10 sept. 2019
🧃 toby again!!! i promise i stopped fronting eventually ^^’
i didnt sleep overnight because i was too anxious and i slept too late into the afternoon on the 9th i didnt get sleepy until right when it was time to leave. i bugged mason into us leaving really early because i was paranoid about missing the train and my bugging ended up really paying off because after everything we only got there 10 minutes before boarding time...
i realized on the second (out of 3) bus on the way to the train station that i didnt pack and single stim toy and it was hard not to freak out, especially since i was already overstimulated and didnt have a way to get the anxious energy out, but i toughed it and we made it.
the train was really cool, we’ve never been on the train before and it was neat and i enjoyed it a lot. we spent like $20 in snacks because we didnt have time to get breakfast before we got on the train so i felt like harry saying “we’ll take the lot”. i got coffee and sprite and banana bread and hummus with crisps, the crisps were HORRIBLE they were like some stale tasting break and chia seeds and they sucked slkdfj but the coffee was surprisingly good! i was able to nap a little bit on and off on the way there but as anyone who has taken public transit on long journeys knows, you cannot get comfortable enough to sleep on a train
i snapped these nice photos of the sunrise over lake ontario as we were going by, the sunrise was really nice but i had to close the curtain so i could try to rest sdfgsd
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when we got there i was definitely overstimulated to death and then we had to walk Half An Hour to get to a shoppers to buy bus passes for the duration of the trip (that we legitimately did not even use one time), then we went to.. billy.. k’s? i think its called? and had hotdogs and fries and they were really good except they unloaded like 4 gallons of mustard onto each dog and we like mustard but not that much ^^’ we had to wipe it off with a paper towel which is like, gosh dang...
then we discover there are 0 bus stops between where we were and the hotel because mason did not check whatsoever so we had to walk another half hour to the hotel. it was honestly like one of the most miserable experiences for me because our backpack was extremely heavy and we’re not used to walking long distances yet so our legs were burning so bad by the time we got there and we were already exhausted from not sleeping and it was starting to rain just as we came in. luckily the breeze was okay but it was SO far from where we got off the train it was miserable. we stopped inside a value village on the way to the hotel so i could try to find a stim toy to cope with and i found a wonderful son
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he was very soft and nice to hold and he really helped make the trip more bearable for us because we really had an awful time skdfj
we waited for mason’s family to arrive and as aus sister and mother were congregating outside our hotel door i heard aus sister loudly say “i am NOT going to call them “it”!” ok jen.....
so we all got introduced and mason’s mom was trying to catch au up on the family situation and aus sister is extremely argumentative and annoying and constantly had SOMETHING to say every time aus mother would say literally anything, she constantly had to disagree and correct her and it was the most annoying experience we were splitting so bad immediately orz we were mostly too out of it to get extremely mad though because we hadnt slept in an eternity so at least we were mostly numb at that point
we all went to dinner at boston pizza that night and we had a super fancy pasta and i got an apple dessert because autumn is coming and that means more apple stuff!! the food was really really delicious
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taisaki told me that the teacher tried to give them a bad grade on their stitching book and we were really sad because we loved it and thought it was awesome ;;;--;;;; mean teachers...
we went to sleep at a human hour and honestly it just felt amazing to be in a real bed that was off of the floor for once.. T_T.. then the next day!
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Small fic set in the aftermath of the Garthim raid on Jen’s village. Obvious trigger warnings of death apply. 
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Dying screams fill his ears as he sits in what is left of his home, his hands over his ears to block the noise, his eyes squeezed shut. His parents told him to stay hidden, and so he did as he was told. But nothing could have prepared him for what awaited him when he emerged from the rubble – homes turned to ash, bodies decorated the village, blood painted on the ground. Fire tore through the trees and robbed the fresh air, so every agonizing breath Jen takes is one filled with ash and smoke as he slowly opens his eyes, blue hues adjusting to what was left of Stone-in-the-Wood.
“Papa? Mama?” The childling frantically looks around for any sign of life, ears twitching for any detection of sound – but all is silent except for his own panicked breath, quickening with each intake of polluted air, the stench of burning flesh and earth threatening to make the young one retch.
“Papa? Mama!” He calls again, his voice seeming to slice through the eerie silence, the panic growing ever so stronger inside him as he stumbles to his feet. He has to find them. They have to be here; they have to be alive. They promised him they’d come back.
They promised…
Gaze falls on two fallen gelfling, their silhouettes growing more familiar as Jen takes cautious steps closer. He doesn’t need to see if it’s them. He knows. Kneeling at his father’s side, the childling places a hand on his shoulder before giving it a light shake.
“Papa?” He shakes him again, this time more forcefully. “Papa, come on, get up. The monsters are gone.” Tears well in the childling’s eyes, head shaking as he shakes his father once more. He shakes his mother, too.
“Mama?? Papa, please get up…” Jen lets his tears fall, knowing his efforts to wake his parents are all for naught as he quietly curls himself in between them, draping his father’s arm around him as quiet sobs rack the young one’s body. This can’t be… They promised… Why did this have to happen?
He can sense the presence of another… though they are foreign to him as he peeks up at them with glassy hues. The sad, old, wrinkled features of a Mystic gazes upon him – kind eyes meeting his own as one of four hands is outstretched.
“Young gelfling,” his voice sounds old, ancient… but there’s kindness. “You must come with me.”
“But—” Jen starts, turning his gaze back to his parents. He can’t leave… He couldn’t. He couldn’t leave them here.
“Your parents cannot be with you anymore, young one.” The Mystic beckons Jen to come closer, and before Jen goes to him, he gives his parents a final goodbye – pressing his forehead against theirs; remembering them as they were; how they smelled, how they laughed, how they laughed with him.
“You will be safe with me in the Valley,” hand reaches out again, taking the childling in his arm, where Jen buried his face in the long, grey hair that cascaded down his long neck. “Come, now.”
The gelfling peeks behind and takes in his last glimpse of Stone-in-the-Wood.
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