#{ Warm Heart of Royal Dragon - Silas }
pupmusebox · 23 days
Tag dump 6/?
{ First Brother and Avatar of Pride - Lucifer } { Second Brother and Avatar of Greed - Mammon } { Third Brother and Avatar of Envy - Leviathan } { Fourth Brother and Avatar of Wrath - Satan } { Fifth Brother and Avatar of Lust - Asmodeus } { Sixth Brother and Avatar of Gluttony - Beelzebub } { Seventh Brother and Avatar of Sloth - Belphegor } { Human Exchange Student Among Demons - Yuki/Male!MC } { Royal Demon and Future King of Devildom - Lord Diavolo } { Loyal and Impeccable Demon Butler - Barbatos } { Powerful and Immortal Sorcerer - Solomon } { Calm and Serious Archangel - Simeon } { Quiet Spear Wielding Seraphim - Raphael } { Reaper and Caretaker of Life Candles - Thirteen } { Young Devil Bird of a Son - Lucius } { Playful Half Demon and Prideful Bird - Dante } { Royal Heir and Half Demon Dragon - Caius } { Crafty Bird of a Half Demon and Fae - Mael } { Mystery Demon of a Moth Pet - Samuel } { Warm Heart of Royal Dragon - Silas } { Sharp Witted Bird of Pride - Ignatius } { Noble Demon of Wickedness - Belial } { Shepherding Archangel of Justice - Raguel } { King of Knights - Arthur Pendragon } { Solitude Psychic of a Legendary - Vero/Mewtwo } { Tech Talented Alibaba and Oracle - Futaba Sakura } { Team Rocket Boss and Former Gym Leader - Giovanni } { Cold Eyed Rocket Executive - Archer } { Team Rocket's Master of Disguise - Petrel } { Team Magma's Boss - Maxie }
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pupmuseboxmoved · 3 months
Tag dump 6/?
{ First Brother and Avatar of Pride - Lucifer } { Second Brother and Avatar of Greed - Mammon } { Third Brother and Avatar of Envy - Leviathan } { Fourth Brother and Avatar of Wrath - Satan } { Fifth Brother and Avatar of Lust - Asmodeus } { Sixth Brother and Avatar of Gluttony - Beelzebub } { Seventh Brother and Avatar of Sloth - Belphegor } { Human Exchange Student Among Demons - Yuki/Male!MC } { Royal Demon and Future King of Devildom - Lord Diavolo } { Loyal and Impeccable Demon Butler - Barbatos } { Powerful and Immortal Sorcerer - Solomon } { Calm and Serious Archangel - Simeon } { Quiet Spear Wielding Seraphim - Raphael } { Reaper and Caretaker of Life Candles - Thirteen } { Young Devil Bird of a Son - Lucius } { Playful Half Demon and Prideful Bird - Dante } { Royal Heir and Half Demon Dragon - Caius } { Crafty Bird of a Half Demon and Fae - Mael } { Mystery Demon of a Moth Pet - Samuel } { Warm Heart of Royal Dragon - Silas } { Sharp Witted Bird of Pride - Ignatius } { Noble Demon of Wickedness - Belial } { Shepherding Archangel of Justice - Raguel } { King of Knights - Arthur Pendragon } { Solitude Psychic of a Legendary - Vero/Mewtwo } { Tech Talented Alibaba and Oracle - Futaba Sakura } { Team Rocket Boss and Former Gym Leader - Giovanni } { Cold Eyed Rocket Executive - Archer } { Team Rocket's Master of Disguise - Petrel } { Team Magma's Boss - Maxie }
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nonopiimagines · 5 years
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Fandom: Fire Emblem: Fates Pairing: Shura x f!Nohrian!Corrin Warnings: n/a Word Count: 2,119 Author Notes: :)
part ii.
Shura often busied himself with the arena. Corrin had spared him in exchange for helping her cause. For that, he was grateful. For that, he spent the majority of his days training. It wasn't because a little voice in the back of his head told him that if he got better, perhaps he could fight by her side. A louder voice always drowned the other out, reinforcing that a Nohrian princess would never let someone of his status fight alongside her.
It was also in his interest to help the younger soldiers hone their fighting skills. Occasionally Kaze would join in begrudgingly at the request of Silas or Keaton. It was a disaster at first, but Kaze was slowly growing accustomed to his presence. It also didn't hurt that he had tips for the young ninja, ranged weapons being a topic he showed prowess in. But killing someone's father was something you would never find forgiveness for and Shura knew better than to ask for it.
On this particular day, the sun was beating down on the arena floor. He was sparring with Silas and Keaton, Silas foregoing his horse and Keaton remaining in his human form. It had gotten to the point where Shura had removed his shirt and was using it as a makeshift towel to dab his forehead in between his mock-battles with the younger men. It also allowed him to air out a shallow wound he had sustained on his lower-back during their latest battle. It wasn't looking too bad, but the healing process was slow.
"Let's go, old man!" yelled Keaton, shaking out the sweat from his bushy hair. Shura just grunted in reply, choosing a to take a swig out of his canteen instead.
"Hold on! Look who it is!" Silas ran over to one of the alcoves that led to the prep rooms, greeting someone entering the arena. "Corrin! You never spar anymore."
Her laughter floated over to his ears and his head snapped up. He was quick to close his canteen and walk over to the three of them, wondering if he should feel self-conscious in front of his commander.
"-just been busy lately. But I noticed I've been getting rusty." Corrin rubbed her arm in embarrassment and looked over to Shura as he approached, a small smile on her face. "I'm glad you guys are here though. I know you'll put up a good fight."
Silas punched Corrin in the arm and chuckled. "Of course we wouldn't go easy on you. Let's team up! You and me against Shura and Keaton."
Shura tried not to look displeased as he shrugged in agreement. Corrin didn't look upset either way. What irked him was the broad smile Silas wore as he looked down at the princess.
"Let's get to it already! It's almost time for dinner," Keaton urged the group apart and into their sparring positions.
Shura already knew what he was in for. Silas was getting better with every battle, he learned quickly and it translated well in combat. Corrin was fast and graceful, not needing to enter dragon form or use her sword to render him breathless with her speed. Shura worked well with Keaton on most days, but he was too messy at times and eager to get in the first hit. Silas and Corrin were too in sync for Keaton and Keaton was not forward-thinking enough to know how to use Shura and his strengths against them. It ended with Keaton laying on his back, catching his breath and Silas and Corrin high-fiving. Shura had his hands on his knees, trying not to look winded.
"Oh, no, Shura!" Corrin trotted over to him, half expecting her to tease him for being so tired after one match against her. Shura put up one of his hands to stop her, but she batted it away and touched his back instead. It was in that moment that he realized that he probably wasn't feeling sweat drip down his back. He had reopened his wound.
"It's nothing, milady. It looks worse than it really is," he tried to reassure her while slipping away from her touch to face her directly.
"Uhhh, that looks pretty bad, Shura," Silas said, Keaton following slowly behind him. "You should go see Elise." Shura didn't know if it was Silas' tone or just because it was Silas saying it that his words bothered him so much.
Corrin's hands were on his back again, her eyes scanning over the wound. Shura tried to overcome the anxiety he felt at having the princess of Nohr so close to him and having two numbskulls watching. He didn't know if he should continue brushing her off to maintain his manhood in front of Silas and Keaton who would inevitably be telling the story later over dinner or let her examine him further in hopes of striking up minor conversation with her. Something about Corrin made him want to go the extra mile even if it only meant spending a few more measly minutes with her. He wanted to make her smile, impress her, share himself with her. He shook his head, put a hand to his face and dragged down dramatically. His thoughts were getting out of hand, clearly.
"Y'know, Elise has been teaching me a few things about healing. Maybe you'll let me use you as a guinea pig?" Corrin leaned over his shoulder and smiled. "Don't look so exasperated!"
Keaton threw up his hands and groaned. "If that's the case, I'm not waitin' around anymore."
Silas nodded in agreement, a weird smile on his face as he eyed Corrin and Shura. "Yeah, let's go, Keat. You guys have fun."
Corrin shrugged and then waved goodbye, turning her eyes to Shura. She looked breathlessly happy, a gleam in her eye at getting to try something new but there was something else there too. "C'mon, there are first-aid things in the back room," she grabbed his forearm and led them to a small door near the opening of the arena. The door opened to one of the preparation rooms, littered with miscellaneous weapons and shields. They wove their way through the benches to the hallway in the back. It was poorly lit but Shura could make out a couple of door frames lining the walls on one side. The door at the end of hallway was where Corrin stopped, letting go of his hand to dig around in her pockets. Eventually she produced a small golden key and put in the lock, turning the handle quickly.
"Gods, it's dark in here, isn't it?" Corrin mumbled, feeling her way in the dark room for a torch. Shura just stood at the doorway, knowing that anything he did would just make it worse or awkward. It was comical hearing the princess who was so composed and astute in battle become a bumbling mess in the dark, humming while she attempted to find a source of light.
"I might just bleed out before you find what you're looking for, milady." Maybe Shura really was bleeding out because he never expected himself to openly tease Corrin. He hoped the darkness of the room hid the complete devastation on his face.
Corrin's chuckle came from the back corner of the room, where he heard her rummaging through something. "Well, aren't you funny?" she said before using her fire magic to light two torches and slide them into the wall sconces. She turned to him, wiping her hands on her pants, a big grin on her face. "I didn't know you were one for humor, Shura." It may've been the lighting or the mild fear he felt at letting someone who wasn't himself tend to his wounds, but when Corrin held out her hand to him, beckoning him to sit on bench she was standing behind, his heart jumped into his throat. But he obeyed, sitting so his back was to her. From this angle, the flickering light of the torches cast strange shadows on the wall. He could feel their warmth filling the room even though his skin was still hot after training in the afternoon sun.
"I'm going to use some water from my canteen to cleanse your wounds. Let me know if it hurts," Corrin's voice was softer now, followed by the sound of water draining onto a cloth, some hitting the floor. He just grunted in response, not intending to let any pain show on his face or in his voice.
The wetted cloth was cool and sent a refreshing jolt through his body that he tried to suppress. "Your water is surprisingly cold."
She laughed as she gently wiped at his broken skin, most of the bleeding already stopped and the wound was beginning to scab again. "Perhaps it's because you're already so hot," Shura froze when he heard her say that, followed immediately by her clearing her throat. "I mean, you've been training all day and your skin is quite warm." He imagined Corrin's face turning pink at her statement and his heart was in his throat again. All he could do was nod in agreement.
"I think we should wrap your wound, just so it doesn't reopen again," she spoke softly again, her composure already regained. It's like she wasn't afraid of embarrassment, saying the wrong thing at the wrong time. Shura guessed she had to learn to roll with the punches in the Nohrian royal family, especially at war time. There was no time to second guess yourself or mope about, regretting your decisions. It was something he admired, since he so often found himself rehashing memories.
"I trust you," the words felt so foreign coming out of his mouth, but Shura meant them. It felt so easy with her, how eager she was to maintain relationships with everyone in camp, the smile on her face when anyone needed her help. It was so clear to him that she is truth and out of every faction he could've joined, he felt so lucky that it was hers.
He could hear her rummaging around behind him again, a brief pause before the sound of a wooden crate being pushed on the floor, hitting the wall to his right. Her footsteps could barely be heard, but he recognized the sound of her kneeling behind him with the rustle of fabric as she prepared to apply it to his back. Her hand was firm and warm as she pressed the first cloth directly over his wound, leaving it there to hold in place while she grabbed the other cloth to wind around his body. He felt her move quickly, shifting her grip from the first cloth to the second. "Will you hold this end to your stomach?" she asked, poking one of the ends of the longer cloth between his torso and arm.
Shura obeyed, awkwardly holding his arms out so Corrin could maneuver better. Her hands snuck around his sides, doing a strange little dance as she passed the cloth between them and winding it around his body. He could feel the little grazes of her fingertips on his skin, like burning streaks of lightning and it was all he could do not to react, not to shiver, not grab her hands and hold them in place. It had been so long since he's let someone this close to him. "I don't normally let people tend to my wounds," he croaked out, ignoring his whirring thoughts. "I usually do it myself."
"It's nice to have someone to help, isn't it?" Corrin asked, securing the last bit of cloth to the side of his back opposite his wound. Her tone was so sincere, so full of hope for him, he didn't know what to say.
She rounded the bench he sat on and looked at him full-on, a small smile on her face as she admired her handiwork. "I don't know if I did a great job, but it's at least... permissible." Corrin offered a hand to him and he took it, quickly letting go when he was up on his feet, not wanting to dwell on his feelings anymore.
"Thank you, Lady Corrin."
She grumbled in return. "Just Corrin."
"Alright," Shura conceded, bowing his head in apology. He wondered if she made everyone call her by her first name. Most likely. "Thank you, Corrin."
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demonsofdevildom · 2 years
Tag dump 1/?
{ Sounds and Melodies - Music } { First Brother and Avatar of Pride - Lucifer } { Second Brother and Avatar of Greed - Mammon } { Third Brother and Avatar of Envy - Leviathan } { Fourth Brother and Avatar of Wrath - Satan } { Fifth Brother and Avatar of Lust - Asmodeus } { Sixth Brother and Avatar of Gluttony - Beelzebub } { Seventh Brother and Avatar of Sloth - Belphegor } { Human Exchange Student Among Demons - Yuki/Male!MC } { Royal Demon and Future King of Devildom - Lord Diavolo } { Loyal and Impeccable Demon Butler - Barbatos } { Powerful and Immortal Sorcerer - Solomon } { Calm and Serious Archangel - Simeon } { Quiet Spear Wielding Seraphim - Raphael } { Reaper and Caretaker of Life Candles - Thirteen } musings of a reaper musings of a demon musings of an angel musings of a sorcerer out of grimm and dp { Young Devil Bird of a Son - Lucius } { Playful Half Demon and Prideful Bird - Dante } { Royal Heir and Half Demon Dragon - Caius } { Crafty Bird of a Half Demon and Fae - Mael } { Mystery Demon of a Moth Pet - Samuel } { Warm Heart of Royal Dragon - Silas } { Sharp Witted Bird of Pride - Ignatius } { Noble Demon of Wickedness - Belial } { Shepherding Archangel of Justice - Raguel }
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