Eddie’s name of the supernatural murders he was innocent of. 
She had instantly been drawn in by his personality, his wit and his warmth. And he had seemed to feel the same. On the meadow where they all prepared to fight and she had shown him how to make a homemade flamethrower with a can of aerosol hairspray and a zippo lighter he had smiled at her and said “hey, when all of this is over, perhaps you’d like to ... go out some time?” 
“Like ... on a date?” Val had asked, the corners of her mouth probably meeting behind her ears. Eddie had grinned just as wide as he nodded. “Yeah. A date.”
But they never got that far ... 
Val climbed up on top of the wooden table, breathing deeply to keep the tears that was stuck in her throat at by. 
Eddie had died, protecting a town that despised him - even before they thought he was a serial killing psycho, and what’s worse ... no one knew. And even worse ... had his sacrifice been for nothing? Vecna’s powers had ripped Hawkin’s in two, making it seem like something out of Dante’s Nine Cirles of Hell. 
And as if all that wasn’t enough ... no one seemed to care. Everyone seemed so happy to just move on, trying to make a life in this new limbo. 
She had argued with Steve Harrington about that just half an hour earlier when he had caught her on her round - since Eddie didn’t have a grave (because there was no body to bury) she had made it a habit to visit the places that reminded her of him the most, every day for the last month. 
Steve had told her that she needed to accept that Eddie was gone, she couldn’t keep on like this, or it would kill her too. “Yeah, sweep it all under the rug and pretend like nothing happened, like what happened to him was just ‘shit happens’?!” she had yelled at him before taking off. 
It reminded her of that old folksong her grandma used to sing. 
I'll do as much for my true love, As any young girl may. I'll sit and mourn all on his grave, For twelve months and a day.
This was just month one. 
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ofthestcrs · 9 months
@devildungeondm liked for a starter
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Steve had a bad feeling in his gut. The kind that couldn't be thought away or rationalized. It only worsened each time he looked at Eddie. Especially when he was interacting with Dustin -- seeing them laughing and smiling together. Of course, nothing lasts forever, but right now, Steve wishes that he could hold this moment a little longer. He wishes that there wasn't this great evil looming over them -- taking the lives of innocent people.
"Hey, Eddie?" Steve's hand reaches out and just lightly skims the inside of his wrist before departing back to his side. "Can we ... can we talk?" His eyes dart to a confused Dustin before back to Eddie. "Like ... alone?"
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hwknsking · 2 years
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@devildungeondm​ asked: 🌨️ [X]
It had been years since Vecna had been defeated and even now, Steve still had nightmares sometimes. Sometimes his mind would wander, remembering the danger, the monsters, the ... pain ... His scars would itch and he would be on the brink of a panic attack. Luckily for him, those days were few. 
Nonetheless, Steve had been forced to make a choice after the defeat of Vecna. Leave Hawkins, or remain in the city where he had nothing left. After all, everyone was going their own way and most were leaving the town, even if just for a few years. So, he had pulled himself together and had gone on a trip to find himself. Not the person he’d pretended to be for years, or even the guy he’d believed to be afterwards. No, his real self ...
That is how now, after a shift at the hospital, Steve was on his way home. His uniform still on, a warm vest thrown over it and a shoulderbag slung over his shoulder. His gloved hands dug into his pockets, humming a little to the tune in his headphones when he halted all of a sudden at the sight of a familiar bush of brown curly hair. 
Needing a moment to pull himself together at seeing someone he hadn’t seen in so long, swallowing at the skip his heart made. Eddie Munson, one of the first guys he’d ever had feelings for. Pull yourself together. He tried to gather the courage before taking a deep breath and stepping forward. “E-Eddie? Is that you?” He didn’t have to ask, ... He knew it was Eddie, he would recognise him anywhere.
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alwaysthesitter · 1 year
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“It’s colder than a witches tit out here. Should’ve brought a coat.”
"I've never understood that expression. Like, how many people have actually gotten close enough to a witch to touch her tits? And why is it that her tits are colder than apparently any other female on the planet? Every set of boobies I've touched has been pretty warm, actually." He was rambling, trying to make sense of it, even though Eddie was right - it was pretty fucking cold. He could see his breath as they sat there, waiting to be united with the rest of the party.
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He looked over at the older, noticing the way he was shaking slightly. Steve shook his head, pulling off his Member's Only jacket he had since high school. "Here." He smiled, wrapping it around Eddie's shoulders. It wasn't as warm as some of his other coats, but his own body heat was still trapped within the fibers. "Let's call this a fair trade. You blessed my modesty with your vest that one time, now I'll bless your freezing ass with my jacket."
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puppetoffthehook · 1 year
@devildungeondm continued X
Billy looked at the brunette sheepishly. “Sorry. I know that’s a lot. Just been thinking about it for a while.” He holds up his left hand as the fingers twitch uncontrollably. Sometimes they do that and all he can do is either clench a fist or wait for it to stop.
A chuckle escapes the blonde at his commentary. “Honestly I’d prefer being able to tell the truth.” Shit, he shouldn’t have said that. Now he needs to backtrack. “I just.. don’t really remember it.” Smooth, Hargrove.
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hawkinssongbird · 2 years
Dinah spent the better part of her days grieving over the loss of her best friend and undoubtedly the only one she would ever love the way she loved Eddie. His loss, after all, felt like the catalyst to altering her very character. The trauma of it somehow triggering her abilities. Abilities that were more unwelcomed with every nosebleed she got when using them.
A very nosebleed which was happening right outside 2121 Holland Road. Or, what was left of it. The earthquake left much to the imagination of what used to be Eddie's trailer. Still, she wasn't taking chances of Vecna knowing she was there. Tuning him out while focusing on.. someone else.
She really should have told the others of what she was doing due to what she saw this time around, but she didn't want to risk being wrong. A fear which was gripping her right then as she carefully entered the open end of the trailer with a flashlight, unsure if walking in was a wise decision because the earth below the foundation felt ready to give. And it would, if she didn't find him in time because she saw the next part of Vecna's plan. It was a race against the clock once again to find Eddie first.
Another reason why she didn't tell the others. They would think she reached the denial stage gone delusional. Especially when she watched him die. Even washed his blood from her hands, which she suffered severe hysterics from. No. She knew he died, but she also knows what Vecna is capable of doing to change all of that at an unforgiving price.
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A loud groan from the unstable structure of the trailer caused her to stop moving. She wasn't sure what scared her more, the fact that she was too close to being mauled by a pack of demobats, or the outcome which made the hairs on the back of her neck stand up.
Eddie wasn't Eddie anymore. Something she didn't entirely believe as she aimed the flashlight towards the end of the trailer to his room. She let out a shaky breath to try for a calm tone. "Eddie?"
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rebelliousfamily · 2 years
@devildungeondm​ continued from here
Nancy was just glad to see Eddie so happy with the gift that she had chosen. She liked being able to see him smile. It was rare, and he deserved something nice. After everything they had been through, she wanted him to know that he had a friend. “I found it while exploring this old music store. It’s out of Hawkins. There’s never anything good to buy as a gift around here.”
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She nodded at his explanation. “Well, if you wanted to come and spend Christmas with my family, you’re welcome to. Mom always cooks way too much.”
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entangledmuses · 2 years
@devildungeondm​ || Eddie and Nicole
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Nicole slumped in her seat a little as she watched people enter the room. She hated these meetings. She was told she HAD to attend them, so she had people to talk to about what had happened and what she was going through.
She didn’t want to talk to these strangers though. How could any of them understand what she came home to that day. 
A soft sigh left her lips, wanting this to be over already, wanting to just head back home... or at least where she was currently living. It wasn’t home. She hadn’t been able to step foot in that place since that day. She even had to have her aunt pack her things up for her.
A single brow raised though as someone she didn’t expect to see come to these meetings. She wondered if he was here by choice, or if like her, told to come. But there he was. Eddie Munson. She said nothing, just watched him go to sit on a seat
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workingmanwayne · 2 years
@devildungeondm Continued from X
“Yuh’re a good kid, Eddie.” Wayne said, reaching out and patting his nephew’s head. His calloused hand was heavy but gentle as he softly rustled the other’s dark curls, a habit that had been going since Eddie was just a little kid.
“But yuh’ve gotta stop doin’ things all on yur own. I know I ain’t always been there, not as much as I would’a liked t’ be, but it don’t mean yuh can’t ask fur help.”
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storiesofthenight · 2 years
@devildungeondm​ continued from here.
With his eyes cast down, Will was surprised when Eddie spoke up and told him he was right. Turning to look at the metal head, he wondered for a moment what he could possibly answer, not having expected someone to tell him that he was right. The others, they tended to try and make him lighten up, but he had seen too much, been through too much. 
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Inhaling deeply, Will licked his lips and leaned back a little. “They do, but lucky for them they have no clue what’s out there.” He spoke, frowning as he wondered what it had to be like, to live in such blissful ignorance. Ever since the day he’d been taken by the demo gorgon, his life had been a nightmare. He was constantly aware of the things around him, in such a way that it made him sick sometimes. And that was just about the monsters ...
“Wisdom, ... wisdom and kindness.” Smiling a little, he looked at him and nodded. “I’m never giving up, ... for the sake of the people who don’t know the monsters. For the ones we lost, for the ones we ... might lose if I do. But he’s out there and I ... I can feel it. I can feel him ... and I’m scared, I won’t lie about that. But I’m going to go down fighting him if I have to.”
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