#`  aes  /  tempest shadow  `
landofequestria · 4 years
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verse 001 :
default. former right hand mare of the notorious & late Storm King, she works to better herself from her past misdeeds, relearning what friendship means. ( Unless plotted otherwise, Tempest is stationed on the icy boarders of the Crystal Kingdom, fighting off monsters with her teammate & old friend Glitter Drops. )
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verse 002 :
pre-movie. commander tempest at her peak, she is fearless & ruthless, spreading the terror of the Storm King’s name by force, helping him to conquer every land they come across.
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verse 003 :
alt. after the fall of the Storm King, Tempest is left to find her own path of redemption, eventually finding it under the employment of one of the four princesses of Equestria as their royal guard/captain. Plotting in this verse is encouraged.
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verse 004 :
a general anthro verse. can be used for crossover threads ie. zootopia, sing, etc etc.
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unholyforce-blog · 7 years
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crystalxcrowned · 5 years
So for years I have always pondered on the ‘Atmos, world of a thousand mountain top kingdoms’. I’ve always wanted to create a map of Atmos—and I may in the future—with all the terra continents on. But for now, more for the fandom’s enjoyment and use, I’ve collected a number of terra names that could be potentially used for fanfiction stories, character creations and origins, and potentially used for naming these 1000 mountain top kingdoms. Most of these words are Latin origin and have beautiful sky/weather/element meanings. For example; A personal terra I use in my OCs background is Terra Sol, Sol is Latin for Sun - This is a name for a dusty, hot, exotic, desert based terra.
Terra Caelum - Caelum is Latin for sky, heaven; air, climate, weather; (figurative) height of success, glory.
Terra Astrum - Asturm is Latin for star, heavenly body, constellation; a great height; heaven, immortality, glory.
Terra Sol - Sol is Latin for sun; sunlight, sun's heat; (poetry) day; (myth) Sun god.
Terra Aeris - Aeris is Latin for air; weather; mist.
Terra Aura - Aura is Latin for breath of air, breeze, wind; air, upper world; vapor, odor, sound, gleam.
Terra Ventus - Ventus is Latin for Wind, breeze.
Terra Nubes - Nubes is Latin for cloud (figurative) gloom; (figurative) veil.
Terra Imber - Imber is Latin for rain, heavy shower; water; (figurative) stream, shower.
Terra Aestus - Aestus is Latin for heat, tide, wave, storm.
Terra Nox - Nox is Latin for Night.
Terra Umbra - Umbra is Latin for Shade, Shadow.
Terra Polus - Polus is Latin for (m.) pole of the earth, sky.
Terra Cinis - Cinis is Latin for ash, ashes.
Terra Mare - Mare is Latin for sea.
Terra Aecor - Aecor is Latin for ocean, plain, sea.
Terra Ferrum - Ferrum is Latin for Iron, Sword.
Terra Silva - Silva is Latin for Forest, Woodland.
Terra Tempestas - Tenpestas is Latin for tempest, storm, weather, season, time, period.
Terra Veris - Veris is Latin for spring, summertime.
Terra Arvum - Arvum is Latin for (n.) arable land, a ploughed field, a sown field.
Terra Saltus - Saltus is Latin for (m.) forest, woodland with glades; a narrow pass, ravine.
Terra Miles - Miles is Latin for soldier, knight, soldiery, combatant, warrior, infantryman.
Terra Avis - Avis is Latin for bird, bird of omen, omen, sign.
Terra Crystallum - Crystallum is Latin for crystal, crystal drinking cup.
Terra Ignis - Ignis is Latin for Fire, light, heat, flame, conflagration, beacon.
Terra Fulmen - Fulmen is Latin for Thunderbolt, bolt, Lightning, stroke of lightening, flash, sudden disaster.
Terra Lapis - Lapis is Latin for checkpoint, Stone, milestone, dool, pole, waymark.
Terra Sidus - Sidus is Latin for star, rainy weather, constellation, season, Land, region.
Terra Lumen - Lumen is Latin for light, glimmer, bright, glim, shine, star.
Terra Somnus - Somnus is Latin for sleep, slumbers, drowsiness, drowse, night.
Terra Arctus - Arctus is Latin for night, the great bear constellation, the little bear constellation.
Terra Collis - Collis is Latin for hill, heights, mount, height, mountain, knoll.
Terra Nimbus - Nimbus is Latin for cloud, storm cloud, storm of rain, cloud of smoke, rain-cloud, loud of dust.
Terra Aes - Aes is Latin for bronze, Ore, copper, metal, things made of copper.
Terra Ros - Ros is Latin for dew, moisture, clamminess, damp, dampness, water.
Terra Nix - Nix is Latin for snow, accumulated snows.
Terra Crustallos - Crustallos is Latin for ice, rock crystal, crystal-ware.
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reformt-blog · 7 years
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