#{ Just... VERY emotional about moon grandpa. grandpa on the moon. he doesnt know you but its ok he still loves you in his moon heart }
dysloyalty · 10 months
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Fucking CRYING in the club 2nite
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littlesniggy · 3 years
Daughter telling them they'll become grandparents (Admirals)
Anon: Ive been reading through your posts here and to ne honest, I realy like them.
Also, can you make a headcanon were sakazuki, kizaru, fujitora and kuzan daughter telling them that there going to be a grandpas without knowing the father? How will they react? Apologies if this too much or doesnt make sense.
Hey Anon, as promised is here the Admiral headcanons. Maybe Sakazuki's reaction is a little harsh but I think he's not really understanding when it comes to his daughter. I hope you enjoy them!
He is silent. He doesn’t say a single word for a long period of time. He thinks it’s a bad joke and his daughter is just trying to mess with him. “Cut the crap, Y/n.” he says once she repeats herself.
When he realizes she’s not joking he will get furious. He will lecture her on safe sex (being mad at her that she had sex in the first place) and ask her how she can be so irresponsible as to just fuck the next best boy and let him impregnate her on top of it ( and yes, he will say the f-word).
When his daughter admits that she doesn’t even know who the father is he will become livid. He thinks it’s a disaster. He won’t straight out tell her to get rid of it but he will make it clear that she shouldn’t expect him (or his wife) to take care of the kid or help her with it if she can’t even name the father. She brought it upon herself.
Needless to say, his daughter will cry eventually just because of the lack of compassion from his side. Sakazuki won’t apologize and just either make her leave or leave himself to clear his head. He’s not as mad about the effect it might have on his reputation rather than him thinking how she can be so stupid.
Secretly, he will hunt that bastard down and the likelihood he’ll find him is pretty high. He will force him to take care of the baby with his daughter and the guy has no say in it whatsoever. He doesn’t want his daughter being a single mom and this bastard better be a good father (and husband lol). He’s going to make them get married, if they want to or not.
He’s pretty conservative when it comes to children born out of wedlock and to him it’s just a sign of lack of character if you get pregnant beforehand (he’s not as conservative when it comes to sex though). His opinion on his daughter will drop, not gonna lie but he still loves her though from that point on he will be harsher towards her.
He’s disappointed and not amused either. He’s pretty sure he taught his daughter everything about safe sex and that protection is key. Accidents can happen, he knows but he won’t say that he’s thrilled about becoming a grandfather.
He tells her he’d support her with the kid (if she wants to keep it) but she shouldn’t expect him to be there at all time. His job as an admiral is very time consuming and he won’t tune it down just because she wants to be a single mother.
There won’t be any yelling but she can see the disappointment in his eyes when she tells him. “Are you sure? Who is the father?” Upon admitting that she isn’t quite sure he will raise his eyebrow and think she’s joking. “I didn’t think you were someone who would just sleep around, Y/n. I’m disappointed.” These words will hit her hard.
“Did you use protection?” when she agrees he just sighs and will tell her that it’s not that bad but that she should think about the long-term ‘consequences’ of having a child. If she’s really ready for it and talk everything through. If she says that they didn’t use any protection he will be even more disappointed but will still help her regardless.
The more time passes the more time he gets used to his daughter getting a child soon and he is a little bit excited to get to meet his grandchild, even though he wished for it to be under different circumstances (his grandchild’s father should really be in the picture in his opinion).
That’s why he will also try and track that man down and make him be there for his daughter and his grandchild and I’m pretty sure the man won’t refuse given that he’s talking to an admiral who could easily kill him at that. He doesn’t think twice.
“Huh? You’re pregnant? How did that happen?” she can’t really tell if he’s amused, disappointed, angry, or happy by his words and he is not giving his emotions away that easily. Honestly, he doesn’t know how he should feel about this revelation and he needs some time to think about everything.
Given that she’s his daughter and has the same sense of humor she will give him “the talk” on how babies are made just to lighten the mood. Being caught off guard by her reply, he will chuckle a little but then get serious.
“Who’s the father?” she just hoped that he wouldn’t bring this question up and once she admitted that she doesn’t know his lighthearted aura will drop and he looks rather concerned. He won’t shame her for not knowing but he’s still very disappointed at her irresponsibility.
“Are you keeping it?” is his next question and when she says yes he leans back in his chair and blow some air out of his mouth, needing to think about the whole situation. “Have you planned everything out yet?” and he will hit her with so many questions about her future, how’s she wants to take care of the child, how she wants to finance everything, etc.
He doesn’t want to force her to get an abortion by scaring her but he wants to make sure that she knows what a baby entails. If she is still adamant about keeping the baby he will shrug in slight defeat. “It’s your choice and I’m not gonna tell you what to do.”
Like his previous colleagues, he will find the baby’s father and tell him to “better take care of the baby he made or else.” Borsalino won’t force him to also take care of his daughter, especially if there are no feelings involved whatsoever but there are always two involved when it comes to a baby so that man better take responsibility.
First, he is over the moon when he learns that he’s becoming a grandfather. He will congratulate his daughter and ask her various questions, already picturing himself playing with his grandchild.
Once she tells him that she doesn’t know the father, his mood will drop and the look of sheer disappointment written all over his face makes her want to run away. It just always breaks her heart when her father looks at her this way. It just means that she messed up in a way.
Like Kuzan, he will tell her that he’s still happy for her but he wonders how she intends to take care of herself AND a baby without someone to help her. He is on missions almost constantly and won’t be there to help with his grandchild. He would love to take some time off but he knows Sakazuki won’t let him and resigning is not an option, especially if he wants to change the world.
He’s the only one who won’t look for the father but he will tell his daughter that she should better look for him herself just to let him know that he will become a father. It’s just fair in his opinion. If the man doesn’t want to have anything to do with his child the Issho will interfere and make it clear to him (guilt trip him) that he should take care of his child.
Throughout the pregnancy, he will be as supportive as possible every time he’s at home and bring things for the baby from his missions. He’s just so excited and the feeling just grows over time even more.
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askbittyerror · 4 years
Wedding RP part 11
with-bells-upon09/27/2020 Blue finds themself staring... there's no way he doesnt know exactly, and intimately, what it does... not with a reaction like that. "...need a hug?"
salty darkness09/27/2020 "..." He nods.
with-bells-upon09/27/2020 They step forward, and just, hug him. Carefully, for Archer's sake- no squish- but they definately hug him.
Askbittyerror09/27/2020 The bitties pile on, barring Paladin who flies a bit away with a look of distaste, and all give him little hugs and nuzzles.
salty darkness09/27/2020 Archer giggles, purring and flapping their wings. They hug Blue too, clinging and nuzzling- generally just happy to be cuddled.
Nintendo wraps his arms around, wings doing the same. He watches Paladin fly away, wincing a little. "...does he normally do that?"
with-bells-upon09/27/2020 "...he, has a very strong sense of-" justice "moral code. sometimes, it doesnt leave a lot of leeway for extenuating circumstance."
Askbittyerror09/27/2020 "Be a self-righteous grump who's very selective of what he gets all righteous about?" Magnus nuzzles, shooting his brother a look, who shoots him one right back. "Yes."
with-bells-upon09/27/2020 "...good. just... stubborn."
salty darkness09/27/2020 Nintendo is quiet for a few more moments... then he nods, pulling away. "Okay." "...thank you."
with-bells-upon09/27/2020 Blue lets him go, but doesn't seem quite done with him yet.  "Can i ask you something else?"
salty darkness09/27/2020 A small huff. "I'm listening."
with-bells-upon09/27/2020 "...i dont see any vials. and youre definitely showing what seems to be more emotion thsn ive ever seen our Ink without paint." "...how?"
salty darkness09/27/2020 "..." Nintendo sets Archer down on the ground, setting his cake beside them. "Hold on for a second, Archsie... eat that if you want, but don't get too much chocolate all over your hands-"
He stands back up, looking very serious.
And then doubles over laughing like Blue just asked the most absurd question in the world.
with-bells-upon09/27/2020 Blue may take a step back, looking somewhst startled - but mostly confused. "Um. Wait. What?"
Askbittyerror09/27/2020 The bitties give him odd, and in Paladin's case, suspicious, looks.
salty darkness09/27/2020 He brings a hand to his chest, tugging on it. A glowing, upside-down heart is pulled out alongside it, tinted a bright, bright purple.
"I have a soul, obviously. How do you think Archer got made, sudden magic accidents?"
with-bells-upon09/27/2020 "..." well. That left them speechless.
Askbittyerror09/27/2020 The bitties sputter and look away, flushing. Paladin practically falls out of the air.
salty darkness09/27/2020 "..." Nintendo is laughing again. The little jerk.
with-bells-upon09/27/2020 Blue.exe may still be processing this... [11:51 PM] "..." they should look away. All they can manage is a weak, "how?"
Askbittyerror09/27/2020 Paladin absolutely fucking glares and Magnus pauses, rips off his boot, and long distance beans him in the head with it.
salty darkness09/27/2020 He still laughs a little under his breath, wiping tears from his eyes. "Well, I didn't have it originally, obviously. Got it while I was... occupied. And stuck. Somewhere. After a certain incident. Then found and obtained it." "...and Dream punched me in the chest and forced me to absorb it, which was an entire fiasco- to keep things short and sweet, magic bullshittery."
with-bells-upon09/27/2020 "..." "Our Ink's paints arent working right anymore. But, i... dont think that solution will work for him." [11:56 PM] A sigh, and they nuzzle Magnus again, softly whispering, "good shot, love."
Askbittyerror09/27/2020 “Huh, okay-” Magnus shrieks as he is suddenly yanked from his biggie by his snarling brother, clawing and biting at him as the pair vanish somewhere private to ‘talk’.
with-bells-upon09/27/2020 ".........crap-"
salty darkness09/27/2020 "..." "Did I cause something?"
with-bells-upon09/27/2020 "..." "If i say no, is there any chsnce youll believe me?"
Askbittyerror09/27/2020 "They just..." Domino sighs, massaging his temples. "Need a minute. And likely some healing when they get back." "Should I go yell at them?" Mercury asks his grandpa. "No." Domino pats him. "Just let them sort it out."(edited) September 28, 2020
with-bells-upon09/28/2020 "..." "Im gonna throw my own shoe at hin next time." Blue mutters,  clearly not liking this, but pretty sure Domino is right, but- -but they want to follow. badly.
salty darkness09/28/2020 Archer looks up from where they had been stuffing cake in their mouth, babbling and getting chocolate all over their fancy coat. Nintendo sits down beside them, curling a wing around so his smol can nom in peace. "...sooooo. Any other questions, or was the knowledge that I can feel and have emotions in general good enough?"
Askbittyerror09/28/2020 Mercury raises his hand. "So are we brothers or..."
salty darkness09/28/2020 "Yes. Sure. We are brothers. Whatever keeps you from being sad or something."
Askbittyerror09/28/2020 "YAY!" Mercury cheers. "NEW SIBLING!"
with-bells-upon09/28/2020 "...can I worry about m-?" a flash of very pale gold, some distance above, and a rather harried looking Paladin, roughly ten inches tall, with very, very pale wings, is soon flying towards Nintendo.
salty darkness09/28/2020 Nintendo lifts his head, making a high-pitched noise of alarm. He folds his wings around Archer, protecting the smol. "..." Then he looks at the Paladin again. "Fluffdad?"
with-bells-upon09/28/2020 relief, as he spots his son, quickly winging down to him. "-okay, you're okay. good... arm, please."
salty darkness09/28/2020 "..." He holds out his arm. "Uh, why?"
with-bells-upon09/28/2020 He lands, with practiced ease, looking over the other with concern. "why the frick did I feel your emotions doing the fudging cha-ch-" he pauses, looking mildly confused at the words coming out of his mouth.
Askbittyerror09/28/2020 Fresh grins from inside his safety pocket.
salty darkness09/28/2020 "..." Nintendo narrows his eyes, giving Coryn a pap on the head. "It's fine. There's just a censoring frick around here, apparently." "...what were you asking?"
with-bells-upon09/28/2020 "...um." he shakes his head, and looks back at Nintendo for a long moment, papping his cheek lightly. "I felt your emotions all over the place from the kids' retreat. What happened? Are you okay?"
salty darkness09/28/2020 "...yeah. I'm... fine." he uncurls his wings, and Archer flops down on the ground, the cake smashed to smithereens, remains of it smeared all over their hands and face. "We were just... talking about Black 2.0. And what it does." "...bad memories and... stuff."
with-bells-upon09/28/2020 "..." Coryn pats him softly, not pressing further. "Okay." He agrees, pausing as he finally notices the other bitties. He stares.
Askbittyerror09/28/2020 "Hi!" Mercury waves.
with-bells-upon09/28/2020 A slow wave back, vaguely baffled. "...Hi." "...um. I'm Coryn. nice to meet you?"
Askbittyerror09/28/2020 "Nice to meet you too!" Mercury vibrates. "Your son is my brother now!"
salty darkness09/28/2020 Nintendo mutters something about explaining after the wedding.
with-bells-upon09/28/2020 "Um. Okay." His expression meanwhile is asking why the hell a nightshade bitty is being so sweet and welcoming.
Askbittyerror09/28/2020 "Can I hug you?" Mercury asks. "I like hugs! Hugs are nice!"
with-bells-upon09/28/2020 Coryn makes a small sound of alarm, stepping back and nearly falling off his son's arm. "W-why?"
salty darkness09/28/2020 "...he's a cuddly bitty, dad. It's not that deep."
with-bells-upon09/28/2020 "..." "Have you met! Your uncle!"
Askbittyerror09/28/2020 "You look soft and nice!" Mercury smiles.
salty darkness09/28/2020 Nintendo grins. "He is! You should hug him. He's really cuddly and open to hugs." [11:59 AM] "...and I don't care about my uncle."
Askbittyerror09/28/2020 "I hug only if he's okay with it!" Mercury declares, hands on his hips.
with-bells-upon09/28/2020 "..." He steadies himself, looking at Mercury in something like confusion, but less alarm. "You... actually want to hug? If my brother said something like that to someone, they'd be about to die. horribly." "...my wings won't hurt you?"
Askbittyerror09/28/2020 "I don't kill people unless they're horrible abusive jerkfaces!" Mercury smiles brightly. "And it only hurts with prolonged contact or if you actually want to hurt me."
with-bells-upon09/28/2020 "...no, I dont-" "my. magic probably isn't strong enough to-" He falls silent, then agrees, somewhat hesitantly, "sure. hugs." he offers his arms to the... very, friendly corrupted nightmare. and hopes that Braithe stays with the kids.
Askbittyerror09/28/2020 Mercury looks absolutely ecstatic and swings himself over, giving the Paladin a gentle hug, loose enough for him to escape if he wants to. "Thank you!!!"
with-bells-upon09/28/2020 A brief, startled half flap of his wings... then slowly he puts his arms around the other. Still half expecting attack, but giving the benefit of the doubt.(edited)
salty darkness09/28/2020 Archer babbles, reaching up to try and hug the bitties as well. Nintendo moves his arm so they can wrap their arms around and snuggle. "..." "Thanks for the blackmail, dad."
with-bells-upon09/28/2020 "...huh?" please explain. fluff dad's processing ability is currently running at half speed.
salty darkness09/28/2020 "Did I stutter?"
Askbittyerror09/28/2020 Mercury is over the moon, so much cuddles, including baby ones? This is the best day ever!
with-bells-upon09/28/2020 Blank look... then, he hugs a little more, even closing his eyes. He looks, content, slowly relaxing. He can't remember the last time-
Askbittyerror09/28/2020 Mercury nuzzles him, purring softly, tentacles doing a happy wiggle-waggle.
with-bells-upon09/28/2020 A faint, shaky purr... he starts to shift his wings, instinctively wanting to offer wing hugs, but still them almost instantly. No, nope. Not even with his low magic. "...okay. you, i like. you're nice."(edited)
salty darkness09/28/2020 Archer flaps their wings, giggling and purring as well. Cuddles! Cuddles for all! Except Nintendo. He's just watching everyone cuddle. And holding the bitties on his arm.
Askbittyerror09/28/2020 "I like you too!" Mercury is delighted. "You are also nice!"
with-bells-upon09/28/2020 After an extended moment, Coryn let's go again... but he's smiling. "I like your new brother." He tells Nintendo, before using his wing to lightly boop Archer's nose. "you too, cutie."
salty darkness09/28/2020 Archer bats at Coryn's hands, looking very proud of themselves. "...yeah. I suppose he is pretty cool."
Askbittyerror09/28/2020 Immense Mercury-based pride.
with-bells-upon09/28/2020 "...so that's the only thing that had you upset?" Coryn presses gently, attention returned to Nintendo. He knows his son better than that.
salty darkness09/28/2020 "Uh..." Nintendo looks away. "Yeah. It was."
Askbittyerror09/28/2020 "My dad offered to be his dad too." Mercury helpfully offers. "And also my uncle got upset about it and dragged Dad off to hopefully just yell at him."
with-bells-upon09/28/2020 "..." gears seem to be turning in Coryn's mind, and he looks wary again. "okay, awhile I want to know why he was upset about it, I'd also like to know whether I should intervene. mostly because if there's a big enough fight, Braithe will find a way to join it... and while I love my brother, I wouldnt wish his attention on anyone but my worst enemies."
Askbittyerror09/28/2020 "Uncle Pal disagreed with some of new awesome sibling's actions." Mercury shrugs, then frowns, looking thoughtful. "Well, it has been awhile... They usually don't take this long."
with-bells-upon09/28/2020 "..." "I'm gonna go look for them." Coryn mutters, uneasy.
Askbittyerror09/28/2020 "I'm coming with." Mercury says. "I can hold back Uncle Pal pretty good and neither of them will hurt me." "Please don't do anything stupid." Jabber sighs. "I won't, my darling beautiful beloved sweetheart." Mercury smiles at Jabber's immediate flush. "Promise."
salty darkness09/28/2020 "..." Nintendo laughs rather nervously. "You, uh. Don't want to hear what those actions were? Just in case? So you don't come back and yell at me later?"
with-bells-upon09/28/2020 "...please-" Blue doesn't know what to say. Normally they'd have run after the two themself, but aren't willing to consign the rest of their family to the floor in an unfamiliar place. "-just, be careful. all around." Coryn gives Nintendo a small frown. "-have I ever yelled at you? Once?"
salty darkness09/28/2020 "...no-but-depending-on-how-much-you-care-about-Lark-you-might??"
with-bells-upon09/28/2020 "...I care about Lark. he's Uriah's biggie, and also your step brother. but I hardly think that's going to change my tendency to raise my voice." Soft paps. "-we'll talk about this when we get back. But you're my son. Even if you did mess up, that's not going to change, understand?"
salty darkness09/28/2020 A nod. "Okay." "...sorry in advance."
with-bells-upon09/28/2020 "..." a nod, and then he offers his hand to Mercury. chase by wing, or teleport?"
Askbittyerror09/28/2020 "Teleport." Mercury takes it. "I can kinda feel where they are. Want me to do it?"
with-bells-upon09/28/2020 A nod. "You lead. My magic's a bit fickle."(edited)
Askbittyerror09/28/2020 Mercury focuses and yanks them away to a dark corner. Magnus is on the ground, leaking Marrow heavily, kicking up at his brother and growling, teeth sunk into his arm. Paladin snarls, sword stabbed through Magnus’ shirt and going steadily deeper.
with-bells-upon09/28/2020 Without a second thought Coryn let's go of Mercury, teleporting behind Paladin and snapping out one golden 'tendril' to wrap around his neck, offering zero forewarning, or even a sound.
with-bells-upon09/28/2020 ...he intends to pull, a solid, even, jerk... away from Magnus.
Askbittyerror09/28/2020 Paladin growls and his sword is yanked from his brother’s chest, swung back to try and slice through whatever is holding him. Mercury darts forward, a too sharp smile on his face, and his tentacles wrap around the arm, the blade and Paladin’s waist, tearing the sword from his hand and flinging his uncle very hard into the wall. A chunk of bone is ripped from Paladin’s arm, the gash leaking dark-stained gold, and Magnus spits out the mouthful of dust and a glob of black, more leaking from between his teeth. He stands, legs quivering, back hunched and snarling viciously.
with-bells-upon09/28/2020 Black tendrils shoot from the shadow behind where Paladin falls, wrapping around every last bit of bone they can grab, and holding tight. Tight enough to make bone creak... even as Coryn watches Magnus, wary about whether he'll be attacked by the other as well. [3:29 PM] an icy aqua eye watches as well, silent.(edited)
JusticeMom09/28/2020 Dragon slides down the hall towards where they sense tiny angry auras flaring breathing hard as they race to make it in time
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