#[marriage jumpscare KJFHDSKJFHSDFS]
guhamun · 5 months
@paramythas said (inbox):
"...so I understand there has been a... miscommunication." For once, Valentin appears thoroughly chastised, enough so that he appears for the discussion without either of his usual glamours in place. "In my defense, I was only being a bit... hyperbolic. I did not think she would take it so literally." Which is to say, without really saying, that Io reamed him for 'tricking' Neuvillette into an engagement, and tried to make him break it off before he explained himself. "My apologies for the scare, iubit. I assure you, my proposal will certainly be more... easy to discern as such." Well, there's at least something to be said for his being confident that he'll get that far... right?
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HMM…WELL, CONSIDERING THAT sometimes Valentin’s way of speaking left some things up to interpretation, Neuvillette wasn’t the least bit surprised the Ioana might have misunderstood. Even he, at times, struggled to figure out exactly what the other meant with his statements. He blamed it on tone more or less, coming across as either something akin to a tease, or in some cases, in a way that left one narrowing their eyes slightly as they believed him to mean another thing entirely. There was no sigh of relief that passed his lips. Nothing other than the relaxation of shoulders, slight as it was. Thank goodness. That would have been…far too fast for his liking, and the Iudex would have awkwardly had to step in and state as much. ❝I see. So, that was the way of it.❞ Hands clasping upon his desk, he leaned back against his seat, another sign of contentment if nothing else. ❝Thank you for coming to me and explaining the whole situation yourself.❞ Neuvillette was a man who enjoyed taking his time, and since he and Valentin held no worries about short lifespans, there was very little reason to rush things along.
      They could take their time.
      Whereas with humans they had time constantly nipping at their heels, there was really no such thing for either of them. Neuvillette had long since ceased aging, and Valentin was no longer touched by the affects of it either due to…circumstances. ❝Admittedly, I had been worried that I misread the meaning of this necklace that you have given me.❞ He lifted one of his hands, pressing it where the chain rested coolly upon his skin. ❝But it seems that was not the case.❞ He held very little desire to hurt feelings, and there was probably nothing more awkward, more painful, than proposing to another, just to have it turned down after working up the courage for it.
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