#[we perform! (bìng)]
takorossi · 2 years
Pentagon as Pentagon Songs / Covers
(... that I associate them with, purely self-opinion)
hmmm "Someday - Song By JINHO, HUI"?
i feel like Jinho really slayed the vocals on that one you know
if it's not "Someday" then it would probably be "Round 2 - Bonus Track" because #jinhoWWEcommentator era
"Spring Snow"!!!!!! SPRING SNOW.
spring snow.
i loved how excited he was at wanting to perform "Spring Snow" for Road to Kingdom
and also the feels
would it be basic if i said "Shine"??? not if it's the truth ...
because come on, we all know why it's "Shine", what are you talking about if it's not "Shine"???
maybe "Happiness" because i felt like Hui in that M/V was pretty memorable
but also his line in "Organic song" (E'dawn, Yuto, Woo Seok With Hui), both in the original when Dawn performed it by himself in Pentagon Maker and also the released track
"Basquiat"?? VOCAL KING.
honestly the first thing that comes to mind is "Very Good - PENTAGON Version" (originally by Block B) from RTK
the chocolate abs left an impression
and also the "it's okay as long as he doesn't dance inappropriately afterwards" - an RTK staff member
"Dr. Bebe"
the chocolate back left an impression
"Sparkling Night" because his Oppa-ness really popped off there, ESPECIALLY in this Special Live Clip, wow that video really took me to heaven and back you know, i ascended
if i'm going for associated images seared into my brain, i would pick "DO or NOT" because #jokershinwon era and also "Feelin' Like" even though i know he doesn't like it because POOL SHINWON??? shinwon with GLOVES??? ma lord almighty,,,
if i'm going for music music, it would be "Daisy" because he does my favourite line in that entire song ("haengbokhaeya dwae") in that whisper/breathy tone, sorry i'm just simping at this point
but by that logic, i would also associate him with "Naughty Boy" because of the chicken lyric ... it really stuck
if i don't put "One Shot" here, am i really a Shinwon fan?
so "One Shot" because he wrote it
Yeo One
"Pretty Pretty", definitely
high school Yeo One.
nerd Yeo One era.
mushroom Yeo One era.
Yeo One with GLASSES.
also "Eat" (originally by Zion.T) because :( Pentagon Maker :( Yan An :( comfort chocolate :( ("saranghae ... yO")
Yeo One's verse in "Round 1 - Bonus Track", specifically the part where he goes "nappeun saram ... Yanan, Yanan, Yanan"
"Feelin' Like"
absolute massive badonkerhonker muscles.
but also "Daisy" because i really like the way he dances in it, feels floaty and nice
also "Eat", for the same reasons as Yeo One
also "Round 1", specifically the part where he goes "(ya geuraedo bang gachi sseuneunde) HWAJANGSHI!!!"
probably an unpopular opinion but "Shine" is one of them
his rap and the transition back to the group formation in their "Shine" stages left a sensation in my brain that i don't know how to explain
that one unique #notlikeothergirls "Yuto-da" in "Fantasystic"
those verses of Japanese rap in "Cerberus"? chef's kiss.
that low-toned Wooseok!mock-scream in "Round 2"
first of all, "Dr. Bebe", for less superficial reasons than Hongseok
like i really, and i mean REALLY love his entire persona in "Dr. Bebe"
from the stages to M/V, the facial expression and stature and makeup were EVERYTHING
in chinese, there's this thing we call 病态 (bìng tài), which directly translates to "state of being sickly" and it sounds kind of wack if you put it like that, but basically the way he embodied that psychological inner warfare in his dance and expressions was absolutely Oscar-worthy
"Daisy" because of his tattoo, and his florist dreams, and his dance, and that mafia dance variety thing they did
just. "Daisy". yeah.
i don't know if it's because of his unique rapping tone, but i associate him with a lot of Pentagon's songs
i mean he wrote and composed my absolute favourite Pentagon song, "BAD"
he also did "Nostalgia", which i like
his verse in "Sparkling Night"??? vocal Wooseok???
"Naughty Boy"??????????
okay that one because i hated his hair in it, i'm sorry Wooseok
but also i felt like he was so intrinsically linked with that song for some reason
it just screamed Wooseok to me
"The Magic Flute ("Der Hölle Rache" - Queen of the Night aria)"
i'm sorry that was just for the crack i swear
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ask-mixednsr-au · 4 years
Neo NSR has learned how to work as a group. Their abilities can now be combined on the battlefield!
DJ-SS + Kliff: Star Map - Kliff will predict incoming attacks, and DJ-SS can remix them.
• This weakens the enemy’s attack and increases Collab Synergy. Grants extra ammo and energy if remixed successfully.
DJ-SS + Kul Fyra: Solar Flair - DJ-SS will prompt Kul Fyra to play a solo, and will create a literal flaming mix to amplify her power. Kul Fyra will return the excess energy to DJ-SS.
• Kul Fyra’s attack and DJ-SS’s defense increases greatly, and DJ-SS can use his old helmet for Kul Fyra to hit as a projectile for massive damage.
DJ-SS + Nature Duet: Plan(e)t -
[Xiāngsī] DJ-SS will use his turntables to create a holographic solar system, and vines will sprout where the planets are fired.
[Bìng] DJ-SS will use his turntables to create a holographic solar system, and vines will sprout where the planets are placed.
• Enemies that come into contact with the vines will become caught, receive constant damage until freed, and will be open to attack.
Kul Fyra:
Kul Fyra + Kliff: The Rock Era - Kliff uses sparks of the future to ignite the flames of the past that Kul Fyra brings.
• The duo will increase their own energy, increasing everyone’s abilities and temporarily boosting their Synergy. This does not increase Collab Synergy.
Kyl Fyra + DJ-SS: Solar Flair - DJ-SS will prompt Kul Fyra to play a solo, and will create a literal flaming mix to amplify her power. Kul Fyra will return the excess energy to DJ-SS
• Kul Fyra’s attack and DJ-SS’s defense increases greatly, and DJ-SS can use his old helmet for Kul Fyra to hit as a projectile for massive damage.
Kul Fyra + Nature Duet: Forest Fires -
[Xiāngsī] Vines will burst from the stage and Kul Fyra uses a wave of flames to light them all on fire. Xiāngsī can control these vines to attack an enemy out of range.
[Bìng] Vines will burst from the stage and Kul Fyra uses a wave of flames to light them all on fire. Pixies around Bìng will aim the fire at enemies out of range.
• Enemies hit with the flaming vines will receive fire damage over time. Bìng can control the fire, and Xiāngsī can confirm the vines.
Nature Duet:
Nature Duet + Kliff: Butterfae Effect -
A swarm of fae are summoned and latch onto an enemy of choice, making any of their attacks parriable until the fae is called off. Kliff uses his abilities to attack with the force of the former parries.
• No ammo is gained from parrying, but soon as the fae is called off the damage all the ammo would inflict happens instantly. There is no ammo limit.
Nature Duet + Kul Fyra: Forest Fires -
[Xiāngsī] Vines will burst from the stage and Kul Fyra uses a wave of flames to light them all on fire. Xiāngsī can control these vines to attack an enemy out of range.
[Bìng] Vines will burst from the stage and Kul Fyra uses a wave of flames to light them all on fire. Pixies around Bìng will aim the fire at enemies out of range.
• Enemies hit with the flaming vines will receive fire damage over time. Bìng can control the fire, and Xiāngsī can control the vines.
Nature Duet + DJ-SS: Plan(e)t —
[Xiāngsī] DJ-SS will use his turntables to create a holographic solar system, and vines will sprout where the planets are fired.
[Bìng] DJ-SS will use his turntables to create a holographic solar system, and vines will sprout where the planets are placed.
• Enemies that come into contact with the vines will become caught, receive constant damage until freed, and will be open to attack.
Sayu + Kliff: Sea the Song - Sayu can sing up to three powerful verses wherever she is, and a Kliff can delay the powerful voice if need be.
• The verses are held in place and move in the direction Sayu sang when let go by either Kliff choosing to, or losing energy to from holding back. They do damage to any enemies in path of the attack.
Kliff’s ability to delay it can let Sayu sing at an area an enemy may appear or move to without being there.
Sayu + Kul Fyra: Heat Wave - Sayu summons a wave that Kul Fyra will use her flames to bring to a boil. Sayu can control the wave to held her friends and send the scalding water to enemies.
• All allies hit by the wave are healed, all enemies hit by the wave receive damage.
Sayu + DJ-SS: Seastar - DJ-SS can summon stars that Sayu can control with her trident. She can hit enemies, allies, and objects with the sea star and they will receive an effect until the seastar falls off. Sayu can sing to amplify the effect.
• A ranged ability. Any allies given the seastar will be healed. Enemies hit with the sea star will take damage. Objects with the seastar will have a small radius of effect depending on what is closest.
Sayu + Nature Duet: Siren Song - Nature Duet will play with Sayu, making her voice charming enough to any nearby water entity to help.
• Water fae are summoned to protect the group, boosting everyone’s damage or healing. Dolphins may also answer to the call.
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bx0032 · 8 years
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【双语阅读】2017总理记者会要点双语摘录 原创 2017-03-16 hanrenhanyu 汉人汉语
2017zǒng lǐ jì zhě huì yào diǎn shuāng yǔ zhāi lù
3月15日上午十二届全国人大五次会议闭幕后,国务院总理李克强在人民大会堂三楼金色大厅会见采访十二届全国人大五次会议的中外记者并回答记者提出的问题。 3yuè 15rì shàng wǔ shí èr jiè quán guó rén dà wǔ cì huì yì bì mù hòu ,guó wù yuàn zǒng lǐ lǐ kè qiáng zài rén mín dà huì táng sān lóu jīn sè dà tīng huì jiàn cǎi fǎng shí èr jiè quán guó rén dà wǔ cì huì yì de zhōng wài jì zhě bìng huí dá jì zhě tí chū de wèn tí 。
以下为本次记者会部分要点摘录: yǐ xià wéi běn cì jì zhě huì bù fèn yào diǎn zhāi lù :
CNN:中美关系 CNN:zhōng měi guān xì
jiān chí yī gè zhōng guó de zhèng cè ,zhè shì zhōng měi guān xì de zhèng zhì jī chǔ ,bú shì fēng yún biàn huàn néng gòu dòng yáo de ,yě dòng yáo bú dé 。yǒu le zhè yàng yī gè zhèng zhì jī chǔ ,zhōng měi hé zuò de qián jǐng shì guǎng kuò de 。 坚持一个中国的政策,这是中美关系的政治基础,不是风云变幻能够动摇的,也动摇不得。有了这样一个政治基础,中美合作的前景是广阔的。 The One-China policy constitutes the political foundation of China-US relations which has remained unshaken despite the changing circumstances, nor can this relationship be undermined. With that foundation in place, we believe that there are broad prospects for China-US cooperation.
zhōng měi guān xì bú jǐn huì guān xì liǎng guó lì yì ,ér qiě shè jí dào dì qū hé shì jiè de hé píng ān quán wěn dìng ,wǒ men yào wéi hù tā qián háng 。 中美关系不仅会关系两国利益,而且涉及到地区和世界的和平安全稳定,我们要维护它前行。 The China-US relationship is crucial not just to the two countries themselves, but also to regional and global peace, security, and stability. Hence we must work together to continuously take it forward.
zhōng měi liǎng guó rén mín dōu shì wěi dà de rén mín ,wǒ men yǒu zhì huì lái guǎn kòng fèn qí ,wǒ men yǒu xū yào yě yǒu tiáo jiàn lái kuò dà gòng tóng lì yì 。 中美两国人民都是伟大的人民,我们有智慧来管控分歧,我们有需要也有条件来扩大共同利益。 The people of both countries have the wisdom to properly manage their differences, there is a need and there are also conditions for us to continue to expand our common interests.
wǒ men bú xī wàng kàn dào dǎ mào yì zhàn ,mào yì zhàn dài bú lái mào yì gōng píng ,ér qiě shuāng fāng dōu shòu sǔn 。 我们不希望看到打贸易战,贸易战带不来贸易公平,而且双方都受损。 China does not want to see a trade war between the US and China. That would not make our trade fairer and cause loss for the both sides.
zhōng yāng rén mín guǎng bō diàn tái :zhōng guó jīng jì 中央人民广播电台:中国经济
lǐ kè qiáng : 李克强:
zhōng guó réng rán shì shì jiè jīng jì fù sū fá lì qíng kuàng xià tuī dòng quán qiú zēng zhǎng de zhòng yào lì liàng 。 中国仍然是世界经济复苏乏力情况下推动全球增长的重要力量。 China will remain an important engine for world growth amid sluggish global economic recovery.
duì zhōng guó lái jiǎng ,bú fā zhǎn shì zuì dà de fēng xiǎn 。wǒ men bǎo chí zhōng gāo sù de wěn dìng zēng zhǎng ,běn shēn jiù shì zài wéi shì jiè wěn dìng zuò gòng xiàn 。 对中国来讲,不发展是最大的风险。我们保持中高速的稳定增长,本身就是在为世界稳定做贡献。 As for China, lack or stopped development represents the biggest risk for this country. So it is essential that we maintain steady medium-high growth of our economy and that in itself is China’s contribution to global stability.
wǒ men zài zhōng gāo sù háng jìn dāng zhōng yě huì xì jǐn ān quán dài ,bú huì ràng fēng xiǎn “jí xìng fā zuò ”,gèng bú huì fā shēng qū yù xìng huò zhě xì tǒng xìng de fēng xiǎn 。 我们在中高速行进当中也会系紧安全带,不会让风险“急性发作”,更不会发生区域性或者系统性的风险。 China will "fasten the seat belt" and prevent any "acute outburst" of financial risks on the track for maintaining medium-high growth speed.
péng bó shè :zì yóu mào yì hé kāi fàng jīng jì 彭博社:自由贸易和开放经济
lǐ kè qiáng : 李克强:
quán qiú huà hé shì jiè de hé píng fā zhǎn hé zuò shì yī tǐ de 、bú kě fèn de 。 全球化和世界的和平发展合作是一体的、不可分的。 The global trend of peace, development and cooperation and globalization are indivisible.
zhōng guó shǒu xiān yào bǎ zì jǐ de shì qíng bàn hǎo ,dàn guān qǐ mén lái yě bàn bú hǎo zì jǐ de shì qíng 。suǒ yǐ wǒ men de kāi fàng dà mén huì yuè kāi yuè dà 。 中国首先要把自己的事情办好,但关起门来也办不好自己的事情。所以我们的开放大门会越开越大。 The truth is, to shut our door to the outside world would not help China do its own things well, so China will continue to open to the outside world, with this opening-up being a gradual process.
wǒ men jiù shì yào dǎ zào kāi fàng de gāo dì 、tóu zī de rè tǔ ,hé shì jiè gòng xiǎng fā zhǎn jī yù 。 我们就是要打造开放的高地、投资的热土,和世界共享发展机遇。 We have confidence that we will continue to open this country at a higher level, and maintain this country as a popular destination for investment. We welcome other partners to work with us to share in the development opportunities of China.
zhì yú wéi hù quán qiú mào yì de zì yóu huà ,zhè xū yào shì jiè gè guó gòng tóng nǔ lì ,yīn wéi tiān xià shì tiān xià rén de tiān xià 。 至于维护全球贸易的自由化,这需要世界各国共同努力,因为天下是天下人的天下。 As for liberalization of global trade, we believe all countries need to work together to push it forward. This globe belongs to us all and we all need to do our bit.
wǒ men duì yǐ jīng dá chéng huò zhě xī wàng dá chéng de yī xiē qū yù mào yì ān pái yī zhí chí kāi fàng tài dù ,yě lè jiàn qí chéng 。zhī yào shì yǒu lì yú mào yì zì yóu huà de ,wǒ men dōu huì qù cān yǔ 、qù tuī jìn 。 我们对已经达成或者希望达成的一些区域贸易安排一直持开放态度,也乐见其成。只要是有利于贸易自由化的,我们都会去参与、去推进。 We have always adopted an open mind and approach to the various regional trading arrangements, and we will also welcome progress in these arrangements or proposed arrangements. China will continue to remain engaged and participate in the liberalization of global trade.
wǒ men bú huì yuè zǔ dài páo ,bú huì chāo yuè qū yù qù zuò bú yīng shì zhōng guó zuò de shì qíng 。 我们不会越俎代庖,不会超越区域去做不应是中国做的事情。 China will not overreach its regional influence to seek trade arrangements where the country's due role is not in place.
rén mín rì bào :jiǎn zhèng fàng quán 人民日报:简政放权
lǐ kè qiáng : 李克强:
zhèng fǔ què shí guǎn le yī xiē bú gāi guǎn 、yě bú yīng shǔ yú zì jǐ guǎn de shì qíng ,tā shù fù le shì chǎng zhǔ tǐ de shǒu jiǎo ,jiàng dī le háng zhèng xiào lǜ ,shèn zhì yǐng xiǎng le zhèng fǔ de gōng xìn lì 。 政府确实管了一些不该管、也不应属于自己管的事情,它束缚了市场主体的手脚,降低了行政效率,甚至影响了政府的公信力。 Essentially this reform will help the government to focus on performing its due role more effectively instead of overreaching itself, because that will only tie down our businesses, cut government’s efficiencies and even public credibility.
wǒ men yào tōng guò “hù lián wǎng +zhèng wù fú wù ”,ràng qún zhòng shǎo pǎo tuǐ 、shǎo fán xīn 、duō shùn xīn 。 我们要通过“互联网+政务服务”,让群众少跑腿、少烦心、多顺心。 The government also needs to adopt the Internet Plus governance to ensure that government services will be more easily accessible for our people.
yào xiàng yī fǎ yī guī de shì chǎng zhǔ tǐ fā chū “qián háng 、qián háng 、zài qián háng ”de xìn hào ;xiàng yī kào láo dòng chuàng yè chuàng xīn zhě liàng qǐ “kě yǐ 、kě yǐ 、zài kě yǐ ”de lǜ dēng ;duì nà xiē wéi fǎ wéi guī bú liáng háng wéi ,jiù yào jí shí liàng chū huáng pái ,shèn zhì chū hóng pái fá tā xià chǎng 。 要向依法依规的市场主体发出“前行、前行、再前行”的信号;向依靠劳动创业创新者亮起“可以、可以、再可以”的绿灯;对那些违法违规不良行为,就要及时亮出黄牌,甚至出红牌罚他下场。 What the government should do is to send a resounding message of “yes” to the all law-abiding market entities, to flash the green light of going ahead to the hardworking entrepreneurs and innovators, and to seriously deal with all violations of laws and regulations by showing them a resolutely a “yellow card” of stern warning, or even a “red card” to send them out of the market.
rì běn jīng jì xīn wén :cháo xiān bàn dǎo 日本经济新闻:朝鲜半岛
lǐ kè qiáng : 李克强:
zhōng guó zài cháo xiān bàn dǎo wèn tí shàng de lì chǎng shì míng què de 、yī guàn de ,jiān chí shí xiàn bàn dǎo wú hé huà ,jiān chí wéi hù bàn dǎo de hé píng wěn dìng ,jiān chí tōng guò duì huà xié shāng jiě jué wèn tí 。 中国在朝鲜半岛问题上的立场是明确的、一贯的,坚持实现半岛无核化,坚持维护半岛的和平稳定,坚持通过对话协商解决问题。 China is committed to denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula, the peace and stability in the Korean Peninsula, and resolving issues through dialogue and consultation. That is China’s consistent and clear-cut position.
duì yú lián hé guó yǐ jīng tōng guò de xiàng guān jué yì ,zhōng guó yī zhí shì tài dù xiān míng ,ér qiě shì quán miàn yán gé zhí háng 。zhōng guó shǐ zhōng shì hé bú kuò sàn tǐ xì de jiān dìng wéi hù zhě 。 对于联合国已经通过的相关决议,中国一直是态度鲜明,而且是全面严格执行。中国始终是核不扩散体系的坚定维护者。 China has fully complied with UN resolutions on the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula, and is a staunch supporter of upholding the international nuclear non-proliferation regime.
shuí yě bú yuàn yì zì jǐ de jiā mén kǒu zhěng tiān nào gè bú tíng 。 谁也不愿意自己的家门口整天闹个不停。 It is just a common sense that no one wants to see chaos at his doorstep.
zhōng yāng diàn shì tái :jiù yè 中央电视台:就业
lǐ kè qiáng : 李克强:
jiù yè shì jīng jì fā zhǎn de jī chǔ ,shì cái fù zēng zhǎng de lái yuán ,yě shì jū mín shōu rù de zhǔ qú dào 。 就业是经济发展的基础,是财富增长的来源,也是居民收入的主渠道。 Employment is the foundation of economic development. It creates wealth and it is the major source of household income.
wǒ men yào yíng zào yǒu lì yú chuàng yè jiù yè de huán jìng ,bú shì kào zhèng fǔ qù tí gòng tiě fàn wǎn ,ér shì ràng rén mín qún zhòng yòng láo dòng hé zhì huì qù chuàng zào huò zhě shuō dǎ zào jīn fàn wǎn 。 我们要营造有利于创业就业的环境,不是靠政府去提供铁饭碗,而是让人民群众用劳动和智慧去创造或者说打造金饭碗。 For the government, the job is to create a good environment and the necessary conditions for our people to use their own wisdom and hard work to generate golden opportunities for themselves, rather than just relying on the government to hand them a job.
wǒ men wán quán yǒu néng lì kuò dà jiù yè ,bú huì yě bú yǔn xǔ chū xiàn dà guī mó qún tǐ xìng shī yè 。 我们完全有能力扩大就业,不会也不允许出现大规模群体性失业。 China will not see nor allow massive unemployment of particular groups this year, as the government is capable of ensuring a favorable environment to generate jobs.
lián hé zǎo bào :běn jiè zhèng fǔ de chéng jì hé tiāo zhàn 联合早报:本届政府的成绩和挑战
lǐ kè qiáng : 李克强:
zhè jǐ nián de shí jiàn kě yǐ zhèng míng ,zhōng guó jīng jì “yìng zhe lù ”lùn kě yǐ xiū yǐ 。wǒ men huì zhǎng qī bǎo chí zhōng gāo sù zēng zhǎng ,bìng mài xiàng zhōng gāo duān shuǐ píng 。 这几年的实践可以证明,中国经济“硬着陆”论可以休矣。我们会长期保持中高速增长,并迈向中高端水平。 China's economic performance in the past few years should suffice to put predictions of a hard landing to a full stop. China's economy will continue to enjoy medium-high growth and be upgraded to higher levels
wǒ men yào ràng quán lì bú néng rèn xìng ,jiù dé bǎ nà xiē bú yīng gāi yǒu de quán lì kǎn diào ,yǒu xiē shè jí dào bù mén lì yì ,yào yā suō xún zū de kōng jiān 。zhè bú shì yī gè jiǎn dān de guò chéng ,cóng zhōng yāng zhèng fǔ yī zhí dào dì fāng 、dào jī céng ,yào dǎ tōng “zuì hòu yī gōng lǐ ”。 我们要让权力不能任性,就得把那些不应该有的权力砍掉,有些涉及到部门利益,要压缩寻租的空间。这不是一个简单的过程,从中央政府一直到地方、到基层,要打通“最后一公里”。 There should be no more arbitrary use of government power and that requires that the government must no longer overreach itself and we must eliminate any possible room for rent-seeking behaviors. This reform must be persistently pursued by the central government and all local governments at varies levels.
gǎi gé jiù shì yào jiě fàng hé fā zhǎn shēng chǎn l�� ,diào dòng guǎng dà rén mín de jī jí xìng ,ràng qún zhòng dé dào shí huì ,wéi zhèng zhī yào jiù shì yào shě xiǎo lì 、gù dà yì 、shùn mín xīn 。 改革就是要解放和发展���产力,调动广大人民的积极性,让群众得到实惠,为政之要就是要舍小利、顾大义、顺民心。 The government needs to work to emancipate and develop productive forces, bring out the initiative for the people and deliver greater benefits to the general public, the essence of governance is to always act in the overall interests of the whole country rather than just acting in one scenario departmental interests. The essence of our government is to always respond to the people’s call.
shēn zhèn tè qū bào :shuāng chuàng 深圳特区报:双创
lǐ kè qiáng : 李克强:
“shuāng chuàng ”kě yǐ shuō shì yīng yùn ér shēng ,zài quán qiú huà 、“hù lián wǎng +”de shí dài ,wǒ men tuī dòng “fàng guǎn fú ”gǎi gé ,yě cù jìn le “dà zhòng chuàng yè 、wàn zhòng chuàng xīn ”。 “双创”可以说是应���而生,在全球化、“互联网+”的时代,我们推动“放管服”改革,也促进了“大众创业、万众创新”。 We believe our initiative of mass entrepreneurship and innovation is a response to the call of our time, the government self-targeted reform of streamlining administration and delegating power is also to boost this public enthusiasm for business start-ups and making innovations.
“shuāng chuàng ”shì yǒu zhe hěn qiáng de shēng mìng lì de 。 “双创”是有着很强的生命力的。 China's mass entrepreneurship and innovation initiative has a strong vitality.
zhōng guó rén mín qín láo zhì huì ,yǒu zhe zhuī qiú měi hǎo shēng huó de bú jié dòng lì ,zhèng fǔ jiù shì yào chuàng zào huán jìng ,ràng rén mín qún zhòng chuàng yè chuàng xīn de rè qíng chí jiǔ bú shuāi 。 中国人民勤劳智慧,有着追求美好生活的不竭动力,政府就是要创造环境,让人民群众创业创新的热情持久不衰。 Chinese people are intelligent and hardworking and they have an inexhaustible drive for pursuing a better life for themselves. The government needs to create the enabling environment for our people to fully use their talent and initiative.
fèng huáng wèi shì :xiāng gǎng wèn tí 凤凰卫视:香港问题
lǐ kè qiáng : 李克强:
“yī guó liǎng zhì ”de shí jiàn yào bú dòng yáo 、bú zǒu yàng 、bú biàn xíng 。 “一国两制”的实践要不动摇、不走样、不变形。 The ‘one country, two systems’ principle needs to be steadfastly applied in Hong Kong without being bent or distorted.
wǒ men zhǔn bèi jīn nián zài xiāng gǎng hé nèi dì shì háng “zhài quàn tōng ”,yě jiù shì shuō yǔn xǔ jìng wài zī jīn zài jìng wài gòu mǎi nèi dì de zhài quàn ,zhè shì dì yī cì 。xiāng gǎng shì jìn shuǐ lóu tái xiān dé yuè 。 我们准备今年在香港和内地试行“债券通”,也就是说允许境外资金在境外购买内地的债券,这是第一次。香港是近水楼台先得月。 The central government is planning to establish a bond market connect between the mainland and Hong Kong Special Administrative Region on a trial basis this year, allowing for the first time overseas capital to access mainland bond markets from overseas. Hong Kong will be the first to benefit from such an arrangement
é luó sī tǎ sī shè :zhōng é guān xì 俄罗斯塔斯社:中俄关系
lǐ kè qiáng : 李克强:
zhōng é shuāng fāng jīng mào hé zuò de qián lì hěn dà ,hù bǔ xìng hěn qiáng ,shuāng fāng suǒ dá chéng de jīng mào guān xì mù biāo shì kě yǐ shí xiàn de 。 中俄双方经贸合作的潜力很大,互补性很强,双方所达成的经贸关系目标是可以实现的。 There is still tremendous untapped potential in China-Russia economic and trade ties and the two economies are highly complementary. The goals set for the two-way trade can be achieved.
cái xīn wǎng :huì lǜ 财新网:汇率
lǐ kè qiáng : 李克强:
wǒ men bú xī wàng tōng guò biǎn zhí lái zēng jiā chū kǒu ,zhè bú lì yú qǐ yè zhuǎn xíng shēng jí 。 我们不希望通过贬值来增加出口,这不利于企业转型升级。 China does not want to resort to yuan depreciation to boost exports as that would dampen the restructuring and upgrading of the corporate sector.
wǒ men yě bú xī wàng dǎ mào yì zhàn 。wǒ men jiān chí rén mín bì huì lǜ xíng chéng jī zhì de gǎi gé ,bǎo chí le rén mín bì huì lǜ zài hé lǐ jun1 héng shuǐ píng shàng de jī běn wěn dìng 。 我们也不希望打贸易战。我们坚持人民币汇率形成机制的改革,保持了人民币汇率在合理均衡水平上的基本稳定。 We also do not want any trade war with others and we have stuck to reform of the yuan's exchange rate formation mechanism to keep it basically stable at reasonable and equilibrium levels.
wǒ men de wài huì chǔ bèi shì chōng yù de ,shì zú yǐ zhī fù jìn kǒu hé mǎn zú duǎn qī cháng zhài xū yào de 。 我们的外汇储备是充裕的,是足以支付进口和满足短期偿债需要的。 China has ample foreign exchange reserves to satisfy the demands of imports and short-term debt repayments.
lù tòu shè :zhuǎn gǎng jiù yè 路透社:转岗就业
lǐ kè qiáng : 李克强:
zhōng yāng cái zhèng ná le 1000yì yuán zhuān xiàng zī jīn yòng yú yuán gōng zhuǎn gǎng ān zhì ,bìng qiě yào qiú dì fāng zhèng fǔ pèi tào 。 中央财政拿了1000亿元专项资金用于员工转岗安置,并且要求地方政府配套。 The central government has allocated a special fund of 100 billion yuan to provide assistance to workers laid off from overcapacity cuts, and also has asked local governments to set up matching funds.
bǎ zhí gōng ān zhì hǎo hái shì wǒ men tuī jìn gòng gěi cè jié gòu xìng gǎi gé ,tuī dòng huà jiě hé táo tài guò shèng chǎn néng zhōng zuì guān jiàn de wèn tí 。 把职工安置好还是我们推进供给侧结构性改革,推动化解和淘汰过剩产能中最关键的问题。 To provide assistance to these laid-off workers will continue to be our priority in cutting overcapacity and pursuing the supply-side structural reform.
péng pài xīn wén :fáng wū chǎn quán 70nián dào qī 澎湃新闻:房屋产权70年到期
lǐ kè qiáng : 李克强:
70nián zhù zhái tǔ dì shǐ yòng quán dào qī kě yǐ xù qī ,bú xū shēn qǐng ,méi yǒu qián zhì tiáo jiàn ,yě bú yǐng xiǎng jiāo yì 。 70年住宅土地使用权到期可以续期,不需申请,没有前置条件,也不影响交易。 The renewal of the 70-year term of land-use rights by urban-dwelling owners will be no problem. No application needs to be filed, there will be no preset conditions and it will not affect any deal being made over the property.
tài guó jīng lǐ bào :yà tài zài píng héng 泰国经理报:亚太再平衡
lǐ kè qiáng : 李克强:
yà tài dì qū shì dì qū guó jiā gòng yǒu de jiā yuán ,wǒ men bú xī wàng 、yě bú yuàn yì kàn dào lěng zhàn sī wéi xià suǒ wèi “xuǎn biān zhàn duì ”de shì qíng fā shēng 。 亚太地区是地区国家共有的家园,我们不希望、也不愿意看到冷战思维下所谓“选边站队”的事情发生。 The Asia-Pacific is the common home of all countries in the region. China does not want to see any party in the Asia-Pacific region feel compelled to choose sides under the influence of a Cold-War mentality.
wǒ men xī wàng kàn dào de yà tài dì qū shì yī gè wěn dìng 、yǒu zhì xù de dì qū ,shì yī gè kě yǐ xié shāng yī zhì 、dá chéng yuán zé de dì qū ,shì yī gè yǒu néng lì guǎn kòng fèn qí de dì qū ,yě shì yī gè yǒu zhì huì jiě jué zhēng duān de dì qū 。 我们希望看到的亚太地区是一个稳定、有秩序的地区,是一个可以协商一致、达成原则的地区,是一个有能力管控分歧的地区,也是一个有智慧解决争端的地区。 China hopes that the Asia-Pacific region will be one that enjoys order and stability, a region that is able to work out issues through consensus-building consultation, properly manage differences through dialogue and has the wisdom to resolve differences.
xīn huá shè :shuì fèi fù dān 新华社:税费负担
lǐ kè qiáng : 李克强:
wǒ men jiù shì yào yòng zhèng fǔ de “tòng ”huàn lái qǐ yè de “shùn ”,ràng qǐ yè qīng zhuāng shàng zhèn ,tí gāo jìng zhēng lì 。 我们就是要用政府的“痛”换来企业的“顺”,让企业轻装上阵,提高竞争力。 We will use this painful adjustment on the part of government to ensure that things will be much more convenient and easier for our businesses to enhance their competiveness on the market.
yào ràng xiāo fèi zhě yǒu gèng duō xuǎn zé ,cóng zhōng shòu huì ,gèng zhòng yào de shì ràng wǒ men de qǐ yè xià jué xīn ,tōng guò fā yáng gōng jiàng jīng shén ,shǐ zì jǐ de chǎn pǐn yíng dé xiāo fèi zhě de xìn lài 。 要让消费者有更多选择,从中受惠,更重要的是让我们的企业下决心,通过发扬工匠精神,使自己的产品赢得消费者的信赖。 We need to ensure that our consumers will have access to good options, benefit from such consumption, and most importantly that Chinese companies will be able to win over the consumers with their commitment to high quality and workmanship.
tái wān lián hé bào :liǎng àn guān xì 台湾联合报:两岸关系
lǐ kè qiáng : 李克强:
liǎng àn shì gǔ ròu tóng bāo ,xuè nóng yú shuǐ ,bú guǎn dǎo nèi xíng shì rú hé biàn huà ,dōu gē duàn bú le liǎng àn de qīn qíng ,yě gǎi biàn bú le wǒ men wéi hù liǎng àn guān xì hé píng fā zhǎn de jué xīn hé chéng yì 。 两岸是骨肉同胞,血浓于水,不管岛内形势如何变化,都割断不了两岸的亲情,也改变不了我们维护两岸关系和平发展的决心和诚意。 People on both sides of the Taiwan Strait are brothers and sisters, and no matter how the situation on the island evolves, the mainland is determined to maintain Cross-Strait stability.
fǎ lán xī guǎng bō gōng sī :zhōng ōu mào yì 法兰西广播公司:中欧贸易
lǐ kè qiáng : 李克强:
zhōng ōu zhī jiān cún zài mào yì mó cā ,wǒ men yǒu jīng yàn qù tuǒ shàn jiě jué 。 中欧之间存在贸易摩擦,我们有经验去妥善解决。 With respect to trade frictions between the two sides, I think we have gained good experience in addressing them.
zhōng guó shǐ zhōng zhī chí yī gè tuán jié fán róng wěn dìng de ōu méng ,yě zhī chí qiáng dà de ōu yuán ,zhī chí ōu zhōu yī tǐ huà jìn chéng ,yīn wéi zhè yǒu lì yú jīng jì quán qiú huà 、shì jiè duō jí huà hé wén míng duō yàng huà 。wǒ duì ōu méng de qián jǐng shì lè guān de ,wǒ men duì zhōng ōu guān xì de fā zhǎn qián jǐng yě shì kàn hǎo de 。 中国始终支持一个团结繁荣稳定的欧盟,也支持强大的欧元,支持欧洲一体化进程,因为这有利于经济全球化、世界多极化和文明多样化。我对欧盟的前景是乐观的,我们对中欧关系的发展前景也是看好的。 China has all long and continues to support a united, prosperous and stable European Union, support a strong Euro, and support European integration process. We believe that is good for globalization, for a multipolar world and for diversity of civilizations. We feel optimistic about the future of the EU and the future of China-EU relations.
============================ https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/nxbWxx0OOM2e3rR_DvELzw
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ask-mixednsr-au · 4 years
I think he accidentally fell asleep
“Yes but he’s not waking up. I checked and he’s alive but he’s out cold. He’s not responding to anything.”
“I could try hot coffee.”
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ask-mixednsr-au · 4 years
How is everyone?
“I don’t think very well— I’m stressed for sure, but trying to stay optimistic! Which isn’t too easy at the moment—“
“Aaand I’m up, ow, why am I on the floor? Freakin’ — did you just yank me from my desk?”
“Not me! It was Pluto. The coffee, however...”
“Augh, do you have any idea how hard it is to clean my jacket? It’s probably stained now. And my scarf too! OW, mind helping getting the cables off? Just rip off the jacket’s sleeves...”
“How are you?”
“I’m drenched in stale and now dried coffee, my glasses are spotty, I’m emotionally drained, and I have bruises all over. I could use a shower, or three. How long was I out?”
“With me here? A couple of hours.”
Pluto and Kul Fyra run in, and Kul Fyra runs and swoops up Kliff in her arms. He lets out a squeak.
“Kliff! What did you do— oh wow you REEK.”
“The stale coffee smell is Bìng’s fault.”
“Mind getting the cables off first? Then we can hug? I think you’re burning the coffee too.”
“What is all of this!?”
“Just a little something. Wanted to experiment with our old equipment we made for Sayu for interacting with the virtual world and may have forgotten to... wake up?”
“You are a genius and an absolute idiot. Tell me how to do that.”
“After I get cleaned up and eat something. I’m starving. What time is it?”
“Uhhh, before it’s before 6 AM so I can’t tell you if it’s early or late.”
“Did you get woken up?”
“The forgot to cherish alarm went off.”
“Are you all okay? I know I must’ve scared you all, sorry about that.”
“I’m fine; I’m glad you’re okay and not-dead or missing. I’m on a bit of an adrenaline high.”
“I was stressed but now I’m very curious about what your little project was.”
“That’s good, that’s good.”
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ask-mixednsr-au · 4 years
I’m voting both as well, gotta respect the effort.
“Looks like Neo NSR is winning..”
There are several cheers from the crowd and the group. The Nature Duet turn away.
“Looks like you’ve bested us. Take care of Natura for us—“
“You can join us!”
“Excuse me?”
“We didn’t want to overthrow you, just have you join us. It feels like you could use some friends. I know how that feels.”
“And a break! Besides, we worked great together and the power is what matters, right?”
“And the people.”
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ask-mixednsr-au · 4 years
Funfact I do not remember the last post by me. ANYWAYS.... what's the plan here, fellas? You got a military vet who is a cyborg to duel in honorable combat. Also his maybe-sons but definitely troops.
“Honestly, no clue. He’s going to be wary of us and we have to wary of him many more times. We may be unpredictable but we don’t have a plan, we might need to patch up some weaknesses in our group.”
“Like the ones he pointed out in our auditions? I have no doubt he’d try to capitalize on that.”
“Neon J did say that we were destructive. I got kicked out because the fight could have endangered the audience, Sayu and her family haven’t been able to perform because we destroyed her set, and the smoke from the Natura competition is still lingering.”
“He did point out that you separated. When Kliff was taken out your Synergy tanked, Sayu was alone and in danger, Pluto nearly got crushed!”
“Sorry for that, by the way.”
“So, we all need to play along, work together, be a team. A working unit. 1010 is leagues ahead of us there, but we can play their game better. We all have different abilities to combine!”
“Combine? How?”
“Case in point, Nature Duet.”
“Oh, you’re right! Yinu is a work of your abilities working together. Maybe we can get something like that for everyone else. Kul Fyra and I managed a combination of abilities as well... I’d like a different version of that.“
“You see, creating an avatar like that isn’t— It’s not quite us, not quite... we can’t do that.”
“We’re not asking for an avatar, I’m asking for a way to work together and stay ourselves.”
“Oh, that we can do. Everyone, to the auditorium, to practice!”
“Where’s the auditorium in this place?”
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ask-mixednsr-au · 4 years
Bingussss, shouldn’t you do something about that?
“You mean the insurance fraud? Well it hasn’t happened in years, but that’s because we do the work ourselves.”
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ask-mixednsr-au · 4 years
“Go Sayu! Is, is that a wave—“
A vine sprouts from the ground, with two people clinging on as if for dear life. The force sends smoke away, clearing the air. At the top are the nature duet, and below them are soaked ashes.
Kul Fyra turns to Pluto, smiling.
“They’re still standing. Want to take them and their beanstalk down?”
“Only if they play along.”
Kul Fyra raises her guitar at the duet, waving to get their attention.
“Hey! We’re here to fight you! You said you’d slap me if you were down here, so why don’t ya follow through!?”
“Or are you a coward?!”
“Why don’t you get up here!? The view’s great! I can see all the losers from up here!”
“Oh, they’re totally challenging us to a real fight. Why don’t you throw me up there? Give me a head start?”
“Wait! I wanna join!!”
Sayu runs up, raising her hands with her trident. She hops excitedly as Kul Fyra picks her up, and then she is picked up by Pluto.
“On the count of three. One, two, THREE!!”
“Xiāngasi they’re actually coming up here—“
“Guess we’ll have to play along!”
“But my face!”
“You taunted her. Now play!”
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ask-mixednsr-au · 4 years
The eyes of the two lighten up when the group approaches. Kliff, after shouting, points out something odd.
“Where are the judges? You can’t be a judge if you’re competing.”
Xiāngsī waves a hand over to the side, showing five six judges sitting above the audience.
“We introduce you to a new crowd, and the experiences. But most of all, they are...”
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ask-mixednsr-au · 4 years
It’s TIIIME!!!
As the group enters, they look up, seeing their opponents on pedestals where judges should be. It’s only for a moment, yet it’s intimidating enough. Vines of the prodigies’ creation sway as they’re silently judged.
Welcome, talented and skilled, to the Lights Up Auditions.
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Will you shine through?
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ask-mixednsr-au · 4 years
A stove costs far less than a house.
“You don’t understand, this group was living in the sewers. The Sewers. They needed a house.”
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ask-mixednsr-au · 4 years
Kliff is seemingly passed out at a computer, and Pluto and Bìng woke their heads into the computer room.
“Okay wow, how long has he been there?”
“I don’t know, I’ll get him to a bed or something. Mind helping me carry him? Bad back.”
“Oh, sure!”
The two walk over, trying to pick up Kliff, only to see that he has an iron grip on the desk. The two look at each other, and Bìng shrugs.
“You know him better than I do. Any way to free him?”
“I haven’t seen him do this before. I’d suggest walking him up but he’d probably hold onto the desk intentionally.”
“Or we could tell him that we’re telling Kul Fyra if he doesn’t let go.”
“Good point, now we could—“
Bìng grabs a cup of coffee that’s probably been sitting on the desk for a very long while, and dumps it on Kliff. Kliff doesn’t respond.
“That usually works on me... is he dead?”
“No, he isn’t dead, you can see him breathing. And what do you mean—“
“Xiāngsī and I have had to resort to desperate measures to wake up.”
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ask-mixednsr-au · 4 years
New people. I need to know, can you sense magic??? Is the dog magical? - Woodwork
“I can sense magic. The dog is just a dog with a very pure heart.”
“The dog’s name is Volcano.”
“Volcano has a very pure heart.”
“Of course she does.”
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ask-mixednsr-au · 4 years
You all sound like you need a good rest. Holidays are comin up, you guys got any plans yet? We can pause the revolution for a bit.
“No plans, really. I’m a little worried about pausing because that gives Neon time to prepare, but we really need it this time. Our last break wasn’t even that much of a break.“
“We could meet again somewhere tomorrow. Maybe where you often meet up?”
“Oh sure, look for the sewer pothole in-“
“Excuse me the what.”
“They live in the sewers! It’s how they keep stuff underground.”
“...you know what, our mansion’s out of town and I really don’t feel like renting a suite because we need to deal with the paperwork caused by all the fire and water damage. We’ll just go to the sewers.”
“Can’t you hire people for that?”
“We’re rich but we’d like to still be people, tha— keep that very much in mind.”
“Bìng’s agents have a penchant for scamming others and the resulting insurance fraud is such a pain to cover up.”
“BACK ON TOPIC, we should definitely make plans.”
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ask-mixednsr-au · 4 years
But seriously, you good man? :|
“Back’s killing me again.”
“My arm’s really starting to hurt thanks to Xiāngsī’s attack. Probably should put something on that.”
“My feet hurt.”
“My violin is shattered.”
“My nose is broken.”
“Aside from a lot of things I’m not talking about, my lungs are screaming at me and I broke a fairie ring. Probably going to get cursed.”
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