#[line the fire with dirt not rocks (closed starter)]
voyage-inferno · 1 year
"So uh.. I guess we're roommates?"
Technically, the term still counted. He's pretty sure people only started being cellmates when the space stopped looking like a room, and started to look like a cage. This was a holding room- sure- but if there were bars, they were built and hidden within the existing structures.
Bennett just had to hope these guys figured out he was cursed, not criminal, and that his roommate was in a similar boat.
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blixtrandetorst · 1 year
{A bit of Dieter’s life that plagued my mind till I wrote something on it. Could be used as a starter for the right character(s)}
“I uh….I’ve never seen a vampire like this…” the soldier’s footsteps slowed approaching the giant body. Its bat face half covered in the dirt where it looked to have skidded into no man’s land. Laying on its side it resembled more a gargoyle than any incarnation of a vampire they were familiar with. Leather wrap around mimicking those officers wore were stroll strapped around its calves. Gigantic riding brechers were the only other article of clothing worn. The rest was weaponry and accessories to boot. Strewn about the long line it carved into the dirt upon landing.
Wings doubling its height were bend and broken in ever which way. A jumbled pile of leather. Bullet holes riddled the entire body. A machine gun spray looking to be the culprit. Silver bullets perhaps.
The fur that shielded its great neck and chest was laced with blood, long since ceasing its drip it dried in chunks. Mixing with the soil kicked up.
“One of ours…that’s all I know.” His buddy added.
“Yeah, our fliers I heard don’t need machines…never thought they were like this though…”
“How on earth did you think they fly then?”
“I don’t know! We got rocked by artillery fire before I could ask!”
Their eyes moved back to the motionless monster as if it stirred. One moved closer, ever so gently.
“Careful!” An urgent whisper.
“What Are you doing?”
“Finding out who it is.”
He rooted around in his overcoat, both pockets before a stack of small papers were found. Sanke cards.
“How? It doesn’t look very human.” They continued to hush their voices.
“There’s a scar.” Finally shushing his friend to focus. He moved closer, inching, to get in close to the humongous face. He wanted to brush the dirt away to get a good look without disturbing it. A tester brush revealed no new info but did give him confidence. The monster didn’t move. A few more vigorous brushes with a gloved hand. The scar revealing itself. Seemingly running through its right eye, down the length of its nose and across to his left bottom lip. It reminded him of lightning.
Back to the cards, shuffling them quickly. He had an idea who it could be. Though doubt crept in. Maybe not too notable. This is the most quiet sector on the front. Why would an ace crash over here? Had to be one of the less notable fliers.
He found the card. Holding it up, comparing against the inhuman face. He found a match. “No way…”
“Who is it?!”
He turned to show the card. A flier from Richthofen’s own squadron, and a 24 victory ace. “Dieter Bergström.”
“Yeeah…look.” He said in a nervous laugh. His friend rushing over as quickly as he felt prudent. They almost completely forgot that they were two feet away from it. Nevertheless he examined the scar with scrutiny then to the card he ripped from his comrade’s hand.
“Fuck, you’re right.”
“we have to report this!”
“We have to report this. They probably think he’s dead.”
He got a look. “He’s been dead…he’s a vampire dumbass.”
“Well, is he like…dead for a vampire? You know, done?”
“What am I a vampire expert?”
“You have all the Sanke cards! There’s not a flier from Germany that isn’t a leech!”
Their raising voices seemed to actually stir their discovery. A freezing air escaped its nostrils. They both jumped back. Scurrying to the relative safety of pile of dirt from previous mortar fire.
“Uh, you stay here huh? Make sure the tommies don’t find him.”
“How in the fuck am I gonna do That?! HES LIKE 20 FEET TALL!”
“Someone needs to keep an eye on him!”
“NO! Just mark where we are and let’s go!”
“Oh right, alright!” His fingers were messy, fishing a beat up map and a pencil from his bag. Quickly with shaking hands marking an x where they assumed they were. Then shoving it in a front breast pocket as a residual growl grumbled from monster. Giving them both the kick in the ass to get moving.
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sso-ironfire · 4 years
SSO Alonso X Reader/MC
I made a little story to share :) I hope people enjoy it. It is actually based on me being extremely frustrated while trying to find all of Catherine’s memories in Mistfall. I used they/them pronouns for your horse just bc idk what you all like imagine (ik in game your starter/soul horse is “supposed” to be male). I did female pronouns for the MC to sort of fit the SSO story line
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Alonso raced to the site of the incident. The rain slicked the trails. He made sure to keep extra care in the path he chose as he guided Mardy to the emergency. It was hard to see. The pouring rain and wind blinded him as he picked up speed. His ranger uniform was soaked in the short time he had been outside. But he pressed on. This is what he was trained for, why he joined the Jorvik Rangers. It thrilled him each time he raced to an emergency. What he saw on his arrival to the scene was not what he expected. Two rangers desperately held onto a crying horse as it bucked, trying to escaped their ropes. He could instantly recognize the horse. It was her horse. (Mc)'s horse. Two more rangers were preparing climbing gear at the base of the cliff. He looked up. (MC) was barely hanging onto a dirt ledge that was crumbling fast under the intense rain and added weight.
"(MC)!" He yelled out over the roar of the storm. She looked toward him with fearful eyes, before turning quickly attempting to climb further up the cliff. The rangers began to panic, shouting at her not to move. The ledge below her began to crumble more.
Alonso jumped off Mardy and ran to the aide of the climbing team.
"No! No, please! I need to get the butterfly!" She pleaded as she furiously tried to scramble to the top.
There was no butterfly. What was she talking about?
"Hang in there!" Alonso called, hoping her panic was the cause of this delusion.
The platform below her gave way, sliding along as rock, roots, and mud tumbled to the ground below. She let out a shriek as her body was taken over by gravity. Alonso had just gotten off the ground, able to angle himself just enough to catch her. He clutched her to his chest turning his back to the cliff-face, shielding both of them from an onslaught of rocks and mud that came falling with her. She was shaking. Her entire body violently quaking. He looked back up to the top of the cliff. She was dreadfully close to a serious injury and, if she fell the wrong way, possibly death.  It was good the Rangers were able to get to her so quickly. Alonso dreaded the thought of what might happen if they were even a minute late.
(MC) still shook as he was brought down. She clutched onto his uniform with white knuckles, barely able to catch her breath. (Horse) had calmed down once they saw that their rider was being brought down safely but still tried to break free from the grips of the other rangers.
"Let them go! They just wants to know she's alright." He told them once he had safely returned to the ground. They let go of the frantic horse. Once they were near enough to smell their rider it seemed to calm them down. They were happy (MC) was safe. Alonso reached out to gentle pat them on the nose.
"Don't worry. We're gonna take good care of her."
It was only a few hours later when (MC) had woken up from her exhaustion induced sleep. There was only one thing on Alonso's mind as he tended to her: what on earth was so important that she would risk her life? A butterfly, she said something about a butterfly. Should he bring it up? Would it cause her to go into a panic again?
"Mmm.. hnng..." She stirred lightly. Alonso looked over towards her, preparing a bowl of warm chicken noodle soup. He had never noticed her eyes before, but they seemingly were enhanced by the light of the fire. It was a strange thought that popped into his mind. Surely, the condition of the cuts on her knees and arms would be more important. The observation of the color of her eyes even caused his face to flush, he felt his ears and cheeks warm.
"W-where am I?" She spoke with a very strained voice.
"We're at the Jorvik Rangers Station in Mistfall. I thought it would be a nice place to recover."
"Recover?" She looked around rather frantically.
"Well...yes. You appear to be very sleep deprived,  I have not been able to tell if you've attained any severe injuries, and you might have caught a cold out in the rain like that. Plus, Lionheart's foot is pretty badly sprained. We had the vet from Dundull come and look at him. He needs a few days of rest." She looked down, but he saw the glossiness in her eyes. She clearly felt guilty. The situation rendering her horse injured and herself under observed recovery.
"This is all my fault. I'm sorry." She whispered, her voice cracking as she began to sob into the blanket held tightly in her hands. Normally, he was good at comforting people. Trail riders and rangers complemented him on his calming demeanor that helped them through scary situations. But why couldn't he comfort her the same way. He wanted to say something, but he just couldn't think of what. Instead he interrupted her crying with the bowl of soup and sat at the end of the bed. She ate it quietly, hiccupping every now and then as she tried to calm down.
"Why were you out in a storm like that?" He watched her closely, waiting for her answer. He probably shouldn't have asked but he could tell there was something more to the situation.
"Umm...well...It's hard to explain." She muttered.
"You said something about a butterfly." Her face dropped as he said that.
"I-I did?" He nodded at her.
"Yes. I'm sorry if I seem rude. I just wanted to try to understand. You had me- us- very worried." She bit her lip, thinking.
"It's complicated..." She muttered, taking another spoonful of soup. Alonso didn't have a response to that. He didn't really know what to say. As Alonso pondered what he should say to comfort the poor girl, she spoke up and surprised him.
"I really appreciate you saving me," She glanced up at him with those eyes. His face flushed under her gaze. "I should clarify. It is complicated. It is something very important to understanding my role in this world, but it isn't something I can openly share with others. I'm thankful that you were there for me when I, quite literally, fell."
Alonso swallowed the lump in his throat. The concerns she seemed to be facing appeared to be stress beyond her years. Alonso found himself wanting to help her with that burden.
"I can tell that whatever is going on is very important to you. It is healthy to share that weight. But if you just need someone to catch you, I'd be happy to do that for you." Alonso gave her the best smile he could, his cheeks still burning from her compliment.
She managed a small but genuine smile in return.
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mercysought · 4 years
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@lichteeth​ :  a reflection in the mirror with the good and bad sides of you. for emilie & anders? . starter / drabble prompts . accepting
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The night’s darkness had barely touched the earth when their encampment had become overwhelmed. 
Around them what had once been a luscious forest in the golden hour was nothing but torn and scattered splinters of wood. Of those that had caught flame, a dark smoke rose ominously up the air. Day or night, it no longer mattered. They needed to move.
Émilie stood at the edge of what had once been their camp, swiftly attempting to take a tally of the damage and loos that they had suffered. Calculating how much time they had to pick up whatever tents could be salvaged. What was in the path of the fire that they really did not have time to put out. 
There are voices all around them, louder words and raised emotions. Not from the adrenaline that still pumped within their veins or from the corpses of templar bodies (and their own) that were on the forest floor. Émilie tries her best to push them aside, push them away and the furthest from her own mind. She can feel them, how loud and strong and ferocious they are. How they so simply dwarf any voice within her own head. How inviting they were to her, to join in in their hysteria, their anger, their adrenaline instead of focusing on the thin line that she attempted to follow through. 
Even the crackling of the flames was too much, the rushing of the wind that rose and turned her platinum hair into a whirlwind.
Émilie’s breathing slows down, inhaling the smoke and the dust around them. Eyes close, for a second. Two. 
The mage is brought back like lightning had struck the ground that she stood on. The voice rocks her ribcage like it was the ground itself. Her feet are unsteady as she approaches. Blankets and food in hand, she approaches the scene.
I didn’t know that he would tell the rest of the templars. Oh Maker, he is dead. There are so many dead! I didn’t want for this to happen! Why —  One of the mages’ hands drenched in blood, crouched on the caked dirt by a templar corpse. Two other mages stand by her, though as he walks closer to them they step away. One, two steps in shock and horror. Fear.
Fear rattles her bones, calling to her. They all know its calling better than they know the way their names fit in another’s mouth. Fear, regret. Loss. And anger. 
Anders is not himself. This voice she had heard it time and time again, first softly and then louder when he first showed himself to her. The voice that threatened to tear at Anders, rip his skin to reveal something else all together. Something that had entrenched himself so deeply into him that it was part of him in a way that could not be denied. And yet Émilie knew this, this cruelty to not be his own. Fury pours from his eyes, from the posture on his body, from the staff that he holds.
The fury fills her lungs until she could no longer recall the smell of fresh air. The copper in her mouth the only taste that she could ever know, the she would ever know. That she ever wanted to know. Her lungs seize under the misleading call of a build up towards a storm. This was not unfamiliar, the strong sway of emotions so strong that made her bend like a leaf in the wind. She was not unfamiliar with the feeling of drowning. With the fear that came with it. Émilie is not unfamiliar with the darkness that falls over her shoulders, forcing her chest to collapse on itself.
The soft hands that slowly cover her eyes.
She is not unfamiliar with walking into the darkness anyway.
The shield that rises between herself, the other mage and Anders flashes like loud thunder when Justice’s (how he had been introduced to her) clashes against it. Erupting into loud and furious flames that push all around them in a strong gust of wind.
She feels herself shake in the wind. The flickers of ash and fire all around them.
Her vision is still darkened, but even in the darkness her knees hold up. Even in her fear and in the eyes that cannot see the man beyond his shape and the terrifying blue glow, in the anger that is not her own: She stands between them despite the snarl, despite the pain, despite it all.
   “We don’t execute our own like this.” her voice is consumed by the flames around them, by the wind. They simple breathing of Justice. His snarl.
You will be hated if you become a problem. Don’t become a problem.
Émilie’s breathing is harsh, laboured. Lips quiver and her eyes water both from the flames all around and the adrenaline that starts to wear off giving way to all else. She remains resolute, holding herself best she can, waiting.
She pleads, silently; praying to the Maker, asking him. 
Don’t do this. Don’t make me do this.
Émilie sniffs, lowering herself and holding Vera by her arm. Still inconsolable, still shaking and now drenched in fear by the figure that still stares at Émilie. The back of Émilie’s hand is covered with sooth, and yet she still uses it to clean her nose as she moves past Justice “We need to move.”
credit: . . .
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azure-steel · 4 years
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@primalvessel​ said: "I’m so close, so fucking close.." Filthy Dialogue Starters - ALWAYS ACCEPTING because in this house, every day is Sinday~
Wasn’t it odd how newly flourishing relationships develop? 
How the body reacts so violently to the fleeting glances, the soft accidental (or not) feathered brush of fingertips, or a simple warming smile. Cloud seemed to think so, given that this was very much a first for the blond former-mercenary. 
Of course he was no stranger to the concept of romantic desire, had felt it himself in fact, but given that these instances were either short lived, unrequited, or he lacked the opportunity - and perhaps mere basic maturity - to act on those desires he’d long made peace with the fact that perhaps he was better off on his own. There was something fundamentally painful about the notion of desire - the need or want to have more of a thing than he already had - that pursuing such a thing seemed pointless when he would inevitably lose it in the end. 
That was, of course, until a certain snowy topped Miqo’te had come sweeping into his line of sight. Where the awakening of moths swarming in his belly were much less an irritation than it was a sensation he sought out whenever the opportunity arose. 
Today, just so happened to be one of those opportunities~
Reprieve between delivery drops had been found within the sanctuary of a rocky overhang, out in the open where the risk of getting caught in a rather compromising position only added fuel to ever spreading fires of unadulterated wanton need. With time to spare it seemed the pair of them were having trouble keeping their hands to themselves and before either of them could take stock and come to their good senses - of which they were both discovering they had so very few - Cloud was already balls deep, watching with heavy azure eyes as Maru worked himself along his aching length. 
He could see everything from his position here beneath the horny feline, the way he looked at him like he was the only man in the world, the way his hips bucked and rocked against his own causing that hard exotic dick of his to bounce and sway with the motion, the sweat glistening across the rippling muscle of Maru’s abdomen, how the ex-exotic dancer shuddered each time Cloud touched upon that one, oh, so sensitive spot within him. It was a sight to behold, worthy of squirreling away into the archives of his mind to glance upon later, to be given the privilege of witnessing how this powerful dragoon could fuck himself with such lascivious abandon. But even the sight alone did not compare to the raw carnal sensations brought on from making love to this man right here in the dirt; how his thick cock was sucked so impossibly deep with each upward thrust, the stroke of that tight greedy hole squeezing and quivering over his shaft. 
Fuck, it felt so good... so fucking good. 
There was nothing in the whole of Gaia comparable to this, and the courier feared, if only for a moment, that he would become addicted to it; to the heady stench of sex, to the wet slap of skin on naked skin, to Maru and his insatiable thirst for whatever Cloud could possibly offer in the heat of these moments they shared. 
Between the gasps and heavy rolls of the bodies against the others, the Miqo’te utters a final confession, “I’m so close, so fucking close...” and with that the pace quickens, Cloud’s leather clad fingers digging deeper into the flesh of the other man’s hips, guiding him into the new rhythm, tugging his body closer still in order to reach just that little bit deeper into that tight twitching entrance, aid him into reaching that sheer drop of unadulterated rapture. 
“Then be a good boy, and cum for me~” a sultry whisper delivered with the curl of a devilish grin tugging at a single corner of his mouth, his bright ocean eyes, lecherously clouded, locked deep in the hues of Maru’s fiery crimson gaze. 
“Prove just how good it feels when I fuck you.” 
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botwstoriesandsuch · 4 years
Not botw but I attempt to write things. 1827 words
Here is essentially a 2am reskin of one of my fics (The Storm) that I reworked so I could submit it as an “Alternate Fairy Tale Ending” project for creative writing. I apologize for the crappy dialogue but hey, at least I submitted it on time.
Also yes I researched it Red Riding Hood’s name was Blanchette ashhshhhshhshhh don’t question it
Ok here’s werewolf fights I guess
- - - - - 
The rain poured against her skin. Lightning struck in the distance, closely followed by a roar of thunder. For now, the sky was dull and overcast, the only colors being the murky grey shine of the storm. It would not last. Beneath the rushing clouds, the glimmer of the moon could be seen. It was full, and cast its light down on the earth below. Only it wasn’t white or silver, instead, it shone a blood red. 
She stood under the shadow of the forest, a small clearing around her. The grass, it’s deepest green, and it’s blades danced against wind. Droplets pattered against large grey rocks around the area. Pine trees shivered with their evergreen tusks, and dead bushes twitched and contorted in the breeze. The woods were alive, and full of fear. 
The clouds were now rushing across the sky at a violent speed, specks of dust could be seen under the velvet shine of the moon. The colors of the sky shifted from pitch to a blazing fire, the air now covered in scarlet shades. Under a blood moon like this, it was sure to come. Blanchette waited for grandmother to arrive.
A figure stumbled out of the dark, a woman, thin and bony. Its body was frail and weak, but the eyes reflected a hunger. It spoke.
“Blanchette, why on earth do you have a sword on your back?”
Ignoring the beast’s statement, the girl dared to take a step forward, her tone as unwavering as metal. “You messed with the wrong family, wolf.”
It chuckled, then laughed, then bellowed. Blunt, yellowing teeth were exposed, showing off an innocent elderly smile, as her grandmother laughed into the night. It walked closer, a silver nightgown blowing in the violent wind. 
“Do you not recognize me dearie? Perhaps you need to get your eyes checked. I’m your old sick grandmama, and I’m quite hungry. Do you still have those delicious cookies you brought from earlier?”
The rain poured down on Blanchette’s hood, but her gaze did not waver. 
“It is you who needs to better your vision. I suppose you didn’t count on angering someone from a family of werewolf hunters.”
It stopped walking. Tilting its head to the side like a dog, it asked, “Whatever have I done to anger you, dearie?”
“Well, for starters, it wasn’t very polite of you to devour the elderly. Attempting to chew on my head wasn’t ideal either.”
It laughed again, it seemed to be enjoying itself. Its voice sounded deeper and gruffer. Grandmother turned its gaze, raising an eyebrow towards Blanchette’s direction, but the girl continued.
“Last time you almost had me, but this,” she gestured to the sheathed sword on her back, ‘this, is going to change things.”
It grinned, “Why don’t we talk about this over dinner?”  
The moon glowed through the trees, its red light finally fell upon the grandmother. The glow caused black mist to appear on the field below. Tendrils, thick and smokey, trampled across the grass, shriveling flowers in its wake. The mass collected into a large conglomerate of black, red, and grey. It rose and expanded with hypnotic swirls, swarming around the grandmother. Its shape pulsed as it took to a large, animal-like form. Smoke became flesh, and flesh became monster, as the beast formed before her very eyes. Its large furry feet pounded against the ground, kicking up dirt. Its stomps made the surrounding trees shudder. It lifted its head to the scarlet sky and howled, its echo melding with the boom of thunder. 
The storm was now at its crescendo, the wind screamed in her ears. The rain soaked her clothes, the tunic hugging her skin. Her hood was begging to billow in the wind, the edges of its scarlet cloth blending with the night. But a single sword kept the hood fitted against her back. A silver sword, passed down through her family. 
The transformation was complete. The moon now waned back to its pale complexion, the sky darkened to oil. Winds lowered their screams, fading back to baleful whispers. The rain and thunder continued, but compared to the horrifying transformation that had happened, the forces of nature were welcome. 
Blanchette observed the creature that had been born out of the dark. Its body was the color of ash, fur soaked, eyes black as soot. Wind rushed through the beast’s silver fur, its claws and fangs were pearly white.  Its sharp teeth grinded against each other, an itch in the back of its throat asked for blood. The Werewolf’s familiar gaze settled on Blanchette. Its eerie eyes glared  at the girl, daring her to remove her hood and stare back. 
Perhaps it would be the last thing they ever saw.
Now the world was silent. The only sound Blanchette could hear was that of her own, rhythmic heartbeat. 
But she had done this before, slaying a beast. After all, her skill at spilling their blood had earned her the nickname, Red.
She sprinted towards the Wolf. 
Still not looking it in the eye, Red yelled as she approached. Her sword was still sheathed on her back, for she knew from experience that closing the distance between them was life or death. If it disarmed her too soon, she would be as defenseless as she was back in her grandmother’s house. The sword was too important, better to wait for the right moment. The Werewolf gave a familiar roar. A flick of its wrists and its claws extended out.
Strike now!
There were several advantages to being armed with only a single sword. It kept her light on her feet, the slim sheathe fastened securely so it wouldn’t fall off should she tumble, roll, or dodge out of danger. Furthermore, her speed was not burdened by too much weight on her back, for strength is only as good as the swiftness of a blow. And of course, a single blade meant you only had to focus on one thing. Sinking the sword into skin. 
Her feet trampled on the soft grass, she was now only a few paces away from the Wolf. With one fluid motion, Red reached back and unsheathed her sword. It gleamed with a blinding light, distracting the beast for a moment. Using her momentum, she thrust the sword’s edge into one of the beast’s legs, putting all her weight and strength behind it. The wolf bellowed. Before it even had time to process the pain fully or react, Red moved back, ready to parry or dodge an attack.
The beast raised its arms into the air, a motion intent on slamming the girl from both sides with its sharp claws. But just before the claws made contact with her body, time seemed to slow. Red steadied her legs, then leaped out of the way, dodging gracefully out of the Werewolf’s clutches. In midair, the world seemed to move at a snail’s pace, she could see the beast in the motion of attacking an assailant who was no longer in front of it. When her feet connected back with the earth, she rushed forward, delivering a flurry of attacks with the opening the Wolf had created for itself. With each blow, the sword gleamed a sapphire glow. After a series of deadly strikes, the rain poured back to its regular pace. 
The Wolf regained its composure due to the new wounds created on its abdomen. Now enraged, it quickened its strikes, slashing violently in any direction in order to get any sort of  hit on her. She dodged, jumped, and rolled. It was a dance in the rain, her footwork being the only thing keeping her alive. With every swing the Wolf made, Red pivoted, backflipped, and dodged, attacking the openings. The beast’s white and grey colored fur matched well with the bloody wounds it was now receiving. 
Ruby and sapphire clashed on the field. Her blade glowed against the black of night. She was doing well, despite the fact he was playing with death. Red hadn’t been hit yet, and it would hopefully stay that way, since one blow could cause her demise. But this had to be done. Whoever the Werewolf ate, it could transform into them during the day. Who knows what chaos this beast would bring about if it got to town. 
They continued their clash in the woods, the storm continued to boom in the background. The Wolf, panting from exhaustion, snapped its teeth, attempting to bite at Red’s hood. When she continued to dodge gracefully, it roared.
“What are you??”
“As I said, it was your mistake to anger someone from a long line of Werewolf hunters.”
Then, she ran. Red, bolted for the trees. The wolf, darted after her, its smile showing off pearly teeth, drool dripping down its chin. The beast scampered through the pine trees, its evergreen shades blending with the shadow. He had lost her, but what was a wolf without its sense of smell. Bringing its face to the dirt, the Werewolf sniffed, looking for the smell of baked goods and steel. It found it, and darted further into the woods. It turned its head, left and right, searching for a glimpse of a bright red cloak. Scampering through the woods, its tail started to lower. Its wounds caused the beast to sulk. 
The edges of a red hood billowed in the wind. 
The Wolf eyed it warily. Then, shifting its weight, it pounced!
Not so clever now, are you, girl?
It’s teeth and claws connected with the cloth. It’s jaws ripping the hood to shreds. 
But it tasted no meat. It felt no blood, no warmth.
The sword sunk into its skin. 
The wolf bellowed, an eerie shout that melded with the boom of thunder. Behind him stood Red, her head and shoulders bare, hair soaked from the storm. In her grasp was the blue handle to her silver sword. It had pierced the Wolf, square in the heart. 
She grunted as she pulled the sword out of the Wolf, its body crumbled to the earth. Using the remnants of her hood, Red wiped the blood off her sword. She looked down at the beast, it was barely alive. Then, it breathed, shifting its black eyes towards her. It whispered.
“If you think you’ll walk out of this...alive…you’re in for a surprise…”
Red smirked, placing aboot on the Wolf’s face. “You’re in no shape to be killing anyone, much less me.”
The Wolf gave a crooked smile, “Perhaps not…”
Then, it gave the last of its strength to shove her boot aside. It lifted its head to the sky and howled. Then, the Wolf’s head crashed back into the dirt, dead.
The howl was still echoing through the woods.
Then, there was an answer.
Red looked through the trees, sword at her side. Howls, from at least three directions, filled the night. Each sounded faded and far, but with each echo it sounded closer.
Taking her sword in front of her, she let out a sigh. It seemed her job was not over yet. 
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I present to you Kinesis: Chapter 21, please feel free to look for all previous and future chapters on my Master List and under the “Kinesis” tag :) Love you all!
Warnings: Continued battle - please read carefully!
An explosion sounded, and I found myself scoffing as Masamune made a choked off gasp. I had never taken him to be the jumpy sort, but I would let this particular instance slide. “Not really playing fair are they?” 
“I would agree with you but I can’t, for two excellent reasons,” Masamune smirked as one of his many swords swung, taking out yet another of Gael’s men.
“And those would be?” I asked frustrated; He’d just stolen an opponent clearly heading for me, and I wasn’t about to be distracted enough for Masamune to take another. 
“Well for starters I’ve always enjoyed a good challenge.” He grunted as he pushed back against an attacker who had gotten too close. “Secondly, that wasn’t their side. It was ours.”
“What do you mean it was ours?” I paused for a moment looking around, it wasn’t entirely beyond the realm of possibility that Sasuke had come up with something oddly explosive to throw at the opposing force. Where was he anyway?
“Kenshin, less looky more fighty!” Masamune shouted as another one of his blades tore through an enemy that had charged forward. 
I was about to respond when a second blast rocked the ground at our feet, a shout raising up as enemies and allies alike lost their balance. The moment everyone seemed to steady themselves ribbons of purple light shot up from the newly formed cracks in the earth. I followed the intricate patterns now woven into the dirt until my eyes landed on- who was that? Could that be?
“Your majesty.” Masamune dropped into a low bow as they approached. 
“Oh, would you stand up.” They responded to the gesture. “When has ‘The Great Lord Date’ ever bowed to me?” Their tone mocking but pleasantly familiar.
“Since now. I like the hair by the way, you do something new with it Kitten?” I rolled my eyes at the encounter. Watching Masamune’s belligerent attempt at flirting was painful. 
“Only you would flirt with the Heir Apparent in the middle of a sword fight.” I sighed, finished with the banter the moment it started. 
“Technically there’s no more sword fighting going on.” (YN) reached a hand out towards Masamune. “I’d like to change that though, mind if I borrow one?” 
I looked around to see that they were correct. (YN)’s magical outbursts seemed to have quelled the fighting that had been going on. Everyone now stood around in stunned silence, many stuck mid-attack. 
“What did you do?” Masamune’s eyes glowed with curiosity as he moved his arsenal of swords into (YN)’s viewing space. 
“Nothing you should concern yourself with, I’ll fix it here in a second.” A devilish smirk played across their face, amber eyes glittered with a fire I recognized well.
Sword in hand, (YN) positioned themselves, so they were facing the middle of the clearing. With the snap of their fingers, the air whipped around us until the thin purple veil surrounding our camp burst open, letting the energy flow once more.  It was as if someone had breathed life into the world again, and I caught myself distracted as swords came crashing back down around Masamune and me. 
With an excited holler, Masamune pushed forward as the two of us continued our complicated dance, taking out opponents left and right all. 
“And what exactly do you think you’re doing?” I scoffed as (YN) bent down and began drawing in the dirt. “Masamune didn’t give you that sword so you could doodle.”
“Not very patient, are you Kenshin?” They snickered as they continued to draw. “Then again you never were. If you must know, it’s a rune.”
“I can see that now, but why would you need to draw it in the dirt? Aren’t you covered in them?” I asked dodging the blade of my current opponent. 
“Yes and no. Only the spells I’ve mastered or been gifted are visible on my skin,” (YN) scratched at their nose as they looked up at me sheepishly. “I haven’t exactly mastered this one yet.”
“That makes good enough sense.” Masamune yelled over the clash of metal.
“No, it doesn’t. Why would you try an unmastered spell in the heat of battle? And by comrades no less? Are you trying to kill us?” The exasperation clear in my questions.
“No, worst case scenario I’d accidentally launch a few of us into the stratosphere. As long as you don’t mind the cold, it’s not so bad.” The look on your face said you were completely serious, the thought put a scowl on my face as Masamune cackled. 
We had a moment’s reprieve before a new wave of infantryman crashed down on us. (YN) gave a small audible ‘hup’ before the air around us pulsed with energy. 
“Alrighty then, I’ll see you boys, later. I’ve got some business to attend to.” (YN) gave a quick wink before pushing off the earth and rocketing towards the front lines. At least the rune had worked.
Soldiers on both sides stopped to marvel at the sight of the royal. A far cry from (YN)’s earlier appearance, they looked every bit their title now. Long lilac hair, braided tight and as thick as a rope followed their quick movements as they gracefully cut down anyone who stood in their way. Golden eyes that pierced through the sole of any who dared challenge them. Brilliantly intricate tattoos decorated every inch of exposed skin, loudly proclaiming (YN)’s identity to all who may oppose their existence. 
A murmur spread through the two groups gathered as (YN) zipped passed, many on our side held looks of elation and relief while Geal’s men seemed to tremble in fear. Cowards. Who starts a fight their not willing to finish?
With poise, (YN) stood confidently beside Nobunaga. Shoulders square and back straight as they addressed Gael with the tip of their sword.
“Rhian,” Gael’s mouth fell into a surprised ‘oh’ as his stance faltered slightly. 
“Gael.” (YN) stood unmoving as they addressed him, an unwavering stare locked onto Gael as a sickly sweet smile graced their features. 
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writerspink · 8 years
Basic Topics
cook bread cake pie noodles pasta eggs meat milk cheese oil chocolate chips cookies crackers treats snacks muffin rolls biscuit cupcake brownies bagel biscotti French fries sandwich hamburger salad meatloaf breakfast lunch super dinner snack fruit juice soda pop tea coffee wine beer
snow rain wind sunny cloudy tornado hurricane hail ice freeze thaw hot cold earthquake sand mud dirt dust mountain river lake sea ocean valley plain field park sidewalk fresh air camping campfire barbecue picnick
cow donkey horse rabbit dragonfly deer squid kangaroo bear wolf chipmunk squirrel dog fox cat pheasant brontosaurus mouse eagle clam parrot crow duck cricket swan housefly pterodactyl goose chicken oyster turkey sheep goat hummingbird raptor owl eel hornet zebra bird mosquito whale cougar shrimp elephant lion bee pigeon gazelle cheetah hippopotamus fish tiger gecko grasshopper rhinoceros walrus octopus otter spider jellyfish penguin falcon snake rat crab leopard T-Rex dolphin orca lizard shark hawk giraffe dinosaur starfish snail
hat gloves scarf coat trench coat rain coat umbrella shirt pants shorts underwear vest sweater sweat shirt sweat pants sweat suit jogging suit boots shoes sandles slippers swimming suit suit dress skirt blouse hood hoodie fedora flat cap fedora polo shirt dress shirt T-shirt tank top muscle shirt blazer tuxedo cufflinks necklace bracelet earring
house garage workshop window door screen wall floor ceiling kitchen bathroom living room bedroom window door garbage trash can clean wash rinse mob broom washcloth sink shower bath soap toilet toothbrush towel curtain bed blanket pillow bed sheets table chair bench knife fork spoon plate cup bowl water glass bottle cutting board rolling pin toaster blender stove oven fry pan wok pot kettle baking sheet crock pot coffee maker dish washer refrigerator freezer cellar pantry cupboard counter top cabinet closet toybox chest wardrobe vanity coat rack stand sofa couch love seat coffee table footstool ottoman recliner
Office & School
desk computer phone tablet printer clock watch memo note pencil pen ink eraser glue paper clip stapler rubber band sharpen dull shavings shred ruler protractor compass classroom pencil holder calendar pin board thumb tack desk lamp board room whiteboard blackboard conference table manager supervisor teacher principal team & teammates classmates employee student project assignment study work learn correct edit fix repair update upgrade install enroll graduate finish late on time communicate network energy electricity announcement speakers PA system (public announcement) public private corporation company school district industrial park factory building commerce money market
car truck motorcycle semi truck pickup truck sport car sedan coup scooter dirt bike bicycle BMX bike skates skateboard helmet seat belt air bag crash collision fender bender ticket parking lot speed limit lane highway onramp expressway freeway toll road bridge overpass underpass train tracks railroad train station bus stop yield distance limousine chauffeur driver taxi tour guide travel
Farm & Garden
barn tractor trailer crops harvest irrigation pesticide herbicide weed-killer fertilizer lawn mower bumper crop hay loft straw alfalfa pasture horse fence gate work gloves planting watering weeding trimming trowel plow hoe rake shovel pruning shears hedge trimmer watering can hose hose butler hose reel hose trolley spigot nozzle sprinkler turret sprinkler spray gun rain barrel rain gauge wood chips seeds blossom pollen silo grainery grain elevator cheesecloth cheese curd dairy butcher cellar canned vegetables frost dew perennial annual tulip bulb rose garden walled garden shrubbery
baseball basketball football soccer lacrosse golf tennis badminton swimming hockey bat glove mitt hoop basket net goal cleats shin guards pads jersey baseball cap court racket pool referee coach team manager stadium arena referee guard forward pitcher catcher offense defense goalie umpire puck penalty disc frisbee quarterback fowl pitch tee-off green rough course field flag boundary out of bounds clock period inning half quarter round match set play (a football play) line sponsor spectator stands bleachers nose-bleed section admission season playoffs tickets finals halftime
piano clarinet oboe bassoon saxophone French horn trumpet trombone tuba flute percussion drum snare tympani bell chimes harp synthesizer instrument sampling director symphony orchestra band marching band parade color guard cadence harmony melody counter melody solo duet quartet march concerto composer tempo beat dynamics volume drum major field commander captain genre jazz blues pop rock n’ roll big band dixieland waltz tango alternative boogie woogie ragtime classical baroque romance medieval pentatonic scale Major minor harmonic
computer monitor tablet stylus writing tablet touchscreen smartphone mouse keyboard battery power cord cable display desktop wallpaper firmware software application (app) app store runtime environment operating system kernel motherboard integrated circuit transistor processor processor core central processing unit (CPU) graphics processing unit (GPU) random access memory (RAM) read only memory (ROM) user account website profile page Internet web page homepage dependency software stack markup language scripting language cascading style sheet (CSS) hypertext markup language (HTML) database structured query language (SQL) universal resource identifier (URI) (https://write.pink/vocab) universal resource locator (URL) (https://write.pink) web address texting global positioning system (GPS) geolocation temp file directory structure file system email web application blog (weblog) content management system (CMS) human resource management (HRM) customer relations management (CRM) enterprise resource planning (ERP) personal information management (PIM) words per minute (WPM) social media multimedia terminal command line console client server client side language server side language legacy version version history product road map scope creep bug report feature request install update upgrade beta security malware virus spyware cookie meta data content menu navigation heading header footer article post tag search engine web crawler contacts share embed log error message runlevel priority foreground background radio select checkbox dropdown select text field encrypt certificate session web browser desktop application email client
reservation checkin checkout key deposit hotel motel hostel resort bead & breakfast cruise ship country club waiter waitress server maître d’hôtel concierge host butler bus boy bell hop kitchen crew dish crew chef assistant menu chef’s surprise soup of the day cup of joe appetizer soup & salad main course side dish dessert bread basket pitcher order make ticket make line make table make time delivery time serving tray goblet water glass pilsner glass martini glass shot glass wine glass soda fountain on tap deli deli cut tip / gratuity buffet all you can eat take out doggy bag delivery refill silverware napkin place setting cost per plate guest linens dining room floor bedding double bed queen size bed king size bed twin beds room service wake up call bar bar stool high boy bartender barista clerk open shop close shop “we’re all out” first in first out first in last out last in first out cost of sales five star three star
navigation driving directions baggage luggage carry-on hand-baggage check in checked baggage baggage claim ticket pass boarding pass departure arrival departure time travel time arrival time estimated time of departure (ETD) estimated time of arrival (ETA) delay on time commute journey embark boarding disembark boarding gate departure gate time table service counter first class business class economy class premium economy frequent flier membership card priority boarding priority seating lounge pass call button flotation device evacuation instructions bulkhead cabin wings air pressure altitude tunnel crash landing splash landing touchdown splashdown turbulence in-flight meal in-flight entertainment airplane mode stow dinner tray reading lamp climate control overhead compartment seat number isle seat window seat dining car sleeper car truck stop weigh station fuel station gas station petrol station passengers crew captain pilot copilot navigator conductor flight attendant helm deck terminal dock ferry plane ship airline cruise ship train bus subway space shuttle transporter beam flying saucer teleportation warp drive hyperdrive hyperspace supersonic lightspeed nautical mile time zone
Dinning Out
“dressy” festive casual jeans and tie dress pants and tie suit and tie three piece suit dress shirt nice shirt nice T shirt old shirt old T shirt jeans nice jeans rockstar jeans stone washed jeans blazer vest dress short nice shorts jean shorts skirt blouse dress high heels dress shoes slippers loafers sandals sneakers casual shoes [sport] shoes wingtip shoes
orange soda grape soda red soda cola Dr. Pepper lemon lime root beer ginger ale cream soda bread basket sub sandwich fruit platter cole slaw burrito taco nachos melon lemonade snacks popcorn hot dog chips
camper trailer mobile home campfire fire pit firewood kindling starter fluid charcoal coals ashes marshmallow s’mores graham crackers hot dog roast hot dog bun condiments relish ketchup mustard paper plate disposable silverware tin foil dinner wrap foil wrapped dinner grill barbecue cookout roasting stick campground toiletries bath house dump station park service park ranger national park state park county park city park recreation off road vehicle recreational vehicle speed boat water skiing wake boarding beach sand dune mountain climbing hiking walking stick mosquito net insect repellent tent tarp AstroTurf picnic table lawn chairs lantern kerosene sing-along
scaffold nails hammer sledgehammer jackhammer allen wrench screws screwdriver torques head Phillips head straight edge concrete flexcrete cement mortar bricks foundation chimbney threshold partition fire escape story loft lean-to foundation basement construction crew construction site building code building permit detour road construction earth moving equipment shovel rake bulldozer backhoe dumptruck studds drywall log cabin blueprints I-beam welding molding trim work framing carpeting tiling tile floor grout trowel hardhat work gloves safety glasses safety goggles face mask plaster paintbrush pain roller paint can paint can opener paint thinner wallpaper window frame door frame hinge deadbolt lock electric outlet breaker switch breaker box fuse box pluming faucet pipe drain septic tank septic system drain field landscaping survey crew land surveying acre shelf awning tarp fence rebar power grid power lines power transformer electrical pole wiring linoleum formica veneer lumber particle board plywood sandpaper palm sander belt sander saw horse table saw band saw jig saw radial arm saw drill press lathe C-clamp wood glue wood putty wood stain varnish lacquer
Basic Topics was originally published on PinkWrite
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agilenano · 5 years
Agilenano - News: Top 5 Best Shovels for Digging in 2020
Are you looking for the Best Shovel for digging during snow time?
Whether it is doing simple landscaping in your garden, or clearing your driveway after heavy snow, or even some heavy digging in your field, a shovel is your best companion. Even if you dont do any of the above, a shovel is a must-have for your emergency gear. But take a look at the market, and there are thousands of shovels that have different blades, different handles and different materials of construction.
Choosing the right kind of shovel that suits you and your work can be a daunting task. But dont worry, you will know which one to buy after looking at our list of the top 5 choices of the best shovels for digging in 2090:
1. Lifeline First Aids AAA 4004 Red Aluminum Sports Utility Shovel
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Lifeline First Aid has extensive knowledge in the survival and safety products categories and the AAA 4004 Red Aluminum Sports Utility Shovel is a fine example of that. It is one of our top picks for the essential tools for your emergency kit. It has a lightweight and sturdy aluminum construction weighing only 1.3 pounds, so it is easy to use for adults and surprisingly, children as well.
Key Features and Benefits:
Comes in three, bright, easy to see colors for better identification: blue, red, and gold
Disassembles into three pieces for ease of storage and portability
Perfect size to store in your toolbox, car, or for carrying around in your backpack
Constructed from high-quality aluminum, which makes it lightweight and durable
Length of the shovel can be adjusted from 25 inches to 32 inches
Lightweight construction, it weighs only 1.3 pounds
Easy to store and carry around
Metal blade works well for digging snow
Adjustable length makes it good for light as well as heavy digging
Can be used comfortably by people of all sizes, even children
Value for money
Lifetime warranty provided by the manufacturer
The joint between the handle and the blade can snap during heavy lifting
The handle is not comfortable to use
2. US GI Military Original Issue E-Tool Entrenching Shovel
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This is exactly what it says. A genuine us military issue E-tool. Stamped U.S. on one side and Ames 88 made in the USA on the other. A product that has been tried and tested by the military and is essential for everyone in their survival kit. It comes with a triangular steel blade which makes digging through snow, hardened soil and ice easy. The aluminum handle makes it lightweight and easy to use. Folds to 9 inches for easy storage and portability. Has the ability to lock in multiple positions for different uses.
Key Features and Benefits:
Triangular steel blade to cut through tough soil, ice or snow
Genuine US Military issue
Black powder-coat finish prevents from rusting
Tri-fold design which folds to 9 inches for easy carry and storage
Extends to 24 inches for heavy digging
Sharpened ax edge makes it easy to cut through
Serrated saw edge prevents the blade from getting dull
Threaded handle locks the blade into two positions
Durable, but lightweight at the same time
Can be used as a saw, ax, mattock or a shovel
Wont break during heavy use
Easy to store and carry around
Sharpened triangular blade with powder coating
Bolts and metal joints need to be lubricated and cleaned regularly
Powder coating may wear off, requiring it to be oiled or painted
A bit expensive for the only use it offers
3. Pagreberya Survival Shovel Kit with Multi Tools
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The Survival Shovel Kit from Pagreberya serves more purposes than one can wish for. The kit comes in a durable fabric bag with Velcro for easy opening and closing. The set comes in 5 pieces: a magnesium flint rod with a compass, a handle with the screwdriver, a handle with a glass breaker or attack cone, a handle with a multifunctional saw knife, and a shaft with shovelhead. When assembled the shovel is nearly 29 long and spade 6.5 wide. It can be easily assembled with no need for any instructions.
Key Features and Benefits:
Multi-purpose shovel head: bottle opener, 2 wrench size holes, a very sharp knife blade on one side and a saw blade on the other side, and a ruler
The angle of the spade can be adjusted according to the use
Can be folded and easily stored
Detachable tools
Made of high-quality carbon steel and aviation-grade aluminum alloy
Durable and lightweight
Every tool serves its purpose
Everything fits into the carrying pouch when assembled
Easy to assemble without needing any extra tools
The shovel has own protective cover to prevent it from rusting
Value for money considering all the uses it provides
Hollow tubes make it lightweight
Plastic threads used for attaching handles
Velcro lining on the bag doesnt line up properly
4. Fobachi Military Survival Folding Shovel and Pick with Carrying Pouch
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The Fobachi mini folding shovel is an ultra-lightweight, multi-purpose compact tool for your gardening and outdoor activities but not so much for heavy-duty digging. It can be easily folded for ease of storage and comes with a carrying pouch. It can be used to dig out your car tires from dirt or snow, dig holes for your tent, and scoop out rocks or to build sandcastles. It one of our tops recommended products if you are looking for a lightweight tool to take out with you, whether it be camping or hiking, fishing or backpacking.
Key Features and Benefits:
Multi-purpose: digging, sawing, chopping, picking, prying, hammering, bottle opening
Constructed of high carbon steel prevents it from rusting
Includes: extension pipe to lengthen the handle, fire starter, whistle, life hammer, sawtooth knife, rubber grip handle and thickened spade.
Foldable with a carrying pouch with a loop so the shovel may attach to a belt
Can be used either straight or at a 90-degree angle
The blade is serrated on one side, which can be used to chop off branches
Compact and easy to use
The whistle works very well
Blade edges are very sharp, making it easier to cut things
Works well for light-duty digging
Value for money
Great tool for outdoor activities
Metal screws are prone to rust
Rubber grip slides up with usage
5. FiveJoy Military Folding Shovel Multitool (C1)
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The survival kit by FiveJoy loses barely the Pagreberya survival kit on the price point and a few extra features but the build quality more than makes up for it. It comes with a Rescue Knife and Saw, Wire Cutter, Emergency Whistle, Fire Starter and a Bottle Opener. Weighing only 2.15 pounds, the shovel is amazingly compact and easy to use, and also comes with a carrying case. Dig your car tires out of snow, mud, or ice, or use the heavy-duty shovel head as a glass breaker in unexpected emergency situations, the rest is up to your imagination.
Key Features and Benefits:
Multifunctional: Digging Trenches, Sawing, Chopping, Cutting, Scaling, Picking, Prying
Compact, lightweight, portable and durable at the same time
Forged from heat-treated high-quality Carbon Steel (Blade and Knife) and Aerospace Grade Aluminum (Knife)
Rust, water, and fracture-resistant
Spade can be used 40, 90 or 180 angles as hook, hoe or shovel
Slip-proof foam cushion on the aluminum handle to maximize comfort and minimize fatigue
Premium build quality
Extra tools work as advertised
Lightweight yet sturdy
Comes with straps to attach the carrying pouch to belt or backpack
Slip-proof grip
Rust and water-resistant
Ergonomic design
Works for light as well as heavy-duty digging
Cushioned grips are prone to tearing apart after hours of work and exposure
Expensive as compared to other options
Well, that was our list of top best 5 shovels for digging that you can find on Amazon. Consider your purpose for buying a shovel, and choose from the selection above to find the tool that best suits your needs. Be it outdoor activities, buying a survival kit, or just some plain old digging, these products have been proven by thousands of customers. Just buy what suits yours.
The post Top 5 Best Shovels for Digging in 2020 appeared first on NexusWorks.
Agilenano - News from Agilenano from shopsnetwork (4 sites) https://agilenano.com/blogs/news/top-5-best-shovels-for-digging-in-2020
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voyage-inferno · 2 years
[@the-wayward-snowflake liked for a starter]
"What kind of being would you want to be, if you could be something else?"
It's an out of nowhere question, something that tumbles out of his mouth as he sits in the grass. The weather is a gentle spring breeze. Almost suspiciously nice.
"I think I'd want to be a Seelie. Guiding people to treasure that I don't need anymore. Or maybe a wolf. Then I could hang out in the woods more, without falling over. And I'd be super fluffy and have good hearing."
Bennett looks to Isolde.
"I know you're already a bird too, but would you want to be something else? Just for fun."
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itsworn · 7 years
Ford Performance Best Ford in a Ford Awarded to 1963 Ford Falcon gasser
While honoring the 18th Syracuse Nationals it was a perfect time for STREET RODDER and Ford Performance to recognize street rodders who install a late-model Ford engine in a Ford hot rod or custom. While canvassing the massive confines of the New York State Fairgrounds we found Steve Ramsey’s immaculate 1963 Ford Falcon Futura Gasser making its debut, featuring a Ford Performance 427ci aluminum crate V-8 which caught our immediate attention.
Nothing says hot rod better than a Gasser with its mile-high frontend accented by an adrenalin-charged V-8 nailed between the framerails. If you grew up in the ‘60s they were a main attraction at any drag racing event. Once you saw them it was easy to fall under their spell as they made their way through the burnout area and then down the track. For Steve Ramsey of Fallston, Maryland, getting indoctrinated into the world of hopped-up cars was as easy as walking into his dad’s auto repair shop. It was the place to be in the ‘60s if you wanted to have the latest speed equipment installed on your ride. Since his dad was also deep into dirt track racing it was common for them to visit local tracks numerous times during the week to check out who was the hottest driver in town.
Before long Steve began spinning wrenches himself and by age 12 he purchased his first car, a 1955 Chevy coupe, long before he could even drive it. It was now the late ‘60s and the scent of nitro took control over him. He started frequenting local drag strips to see first hand the blistering times drivers were laying down on the strip. One thing he never forgot was the adrenalin rush he experienced while watching drivers pilot their wild Gassers down the track. As the years passed Steve has owned almost every type of domestic performance car from hardcore hot rods to rare muscle cars and even exotics but something was still missing. The thought of building a period-perfect Gasser had always lurked at the back of his mind. The car would have to be a light weight Ford, run an injected mill and be finished like a show car that could also hold its own on the strip. He started his search for a suitable roller and it didn’t take long till he located a stalled hot rod project close to home. The car was a 1963 Ford Falcon Futura that was on its way to becoming a race car at some point, a roughed-out roller at best stripped of all its driveline. A deal was made and the project was hauled back to his shop for evaluation.
As owner of both Ramsey Ford and Elkton Ford, both located in Maryland the availability of Ford Performance parts gave him the opportunity to inject some serious venom into the project. Having worked with Dave Vrankin of Forest Hill on prior builds, it was a perfect opportunity to have him spearhead the project and get started seeing they shared the same views on how the car should evolve. A decision was made to retain the factory unibody while adding plenty of extra strength. For starters the rotted floors were replaced by Dave who continued on, adding custom frame connectors, gussets and crossmember to make the platform rock solid. Out back a Strange Engineering 9-inch rear was packed with 3.70:1 gears linked to matching 31-spline axles. It’s suspended in place by a combination of custom era-correct ladder bars linked to a wishbone, Panhard bar and QA1 coilover shocks. Up front its all business with a Speedway Motors Gasser front axle kit including a straight front axles linked to 1949-1954 Chevy spindles deftly matches to semi-elliptical springs and tube shocks. Slowing the beast you’ll find a Wilwood Engineering master pushing fluid though stainless lines to matching 11-inch front discs wearing four-piston calipers combined with 10-inch Ford drums out back. Anchoring it all to the street are a pair of Rocket Racing 15×6-inch front Launcher-series wheels with 15×8-inch rear Injector-series wheels all wrapped in rubber from M&H.
If you’re going to make a statement you’d better have plenty of horsepower under the hood to back it up. Steve went to Ford Performance for their fire breathing 427ci small-block all aluminum crate V-8 packing 600hp right from the factory. Hand assembled by the Ford Performance team, it’s packed with a speed shop full of go-fast goods. Starting with an aluminum four-bolt main block filled with a SCAT forged steel crank linked to matching H-beam connecting rods topped with forged Mahle pistons getting bumped by a solid steel billet roller cam. Up top a set of CNC ported Ford Performance aluminum “Z” cylinder heads make plenty of power when fed by a Hilborn eight-stack injection system. It sparks to life through an MSD ignition and dumps gasses through custom fenderwell headers by Dave to 3-inch exhaust with Spin Tech mufflers. The goods move through a Ford C4 trans warmed over by Performance Automatic of Frederick, Maryland to a custom aluminum driveshaft.
Dave wasted no time getting started on bringing the battered old body back to life. He replaced the rear quarters while also removing the stock shock towers to accommodate the new V-8 and adding a six-point rollbar. The doors, front fenders and fiberglass hood were then fitted to the car and the shell was completely metal finished. Dave then coated the body in Axalta Astro Blue metallic bringing it all to life. Bright work from Pauls Chrome Plating added the final icing. To add the perfect era-correct Gasser style to the interior the stock dash was filled with Auto Meter gauges to monitor the vitals while a Mooneyes steering wheel carves the course and a Hurst Quarter Stick pulls gears. Bux Customs of Pottstown, Pennsylvania, created a period-perfect business office covering a set of 1967 Mustang buckets in a combination of blue and white vinyl while also crafting custom door and side panels accented by blue loop-style carpeting. An American Autowire kit installed by Dave completes the job. Congratulations to Steve who will receive a limited edition jacket as the award winner.
The post Ford Performance Best Ford in a Ford Awarded to 1963 Ford Falcon gasser appeared first on Hot Rod Network.
from Hot Rod Network http://www.hotrod.com/articles/ford-performance-best-ford-ford-awarded-1963-ford-falcon-gasser/ via IFTTT
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voyage-inferno · 2 years
[@ironbloodcd liked for a starter]
It had taken some time to arrange a trip out to Sumeru.
Extra commissions, enlisting the help of other guild members, taking more bounties, all to make sure his dads were properly taken care of, and that said caretakers were paid properly.
Of course, he wasn't visiting purely for fun- Sucrose often needed interesting supplies for personal and major projects alike, and it was cheaper and sometimes safer to hire some adventurers who wanted to make the trip. If she wasn't simply going herself, of course. So the commission board featured various gathering tasks with some regularity. This made for a perfect 'two birds, one stone' situation that Bennett liked to use in order to explore outside of Monstadt's borders- if only for short bursts at a time.
So when he went careening over the side of a small cliff, and hit every giant plant on his way down for one of the comfier cushioned landings in a shallow section of a river he'd ever had- it was still an interesting change of pass.
Fingers crossed he didn't splash anyone nearb- damnit.
"I'm so sorry-"
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voyage-inferno · 1 year
"You like fighting, right?"
Bennett taps a finger on his map, right on a swirly symbol with a little coin next to it.
"You ever poked these guys? This one always has a ton of Whoppers and Slimes, but if you beat them all the leyline'll spit out Mora!! It'll be practice and money for lunch. What do you say?"
[@curiouskinetic planned-ish starter]
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voyage-inferno · 2 years
[@outridera liked for a starter]
"Hey, how far do you think you could go if you glided from the highest point in Dragonspine?"
Bennett was of the belief that, though Monstadt was the nation of wind, Liyue was one of the places where using cliffs to glide must be amazing. The closest thing to the mountains of the nation of geo here, though, was the bitter peak of Dragonspine where the two countries met. Because for all the chilly discomfort of being turned into a popcicle, there were always plenty of places to glide and test your control.
"The blizzard kind of flings me around no matter where I take off, but I bet you could go crazy far from the top! Maybe even right into Springvale if the person didn't get too tired."
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voyage-inferno · 2 years
[@alteredtrajectory liked for a starter]
"Hey uh, are you Venti?"
He fiddles with what looks like a miniature cuihua wood-carved model of a lyre. It doesn't work, but it looks carefully and lovingly made. Someone had even taken the time to slowly carve and polish countless little birds and swirls all over the surface.
"I don't mean to bother you, but do you have a minute? It's one of my dads' birthdays soon, and he likes coming to your performances! You're his favorite of the local bards. So uh- can I ask you to autograph this?"
The model lyre is gestured to.
"It really would mean the world to him!! If you can't that's ok too though-."
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voyage-inferno · 2 years
[@galactia liked for a starter]
"Hey Kaeya?"
There were many things Bennett wanted to ask the captain. Always had, always would. He's not certain how many he'll ever ask- but he's pretty sure this one is a safe bet.
"What's being in the Knights like? For you I mean."
He doesn't doubt that the answer is a different one than what it would have been some years ago. Before the Guild found itself lending a leg to help hold up the metaphorical Knights table. Before it was not that strange that he and Kaeya were out hunting a Ruin Guard.
It wasn't like he didn't know other knights either- but he's only ever known the one cavalry captain. And a captain isn't the same as an outrider, or even a fixer.
"Do you like your job?"
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