#\\ is it still dash comm if it's related to a post /I/ did?
mcmcntomorii-later · 2 years
— i want to be like 'heehee that's what mukuro would absolutely wear when she assassinates jk jk' but honestly just imagine lol like she rolls up in that and her target is just thrown off because they're just like ' what?? is that outfit ' and just in that moment of stunned silence is when she kills them. also.. very easy to clean lmao
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yueqqi-main · 3 years
Hey, mind doing a quick favor and stop scrolling please? Thanks.
Since I’m tired and also pissed off at a lot of things in general, namely ppl still expecting me to do the impossible and unsick myself like magic or apparently I’m faking disability but not enough to qualify for disability, and continuing to get mocked and verbally and psychologically abused at home but ig no one cares so
Just a less than subtle reminder that I have a Ko-fi and I just got $100 after really straining myself the last couple weeks since I’m not the only person to feed, family isn’t being very helpful on the mental health front and making things worse since at this point I don’t have much financial autonomy anymore else risking a much much worse outcome, and I can’t get out of here bc we’re in a fucking pandemic and I already drained away all of my savings in the first two months of being out of work. But, $100 only lasts maybe two weeks if I’m lucky and unfortunately unless I’m fending for only myself it’s definitely not gonna last very long.
Really, shares are very much appreciated and I’m tentatively testing the waters if I can start doing commissions now that my art has improved a lot, so if anyone also wanted to drop their opinions if they’re interested after checking out my most recent art @yueqqi or on my Instagram @/yueqqi that would also be appreciated. I feel ashamed asking for help like this again but it’s been really hard and I’m desperate.
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gumnut-logic · 3 years
Callisto (Part Eleven - Them)
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Prologue 1. Incident - Bit 1 | Bit 2 2. Fallout - Bit 1 | Bit 2 | Bit 3 3. Voyage - Bit 1 | Bit 2 | Bit 3 4. Arrival - Bit 1 | Bit 2 5. Orientation 6. Rescue Site 7. Investigation 8. Recovery 9. Retreat 10. Capture 11. Them
Some reveal in this one, lots of worry and some discovery. John is not a happy boy.
As always, many thanks to @scribbles97​​ @janetm74​​ @vegetacide​​ and @tsarinatorment​​ for all their amazing support. you guys rock ::hugs you to bits::
Tonight is a bit of a posting night. I will be posting the last chapter of The Cane shortly as soon as I finish proofing it :D Yay, for finishing things :D Callisto is currently at 45,000 words.
In the meantime, I hope you enjoy this one.
Alan was out of his pod, screaming Scott’s name, but his brother was gone. The water as still as before.
“Alan! Status!” John’s voice was as panicked as Alan had ever heard it.
“Scott’s gone.” He dashed over to Virgil. His big brother was crumpled in a heap. In the low gravity, Scott’s shove had been enough to throw him up against the rock wall. “John, I need you.”
Virgil was unconscious.
A quick scan and his vitals were good. There would be bruising ...as if his brother needed more. But there was nothing broken, thank god.
A scan of the still unconscious director proved her to be stable as well.
He shifted Virgil into a safer recovery position.
“Eos, can we scan the lake?” He eyed where his big brother had vanished.
“No. I can get no data beyond approximately ten metres below the surface. It is very frustrating.”
Alan continued to stare at the surface and its glass stillness. “Can you locate Scott?”
“John has already pinpointed the Commander. He has joined the other life form below the lake’s surface. There is no comms response from the Commander.” The AI managed to sound both worried and frustrated.
“Are there any other life signs in the area?”
“Are you sure?”
There was a pause. “There is no life as defined by the search parameters programmed into Thunderbird Five’s sensors on the moon beyond what has already been accounted for by International Rescue and Callisto Base personnel. Did you wish me to change those parameters?”
Alan swallowed as the third dragonfly buzzed into the cave. “ I think we’re going to have to. There is something down here.”
“We can’t leave him!”
“We’re not leaving him, Alan. We need to get the director and Virgil back to base.”
“But Scott-“
“He’s alive. We will do everything we can, but first we need medical attention for Virgil and the Director and to gather more information to better understand what we are dealing with.”
Virgil groaned and dragged a hand to his face. There was an oxygen mask in all its cold and moist glory and he shoved it off.
The elastic caught in his hair.
The pounding in his head was so loud, he could barely hear above it. There were hurried footsteps and someone ...Alan, it had to be Alan...touched his arm.
“Virgil, are you with us?” John’s melodious voice appeared on his other side and echoed through his aching head.
“You gonna open your eyes for us?” Alan sounded worried.
Open his eyes? Oh, yeah. A flicker and suddenly his retinas were assailed by the red of Three’s tiny infirmary.
A sigh. What the hell had happened now?
God, his head hurt.
“Alan, get us back to Base.” John’s voice was calm and quiet but had that tone of command.
There was quiet for a moment as the infirmary walls faded in and out of focus, roiling Virgil’s stomach.
A sigh and his little brother acknowledged John with an exhaled FAB before leaving Virgil’s bedside with soft footfalls.
Hands strapped him into the bed, fingers brushing gently across the surface of his uniform before landing ever so softly on his temple. “Rest, Virgil.” His hair was brushed off his forehead, the fine grip on John’s glove catching strands. “You’re safe.”
Virgil let out a sigh and closed his eyes, willing his head to stop pounding.
Perhaps it was a sign of the severity of whatever had happened to him, that he didn’t realise there was a voice and a touch missing until he was caught in the spiral of pain-induced exhaustion.
The question of a missing big brother followed him into an uneasy sleep.
Berry for his eldest son.
It was an exchange Jeff wasn’t sure he was willing to make.
But the thought was arrested before he could consider it further, knowing that Scott would admonish him for even thinking it.
But in the depths of his soul, the father in him was screaming.
Berry was off loaded from Three and onto the gantry, quickly followed by an equally prone Virgil. His engineer son was only asleep according to John, but with Scott missing, Jeff found himself clinging to his second eldest regardless.
The automatic cams on the Dragonflies had picked up what had happened. It was blatantly obvious there was something with purpose at work, something not human, possibly sentient.
The word ‘aliens’ bounced back and forth in his head.
Virgil was returned to the spot in the infirmary he had left barely an hour ago. Gordon sitting on the bed Jeff had restricted him to, stared at his co-pilot with worried eyes. Alan, equally as worried, sat down beside his fish brother and Gords wrapped his good arm around him.
Virgil was ever so quiet.
Berry was surrounded by the Base doctors, a curtain pulled around her bed, hiding her from the rest of them.
Jeff had the urge to shove it all aside and demand answers.
John had an IR medscanner out and was scanning his brother again. He spoke up without Jeff having to ask. “He’s sleeping.” It was a repetition of the earlier diagnosis, but it was welcome anyway.
A frown and the astronaut narrowed the scanner’s beam, prodding its controls and bringing it closer to Virgil’s head.
“What is it?”
John’s voice was calm, but distracted. “Director Berrenger has some ear damage. Virgil...” Another prod of the device. “Damn.”
“What?” Jeff took a step closer.
But John stopped scanning his brother, adjusted the controls and then ran the medscanner over his own head. Frowning at the readings, he activated his wrist ‘projector and swiped the results to that display.
The two scans bobbed up side by side, close up details of Virgil and John’s auditory systems.
“Virgil has had a headache since he arrived. We thought it was related to the T-Drive. But it appears that he has been subjected to some kind ear injury.”
Gordon spoke up. “He got dizzy.”
John frowned and poked at the hologram, spinning it. The frown deepened a moment before the astronaut suddenly darted around the bed and aimed the scanner at Gordon’s head.
“What? What the hell are you doing?”
“Hold still.”
A flicker of yellow and John obviously got what he was looking for. A breath and he aimed the scanner at Alan’s head as well.
His sigh was a frustrated one. “We are all exhibiting signs of ear irritation, but Virgil’s is by far the worst. Dad?”
Jeff blinked as John waved the device over his head. His son’s glare at the scanner was almost enough to incinerate it.
John slapped his comms. “Eos, land the probe closest to the Crystal Cavern. I need physical contact with the rock. Activate mic input, scan the spectrum.”
It took a few moments and Jeff found himself absently stroking Virgil’s hair.
“Contact made. Scanning...oh, my!”
“Let me hear it.” John was wired ever so tight, eyes on fire.
“Input is being received at a very high volume, but at a very high frequency far above the human ability to hear. Translating.”
The sound that emitted from John’s comms was a very loud discordant screeching. Everyone in the room clapped their hands to their ears. A nurse attending to Berry shoved aside a curtain and shouted at them, as John yelled at Eos to stop.
“What the hell is that?!” Gordon, as always, voiced what everyone was thinking.
John was already bouncing program variables over his wrist. “That is what we need to find out.”
It turned out it was the moon itself.
Jeff sat with Virgil as his son slept, unable to relax himself. Alan intermittently gnashed his teeth fretting out loud what all of them were thinking. Scott was missing and it tore at all of them.
Virgil slept on.
John could only be described as frantic. The space monitor swore a blue streak that had Jeff snapping at him at one point. The man’s response was throw up a hologram on his tablet that mapped out the sounds being emitted by Callisto.
It was like a nest of spiderweb laced around and through the rock of the Jovian satellite. Pockets of density existed in places along with patches of less. John reached up and poked a spot that was slightly different from the rest, but still drenched in lines.
“This is Callisto Base.”
“And what is that?” Jeff pointed at the fine lines darting all over the moon.
John sighed. “My guess is that we are looking at a communications network.”
Jeff’s eyes widened. “Who is communicating?”
“Unknown. There are no unaccounted life forms on this moon. Not life as we know it.”
“What about life as we don’t know it?”
“We’re working on it.”
Next question. “How did we miss it?” The moon was literally shouting loud enough to injure.
John deflated on the spot, obviously considering the lapse a failure on his part. “Sound requires matter to travel through. Thunderbird Five is not equipped to detect it unless we have something in contact with the atmosphere or a mic in play.”
“We have mics in our comms.” But Jeff knew the answer before his son supplied it.
“The frequencies are beyond usual pick up range. Far too high.”
“What about Virgil?”
John wilted. “I don’t know, Dad. Why is he affected more than the rest of us? Hell, why aren’t the colonists showing symptoms?”
Jeff frowned at that. “Why aren’t they? They’ve been here for years.”
“I can’t see how they could not be affected. We’ve only been here a short time and we are showing the effects.”
Something cold curdled in Jeff’s gut. A sudden suspicion roiled to the surface. “Leave that one to me.” He threw himself to his feet.
“Dad?” Aquamarine frowned at him.
“I’ll get some answers.”
His head was hammering both in dream and, as he rose to consciousness, in reality. “Oh god.” Virgil rolled over clutching his head and curled into a ball.
Alan? He clenched his eyes shut, hands gripping his hair.
“Virgil?” The softer more melodious voice of his older space brother. “Hold on.”
There were words not directed at him and Virgil must have faded out again because next he knew he was flat on his back and the pain had been reduced to a pale echo of itself, replaced with a light fog.
Someone was holding his hand.
“Scott?” It came out hoarse and barely there.
“Virgil, you with us?”
Alan. It was Alan. His little brother.
Rocket boy.
God, his head was sluggish.
“Alan? Where’s Scott?” He forced his eyes open and blinked against the light. Another groan and he moved on the bed, his body aching and stiff as if he had been in the same position for an eon. “What happened?”
Another slow blink and his memory landed in Crystal Cave and rescuing Director Berrenger, and then…pain and nothing.
“Ummm…Scott’s not here. Lemme get John.” There was the sound of an active comm and Alan calling for his big brother.
“Where’s Gordon?”
“Asleep.” Alan pointed at the blue curtain beside them. “Dad had a go at him for not resting. Threatened to send him up to Five if he didn’t try to sleep.”
Oh, just fantastic. “What about you? Have you slept?” How long had Virgil been down for the count?
“I’m good. Been helping John detect aliens.”
“Aliens? What aliens?” Frowning shouldn’t hurt like this.
“Virgil, you’re awake.” John’s melodious voice was a welcome balm despite the fact it was stating the obvious.
“John.” Virgil tried to sit up, but a gentle hand halted him. A pair of aquamarine eyes telling him more than any words. “What happened? Where’s Scott?” Scott should be here. He was always here.
John sat down beside Virgil’s bed deliberately and quietly.
Oh god. “What happened?” Virgil pushed himself into a seated position despite his brother, determined to face whatever had happened…not lying down.
“Scott is okay, as far as we can tell.”
“As far as you can tell?”
John’s lips thinned and his eyes screamed apology before he activated his wrist comm and showed Virgil footage from the dragonfly cam that caught exactly what happened.
Virgil stared as his brother sacrificed himself to save him.
The expletive that fell from his lips was sharp and vulgar.
He pushed the fog in his head to one side and forced himself to focus. “I need details.” He shoved the covers off his legs.
A blink.
“And clothes.”
Jeff stared the Commander of Callisto Base down, every ounce of his height, every piece of history they held together. “What haven’t you told us?”
“Have you located Ju yet?” The shorter man set his shoulders and glared up at Jeff.
“We have discovered that there is likely another form of life on this moon. Were you aware of this?”
Graeme blinked. “Life? What?”
“My eldest son was captured by the same mechanism that likely caught your wife. My second eldest has taken ill with the effects of strong ultra-frequency sound. These sounds appear to envelope this moon. Are you trying to tell me, that with all your scientific staff and equipment, supplied by Tracy Industries, no less, you have yet to encounter this problem after inhabiting this base for over five years?” Jeff inched closer. “Think before you answer.” The threat was clear.
Graeme swallowed. “There was Jeremiah, but we thought that was an isolated case.”
“One of our geologists. Took ill, nausea, headaches, nothing we did helped. Are you telling me he died of exposure to sound?”
Jeff’s eyes narrowed as his heart lurched. “He died?”
Graeme’s eyes grew frantic as the dots connected. “Stroke. The doctors said it was stroke. I was going to ask you to take his body home to his family when you left.”
Jeff’s lips thinned ever so much more. “Anyone else?”
“Uh.” The man was obviously floundering and cursing himself at the same time. “There have been instances of nausea, dizziness and headache, but nothing as bad as Jeremiah. We put it down to long term low gravity and the environment. We are living on the edge of human experience out here. You know what that is like.” He stared up at Jeff. “What kind of life? Have you seen it?” A swallow. “What about Ju?”
What about, Scott? “We’re working on it. We hope to have more information once Berry wakes up.” They needed so many answers.
John glared at Virgil, but his idiot brother was as determined as any of them would be in the same situation. John dreaded what would happen when their father returned.
There was going to be hell to pay.
Virgil was given his uniform and Alan was scooted out of the closed curtained area. John refused to move and earned a glare for his efforts, but there was no way he was leaving Virgil on his own in this state, stupid determination or not.
Dad was going to kill all of them.
The rainbow of bruises across Virgil’s back as he threw off the hospital gown their father had so painstakingly helped the nurses dress him in hours earlier only served to impress on John the fact that this was ever so wrong.
“Virgil, please give yourself more time.”
“Scott doesn’t have time.”
“How do you know that?”
“He’s been kidnapped by goddamned aliens, John. I’ve seen enough sci-fi flicks to know where that leads.”
“I don’t think we need a Ripley in this case, Virgil.”
His brother yanked spacesuit onto his legs. “How do you know that? You haven’t even located the bugs yet.”
“I doubt they are bugs, Virgil.” With a sigh, he reached in and helped his brother pull his spacesuit up over his shoulders, not missing any of the multiple winces at the action. “In fact, I think they might be the crystals.”
Virgil turned to look at him. “The quartz?”
“How? It reads as silicon dioxide.”
“I know. Thunderbird Five is not the USS Enterprise. We’re doing our best here.” John lowered Virgil’s red and green baldric over his shoulders, ever so gently letting it rest on what he knew were bruises.
This was madness. “You should stay in bed. You’ve been affected more than any of us. Long term exposure to ultrasound can be life threatening. Please, Virgil.”
His brother turned around, ever the rescue operative, the uniform wearing him rather than the other way around. “And what about Scott?”
“Let me, Virgil, please. We have Dad and Lee. You need rest.”
Dark eyes met his. “With Scott down, I’m in command. It is my duty to lead.”
“Virgil, this is not a military organisation and you are not a soldier.”
“No, I’m a Tracy.” With that, he threw aside the curtain and strode out.
John sighed. First Dad, and then Scott, when they found him.
Yes, there was going to be hell to pay.
The woman on the bed was an echo of the team mate he used to know. So much time had passed between them and, as it was always with time, it took as it left.
Berry’s hair was fading to white. Her skin had been kept relatively young by the lack of sun in her life. After all, it was a six to nine hundred odd million further kilometres away out here. But there was a frailness, nonetheless.
She seemed so small against the white of the pillow and bedsheets. Lacking the vivacity he knew she possessed.
“Kate?” He swallowed. She couldn’t hear him. Two broken ear drums would do that. He reached out a hand and gently nudged her shoulder.
He was relieved to see those familiar green eyes open and look up at him.
“Hey.” His voice broke just a little.
“Jeff?” Those eyes widened. And suddenly, before he could react, he was wrapped in eager arms holding him ever so tight. “Oh, Jeff. You came.”
“Could I do anything else?” But her arms were still around him. She couldn’t see his face. Couldn’t hear his words.
He found himself hugging her ever so tight back.
But he had to break it off. He needed information.
A gentle nudge and she relaxed back onto the bed, frowning up at him in worry.
Grabbing a tablet, he typed in the question and held it up for her to see. What happened?
“They caught us. The water kept us trapped. Couldn’t get out. Nga and Steve and then Chrisoula. They killed them. Trying to do something.” Her breathing elevated and for a moment there, Jeff feared he had lost her to whatever she was remembering.
He shook her shoulder gently, bringing her eyes back to him. Fingers on the tablet. Sound. They use sound.
She nodded and then closed her eyes as if in pain, a hand going to her head.
He squeezed her shoulder again. “Take it easy.”
A blink and he realised she knew he had said something but not what. He hastily tapped the words into the tablet.
She sighed as she read them, melting a little into the bed. “Where’s Ju?”
I was hoping you would be able to help us with that.
Realising what he meant, her lips thinned and her shoulders straightened a little on the bed.
“She’s still out there?”
He nodded.
There’s a possibility your release was either an attempt at communication or a ruse to trap one of our operatives.
International Rescue.
“Your sons are here? To rescue us?”
That’s the plan.
She blinked a lot at that, moisture in her eyes, her lips twisting a little. “Thank you, Jeff.”
It’s what they do.
They. His own words struck home as he looked at the tablet.
A hand scratched gently at his arm, drawing his attention back to Berry.
“They kept us in a room made of water. The walls were continually moving, like a waterfall that never stopped. But with our lights we could see through it.” She blinked, eyes again focussing away from him, seeing something he couldn’t. “In the room, the floor was bare rock except for one of those crystal formations. Just one. But in the water outside, there was crystal everywhere.” She looked at him. “It’s the crystals, you know? They’re alive.”
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The Voyager Bunch
Or, Rascals: Voyager Edition
Based on this post
This is dedicated to @jellybeansarecool @bizships @emilie786 @joyful-voyager and @subtle-spock for providing ideas, encouragement, and for generally being really awesome people. Also they are the nicest folks ever. Go follow them.
This ain’t my first fanfiction rodeo, but it is my first Star Trek fanfiction rodeo so I beg for your patience. Also, I am perfectly aware that there are some plot holes in here. This is because I am an animal scientist, not a Starfleet physicist/biologist/whateverist. Swiss cheese also has holes and swiss cheese is good so please consider that.
Click here to read on AO3, if you prefer. Thanks for reading!
Despite having only been a captain for a few years, Kathryn Janeway had seen more unusual occurrences, courtesy of the Delta Quadrant, than most Starfleet captains combined. Some days, she felt a little overwhelmed by the summary of the last three years of experiences. Other days, she was grateful for the callouses such challenges had built over her nerves, preparing her to face even the strangest incidents without panicking.
Today was a day to be grateful, because without having seen everything she had seen, the prospect of her Chief Engineer, Chief of Security, Head Helmsman, and most brilliant Ensign being reverted into child-like versions of themselves would have launched her straight into a spiral of panic.
“How-” Janeway paused for a moment to pinch the bridge of her nose, “how exactly did this happen?”
“Well, ya see, ‘Lanna and Harry and I were in that shuttle and then this big black thing showed up and we flew into it and there was a big flash and-”
Janeway held a hand up, cutting off the shockingly fast string of prattle. “I think I understand that part, Tom, thank you.” She spoke as gently and patiently as possible. “What I don’t understand is how Tuvok got into this.... predicament.”
She turned toward the tallest of the four children, who stood with his hands behind his back in a way that would have been exactly like Tuvok, if the pre-teen boy weren’t fidgeting with the hem of his shirt and looking around the bridge, open mouthed and starry-eyed. “Tuvok?”
The Vulcan turned toward her. “The shuttle was stuck in the anomaly and the tractor beam wasn’t working, so I rammed my ship into theirs to dislodge it.” Tuvok nearly smiled, which was jarring to see on his features, no matter how much younger he looked. “It worked, but I got sucked into the anomaly too. When we came out the other side, we looked like this.”
He motioned to Tom and B’Elanna, who were standing next to him, both of which appeared to be around the age of 5 or 6. Harry, who looked to be about a year old, was currently tucked into Chakotay’s arms, playing contentedly with the rank bar at the large man’s throat.
Janeway looked the group over, ignoring the humored smiled playing at her first officer’s lips. With a sigh, she turned to the members of her senior officer team that were not currently under the age of 13. “I’m open to suggestions.”
“I would like to run some experiments first, but I am wondering if I can age their DNA back to the correct age in a process similar to the one I used to turn you and Mr. Paris back into humans after the, ah, Warp 10 incident,” The Doctor said.
“That might put their bodies back at the right age,” Kes said, brow furrowing, “but their minds appear to have reverted to their new biological age as well. Will the DNA reversal process fix that?”
The Doctor tilted his head. “I’m unsure. I need more time to research and run simulations.”
Janeway nodded. “Get started on that right away. In the meantime,” she turned back to the children and her commander, “let’s get you four something to eat.” 
Neelix jumped to his feet, practically lighting up the room with his enthusiasm. “I’ll fix you kiddos up something real nice!” He dashed over to the door with a wild grin. “Give me ten minutes, and I’ll have the best grilled cheese sandwich you’ve ever smelt!” He saluted the whole room and practically bounced out the door.
Janeway glanced over at Chakotay who, for the first time since he had picked up baby Harry, looked nervous. His worried glance met her own and he tilted his head.
“Well,” Chakotay sighed, “hopefully these guys aren’t as picky of eaters as I was.”
As unappealing as Janeway found Neelix’s cooking to be, it was, apparently, perfect for kids, as evidenced by the unrestrained glee with which Tom, B’Elanna, and Tuvok devoured their sandwiches.
The captain couldn’t help but smile as Tom downed the second half of his sandwich in a few bites and think how the older version of Tom would have been appalled to see himself eating Neelix’s cooking with such enjoyment.
As the older children ate, Janeway found herself spooning some kind of mashed vegetable mix into Harry’s waiting mouth. At first, she was a little uncomfortable with the idea of feeding one of her best officers, but, once she was able to get past the strangeness of the entire situation, she found herself enjoying the funny expressions and eager attitude of the baby in front of her.
“Gosh, he’s such a cute baby.” She said with a grin for the fourth time.
Chakotay leaned over, his shoulder brushing hers as he smiled at Harry. “I’d like to agree with you, Captain, but you keep hogging him so I can’t get a good look.” He turned to look her in the eye, raising his eyebrow teasingly.
She shoved him playfully with her elbow. “You got to hold him earlier in the conference room. It’s my turn.”
“I think your turn ended about ten minutes ago,” he grinned.
“I think I can find something else for you to do if you’re going to take Harry away from me, Commander.” She returned his grin.
“Fine,” Chakotay shook his head with a chuckle, “but I get him later.”
Several hours had passed since lunch and, much to Chakotay’s disappointment, baby Harry was still firmly in Janeway’s possession, perched on her hip and looking for all the world like he belonged there.
Chakotay tried not to think too much about how naturally Kathryn had taken to caring for Harry as he watched her pace the bridge, checking on various scanner readings and flight paths, from his position on the floor by their command chairs. Beside him, Tom and B’Elanna rolled a ball back and forth between them, excitedly chattering about... well... everything.
“Do you think the whales were really THAT big?” Tom spread his arms out to the side.
“Yeah they were!” B’Elanna exclaimed loudly enough that the entire ship could probably hear it. Despite Chakotay’s best efforts to get her to lower her voice, the young girl seemed to only have one volume. “I saw a big fake one in a museum once and it was HUGE!”
“Whoa!” Tom’s eyes widened. “Bigger than this ship?”
B’Elanna tilted her head. “I don’t know, but it was definitely bigger than me!”
The two kids laughed, rolling the ball back and forth faster.
“Hey Tom?”
“You’re my best friend!” B’Elanna suddenly reached forward and gave Tom a hug.
Chakotay glanced up at Kathryn to exchange a look of awe before he turned back to the kids on the floor. “But B’E, I thought you just said a few minutes ago that I’m your best friend.” He raised an eyebrow, hiding his smile.
The young girl gave him a look that he had seen far too many times on her older counterpart’s face whenever he said something particularly dumb. “I can have two best friends, duh.”
He laughed. “Fair enough.”
Suddenly, he saw Kathryn’s purposeful walk stop out of the corner of his eye. 
“Chakotay,” her voice was even and tense, “where’s Tuvok?”
Eyes widening, Chakotay glanced around the bridge. Tuvok was no where to be seen.
“Chakotay to Tuvok.” He stood as he tapped his commbadge. “Tuvok, please acknowledge.” They waited a moment and, upon receiving no response, moved simultaneously toward the turbolift. 
“It’s possible he hasn’t figured out how to use his comm.” Janeway tucked Harry closer to her side as they stepped into the lift. “Computer: locate Tuvok.”
“Unable to comply.”
Janeway gave the ceiling a glare. “Why?”
The computer did not respond.
“Maybe the de-aging effect has made it difficult for the computer to locate him.” Chakotay rested a hand on her shoulder. “I’m sure he’s alright; he’s probably just exploring the ship; you saw how amazed he was by everything in the conference room earlier.”
She nodded tightly. “Let’s hope so. Where do you think he’s gone?”
“Maybe to the holodeck?”
“Or his quarters.”
“What about the mess hall?”
“He just ate.”
They both paused, mulling it over.
“Alright.” Kathryn straightened. “I’ll check holodeck one and his quarters, you check holodeck two and the mess hall.” She turned back to the lift door. “Holodeck one.”
Chakotay swallowed around the lump in his throat, trying not to think of all the ways a small child could get hurt on a spaceship like Voyager. As the turbolift began to move, Janeway’s badge chirped.
“Kes to the captain.”
Her brow raised as she tapped the emblem. “Go ahead.”
“I think I’ve found something you’re missing.” Kes’s usually lighthearted tone was even lighter, clear amusement seeping through.
Kathryn turned to look Chakotay in the eye, a hopeful smile brightening her face. “I’m on my way.”
Honestly, Janeway was a little ashamed of the fact that she didn’t think to go looking for her best friend among the orchids and other plants in the aeroponics bay, considering his horticulturally-related hobbies. As she and Chakotay stepped into the room, smiles crept onto both of their faces as they watched Tuvok carefully transfer one of Kes’s sprouts to a bigger pot. After patting the soil around the plant firmly, he wiped a hand across his forehead, smearing dirt on his face to match the dirt on his uniform.
Kes smiled up at the command team. “He came down and asked about a hundred questions about our system and then offered to help me with my work while we talked because its ‘more efficient to talk and work than simply talk.’” 
Janeway chuckled at Kes’s approximation of Tuvok’s speech pattern. “Thanks for letting us know, Kes.” She reluctantly handed Harry to Chakotay, who flashed his dimples, and crouched next to Tuvok. “Hello there.”
Tuvok glanced up quickly before resuming his work. “Hello, Captain. Did you know that these Talaxian green beans take only a week and a half to reach maturity?”
“I did not.” Janeway raised a brow and tilted her head. “That’s very impressive.”
“I thought so too when Kes told me.” He patted the soil around another plant and set it aside, retrieving another sprout.
“Tuvok,” the captain reached forward and rested a hand on his shoulder, “I’m glad you’ve found something to do, but you have to tell someone where you’re going before you wander off. We didn’t know what happened to you and Chakotay and I were really worried.”
Behind her, Chakotay’s heart flipped. There was something rather... intimate about the way she had referred to both of them being worried about a child.
“I’m sorry, Captain.” Tuvok nodded his head. “It won’t happen again.”
“Good.” Janeway smiled and stood. “Why don’t you help Kes down here for a while and then come back up to the bridge when you are ready?” She looked at Kes. “That is, if Kes is alright with that.”
The young woman smiled. “Of course, I’d love some help.”
Janeway nodded and turned back to Tuvok. “Be sure to let us know when you’re on your way back up.”
“Of course, Captain.”
She patted him one last time on the shoulder and turned back to Chakotay. They fell into step beside one another and entered the elevator.
As the doors whooshed closed, Janeway turned to Chakotay with the intention of reclaiming Harry, but stopped. A smile grew across her lips as she watched Chakotay bounce Harry gently, allowing the little boy to palm his tattoo in curiosity. Even as one of Harry’s chubby fingers poked him in the eye, Chakotay simply chuckled and took the tiny hand in his own.
He finally turned to look at her. “What?”
Kathryn just shook her head, grinning wider. “I was going to take Harry from you, but I can’t bear to break up this cute little arrangement.” She motioned to the two of them with a long finger.
The corner of Chakotay’s mouth kicked up a little higher. “Captain, did you just imply that I’m cute?”
Her brow arched, but her smile didn’t diminish. “It would be hard for anyone to look unappealing with a cute baby in their arms.”
Her heart stopped suddenly as she realized what she had just said. From the look of Chakotay’s face, he had caught it too. Implying that he and the baby were cute was one thing; calling him “appealing” was another. Before she could say anything else she might regret, Kathryn turned back to the lift door, schooling her features back into the face of the Captain.
If she had turned but a half-second later, she would have seen a wide smile break across Chakotay’s face.
“I’m sorry, Captain, but I need more time. I won’t deactivate myself until I have a solution, but this situation is very delicate and I can’t risk rushing my tests. You’ll need to find somewhere for the children to sleep. Hopefully I’ll have a solution tomorrow.”
Kathryn nodded. “Of course. Thank you, Doctor.”
With a grim smile, the feed from sickbay switched off, leaving her to look at her dark reflection in the black screen. Something like relief swept over help alongside a touch of regret. On one hand, she could really use her senior officers back in functioning shape. On the other hand....
Her eyes drifted back down to Harry, who had pulled a bit of her hair out of it’s ponytail and was curling it around his tiny fist in unbreakable fascination. A smile tugged at her lips as she cuddled him a bit closer. 
She could get used to this.
The thought struck her before she even knew what she was feeling and, as soon as she admitted it to herself, she took that feeling and shoved it as deep into the recesses of her mind as she could. She was the captain of a ship that was constantly in danger and she shouldn’t dwell on things she couldn’t have.
Kathryn sighed, rubbing the back of her neck. “Well, Harry, looks like we need to find you a place to sleep.”
Turning back to the computer, she moved to set him down so she could use both hands to search the crew quarters layouts for a suitable place to keep the children overnight. As soon as Harry’s feet touched the ground, a wail rose from the back of his throat and his face scrunched.
Kathryn quickly scooped him back up. “Harry? What’s wrong?”
The boy’s cry of protest faded into whimpers and he buried his head in her shoulder, clinging to her tightly.
A warm feeling washed over her. “Ah,” she smiled, “I see.”
She pulled him closer and turned back to the computer, tapping buttons with one hand. “You can stay up here with me, then.”
The door to her quarters chimed.
“Come in.” 
Before she could turn to greet her guest, mischievous giggles rose from the door. Eyebrow raised, she whirled around to find Chakotay standing in the doorway, a stack of PADDs in his hand, a tiny engineer on his left leg, and a tiny helmsman on his right.
He stepped forward with far less difficultly than she would have expected, given the extra weight on his legs. He crossed the room quickly and passed the PADDs to her. “The crew reports you requested.”
“Thank you.” She smiled, glancing down at the still giggling forms. “Not to alarm you, Commander, but it would seem that you have a couple of lifeforms attached to you.”
Chakotay’s eyes grew wide in mock surprise. “Really?” He turned his head and shuffled around, as if to look at his back. “Where?”
Tom and B’Elanna’s laughter grew. Suddenly, Chakotay leaned over and scooped the two of them off his legs, lifting them both up over his shoulders as their shrieked in delight.
He turned back to Kathryn with a wide smile. “Not to worry, Captain, I’ve apprehended the life forms.” 
She smiled back with a soft chuckle. “We need to find a place for the life forms to stay tonight.”
Chakotay’s smile faded into a more serious, but not displeased look. “The Doctor doesn’t have a solution yet, then?” He lowered Tom and B’Elanna to the ground. They scampered off to the viewport, excitedly chattering about the stars.
“No, he needs a bit more time.”
Chakotay nodded. “Maybe I could take them for the night, that way someone is there to keep an eye on them.”
Kathryn shook her head. “I have no doubt in your babysitting abilities, Commander, but four children is a lot for one person to watch alone and your quarters are not big enough for Trouble 1 and Trouble 2 to run around in.” She gestured to the kids at the window. 
“Fair point. Maybe I should take Harry and Tuvok then, and you could take Tom and B’Elanna?”
She turned Harry away from Chakotay. “Trying to take my boy again, are you Chakotay?” 
He chuckled and shook his head. “Do you have another idea, then, Mom?”
Her breath caught in her throat, but she managed to smirk at him and continue speaking without any indication that his previous sentence had impacted her. “My quarters are the largest on the ship. If we set up cots here in my living room we could easily both keep an eye on the children overnight.”
“Sounds good to me.” He glanced up at the clock on the wall. “How about I go collect Tuvok from aeroponics and some food from the mess hall while you get the cots set up?”
“Sounds like a plan.”
He gave her one last lingering smile, which she returned, before heading out the door and down the hall.
Apparently the lunch they had shared earlier that day had been misleadingly easy. Supper was, to put it lightly, a challenge.
“B’Elanna, eat your own food and stop taking from Tom’s plate,” Kathryn said firmly.
“But Tom isn’t eating it!”
“I was going to eat it! I’m just a slower eater than you are!”
“Well eat faster then!”
“B’Elanna!” Chakotay set down the spoon he had been using to feed Harry and fixed her with a stern look. “That food isn’t yours, and Kathryn already asked you to stop taking Tom’s food. You won’t be asked again.”
B’Elanna mumbled out an apology and stuffed another bite of her own meal into her mouth.
Kathryn shot Chakotay a grateful smile and turned to Tuvok, who was holding up one of his vegetables to the light. “Tuvok? What are you doing?”
“I’m looking at the xylem and phloem of this plant.”
She bit back a smile. “I appreciate your curiosity, Tuvok, but I need you to stop studying your food and start eating it.”
The young Vulcan turned to her and nodded. “Of course.” He politely chewed and swallowed his food and turned back to the captain. “Did you know that this particular plant is a distant cousin of Terran broccoli? You can tell by the-”
Chakotay smiled as he watched Kathryn listen to Tuvok’s fourth lecture of the evening on plant biology. Neither of them were certain of what he was talking about most of the time, but his enthusiasm for the subject was nearly infectious and neither of them minded listening.
He turned away from the scene across the table and looked at Tom next to him. “Yes?”
“After dinner, will you read to us?”
“Of course.” Chakotay smiled and ruffled Tom’s hair. “Anything particular you want to hear?”
“I want to hear about your missions with the Maquis!” B’Elanna bounced in her seat, all of that barely-contained Klingon energy starting to spill over. 
“Or perhaps you could read to us from a classic story,” Tuvok raised a brow. “I’m fond of the works of Tolkien, maybe Tom and B’Elanna would like ‘The Hobbit’ too?”
“What’s a hobbit?” Tom’s face scrunched in confusion.
“Maybe,” Kathryn interjected before Tuvok could give a detailed recounting of the beloved childhood book, “Chakotay could tell us a story from his tribe.” Her eyes met his across the table. “He is pretty good at recounting ancient legends.”
Heat crept up the sides of Chakotay’s face as he held her stare. “Maybe.”
“Nah,” Tom’s voice broke through the pleasant tension between them. “I wanna know what a hobbit is!”
Chakotay chuckled. “Alright, ‘The Hobbit’ it is.”
It took some time to get the older three to settle into bed, but finally, they began to yawn and snuggle deeper under their blankets. As their heads grew heavier, Chakotay wrapped up his story telling and the command team began to tuck their young companions in for the night.
As Chakotay wished Tom and Tuvok a good night’s rest, Kathryn carefully extracted B’Elanna from where she was snuggled into her side and took her over to her cot. As she got the small girl settled, she suddenly reached up and captured Kathryn in a tight hug. Surprised, Kathryn’s eyes widened, but she returned the gesture in earnest.
“Yes, B’Elanna?”
“You’re my best friend.”
Kathryn blinked and pulled back to look B’Elanna in the eyes with a small smile. “I thought Chakotay and Tom were your best friends.”
“I can have more than one best friend.” B’Elanna’s voice was filled with deep confidence, despite how sleep-laced it was.
“Fair enough,” Kathryn chuckled, pulling the blankets tightly around the girl. “Goodnight.”
She met Chakotay in her bedroom, Harry still in his arms.
“Any time I try to set him down he starts crying.” Chakotay grinned sheepishly. 
She grinned back. “I had a similar experience earlier today.” She reached up and brushed hand over the boy’s soft, black hair. “Its a good thing he weighs next to nothing.”
At Kathryn’s gentle touch, Harry stirred. His dark eyes found Kathryn’s and he reached out for her. With a look of mock hurt, Chakotay transferred the boy to his desired location.
“I’m trying not to be offended right now, Harry.”
Kathryn simply grinned and bounced the baby in her arms gently. “It’s alright, Chakotay. He has excellent taste.”
Chakotay shook his head, dimples flashing. “I suppose I can’t argue with that.”
She turned toward the bed and settled herself on one side, her back resting against the pillows and Harry resting against her chest. “Let’s see if we can get this one sleepy enough to not notice if we set him down.” She looked back at Chakotay, who was still standing, rather awkwardly. She patted the bed next to her with a smirk. “Come on, Commander. Get some rest. We’ve has a big day, wrangling the kiddos.”
He smiled and crossed the room to the other side of the bed, gently sitting next to her, his legs stretched out. “It has been a long day,” he said with a sigh. “But, I can’t say I haven’t enjoyed it.” He tilted his head to look at Kathryn, who was already looking up at him.
“Nor I.” Her voice was barely above a whisper.
Suddenly, Chakotay was very aware of how close their faces were. He watched as Kathryn’s eyes slid down to his lips. Before he could do something he couldn’t take back, he took a deep breath and turned away.
“Well,” Kathryn cleared her throat, sounding more like the Captain now, “it’s been fun but we should get some sleep. I’ll keep an eye on Harry here and take him to his cot in a few minutes. You should go ahead and rest, Commander.”
“Of course.” He tilted his head and gave her a small smile. “Goodnight, Kathryn.”
She grinned back. “Goodnight, Chakotay.”
Apparently, Kathryn didn’t stay awake long enough to take Harry back to his cot, as evidenced by the weight on her chest as she stirred awake the next morning. She slowly became aware of her surroundings and the previous day’s events came flooding back to her.
She also became distinctly aware of the warm, comfortable presence beside her. As she opened her eyes, she realized that her first officer’s arm was settled around her shoulders and that his shoulder was currently her pillow. His head rested atop hers and the hand that was not draped around her shoulders was resting on top of Harry’s back next to her own.
The situation was all rather snuggly and, were it not a violation of every professional barrier Kathryn had erected between her and the commander, she would have had no issue in savoring the moment.
Then again.... maybe she could allow herself just a few moments to pretend that the baby in her arms wasn’t her star technical officer and that the man holding her close wasn’t her XO and that this was a perfectly normal situation.
Before she could get too far into her fantasy, however, Chakotay stirred next to her, his dark eyes fluttering open to find her own.
“Good morning,” he said, his voice huskier than her own as sleep clung to it.
“Good morning.” 
They looked at each other for a moment before Chakotay carefully extracted himself from her side, helping her up so she could carefully place Harry in his cot in the living room without waking the boy or the other children who were still sleeping. Without a word, they quietly prepared breakfast and coffee, steeling themselves for another day of handling the kids.
“I’m afraid I’m a bit.... stuck,” The Doctor ground out with obvious difficulty.
The captain raised an eyebrow. The EMH admitting that he was struggling to solve a problem was a rare instance indeed. “How so?”
With a huff, The Doctor turned back to his desk, flipping through experimental results from a stack of PADDs. “Kes was right; the DNA reversal process I initially thought might work will not account for the de-aging of the officers’ brains, so I decided to look at the type of radiation that might have caused this and, to be completely honest, Captain,” he turned back to look her in the eye, “I have absolutely no idea how this even happened. There’s no evidence of radiation, the temporal energy around them is unidentifiable, and I can’t figure out how their cells and their minds were reversed.” He lowered his head. “I’m unsure of how to even proceed from here.”
Kathryn nodded, taking the emotions that were beginning to tumble in her chest and stuffing them as far down as she could. “Very well, Doctor. Take a rest and we can all come back to the issue later once we’ve had time to think.” She rested a hand on his shoulder, causing him to look up. “Don’t despair yet; there’s a lot of other brilliant minds on this ship besides your own. We’ll figure it out together.” She smiled and gave his shoulder a squeeze before heading into the turbolift.
As the doors slid open, she found Tuvok waiting in the lift for her. She smiled down at him and stepped inside, calling for the bridge.
“Chakotay to the captain.”
She tapped her badge. “Go ahead.”
“We need you on the bridge, there’s a bit of a situation.”
She raised a brow, glancing down at Tuvok, who was gazing at her intently. “On my way.”
“So they want to.... interview us?”
“They want to interview you specifically.”
“To see if we are worthy of going through their space.”
“Something like that.”
“And going around their space isn’t an option?”
“It would add another 7 months to our journey, so this interview is our ideal option.”
“No pressure, eh, Commander?” Janeway shifted Harry from one hip to the other with a long sigh. “Alright. Hail them.”
After a moment, a blue and red humanoid alien appeared on the screen.
“Greetings, Ambassador.” The Captain flashed a polite smile. “I’m Captain Kathryn Janeway of the Federation Starship Voyager.”
The alien woman inclined her head. “Hello, Captain Janeway, I’m Ambassador Tel Parah of the Doonian Delegation.” Her eyes swept the bridge. “You’re ship is heavily armed, which, according to the laws of our people, requires that we do a personal interview of the commanding officer to ensure that violence or other manners of chaos will not be instigated as you pass through our space.”
“Of course, I understand.” Janeway smiled again. “What questions may I answer for you?”
Over the course of the next 30 minutes, Janeway was grilled on their purpose in passing through Doonian space, the types and numbers of weapons they carried, and the journey they had made so far. Just as Janeway thought there wasn’t possibly anything more she could tell them, Ambassador Parah paused and looked up from the computer device in her hand to study Janeway. After a moment, she spoke again.
“Just one more thing, Captain Janeway,” a slow smile slipped onto her face, “What’s your son’s name? He’s absolutely precious.”
Janeway raised her eyebrows in surprise and glanced down at Harry, who she had nearly forgotten was still in her arms. At some point, he had removed her combadge and was currently turning it over and over again in his tiny hands, taking a moment here and there to bite parts of the object he must have found particularly interesting. Kathryn exchanged an amused glace with Chakotay, who shrugged off screen, before turning back to the ambassador. 
“This is Harry.” Janeway smiled, turning the boy so the ambassador could see him better.
The other woman smiled widely. “How adorable. He has the brightest eyes.”
“He does.” Kathryn smiled back down at him.
“You know,” Parah leaned back in her chair, “I usually don’t allow anyone through our space that isn’t from a system or planet we are already know and trust and so I wasn’t planning on letting Voyager pass. However, when I saw your baby and how well-cared for and happy he seems, I felt that I could trust you somehow.” She smiled again. “We value children highly in the Doonien Delegation. Children are often a reflection of a parent’s character. I can tell by Harry’s disposition and curiosity that you are of a fine character, Captain.”
Janeway cuddled Harry a little closer, heart warming. “Thank you, Ambassador, I take that as a high compliment.”
“As you should.” Parah leaned forward again. “You may pass through our space. We will have you stop at three checkpoints on your way though which I will send you the coordinated for in a moment. Have a safe journey.”
The screen went blank and Kathryn turned to Chakotay.
“Should I feel bad that I let her believe Harry is my son?”
Chakotay chuckled, stepping close enough and lowering his voice enough that the rest of the bridge could pretend not to hear him. “Are you saying he’s not?”
Her gaze grew softer. “I guess he’s sort of been like a son to me since we got on board.” She looked back down at him. “I feel very protective of him.”
Chakotay rested a hand on her shoulder. “I know.”
They smiled at each other again. Chakotay opened his mouth to say something more but, suddenly, there was a tug at Kathryn’s elbow.
“Captain? Now that the negotiations are over, I think I have an idea about how to fix Tom, B’Elanna, Harry, and me.” Tuvok’s eyes were bright and eager.
“Alright,” Captain Janeway smiled down at him. “Let’s get The Doctor up here and we’ll hear your idea together.”
Chakotay exchanged glances with The Doctor and the Captain over the table as he bounced both Tom and B’Elanna on his knees. “Could that really work? It seems almost too easy.”
“Well, if this is a phenomena that’s inexplicable and is tied only to the anomaly the shuttles passed through, I feel like sending the children back through isn’t our worst idea.” The captain rubbed the back of her neck. “Doctor?”
The holographic man continued typing into his PADD for a moment before stopping and reading. “I- I honestly think this could work.” He slid the PADD over to Janeway. “It’s hard to predict, since we have no idea what exactly caused this, but if we send the shuttles through the anomaly opposite of the way they first went through, I think it just might turn them back to their usual ages.”
“How do we know it won’t just make them even younger?” Chakotay watched as B’Elanna slipped off of his knee, pulling Tom along with her to go play in the corner.
“We’d have to run some tests to be sure that they don’t. Perhaps we could send a plant through first, or some other organic life form.” The Doctor took the PADD back and made a note.
“We would also have to make sure that, if the tests show some promise, Tuvok can take the shuttle back through the anomaly.” Janeway turned to the boy sitting at her right. “Well, Tuvok? Do you think you could pilot the shuttle?”
He shook his head. “Since I don’t have my older self’s memories I don’t think I could.”
“We could use the tractor beam to send the shuttle through,” Chakotay said. “If we give them enough of a push to go through the anomaly, they should be able to pilot themselves back to Voyager once they get out the other side and have returned to their normal ages.”
Janeway raised her eyebrows. “Well, it’s worth a shot and I don’t have any better ideas. Commander, set a course for the anomaly. Doctor, prepare the experiments.”
Tom and B’Elanna seemed to sense that something was up as they suddenly became even more clingy. The whole trip back to the anomaly, B’Elanna shared the captain’s chair with Kathryn, insisting with all of her Klingon passion that the older woman tell her more stories from earlier in their journey through the Delta Quadrant. At the helm, Tom hung on to Chakotay’s arm, watching the stars go by and asking Chakotay a hundred questions about piloting starships. Tuvok sat in Chakotay’s usual seat, interjecting with questions of his own here and there, and Harry sat on Kathryn’s knee, chewing on her jacket sleeve, her combadge still clutched tightly in his left hand.
After they reached the anomaly, it took a couple of hours for The Doctor to complete his experiments and, once he had declared that plants that had gone through the anomaly twice were returned to the same age the started as, they began preparing the children to enter the anomaly themselves. 
“Will it hurt?” B’Elanna asked in the smallest voice she had ever used in her life as Kathryn tucked the small Starfleet uniform that she had come through the anomaly with around her shoulders.
“It won’t,” Tuvok said. “It didn’t hurt when we came through the first time, did it?”
She shook her head, but didn’t look very reassured.
“It’s okay, ‘Lanna!” Tom grabbed her hand. “I’ll be right beside you.”
Kathryn stood and took a step back, feeling almost as if someone had filled her chest with some of Neelix’s heavy stew. She had to let them go, of course, this wasn’t the way they were supposed to be, but she was certainly going to miss seeing the level of innocence her officers had now. B’Elanna was unburdened by trust issues, Tuvok was passionate and bright, and Tom - well, she supposed he hadn’t changed all that much, but at least he seemed to be genuinely happy, not just putting up a front of humor to protect himself.
It would be hard to see them go back, but maybe, now that she understood how the world and time had changed her friends, she could help them.
She was shaken from her thoughts by a tug at her collar. She looked down to see Harry pulling at her pips, completely enamored by the gold metal.
“Oh, Harry.” She nearly choked on his name. Since he was so young now, she didn’t have any insight into his personality after having seen him as a baby, but she was going to miss his innocent curiosity and familiar weight on her hip.
Before she could think too much about it, she handed Harry over to Tuvok. The younger boy scrunched his face up and whimpered at the change of hands, but Tuvok bounced him gently and he settled down, reaching for the pointed tip of Tuvok’s ear.
Kathryn took a step back, feeling Chakotay step up behind her so that they were nearly touching. “Best of luck, you four.” She gave them her most reassuring smile. “See you on the other side.”
She and Chakotay hurried up the bridge and gave the go ahead for the ensign who had taken over Harry’s post to begin using the tractor beam to move the shuttle out into the anomaly. They stood side-by-side on the bridge and watched the shuttle go through. At come point, they grabbed each other’s hands and squeezed each other tightly.
There was a flash as the shuttle passed through the anomaly. After a few terrifyingly quiet moments, the shuttle came bursting out of the other side and a voice crackled over the comm.
“Cochran to Voyager,” confusion leaked through Tom’s voice. “What the hell just happened?”
Kathryn and Chakotay smiled at each other in relief. “What’s the last thing you remember, Tom?” Chakotay asked.
“B’Elanna, Harry, and I were coming back to Voyager when we- wait a second, how did you get here, Tuvok?”
Janeway laughed. “Why don’t we get you four back on board and then we’ll explain everything.”
“Copy that. See you in a few.” Tom’s voice grew quieter, like he was leaning away from the comm. “I have a feeling this is going to be one heck of a story.”
After everyone had been debriefed and left to process the last two days of strangeness, Chakotay found Kathryn in her favorite spot; on her couch and staring wistfully out at the stars as they drifted past. She had shucked her jacket and taken her hair out of it’s clip, leaving her in her grey turtleneck with her hair falling around her shoulders and face.
“Got a lot on your mind?”
She turned to smile at him, a note of sadness in her eyes. “It’s been an interesting couple of days.”
He settled on the couch a ways down, turning to face her. “It sure has.” He was quiet for a moment. “I’m going to miss our kids.”
“Me too. It was fun having little ones around, playing at being a parent.” She fidgeted with the seam on the couch. “It was different and they sure did give us some challenges,” she chuckled, “but I loved it.” 
“Have you ever thought about having kids of ou-” he coughed, “your own?” 
Her crystal blue gaze caught his. “Yes.” She smiled and looked out the window again. “I always thought someday I would be a mother.” With a snort and a smirk, she continued; “Of course, I never thought I’d be mothering my helmsman, security officer, engineer, and technical officer.”
Chakotay laughed softly. “I think you were mothering them before they were turned into actual children.”
“Perhaps.” A pause. “What about you? Did you ever think about being a father? Outside of the whole instance with Seska, of course.”
He nodded. “When I was in the Maquis, no. My life was too fast-paced to be a proper father. If I was going to be a dad, I wanted to do it right and I couldn’t have done that from a Maquis ship.” He took a deep breath. “After joining this crew, though.... I’m in a better place now, and I think I’d be thrilled to be a father.” He looked over at Kathryn to find that she was already looking at him with something like wonder in her eyes. He held her gaze for a moment and, finally finding a bit of courage, he said: “I’m more at peace.”
A smiled played at the corners of her lips, and her eyes looked a little like they were silver-lined, though Chakotay couldn’t quite tell for sure in the low light of her quarters.
“You were really good with the kids. You would make an excellent father, I have no doubt.”
He smiled. “You would make an excellent mother. You’re a natural.”
“Thank you, but I barely felt like I knew what I was doing.” She chuckled.
“You could have fooled me.” He grinned for a moment, before his countenance grew more serious. “I hope you get your wish someday, Kathryn. I hope you get to be a mother.”
She was quiet for a moment, and Chakotay suddenly felt his chest tighten. Had he said too much.
Before he could fall too far into his panic, her hand slid over to his, giving it a squeeze. He looked up into her eyes, which definitely had tears in them now.
“I hope you get to be a father too Chakotay. Someday.”
He squeezed her hand back and they both fell into a comfortable silence, enjoying the view of the stars outside Kathryn’s window.
36 notes · View notes
thedistantstorm · 5 years
Day 18: “Secrets? I love secrets!”
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Fandom: Destiny
Pairing: Zavala/Female Guardian
Warnings: mild sexual content, alcohol use, one unhappy, over-bribed Lilith
Miyu belches by way of greeting, Shaxx whacks her on the back with a thick hand, and they both laugh heartily. "Sid'down, Lillie," She gestures to the empty seat beside her with a slosh of her mug. "Nightss only getting started."
Lilith-2 almost wonders for a moment if she's going to blow a bulb in her optics. This is not the strict, gentle teacher she trains with nearly every morning. This warlock is flushed with a pretty blush, doe-eyed and flailing wildly for Lilith to join her.
Miyu is plastered.
This is going to be so much fun, Lilith thinks.
(And it is, until it really, really isn't.)
 "When I was her age-"
"No," Miyu looks like she's slapped Shaxx, but it's very unlikely he's even felt it. Or, if he did, he likely enjoyed it. Lilith can't tell. "Don' finish that. You're a bad influence."
"Bad influence?!" Shaxx bellows in Miyu's face. "I'm a bad influence? You've drank half the bloody bar dry and I'm the bad influence?"
"You're not recounting the Dark Ages to my protege," Miyu snips back, lips plump and pouting in full force.
"Just because you were lost for half of it-"
"Ignore him," Miyu says, slinging an arm around Lilith's shoulders. "Do you need another drink?"
"Still good," She chirps, having never fully recovered from her first social outing. She'd meant to meet Bertie here for dinner and a drink, but he'd gotten caught up on patrol with a new Titan. Was just as well. This was fantastic entertainment, and she wasn't very hungry, anyway.
"You don't need to hold back on my account," Lilith watches Miyu swing her feet - the stool is too high for them to touch the ground - and hum idly. She waves down the bartender for another drink and elbows Shaxx when he focuses too hard on a Crucible replay, mouthing his own commentary.
"Please. At this stage," Shaxx covers both of Miyu's ears with his monstrous hands, but she's too concerned with the frothing ale placed before her to stop with the giddy smile, "She doesn't have a filter." He removes his hands. Miyu is still happily glugging her drink, "Zavala has another thing coming if he thinks I'm taking her home."
"Z'vala?!" she turns and looks over her shoulder, lip curling outward. "Aww, I thou' he wuss here," She slurs. "Damn." She very earnestly informs them both, "I love him. He's incredible," And then sighs like a teenager with a crush.
"You're a terror. He puts up with so much."
"He does not!" Miyu glowers at Shaxx and he cackles. She rounds on Lilith, who covers her mouth with both hands. "Don't you dare," She pokes Lilith in the chest, "Yer s'posed t'be on my side!"
That does make Lilith laugh, and she accepts a high five from Shaxx for it that night have shattered her hand. Nizana, her Ghost, runs an internal scan. Seems he's shorted out her neural sensors on impact, but everything is fine.
"He doesn't mind. I'm a cute drunk," She insists, hiccoughing once, with a petite shudder. "Makes me seem younger."
"You are too much," Shaxx agrees, clinking his mug to hers. "I'll drink to that."
"How good're you at keeping secrets?" She nudges Lilith, some time later.
"Secrets? I love secrets." Lilith makes an x over her chest plates, where a heart would be.
"Zavala. I'm like, phoo," She leans back, swaying as if her mind is blown by the idea. "I'm centuries older than him and he has no idea."
Lilith tilts her head. "Really?"
"Uh huh. He's so sweet, calling himself 'Old Man' like he's not a baby himself. This oaf, too." Miyu elbows him as punctuation for her words. "He's alright once y'get pass' the yell-y parts."
"Quit elbowing me, woman!"
The next day, Lilith wakes up to find out her morning training session is cancelled. No surprise there. She dresses, gets ready, and heads into the Tower, ready to throw herself into something that will make up for the lack of structured activity this morning.
Shaxx is irritated - she understands it as hungover - and louder than usual. Arcite is humming the song they'd been singing when Zavala arrived after his shift to take Miyu home. Talk about irony, Lilith thinks.
She doesn't want to poke the metaphorical bear, so she trudges quietly over to Zavala's post.
He does not turn from his viewpoint over the City but acknowledges her approach. "Guardian."
Lilith's reply is equally as neutral. "Commander." She waits for a beat and when he does not reply she asks, "Do you have any ops or patrols I could do? My morning appointment was… uh, cancelled."
"Ah," He muses, a hint of amusement hinted in his voice. "My breakfast plans were… dashed, as well," He shares with something like amused exasperation. "I could find something for you, if you'd like. Any preference on location?"
She shrugs. "Didn't know you have people a choice," She concedes.
"I do not, usually. However," Zavala regards her with that serious blue stare, "I require information and am willing to barter for it."
"Miyu said she told you a secret, last night. She would not divulge the nature of it, but challenged me to figure it out on my own."
Lilith gulps. She should have risked going into the Crucible. Hungover Shaxx seems a hell of a lot safer than an inquisitive Zavala.
The man in question lifts his chin, his eyebrows doing this strange lift and drop whilst he tucks his hands behind his back. Without a hint of foreboding - somehow, that makes Lilith even more frightened - he apprises her.
"And you are going to tell me."
Four patrols in the EDZ later, he comes across the comms for her specifically.
“Nizana, don’t answer that.”
“I know. I pinged back our coordinates and said we were in the middle of a firefight.”
Lilith creates a grenade in the palm of her hands, solar energy blazing across her gloves. She throws it into a nearby cave, and picks off the Cabal that come rocketing out of it.
“Sir, I can’t tell you. Miyu swore me to secrecy.”
He paces before her, but it’s not anxious to anyone but the Exo left to watch him contemplate in motion.
“Is it related to her Light?”
“The Dreaming City?”
“Why wouldn’t she tell me?”
“Maybe she’s embarrassed?”
“Of what?” Zavala inquires so innocently that Lilith almost answers.
“Oh-noooo. Commander, come onnn,” She whines. “This is mean. Miyu is my teacher.”
“And I am your Commander.”
Lilith, having nothing left to lose, flips a switch. “How does that work, anyway? If she’s seeing you and you live together, isn’t that a conflict of interest?”
“Alright,” He hedges, unsettled. “Dismissed.”
The Exo doesn’t waste her time, escaping while she has the chance. “Oh, thank the Traveler.”
Miyu guides her through the first four stances of a new set - Lilith had been begging to expand her repertoire - and watches as she flounders the fifth. Her teacher’s diamond eyes follow her line of sight up to a watching Zavala, who is studying Lilith intently. 
“Leave her alone,” Miyu calls up to him. “This is my time and you’re making her uncomfortable.”
“You could tell me yourself.”
“Not in this life or the next, Anata. Now shoo,”  She waves him off with a suggestive smile, threatening, “Or I’ll tell her another secret about something you really won’t want me sharing.”
Zavala leaves immediately.
“I don’t actually know what I told you,” Miyu admits softly, apologetic. “I was really drunk. Hopefully it was something juicy.”
“You don’t remember?!” Lilith screeches. “You are the worst drunk in the history of drinking!”
“Says the Exo who crashed on her Commander’s couch the first time she touched a pint of ale.”
“Ooooh, you’re mean. I should tell him for that.”
“You really, really shouldn’t,” Miyu says, and produces a new sword. “Give it a spin. If you like it, you can keep it.”
Lilith doesn’t look convinced. “You’re bribing me?”
Miyu shrugs, saying softly, “He’s withholding sex. I need leverage.”
“I did not need to know that.” She blinks back at Miyu. "If you don't remember, why-"
"Pride. And also he's so cute when he's focused. And his jaw does the thing."
"The thing?"
"The thing," Miyu confirms. Lilith doesn't get it. "Ugh, nevermind." 
At the end of her wits, Lilith throws open the door to Zavala’s office, letting it bounce off the wall. She throws him a scathing glance at having been summoned for the twenty-seventh time this week. “Shaxx also knows. Miyu gave me a sword and I’d like to keep it. Go ask him.”
Zavala considers. “He won’t tell me, I’ve already asked.”
“What does she have on him?” Lilith flaps her arms, exasperated.
“Apparently they go way back,” Zavala says, with a roll of his eyes.
Lilith freezes.
“That’s a clue,” Zavala reasons, immediately. His eyes widen, then narrow intently.
Lilith smirks. “You got it from Shaxx, not me.”
The Commander nods. “Indeed.”
“The next time someone tells me a secret,” Lilith tells Bertie, laying in a field of redgrass near a Vexmilk stream on Nessus, “I’m going to tell the first person I see. I’m done with this. She throws her new sword into the stream and doesn’t look back.
Nizana scoffs. “Good riddance.”
“Ikora, how does one escape a difficult situation?”
“By making a choice.” She narrows her golden irises on Lilith. “Is this about the secret?”
“You know about it, too?”
Ikora harrumphs. “I know everything that happens in this Tower.”
“So you know that Miyu gave me a sword-”
“Because Zavala is-”
“Unfortunately so.”
“Would you please just tell him? He won’t leave me alone.”
The Warlock Vanguard sighs. “I did tell him.” She crosses her arms. “Several times, in fact. He does not believe me.”
“You’re kidding.”
“I am not.” Ikora smiles.
Everyone wants to see Lilith suffer, it seems.
“No. Absolutely not.”
“Guardian?” Kadi looks at Lilith with a blink, the postmaster terribly confused. “But-”
“I’m sorry,” Lilith shakes her head. “Throw it all away.”
The post frame takes a moment to process, then tries again. “For Guardian Lilith, from Commander Zavala. Very nice man.”
“You’ve never been on the receiving end of him when you’ve got classified information. Return to sender, Kadi. Please.”
“But Guardian, it’s busy.”
“I’m sorry, but this is just out of control. You can give that gun to the next warlock you see, okay?"
Half a week later Lilith slams the door shut behind her, causing a rather comical reaction. Miyu is paused, drink - it better not be alcohol, Lilith thinks - just shy of her lips, and Zavala's eyes narrow in thinly veiled irritation.
"You interrupted my dinner, so I'm interrupting yours."
"I have to be in Command in half an hour for a strike operation. I do not have time for-"
Lilith smacks her fist on the table, leaning forward, bellowing at him, "You interrupted my dinner, called for me sixty two times-"
"Seventy one," Lilith's Ghost interjects.
"And you've been making me out to be the biggest jerk to the postmaster. No more gifts. No more favors, no more secrets." She looks to Miyu. "Ikora said she'll teach me to be a Voidwalker, and Shaxx said he'll teach me swordplay. I'm this close-" Lilith holds up two pinched fingers to use as a meter, looking between them, "To taking them up on it!"
"Easy, Lillie."
Lilith snarls, waving her hands. "Oh no. You don't even remember it! I can't believe you!"
Zavala stares at Miyu in shock. Miyu flushes. "What?" He snaps.
Miyu flushes and shrugs. “I had a lot to drink?” She reminds them, sheepishly.
Lilith makes a flapping, exasperated gesture, and finally caves. "Look. She's older than you. By a lot. Apparently she feels younger when she drinks away her brain cells, and thinks you're cute thinking you're all old because she's like twice your age."
Miyu tilts her head. She and Zavala share a glance before he speaks. "This is a blatant fallacy, Lilith. She's pulling your le-"
One eyebrow goes up in a bold impersonation of the Commander's signature eyebrow raise.
"No," He says, scandalized.
"Yes," Miyu confirms. 
“That’s impossible.”
"Not at all,” Miyu shrugs. “Lilith?"
The younger Warlock takes a heaving, exhausted, aggravated breath. "Yeah?"
"I'll take it from here. Training in the morning. Don't be late."
"Don't go out drinking," She throws back, petulant. Miyu doesn't spare her a glance. They both know the other will be there.
"Go collect all that stuff from your postmaster. It you don't want those robes, I'll take them back. He tried bribing me with them first and they’re really nice." She winks.
Zavala glowers at Miyu, but he doesn’t deny it.
"For Light's sake," The Exo grumbles, rolling her optics so hard she fears they might pop out from the strain. "I'm keeping them now, for sure."
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paladin-pile · 6 years
What “Pilot Personality” do each of the Voltron Characters fall into?
This has been sitting in my docs for exactly a year under the title “stupid freaking meta” cause it was a pain to write. But it’s been on my mind so I thought it was time for another post, based on my experience as a pilot and member of the aviation community. 
As I was making this I realized that this might be some good fanfiction material for y’all, so enjoy. (Fyi: every pilot-related example or description I use in this post is a real life true story/situation that I have heard or experienced! Nothing made up.)
I began learning to fly at age 16, before I learned to drive. I got my pilot’s license at age 19 which was almost 6 years ago, and it’s safe to say I’m just a little obsessed. I spent years around pilots from all walks of life, and very quickly caught on to the fact that there are different types of pilots, but still a common thread that goes through everyone.
When I sat down one day in July 2016 and watched Voltron for the first time, I was immediately smitten. It was everything I loved: space, flying, technology, awesome characters, all rolled into one. Interestingly enough, I can pinpoint the EXACT SECOND I first fell in love with this show...
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I literally paused the episode here and texted my friend about how I had found the new Big Thing in my life. This was it, this show knew us. As I continued watching I was thrilled to see each character be such a fabulous example of the different types of pilots and have a lot of deep threads I resonated with. I’m going to go through each main character and describe what “type” of pilot they fit and why. So buckle up folks, this post is Hella Long. First up,
It may be hard to believe, but I speak from experience when I say the vast majority of pilots are exactly like Lance. Even if your normal personality is not like his, he amplifies the traits that are inside every one of us. It doesn’t matter what your personality is like on the ground, your pilot personality can be a lot different, 
Lance isn’t scared. 
These are the kind of people who live for dives and stalls, pitching down the nose and laughing maniacally as the engine builds up to a whine and the ground fills the windshield. In order to get to this point, you have to be really comfortable with the aircraft, know what it can do and what it can’t. This kind of boils down to the first point about pilots in general that are illustrated nicely in the show:
Pilot thing #1: You have a healthy fear of what you should be afraid of, but you know you don’t have to be afraid of much.
Personally I have learned to fear only three things as a pilot: birds, fire, and myself (the ‘myself’ point we’ll come back to later when we talk about Shiro). Most everything else is a non-issue and might even be considered a thrill. This doesn’t mean we’re not cautious and responsible, but we’re not scared.
True, imidately following this scene, Lance crashed the simulator (which I also theorize he did on purpose), so it could be argued he’s not that great of a pilot, but the point still stands. He’s in training, we all did stupid stuff in training, I did stupid stuff in training. It’s the attitude we’re talking about here.
* Side dish for thought: I see a lot of the fandom throwing around the term ‘cargo pilot’ like it’s some sort of insult, or ‘oh that’s so boring and has no prestige whatsoever’ but let me set one thing straight: being a cargo pilot is the BOMB, and I would take that over being a fighter any day.
Flying a 180 ton aircraft filled with supplies or troops through canyons and around mountains, low enough to trim bushes and kick up sand, and the satisfaction of yelling “5 tons of toilet paper comin’ in hot!” into the comms is an end in itself. The poor grunts in the back are strapped in like sardines and trying not to hurl at your erratic maneuvers, but they don’t complain cause they know you have to stay low and move crazy to avoid enemy fire. You and your Thicc Baby are proud as anything when every load is delivered safely, whether its potatoes or tanks. (From what we see in Voltron it seems Lance didn’t want to be a cargo pilot, but I have to admit it would have fit him pretty well.)
#2 Talking to your aircraft
There is not a pilot on the face of the Earth that does not talk to their aircraft like it is a sentinent being, and treat it accordingly. No matter how big and tough we are, you can always catch us patting our ship with a dopey smile and gooey eyes, cooing “Hey Beautiful” or any other myriad of pet names.  It’s a thing, everybody does it. I don’t pretend to know the psychology.
Ok story time.
A few years back, I took a nurse’s assistant course and worked in a elderly care home.  It was an awful place. Elderly folks who had no family lived in small, dirty rooms, no longer able to care for themselves or sometimes even communicate. I knew everyone on the floor, and tried to show them love as much as possible in their often abusive situation.
One such person was a tall gangly man in his nineties. He was confined to a wheelchair, never made eye contact, and never spoke. Every mealtime we would take him into the cafeteria and sit with him, spoon-feeding because his hands shook too much to hold a utensil. We were encouraged to talk to him as much as we could, even though he never responded and none of us were sure just how mentally present he was.
One time I went into his room, I noticed something. On the rickety table at the end of his bed was a small, dusty photo frame. It held a picture of dashing young man in an Air Force uniform with sharp eyes and half-smirk, a curly-haired little girl in his arms. One of the nurses told me that was him and his daughter. Since we now had a little something in common, I decided to bring it up at the next mealtime.
“Sooo, I saw your picture on the end table,” I hedged, holding out a spoonful of potatoes. I didn’t expect a response, and sure enough, he remained staring at the table blankly.
“You were in the Air Force, huh? That’s pretty neat. I’m a pilot too, but I’ve haven’t flown anything very exciting.” I held the spoon to his mouth and he took it, swallowing slowly.
“P-38’s or P-51’s are my favorite,” I rambled, scraping together the creamed peas. “There’s something about the sound of that Merlin engine that can’t be beat!” I hummed and shook my head with nostalgia. The fighter planes from WW2 had always been my favorite. With the next bite ready, I turned back to him, and almost dropped the spoon in shock.
His head was lifted, back straight, staring at me with such intensity I almost thought he would leap out of the seat. My mouth hung open, spoon frozen midair, and for a moment I sat there in disbelief. I’ll never forget the look in his eyes, bright and fiery, overflowing with words he couldn’t speak. Finally, I recovered enough to smile, wishing I could hear what he wanted to say.
“I love flying,” I whispered, “There’s nothing like it, is there?” His eyes stayed locked on mine, and it was a long time before he could be coaxed into taking another mouthful.
Here’s where I’m going with this. Pilots like Keith are from an era that no longer exists. His are the type we can only find in the silent annals of history, like WW1 and 2. Pilots who were called “knights of the air,” unorthodox and brave in every sense of the word. Cutting out engines and making impossible maneuvers that pushed themselves and their aircraft to the limits and beyond. Split-second, all or nothing stunts that shouldn't have worked but did, pilots that flew by pure instinct and blood running like fire through their veins. Pilots who couldn’t let go of the controls when they landed because they had been gripping them too hard, too long. Pilots who would wait till the very last second to bail out of a burning plane so they could direct it to crash into a target, pilots who coaxed their plane to finish a mission even though half of it was missing, oil was smearing over the canopy, and hydraulic fluid was dripping down their legs. Pilots that got into a new plane that had just been designed and no one knew what it could even do, and flew it anyway. Kamikaze pilots who put their plane into a dive toward a target, knowing it would be the last thing they ever did.
They fought a war, some of them won, and they all disappeared.
The nature of air war isn't like that anymore--with the advent of supersonic jets and drones, the era of the fighter pilot is all but gone, and the gritty sword fights in the sky have become extinct. Even those who are fighter pilots today are given strict guidelines, and risks are reduced to a minimum.
Pilots like Keith don’t exist anymore because they are not born, they are only made under certain circumstances.
The closest you will get to those kind of pilots today are probably bush pilots, they’re pretty much the only ones left that push everything to the limits, fly with no rules, and rely on instinct. But for now, that spirit of Keith, that “you fight like a Galra,” drive, that extra sense and lion-heartedness...are only found in museums, in monuments, and in gravestones.
Shiro is a classic fit to what we call a “Jet Jockey.” Responsible, hero-type, yet still a massive dork; the guy you’d see in charge of the Thunderbird demonstration team. He’s a leader, calm, charming, and fierce. It’s in the blood, in the way they walk and smile. When you hear the term ‘you got it or you don’t,” these people definitely “got it.”
They’re perfect, polished in the exterior, but what you sometimes will not notice is their vulnerability. Most all of them have lost close friends, hold some kind of loneliness or sadness in their chest, something that only the love of the air can soothe. Be nice to these guys. People like to put them on a pedestal, but they need human companionship to not let lost in the sky.
I’d like to take a moment here to share my insights from aviation relating to Shiro, namely, Pilot Error, and the Kerberos mission. I see a lot of content in the fandom of Keith and the Holts being outraged that anyone could suggest that the Kerberos crash was caused by pilot error. The typical response is along the lines of, “Shiro was the best, the brightest, most skilled and responsible student, he would NEVER make a mistake like that.”
That’s bullshit and every pilot knows it.
From our very first day in flight school, this concept was drilled into us until we could recite it in our sleep. Mistakes happen to everyone, no matter how good you are or how much experience you have. You think, “Oh I would never do that” or that just because so-and-so is legendary they can do no wrong. It happens every day and the best pilots are not immune. The vast majority of crashes are caused by errors by pilots who are not dummies. It’s the go-to answer when no one is quite sure what happened because it’s the most likely reason. It sobers the rest of us, thinking “that could easily be me,” but we don’t doubt it or get outraged cause we know it can happen to the best of us.
People are prone to make mistakes for no reason, when we know better. It just…didn’t even cross your mind at the time. You thought you were doing the right thing. It’s happened to me personally and I very nearly got killed, but it really opened my eyes to the whole issue.
Semi-related to this is a theory I’ve been toying with: that Shiro getting chosen to pilot the Kerberos mission was a controversial and even scandalous decision. Here’s the cold hard facts: There is no way Shiro was the most experienced pilot at the Garrison. Even if he was a prodigy and had insane natural talent, someone that young just does not have the experience that an older pilot that had been flying for years would have under his belt. Shiro was probably so good that some of the higher-ups at the Garrison wanted to assign him to Kerberos, but the other portion were against it, saying it wasn’t smart to be sending someone so inexperienced, no matter how good he was. When the Kerberos crew disappeared, it could easily have become a huge, maybe even public scandal, where the people who opposed the decision were crying “I told you so!” and citing what a mistake it was to assign someone so young.
The youngest astronaut NASA ever sent to space was 32 years old, and she certainly wasn’t in charge of anything at the time. The youngest person ever in space was a 25-year old Russian cosmonaut named Titov who was essentially strapped into a capsule and launched into orbit to test what happened to the human body in zero gravity for 24 hours (not pleasant, they found out). He was also the second human to go to space, when we knew pretty much nothing about anything. I can’t imagine the guts this guy had, knowing he was going up as an experiment. The whole story is worth checking out. Honestly this sounds more like something the Garrison would do, and the whole situation adds to the suspicion that something is fishy in the place.
Experience rules, I cannot emphasize this enough. It doesn’t matter how “good” you are or how fast you learn, the guy with more experience will always be better than you, no matter how old they are. For Shiro to be the most experienced at such a young age, all the other older pilots and instructors would have to be dead or medically disqualified, or something.
Short end of it is, there is no way Shiro was the best pilot at the Garrison, or the best choice for the mission. Even if he was a prodigy and at the top of his class, which I’m sure he was, that’s not what the higher-ups use to make a decision. Of course, this whole theory might be moot. The creators most likely put Shiro on the Kerberos mission for plot reasons only, but realistically is a little different story.
Hunk’s category of pilots hold a special place in my heart: the mechanics. They probably otherwise would not be pilots, but it’s convenient to be able to fly the stuff when they’re running checks. Always covered in grease, their second home is in the hangar, tending to the planes like a kind doctor to a child with the flu. They listen to the aircraft. It’s more of a technical relationship, not quite as mystical as the other pilots tend to portray it. For the Hunk-type, it’s dissected into moving parts.
These folks are NICE. My best friend in training was a mechanic named Bob, who was a ray of sunshine and the sweetest guy absolutely ever. He was also HUMONGOUS, and it was always a kick to seem him squeezing into a tiny Cessna 150 with a squinty-eyed smile and a cheerful “Let’s see how she does!” He would never fly more than a few trips around the pattern.
“Nothing major,” he would say. “I’m not gonna do any crazy stuff like these guys,” *points thumb over shoulder at the Lance-like pilots drinking coffee* “Just little trip around the pattern so I can check out what I did without having to wait for another pilot to take ‘em up.”
They talk up a storm, they ramble. Mechanics tend to make fun of pilots for knowing nothing about how the airplane works, and have gut intuition like no one else. You LISTEN to these guys when they have a hunch or you. will. die.
Pidge’s type of pilots are fun to be around. Curious, in the learning stage, usually teenagers, enthusiastic and eager, wanting to be a pilot for the intellectually stimulating reasons (“I read all the fighter manuals”).
I’m reminded of one of the students who was training at the same time I was. 5’4, short cropped hair, large aviator sunglasses, devouring the training books with quick wit and banter with the instructors. She also would roll up to the hanger in her sporty convertible right after getting her drivers license, blaring “Sexy Back” loud enough to shake the propellers off the nearest aircraft.
They may not have the ingrained, primal love for hardcore flying that pilots like Lance, Keith and Shiro have, but to them it’s cool and they love it for their own reasons. It’s a stepping stone to something greater, more knowledge, laid out before them like the rolling landscape far, far below.
When we’re sorting Voltron characters into pilot categories, Allura drops with a perfect little clink into the box marked Female Helicopter Pilots.
If you’re looking for folks that are Tough, who can catch grenades in their teeth while brandishing two sub-machine guns and walking through fire, you’ve come to the right place. Arnold Schwarzenegger's got nothing on these women. Don’t cross them, they can most likely bench press their own helicopter. They instantly generate mad respect, you feel like bowing whenever they walk in a room.
Fixed-wing pilots and helicopter pilots are two very different breeds, and usually are very loyal to their respective aircrafts. Most airplane pilots wouldn’t be caught dead in a helicopter and vice versa. Of course there are exceptions, but the accepted culture is for the two groups to rib each other, kinda like cat people vs dog people.
These pilots have a beaming smile and deceptively sweet twinkle eyes. These are people who have whipped the butts of every obstacle given to mankind, stared death in the face and beat it with their bare fists. I might be exaggerating here, but this is the feeling one gets when coming across these women.
Oh Coran, you are one of the most iconic pilot types, and the one folks are most likely to encounter hanging around any small airport. The middle-aged-and-older folks that fly to to other cities for lunches, dubbed “$100 hamburgers.”  They are chipper, wear shorts and Hawaiian shirts, and like to reminisce about the good old days. I am not exaggerating. Most of them are hobby flyers or retirees with eccentric senses of humor and very large amounts of money, maybe more than one plane and an antique car. If you start talking to one, be prepared to spend a while. They are a bottomless well of tall stories of glory, belly laughter, and that snark and slightly odd sense of humor that can turn dark if the right subject is brought up.
All together, pilots are a colorful bunch. Most everyone fits into these basic categories, but there’s a common thread through it all. Love, almost to addiction. Once we get in and taste the crisp air aloft, feel the vibration of the aircraft beneath our fingers, hear that ethereal voice speak to us. There’s no going back. It calls and calls and calls, and the farthest star is too close to hang our dreams.
Hope this has been helpful or interesting to someone. Please feel free to come by and talk to me about anything!
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nostalgic-sims · 7 years
<3 to <3 talk
Hey, followers! You’re probably like “wowwww another inactive simblr/simmer, god”. I recently posted about my slight thought/desire of returning, but I just want to make a little post about WHY I disappeared to begin with (if you care to read and if you do it means so much and you’ll know why soon). Maybe you can relate?
1. Immature/Fake people: They are EVERYWHERE. Especially because of the age range of the community. I could never tell if people were being honest--or if they actually liked me. I also couldn’t tell if they were trying to take advantage of me or not. A lot of these people hurt my friends and me in the past. It also seems like the main cause of drama is from people as described and them not knowing how to act like civil adults, apologize and move on. The level of pettiness makes me sad. Drama for no reason is pathetic. 
2. Stealing/No credit: I have had bases stolen several times, no credit given. One was stolen recently and even used in a series, and I was...rather upset. I know it’s something so small to be upset about, but to me, sims are art. They are unique creations and for someone to share a piece of their art with others is supposed to be special and a sign of trust. I would love to share more bases, but no one listens to my TOU. The ironic thing is that the person who stole my most recent base is still using her and gained wayyyy more popularity with my sim than I ever did with it. She also “loves” me. Huh. NO shade!!! Please. 
3. What’s the point?: It always felt like no one actually cared about my sims, my account, my stories, my existence--anything. Like I was a shadow. Sure, I get a bunch of likes and follows, but only a rare few would actually reach out to talk to me. Those who did were super sweet and some I think I care for way more than they care for me. Some, I would accidentally hurt or make them feel the same way as I feel for some of my friends. If that makes sense?? Also sims is so time consuming, especially with my potato computer!!!! I really wish that followers would talk to me more or send more messages because I want to get to know them! 
...Bitching aside, why I love the Sims Comm. 
1. Creativity: It gives a huggeeee creative outlet for me and other simmers, especially those who love art, character design, decorating/architecture, animation, mods, etc. It would always give me a REASON to practice Photoshop and is one of the reasons I’m so familiar/advanced with it. I really enjoy character design and development and a reason to write a story. 
2. Friends: I’ve met a lot of amazing people, @aurskii and @fvckmesims and danii and @simsandlifealert  @plutosimss etc. I love love lovedddd all of the ships I’ve done in the past even though they felt so one sided (even though I think maybe I’m overthinking that?). I loved being able to connect to others and share my sims with them. Collabing is fun, even though I was usually the one to ask others which sucks ‘cause I’m shy haha. 
Anyway, I guess I kind of wrote this for myself, so I’m sorry you were burdened with it on your dash. If you can relate or have any reasons you hate/love the community please reply. Or if you have anything you want to let me know, it could help my choice about coming back. Thank you so much, everyone who actually read this. I know only a few will, if any. 
<3 Love, Kat
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saudadewrites · 7 years
I'm currently an indie rp blog, but have dozens of characters I want to play. What's the best advice for starting a Tumblr for multiple characters / their aesthetics?
Hey! Welcome to the comm. SO..  my advice
Start tags for all your characters. I know that’s a really standard thing but, that’s the easiest way to look back on what inspired you to make them in the first place. Sometimes the visual stuff can spark muse pretty easily. Also, it’s a good way to get a good feel of their aesthetics. I would suggest following muse inspo blogs, my favorite is @museinspo. But you can also follow simple photography and model blogs. Some RPH (roleplay help) blogs post some great stuff too. Another thing I did was start using my Pinterest to make separate boards for each character. 
Take your time developing! You don’t have to put up lengthy bio’s and what not right away but since you’re gonna be a multi muse, you wanna make sure each muse has something unique about them. Plus you wanna remember certain aspects about each so they don’t get mixed up, lol. I recommended filling out character sheets/templates to get you started. Some are super detailed and others contain just the basics, you can mix and match tbh. Also character prompts.
Search the RP tags to see how people do things and find other RP’ers. When I first made this blog I was very confused on how things roll around here, lol. Now I understand what starters are and what the specific tags cater to. You’re guaranteed to find some other multi-muse blogs that you can get some inspo from as well. Also, there’s communities within the tags you can join, if you’re of color there’s #indiesofcolor , a black rp’er #blackrpnetwork and #mentallyillrpnet . I’m sure there’s others out there, but these are ones I’m apart of/track!
If you make a multi-muse I suggest making another primary blog for it! Maybe it’s just me, but it’s easier to concentrate on everything when my dash is mostly writing/Rp related. You can still have it as a secondary blog but to me it feels more organized.
There’s lots of guides out there that have been helpful to me, and probably more helpful than what I’m saying rn. Lol, But here and here. Plus sooo many wonderful character graphic psd’s where you can post pretty playlists, moodboards, instagram and twitter posts. Those also help create a nice aesthetic filled w/info for your partners to get connected with your charries. Also, if there’s anything more specific you want answered and you feel comfortable, you can IM me. Also I can give you my indie @, which is still in the works ^__^.
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Just some stuff from yesterday’s post nothin’ special particularly--
@corditeheart  Idek, it's so small that people think one comment speaks for the entire fandom
INCOHERENT HOWLING NOISES. I can’t even comprehend this mindset. Clearly I am still a summer child who knows not the struggle of fandom veterans. I was relatively late to the party and it’s still my firm opinion that people can do what they want as long as it’s not in an attempt to overwrite someone else. I sort of assume everyone else feels like that as well, so it’s never occurred to me to take one comment as law.
@ahmyhotdog I can only speak from where I've been. Most people in this fandom are nice. This is true. I've met way more nicer people than not nice. But I think part of the issue is if you don't want to people with certain people for whatever reason then a lot of others just don't seem to play with you as well? Or it could just simply be once you find people you enjoy playing with you just end up not looking for new muns to play with.
That’s true, actually! So it could be partly down to misreading peoples’ motivations for doing that? I would usually assume it’s because our headcanons don’t mesh, though I will say that’s happened to me elsewhere. I don’t think it’s the fault of the collective though, I think there are just arseholes wherever you go. Idk, I hear “x is a bad fandom” and I think of Bloodborne (INB4 SOMEONE IS A BLOODBORNE PART TIMER AND TAKES OFFENCE... @ them, come on, man, you know exactly what I mean here. BB is a mushroom cloud on the horizon for everyone else). 
@eruditorem I’ve heard things but honestly ive never seen anything and everyone has been so welcoming??? so idk either. also i dont pick my nose, i pick my butt. i  mean... wait-- dont reply to that
Mostly adding this so everyone knows Bri picks her butt
@legendaryturk Hmm.  Well I'm kind of newish to the fandom at least for RP, and I think...things just go in cycles?  I've seen ups and downs in various fandoms - not just 8, but also ffvii, doctor who, mgs, and tons of other fandoms I've RPed in.  overall I'd say ff8 has been mostly welcoming to me? it's small, and tumblr being the animal it is, people may just flock toward others who share similar writing styles or fanon. Idk, if I find I have something in common with another mun, be it writing style or fanon ideas, I'll kind of squee with them over it, but I *never* do so with the intent of excluding others, kwim? that said, there are times where I feel like muns talk around me and there's a joke I'm not in on, but, I think that's just the beast that is tumblr, and not fandom related tbh.
You were in MGS tho//// / ?!?!?/q/1/
That part about not doing it with the intent to exclude is so important tbh. So far, I’m getting the impression that most of it is misunderstanding. I can’t imagine anyone I’ve come across so far being deliberately dickish in that way. Eg, there’s one person I can think of who doesn’t really want to acknowledge me, but that’s okay, cos I know they’re a heavy Seiferx[redacted] shipper and I’ve already said I’m not, so I’d not be much use to them. We still follow each other, though, and I can’t think that they’d be all like YOU CAN’T SIT WITH ME if I spoke to them.
@diosleighrp  There's douchenozzles in every fandom who try to dictate what other fans can and can't do. It's quite unfortunate, but there are just entitled brats everywhere.
I can’t say much about this, I haven’t had it! Idk why. Maybe I’m too babbymode for the haters to have found. I have had it elsewhere though so I know what you mean and you’re right, they are definitely lurking somewhere. They’re lurking everywhere. 
@lionseed Just like American politics, it's the small angry voices that get the most attention for some reason. Sometimes there's a bad experience, and people take that as proof the fandom is shit.
MMMM and there’s always people with a bad experience to talk about because nowhere’s perfect, so I guess it’s partly on the reader to be on it enough to realise that. I would like if people within the fandom wouldn’t say that about all currently participating members though :( Obviously people can talk about their experience, good or bad, but their experience is with a person, not all of us. 
@underplater Okay, so. I will say that what I've personally experienced with the ff8 fandom is a lot of, "oh wow, I really like your blog and your take on the character you're doing. That's wonderful!" "Oh awesome, do you maybe want to do something with her/him/me?" "Uh... Maybe." Which... Means no. And then people are always all, "You just keep doing you, dear, it's wonderful," but no one sends in memes or replies to stuff? And it just.. I always feel like I'm pressed up against the glass, looking in.So I'd say my experience with the ff8 comm has definitely been that it's very insular and hard to for me, personally speaking, to break in on. ... Sorry, I'm fairly sure this was about my comment earlier? I think I was the one who used insular.... Unless, of course, I guess the problem could be me? But if it is, I wish someone would tell me so that I could drop the muses and just stop cluttering up people's dashes.
JJKASHDJASHFGGHFJDSJJHH this hurt me to read and is the main reason I’ve made time to do this reply post rn. I couldn’t remember who said what, to be honest with you and it surprises me that it was you, purely because you’re always one of the first people to come to mind when I think of “the FFVIII community”, you seem like a valued part of it to me, even if you’re not one of the most active. YOU ARE DEFINITELY NOT THE PROBLEM. I can’t really say with 100% certainty what *is*. With the meme thing, I think it depends what it is. If someone reblogs one of those “send me x and I’ll tell you about y”, I try to send it, but if it’s a starter or something that feels thready, I won’t unless I have an idea to back it with, cos it doesn’t feel any different to writing an actual starter for me. I’d rather do that, but I won’t do it uninvited/randomly because that’s putting pressure on someone who didn’t ask for it. If a lot of people do the same as me and don’t mention it, then that could be a big factor because people can well end up waiting for each other to approach without realising it. It might also be something to do with you having multiple blogs (particularly Reno) and that altering your perception. The reason I say that is because I had the exact same thing myself, I had a male muse in a fandom and everyone loved him - mostly everyone wanted to lowkey do him tbh - and I had a female one who got comparatively zero attention because she wasn’t as accessible to such a wide audience. Ellone in particular is a complex character and it’s a sad fact that people tumblr-wide aren’t always into the idea of paying attention to something before they interact with it. Reno is much more easy to interact with in a casual way, since he’s had more exposure in source material and is widely regarded as being a fun, not-serious character (though I acknowledge he very likely IS, and I know from experience that you will have put a lot of thought into him - I love Reno and anything that gives him some substance). He attracts people from further afield, people who might have only seen Advent Children or only know him through fan works. Ellone doesn’t have a movie or much fanfic, and she’s not really subject of the most popular speculation (lbr - by that I mean “who she’s sleeping with”), so she doesn’t have that far a reach. Your Ellone is so valuable to the whole community, you have a hell of a lot to share in your headcanons and your ideas. I haven’t seen you use Julia too much yet, but I’m sure she’ll be that way too. I think you should pick one of those ideas, pick someone who seems like they could pull it off and tell them about it, because I’m so sure 90% if not 100% of us would thread them with you. That’s all I do tbh!! I’m always prepared for someone to say no, but mostly they’re happy to have been approached with an idea to use as a starting point. PLEASE DON’T DROP THEM. You’re not cluttering up anything. I’m sure I’m not the only one who’s sad to see you inactive on her whenever you are, tbh. I don’t think you realise how essential she is. I know it’s a small, slow fandom, but anything you post raises the overall standard for the sheer fact you did it, and it had your characteristic level of consideration put in. Course, I’m probably biased, cos I think I can tell when people work more behind the scenes than out front on their muse and the related background and I appreciate that, always have.
@misplacedxheroics .... I'm hoping this is permitted that I comment, as it was my blog where you read this post. I'm only addressing what I've experienced in the community, not trying to speak for everyone here. In my personal experience with VIII, more often than not, I see a lot of the insular behavior mentioned. Several blogs that start up are made to feel so unwelcomed that they leave or close up shop. Then there are the pass/agg anons, the ones who attack strong female characters (OC or otherwise) and 'correct' headcanons for canon characters. Whoever the person is, I have to believe it's just one single person. But anons have begun to reach out and outright tell people who they can or can't write with, which is baffling. And lastly, I'm guilty of this, and I'll own it -- We also become so comfortable and so familiar with who we write with we don't try out other players. There's also the overlap of muns playing with 'private' blogs. To me, the word 'private' tells me I don't have access to them. So what's the bother in following or engaging if everyone who writes muses that are in the fandom closed off to the rest of us? I can't say how the fandom should be run, I know I'm the least liked person in this fandom but this is my experience. A very polarizing, cold and unwelcoming experience.  We need to communicate more among one another, set clear boundaries and maintain community and unity, imo.
I think private is just a word people slap on a blog to make it look legit these days, or as a get-out clause if they find themselves followed by some kind of My Immortal Eldritch horror. Least, that’s what I’ve seen in my travels. Private blogs seem to favour their existing friends, but be open to others who will bring them ideas. I had one blog I called private and that’s because I kept getting people saying “wanna rp?” and I’d be like “yeah okay” and they’d literally say “alright you come up with an idea then”. ? / / //???? Also... I’m trying to word this in the least mean-sounding way possible because I’m not one to shit on anyone’s parade, but if I’m really honest with you, I had to unfollow you on an older blog because you were posting vagues about people so often. I don’t mind when people vent, but it got to the point where it was almost every day someone was on blast and I felt like I’d walked in on a family argument. You can do what you want with your blog, it’s on me to unfollow if I don’t like it, so I did. But. Any oversensitive person seeing it probably assumed you meant them and that might have something to do with you finding it difficult to connect with people. You follow that up by slating the entire fandom when it’s not exactly a fandom problem, which makes people less likely to approach you as you’ve already indirectly blasted them. I’ve had people tell me more than once that you’ve posted something about me without naming me; notably when you made a point of reblogging that one anti-Xu post from an inactive account after saying you hate people who disagree with you “on purpose”. I had just posted a silly Xu support one liner that got a few reblogs. I don’t really have a fig to give whether it was about me or not, but it’s a good example of how a vaguepost causes negative ripples. If one person assumed that was about me, another ten probably guessed it was someone else. I was welcomed to the fandom with a couple of how-do-you-dos and an anon telling me to stay away from you or you’d bully me into deleting. That was the first of several. Then you got that anon telling you to stop sending me hate when you hadn’t (what basis did that have?), and one of your friends for some reason assumed I was the one who had sent it and demanded that “anon” show IP proof, which gives the impression that they’d been led to believe it was me for some reason. I know you said you didn’t understand the logic behind me saying that, but we’re both running Statcounter, you know as well as I do how it works and what the implications are of saying that. It’s also how I know the anons I’ve had that I’ve mentioned are not all one person. Maybe it really was a totally out-of-nowhere thing that person said, but when you combine it with the vagues and the assertions that there’s a split in the fandom that no one else (so far) has detected, it causes bigger problems than it would on its own. I’m not trying to put you on blast, this ain’t a callout post and I haven’t taken any of it to heart - it’s no big deal to me - I’m just trying to offer an outsiders’ perspective because I read this as you being honestly oblivious to it, and if I didn’t I’d either have to ignore your comment or lie to you, neither of which I think you’d appreciate - and I assume since you made the effort to drop in despite not following me that you would want a response.
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gumnut-logic · 4 years
Snake Bite (Part 1)
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I wrote fic! For the first time this year. New fic! yeah, I know I have WIPs, but the muse was misbehaving and rebelling all over the place, so as you saw in a previous post (amongst all the amazing fanart, wow), I wrangled it and this is what I came up with. It’s not much and isn’t finished, but fic! I hope you enjoy anyway.
Many thanks to @scribbles97​ and @tsarinatorment​ for the read throughs and support. you guys rock ::hugs you both::
It was a beautiful evening. The day had been hot, but the sun was waning and a breeze had picked up enough to disturb the cloying heat prologuing the cool desert night.
Perhaps he shouldn’t have stepped off the decking in a suit with a champagne glass in his hand, perhaps he should have left his explorations for another night when he could have been dressed appropriately, but Virgil was used to grabbing the moment and the inspiration when he could. Tomorrow was never guaranteed.
Tonight was a rare case. Lady Penelope had invited the Tracy family out to her station in the outback for an evening of entertainment. There were a number of notables there and Scott had been heard to mutter something about working holiday, but Dad had shushed him and promised to take some of the networking load.
It was times like these Virgil felt a little guilty. While he didn’t mind a party and it was certainly fun to socialise, he felt he didn’t have that suave business sense like Scott, his father and even to a certain extent, John, who hated parties at the best of times. Though if you gave John a long distance communication method and he could have anyone eating out of his hand. A skill Scott deployed on many a business occasion.
No, Virgil was more of the practical sense. Something broken, he could fix it, someone hurt, he could tend to them. Juggle the fallacies of business and the underhand agendas? He had no patience or tolerance. Besides, he had reliable feedback that he couldn’t lie to save his own life.
But whatever, he was good at what he was good at.
So, sometimes the quiet desert evening was more attractive than the bustling social scene inside.
He eyed a bird of prey circling far above and wondered vaguely what type it was. Thoughts of different birds on a different farm came to mind.
A sigh and he swallowed a sip of champagne.
The bubbles popped on his tongue.
Perhaps he shouldn’t have stepped out, dressed in a suit, carrying a glass of champagne, but the evening was picture perfect and the quiet so alluring.
He didn’t go far. While Australia had become more familiar since they had moved to Tracy Island, it was still vast, still had a reputation of being deadly to the unwary, and this was no Kansas farm.
The red sand under his feet glowed in the evening sun.
Sharp grass - learnt the hard way - grew in tufted spikes along the path, tiny flowers dotted between the rocks. Penelope had said that spring was on the region and that they might see some lovely flower displays.
Virgil fully intended on investigating as soon as possible.
The path rose a little as he climbed a hillock and he couldn’t help but look back over the ranch buildings to the glowing presence of Thunderbird Two parked on the far side.
He had brought her with him for two reasons, the first being in case of a callout. The second was more related to that business manoeuvring thing. The overt presence of an International Rescue vehicle, while never explicitly used in dealings, was useful as a reminder to those who may forget exactly who the Tracy family were.
Virgil’s lips thinned as he stared at his ‘bird. It was a Dad thing. One of the many new things his father’s return had introduced. Scott had never used IR as a business tool and Dad technically wasn’t, but there was a contrast between how Scott worked and how their father worked and there were lots of little things like this that made that obvious.
The fact the Thunderbird was high up on her struts and towered over the landscape was functional and strategic at the same time.
A sigh and Virgil took another sip of champagne before turning to once again follow the path up the hill.
He didn’t see what he stepped on, but he felt it.
Soft, moving, he had that split second of realisation that his foot had encountered something alive, a stumble to try and avoid hurting whatever that was, and he overbalanced, only managing to not faceplant in the dust due to many years on the training mats with Kayo.
He still landed in an uncoordinated mess in the middle of one of those spiky grass tufts.
It stabbed him through expensive fabric.
And rocks. There were rocks.
Red dust coated his pants and suit jacket and there was a definite scuff on one shoe.
Whatever it was he had nearly squished, slithered off into the grass on the other side of the path.
It only took him a moment to connect the dots.
He’d stepped on a snake, apparently, a little one, but a snake.
In Australia.
The continent renowned for such deadly reptiles.
Aw, hell.
But Virgil was an experienced responder. There was no need to panic. He rolled himself off the grass, his eyes pinned to where the snake had disappeared.
The grass complained and stabbed him a few more times through his clothes, but he got onto his hands and knees.
Nothing obvious was hurting, other than all the needle pricks, so that was a good sign.
His dress shoes were more red than black, along with the nice charcoal suit pants. The sooner he got off the ground, the better, but the medic in his head was yelling at him.
He yanked up both pant legs and poked around his socks, examining his skin for breaks. Even then, he almost missed it.
Two tiny little pin pricks on the inside of his right ankle.
The current locations of his family members flitted through his head.
Shit. Shit. Shit.
It was going to be absolutely fabulously newsworthy to have one of the Tracy brothers carted off in his own ‘bird simply because he didn’t look where he stepped.
The setting sun was still calmly gazing over the landscape, lighting everything up in gold. But it felt far more sinister now.
The breeze ruffled his hair.
Sitting in the dirt, knowing he shouldn’t move, Virgil sighed and thumbed his comms. Maybe he could minimise the damage.
“Gords, you got a minute?”
Gordon was having a great time.
If there was something he missed living on an island in the middle of nowhere, it was this.
Penelope had one soft hand on his arm and was smiling at him as several of her friends laughed at one of his jokes. The fact the stuck-up toff, Duke Butterfingers, looked less than pleased was just icing on the cake. He was definitely on Gordon’s scorn list after his snide remark regarding Sherbet versus his ‘real dog’ wolfhound blah-blah.
It appeared the dog was smarter than the owner.
But Pen’s girlfriends were great conversationalists and it was nice to talk to someone other than family or those with their lives at risk for a change.
Yes, it was proof that he needed to get out more.
The subtle twitch of his collar comms against his skin wasn’t to be ignored, however.
A hand on Pen’s hand. “Please excuse me a moment. Duty calls.” He did not bow. Well, not really, but the amused smile and the sparkle in Penny’s eyes made it worth it anyway.
Her hand squeezed his arm and let go gently. Her eyes didn’t leave him immediately. “Felicity, do tell me about your new parlour. I hear it is being featured in Great Homes of Britain?”
If her blue eyes hadn’t turned away at that moment, it would have been questionable as to whether he would have been able to leave. But leave he did, wondering which family member he had to torture in the future in revenge.
Finding himself a polite corner, he opened his comms and frowned at his brother’s worried voice. “Virgil? What is it?”
It took a moment, enough to grab Gordon’s attention a little more. “Virg?”
“I’ve been bitten by a snake.”
“I’m up the hill at the back of the ranch. I stepped on a snake.” I need your help. It wasn’t said, but it was obvious. “Don’t tell Scott or Dad. Yet.” That last was said a little tentatively.
But Gordon was already moving, running the list of dangerous snakes that could likely be found out here through his head. If anyone noticed him dash from the room, he didn’t really care.
Compression bandage. Immobilisation. “You stay absolutely still, you hear me?”
“I’m aware of the procedure, Gordon.”
The location of first aid kits in Penelope’s house was quickly overridden by the vast store of equipment out in the carpark in Two.
Gordon was in a full out run before he realised it.
The evening was cooler but still warm from the day as the sun still hadn’t gone down. Two loomed over everything as Gordon dashed between cars and dodged guard rails. Two parking attendants stared at him as he tore past, but he ignored them.
Reaching Two, he swiped a dance of finger code over his left jacket sleeve and a control hologram leapt up from the fabric. The keys to his brother’s ‘bird were a necessity he was ever grateful for in this moment.
The great green Thunderbird hummed to life and lowered on her struts, smooth as ever, down enough for her forward hatch to reach him. He jumped on board and was in the first aid lockers without a second thought.
The countdown in his head was predictably short as his comms went off only a few seconds later. That would be John.
Gordon ignored it and switched back to Virgil.
“Any idea what type of snake?”
“Small and brown. It’s all I got. Didn’t see it. Stepped on the poor thing.” A pause. “I’m sorry, Gords.”
“It happens.” He slammed the locker shut, grabbed a hover stretcher and linked it to his comms. He cursed the lack of his uniform and all its inbuilt necessities with it. The essentials woven into his suit jacket and collar comms were barely minimal.
A brief thought of moving Two to his brother faded quickly as he poked the pilot’s dash and Virgil’s location lit up. He wasn’t very far away at all and there was no room to park Two anyway.
No room in the Australian Outback? An oxymoron, but it would be faster to just grab his brother and throw him on Two.
It was going to be bad enough lifting off once.
He jumped back onto the hatch and lowered himself. Securing Two he broke into another run. “You know you’re not going to be able to hide this from Scott, Dad or anyone here? You’re going to hospital, bro, and Two’s the fastest way. No one is going to miss her launching.” He leapt over a fence, the hover stretcher darting to follow.
“I know.” It was a quiet and sad answer.
“Medical status, Virg. How are you feeling?” He peeled around the corner of the main building and fixed his eyes on a figure part way up a hill in the distance.
Virgil waved.
“Gordon, report! John says it was you who accessed Two. What are you doing?” Scott, as commander as ever.
A harsh breath as his feet hit the bottom of the hill. “Thunderbird Four responding to a medical emergency. One of Penelope’s guests has been bitten by a snake. Evac imminent.” Another breath as he finally made it to Virgil’s side. The expression on his brother’s face could only be considered despair. “Scott, we will need media management. Victim is high profile. We need to keep this on the downlow.”
A pause as Gordon set down the first aid kit. Virgil’s lips were tight as he pointed to the red and swollen twin pin pricks on the inside of his right ankle.
Gordon shoved open the kit and, without another word, grabbed bandaging.
Scott’s voice was sharp. “FAB. John is accessing Five. Victim identity?”
Virgil sighed and his shoulders dropped before he thumbed his comms. “Scott?”
“It’s me.”
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