#[highlight the horizon/laugh until i’m crying: chrysaliswriter]
galaxies-unknown-a · 3 years
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latenightdoodles · 3 years
Yearly Challenge - Days 8 - 11
I’ll do Days 12, 13, and 14 tomorrow. The images are all under the cut to save dashes!
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When I drew this, I was just thinking about how I was forcing myself to draw even when I didn’t want to, and how I had no energy to do it... I completed the drawing a few days later, since the original expression was more sorrowful. It... Honestly came out better thanks to me giving it a few days.
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I kind of just looked for an expression meme for this one- I just like the idea of some students pointing out that KS and Writer have the hots for each other, and both get so embarrassed that they just... Kinda.... Break for a few seconds.
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Wire’s just tired. They’ve died once- and they worry about dying again. Unlike most Writer alternates, Wire has not been able to contact the others via the hive-memory for years now. While they can chat with the others via secondary sources, they are one of the few self-inserts that are currently permanently locked into a Backstory Event. This also means that they cannot teleport out-of universe.
Sometimes-- not often, but sometimes... They pause and think about it.
The survival rate of a Backstory Event is 5%. No matter how powerful they are... They’re scared.
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I just wanted something cute after drawing Wire like that, so I tried my hand at doodling Chrysalis again... And added in Node. Rather proud of this one, since it looks like Chrysalis is trying to eat Node’s hair. XD Nom!!!
It’s also a reference to the ol’ fluffball series on YouTube... Anyone else remember that pink fluffy pony-thing? XD I loved that series so much...
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galaxies-unknown-a · 3 years
[Stressed - Open Starter]
Pencil was curled up against Chrysalis’ side, the mare’s wing draped over their cream-yellow coat as they cried softly. It had been a long day of travel, longer than they were happy with- and more than a few bumps in the road had led to their stress being nearly overwhelming. So, when they’d returned to the hive for a weekly check-up, it was no wonder when the queen immediately took them aside, and was now nuzzling against their mane while they continued.
The taste of sadness in of itself was abhorrent to the queen, but this- from Pencil of all creatures- tasted absolutely vile. She wanted nothing more than to walk away, hiss and tell Pen to get out of her hive and go cry elsewhere... But some small part of her refused, staying here, listening to the mare’s soft sniffles while she hummed.
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The ping of an intruder near the hive nearly made Chrysalis hiss, but she stopped herself short. A party of three was immediately dispatched to see if the intruder was worth anything- or was a threat. She could deal with them herself, later. Right now, she was a little more concerned about Pencil Line.
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galaxies-unknown-a · 3 years
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“For my hive, I would give anything.”
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galaxies-unknown-a · 2 years
Headcanons - ChrysalisWriter
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It’s been on my mind today, so I figured I’d post about it before ducking out like a child onto Discord for the night.
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For the most part, there is no advance Pencil Line could have made at the start of their time with Chrysalis to get her to like them... Save the exact thing that they did do.- In Chrysalis’ society, changelings were never revered for their original form (save within their own hives). They were revered for how complex their deceptions could be- with some going so far as living multiple double-lives. It was incredibly rare to hear anything about one’s true form- and even when a changeling did, outsiders usually called it ‘horrific’ or ‘disgusting’. And, being queen, of course Chrysalis only ever heard the best from her subordinates (until she eventually asked them to just give her their honest opinions- some are still working on that).
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So for Chrysalis, it was a shock when she tried every possible disguise to seduce Pencil Line and make them obedient... Only to have the pony compliment her true form, without a single hint of lies or deception. It... Took Chrysalis aback, and helped a lot with letting Pencil Line clear the first hurtle of a wall the queen has made around her heart.
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Of course, they still have a way to go- but they’ll get there... Eventually. Them trying to help with the hive has only made them a bit better in Chrysalis’ eyes, although she worries over if they’re deceiving her or not, even now.
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galaxies-unknown-a · 2 years
Pink fluffy unicorns dancing on rainbows!
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"Pink fluffy unicorns dancing on rainbows~..." Unbeknownst to Pencil Line, while they were singing with the gray-faced pony, a certain changeling was watching... And smiling ever-so-faintly.
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'That's absolutely adorable...' Wait. Why did she think that.
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galaxies-unknown-a · 3 years
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