msbigredmachine · 3 days
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msbigredmachine · 4 days
I’m only watching Summerslam to see what Seth is going to wear as his referee outfit 😂
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msbigredmachine · 5 days
It’s 2024 and grown ass people are still getting catfished by fake wrestler pages. Like be for real. 🤨😒
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msbigredmachine · 6 days
So sorry to my American followers…the road to November is going to be hellish.
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msbigredmachine · 7 days
3 Sluts (Jey Uso)
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Jey got two of 'em spittin’ on that thang… 😈💦
Pairings: OC/Jey Uso/OC
Word Count: 1732
Warnings: Threesome, SMUT
Credit to the owners of the pics and gifs.
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His dark eyes, hazy, fixated and awestruck; his long fingers quivering on the back of her head. The cool outdoor breeze wafted over his saliva-slick length each time it escaped the warmth of her mouth, making him tremble in his spot on the large patio chair overlooking the clear blue waters of the Mediterranean Sea. 
“Mmm…yeah, baby, I like that,” he drawled, watching her lather up her spit all over his dick with her hand before slipping him back in her mouth. He felt his body deflate with a low, satisfied moan as she sucked him thoroughly, her acrylic nails scraping his turgid flesh as they worked in rhythm with her warm, tight throat. Main Event Jey Uso was in Paradise, in more ways than one.
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“Yeah, Lolo, get that shit.”
The familiar sultry voice prompted Jey to look up, his stare softening from lust to love as his girlfriend, Iris, stepped through the sliding glass door onto the balcony. Wearing a yellow string bikini that complimented her curvy body and brown skin, it was a welcome switch from the seriousness of the power suits she donned at work. Said power also allowed her to whisk him away to the sun-kissed climates of Mykonos on a private jet for some well deserved time off, much of which included getting tag-teamed by her and her best friend London. 
Dating the heiress to the world’s most valuable Black-owned sportswear company granted Jey access to many precipices of pleasure around the world, such as the palatial villa the threesome were currently isolated in and had christened multiple times in just a few days. To have two of the most beautiful women he’d ever laid eyes on sharing their bodies with him on the regular was quite the experience, and he loved every second. There was never a dull moment with his fun, sexy freak of a girlfriend and her even bigger freak of a BFF.
“Hey baby,” he greeted her, rolling the breakfast trolley aside so she could squeeze into the chair with him. “That sleep was good, huh? It’s nine in the morning.”
“Y’all can’t blame me, you two knocked me out last night. Woulda slept some more if it wasn’t for all the moaning and cheek-clapping going on here,” she laughed. “The windows are open so I can hear everything.” She bent low to accept his kiss and lovingly stroked London’s hair, smirking at the look of complete bliss on her man’s face thanks to her best friend's magic mouth. “She’s good, ain’t she,” she asked.
London released Jey’s dick long enough to brag, “I ain’t just ‘good’, I’m the fuckin’ best.”
“Um, not as good as me, bitch,” Iris argued playfully, eyeing up her boyfriend through her long lashes as she guided his face back to hers, “Ain’t that right, Daddy?”
Her kisses were the cure for every ailment, Jey had since acknowledged, as he kneaded the soft, plump flesh of her derriere, moaning into her mouth as her tongue circled sensually around his own. At the same time, he felt his dick slide deeper down London’s throat, short-circuiting his senses momentarily. Iris giggled and decided to ease up on him, grabbing the can of whipped cream off the breakfast tray. Spraying a generous amount on a large strawberry, she held it to Jey’s parted lips for a bite. He chewed on it with a happy sigh, making her smile. It was nice to see him relaxed after working so hard for so many months.
“Mmm. Tastes perfect, just like yo sexy ass,” Jey praised, gifting her with a smack on her backside, “Give some to Lo, too,” he instructed.
Iris did as she was told and fed London with another strawberry. London sat up and took a sloppy bite, causing the juice to trickle down her chin, past the column of her neck and between her bare breasts. “Ooh, I made a mess,” she commented, licking her lips and eyeing up her friend with a sly, dark expression. “Help me clean it off, babe?” 
Iris looked at her with a wicked grin of her own before leaning over Jey’s prone body to lap up the sweet juice that had dripped down London’s chin. London’s giggles dissolved to soft sighs as Iris used her tongue to trail the rivulet all the way down to the middle of her breasts, angling her head to suck her pierced nipple into her mouth. With a throaty moan, London sat up straighter, cupping Iris’s face and pulling her in for a kiss. 
Wrestling fans have described a lot of his recent content as cinema, but to Jey, nothing he did could ever compare to the visual of hot, sexy women making out. It was a joy to watch the two centers of his universe indulge in each other. London moaned with every sweep of Iris’ tongue inside her mouth, his sexy girlfriend taking charge like she always did. Her grip on London’s chin was firm as their kiss deepened and got hotter. When it became too hot and he started to feel left out, he cleared his throat to recapture their attention, prompting the women to pull apart and giggle mischievously.
“Looks like Daddy’s missing us,” London commented, coming closer to press her lips to Jey’s, sharing the joint tastes of strawberry and Iris with him.
“Mm-hmm, sure looks like it,” Iris agreed, sharing a devilish smile with her bestie. “Let’s give him what he wants, shall we?”
Iris slithered down her boyfriend’s muscled body and settled on top of London, the can of whipped cream in her grasp. With her breasts pressed against London’s back, Iris drizzled some whipped cream all over Jey’s dick, from tip to ballsac, smiling when he hissed from the cold dessert against the sensitivity of his groin. London was going in on his balls while Iris wrapped her tongue around his tip, teasing for a few seconds before taking him fully into her mouth. The pleasure was quick to engulf him, his body hypnotized by their warm, eager mouths. He glanced down at his two girls, one on top of the other, his lips parted slightly in a sex-induced stupor as they feasted on his dick and his balls; it was hard to determine whose ministrations he was enjoying more. 
“Fuck,” Jey whispered, his body melting into the chair, his hand coming up to cover his eyes. Head from London was already mind-blowing enough, but adding Iris to the mix took it to another stratosphere. His dick had not known peace since they touched down on the island, buried in either one of his girls’ holes at any given time. Not that he was complaining, not at all. He could feel the slow strokes of Iris’ thick lips up and down his dick, marking every inch of his sensitive flesh like a skilled painter working her canvas. Meanwhile, London’s mouth was stuffed with his balls. Her free hand was underneath him squeezing his ass, adding a new layer of sensation that caught him off guard enough to buck his hips suddenly, pushing himself deeper down Iris’ throat which made her gag a little. But she was never one to back down, coming up for air for a split second before going back in. His deep voice rattled with pleasure as he gripped her hair, desperately holding on as he lost himself to the wetness of their mouths and their sensual moans and sexy slobbers, intensifying the heat swirling in the pit of his stomach. 
Handing the reins back to London, Iris returned to Jey’s side and caressed his sun-bronzed abs, watching his eyes roll to the back of his head with a smirk. He was getting closer, she could tell from his breaths, shallow and erratic, his handsome features scrunched in painful pleasure as she and London drove him crazy. 
“Unnh, I’m gonna fuckin’ come,” he groaned, moaning again when Iris nibbled on the side of his neck, pinching with her teeth.
“Mmm, look at me, Daddy, you look so fuckin’ hot when you’re about to nut,” she cooed, rubbing her hand up and down his tattooed torso as he managed to drag his gaze to hers. She leaned down and kissed him, using her tongue to play with his mouth. In her peripheral vision she could see London cranking it up, her head and hands rotating ominously around his dick. “You gon’ fill up her mouth with your cum, baby? Cuz she’s been such a good little slut for you?”
Too wound up to speak, he could only nod his head with wide, glazed-over eyes. Iris plucked his nipple between her fingers, stimulating him some more. Her mouth and tongue loved all over the side of his throat, combining lethally with London’s deep throat soon plummeting him into that familiar abyss of ecstasy. 
“Oh shit, shit, fuck!” Jey moaned, tossing his head back as the powerful orgasm crashed over him. His entire body jerked as his cum shot out and landed all over London’s chin and lips. The more she jerked him off, the harder he came in mesmerizing waves. The creamy, white nut covered his dick and trickled down to his balls and London left none of it behind. He struggled to gather his breath, exhaling shakily as she ran her tongue all over his still-sensitive length with a sultry giggle.
“Good boy,” Iris praised him, running her fingers through his hair and kissing his temple.
“Damn, y’all gon’ be the death of me,” Jey breathed, staring up adoringly at his girlfriend.
After London had licked him clean, she stood up and adjusted her bikini top. “Well, this was fun. But it’s gettin’ kinda hot. Wanna take the party inside?”
“You sure?” Iris asked, as London rounded the chair, kissed both her lovers on the mouth and helped them to their feet. “Yeah. We not doin' nothin' all day,” she reminded them, “I don’t mind just layin’ back and watching y’all. You two are so hot together.”
“Now where’s the fun in that?” said Jey, throwing one arm around Iris and the other around London as they stepped back inside the villa. “When we get upstairs, gimme ten minutes to recharge. Then Lolo, you gon sit’ on my face. Baby, you ridin’ my dick. I wanna see that ass bounce on me…”
Random drabble, I know, lol. Thoughts?
🏷️: @wrestlingprincess80 @fame-ass-ers @southerngirl41 @alyyaanna @tribalhoochie @jstarr86 @murrylove @thewarlordsworld @mzv11 @cozyaliensuperstar7 @nayys-world @hunnidmilly @cyberdejos2 @papireigns-05  @harmshake @niknakbucks92 @captainwithoutmakingitlove @sovereigngoth @aisharmi @kennedi0818 @alichesmi @thesamoanqueen @herwickedlittlesins @questionable-behaviour @tribalchiefreigns @2-muchsauce @thatbxtchsblog @raya-hunter01 @marchi36753 @lovelysuccess @christinabae @wooahmiri @thatonecarebear @tabletheofhead @rheaanddamianfan @vebner37 @hanley1577 @princessesareforsuckers @-naturally @joannasteez @bbygirlky18 @lilucey @theninthwonder @melaninsugababy @chocovibesonly @msbluehaz3 @scarlettnoir01 @heerah34 @empressdede @tbmotw @darkangelchronicles @visionarymode @marasdeathnote @aintnorainbows @meggylynnloves @shantinextdoor @harlemblipster  @trc-punzel @afterdarkprincess @nbanenefrmdao @sassginaswanmills @purplehairgawdess @holisticcoach @girlwhogaf @royalkay23 @heyitsnajabrinee @stoner2k @reci1996 @catxo @iamimanim @lookmais @ts1mp0ne @lizzyd1ish @m3llowww @skyesthebomb @final1miya @kia1996 @randomuser0711 @yourtribalqueen @caramelcleopatraa @katymae12344 @that-one-anxious-mango @yana3sworld @ajenae @truefant4sy @thetribalqueen @bhjszsdxc @paigereeder @christinabae @justazzi @maknaehyucks @mindairy @headoftheetable @truefant4sy @mscarter213 @ariiaeltheedonn @sageispunk @xbriexx
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msbigredmachine · 8 days
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. (If you feel like it, no pressure.) Spread the self-love ❤️
Thanks to my ladies @harmshake @thesamoanqueen and @whatdoeseverybodywant for the prompts.
My five favorite fics always vary so I'll list the ones I love so much rn:
Power Couple - the series (Roman Reigns)
Into the Deep End saga (Roman Reigns)
On Sight (Jey Uso)
Sugar & the Chief (Roman Reigns)
Warm (Jey Uso)
Lol let me just cheat and drop my whole Masterlist lol
Tagging @jxtina-86 @southerngirl41 @empressdede @trippinsorrows @tribalhoochie and anyone else who wants to participate!
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msbigredmachine · 8 days
would you be willing to possible write something for Tama?
Yes. Working on two, but don’t expect them anytime soon because there’s a long line of unfinished stuff I’m still working on.
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msbigredmachine · 9 days
New To This - Chapter 9
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A/N: Thank you all for being so patient with me! You all know who you are and I appreciate you all so much!
You can thank Teddy Swims' 'Lose Control' for helping me with this chapter.😈Enjoy!
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Delilah’s heels clicked rapidly in her haste to exit the hotel, berating herself all the way. This was a bad idea from the jump and she knew it. She knew that getting this close to Jey Uso would spiral into something else and make her cross a line she should never have crossed. She knew all along that this was going to happen, that she should never have entertained it to begin with.
So why did a part of her enjoy it? Why was her body screaming to go back to him? Why did she want more?
Her fingers touched her kiss-swollen lips. She could still taste him, still smell his cologne, feel his fingers on her, thick and insistent, on her pussy…
Fuck! She had to get out of here, now.
“Yo Dee, wait up!” she heard Josh call out to her just as she made it outside. Instantly, she began walking faster, but he was hot on her tail, easily catching up with her with his longer strides. “Delilah, stop!” 
His hand closed over her arm, spinning her around to face him. Incensed, she yanked away from him with force.
“Don’t touch me! Why are you following me, huh?” she yelled, watching him grind to a halt at the murderous look on her face. “You know what, Josh? Tell me this! How many girls have you done this to?” she demanded.
Josh’s brows furrowed with confusion. “What?”
“Oh, you dumb alluva sudden?” How many other women have you lured into your trap like this, huh? I don’t know what you thought this was, but I ain’t the one. At all! I didn’t come here so I could sleep with you!”
“And yet, you want to,” he smirked.
Something about his statement, about the haughtiness and confidence with which he uttered it, sent a shiver up her spine, and she pushed on before she could let it seep into her skin. “You are a fucking piece of work,” she fumed, getting in his face. “Look at you, standing there all sexy and perfect and charming like you own the fucking world. You celebrities think you can just use us mortals and throw us away like yesterday’s trash, like the rest of us don’t have feelings! Who do you think you are?”
“Delilah...” He started to speak again, but she cut him off, on a roll.
“One minute, you actin’ like we're best buddies and all," she flailed her arms as she began pacing angrily, her gaze focused on the floor. "The next minute, you tellin’ me that you wanna sleep with me and-and now you're touching me and kissing me! And knowing guys like you," she added sharply, "It’s all some fucked up mind game to you. You only doin’ all this shit cuz you wanna get your rocks off!"
Josh crossed his arms over his chest as she continued to pace back and forth. Though he knew he should be listening to what she was saying, he found himself more taken with the way her ass moved beneath the thin barrier of her tight bodysuit. His focus was drawn to the points of her taut nipples pushing through her form-fitting top, the rise and fall of her exposed cleavage as she vented. “Baby, can you calm down?” he finally spoke.
She stopped pacing, her eyes full of accusations when she met his stare again. Then, she reached in her purse and pulled out her phone. For a second, he thought she was listening to him. But then he saw her tapping frantically on the Lyft app for a ride back to her hotel. “What are you doing?” he demanded.
“What’s it look like?” she snarled back.
“Baby girl, wait…” 
“Stop calling me that!” She looked away from her phone, exasperated, “Stop playing with my emotions, Josh! Stop making me want you! Stop making me think about you in ways that I shouldn’t! Just…stop!”
Josh's eyebrow raised, clearly intrigued by what she’d just said. “I ain’t makin’ you do nothin’, Delilah. You an adult, just like me.” 
“Oh really?” she glared at him, “So all the innuendos and looks you keep giving me are all just a figment of my imagination? I’m not a toy! I’m a fucking human being! I don’t need you messing-”
He kissed her again. Delilah stood frozen in shock for a moment, then instinct took over, and she shoved him away. He stumbled back a couple of steps but never took his eyes off her. They stood there, breathing hard. She’d been greatly affected by that kiss and he knew it. She should have walked away right now, gone back to her hotel and acted like the last five minutes never happened. But she saw no one but him. She could see her desire reflected in his dark irises. Her blood pounded in her ears. The only thing her mind was cognizant of was how much she wanted him to kiss her again. But she was a fighter and she was desperate to fight to the bitter end.
“Please,” Delilah whispered, hating the tears that had sprung to her eyes out of nowhere, “I love him…I love Andre…”
“I know you do,” said Josh, gently kissing away the tears that had spilled down her cheeks, his voice soft and compassionate as he wrapped her up in his arms. “But fuck, baby, you kiss so good. I need more. I need you.” His forehead rested against hers. The intimacy of the moment, the near-desperation of his tone sent chills down her spine. “I can’t get you outta my head. I think about you all the time. Baby girl, please…” 
One more time, his mouth found hers. This time, the resistance in her withered away, and she leaned into him, returning his kiss with a ferocity she never realized she possessed. Her hands gripped his shoulders before linking behind his neck. He held her tight as his tongue slipped between her lips, and she couldn’t stop the moan that escaped her. He tasted so good, so much better than she ever imagined. It felt so natural, so familiar, the way his lips gave her top and bottom ones equal attention, the way her tongue navigated his mouth. They stood in the middle of the parking lot, making out heavily, clinging to one another like the lost, lonely souls neither of them deserved to become.
The door to his hotel suite slammed shut when he pushed her up against it, his mouth on hers in an even more intense kiss. Delilah held his face in her hands, tilting her head to kiss him better. Adrenaline and alcohol rushed through her, encouraged her. She moaned softly when he began to grind against her, making her feel how aroused he was. His hands skimmed the well-defined curves of her body, gliding slowly over her breasts and down her sides, to her waist and hips before sneaking behind to squeeze her ass, pulling her even tighter against him. She’d never been frisked so erotically in her life. This man knew exactly how to make her respond, and she was powerless to stop him.
It felt like a blur as their clothes melted away one by one. Then she seemed to soar through the air, landing softly on her back in the middle of the soft queen bed with him standing over her. She glanced down and fought her jaw from dropping at the sight of the heat he was packing. In turn, he was looking her over, his eyes dancing appreciatively down her frame, and she blushed when he mouthed “wow”. The lust swimming in his eyes spiked her pulse, quickened her breath. Lowering his head, he trailed kisses from her mouth to her chin, over her neck and down to her breasts, taking one nipple between his lips. She gasped as the flick of his hot, wet tongue shot shivers up her spine. She buried her fingers in his hair, arching her back as he licked and sucked and nibbled. His large hand massaged her other breast, keeping it there as his lips made a path down her stomach, heating up her skin and leaving her gasping for more. Of their own volition, her hands found their way to his shoulders, unable to resist the lure of his touch.
The sound of his name leaving her lips did something to him. With an ominous grin, he spread her legs wide and dipped his head swiftly between them. His mouth found the warm wetness there and probed, invaded, caressed. Delilah cried out, writhing in his grip, her nails scraping the back of his head. Breathless, she struggled for control, squeezing her eyes shut as pleasure swept over her. But Josh was on a mission, slurping and sucking her at the same time, doing everything to get her sweet taste in his mouth.
“Oooh, Josh…oh my god, that feels so good…” The smacks of his lips and the wetness of his tongue slobbering all over her was driving her insane,  the sensations making her clit ache in the best way. “Oh, fuck I’m about to come,” she groaned.
It was all music to his ears. Pushing her thighs further back, he dug deeper, speeding up his tongue, slowing down his lips, not stopping until she couldn't do anything but scream for him. He looked up to see her eyes rolled back, felt his hair in her fist, her nipples peaked as she reached her own peak. 
“Fuuuuuck!” Delilah’s body hitched off the bed, spasming almost violently. Josh held her trembling legs still and caught every drop of her essence with swipes of his tongue. He chuckled when she pushed his head away and lay slack on the bed, a dazed look on her pretty face. A satisfied smirk curled his lips as he licked up her sticky sweetness. She was hands down the sexiest thing he had ever seen.
“You taste amazing, baby, just like I thought,” he complimented her, gently parting her thighs again. He positioned his body between her legs which quickly wrapped around his waist in anticipation. They met each other’s gaze one more time. They both knew the already thin barrier between them was finally torn down. There was no going back.
He lightly nibbled on her bottom lip, dragging his tongue along hers to make her taste herself. She gripped his shoulders tightly, returning his kisses like a starved woman, soft breaths of need escaping them both. Between them, he gripped his dick, teasingly rubbing the head from her clit to her entrance and groaning at just how soaked she was for him. He rolled his hips, biting his lip as he slowly began to push inside of her. They both groaned at the sensations that surged through them. At first, he started to move at a slow pace, but then increased his rhythm. Searching desperately for leverage, her arms wrapped around his broad shoulders, gasping as each flex of his body drove his incredibly thick cock deeper into her until she felt him near the pit of her stomach. 
“Fuck, wait…Stop, you’re too deep,” Delilah pushed at him, forcing him to halt his movements.
“I ain’t even that deep, hol’ on,” he laughed.
“Oh my god,” she moaned.
“Nah, take it baby. Relax. I need you to get used to me,” he instructed, caressing her face as he looked into her eyes. “Relax, baby, come on.”
Breathing deeply, she forced herself to relax, biting hard on her lip as he rocked his hips again, slower, getting deeper with each thrust. His satisfied smile for some reason had her beaming with pride.
“There ya go. Fuuuck, Delilah, you so wet. Been waitin’ on this for so long.” He rolled her nipple between his fingers, and then bent to kiss her lips, nipping and licking her bottom lip with delicious swirls of his tongue earning another groan from her. 
“Shit,” she moaned along with him, his husky grunts filling her ears as he drove himself into her. Lifting his upper body, he braced his arms on either side of her and worked his hips, pushing his dick as deep inside her as possible. Skin slapped audibly against skin. She clung to him, doing everything she could not to scream from his relentless pace. The sweet sensations stirring within her caused her to throw her head back with a loud moan. At that moment, if you asked her what her name was, she couldn’t tell you.
Josh dipped back down, bringing them chest to chest again. His kisses were so sensual and tender that her head spun, intensifying the building heat inside her. “You feel so fuckin’ good, baby,” he cradled her head as he covered the side of her throat with more kisses, “Wanted to fuck you since I first laid eyes on you.”
She was so close to her release. Her insides were on fire, the muscles within her squeezing tightly around him. They held onto each other tightly, eyes locked, foreheads touching, neither of them saying another word, their moans and heavy breathing doing the talking for them as their bodies danced together on the bed. Delilah cried out as she came hard, every part of her burning with the intensity of it. On top of her, Josh moved faster, groaned louder, sweat glazing his forehead from exertion.
“Gimme another one, baby. I know you can,” he murmured, growling as he felt her clench and ripple around him once again. Staring her down, he continued to fuck her hard through her orgasm, freezing as his body detonated, milked thoroughly of his seed by her warm, weeping pussy. “Unnh, fuuuck, baby, damn,” he panted, his mouth covering hers as he finally slowed, feeling the shudders of her body subside against his own.
Delilah moaned softly as he slipped out of her and collapsed on the bed beside her, breathing heavily. She rolled over and stared at him before reaching for him. He chuckled, wrapping his arms around her slender waist and kissing her neck over and over. It was the last thing she remembered before she fell asleep.
With a moan and a drawn-out stretch, Delilah licked her sleep-dried lips. The tingling in her belly was a foreign concept first thing in the morning and it was growing stronger and hotter. Struggling to sit up, she found herself fully awake by the sight that greeted her.
Josh's arms were wrapped around her thighs, holding her legs apart as he licked gently at her warm folds. “Mornin’ baby girl,” he murmured.
She needed to stop him but it felt too good. The past eight hours in which he had woken her several times to lavish all his attention of her had felt so damn good. "Joshhh," she gasped, gripping the pillows beside her head.
"That's it, baby. Call out my name," he coaxed her, his voice smooth as silk against her pussy. “I gotchu. Such a sweet, sweet girl.”
He increased the speed of his tongue, flicking furiously at her swollen bud until her legs began to shake. He used his strong hands to pry her thighs further apart, laying havoc to her most intimate place until she tossed her head back against the pillows with a long, pitiful groan as she came. He delivered small kisses to the inside of her thigh before finally letting her go with a smack of her ass as she flopped onto her side trying to catch her breath. It was only when the tremors had subsided minutes later that she managed to speak. "Jesus, you’re dangerous," she said, smiling in spite of herself when he shrugged, unabashedly lounging naked beside her.
"Danger is good sometimes, uce," he preached, licking his lips as he let one big paw trail slowly along her thigh. “So, be honest...how many times did I make you come?”
"Including just now?" she moaned as she tried to wiggle her toes, "I think that was number six."
Smiling triumphantly, Josh's fingers danced closer between her legs. “Best part is I’m just gettin' warmed up, baby,” he teased, laughing when she pushed away blushing profusely. “You so innocent. I like it.”
Closing her eyes, she reveled in the feel of his warm mouth on her neck, her pussy clenching when he moaned softly against her skin. "Josh," she sighed, trying to pull away when he captured her earlobe between his teeth, an action that he seemed to enjoy more with each passing moment. "What are we doing?"
A deep growl rumbled from his chest as Josh steered her chin and captured her lips in another heated kiss. "Whatchu mean, baby?"
With all of her strength, Delilah pushed him away, forcing them both to concentrate on her question. "I mean this. Us," she gestured between them. "What is this? What was last night about?"
"Just two consenting adults having fun." His reply rolled easily off his tongue, "That’s it. It don’t gotta have a name."
All night, Delilah had convinced herself that giving in to her urges was necessary. She could vividly recall his breathy pleas to be with her, and she'd truly believed that having sex with him would give her the closure she thought she wanted. Now that it had happened, she couldn’t tell if it had done the trick. "I have to get ready," she voiced out loud, rolling away from him. "I’m meeting with the coaches at eight and I need to be there early," she informed him, acutely aware that she would be returning to the recruits’ dorm in the same outfit from last night and was keen to avoid any nosiness.
Josh waited until she had reached the end of the bed before snaking an arm out and scooping her back into his arms. “It’s only six-thirty, there’s time," he said.
"Time for what exactly?" she asked, getting her answer with a searing kiss that made her toes curl. It was clear that Josh had no regrets about what had happened between them, and Delilah strongly, truly wanted to feel the opposite. She wanted to tell him to stop this time, that they had already gone too far.
But given the way he’d dicked her down last night, and the way he was currently sliding said dick back inside her, she wasn't quite sure she could bring herself to tell him anything except to fuck her just as good again.
Credit to the owners of the pics and gifs.
🏷️: @wrestlingprincess80 @fame-ass-ers @southerngirl41 @alyyaanna @squishyguishy @jstarr86 @murrylove @thewarlordsworld @mzv11 @cozyaliensuperstar7 @nayys-world @hunnidmilly @cyberdejos2 @papireigns-05  @harmshake @niknakbucks92 @captainwithoutmakingitlove @sovereigngoth @aisharmi @kennedi0818 @alichesmi @thesamoanqueen @herwickedlittlesins @questionable-behaviour @tribalchiefreigns @2-muchsauce @thatbxtchsblog @raya-hunter01 @marchi36753 @lovelysuccess @christinabae @wooahmiri @thatonecarebear @tabletheofhead @rheaanddamianfan @vebner37 @hanley1577 @princessesareforsuckers @-naturally @joannasteez @bbygirlky18 @lilucey @theninthwonder @melaninsugababy @chocovibesonly @msbluehaz3 @scarlettnoir01 @heerah34 @empressdede @tbmotw @darkangelchronicles @visionarymode @marasdeathnote @aintnorainbows @meggylynnloves @shantinextdoor @harlemblipster  @trc-punzel @afterdarkprincess @nbanenefrmdao @sassginaswanmills @purplehairgawdess @holisticcoach @girlwhogaf @royalkay23 @heyitsnajabrinee @stoner2k @reci1996 @catxo @iamimanim @lookmais @ts1mp0ne @lizzyd1ish @m3llowww @skyesthebomb @final1miya @kia1996 @randomuser0711 @yourtribalqueen @caramelcleopatraa @katymae12344 @that-one-anxious-mango @yana3sworld @ajenae @truefant4sy @thetribalqueen @bhjszsdxc @paigereeder @christinabae @justazzi @maknaehyucks @mindairy @headoftheetable @truefant4sy @mscarter213 @ariiaeltheedonn @sageispunk @xbriexx
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msbigredmachine · 13 days
Will you ever write another Roman AU story? (Maybe a mafia type of theme)
Not sure.
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msbigredmachine · 15 days
Every day I promise myself I’ll finish up with three of the fics I’m trying to get posted, but the medicine has made me so tired and I’m in pain and not sleeping properly from this damn leg sore.
On the bright side, I’m losing weight thanks to lifestyle changes 😭 and all the tests I’ve run on myself have been good. Not diabetic, not hypertensive, nothing. Thank God. Just need to heal this frickin wound.
Thanks for listening to me rant 😭 I’ll do my best, guys!
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msbigredmachine · 15 days
💜✨ This is an Amazing Creator Award! Your creations are incredible, and they light up every dashboard they land on. Pass this on to eight of your favorite creators to show your appreciation and let them know their art is loved! ✨💜
Thank you so much!
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msbigredmachine · 19 days
💜✨ This is an Amazing Creator Award! Your creations are incredible, and they light up every dashboard they land on. Pass this on to eight of your favorite creators to show your appreciation and let them know their art is loved! ✨💜
Thank you dearie! And congratulations!!!
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msbigredmachine · 19 days
I feel bad that Roman’s father’s funeral pictures are being broadcast online for everyone to see, even though it’s clear it’s a very private affair.
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msbigredmachine · 19 days
Tama Tonga yes please 😭🤤
[[WWE/instagram.com MITB 6 July, 2024]
The Bloodline. MITB 2024.
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msbigredmachine · 19 days
💜✨ This is an Amazing Creator Award! Your creations are incredible, and they light up every dashboard they land on. Pass this on to eight of your favorite creators to show your appreciation and let them know their art is loved! ✨💜
Thanks so much dearie!
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msbigredmachine · 19 days
💜✨ This is an Amazing Creator Award! Your creations are incredible, and they light up every dashboard they land on. Pass this on to eight of your favorite creators to show your appreciation and let them know their art is loved! ✨💜
Thank you my love!
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msbigredmachine · 20 days
Hope you guys are aware that whoever won the MITB briefcase was never going to successfully cash in on Gunther or Cody.
Yes, Gunther is beating Damian at Summerslam.
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