#[mm ...will see if i can creative juice my way to send asks of that nature...
sentofight · 1 year
ooc. in j/apan 10th of may is maid day. maid day~
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*he awakes*
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xpeachesncream · 3 years
cloud nine | teaser/intro
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⟼ perfectly wrong ⟼  restart
☁ series masterlist ☁ cloud nine playlist ☁ 
summary: 2 years later, your marriage to taehyung brings people back from your past, new hardships with your bestfriends and tiny roommates who get away with everything just by being cute?
pairing: reader x husband!kth
genre: marriage au | fluff, angst, smut
words: 1.8k
warnings: cussing, mature language/implied sexual content, entire teaser/intro is a flashback.
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"Wake up." You say softly, shaking Taehyung next to you in bed. "Waaake up, Tae." You whine. After a couple of more shakes, Taehyung slowly opens his eyes to your pout. He chuckles as he rubs his eyes and stretches a bit.
"What's wrong, love?"
"Why aren't you waking up more excited?! Today's the day!" He laughs and wraps his arms around you, gently laying his head on your tummy. He presses a kiss on your growing belly before rubbing the surface with his soft, warm hands, making you smile.
"Babygirl, you cant expect me to get my life together in the 5 seconds you took to wake me up."
"Well, have you gotten your life together yet?" You ask, slightly impatient as you twirl a strand of his hair around your finger and tug lightly.
"5 more minutes." He says, pretending to snore on top of your belly. He lets out a small snort when he hears you continuing to whine at him. "God, you win everything. I'm up." He plants one more kiss on your stomach before he sits up to plant a kiss on your lips.
"Finally." You scrunch your nose as you look into his deep, chocolate eyes.
“Goodmorning, beautiful.” He says to you before looking down at your stomach. "And good morning, munchkin. Can't wait to find out if you're gonna be a baby boy or girl." 
"It's a girl, I know it." You say as you slowly get yourself out of the bed to get ready for the day. You walk into the closet to grab some clothes before heading into the bathroom to take a quick body shower and pamper yourself for a bit.
"If you say so, sweetheart." Taehyung chuckles, following you into the bathroom to get himself ready as well. He stands over the sink as he lazily brushes his teeth before fixing his bed hair as much as possible. He lets you have your peace in the shower to walk into the closet and pulls out a comfy, but presentable outfit for the day. The weather wasn't too bad for the fall season - sun was out providing warmth, but the air was still cold.
By the time he had slipped into his clothes, he walks back to the bathroom, leaning against the door frame to watch you lather yourself up and get into your outfit of choice. He chuckles a bit, a big smile plastered on his face when you catch him watching you.
"What?" You look at him confusingly.
"I don't know, you're just cute."
"What am I doing?" You ask, adjusting the shirt over your belly before fixing up your hair.
"You don't have to do anything for me to think so." He says, coming over to kiss you on the cheek, lightly brushing the hair out of your face and tucking it behind your ear. "You ready?"
"Yeah, I'm pretty hungry now." You apply a bit of lip balm to your lips before looking back up at him.
"What do you wanna eat?"
"I don't know."
"Mhm. You know what you want baby, don't lie."
"I really don't." You shrug, trying to lay out some options in your head. You arch your eyebrow as your hands rest on your belly, giving it a good rub or two. Literally, everything seemed like a good option. It was about to be lunch time and you could go for either ends of the spectrum - breakfast/brunch, straight up lunch, dinner, dessert.
"Don't think too hard now."
"I kind of want Squat and Gobble." Taehyung nods in approval, lips slightly poking out.
"Whatever you want, babygirl. I'll take you there." He says, making his way out of the bathroom. "Now chop chop, so we can get your cute ass some food." You took one last look at yourself in the mirror, fixing little things here and there before heading out to meet your husband in the living room. He helps you put on your coat before the two of you walk out to the car, Taehyung instantly turning on the heat to make sure you're comfortable. Getting to Squat and Gobble, you find yourself getting excited by the smell that surrounded the restaurant. Ooh lord, you couldn't wait to eat a good meal before heading to the doctor's. This child was begging for it, too! After getting escorted to a table, the both of you get situated to start looking through the menu.
"Hm?" Taehyung hums, keeping his eyes on the menu.
"I want everything." You pout.
"You and this metabolism of yours, love. Seriously."
"Me and this baby, you mean."
"Mm-mm, no. Don’t go blaming our baby. You wanted everything all the time, way before I popped this baby into you."
"Taehyung.” You shake your head. “Not true."
"Actually, 100% true." Taehyung nods. "So, let me guess. You're either gonna get the Eggs Benedict or the Nor Cal Omelette with a side of Belgian Waffles. Am I right or am I right?" You laugh and shake your head.
"You're right, and you're right."
"Which one is it gonna be?"
"I want the omelette." You say excitedly. He simply smiles at you, catching himself feeling butterflies in his stomach. God, you were everything to him. So fucking beautiful, and so irresistible.
"What?" You ask, confused as to why Tae was staring at you again. "Why are you staring at me like that again?" You slightly chuckle as you watch him bite onto his bottom lip before looking back down and shaking his head.
"Say it."
"I just love you."
"I love you too." You blush.
"So, has my lady thought of any baby names?"
"Not really, have you?"
"A bit." He chuckles. "If it was a boy, I was thinking Masao. Or, Grey. Iseul. They all roll off my tongue pretty nicely." He says, looking out into space.
"Those are cute. What about girl names?"
"Oh, a whole list." He sips his water. "Miyako. Anya. Seiko. Nabi. Yumi. I honestly could go on."
"Have you been doing your research or something? These are better names than what I would've came up with." You laugh.
"What, I can't have any creative juices flowing through my veins too?"
"Mhm, sure. I'm gonna check your history tab later on the laptop."
"Shit." He playfully whispers. "No but really, baby. Don't they all sound nice?"
"Yes, they do." You smile. "I'm impressed, Kim Taehyung."
"I know, I make you proud." He smirks.
"I only thought of like, two names this entire time."
"That's it?" He snickers.
"Well, clearly you got the whole list ready so I no longer have to worry." You playfully shrug.
"You don't. Let Daddy take care of it." He wiggles his eyebrows, making you laugh. He's for sure not gonna let this one go, not for a long, long time. At this point, your plates are placed in front of you two, the table mostly silent as you both dig in and devour your food. Taehyung only chimes in every now and then about Jimin or Namjoon, or his mom and dad. When you both finish your meal, Tae sits back and lets out a hefty breath while he stretches.
"Full?" You ask, sipping on the last of your water.
"Yup. You ready to go soon, love? Your appointment is coming up real quick." He says checking his watch. You simply nod as Taehyung pays for the food before the two of you head out. In the car, you had been feeling the butterflies attacking all at once. You looked down at your belly, smiling to yourself as you rubbed the surface. You were so excited to hear the news from the doctor being that you and Taehyung had been waiting for this moment for a long time.
Everything seemed so surreal.
Your career as a new illustrator was going strong. 2Peace was still going strong. Your husband's career on the executive team was at its highest. Your friends were all thriving. This baby.
Everything just seemed to be falling into place. And you were hoping it could be like this for a long time. You were hoping it could stay like this.
After checking in at the doctor's office, you sit next to Taehyung, who is now reading an art magazine. You take a deep breath, causing Tae to grab your hand and press a gentle kiss on top of it. He continues to rub your hand with his thumb as he returns his attention on the magazine sitting on his lap and flips through it with his free hand. You were on time for your appointment, and you were really hoping you didn't have to wait for long simply because you had become way too excited.
"You okay?" Tae asks, noticing your leg continuously bouncing up and down.
"Yeah, I just wanna go in already." He chuckles.
"Patience, baby. He'll get to you, alright?" Your bottom lip pokes out in a pout, making Taehyung lean forward to give you a kiss. "You do that on purpose, don't you?"
"Do what on purpose?"
"Pout so I could kiss you."
"No, babe. I'm just expressing my feelings."
"Mhhhhm." He smirks.
"Besides, I never had to force you to give me kisses." You smile confidently.
"Alright, okay. I rest my case, your honor." He clicks his teeth. "See, you win that too."
"Mrs. Kim?" The medical assistant came to the door, causing you and Taehyung to stand - the both of you trying your best to contain your excitement. She takes you to the back to check your vitals and run through the usual routine before leaving you and Taehyung to your peace until the doctor comes knocking. As you get yourself situated on the bed, Taehyung decides to take a picture of you, his beloved wife, and your baby bump. He had been really good about capturing these moments, and you were grateful for it. He gives off a small giggle when he checks the picture, letting you know he's about to send it his mom and dad and all your friends.
Can't wait to find out if we have ourselves a baby Tete or baby Y/N.
Sooner or later, the doctor comes in, making small talk with you and Taehyung. He gets the monitor ready, warning you about the cold gel that's about to make contact with your belly. Taehyung tries to take a peek at the monitor, but with the doctor being in the way, he couldn't catch a glimpse of anything. Neither can you, being that you're laying back and can barely see over your hump.
"Everything looks absolutely perfect, and that's all I can ask for. Now, tell me - would you like to know what the sex is?" The doctor smiles from ear to ear as he turns towards you and Tae.
"Yes sir, please. Enlighten us." Taehyung says, standing next to you as you lay silently on the bed, gripping your hand tightly . The doctor checks the monitor once more before chuckling and turning back towards you. "Congratulations! You have yourselves some baby girls!" You put your hand over your mouth as you gasp.
"Wait, wait - did you just say baby girls?" Taehyung's eyes light up as the doctor nods happily.
"Sure did." He points to the monitor. "You got yourself some twin girls right there.”
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talkfastromance4 · 4 years
breaking it in-- l.h oneshot
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Copyright talkfastromance4 © All works is intellectual property of the author. All rights reserved. Any redistribution or reproduction or any part or all contents in any form is prohibited. You may not, without written expression and consent from the author, distribute works amongst other social media platforms
A/N: welp, here this is. @sexgodashton I hope you enjoy this as much as I did writing it😉😘
Word count: 2043
Warnings: smut no plot and very lightly edited so oops to mistakes I didn’t catch
donate to my ko-fi here :)
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It’s been a whole project that consumed Luke’s time of wallpaper options, paint swatches, and antique shopping for the perfect photo and throw pillows to tie the in-home studio together. When it was finally finished, Luke was beaming with pride and couldn’t wait to start writing and creating songs in his little dojo of musical creativity. 
You were hesitant at first upon seeing the wallpaper he chose, but then when he showed you what else he'd picked out it all oddly looked really good. Everyday for about a week he would lock himself up in his soon-to-be studio applying the wallpaper. He’d come out of the room sticky or with black paint on his arms and tank top. You’d begged for a peek but he wouldn’t budge.
“I want you to be surprised. This is my project lovie,” he’d smile kissing your cheek as he walked by. He snagged your hand as an afterthought, “you’re more than welcome to join me in the shower.”
How could you say no?
You were upstairs folding some laundry with Petunia sprawled on the bed when you hear Luke stomping heavily up the stairs. It still takes you by surprise at his new haircut and bearded face. You miss his curls but the way his lighter blond length frames his face gives you butterflies.
“It’s all finished,” he says wrapping his arms around your stomach. “Ready to see?”
You drop whatever you were folding and follow him downstairs. As you approach the door that has been off limits for several days, you’re about ready to squeal with excitement in anticipation. Then you feel Luke’s soft hands cover your eyes.
“Luke! Come on,” you whine with your hand on the door knob. 
“Shush, I want you to get the full effect. Open the door.”
You do as he says and he pushes you inside, you can feel his chest and hips press against your back as you shuffle in the room. 
“Ready?” Luke’s lips tickle against your ear, his breath sends shivers down your spine. You nod and he removes his hand.
You gasp at the room, from wall to ceiling is the pink floral wallpaper with an accented black painted wall that has his guitars hung up. The framed photo of Mick Jagger and Ronnie Wood is placed above a robin’s egg blue couch with pink pillows, accenting the wallpaper perfectly. Potted plants are placed in corners and a desk with a soundboard and his laptop are perched by the window.
The 70’s style is screaming at you in the best way possible and you’re stunned at how good it looks. 
“It’s amazing!” you gush taking a step closer but Luke’s hands are firm on your waist, keeping you pressed against him. “You did such a good job, babe, I love it.”
“You really think so?” he asks, pressing a kiss to your shoulder. 
“I really think so,” you nod trying to move to the couch so you could feel the pillows. Luke’s hold is strong on your waist. “Can I not move closer?” you giggle slipping your fingers between his. 
“I’ve been cooped up in here for nine days, working so hard and you know what’s been on my mind?” his voice is low as he kisses up your jaw. You tilt your head to the side, enjoying his kisses. 
“Fucking you on that couch,” he whispers, his teeth nibbling on your earlobe. You let out a whine from his words and feel the impact of his statement against your ass. He’s already hard thinking about the sexual act. “What do you say?”
“Sounds good to me,” you sigh. 
“I’ve been thinking about how many times we’ll do it,” his fingers unbutton your shorts and pulls down the zipper before slipping his hand into your panties. You curve at his touch, his fingers teasing between your folds. “When I’m frustrated with a song, you’ll come in here making me forget all about it...you’ll inspire me, lovie.”
You hum when he teases his middle finger at your hole then he removes his hand quickly. You let out a grunt of disappointment but he squeezes your ass.
“Take these off and have a seat,” he tells you.
You’re all too eager in removing your shorts and panties, sitting in the center of the couch. You sink onto the cushion, it already smells like Luke and you watch him tug off his dark grey t-shirt messing up his hair. You bite your lip at the thought of messing it up more when you pull on it with your fingers. 
“Just how I pictured you,” he smirks kneeling in front of you. He pushes apart your legs, his tongue darting over his lower lip as he eyes you up. “Already leaking on the couch, tut, tut,” he tsks. You settle into the cushion watching him kiss the inside of your knee up your thigh. “I should fix that, huh?”
All you can do is nod, his voice and his words are going straight to your aching core. Just the thought of feeling his beard on your thighs so soon has you nearly shaking. With a final sigh, he attaches his mouth to your pussy, his tongue spreading you open. He licks at you slowly, gazing up at you lazily with his beard scratching against your thighs. 
You moan at the sensation of his mouth and when his hair falls in front of his blue eyes (that also match the couch) you card your fingers through his hair tugging on the roots. Luke hums against you, vibrating your whole body as his hot tongue flicks over your clit in quick precision. Your stomach clenches at the toe curling movement and he pushes your left leg against the couch so he can use his pointer and middle finger to open your pussy lips more. He eats you out with vigor, his tongue and lips making obscene noises as he breathes heavily against you. 
His beard burns in the best way and soon you’re pulling tightly on his hair as you come all over his mouth. He groans with you, collecting your juices as your body fills with intense pleasure than an overwhelming amount of bliss. 
You sink into the couch as you come down, Luke giving you soft kisses before pulling away and wiping his mouth on the back of his hand, his skin glistens. 
“Want you to ride me now,” he tells you, rubbing your knee. He notices the burn from his beard on your thigh and gives it a cool kiss. 
“Okay,” you nod breathlessly watching him stand up. He pulls his sweatpants off, he’s gone commando, and your mouth waters at the sight of him. “You want a taste?” 
You nod again leaning forward to give an open mouth kiss to his head, swirling your tongue around before taking him in your mouth as far as you can. When he nudges the back of your throat, you salivate more when you pull off him. Tears spring in your eyes from the quick second of discomfort but it doesn’t stop you from taking him in again, a slight gagging noise emits from your throat. 
Luke sighs above you, jutting his hips slightly with the bobbing of your head, loving the way your cheeks hollow out as he disappears inside your mouth then suck in as you pull off him with a pop. 
“Fuck, you’re so good at that,” he praises and you look up at him with innocent eyes. This time, when you pull off him you zig-zag your tongue up his shaft leaving a string of spit attached from your tongue and his tip. Luke groans then stops you from taking him in again by holding your cheeks. “Want you on top of me, now.”
He sits next to you on the couch, spreading his legs and you swing yours over his so you’re straddling his lap. He yanks your shirt off, squeezing your breasts in his hands giving each nipple a suckling kiss as you line yourself up with him. You sink onto him easily, both of you groaning at the snug fit.
You spread your legs wider on the couch, knees digging into the cushion as you start to rock against him, his large hands moving up the curve of your back. 
“So pretty like this,” he sighs staring up at you, “use me to make yourself feel good, baby.”
You bite your lip and move faster. You lift your hips then drop down a few times until you find a good rhythm. He fills you up perfectly, and each time you grind down his lower stomach clips your clit and you let out a moan.
“Feels so good,” you moan, rocking even harder and faster on him. You have an idea and plant your palms against the floral wall using it as leverage to fuck yourself on him faster. 
You’re huffing and panting as you use your whole body to fulfill the pleasure you’re craving, the pleasure only Luke can give you. He’s praising you as you continue, his head tilted back watching you fuck him with rapid speed. He knows you’re chasing your high, can feel your walls clenching around him and the couch bumps against the wall the faster you move. 
“Mm, keep going, baby,” he encourages. 
You drop your forehead against his, eyes closing in bliss as the knot in your stomach starts to unravel. Your movements become jerky and sloppy as you continue to chase your orgasm. Between his length moving so easily in and out of you to your clit rubbing against him it leaves you breathless and your ears hot.
Your nails scratch into the wallpaper as you cry out, your orgasm finally exploding inside you and Luke groans with you. Your body is already trembling as you fill with the best pleasure, ears ringing in the wake as your hips begin to slow. You grind against him in aftershock, toes uncurling. 
“So hot, lovie,” Luke sighs, stretching his lips to yours in a lazy kiss. You kiss him back, hands falling limp from the wall onto his shoulders and your other senses come back. His hands rub up and down your back, you try to gather your thoughts and your new surroundings. 
“That was incredible,” you whisper. 
“You got one more for me?” he murmurs on your neck and you nod. Words are escaping you a lot today. 
Luke lifts you off him slowly, you wince at the loss of him inside you and repositions you so you’re laying on the pink pillow. He hikes your knee to your chest, eyes locked on yours as he slides inside easily. Your mouth opens at being filled once more, Luke snaps his hips against yours.
His hair dangles in his face as he fucks into you, his chest keeps your knee to your chest while your other leg is on the floor. You’re sighing heavily, loving the quick pull and push as he disappears inside you, you meet your hips with his and then you’re coming again. 
Luke’s breathing heavily, jack-hammering into you as he chases his own climax. 
“Come for me,” you tell him, breath escaping your lungs at each thrust he gives you. “Just like that, mmm.”
He fucks you faster, harder, until you’re seeing stars and his hips still against yours. You’re filled with his hot ropes of his orgasm, his hot breath fanning over your neck and he groans into your skin. 
You both lay there in post-coital euphoria, sex hanging in the air in the 70’s styled room and it couldn’t be more perfect. Your bodies are sweaty, chests heaving, then Luke lifts his head looking at you dazedly. 
“Now I can start using this room,” he tells you, shifting his body so your knee can fall straight. You’re already starting to feel the soreness in your legs and you will definitely be walking funny for the next day or two, but it’s a welcomed pain. 
“Because we had sex on the couch?” you snicker brushing his bangs from his face. There’s still a slight curl at the ends.
“Had to break it in,” he grins then gives you a mind numbing kiss.
• • • •
Taglist: @galcalirwin @cashtonasff5sos @thecurlsofgod @myloverboyash @rotten-kandy @tea4sykes @jannimoeller3 @loveroflrh @iovehemmings @cxddlyash @princesslrh @here-for-the-uproars @katiaw2 @g-l-pierce @fairyintheglass​ @gosh-im-short​ @banditocth @dezzym17 @koalacal @lukeisbaby​ @spicycal​ @mysticalhood​ @notinthesameguey​ @wastedheartcth​ @atlcalm​ @itjustkindahappenedreally​ @calumance​ @babylon-corgis​ @thew0rldneedsmcreycghurt​ @lanternlover2​ @istaywithmyjonas​ @calteahood​ @sarcastically-defensive17​ @another-lonely-heart​ @devilatmydoor​ @frontmanash​ @philthepegacorn​ @mantlereid​ @lukedorkyhemmings​ @addietagglikesbands​ @kikixfandoms @sanrioluke​ @mayve-hems​ @morguelth @haikucal​ @thatscooibaby​ @meghanrose05​ @idontneedanyone​ @dinosaursandsocks​ @cassie-sos​ @suchalonelysunflower​ @burstintocolor​ @zhangyixingxing1​ @dead-and-golden​ @mymindwide​ @everyscarisahealingplace​ @stardust-galaxies​ @blackbutterfliescal​ @redrattlers​ @lovelybonesetc​ @karajaynetoday​
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msbigredmachine · 7 years
Learning Lines 2 - A Samoa Joe Story
Cece takes Samoa Joe up on his offer. The sequel to Learning Lines. Samoa Joe/OC.
Comments will be greatly appreciated!
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The heat of the morning sun reaches me before the light does, warming my face through the cracks in the mini blinds, as though hinting at me to get my ass up already. Turning tiredly in my hotel bed, I fumble for my phone on the nightstand to check the time. Six in the morning. Usually I’ve already begun my day. It’s the first time on a working Monday I’ve allowed myself a lie-in after the hectic week that’s flown by.
I’ve been in Connecticut all week, cooped up in Titan Towers with the Creative team drafting the script for tonight’s Raw. After the home run I hit with Samoa Joe and Paul Heyman’s segment, I was rewarded with sole creative control of the rivalry between Brock and Joe, mandated by Vince. I’m overseeing the rest of the main event angle, which not only means all the attention is on me to produce a potential feud of the year, it means I’m going to have Samoa Joe on my agenda a lot more often now.
Not that I’m complaining.
An entire week has passed since my little…encounter…with Joe last Monday Night Raw, and I haven’t stopped thinking about it. That night has dominated my every thought; the memories of his hands on me, his fingers inside me, his lips wrapped around mine are etched in my brain with a branding iron, it seems. His parting words as he left me in that office, prone and breathless, continue to swim in my head, the tantalizing promise still sending shivers down my spine:
“If you want more, you know where to find me.”
A week has passed and I’m yet to take him up on his offer. I haven’t even mustered up the guts to contact him yet, and being so busy has given me time away from him and a perfect excuse to avoid him. Although I miss him fiercely, miss his company, I know I need some space to collect myself and regroup after the way I surrendered to him with no questions asked. Experiencing his intensity first-hand was overwhelming. I all but drowned in him that night, and I need my head above water in order to think more rationally. I pride myself on making decisions based off facts and reality, not teenage fantasies and a starved sex drive. Sadly, when it comes to Samoa Joe, my heart and my body stop being rational with just one look at his fine-ass self.  
I stare at my phone, and for the millionth time I find myself torn between making the first move and stretching the tension further between us. I don’t think he’d have said what he said if he wasn’t genuinely attracted to me. And even knowing that fact blows my mind. I never imagined the great Samoa Joe would have ever looked at me twice, let alone have any sexual interest in me. My paranoia has been quick to point out on more than one occasion that my appeal only lies in what I can offer him career-wise, but he doesn’t strike me as the scheming type. Well, I have the chance to see him today as we’re all in this hotel, and I have some time to kill before I head to the arena. I do want to see him, but I can’t help but wonder; What will it be like when we meet again?
Sitting up in bed, I decide to rip the Band-Aid off and get it over with. Taking a deep breath, I open up my phone and send a quick text message.
Hi Joe. How u doing?
He doesn’t answer right away, but when he does, my heart leaps in a way it’s never leapt before.
Hey beautiful. I’m good. Been a minute. How r u?
Ah, a term of endearment. Things might not be so awkward after all. I forge on, encouraged. I’m good. U right, we shd meet up. Breakfast? Oh God. I hope he agrees. Now that I can finally look him in the eye, he better say yes.
Sure. I know a place by the hotel. I can text u the details and meet u there. 1 hour?
Oh wow. He agreed. Okay, then. I’m trying not to be too excited as I get ready. I pick an outfit that looks effortless yet glamorous. I style my hair and put on a little makeup. By the time I finish, Joe has texted me the name of the place we’re meeting. My heart is thumping like crazy. I’m a couple of minutes away from telling the man I’m crazy about that I want him. That I want whatever he’s offering. I’ve never been so nervous about anything in my life.
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The restaurant is a five-minute walk from our hotel. I find Joe right away, seated in the far corner of the restaurant, busy with his phone. As I come closer to the table, he looks up and flashes me that sexy smirk of his. He stands up, and I drink him in. He looks damn good in that jacket and flat cap. Has it only been a week since we last saw each other?
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"You look beautiful," Joe says to me, before his huge arms close around my waist in greeting.
"Thanks," I whisper, wrapping my arms around his neck. I love his hugs. They're big and generous and make me feel safe, protected, like I have a friend who truly cares for me. Change in our relationship or not, I'll never stop wanting his hugs.
The embrace lingers for a while, and when we finally pull away, I let my hands slide down to his chest briefly, my excuse to touch him some more. He pulls out the second chair for me and sits only after I do, being the gentleman that he is. I like how we’re seated; right beside each other instead of opposite. I get to be close to him this way, and right now that is all I want.
“I ordered breakfast already, hope you don’t mind,” Joe says, and right on cue a waitress comes over with a large tray. She sets it down in the middle of our table and walks away. My eyes immediately rake over the spread; pancakes, sausages, eggs, toast and fruit. “I definitely don’t mind,” I respond, and my stomach rumbles in agreement. Divine doesn’t even to begin to describe how good the food looks and smells. And my earlier nerves made me forget that I’m hungry as hell.
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Joe takes a sip of his orange juice, watching me pour maple syrup over my pancakes. There’s a small smile on his face as he stares intently at me. Slightly unnerved, I speak up. “What?”
“I’ve missed you,” he says.
I return his smile, my heart warming at his declaration. “I’ve missed you too. I’ve been so busy lately with work. Haven’t really had time for much else.”
“Same here from my end,” Joe replies. “I’m glad you texted me though. I’ve been meaning for us to spend some time together. We haven't had a chance to talk about last Monday.”
Uh oh. The dreaded talk. Does he have regrets? “What about it?” I try to sound as casual as possible.
“I realized I was very forward with you that night. Too forward, I guess. It was disrespectful of me. I shoulda considered your feelings first but I didn’t, and I apologize for that.”
Damn. He does have regrets. But I don’t, and I need him to know that. “You don't have to apologize. I wanted it. I liked it,” I assure him, as he looks at me. “I just…I never imagined you thought of me that way. Didn’t think you were interested in me.”
But Joe chuckles, a deep, sexy timbre that stirs my loins, and he shakes his head. “Oh, trust me, baby, I've thought about you that way for months. Honestly? I've wanted to fuck you since I first laid eyes on you. Fantasized about making you mine in all the ways I know how. I still do.”
“Like dominate me? Make me submit to your will, right?” I ask, apprehension mingling with my desire as I glance at him.
He offers me a smile. “I know it’s not the most conventional thing to disclose to a lady you’re interested in. But yes.” His gaze remains intent as he gauges my reactions. “Does that make you uncomfortable?”
I pick at my fruit salad with my fork. "Not at all. I think every woman likes a dominant man, especially in bed," I explain, “I’m no exception. The bedroom is the one place I enjoy giving up control, especially with a guy I trust.” Setting down my fork, I lean suggestively towards him. “Lucky for me, you’re a guy I trust.”
I watch as his eyes widen slightly, then darken a second later. “Yeah?”
I nod my head. “Mm-hmm. That’s why I decided to take you up on your offer from last Monday.” I bite my lip as I stare at him. “I want more, Joe. Whatever you want? I want it too.”
His eyes glow with relief. “I'm glad to hear that,” he whispers. “There’s so much I wanna do to you, things I know you’ll enjoy. But that ain’t all I’m about. We can do it however you want."
My mind is so full right now. He wants to have sex with me. He wants to use me for his personal pleasure. And my body is already steaming with anticipation. I want to please him, pleasure him, even if it means a little bit of pain is involved. I’m a big girl, I can handle myself on that aspect. “As long as it’s nothing over-the-top like that Christian Grey crap, I’m good. Don't tell me you're a Fifty Shades kinda guy,” I tease him with a grin.
“Hell no. Screw that Christian dude,” he scoffs, almost looking offended. “None of that written contract shit, and I definitely don't need no Red Room to get off either. All’s I need are these soup bones right here.” He drops his fork to raise his hands and flex his wrists proudly. I watch him for a moment, and then, boldly, I extend my hand, weaving my fingers through his. We both smile as he closes our fingers together and lifts my hand to his lips. We look at each other with heated gazes, and his lingers on my lips.
“Come to my room tonight,” he requests, his face subtly inching towards mine. “I got a few things planned for you.”
“Like what?” I inquire, briefly closing my eyes as I breathe him in.
“You’ll find out soon enough,” he replies with a wink, hooking a finger beneath my chin as he looks into my eyes. His eyes flicker down to my mouth again. I know what he wants, and I’m going to give it to him to show my commitment to this thing we’re about to explore.
I lean over and press my lips against his, slowly sliding my hands over both sides of his face. I feel his large hand on my thigh, and I take things further by dipping my tongue into his mouth to taste him. The passion ratchets up a few more notches between us, and I'm almost desperate to drag him somewhere more private and ravage him.
Luckily Joe possesses far more control than I do, because he’s the one who breaks the kiss. His lips brush over my ear before he whispers, “We better stop, before I bend you over this table, pull up this pretty dress of yours and rail your sweet pussy in front of everyone in here.”
He makes it sound like I’ll object if he does. I’d have encouraged him if we didn’t face the threat of arrest for indecent public exposure, and that will be both our jobs in the toilet. So I restrain myself. Barely.
Kissing my cheek, he sits back upright and picks up his cutlery. “Eat up, sweetheart,” he says gruffly, gesturing towards my plate. “You’ll need your strength for tonight.”
And just like that, he’s gone into bossy Dom mode. Fuck. I want him so bad. I haven't gotten laid in so long, and if this guy I've been crushing on forever is willing to end my drought – however he wants – who am I to say no?
After breakfast, we manage to go our separate ways without incident. Joe heads off to the arena while I return to my hotel room. Walking inside, I find two boxes along with a bouquet of pink roses sitting on my bed. They weren’t there this morning. Even more baffling is that one box is labeled Agent Provocateur and is wrapped by a neat black bow. 
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Curious, I open them both. The unlabeled box contains a high, scandalous-looking pair of heels. The Agent Provocateur box unveils a very revealing, very sexy lingerie set. There’s a written note on top of the box.
Wear these for me when you come over. The shoes too. Hair down, and no jewelry.
See you tonight.
I’m standing outside Joe’s door, drawing the coat I’m wearing a little tighter around my body. How I made it up two extra floors without being seen by any of the wrestlers crawling around this hotel, I’ll never know. I’m just thankful I got here in one piece. The heels are high as hell, but if this is what Joe wants on me, then I’ll wear it. Between breakfast in the morning and our rather raunchy texting session all through this afternoon, discussing each other’s limits, I’m more than fired up for tonight. He's told me about what he likes and his fantasies and honestly, I’m nervous and excited about the feelings he will conjure in me. Wetness pools between my legs just imagining what is to come.
The door finally opens, and my breath catches as I lock eyes with the hulking man in front of me. The hotel room is darkened but I still notice the silk sheets on the king-size bed. He’s wearing a black dress shirt, with the sleeves rolled up, black slacks, and no shoes. His sideburns and beard are neater than they were this morning. He doesn’t say a word as he steps aside to let me in. I move to the middle of the room and stand still, and he remains silent, his arms crossed over his chest as his dark eyes trail my body. Then, his deep voice rumbles through the room.
“Nice coat. Take it off,” he orders.
Shit, we’ve begun. I comply as I reach for the belt at my waist. I unbuckle the belt and tug it off of me, then my fingers close over the top button of my coat. I keep my eyes firmly on Joe, my hands surprisingly steady as I unpluck every button one by one. I gradually open the coat, easing it off my shoulders and shrugging it down to the ground. I’m clad in the lingerie Joe bought for me; stockings, heels and all. My hair falls down my shoulders, just as he instructed. Though I’ve always been at ease with my body, I’m definitely not accustomed to wearing underwear like this. Joe clearly approves of the outfit though, judging from the way his eyes have darkened, and a shiver of gratification licks down my spine.
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“You look amazing, baby girl,” he comments, circling slowly around me, like an animal observing his prey. “You like dressing like a slut, huh?”
My mouth has gone dry, and I don’t trust myself to speak. Swallowing hard, I look down at the floor.
“Hey!” Joe’s voice suddenly booms around the room, making me jump, and he gets right in my face. “You speak when you’re spoken to, and you look at me when I’m talkin’ to you. You hear me?”
I respond before I even realize I’m doing so. “Yes.”
“Yes, what?” he presses.
“Yes…Daddy,” I say, and I feel a sense of satisfaction when his eyes light up, clearly pleased with my response.
He smirks, eyeing me up and down again. “Good girl. Now get on your knees.”
Trembling slightly, I do as he says, descending as best as I can to the rugged floor. It takes me a moment while wearing such deeply heeled shoes, but eventually I make it. Thankfully, the rug feels shaggy and soft on my skin and it’s instantly soothing my knees. I bow my head and spread my hands over my thighs, I hear absolutely nothing but the pounding of my heartbeat.
“Tell me why you’re here, Cece,” Joe speaks again. “Tell me what you want from me.”
I have to swallow twice before I can muster enough of my voice to answer him. “I want to give myself to you tonight,” I tell him. My hands, which remain on my lap, are trembling now. My heels are digging into my thighs, getting me accustomed to the pain that may come tonight. “I wanna be your slut, your whore. I want you to use me. I…I need you, Daddy.”  I shouldn’t be saying stuff like this, but I know this is what I want so badly.
He takes in my words in silence, and I don’t know what he’s thinking. He very slowly drops down to my level. “Look at me,” he says, squatting to meet my gaze. “Are you afraid of me?”
Hearing it out loud sparks the truth out of me. “A little bit, Daddy,” I confess, “But I know you won’t hurt me. I trust you.”
“Good,” he says, and he brushes my hair out of my eyes. His touch on my skin sends shivers down my spine. He looks into my eyes. “Kiss me.”
I lean towards him and gently kiss his lips. He kisses me back, and I feel the moisture of his tongue slide into my mouth, soft and sweet, like his lips. He tastes so delicious. I am heady with need for him, and it scares me how vulnerable this man is making me feel. 
“Mm, you’re all mine tonight, Cecilia. Daddy’s gonna take such good care of you,” he whispers, still on his knees with me, gripping my face as he plunders my mouth possessively. Our tongues are feverish against each other’s, tremors rippling through my entire being as he runs his hands along my bare arms. Abruptly, he pulls away, both of us breathless as we stare at each other. Joe rises to his feet with rather agile skill, and he gestures at me.
"Get up."
"Yes, Sir." I manage to do so, my legs wobbling a little.
“Get on the bed and stay on the edge. Face down, ass up. Spread your legs and don’t move.”
I move to comply without a word. I climb into the bed, which feels incredibly soft beneath me. I stay on the edge and bend forwards, keeping my chest on the bed, and I spread my knees far apart. My toes curl in anticipation. Fear, even. It’s been a long time since I felt this way. It’s foreign and scary, yet so daring and uninhibited. And I know, I’ve always known, ever since he mentioned it last week, that there’s no one I’d rather surrender myself to like this, than Joe.
I feel him come up behind me, and I shiver a little as he stands between my legs. His hand caresses my back and then up my body towards my backside. “Damn, you’ve got such a nice ass, babe,” he comments, squeezing my cheeks with both hands. His fingers then hook my panties, and he pulls them over my hips and lets them rest at my spread knees. I hear his low growl as my ass hovers in the air, my pussy wet and open for him, every inch of my privacy in his full view. I've never been this exposed before. I feel so ashamed, and yet so powerful, all at the same time.
“Mm, your pussy’s so beautiful,” Joe praises, and that only sends more moisture flooding between my legs. My lust betrays any embarrassment I still harbor. His hand slowly slides past my asshole and onto my labia. He traces a finger across the nub of my clit, the delicate touch making me moan and tremble. Then, the finger slips right inside my vagina. He moves his finger in and out of me slowly, digging deep, making me gasp and writhe against him.
"Daddy…" I moan, my hips rolling restlessly. 
“I said, don’t move!”
Suddenly, his hand comes down on my ass in a hard smack, the sound cracking loudly through the room. I squeal, completely taken by surprise.
“Disobey me again and you’ll be punished,” he growls. “Do you understand me?”
“Yes, Daddy,” I stammer. “I’m sorry. It won’t happen again.”
“Good.” He continues to stroke me, and he finds far less resistance from my body now. “Look at that. Your pussy’s wetter.” he says, his hand swatting my other ass cheek, and he chuckles as a shuddering moan slips out of me. “Getting your ass smacked turns you on, huh? My naughty little slut."
I feel him now, his breath, right on my sex. He starts to lick me there, and my knees give a little but I force myself back into position. His free hand is on my ass and he spreads my left cheek open while he licks my pussy. I'm gasping and groaning with pleasure; his tongue is so long and wide, covering every crevice I own. His fingers keep sliding in and out of me with ease, and I involuntarily squeeze down hard on them. The tight tension increases my pleasure, and without thinking I shift my arm under my body, reaching down between my thighs to stroke my clit. But Joe sees this and pushes my hand away.
“Hell no! Hands off the pussy. Ain’t nobody gonna make you come but me. Not when I’m with you. Understand?”
“Yes Daddy,” I pant, barely getting the words out before he resumes licking and sucking me. My eyes roll in the back of my head as the pleasure sweeps endlessly through me, and my face dips into the mattress to muffle the moans spilling out of my mouth. My hand involuntarily grazes my inner thigh again, and before I realize the mistake I’ve made, he steps away from me, and he doesn’t touch me again for seemingly an eternity. I can hear him walking around the room, some rustling and zipping sounds, before he speaks again.
“Need to do something about your wayward hands, baby.”
He appears in my line of sight, and when I look up at him, I inhale sharply. He’s stripped completely naked, and I’m almost face to face with his erection. His thick body looks so smooth, and his creamy butterscotch skin gleams in the dimness of the room. His length is not as long as I’ve imagined, but his girth exceeds my expectations. I feel my breathing get shallower, my mouth salivating for him.
Joe notices my reaction and smirks. “Like what you see, baby?”
I nod enthusiastically. “Yes Daddy.”
“You want this dick?” He grabs himself and strokes once, twice, and my lower body throbs.
“Uh huh.”
“You’re gonna get it, Cece. All of it. Real soon. Stretch out your hands.”
I obey, extending my arms over the sheets. He grabs my hands and cinches what looks like the belt from my coat around my wrists. Now I am at his mercy. I’m trapped, going nowhere unless he says so, and it sends a wanton thrill through me.
“You look so hot baby girl, spread out on my bed like this, all tied up, that pretty ass in the air, your pussy open and wet for me,” Joe praises me, his eyes darkening with lust, “I can’t wait to fuck you. I’ma pound that pussy till you’re screaming so loud you’ll wake up the entire hotel.”
He returns to his position behind me, I feel his huge hands on my hips, skimming up my body and over my belly. I gasp as he cups my lace-clad breasts, rubbing them in a slow, sensual massage. He shifts forward and presses his huge body against mine, and I groan as I feel his erection pushing against my backside. His chuckle is deep and raspy in my ear, and he slides my hair to the side so he can press his lips to my shoulder and neck. His legs brush the backs of mine as he stands back upright and grips my hips tightly, his dick flush against my pussy and ass. He grinds against my ass, making me feel how hard he is for me. His breathing is shallower, heavier, as is mine. He lets go of my hips and there’s a small tearing sound, a condom, if I’m not mistaken. Then, all of a sudden, his dick pushes into my pussy, and I groan out loud as he slides easily into me. For a long moment, he doesn’t move, and I whine impatiently when I feel his dick spasm a little inside me.
At long last, he starts to move, pushing deep inside me, and a long, loud moan escapes me when he fills me to my root. He holds my hips in a vice-like grip as he starts to rock against me, moving in and out of me slowly, pulling out a little further and then thrusting back in. I whimper, my fingers clutching the sheets as best as they can with my bound wrists. The feel of him sliding deep inside me is indescribable. My moans grow louder as he grinds himself into me, forcing me to take every inch of him.
"Fuck, Joe!"
"That’s right, you moan my name. Let ‘em all know who’s givin’ you this good dick." His hands are all over my ass, squeezing and tugging the supple flesh. He pulls back again, then slams inside me, buried to the hilt, and grinds into me some more.
“Shit!” I moan, my head falling forwards, my wetness increasing exponentially. “Oh my god, you’re so fuckin’ deep…”
“Whose pussy is this?”
"Yours, Daddy,” I spit out, crying out again when he smacks my ass.
“Yes, mine. Fuck, you feel so good, baby, so tight,” he rasps, pumping hard and fast into me now. “Take this dick. Take all this big dick," he urges me with a slap to my other ass cheek, and we both groan when I tighten around him in response. He yanks me upright, pressing my back flush against his body. His massive hand winds around my neck, and like the wanton slut that I am, I hum my appreciation.
“Yeah, you like that?” Joe asks huskily, “Like bein’ choked, you dirty slut?”
“Yes. Choke me, Daddy,” I plead, and he’s happy to oblige me, tightening his grip around my throat, and fuck it feels so good.
He turns my face towards him and presses my lower jaw, forcing my mouth open. He rolls his tongue between my lips and kisses me with a passion that melts me in his arms. With his other hand, he yanks my bra cups down and grabs my exposed breast. He pinches my nipple with his strong, rough fingers, causing me to moan into his mouth, the pain only fueling my pleasure. It’s like magic, his hands, his mouth, his dominance, and I’ve fallen under his spell.
“Daddy, please,” I beg, my mind in a million different places right now, “I need to come, Daddy. Make me yours, baby.”
My breathless pleas are music to his ears. With a hungry growl, he pulls my panties the rest of the way down my legs and climbs into the bed behind me. He uses his thick legs to pin mine to the bed, trapping me underneath him. He thrusts into me hard, and I scream and curse loudly at how deep he suddenly is inside me. He presses his hand over the back of my neck and pushes me further into the sheets, and I’m moaning with reckless abandon as he slams his dick into me over and over, my prone body shifting on the bed with every thrust. My arms, bound and outstretched in front of me, are starting to ache, but it’s nothing compared to the incredible sensations sweeping through me. I hear him grunt as he leans his body over mine, caging me in as he continues to fuck me hard from behind. I want to match his movements so badly, but he’s locked me in, trapping me in a deliciously animalistic way.
“Come for me, baby girl,” Joe gasps. He wraps my hair around his hand and gives it a sharp tug, forcing my head up. “Come on…”
“Fuck! Joe!” I whine as my body arches, my legs starting to shake. “Oh fuck, I’m fuckin’ coming!”
“Do it. Come for Daddy,” he commands.
I squeeze my eyes shut, trying to brace myself for impact. The orgasm rushes over me with incredible force, and I gush all over his dick. I’m weak, I’m spent, and I would have collapsed if Joe’s arms weren’t locked around me, holding me tight. He pumps inside me a few more times before he lets out this animalistic groan that I’ve never heard before, his face tucked in the crook of my neck as he pulses heavily inside me. He relaxes, finally, and his body sags against mine, both of us panting hard, struggling to recover. It feels like I’m in another world, but in a strange way, I feel more connected to this man than I've ever been to anyone else in my life.
Realizing he may be crushing me with his weight, Joe clambers off me. “Sorry,” he mumbles. He gently pulls out of me, and I instantly miss his weight on me, his manhood inside me.
He shifts above me to untie the bonds from my wrists. From there, he pulls off my shoes and tosses them to the floor, while I manage to dispose of my bra. I lay next to him and he curls me into his chest, running his hand up and down my back. "Cece, you okay?" he asks.
"Mmm-hmm..." I mumble against his throat, still on Cloud Nine.
"Answer me properly, babe."
"I'm fine."
“How was it for you?” he inquires, and the concern morphs into something else. The commanding, aggressive Dom is gone, and with the way he looks at me as he awaits my reply, it’s almost as if he’s seeking my approval, like he hopes he’s impressed me.
“It was amazing, babe.” I slide my hand up his chest, my voice a soft purr as I curl up against him, kissing his neck a few times. “You’re amazing.”
“I’m glad you enjoyed it,” Joe whispers, his fingers threading soothingly through my hair. “Perhaps we will play again sometime. Only a little less rough, and after a date or two, maybe.”
I look up at him, my heart racing at what he suggests. I watch as he brings my wrists up to his mouth and kisses each of them softly, rubbing the red marks that are starting to appear. The act is tender and unexpected, and as he gazes adoringly at me, a sensation far more intimate than lust, a feeling that has plagued me for months, threatens to overwhelm me again. I’m so tempted to put myself on the line, put my job on the line, for him. And I’m scared. Scared that he might still walk away in the end. Scared that this thing happening between us will only lead to my heart getting broken.
But I push all the negatives aside and settle for kissing him deeply, confirming once again, without words, that whatever he’s offering…I want it. I want this, I want him, in any way I can have him.
There are no certainties for the future, but for once in my life, that doesn't matter to me. I am happy at the possibility for more between me and Joe. Maybe I don’t need it all figured out beforehand. I don't have to worry about what may or may not happen. So I’m just going to see where this leads.
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