#[gotta make a move but I freeze: wrindle]
galaxies-unknown-a · 3 years
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“I would absolutely sell my motherboard for the right price--”
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galaxies-unknown-a · 3 years
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“Swindle, no.”
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“Swindle, yes.”
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galaxies-unknown-a · 3 years
[Panic - Wrindle]
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“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry...!” Writer had their hands clasped to their head, knees pulled up. Every thought had been stopped several minutes ago, snagging on the one idea they always tried to avoid. Now, they were locked- a prisoner in their own body, wishing they would stop speaking, not knowing for what they were apologizing for, nor to whom.
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Swindle had just returned from another sale, ready to tell Writer he’d gotten some more Earth-cash for them to use to pay the bills- when he came across the sad sight before him. They looked so small, so fragile, begging for forgiveness for reasons he couldn’t understand. But he could see the tears, could hear the desperation as they tried in vain to ask for mercy. He was quiet as he stepped over, peds somehow making no noise.
He sunk down to their level, optics watching them for a few moments.
“.... Writer...?” He reached out a servo. Were this anyone else, he wouldn’t have been so willing, would’ve just left them to their own devices.
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When his digits just barely touched their skin, their own hand came up- grabbing down with as harsh a grip as they could muster. Swindle froze, watching for any signs. They just continued to mutter the same words- ‘I’m sorry’- a forbidden mantra to their own ears. They pulled Swindle close, the ‘con allowing the action to take place. It was just to calm them down so he could tell them about the sale. Just to get them to stop.
“... I’m s-o sorry....” He caught his arms trying to move, to enclose around the other. He paused yet again, optics resting on the fragile being before him- before gingerly encasing them.
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“... I forgive you....” For what, he didn’t know. For why, he had no clue.- But the mantra stopped. The chanting fell into nothingness, and Writer broke down, sobbing in the mech’s arms. “.... I will always forgive you...”
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galaxies-unknown-a · 3 years
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galaxies-unknown-a · 3 years
Combat HCs [ALL - 1]
This got so long but this song is giving me so many ship and fight vibes and I wanna write both h e l p -
Ship fight hcs will be in bold.
I apologize in advance and please don’t kill me.
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Writer’s main weapon is a pizza peel that has had its edges sharpened to a point.
Their fighting style is usually defensive first, before going to offensive later on.
Pissing them off will make them fight harder, decreasing their stamina substantially.
While Writer can fight on their own (and has before), they do best when they have a bud in the fight.
Hilariously, Writer does their best fighting while listening to music.
If they aren’t taking the fight seriously/aren’t mad, they actually deal less damage- this is because Writer would rather not fight to begin with.
They are quite aware of how weak they are- this will not stop them from trying to take on stronger opponents if they need to, though.
Main Muse.
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Zhongli uses a spear as his main weapon.
He is on the offensive from the start, and very rarely switches to defense.
His best weapon is his special move, which he tries to keep semi-secret so that it’s harder to dodge.
He is a follower of the ‘Death By A Thousand Papercuts’ method.
He doesn’t aim for weaknesses unless the opponent starts to prove to be more trouble than they’re worth.
Zhongli has most of his godlike powers inactive so that he doesn’t destroy sections of land in every fight he gets into.
Good luck, you’ll be attacked by electrified rock. It’s fun!
Zhongli focuses on the long-range attacks, while Writer goes in for short range.
It’s highly, highly unlikely they’ll take any fight seriously.
Zhongli will probably be teaching Writer while they’re kicking ass.
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Swindle is a master at mastering new combat styles/weapons on the fly. His favorite weapon, however, is his arm cannon.
Swindle starts on defense, and only attacks when provoked.
He’ll usually try to make a deal to get out of the fight.
Trying to get him out of a deal will make him fight much harder.
He will get into a fight for currency. Just tell him when and where and the rules.
He’s just as likely to punch a client as he is to sit them down to some High-Grade and offer a stasis rifle.
They really only fight together when one or the other gets injured.
Swindle and Writer are good at improvising sudden combat moves together.
Swindle has a special version of Writer’s Pizza Peel, just in case.
These two will make fun of their opponents.
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Soundwave prefers dealing with the threat as soon as possible.
He would rather not fight period, but it still happens sometimes, so oh well.
Soundwave makes massive use of his tendrils in a fight if his arms are pinned.
He does not fight dirty, no matter the circumstance.
No matter what injury he sustains, Soundwave does not make noise unless he wants to.
This guy is the master of finding weaknesses.
Writer is permanently injured (in the SoundWriter universe), so when they fight with Soundwave, they do so sneakily.
Soundwave usually attacks from behind without warning, while Writer distracts/disables the opponent.
Soundwave is very hesitant on letting Writer join the fight to begin with.
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Optimus prefers not to fight to begin with, but if something is at stake, he’ll fight.
He would rather fight with his swords than his blasters, if only because the swords are easier to control the damage of.
If he thinks he might have a chance of talking his opponent out of a fight- he will try.
Optimus, while he may not look like it, will be hit deeply by any loss on either side. It’s a loss of life...!!
He wishes the best afterlife for all, even his enemies.
Optimus distracts the enemy while Writer trips them up a lot.
Once Writer gains their Cybertronian form, they start getting lessons on how to use the pizza peels and lasers embedded into their systems.
Optimus rushes in while Writer attacks from a distance.
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Sexy combat-
Mettaton can- and will- broadcast the fight if at all possible.
Down To Fight. Anytime. Anywhere. If there’s a camera and the audience likes it.
Stay away from his chest- his SOUL is contained there, and it can produce its own attacks.
His entire skin can become fatally electrified.
He’ll rotate between offense and defense- and you better believe he’ll strike poses every now and then. It’s a must!
Prepare to be danced at. Seriously.
Writer uses a gun when fighting with Mettaton, since their pizza peel might get them injured.
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Meta Knight believes in giving the enemy a chance to surrender first.
He will never fight an unarmed opponent. Scare them... Well there’s nothing against that!
The ‘unarmed opponent’ thing does not apply to those who have committed atrocities/crimes of which he is aware.
He believes in using every advantage given in a fight, so he may fight dirty- but it’s unlikely.
He has mastered every sword-style in the book, and some hand-to-hand styles.
The two have a tendency of being overkill together.
They guard each other’s backs the whole fight, if at all possible.
Meta Knight and Writer have a tendency to shout out warnings to the other.
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Might I just say, ‘GOOD FREAKING LUCK’.
He moves at Mach 20, the guy is fast and will use that to his advantage in a fight.
Still, when in an evenly matched speed-fight, Korosensei has EVERY fighting style of Earth memorized.
He can analyze weaknesses and exploit them in nanoseconds, good luck outrunning him.
There is no fight.
Also, Writer moves way too slow to really be of any use in a fight when KS is involved.
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He will use lasers. There is no escape.
Johnny is so freaking clumsy.
He does not know any fighting styles, but he does like tricking his opponents.
He refuses to kill.
Lasers reflecting off of the pizza peel. Have fun.
They will only fight offensively if they’re both backed into a corner.
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He’s a deity in Minecraft terms.- If it can be coded into the game in some manner, he can do it.
His preferred weapon is a pickaxe, but he only uses it as a last resort because he doesn’t want to have to repair it (which would literally take a nanosecond).
He can heal at a rapid pace.
Herobrine usually uses a guerilla tactic in combat.- It’s unlikely he’ll face his opponent directly unless he knows hiding is pointless.
Fireballs will be thrown, with Herobrine riding them.
Writer handles ranged attacks (bows, fireballs, etc.), while Herobrine fights close-quarters (sword, pickaxe).
They are the only couple to wear legit armor for a fight.
They are also the two most-prepared, due to combat training on a daily basis, just in case.
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Hoppy stoppy boi is gonna KICK YOUR ASS-
He does not, nor will he take the fight seriously.
Expect him to make jokes the whole time.
He has no favored weapon/attack.
There’s probably a copy of him to the side drinking Time Punch.
When he does take a fight seriously, whatever place he’s fighting in will be leveled- no exceptions. Ever.
He knows every combat style under (and over) the sun, and all their weaknesses, so enjoy trying to hit him even once.
It’s a mess and everyone knows it.
Bill and Writer both play the battle like it’s no big deal, they’re probably going to talk throughout about what they’ll do to their opponent once said opponent is beaten.
Bill probably uses his abilities to make the fight funnier for Writer.
If both are taking it seriously- um- you’re fucked, just saying.
Bill does have weaknesses, but with Writer backing him up, those weaknesses get much harder to exploit since Writer is warning him constantly, and vice versa.
Also it’s been over an hour since I started typing this post-
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galaxies-unknown-a · 3 years
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“Lemme finish the doc so I can kiss Swindle, dangit-”
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“... I heard my name?”
Writer’s scream of panic could be heard throughout the entire city.
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galaxies-unknown-a · 3 years
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“... So in one universe, Writer likes me. In another, they like that moronic yellow speedster. And in another universe, they fell for a literal god of mischief. And in ANOTHER one they like a fashionista...”
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“Jokes on them, I’m the best deal- obviously.”
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galaxies-unknown-a · 3 years
Just, picturing Swindle-- getting jealous--
Is a freaking WILD RIDE---
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galaxies-unknown-a · 3 years
How Swindle & Writer Met
Small thingy:tm: until I get the doc going:
Some HCs and whatnot concerning Swindle and Writer and my Swindle’s story (after the episode where he teams up with some humans to make a stasis gun of sorts in TFA)..
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Swindle was bought by his Writer at a discount from the police station, with Writer buying him at ~$5k because that was all they had at the time. He was still in permanent stasis when he was bought. Of course, thanks to the way the gun worked, he was perfectly aware of Writer buying him and driving him without his permission.
It started getting odd shortly after Writer bought Swindle. They attempted to nickname him- hilariously going with ‘Spintire’ (not very original, if anyone asked him). They muttered about spending everything they had to get him, before telling him not to worry, and that they’d take good care of him- only to start talking to themself again about talking to a car.
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For months, Swindle was stuck- with Writer as his driver, speaking to him every now and again, thanking him every time his locks clicked when they went to work, so on and so forth. It didn’t take long to learn Writer traveled the multiverse, but had decided to stay in this dimension for a time to work on getting a job instead of living off the land in Minecraft (a game that he very quickly learned plenty about). After a while, Writer started making jokes about hugging the car, and venting to him on bad days- and singing on good ones.
He didn’t realize it, but Swindle was falling for the organic that had bought him without knowing. Of course, that was pretty easy, since they were one of his only companions that entire time. They, of course, talked to him even around other passengers (which were not brought along often). He watched them, the way they tricked with words, the dark-humored jokes, the way they actually acknowledged him despite him being in stasis..
All this time, Swindle was working bit by bit- tearing away at the code that left him locked in vehicle mode, unable to speak, to move of his own accord.
And then, the Elite Guard came.
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Of course, Writer being Writer, they tried to fend the Elite Guard off- even when they were told that Swindle was.. Well, Swindle. An illegal arms-dealer who worked for the Decepticons. They defended him, even as one of the Elite Guard (a blue one named ‘Sentinel’) whacked them into a wall to get to Swindle. They, being stupid, tried to get back up- growling that the Elite Guard would have to kill them first to get to Swindle, since Swindle was their car and he hadn’t tried to leave/kill them, they were willing to fight for him. They were restrained, but thanks to the Cybertronian tech that was used... They weren’t exactly in what one would consider ‘stable’ condition.
One of the ‘bots was dispatched to take Writer to a human hospital, but all Swindle saw was Writer being taken away- the only person who spoke to him like he was a Cybertronian, not a walking ad, who talked to him and tried to acknowledge him even though he was stuck in vehicle mode... And he snapped. The coding was broken as he was being taken back to the Elite Guard ship. He transformed, and attacked.
Suffice to say, the Elite Guard were dealt with, but not killed (he wanted to sell parts later!), and he went off to go find Writer. He did transform back into vehicle mode so he could better hide in the human realm, and stopped outside of a hospital where he noticed a familiarly-colored car- that immediately took off, driving itself. Swindle let it go, and instead tried to call the hospital as a concerned lover. He was told Writer was stabilizing, but needed to stay for several days.
There’s more after that, buuuut I am tired, it’s super late.
Also, in my backstory for him, he is an ex-Autobot that went rogue after it was revealed that his commander was a piece of sh+t traitor, amongst other things, so he works for any side that will give him money because he’s lost all hope in the morality of any and every being.
The only one who’s given him the slightest bit of hope at present is Writer.
Laughs because I put ‘small thingy’ at the top of this.
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galaxies-unknown-a · 3 years
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They’d entered his cabin, with that defeated look on their face. Swindle wouldn’t say he was good at reading Writer, but he was getting better. The human had an odd way of acting- but not anything he hadn’t seen with some of his more chaotic clients in the past.
“That bad, huh?” He was already ordering a pint of ice cream- Extreme Moose Tracks, their favorite flavor. Writer offered no words, instead just nodding as they laid their head on his steering wheel. It was a soft touch, and he could see them trembling out of the corner of his rearview mirrors. “... I’ll drive.”
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A seatbelt snaked over their form. Swindle turned on his radio, easily linking into Writer’s YouTube account and playing the song at the top of their likes list. He didn’t bother editing his own mirrors as his purple headlights flashed to life. The mech started off at a crawl, his tires kicking up loose gravel from the parking lot as he drove away from the area. Sometimes, he really wondered why they stuck around that crazy place...
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“....nks...” Their voice wasn’t even loud enough to hear. They had mouthed the word several times before it came out as a sound. Writer wanted nothing more than to fade out of existence... After how horribly their night had gone, they felt like a total failure.- Anything that could have gone wrong that night... Had. And they couldn’t help but blame themself for the disasters that had unfolded.
Would they even have a job, come the morning?
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“... No problem, doll.” He wasn’t going to push it.
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galaxies-unknown-a · 3 years
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galaxies-unknown-a · 3 years
So Bumblebee, Optimus and Swindle. What did you guys do for thanksgiving and what are you all thankful for?
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"... What's 'Thanksgiving'?..." The mech ex-vented. Something to ask Writer, he supposed. "-Well, I'm thankful that I'm just this cool."
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"Writer and I spent the night in. It was rather enjoyable- they turned on some Christmas movies after we got dinner started for the two of us, and we both had fun trying to put 'Thanksgiving' spins on my energon cubes so we could both partake...." The mech gazed off into the distance for a moment, before regaining himself. "-Ah, what am I thankful for?... I suppose... My friends, who have been by my side for many a year."
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"Oh, just went out to a really neat dive-bar I know on the outskirts of the galaxy- one of the few that celebrates that holiday, believe it or not! Afterwards, well, whole galaxy was crowded for another (different) holiday, so I took Writer home... Annnd then went off to do some sales." Swindle snickered. "What am I thankful for? Credits, what else?"
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galaxies-unknown-a · 3 years
[Drabble - Ice Night]
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Something was wrong. They’d entered his alternate form, crying silently, shaking like a leaf. Swindle hadn’t asked questions- instead immediately turning to the internet with a silent spin of his wheel. He drove away from where Writer worked, cameras swiveling back. He knew it had to do with that place- but he wasn’t sure how.
He parked outside a grocery store nearby, resting his tires while Writer continued to cry gently at his steering wheel. It hurt his spark to see them in such a state- so it was a relief when what he’d ordered came out. The employee handed the confused Writer a small container of ice cream, and a pack of several spoons, before leaving them to their devices.
“... S-Swin, why’d’ja...?”
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“... Accidentally hit a button or two. But, since you’ve got the ice cream... May as well have some, right?” The store’s lights went out not a minute later. Must’ve been closing time... Not that Swindle particularly cared. “... You can talk if you need to, got it?”
He wasn’t exactly keeping an optic out for anything, should something jump out- but at the moment, he didn’t particularly care. He was a bit more concerned about the organic... And if he needed to scare the sh!t out of another one.
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galaxies-unknown-a · 3 years
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galaxies-unknown-a · 3 years
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“I miss the updog jokes.”
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“What’s up dog?”
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“.... Did you just.”
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galaxies-unknown-a · 3 years
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“Trying to breathe two drinks in less than twenty-four hours.” Writer exhaled. “.... Tryin’a become a fish, I guess.”
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“I can help with tha-”
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