#( might add another verse too but thats gonna take a bit of work so it wont b soon fjhbcfdc )
landofequestria · 4 years
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verse 001 :
default. former right hand mare of the notorious & late Storm King, she works to better herself from her past misdeeds, relearning what friendship means. ( Unless plotted otherwise, Tempest is stationed on the icy boarders of the Crystal Kingdom, fighting off monsters with her teammate & old friend Glitter Drops. )
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verse 002 :
pre-movie. commander tempest at her peak, she is fearless & ruthless, spreading the terror of the Storm King’s name by force, helping him to conquer every land they come across.
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verse 003 :
alt. after the fall of the Storm King, Tempest is left to find her own path of redemption, eventually finding it under the employment of one of the four princesses of Equestria as their royal guard/captain. Plotting in this verse is encouraged.
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verse 004 :
a general anthro verse. can be used for crossover threads ie. zootopia, sing, etc etc.
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taejeonie · 4 years
what if markhee dated...
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— for anon, hope u like it <3
i think mark developed feelings for taehee during superhuman era
and the fact that they had that verse together doesn’t make it any better
yes i won’t shut up about that verse
i feel like he would be kinda obvious to johnny
johnny would force it out of him just for the fun of it
then would tease him about it
but then they get serious like, “you know you might.....just be careful, okay?”
“i know hyung,,it’s just a crush anyways”
mark still had feelings for taehee come kick it era
surprisingly mark was able to hide it well
there were moments where mark would be a teensy tiny bit,,,,
since taehee hung out with hyuck more during that time
“do you,,,,do you want to eat tofu with me?”
“sure, let me go and ask haechanie”
and mark’s like : “wHy dOeS sHe hAvE tO aSk hIm iT’S nOt LikE tHeY’Re dAtInG >:(((“
“why are you jealous? it’s not like you’re dating either-“
did he just say that out loud? he did.
and then he hears a gasp
but then it’s just hyuck
“who’s dating who?”
and then he creeps up to mark while mark attempts to push him away
“you love me, don’t you hyung? why would you date someone else that’s not me (´༎ຶོρ༎ຶོ`)”
“it’s not like that-“
hyuck suddenly pulls away from him, “oh my god....”
“‘oh my god’ what?”
“don’t tell me,,,,don’t tell me you like me in that way”
mark winces, “oh god, please no”
but then at the same time, johnny goes, “he likes taehee not you”
“hyung,,you know that’s not allowed right-“
“i know”
“haechan, no-“
“THIS IS GONNA BE THRILLING!! don’t you want that hyung?”
“that does sound tempting,” johnny agrees with him
“i’d like to focus on work more, thanks”
“you’re a loser.”
a door shuts close causing hyuck to playfully wiggle his eyebrows at mark, making the latter shove him to the floor
and now hyuck’s on the floor being dramatic
“jOHNNY HYUNG .°(ಗдಗ。)°.”
“i asked jungwoo oppa but he’s asleep- woah what happened”
she helps hyuck up from the floor and fixes his clothes, “u okay?”
“yes, thank you noonaaaaaa (*´꒳`*)”
“is johnny oppa coming?”
“i’m kinda tired, you guys can go”
taehee grabe hyuck’s arm and leads him out
the whole time mark was like :OO
so hyuck sticks his tongue out at him
about taehee
hmm i think she didn’t like mark as much as he did at first 
i mean she found jungwoo handsome she wouldn’t mind dating him
but she wouldn’t mind dating mark either
she wasn’t exactly thinking about dating anyone
in short, she doesn’t dwell much on the members to the point she would think if she wanted to date them or not
but yes she would date mark
they were doing a vlive in the waiting room after performing “kick it”
“manager hyung told me not to open vlive but i did” - taeyong, leader
taehee was being her free self as she was explaining what went down when she and jaehyun were playing games
“but then we had to get this thing bc it adds to our points bUT JAEHYUN OPPA-“
“taehee noona, someone said you should date mark hyung”
i swear mark was about to kill hyuck right then and there
“later, okay anyways-“
and you could see at the very corner
hyuck has his fist in his mouth like :OO
while mark becomes flustered again
but the members don’t really notice just mark, haechan, and johnny
so then later on taehee was lying down on her bed
thinking about everything that went down that day 
and then she started to think about what it would be like dating mark
and by think i mean think
and then suddenly she was like, “oh,,,,i like,,,mark”
she didn’t tell anyone
i don’t think any of them would notice tbh
when she had her episodes after promotions they noticed that mark would be one of the people to really really make her smile and cheer her up
so when she was fine again her mind drifted to her and mark
i mean she knew it wasn’t allowed but,,,she’s willing to try it out
but then she started overthinking about what if it went awkward between them what would happen to the group will they kick her out would the fans hate her would it make mark her ex-best friend what if what if what if
she feels the bed dip beside her and two arms wrap around her frame
“i’m boreddddd”
“i’m tired, go somewhere else”
“you aren’t,,,you were smiling. why were you smiling”
“nothing go away”
“were you thinking about hyung?”
“ew no why would i think about mark”
“ ( O.O ) what no-“
she tries to push him off the bed but hyuck’s arms had her secured
“if you’re not gonna let go then sleep with me. i’m going to sleep”
“ahh noona, mark hyung would be jealous if he saw us like this”
“shut up. i’m gonna sleep”
taehee couldn’t sleep bc hyuck was so,,,cryptic
so taehee tried to test out the waters with mark
and how, you might say?
pickup lines!!!! (*^_^*)
attempt one
“are you asthma? because you take my breath away ;)))”
taehee: :((
second attempt
“mark i think something’s wrong with my phone”
“what? let me see”
“i don’t have your number on it”
“i thought I already gave you my number?”
“noona i think that was pretty dumb” “shut up haechan”
attempt tres
“mark, i may not be ariana grande but i’m so into you”
“what we’re not even-“
attempt #938274929482939
to markly <3: mark mark mark mark mark mark
from markly <3: you’re right next to me
from markly <3: why are we texting?
to markly <3: because it’s more fun
to markly <3: okay. you have to complete the lyrics okay?
from markly <3: ... okay
to markly <3: are we an item? girl quit playin’
to markly <3: “we’re just friends”, what are you sayin?
to markly <3: your turn
from mark <3: said there's another, look right in my eyes
from markly <3: my first love broke my heart for the first time
to markly <3: and i was like baby baby oh
from markly <3: you forgot one
to markly <3: one what?
from markly <3: baby
to markly <3: yes?
from markly <3: you forgot one baby. there’s three baby’s
while in haechan’s room
“oh is that what you were doing?”
“noona, everyone knows your naturally like that. you should just go for it”
“kiss him,,,,on the lips”
*proceeds to make kissy noises*
“that’s too bold i’m not doing that”
haechan shrugs in return, “fine. your choice anyways”
“ugh let’s just play this game”
“if i win you need to kiss mark hyung tomorrow”
“never mind”
“pleaseeeee??? for me??”
“i said no, just play your game”
“but we’re playing what i want to play.....easy mode”
“whatever you want noonaaaa (^_^)”
she lost
so now she’s in her room with mark
hyuck locked the door from the outside for extra measure
but they don’t know that
“mark lee,”
“yes joanie?”
“jdjsjdhsjd you’re making this harder for me?”
“what??? are you talking about???”
she huffs before grabbing mark’s hand and pulling him up to sit straight on his bed
“do you watch haikyuu?”
“only a few episodes. wh-“
“because i laikyuu....”
mark is flushed but he’s has too
k e e p c a l m
and teehee has her bottom lip in between her teeth cause she’s sO nervous this would never work
and mark finds this even more cUTE HE WAS ABOUT TO GIVE IN
tbh i think mark kinda had an idea of what teehee was doing,,,he just kept on denying it 
“you should tell that to yuta hyung. he’ll like it.”
“it’s for you, stupid”
“you’re so dense sometimes, geez. i like you a lot lot and if you still won’t get it through your frickin cute head i will literally explode”
“....’wow’ what?”
“cause i kinda....like you too”
and now they’re both just smiling at each other until they just break and laugh
“so uhh....what now?”
“then we date! duh,,,,unlessyoudontwanttoitsfine”
“no not like that, i mean how are we gonna do this? are the others gonna know? do you want to date outside bc i’m not sure if we can go out-“
“we don’t,,have to tell the others. and it’s fine we can stay here,,,”
she brings her face closer to mark’s before cutely saying, “as long as i’m with youuuuuuu”
“ahhh stop it”
“but i’m your girlfriend now!!!”
“y-yes ‘oh’! why you don’t want to? fine.”
taehee stands up but mark quickly grabs her hand and pulls her down until they’re both lying on the bed
“what are you doing?”
“i’m spending time with my girlfriend? what are you doing?”
taehee playfully rolls her eyes and proceeds to bury her face in mark’s neck
she feels mark smile
okay so the people who only knew about their relationship were hyuck and johnny
they were very sweet
very clingy off-cam
“where’s my goodnight kiss?”
instead of calling each other by their names or like
there’s the occasional “baby” hhhhh
“baby, come here”
“do you,,,do you not like it”
“no it just,,sounds nice i guess”
so taehee would call him baby too 
but they’re professional during work dw,,they still had to prepare for “punch”
while taeil, jungwoo, and mark did the relay live
taehee came in and the fans noticed how mark’s eyes lit up
markhee stans are thriving
“are you doing vlive?”
mark stays quiet as he continues to stare at her with a smile on his face
awe i want a mark now :((
“yeah say ‘hi’”
taehee, off cam: “czennie hellooooo”
“why won’t you show your face?,” taeil asked
“i just woke up from my nap”
“oh did we wake you?,” jungwoo asks
at the same time mark mumbles, “you’re still pretty anyway”
but they all heard that oop
“jungwoo-oppa. i. am. fINEEEE,” she says cutely, “you guys weren’t loud”
“do you want a bite?,” jungwoo asks
taehee moves to his side of the table but mark stops her
“wait wait! come here”
taehee comes into the frame so mark could feed her with his chopsticks
“is it good?”
c u t e
markhee stans keep getting fed without realizing
now markhee’s just being plain obvious with the next vlive we’re just friends my ass
the one with mark, jungwoo, and taehee
taehee sat in between the two boys and she kept patting mark’s hair
tHeY sEEm To bE vErY gOOd FrIEnDS
when mark imitated yuta saying ‘really?’
she couldn’t help but laugh and squish his cheeks together
mark pried her hands off his face and casually, discreetly clasped her hands in his and put their hands atop of her knee 
jungwoo’s third wheeling unknowingly i’m so sorry sweetie
taehee.exe has stopped working 
and mark smirks in response 
when that beep called tHEY WERE BOTH LIVID
later on, another beep kept on spamming teehee’s phone with calls and texts that mark had to put it on silent and slide it in his pocket 
teehee protection squad 
they went to the dream’s mv set to bring them food 
“sHSHHSHSH none of them are supposed to know”
“mark hung danced to ‘boom’ already. you don't have to be anonymous anymore”
lol remember dohyuck in their uncut take #3?
well you have another one coming from markhee when they did that yt live to spoil punch’s choreo
hyuck noticed it while he was talking to the camera and his eyes went wide for a split second before proceeding to cover them with his head 
he tried to hold in his laughs 
ever since then, there were fans who were suspicious 
but majority of them just said all the members are like that 
“they seem to be very good friends”
i think the other members would be sus too but they won't dwell on it,,,that much 
overall, markhee would be the cheesy yet cute couple hyuck and johnny adore!! it’s like being best friends but now they get to hug and cuddle and kiss whenever they want (behind cameras and other people of course). in all honesty, if their relationship doesn't go south, i guess you could say they are each others’ first and last. <3
will dispatch catch them? most likely not.
will they ever reveal their relationship? who knows.
hyuck and johnny’s tip: “don’t let the managers know or else we’ll have to change roommates.”
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modernsocialmediaau · 5 years
AU: Sara is lead singer in a band called The Legends. Her band mates are; Charlie: Bass Player, Nate: Lead Guitarist, Zari: Drummer, Ray: Pianist. They call their fans beebos. Ava on the other hand is a famous actress with an entourage; Nora her best friend, and stylist, Gary: Manager, and Mona her publicist.
“Rise and shine!” Gary screams from the downstairs, the two are the only one that took care of themselves that night. Everything was going normal until the group caught a glimpse of Ray and Nora locking lips. That’s sort of when all hell broke loose, Sara offered shots and Charlie offered drinking games. 
“If he doesn't stop shouting. I will literally hung him by his leg out in the balcony.” Charlie groans placing a pillow on top of her face, Zari pulls her much closer trying to hide her face while also burying her neck in Charlies shoulder. 
“C’mon love birds.” Sara throws a pillow at the cuddling two. As well as Ray and Nora locking lips, Zari and Charlie made a mistake locking lips right in front of Gary as well as Sara but Sara already knew. 
After an 20 more minutes of Gary shouting and John singing they finally got everyone out of bed for some breakfast. 
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Soon after breakfast the crew heads for their hike, it was a rather quiet first hour. Sara and Ava are up front leading the way, talking about god knows what while the others are behind them scheming. 
“Now that you two are settled, can we focus on those two.” Charlie points at the two blondes leading the way,
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“Charlie, Ava needs time to heal” 
“And Sara--” Nate sighs knowing how much mending a broken heart is hard, but having had a pile of broken hearts after the other tends to wound an individual. 
“Need to heal as well,” Ray sighs
“Okay but you guys can’t tell me that last night they weren’t up on each other or vibing at all.” Mona coo’s looking ahead to see the two girls examining the trail 
“So what they’re friends, what if they are—“ Nate is cut off by the conversation the two girls are having up ahead. Ava is currently holding the map far from Sara’s reach, she’s using her butt as a shield.
“Just let me see it for one second.” Ava argues
“Why Miss-Know-It-All,” Sara teases bumping into Ava catching her in surprise letting her guard down. “You didn’t” Ava scoffs, but Sara took that opportunity to take the map and run away from Ava. 
“Are you kidding though.” Mona woo’s pointing at the two playing tag with one another
“Okay but they’ve been like that since the beginning of their friendship, they’re both extremely headstrong. Sara is extremely rebellious and from what I noticed Ava is a little controlling.” Nate explains following the two blonde girls still play fighting over the map 
“What’s wrong with him?” Gary mumbles, John shrugs taking out a cigarette as they follow, everyone starts to do the same but Nora puts her hand out to stop everyone else from walking. 
“Okay new plan, do we force them to be together, or do we let them heal properly and hope that they’ll get together?” Nora speaks up leaving Zari, Ray and Charlie stuck 
“Well clearly forcing them together isn't working out,” Ray starts 
“Exactly when we do that they seem to butt heads but—” Zari continues 
“When we leave them alone they come together naturally—”Charlie adds
“Which leaves us with the question again, do we keep forcing them together? Or do we let them heal—”
“Hey guys! C’mon the lake is up ahead!” Sara shouts summoning the last four to catch up to them. 
“Well Ava leaves in a month and you guys leave in 2. Which means everyone will be gone, and your tour is going to last what—?” Nora schemes as they slowly walk trying to create some space as they scheme 
“7 month at the most.” Ray informs 
“Which means we let fate decide?” Charlie questions
“That just may be our best bet.” Zari pulls Charlie to walk faster since everyone doesn't have a choice on what to do about the two. 
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1 Hour Later...
“Who knew Mona Wu could cook?” Nora jokes as everyone is enjoying their lunch with some coffee, and tea. 
“Well if you guys actually came over for food every once in a while instead of going out to eat you’d actually see how I can cook.” Mona defenses rolling her eyes making everyone cackle. As they continue to eat Sara somehow sneaks away from the group, and of course Ava notices which means she follows. 
Nobody else notice the two girls sneak away. As Ava gets closer to Sara she whispers “Hey! Where are you going?” 
“Hey, stalker.” Sara chuckles continuing to her path, up a hill 
“I’m not a stalker, you just left and what if you get stuck or lost or something?” 
“Whatever floats your boat”
“So what are you doing exactly?” 
“Wanted a better view, better views give me better ideas, lyrics, melodies—”
“You’ve got writers block?” 
“Yup, and it’s killing me because it is literally the last song of the album and we’re suppose to record it when we get back into town Monday.” 
“Oh well then I’ll leave you alone—” There’s a pause, a part of Ava that wants Sara to ask her to stay but she can understand why the girl might want her alone time
“No wait, can I bounce things off of you?” Ava smiles before turning back around to Sara
“I’ll do my best—What do you got?” 
Sara takes her phone out and pulls up the instrument of her empty music.  The two sit for 6 minutes just trying to get the feel of the music. 
“First of all, I love the sound—do you have a concept?”
“I don’t know nothing is really connecting to me and the whole album is coming together but this song would take it to a whole ‘nother level”
“Alright let’s start with this what haven't you wrote about?” 
“A break up, I refuse. I’ll write about everything else but I don’t know I always feared that I’ll cry during one of the shows and crying is—”
“Disgusting—”Ava jokes
“Exactly but if thats’ the next best thing I’ll take it. So breaks up...break ups”
“How did your break up with Alex go? I know this is personal and might be a little too weird to talk about but—”
“No it’s okay, it was in the end of March and my ex girlfriend Alex broke up with me. She said that she felt lonely every time we were together because I was so busy with everything going on with my life. And she wasnt wrong—”
“Alright what made this break up hard?”
“She found somebody else, this amazing detective named Maggie Sawyer—I guess it hurt a lot because we were friends for 8 years then we dated and I just kind of assume we’d get married and do the whole house and kids thing but to be replaced so quickly hurt.”
“Do you want her back?”
“No I dont want her back but I hate thinking about her with somebody else.”
“Okay so let’s write about that mindset, you dont want her but you hate seeing her with his Maggie person.”
“That’s not bad, Sharpe. Not bad at all.”
30 minutes later
“Let’s hear it, Lance.” Ava runs back to Sara from going to the lake to meditate to hear what she’s got so far.
“It’s rough but hear me out,
So I heard you found somebody else And at first I thought it was a lie I took all my things that make sounds The rest I can do without
I don't want your body But I hate to think about you with somebody else Our love has gone cold You're intertwining your soul with somebody else
“That’s so—What the actual fuck—keep going.” 
“That’s all I’ve got so far, I was thinking of adding another chorus like 
I'm looking through you while you're looking through your phone And then leaving with somebody else No, I don't want your body But I'm picturing your body with somebody else
“Yes that’s good. Next verse c’mon don’t slack now—”
“Feel free to shout some ideas—jeez this is hard.”
“Right sorry, okay same melody right?” 
“Yup, all I’ve got for the second verse is
c’mon baby
this aint the last time—
That I’ve been amazed?”
“No that doesn't make sense, what about that I've seen your face then repeat c’mon baby almost like calling her out as well as calling out to her.”
Come on baby This ain't the last time that I'll see your face Come on baby
“I hate that I can be replaced?”
“You said you’d find someone to take my place?” 
“We’re going to go with yours I dont want her to think this is about her in the slightest—then I have this crazy idea that I thought of as soon as you left ”
I just don't believe that you have got it in you 'cause We are just gonna keep 'doin' it' and everytime I start to believe in anything you're saying I'm reminded that I should be getting over it
“I love that its a shift but not too noticeable where it throws the person off”
“Thank you, then the chorus repeats—
I don't want your body But I hate to think about you with somebody else Our love has gone cold You're intertwining your soul with somebody elseI'm looking through you while you're looking through your phone And then leaving with somebody else No, I don't want your body But I'm picturing your body with somebody else
“Do you have any ideas for the bridge?” 
“I want it to almost be chant like so that whoever is listening to this is getting a looking at themselves in the mirror and my friends said I need to get over the last bit of you and so here I am hyping myself up in this mirror type of feel.” 
“Specific I’m all ears.”
“I want it to build up like this;
I don't want your body, I don't want your body I don't want your body, I don't want your body I don't want your body, I don't want your body
then how about, get someone you love? get someone you need?”
“Fuck that, get money!” Ava jokes but Sara disagrees. 
Get someone you love? Get someone you need? Fuck that, get money”
“Damn I am a genius.” Ava nods 
“Right, but it needs one more line before I go on a chanting spree—”
“Get someone you love? Get someone you need? Fuck that, get money. I can't give you my soul 'cause we're never alone”
“Where do you keep coming up with this?”
“Okay let’s hear it shall we?
Get someone you love? Get someone you need? Fuck that, get money I can't give you my soul 'cause we're never alone Get someone you love? Get someone you need? Fuck that, get money I can't give you my soul 'cause we're never alone Get someone you love? Get someone you need? Fuck that, get money I can't give you my soul 'cause we're never alone Get someone you love? Get someone you need? Fuck that, get money I can't give you my soul 'cause we're never alone”
“That was it! Yes then obviously repeat the chorus right?” 
“Yes and thats the whole song. Thats the whole album WOOHOOO!!!” Sara shouts, pulling Ava into a very tight hug. Ava couldn't help but feel good and oddly giddy having Sara in her arms.
“Oi! Is everything okay?” Charlie waves at the two girls and the two pull away from one another
“I just finished the album you’ve got to hear it!” Sara kisses Ava’s cheek before running towards Charlie. Ava watches Sara making to Charlie, and she decides to sit down to think about what to do.
“What was that up there?” 
“She helped finished the last song of the album which means I finished the album—”
“Sara—calm down, let us hear it then?”
Part 13/?
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 |
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theday · 7 years
mx in sg: the experience
FHJGDGHSHGFGGHD as usual starting off with the keyboard smash anyway! ill be talking about my experience seeing mx live yesterday (3/3) second part is abt when mx were on stage but its quite dry bc i dont remember much
ill be going in chronological order so [jooheon voice] lets get it
i was gonna meet my friend (karissa) at 3:30 because we were going to meet the person selling us our tickets at 4pm but that got delayed until like 5pm which was fine though
anyway i met her and we started queueing because although official queuing was supposed to start at 6pm they pushed it forward to 3pm (which was unfortunate for those who were busy and couldnt come until much later - the organizer never released an official statement saying the queuing started earlier) 
so as soon as karissa and i arrived at like. the place (near the venue) we got lost for about a whole 5 minutes lmao so i texted james asking him where the hell . they were and we made it and joined the queue immediately (we were the last few people of the second batch) 
we just sat there and. collected freebies and our banners (for the fan events) while we waited for the seller to come give us our tickets 
when they came i was like . fucking screaming because one of the seller was someone i knew from primary school (4 years ago) and i was likeudghdgghdhsh??????? that was the highlight of the daydhfhs
after we bought the tickets and shit we were slightly concerned they wouldnt work lmao but they did god bless
while we waited for the doors to open and stuff a group of people did dance covers of mx songs and later other groups too everyone was cheering for them which was nice fgfghdgh
the hype died down and we just waited quietly until it hit 6pm and i started listening to the day6 stream LMAO but after 4 songs i had to stop because suddenly everyone was standing up?? 
for nothing though because we sat down like 30 minutes later at around 7? 7:30? everyone stood up again and this time people were given wrist tag things u kno.. ya there were three (?) kinds i think gold for those who held a superfan ticket, pink for general admission and some other colour for those who got tickets for free and could sit on chairs dhdghs 
it was a free standing event in an outdoor space so superfan ticket holders got to stand closer to the stage? and those with general admission had to stand behind us and it was separated by a barricade 
we entered at like 8pm because we were the second batch (there was a third batch behind us) and it was already filled?? not exactly but from where we were standing we couldn’t really see the stage 
in the end we were in the middle which wasnt exactly the best but its definitely better than those standing all the way at the back rip 
i think at like 7:45 they started playing the music videos and everyone was shouting the lyrics it was cute i loved it but my throat told me to die after i yelled for like all of their mvsjhdgdghd 
also when all in played u bet my ass i jumped up and downdhg
also water wasnt allowed inside which i think is normal so i chugged mine down as fast as i could before entering (i had a little left and the lady let me in with it thanks queen) (i drank it all before they even came on stage)
the hype was real though and it was great 
when it hit 8:30pm the introduction video started and suddenly i was getting pushed forward and wow . dont go if ur not a fan of people invading your personal bubble. i wish fans had more sense to Not push around and stuff but what can we do rip 
other than that when they came out oh gOD when they came out i was likebfhgddgs??!?!??!?! i had to stand on my tip toes to see them
they started with beautiful and i was liek. dissociating i jsut sang along and shit it was amazing?????? 
the first person i saw was kihyun and then minhyuk?? i dont remember who else i saw but iw ss losing my fucking mind over how good everyone looked
anyway after that was um.............. fuck. .... i dont know..........
white love maybe? i think they did like an introduction of themselves ??
anyway ill figure the songs out later they started playing games i think or was that another time im bad at this clearly 
ask james for the details of the songs i dont remember shit from that i just remember singing along to the songs badly and moving my arm back and forthhfgsgh 
also team work makes the dream work because karissa was recording and i helped her to zoom in and ensure they looked human with the brightness and stuff fhjdgsgh 
but !! everyone did the fanchants really well it was so heartworming 
also during white love they made us do that one part u know the one and it was awesome!!!!! during white sugar they threw m&m’s and i got to get a good look at their faces without having to look at the screen!! 
honestly was good too god im so happie 
hm. they did a mon-story time and showed us pics from previous eras (trespass > i dnt remmeber fuck > beautiful world tour > mxray > first win) ?? might be wrong dghdgs and they talked about stuff that happened i blanked out though so i dont know what they said 
also when they flashed the first win part they started throwing hands @ each other usual mx shit dhjgsgd
we chanted monsta x and they chanted monbebe back at us :-( i love them
i think changkyun said he doesnt wnat to do another season of mxray LMAODHFGHHGS fucking loser 
the translator made me laugh he was super monotone fhgdghfsh
then they played mon-ccaso dghghfsh and drew what they wanted to eat with singaporean mbb!!
there was a bug in front of wonho and he got !!!! fhdgh cute .
shownu: ????? what was it ?? a drink it looked like a cocktail and kihyun was like “non alcoholic” dghffsgs
wonho: ice cream!!! hes so cute his drawing was so cute also he wrote monbebe before they announced the game his handwriting is so pretty tf
minhyuk: ramyeon lmao (in his words: traditional korean noodles) 
kihyun: uh oH HE DREW A CRABFGHGSHS and said chili and pepper crab!!!
hyungwon: he drew a shrimpfhggdgs fucking . it was so cute
jooheon: mandu!! or dumplings :D
anyway they talked about what they drew and when it came to minhyuk’s turn he was like guess and everyone just shit on him DHJDHSHG 
some examples: “hair” Gghdhg and some fans (including me) screamed cucumberhjfghgs let this man live 
minhyuk also tried to make fun of jooheons drawing but it failed bc none of us understood his joke
so they made us vote by screaming and they each stood up while holding their sketchbooks and we’d scream
winner was changkyun (i yelled my heart out and jumped bitch)
they did oppaya and i think there are fancams somewhere
then they made wonho do it hhdggs best 1 minute of my life
after that was uhh??????? brain machine broke i dont know im not even going in order anymore
they either did from zero first or the fan videos were shown first
if so the fan videos were of fans talking about how much they love/appreciate mx and it was sweet after that we raised our banners for the fan vid
and then the CAKE came for wonho and we sang happy birthday to wonho (kihyun asked us to sing once too at the start hjdghgsg we did that in english this time it was in korean) 
also funny hfgdhgs thing... they talked in korean and a lot of people replied in korean so they got shockedhfgh FUCJ DAY6 ok safe im listening now
i think they (minhyuk?) asked who thought/if he was handsome and got rly happie when we said yea
after him someone asked too LOLJHDGSG
back 2 whatever fdsh um oh yeah the cake was done to look like ramyeon in a pot :D ill add a link
wonho cut himself with the knife D-: babie 
he kept wanting to eat it though so hopefully he liked it 
maybe after that they did from zero???? ufhffghsgghdg idk
after that was hero!!!!!!! god we were all so pumped 
shine forever next 
and then they stopped to take a break i thinkfhgshgd 
at some point they asked fans (a jooheon stan and a wonho one) what songs they liked :-D the jooheon one said beautiful and the other said ill be there if im not wrong
they also made the rappers sing bits from some songs hfgsg i dont remember which songs tho hdhs
changkyun tried his besthjdg
they did their ending ment and went to dramarama!! 
after that it was silent for like 5 minutes max as we chanted mx and for encore
they came out and did ill be there (?) (first verse to chorus) and talked again before doing 5:14! 
they were dressed in casual tshirts which was a relief hjghgdh because it was reallly fuckng hot hdh changkyun mentioned the weather too sorry dude thats life
they waved at fans and played amongst themselves kihyun dumped water on jooheon LMAO i got a clear view of that
stay hydrated !
they just kept dumping water on each other i love a family :-D
and then they said bye and left
jooheon kept going byEE though dhgdhs hes so cute :-( 
ok heres what i thought abt the monstas themselves
kihyun looked especially good with that tie by the way 
jesus i got to see wonho with dark hair i truly. died
hyungwon was rly cute too when he interacted with the fans :-(
there was one time wonho smiled and it was caught on the screen i . felt my heart burst in that moment
alsowwhen minhyuk took center position for their choreos he has this ?? charisma ??? its amazong like the one smirk/grin he does u know that? yeah i saw it in beautoful and died
joohoen and changkyun also did their best hyping mbbs up by yelling to sing along and stuff ihdjgf i love them
this is just mx loving hours 
i didnt get to see jooheon much but he was so playful with minhyuk it was so cute!!!!!!! 
they all look so good and sound even better live!!! kihyuns adlibs god help me. 
i love them so much. i really do fhhdghghs im happy i went no more regrets and no more telling myself i didnt have a blast because i!!!! i loved every second of it even when i got someones hair stuck to my arm LMAO 
after it ended we immediately left for the exit andggdghs WOW standing up i was fine but moving?? moving was HELL my legs hurt so bad
ok so we got home and thats that but like.... heres where my self reflection comes in
so you dont have to read this part
i think. the reason i dont remember much is because.. i dont want to? like. at some point i got a clear view of wonho in the Flesh and i was thinkng about how i was really seeing them? for real????? and i got. really sad i think?? 
so to prevent myself from getting sad i probably tried to forget? everything?? theres also my bad memory of course but i cant even remember their faces i feel like its because im trying to forget or some deep shit 
anyway i think im also makig myself not be happy??? this is phrased v bad but its like im trying to kill the fun and only think abt the negatives of the whole event
which wasnt even much so its like. my minds blankfhjfhd
talking about it here helps though like i get to. share and actually talk about what happened so yeah i can say that i had fun even though i couldnt see them i had a blast singing along it was awesome
the only bad part was how i didnt like watching from the screens because it felt like i wasnt seeing them live?? ooMGHDDS DAY6 ARE DOING BETTTER BTTER
tldr; im not that upset over it now thank god and i can proudly say i had fun and although i cant remember much it was a great experience
thank you for coming to my tedtalk if you did <3
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khiphop-discussions · 7 years
Geeks - Fireworks review
My review for Geeks’ 2nd full length album!
20 Questions - The instrumental on this one INSTANTLY made me dance. It’s so nice and fun but chill too. The chorus is so catchy. I can’t even really live review this one because I’m too busy dancing to type. LOL.  Louie and Lil Boi’s raps are on point as usual. It’s a nice song
Woo - I already heard this song and posted it here earlier today just putting that out there so you know this one isn’t live reviewed. This one is nice as well. Not as danceable but just a chill song. I’m guessing this is just gonna be an overall laid back album based on the first two songs. If you know me then you know that already gives this album an unfair advantage over others I reviewed. The chill vibe is one of my favorite styles. This is a nice song too. I like “20 Questions” more still though. 
Troubles Travels - This song is bit harder than the other two. Still keeps the laid back style though of course. This is rare but I like Louie’s rap better on this song. I see you Louie! The featuring artist (the singer) is Taylor. I’m not familiar with this singer but he fits well on this track. doesn’t “take up too much space” and make it sound like his song. He does his job well as a featuring artist and Geeks don’t let him outshine them on their own track (cause that’s embarrassing but happens a lot unfortunately).
#midnightdream #summer #rsh - Not quite sure what this is supposed to be. Maybe it’s an interlude type thing or something? It could have been done better. I don’t know if this is a sampled from SK or what. I’ve never heard it. It doesn’t connect the first part of the album to “Divin’” and the next part of the album all that well. Not sound wise at least. It doesn’t have Geeks on it. Just a guy singing. It could have been worse though. No harm no foul I guess.
Divin’ - You guys know this is my jam! I’ve heard this MULTIPLE times as you guys probably have too. It’s a great song. So again, DEFINITELY not live reviewed. I’ve heard it way to many times to even pretend like this is anything close to a first hearing. 
247365 ft Sik-K - *paused the song so I can give a preface* So first, I wanna talk about how Sik-K is in this song. Sik-K does a style similar to this album now so I think he’s gonna be a good addition to this. *unpaused* Lil Boi is going in! This is gonna be another song where I can’t stop dancing so excuse me if this is a bit short. OK so Sik-K’s part fit perfectly on this track! At one point I kinda thought he was gonna end up taking it over because he was really good. I thought he’d end up outclassing Louie but then Louie came in and killed it. (Why do I keep doubting my boy Louie? Please forgive me!). Sik-K doesn’t even sound like a featuring artist on this song. Usually that would be a sign that the main artists are getting outclassed and I’d call that a negative. On this track, it sounds as if Geeks is a trio. Geeks are really killing it. I honestly, did NOT expect to like this album that much. I’m NOT the biggest Geeks fan but by the end of this album I might be.
Good Girl ft Duplex G, Hyorin - Give me a break. Geeks pulling no punches on this album. Came through with a Hyorin feature too!?!? And you guessed it, this song is great too. Geeks is standing their own with some pretty strong artists on this album. Duplex G doesn’t really do much but say one line. “I wanna get it” basically. Doesn’t add that much to the song but it’s not bad.
Analog ft Cheska - *preface* Alright I’m a little  familiar with Cheska’s work. I expect her to be good on this track *unpaused* This album is so damn sexual. He’s a Big Boi now. They aren’t such Geeks anymore. The glow up is real (alright I’m done lol). I really like this song. It’s an R&B-ish track. 
F.U.L.U - Lil Boi is so on point. I don’t know why I’m so surprised because he’s always been dope. Not my favorite song but ,as usual, not bad. It’s a pretty nice song and would I would probably like it more if it hadn’t been among so many other good songs.
#LoveYou #fall #rsh - OK so this one is another interlude with the same guy singing as the #summer one. Guy has a nice voice. Can’t doubt that. I still think they should have done something different with these. Because they are really rock style but the rest of the album isn’t. So there’s a dissonance. Again, it could be worse. They aren’t terrible but could have been done differently and better. I see what they are doing though. 
#Wecanteventhink - This song is much more somber than anything else on the album so far. Definitely has a different feel as expected given the interlude to this part. Louie’s rap is so awesome. 
Troublemaker ft Stella Jang - This one is much less somber. Kinda goes back up to the style of the other songs. The instrumental is kinda weird. There’s some weird random, out of place drumbeats at certain places and it REALLY could have done without them. Without those beats it could have been a perfectly fine instrumental. I legit thought something was happening out side but it’s actually part of the instrumental. So there’s that. Otherwise this a perfectly fine song. Again, i’d probably appreciate it better if it wasn’t among so many other great tracks.
Back 2 U ft Channel 23 - Not much here. Just an alright song. Not all that remarkable. 
Ring Ring - I like this one. It’s catchy. Definitely not my favorite though. 
*preface to track 15* I’ve already heard this one as well. “Sometimes” is the song. Geeks already released it before this album but I haven’t heard it in a while and never listened to it more than probably twice. 
Sometimes ft Crush and Giriboy -  I didn’t like this song all that much when I first heard it. It was alright but wasn’t all that interesting to me so I kinda forgot about it. Crush’s voice sounds nice as expected. I actually kinda like this song? I wonder why it didn’t hit with me when I first heard it? Of course, it has an unfair advantage to other songs since this isn’t my first time hearing it. A lot for the time songs sound better to me upon further listens anyway so it’s not all that surprising. One problem I will say though, by the time Giri gets on I can’t even remember Geeks verses. So that’s a negative. Not bad though. Glad, I  got to revisit this one because I probably would have never listened to it again.
Fireworks - This song sound kinda out of place with the other songs on this part of the album. I think maybe having it somewhere else would have been better but then it kinda sounds out of place in general lol. Again, not a bad song but doesn’t stand up to other songs on the album. I think I’m just so spoiled by the other songs that the bar has been raised WAY to high. 
Overall, this is a GREAT album. I’m gonna have to cop this. I was NOT expecting to be this impressed by this album. IT’s GREAT. I think this is the BEST review I’ve EVER given to any LP or EP on here. Again, I WASN’T a big Geeks fan going in to this review. They’ve completely surprised me with this. I had no clue this was gonna be this good. I was waiting for since I was curious to see what they’d have to offer and they really brought it. As for my favorite song? I’m gonna exclude Divin’ because I’ve already been a fan of it for so long. Maybe I’ll revisit this again after I’ve really had time to take in all the songs and I won’t exclude Divin’ but for right now I am. I’ll say my favorite songs “20 Questions” and “247365″ with “Analog” and “Good Girl” as seconds. Great job Geeks! I’ll be looking forward to your next releases. Sorry for ever doubting you.
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