#[please dont feel compelled to match length!]
blotspare · 4 years
@starswept​ liked!
An unfortunate time to stumble upon Yuu, for sure; and unfortunate for Yuu that it’s someone like Kalim.  But it is what it is; Yuu barely notices that he’s approached the corned of the empty hallway that Yuu’s tragically been cornered in; their eye may be black, but, hey, they’re not down for the count, so Yuu is so far counting this fight as a success.
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More alarming is the pocketknife that manifests in the older student’s hand; and yet Yuu’s only answer is a sharp grin.  When the knife jabs towards them, Yuu catches the blade in their bare palm and, with their other, delivers a solid enough punch to their chest to have them releasing the blade.  It flips effortlessly within Yuu’s now - blooded palm and points at the chest of the would - be - bully.  “Hey, now, I don’t think knives are allowed on campus.”
The other apparently realizes that this is a losing fight; with a quiet curse, they turn and dart away.  Yuu glances down at the knife.  “Man, and this knife su ——— oh, shit, Kalim!”  They cough around an awkward sound.  Ah.  That’s...not ideal.  They don’t share Deuce’s sincere desire to become some kind of honor student, but they ARE aware that people tend to get a little...afraid of them when they see them acting like a delinquent, and would rather Kalim not be freaked out.  They like him far too much.  “Sorry, sorry — everything’s fine!”
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allresolute · 5 years
[ @heartquestion || DJ and Jung ]
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     DJ was blown away by the city. He had just arrived in South Korea the day before and he had immediately been grateful that he didn’t need to sleep like a human. There would be no way he could see all the country had to offer otherwise. He had been more places than he could count, but Seoul was truly breathtaking. 
     He was wandering the streets, glancing through the guide book he had found abandoned on a train seat. There were so many places he was eager to visit, and the book included some helpful phrases in Korean which, thanks to his advanced learning algorithms, he was memorizing quickly. If only he had also found an English to Korean dictionary, then he’d be perfectly set to explore. As it was, he was just planning on picking up what he could of the language as he wandered. Just one of the many upsides to being an android.
     He was wondering how he could get to Gyeongbokgung palace and looked up from his book once again to get his bearings. A flash in the crowd caught his eye as a phone falling from the pocket of a young man caught the light of the setting sun. It hit the ground, but the owner continued walking, seemingly unaware of its absence. DJ picked up the device and looked around for the man it belonged to. He saw him, but his form was quickly being swallowed by the shuffling throng of people. Uh oh. Better catch up to him before he was gone forever.
     DJ took off at a jog, trying to navigate the crowd on the sidewalk without accidentally shoving anyone into the street. He wasn’t able to move very fast like this. He began calling out to the young man.
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     “Excuse me! Hey! You! Sir with the bleached hair! Please stop! I have your phone! Sillyehabnida!” He called out the Korean word for ‘excuse me.’ His pronunciation was atrocious, he was sure, as it was a word he had only read from the book and hadn’t actually heard. He just had to get the stranger’s attention somehow!🔌
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