#[rocker in spirit! (kliff)]
ask-mixednsr-au · 3 years
Yo Kliff can you knit?
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“Odd question in this time, but yeah. I crochet too. It’s how I made my scarf-“
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ask-mixednsr-au · 3 years
They group is inside of the tent. Neon lights are accompanied with blacklight covering the whole area. Music plays in the background, with bass causing everything to tremble slightly.
As the group does down an isle, reading a checking their tickets to find their seats, a fluffy white dog runs up to the group, carrying glow sticks and merchandise.
“Oh! Aw, they look like Volcano!”
The lights dim suddenly, and the dog barks for attention before trotting in a direction, looking back to make sure they’re following. The group complies.
As they’re walking, there is an announcement. A platform lowers with a neon green spotlight on it, showing the Ringleader, Neon J.
“The show is about to begin! Please take your seats. Our wonderful staff should help you find your seats — just look for the glowing dog!”
“I repeat, the show is about to begin! Please follow the dog to your seats if you are not seated yet, and turn off any devices you may have on your person. No recording!”
“The show is about to begin! Please take your seats and turn off any devices.”
Sayu runs up to the front of the group, petting the dog. She takes a glow stick from the puppy, breaking them and shaking them.
Pluto picks her up and puts her on their shoulders. She excitedly looks around. The group shuffles past the two to keep following the dog.
“The show will begin in five.”
A red platform lights up, and Zimelu appears, posing in his stage.
A blue platform lights up, and Purl-hew appears, posing while holding onto silks attached to the ceiling.
A yellow platform lights up, and Haym appears, posing while balancing on a tightrope
A green platform lights up, and Eloni appears, removing the hoop from his head and posing whilst swinging around on it.
Several bright white props light up, along with a final white platform. Rin swings in from out of view, holding into the bar with his legs.
Sayu is swiftly taken and launched into the air, caught by Eloni. Neon J looks surprised, but does a thumbs up and looks at where Rin swung from.
He sees a very angry NEO NSR.
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ask-mixednsr-au · 4 years
Kul,kliff is Volcano your dog or Someone else’s dog
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ask-mixednsr-au · 4 years
DJ-SS is staring up, standing in the shadow of an emerging figure.
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They were going to be crushed.
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ask-mixednsr-au · 4 years
“Hey DJ, I made something for you!”
“...these are just gloves.”
“Put them on — and turn them on, like this. There it is!”
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“I made it myself! I got the idea from a fan since they heard you didn’t get yours back. It’s an apology for barging in and ruining your life. I hope you like it.”
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“I appreciate it, very, very much.”
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ask-mixednsr-au · 4 years
“Xiāngsī, check this out. I’ve been working on this since we got back from our fight!”
“What— oh, OH.”
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ask-mixednsr-au · 4 years
Poor Kliff...
Does he do well with hugs? I wanna give him one.
“Kliff’s a big fan of hugs.”
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ask-mixednsr-au · 4 years
These are the virtual avatars of Neo NSR.
These are made up of primitives — simple 3D shapes — rigged on a basic skeleton. They were then given textures by the data of a scanner, or by hand.
Kliff: His was scanned and customized slightly. It is the most basic in structure and texture. It is lacking in certain degrees (lacking visible material on the middle where certain joints connect) but it’s functional. It’s the smallest model created.
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DJ-SS: this was created by him, and modified by a scanner and has a custom texture. It features a slightly opaque picture of NGC 6946, also known as the Fireworks Galaxy on the torso and arms. The gloves are of Kliff’s design.
His skeleton is not like the others. The arms seem to [̷͉͚̩̓̎̈́Ṙ̴̢̨̥͓̭̙͈̰̫̰̭̠̙͒̽̊̓̈́e̸̡̨̛̮̰͕̱̤̲͖̼̬͉̯̪͐̅̀́̒̀͐̑͆̔̚͝ͅd̶̛̛̗̙̭̮͗͆̂͌͗̍a̵̧͕̜̹͈̜̰̞̫̰̼̫͒̉̍͛͑̄̍͜͜͠cte̴̢̟͙̘̺̼̰̟͇̬̙̠̯̳̪̾͂̏̓̽͆̂͐̍̎͠͠d̵̮͙̹͎̙̿͒̅̾́̆̇̊̌̔̊͠]̷̨̢̗̝̠̱͉̳̆̀̍̈́͌̑̌̚ be custom made.
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Kul Fyra: She didn’t express interest in creating her own avatar, and the scanner had difficulties picking up her features. DJ-SS and Kliff worked together to create a 3D model of her likeness. It features glowing, effects, renders, and moving textures appearing to look like molten lava or flames. Creative liberties were taken.
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(These are transparent. Click for better quality!)
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ask-mixednsr-au · 4 years
Neo NSR has learned how to work as a group. Their abilities can now be combined on the battlefield!
DJ-SS + Kliff: Star Map - Kliff will predict incoming attacks, and DJ-SS can remix them.
• This weakens the enemy’s attack and increases Collab Synergy. Grants extra ammo and energy if remixed successfully.
DJ-SS + Kul Fyra: Solar Flair - DJ-SS will prompt Kul Fyra to play a solo, and will create a literal flaming mix to amplify her power. Kul Fyra will return the excess energy to DJ-SS.
• Kul Fyra’s attack and DJ-SS’s defense increases greatly, and DJ-SS can use his old helmet for Kul Fyra to hit as a projectile for massive damage.
DJ-SS + Nature Duet: Plan(e)t -
[Xiāngsī] DJ-SS will use his turntables to create a holographic solar system, and vines will sprout where the planets are fired.
[Bìng] DJ-SS will use his turntables to create a holographic solar system, and vines will sprout where the planets are placed.
• Enemies that come into contact with the vines will become caught, receive constant damage until freed, and will be open to attack.
Kul Fyra:
Kul Fyra + Kliff: The Rock Era - Kliff uses sparks of the future to ignite the flames of the past that Kul Fyra brings.
• The duo will increase their own energy, increasing everyone’s abilities and temporarily boosting their Synergy. This does not increase Collab Synergy.
Kyl Fyra + DJ-SS: Solar Flair - DJ-SS will prompt Kul Fyra to play a solo, and will create a literal flaming mix to amplify her power. Kul Fyra will return the excess energy to DJ-SS
• Kul Fyra’s attack and DJ-SS’s defense increases greatly, and DJ-SS can use his old helmet for Kul Fyra to hit as a projectile for massive damage.
Kul Fyra + Nature Duet: Forest Fires -
[Xiāngsī] Vines will burst from the stage and Kul Fyra uses a wave of flames to light them all on fire. Xiāngsī can control these vines to attack an enemy out of range.
[Bìng] Vines will burst from the stage and Kul Fyra uses a wave of flames to light them all on fire. Pixies around Bìng will aim the fire at enemies out of range.
• Enemies hit with the flaming vines will receive fire damage over time. Bìng can control the fire, and Xiāngsī can confirm the vines.
Nature Duet:
Nature Duet + Kliff: Butterfae Effect -
A swarm of fae are summoned and latch onto an enemy of choice, making any of their attacks parriable until the fae is called off. Kliff uses his abilities to attack with the force of the former parries.
• No ammo is gained from parrying, but soon as the fae is called off the damage all the ammo would inflict happens instantly. There is no ammo limit.
Nature Duet + Kul Fyra: Forest Fires -
[Xiāngsī] Vines will burst from the stage and Kul Fyra uses a wave of flames to light them all on fire. Xiāngsī can control these vines to attack an enemy out of range.
[Bìng] Vines will burst from the stage and Kul Fyra uses a wave of flames to light them all on fire. Pixies around Bìng will aim the fire at enemies out of range.
• Enemies hit with the flaming vines will receive fire damage over time. Bìng can control the fire, and Xiāngsī can control the vines.
Nature Duet + DJ-SS: Plan(e)t —
[Xiāngsī] DJ-SS will use his turntables to create a holographic solar system, and vines will sprout where the planets are fired.
[Bìng] DJ-SS will use his turntables to create a holographic solar system, and vines will sprout where the planets are placed.
• Enemies that come into contact with the vines will become caught, receive constant damage until freed, and will be open to attack.
Sayu + Kliff: Sea the Song - Sayu can sing up to three powerful verses wherever she is, and a Kliff can delay the powerful voice if need be.
• The verses are held in place and move in the direction Sayu sang when let go by either Kliff choosing to, or losing energy to from holding back. They do damage to any enemies in path of the attack.
Kliff’s ability to delay it can let Sayu sing at an area an enemy may appear or move to without being there.
Sayu + Kul Fyra: Heat Wave - Sayu summons a wave that Kul Fyra will use her flames to bring to a boil. Sayu can control the wave to held her friends and send the scalding water to enemies.
• All allies hit by the wave are healed, all enemies hit by the wave receive damage.
Sayu + DJ-SS: Seastar - DJ-SS can summon stars that Sayu can control with her trident. She can hit enemies, allies, and objects with the sea star and they will receive an effect until the seastar falls off. Sayu can sing to amplify the effect.
• A ranged ability. Any allies given the seastar will be healed. Enemies hit with the sea star will take damage. Objects with the seastar will have a small radius of effect depending on what is closest.
Sayu + Nature Duet: Siren Song - Nature Duet will play with Sayu, making her voice charming enough to any nearby water entity to help.
• Water fae are summoned to protect the group, boosting everyone’s damage or healing. Dolphins may also answer to the call.
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ask-mixednsr-au · 4 years
Kliff, you said you got stitches before. Why’d you get them?
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“And some get stitches for one reason or another, but they’re all boys. Especially if they want to be one.”
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ask-mixednsr-au · 4 years
I'm not a good person. But I'm trying. Just tell me when I do something wrong and I'll try to change. Just give others a chance to do the same. If they don't listen/care then lay a beat-down. Until then... people can change. Just... give them a chance.
“...I’ll give Neon J a chance. I’m still going to be wary because of what he did, it hurts a lot, but there’s a line between petty and evil when it comes to wanting things to get even. However, changing is all his decision.”
“I do not want my destruction to be my legacy, but I am willing to take you down. We both have seen what happens if a support isn’t strong enough; I’m I have a right to be skeptical of if your ragtag team can hold up to the demands of Vinyl City. My threat remains true.”
“And if we defeat you?”
“...I’ll need to talk to them about that.”
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ask-mixednsr-au · 4 years
Not to be rude but destroying instruments to the screams of others so many times you can't count is not retail work. Blocking out said screams and pleas does not help. It's almost like Neon J is a soldier who has hurt people.
“I guess that’s why they hired me. I used to be a soldier too and, well, I’m not too proud of that either. But on the battlefield it’s kill or be killed. Yet this is different...”
“The Lights Up Auditions were never supposed to be a battlefield, much less a place to destroy music of all things. They were people, citizens. You didn’t kill them, yet they were hurt. Not everyone was fighting, not everyone was a rock artist, and many of them were people who wanted to help and didn’t expect....”
“It was a job. I needed to survive and I couldn’t just think of what I — what it —“
“As the person who had to repair several of the instruments you broke, I learned names and listened. A lot of those instruments had stories, I could tell you them.”
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ask-mixednsr-au · 4 years
what did you say there bud? didnt catch that
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ask-mixednsr-au · 4 years
How are you doing neo NSR?
“We were going to legitimately get into the concert but turns out, I’m banned. Kul thinks it’s funny.”
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“I tried to give him my hoodie for a disguise but... he’s tiny.”
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“Kliff reminded us oh so kindly that we were broke after we tried to buy the tickets. That was evil, Kliff.”
“It wasn’t evil, it was petty. There’s a difference. Besides. We still managed to get to the security system.”
“I threw rocks at security cameras so we wouldn’t be caught. Now I’m throwing rockers at robots. This is fun.”
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“I got the last picture.”
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ask-mixednsr-au · 4 years
“The view’s awesome from up here! I can—“
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ask-mixednsr-au · 4 years
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