#{ Calm and Serious Archangel - Simeon }
pupmusebox · 22 days
Tag dump 6/?
{ First Brother and Avatar of Pride - Lucifer } { Second Brother and Avatar of Greed - Mammon } { Third Brother and Avatar of Envy - Leviathan } { Fourth Brother and Avatar of Wrath - Satan } { Fifth Brother and Avatar of Lust - Asmodeus } { Sixth Brother and Avatar of Gluttony - Beelzebub } { Seventh Brother and Avatar of Sloth - Belphegor } { Human Exchange Student Among Demons - Yuki/Male!MC } { Royal Demon and Future King of Devildom - Lord Diavolo } { Loyal and Impeccable Demon Butler - Barbatos } { Powerful and Immortal Sorcerer - Solomon } { Calm and Serious Archangel - Simeon } { Quiet Spear Wielding Seraphim - Raphael } { Reaper and Caretaker of Life Candles - Thirteen } { Young Devil Bird of a Son - Lucius } { Playful Half Demon and Prideful Bird - Dante } { Royal Heir and Half Demon Dragon - Caius } { Crafty Bird of a Half Demon and Fae - Mael } { Mystery Demon of a Moth Pet - Samuel } { Warm Heart of Royal Dragon - Silas } { Sharp Witted Bird of Pride - Ignatius } { Noble Demon of Wickedness - Belial } { Shepherding Archangel of Justice - Raguel } { King of Knights - Arthur Pendragon } { Solitude Psychic of a Legendary - Vero/Mewtwo } { Tech Talented Alibaba and Oracle - Futaba Sakura } { Team Rocket Boss and Former Gym Leader - Giovanni } { Cold Eyed Rocket Executive - Archer } { Team Rocket's Master of Disguise - Petrel } { Team Magma's Boss - Maxie }
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pupmuseboxmoved · 3 months
Tag dump 6/?
{ First Brother and Avatar of Pride - Lucifer } { Second Brother and Avatar of Greed - Mammon } { Third Brother and Avatar of Envy - Leviathan } { Fourth Brother and Avatar of Wrath - Satan } { Fifth Brother and Avatar of Lust - Asmodeus } { Sixth Brother and Avatar of Gluttony - Beelzebub } { Seventh Brother and Avatar of Sloth - Belphegor } { Human Exchange Student Among Demons - Yuki/Male!MC } { Royal Demon and Future King of Devildom - Lord Diavolo } { Loyal and Impeccable Demon Butler - Barbatos } { Powerful and Immortal Sorcerer - Solomon } { Calm and Serious Archangel - Simeon } { Quiet Spear Wielding Seraphim - Raphael } { Reaper and Caretaker of Life Candles - Thirteen } { Young Devil Bird of a Son - Lucius } { Playful Half Demon and Prideful Bird - Dante } { Royal Heir and Half Demon Dragon - Caius } { Crafty Bird of a Half Demon and Fae - Mael } { Mystery Demon of a Moth Pet - Samuel } { Warm Heart of Royal Dragon - Silas } { Sharp Witted Bird of Pride - Ignatius } { Noble Demon of Wickedness - Belial } { Shepherding Archangel of Justice - Raguel } { King of Knights - Arthur Pendragon } { Solitude Psychic of a Legendary - Vero/Mewtwo } { Tech Talented Alibaba and Oracle - Futaba Sakura } { Team Rocket Boss and Former Gym Leader - Giovanni } { Cold Eyed Rocket Executive - Archer } { Team Rocket's Master of Disguise - Petrel } { Team Magma's Boss - Maxie }
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harunayuuka2060 · 2 years
Satan: I've looked around the animal shelter again, but I didn't see them.
Satan: And I met the attendant today, and he said that he wasn't there that day because he was sick.
Lucifer: *frowns* So someone had tricked you.
Satan: *sad frowns* I'm sorry. I was careless.
Mephistopheles: I want to blame you, but an animal shelter should be a safe place. Whoever it was, he knew that you'd be an easy target.
Levi: *worried* Do you think MC is okay?
Mammon: I'm sure MC must be scared right now...
Beel: *nods*
Belphie: I'll kill that person who kidnapped them.
Solomon: Calm down, Belphie. Barbatos is already working on this.
Asmo: Hey, can't we just turn back time before they got kidnapped?
Levi: R-Right! That should be easy!
Lucifer: *sigh* We'll wait and see what happens.
Diavolo and Barbatos: *have arrived*
Diavolo: *serious* Good day, everyone.
Barbatos: Sorry we took a while.
Lucifer: Did you find something?
Barbatos: It was Michael.
The brothers: ...
Belphie: *angrily* What?
The others: *having the same expression as him*
MC: *mirroring Michael* *but their tears won't stop*
Michael: *trying to comfort them* MC... You're finally back here in Celestial Realm.
Michael: Isn't that something we should celebrate?
MC: I... I want to go home...
Michael: ...
Michael: But you're already home...
Simeon and Raphael: *watching them*
Simeon: *looking at MC with sympathy*
Simeon: Michael, can I take over for now? MC must be tired. They need to rest.
Michael: ...
Michael: Yes. Thank you, Simeon.
Simeon: *goes to pat MC on the head* MC, let's go to your room. Okay?
MC: *now mirroring him* *smiles gently, but the tears are still there* Okay.
Simeon and MC: *walks out of the room*
Michael and Raphael: ...
Michael: MC just needs to get used to in living here again.
Raphael: ...
Raphael: I'm not sure why you're telling me this, Michael. But yes, I hope it is.
Simeon: *cuddling MC* Do you miss the brothers?
MC: *nods*
Simeon: *gently rubs their back*
Simeon: MC... Would you listen to me?
MC: *looks at him*
Simeon: *smiles* *makes them rest their head again on his shoulder*
Simeon: *whispers* Just behave for now. I'll find a way to sneak you out.
Simeon: In any circumstances, don't let anyone find this out. No matter who you mirror.
Simeon: Do you understand?
MC: *shakes their head*
Simeon: *chuckles* I see. So you were really a child after all.
Simeon: I'll make it simple.
Simeon: Trust me when I say that I'll get you out of here.
Simeon: How about that?
MC: *nods*
Simeon: Good. *plants a soft kiss on their temple* Sleep for now, okay?
Diavolo: What should we do about this matter?
Lucifer: I'm sure you know what everyone is thinking.
The brothers and Mephistopheles: *serious expression*
Solomon: I'm sure we're not starting a war, do we?
Satan: Don't worry, Solomon. You're still a human after all. You won't need to participate in this.
Solomon: Come on now. I'm not saying I won't. It's MC we're talking about.
Barbatos: Excuse me, gentlemen. But my intel tells me that we needn't to act hastily.
Lucifer: Why would we listen to your intel?
Barbatos: *chuckles* Oh, Lucifer. This one is an archangel of Celestial Realm himself.
Lucifer: ...
Lucifer: *smiles* I see. Do you think he'll be able to do it?
Barbatos: Yes. I'll keep everyone updated. *smiles confidently*
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demonsofdevildom · 2 years
Tag dump 1/?
{ Sounds and Melodies - Music } { First Brother and Avatar of Pride - Lucifer } { Second Brother and Avatar of Greed - Mammon } { Third Brother and Avatar of Envy - Leviathan } { Fourth Brother and Avatar of Wrath - Satan } { Fifth Brother and Avatar of Lust - Asmodeus } { Sixth Brother and Avatar of Gluttony - Beelzebub } { Seventh Brother and Avatar of Sloth - Belphegor } { Human Exchange Student Among Demons - Yuki/Male!MC } { Royal Demon and Future King of Devildom - Lord Diavolo } { Loyal and Impeccable Demon Butler - Barbatos } { Powerful and Immortal Sorcerer - Solomon } { Calm and Serious Archangel - Simeon } { Quiet Spear Wielding Seraphim - Raphael } { Reaper and Caretaker of Life Candles - Thirteen } musings of a reaper musings of a demon musings of an angel musings of a sorcerer out of grimm and dp { Young Devil Bird of a Son - Lucius } { Playful Half Demon and Prideful Bird - Dante } { Royal Heir and Half Demon Dragon - Caius } { Crafty Bird of a Half Demon and Fae - Mael } { Mystery Demon of a Moth Pet - Samuel } { Warm Heart of Royal Dragon - Silas } { Sharp Witted Bird of Pride - Ignatius } { Noble Demon of Wickedness - Belial } { Shepherding Archangel of Justice - Raguel }
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hoodedpanda333 · 3 years
The Datables!!!
A continuation of this
This man is ecstatic when you lean against him
He's a demon and you're such a fragile human
He's nearly brought to tears thinking about how much you must trust him
He doesn't want to move at all
Kinda sucks when you're the prince of hell and have a job to do
But much like a pet
You do not move when a sleeping MC is on you, no way no how
He is so tempted to wrap his arms around you
But he won't
He doesn't want to risk waking you up
Who knows when he'll get another chance to observe a sleeping human???
This man never sits down so for you to get him stationary for so long must be some sort of miracle
At first he is unsure if he should wake you up or not
One look at your peaceful face and he decides to allow it
Just this once, MC
He's busy waiting for Diavolo anyway so this should be fine
It amazes him how creatures with such a limited lifespan could spend a majority of their precious, fleeting moments unconscious
There is just so much to be done
Looking at your face, however, gives him a different point of view
How fascinating that a human could make him feel this way
And with such a simple action no less
Truly remarkable
Has been blessed by the lord himself
Does a few hail Marys when he sees your sleeping face
Somebody pray for this man
Ok, I'm done
But he is truly thanking his lucky stars he sat down next to you
As if there was any other choice
He's a literal angel and even he hasn't seen a sight as pure as this
He is radiating warmth from his excitement
Makes sure not to touch you without your permission
Continues with what he was doing before then
Is extra aware of your presence the whole time
Luke (platonic):
Is a little surprised when you fall over
You're very close to him and he's not really sure what to do about it
Lord Michael, the archangel
Send help
Low-key thinks you just died on him
Calms down when he hears you breathing
Doesn't even realize he's turning red
Tries to feed you a cookie to wake you up
Is honestly struggling™ at the moment
Looks up "What to do when my human friend falls asleep on me?" on his DDD
Calls for Simeon to bail him out
Why is Solomon taking pictures?
This is serious!!! Someone help this poor pup!!
"Ah! Looks like the poison is kicking in"
Uhh I mean
He isn't as surprised as the others
He actually smiles a little when he feels you against his arm
He's in the middle of reading a scroll he found on dBay
You must've dozed off waiting for him to finish up
He isn't complaining
After all, he wants a chance to get closer to you
Uses his magic to conjure up a blanket for you
It's pretty and purple with the stars mapped on it
He blushes a bit seeing you wrapped up in his blanket
Goes back to reading, occasionally looking back at you asleep against him
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How He Loves - Protectively
Luke x MC | Song fic
How He Loves Series | Brothers Masterlist | Dateables Masterlist
Inspiration ~ House of Gold by Twenty One Pilots
Description: Luke has to watch MC suffer at the hands of demons for months. He has finally had enough and vows to protect them at any cost.
Warnings: Spoilers for Lessons 14 - 20, angst
Luke sat down the tea set while MC began talking on the couch in the living room of Purgatory Hall. MC and Luke are known to have weekly dessert parties, yet they always end with MC talking about all the things the Brothers have put them through this week. Luke always listens to them intently. Yet today determination and anger filled his eyes as they spoke.
"MC. I promise to protect you. Those demons are so mean to you and I don't want them threatening you anymore!" MC chuckled at the small angel's enthusiasm.
"I'll be fine, Luke. Besides I'm an adult. I can take care of myself. There is no need for you to worry about me." Even though they sounded confident, Luke was not convinced by their words.
Weeks passed and in all that time, MC's words seemed to ring true. They had been threatened a few more times, but there was never anything serious that came out of it. That was until one of the Brothers finally snapped.
"Luke, we need to go. Come with me." Simeon grabbed Luke by his collar and was dragging him out of Purgatory Hall with Solomon following close behind.
"What's going on? I was in the middle of making a cake!" Simeon let's go of Luke's collar and reached for his hand before picking up the pace.
"The cake can wait. I just got a call. One of the demon Brothers has hurt MC. Lucifer called on us to see if we can help heal them."
Luke's blood went cold. He always knew this day would come, so why is he so upset that it finally happened and that he was right.
The trio ran through Devildom and frantically burst through the front door of the House of Lamentations, only to see MC standing without a scratch. Simeon and Solomon still rush over and begin to check the human while Luke collapses to his knees.
In the distance, Luke can hear them calmly reassuring everyone, "I'm fine. Seriously. Everything is fine."
Their voice resonates in Luke's ears.
"They're fine..." He stare in disbelief at one of the few people who has so accepting and nurturing to the young angel, "Thank Father, they're fine..."
His breaths are labored and his chest aches as it never has before. His hands clutch at his robes wishing for the pain to go away. In that moment, he decides he never wants to feel this way again.
"I promise MC. I will repay the kindness you give me by protecting you with my life." His words are whispered more to himself as the room swirls with crying and talking.
Even after the traumatizing events, MC decided to stay with the demon Brothers making Luke's heart ache at the thought that MC wants to stay with Belphegor. The demon that had already killed them once.
He is distraught not able to be there on a moments notice, but at least MC always comes by and tells him how they are doing.
"It really seems like Belphie has gotten over the whole 'hating humans' thing. Which is good! We have been hanging out a lot more." MC says as they grab the piece of cake that Luke hands them.
Luke feels hesitant to ask about MC's relationship as he doesn't want to seem rude, but his curiosity gets the best of him.
"So you two have become friends. Even though he tried to kill you?"
MC takes a bite of the cake, chewing and swallowing before answering, "He said he was sorry, so it's behind us," Luke takes a bite of his cake sullenly. He doesn't know how this human has made it this far, "Actually we just made a pact so we are pact mates!"
MC shows Luke the symbol on their neck happily as he spits out his cake.
"You what!?" Luke's face is filled with shock as MC begins to ramble.
"Yeah! He said he would make a pact with me to say he was sorry, so I thought, 'why not?' You know? Now at least I can stop him if he tries to attack me."
Luke rubs his hands on his face as a flood of emotions washes over him. These demons seem to have a stronger hold on this human than he thought. Why do they keep giving these monsters so much power over them? He can protect them just as easily and it won't cost them their soul.
He looks up to see them smiling at him. His heart clenches. MC reminds Luke of Micheal. So headstrong and brilliant, yet so kind and nurturing to him. He wants them to stay safe so he can see them again in the Celestial Realm, but he doesn't know how he can do it. Immediately Micheal comes to mind. He knows how to fix everything else. Maybe he could fix this.
A few months pass and the exchange program ends. Luke and Simeon prepare to go back to the Celestial Realm, while Solomon and MC prepare to go back to the Human Realm. The four of them stand in the Castle gardens before each other. The portals sit in front of them as Luke feels his stomach begin to sink and his body begin to shake.
MC notices the young angel shaking as tears well in his eyes and they move to his side immediately, "Luke, there is no need for you to be so upset. We'll see each other again. I'm sure of it." As MC finishes their words, Luke looks into their eyes and he feels a flood of tears trail down his cheeks. He runs into their arms, wrapping them in a tight hug.
"I'll miss you MC. Please don't forget about me." Luke's sobs rake his body making him shake and even bringing the other exchange students to tears. MC leans into his shoulder and gently whispers, "I could never forget you," As their own tears begin to fall. Only the sounds of sobs are heard as Luke and MC embrace.
Luke's tears slow down after a few minutes and he finally releases MC. They smile at him which calms his nerves.
"Are you ready to go now Luke?" Simeon's voice is soft as he talks to the small angel.
Luke gently nods his head before walking over to Simeon. The sinking feeling in his stomach is still there as he gives MC one last smile before walking through the portal.
Once in the Celestial Realm, Luke immediately calls for a private meeting with Micheal. Within minutes Micheal stands before the young angel staring blankly while Luke begins to tell him everything about MC.
Hours of explaining pass before Luke finally pleads, "Please. I want to save them from all those demons, but I don't know how. I see them as I see you or Simeon and I would do anything to keep them safe." Tears rush out of Luke's eyes as he frantically speaks to his superior.
"Well I know of a way to help," At Micheal's words a flicker of hope passes across Luke's face and his tears slow, "but it doesn't come without a price. Are you sure your willing to do anything for this human?" Micheal eyes follow Luke's figure as he speaks.
Luke runs up to the archangel and grabs his hands, "Yes! They have been so kind to me and I can't stand them being treated so terribly by those monsters. What would it take, Micheal?" Luke's voice cracks as he stares with wide hopeful eyes at Micheal.
The angel looks down at Luke, sucking in a deep breath before saying, "Your wings."
A/N: Thank you to @bunna-does-stuff and @felix-the-lemon-king for proof reading. It really meant a lot to me that both of you helped and I think it made this fic 10x better.
Tag List:
@bunna-does-stuff @obeythebutler @ashxrsbeloveds
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leviskokoro · 4 years
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Just an extremely self-indulgent personal story for Mari. I hope you enjoy! Art by my friend @Another-magic-user on DeviantArt.
??? :: Mari....
??? :: Mari
Mari :: Huh...? Is this a dream? That voice sounds familiar.
Mari :: Wait... Lilith?! What are you doing here?
Lilith :: I don’t have much time so please listen, my dear descendant. Now that you’ve manifested your wings once, it’s time that you learn to control your celestial form.
Mari :: And how do I do that...?
Lilith :: Each angel has a different way of manifesting their celestial form. You must find what drives you to continue living.
Mari :: What drives me... That’s—
Mari :: Gah!
Grim :: Geez, you’ve been oversleeping a lot lately. I’m the one who had to wake you up this time.
Mari :: Sorry. Let’s go get to class already. We’ll be late.
[—transition screen—]
Grim :: nom nom nom.. Uwahh, food tastes even better when you’ve been so hungry
Ace :: What happened this morning? We didn’t see you two for breakfast. 
Mari :: Sorry, I ended up oversleeping. 
Jack :: Have you been staying up late again? 
Sebek :: Human! You should know better than to stay up late! This is why you’re so short.
Mari :: I don’t remember if I even stayed up at all. All I remember is this dream I had.
Deuce :: It must have been some dream if you wanted to sleep more because of it.
Epel :: What happened in the dream?
Mari :: Well...
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Mari :: Ace, Deuce, and Jack are aware of where I came from but I don’t believe I’ve shared this info with Epel and Sebek.
Mari :: The world I came from had three realms: the Celestial Realm, The Human World, and the Devildom. The celestial realm is where angels live and the other two is pretty self explanatory.
Mari :: For 1 year, I was taken to the Devildom and lived there as a human exchange student. And in that year, plenty has happened and I learned many things.
Mari :: One of the things I learned was that my ancestor was an angel that was reborn as a human. Meaning that I have angelic blood flowing through me, despite being born human.
Sebek and Epel :: :0!!
Mari :: In my dream last night, my ancestor spoke to me. She told me that I must learn to control my celestial form now that I’ve manifested wings like once during the time we were stuck in Scarabia.
Epel :: You can turn into an angel?!
Mari :: Yeah but problem is... I don’t know how to control them so I’ve only done it once my whole life and that was when Jamil overblotted and threw us out of Scarabia. Everyone was falling and I panicked. The wings appeared and I was able to fly to save everyone else.
Jack :: Well, did she tell you how you can control it?
Mari :: Yes. She told me that each angel has a different manifestation technique and that I need to find my “drive” to continue living.
Mari :: I’m not sure what mine is, though.
Ace :: Sheesh, that’s pretty heavy. Isn’t there an easier way?
Sebek :: It’s important to have resolve and drive for existing! You should follow my example.
Epel :: !!
Ace :: ugh, does he ever stop talking about him? It’s so dumb.
Deuce :: Epel, are you alright?
Epel :: Y-Yeah, that just surprised me.
Mari :: Hmm... I’m not sure if that will work out for me.
Jack ::
Mari :: Hey, Jack. Your 「 Unleash Beast 」 transforms you into a big wolf, right? How do you do it? Do you feel anything when you do?
Jack :: Well... I kind of just let my instincts take over when I use 「 Unleash Beast 」 and all my senses are heightened.
Mari :: Instincts, huh? Hmm...
Deuce :: Do you remember how you felt before turning into an angel?
Mari :: I saw everyone was falling, I felt the urge to help but felt useless in the situation. Then there was this really soothing feeling, like I was calm and the wings came, I grabbed everyone and landed safely.
Ace :: So your drive to live...
Deuce :: is to help people?
Jack :: So you’re really just like that, huh?
Sebek :: That is a noble reason to live! I can respect that.
Grim :: Is it really? I can see it being really easy to take advantage of her.
Grim :: She’s lucky to have the Great Grim to save her when that happens.
Mari :: That’s nice and all but I still don’t know how I’ll use that to control my celestial form...
Jack :: Can you just try to remember that feeling you had during that moment?
Mari :: hmm—
Ace :: Wait, shouldn’t she try it outside? It’s going to be difficult if she transformed here
Mari :: Ah, good point. Maybe I’ll try it during PE.
[—transition scene—]
Mari :: Ugh, I’m trying as hard as I can but it won’t work.
Ace :: Maybe it only works when someone really needs help.
Vargas :: You two! Stop slacking off! Your muscles won’t develop this way.
Ace and Mari :: Yes, sir...
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Grim :: Ow... My body is still sore... Vargas is really thorough when it comes to class.
Mari :: Yeah. I just wanna fall asleep already— Zzzz....
Grim :: Fgnaa?! She passed out on the bed!
Grim :: ...
Grim :: Well, she’s been working hard these past few days. She deserves the rest.
*rustle rustle*
Grim :: There. Tucked in.
Grim :: Time to sleep too... Zzzzz
Mari :: Yawn... Wait— This isn’t my bed. Where am I??
Mari :: Grim! Wake up!
Grim :: Hnnnggg.... Five more minutes...
Mari :: Grim, I’m serious! This is an emergency!
Grim :: H-Huh... Fgnaa?! Where are we?!
Mari :: I was wondering that too. Maybe we’re just dreaming?
Mari :: Wait... I see some people in the distance running towards us—
Ace :: Mari! Grim!
Grim :: Fgnaa?! It’s the rest of the first years!
Deuce :: Thank goodness we found you. We just woke up in this strange place and don’t know what’s going on.
Jack :: You’re the only ones I’ve been able to sniff out so far.
??? :: Mari, it’s good to see you again after so long.
Mari :: !!!
Mari :: SIMEON?!
Mari :: Where are we? Do you know what’s going on??
Ace :: Eh? You know this guy??
Sebek :: Explain yourself at once!! You are speaking to a retainer of the future king of the Valley of Thorns!
Mari :: Uhh, guys, meet Simeon, he’s an angel from the Celestial Realm. I met him during the exchange program in the Devildom and he’s a friend of mine.
Simeon :: It’s good to see you again, Mari. You’re all in the Celestial Realm and—
Ace :: WE’RE DEAD?!
Jack :: Calm down, we’re not dead.
Simeon :: Yes. Fortunately, this is just a shared dream between all of you.
Epel :: But what for...?
Simeon :: The Archangel Michael told me that a new angel was having trouble learning the ropes so I brought you all here in a dream.
Mari :: W-Wait... So you can’t bring me back home?
Simeon :: I’m afraid so. This is what the best of my abilities can do to help you. I’m sure the 7 brothers will figure out a way for you home.
Mari :: Okay...
Ace :: So, I get why Mari is here, but why are the rest of us here?
Simeon :: Mari will need your help, as her friends.
Deuce :: Well, I guess I can’t ignore when a friend needs help as an honor student.
Ace :: Dude, it just sounds lamer the more you say it.
Mari :: So what’s wrong with me? I found my drive to live but I still can’t manifest it.
Simeon :: You know what drives you, but something is holding you back.
Mari :: ...
Grim :: Eh? What would be holding her back?
Simeon :: Mari, it’s about time you started to trust them. You’ve been living carrying a great weight for so long.
Mari :: ...
Simeon :: You’ve been helping everyone, but you haven’t helped yourself.
Simeon :: Unfortunately, I can’t be with you throughout this so please take my words into consideration before you all wake from this dream.
Ace :: What the—?! He disappeared!
Epel :: Who just says all that and disappears...?
Jack :: Mari. Hey. Snap out of it -shakes her-
Mari :: H-Huh..? Oh. Thanks, Jack.
Deuce :: Do you know what he was talking about?
Mari :: Yes... However, I’m afraid of how you’ll see me if I tell you.
Grim :: Why would it change how we see you?
Mari :: I was already the “useless and weak magicless student” to you guys for so long. If I revealed everything, you guys will just see me as weaker.
Deuce :: You never saw me differently after the first time I showed my delinquent side.
Epel :: But... you’re not weak or useless.
Grim :: Hah, if you were useless, the Great Grim wouldn’t have you as a servant!
Jack :: Yeah. I don’t think I’ve met anyone that has lived in Hell, has been nearly killed several times, actually died once and then came here, helped take care of the overblot incidents without showing any fear.
Jack :: You’ve been magicless and yet you’ve survived for this long.
Ace :: Only an idiot will think you’re weak.
Sebek :: Indeed! You may be human, but you’ve proven yourself many times.
Mari :: I... Thank you, guys. I promise I’ll be more honest with you guys from now on.
Mari :: W-Woah!
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Mari :: Ah... I’m not used to being complimented so much. It’s kinda embarrassing.
[—Fog fills the place—]
Mari :: Yawn... What a pleasant dream. That’s a firs— Huh?! I still have my wings...
Mari :: So it wasn’t just a dream...
Mari :: ...
Mari :: How am I gonna get through the door? My wings are too big.
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storysofmyown · 4 years
Obey me! Scarred, Chapt. 1
Plot: It’s time for the next step in Diavolo’s plan to unify the realms. But, in order to work, the demons would be subjected to confront their worst fears, and in some cases, who they are.
Trigger warning: So far none that i can think of, though it will be heavy on angst.
Word count: 1828
The room was dead silent. To the point where one could hear the breathing of the people in it. It was so silent the movement of a fly could be heard, the tapping on the floor on Leviathans part and the menacing aura that was exuding Lucifer could be pinpointed to a person…well less of a person and more of a being. He knew this moment was going to come, after all. In order for Diavolo's plan to work, the Devildom and the celestial realm would need to make amends, and in order for that to work, some family issues would need to be resolved. Lucifer was sitting on one extreme of the table, in the middle sit Diavolo was placed, and at the very next end God was sitting, beside him were three archangels, Simeon and Luke. Lucifer’s family sat close to him, none of the humans had been made aware that this reunion was taking place. If they had known, they would have begged to be there and considering the situation they could have been in danger if anything happens. Diavolo had cut off the silence by giving a speech about how perhaps it was time to make amends and that this would benefit the three realms, Lucifer was not paying any attention, after all his eyes were fixed in Belphegor, who was sitting the closets to the angels. Simeon was sitting between him and the Archangel Gabriel, still he could not help but fear for his family safety. After a few careful considerations and discussing what these weeks would entail with The Celestial presence being in The Devildom and such, more arrangements were made, and the reunion was about to end. Lucifer could not wait for it, the bare thought of ever seeing his father again was enough to sicken him, and now, here they were, face to face in a room. Having to face again all those thoughts and all those fears he thought had disappeared. There was one thought that had been resistant to be pushed back and made sure he remembered it every time he glanced in the direction of the angels. Lilith. “And with that, we will conclude the 12 day of this visit. Afterwards, the Celestial’s will go back to their realm, and in the near future we will be able to connect our realms with the human one. Everyone in favor of this notion?” No objections were risen, although Lucifer could see in his family's face they wanted to oppose. “The members of the student council are in favor.” Commented Lucifer, now standing up, asserting his position as one of the most powerful beings in the Devildom. He was not going to let his Fathers presence bother him more than it should. All of his family have been avoiding glancing at the angels, though, Lucifer had noticed Beel’s sadness. With no opposition on the other end of the table, Diavolo clasped his hands and forced a smile. Even the Prince of the Devildom could not escape the awkwardness of the situation. “Well, if there is no other topic to discuss, this meeting will be concluded.” Everyone rose to their feet, except God. “We still have not discussed where will my sons and I, “God made a point to glance at the angels, before looking directly at Diavolo, “will be spending the night.” “Of course, my apologies,” spoke Barbatos from the door, where he had been standing in case anyone needed assistance.“You will be staying in the castle along with my lord, as for the newly come angels, they will be staying alongside Simeon and Luke, at the Purgatory Hall.” “Mhm, no, that wont do.” Responded God, now raising and starring directly at Lucifer. “I would be staying at the House of Lamentation, alongside the student councils. That is, if there is no inconvenience.” His voice was laud and deep, almost as if He had been trying to intimidate them. All eyes fell on Lucifer, who could feel his family grow increasingly angrier. Lucifer locked eyes with Diavolo, who had concern written all over his face. “Oh, well, you see. The House of Lamentation houses eight members at this point. I am unsure if there will be a spare room.” Diavolo was trying his hardest to avoid that. He knew that it would only make the student council feel uncomfortable even worse about the whole situation. “Nonsense.” Declared God. “Barbatos explained that the House of Lamentation had space enough for all its members and spare room in case of visits. Well, I am a visitor, who will be spending their stay at The House of Lamentation.” Lucifer was feeling sick. The idea of having to see that being in his home everyday for the next week or so made his blood boil. With everything that had happened, now he acted like he had any right to stay with them. Lucifer wanted to scream and make sure to hand Him a piece of his mind, but he stayed collected. Not permitting his father get a rise out of him. “Besides,” God had started to move around the room, this time avoiding Lucifer’s glance, and the others as well. “I am eager to meet the new member of this…family.” God stood right behind Satan’s chair, putting his hands on the shoulders of the young demon. It was the first time God had seen Satan. He had heard of him. About how from Lucifer’s rage one had been born. And now the family of demons had grown to seven again. ‘What a pity, they should be eight.’ Thought God within him, making a point to pet Satan’s head. This demon represented wrath. A demon that represented hate, he was impressed. The thought that Lucifer had hated him so much to the point were another whole being came into existence was entirely hilarious. And he would be lying if he said he was not curious how his 6 rough sons and his never-meet-before-grandson were.
God glanced at Lucifer, this time, who had damned all that idiocy of acting like the big person and was one step away from going full demon form. “Get away from him.” He snarled, all of the brothers were standing now, The angels immediately pulled out their weapons, just in case. Simeon and Luke were standing at the side of Barbatos with a terrified look at what was about to go down. “Do you actually believe you have any right to come into his kingdom,” Lucifer pointed at Diavolo, “order around like its your house and expect us to take you in?” Lucifer spitted the words at God, before pulling Satan away from His hands. He had lost every bit of patience and com posture he had before and was ready to attack and go to war again. He was not going to stand around and watch God take away another part of his family. He will be damned if Diavolo expected him to accept this man into his home him after everything he had done to them. Lucifer still had not forgotten him for making them fall, much less from killing Lilith. And now He barged in and demanded staying with him and put His hands that were stained by Lilith’s blood on his son? No, not a chance. The sun would rise in the Devildom before Lucifer let his Father touch another member of his family. Suddenly, Diavolo was standing between him and the rest of the angels. He had gone into demon form, and his normally cheery attitude had shifted to a more serious one. “Gentlemen, I would appreciate if we kept this civil.” Diavolo gave Lucifer a reassuring smile, before turning at the angels and God. “ While I can understand your reasoning behind wanted to stay at the House of Lamentation, I must insist you stay with me.” Diavolo left no room for argument, God settled the angels by moving a hand, dismissing them. Diavolo was waiting for an answer. “If that is the case, then so be it. But I am eager to visit every part of The Devildom, so expect a visit from me sooner or later.” God glanced at the brothers and then at Satan. His eyes rested on the twins for a second longer. Belphie was getting ready to take the eyes out of Him, but Beel put a hand on his shoulder reassuring him. Once God and the Angels had left following Barbatos, Lucifer turned at his brothers and Satan. “Everyone is okay, right?” Diavolo questioned, closing the door, just to make sure no one could hear. “We will be once that old jerk gets back to where he came from.” Mammon spoke, venom in his voice. “This is the first time I ever saw Him, but I swear I have never wanted to kill someone as much as I did just now.” “What are we going to do if He actually comes to the House of Lamentation, Lucifer?” Asmodeous voice was a little shaky, and once again Lucifer felt this urge to hit his Father, but he took a deep breath and tried to remain calm. “Giving what happen today, I wonder if it would be the wisest to cancel this?” Diavolo spoke. While he did want to unify the three realms, he was not going to do so at the expense of his friend and his friend’s family. Besides…giving how God had acted, he wondered if them agreeing to this was not a tactic to get on the ex-angel’s nerves.
All of them glanced at one another, considering the possibilities. “No,” spoke Lucifer.“While I do not like the idea of Him being around, this might be the only opportunity we have to unify The Celestial Realm and The Devildom. If we go back now, who knows what re precautions they may take against us.” Lucifer turned to is family.“I know this is hard, for all of us. But it will only be for 12 days. And, as long as we stick together I believe we can take it.” The rest of them nodded, silence fell into the room again. None of them were happy with the idea of having their God around, but they owed Diavolo as much. After they found out Diavolo had given Lilith an opportunity to a normal life, they wanted to repay him for it. And if that meant having to put up with their Father for a few days they would. Diavolo patted Lucifer on the shoulder before leaving the room. “Having said that, even if we try to stay away from trouble and put up with him, if He does anything to any member of this family, you will tell me. I do not care about any consequences. I will not allow that Him to hurt us again. That’s a promise.” Lucifer glanced at the twins, who were awfully silent. After that final agreement, all of them made their way to the house of Lamentation, were a certain human was waiting for them to come back.
Hello sweethearts! This is the first part of a fic I’m writing. I normally work better with one shots but, why not give it a try? Also, this fic was kind of inspired an ask someone sent @fellulahh. They did a fantastic work with it, Ill leave the link here.
I hope you enjoy it, i’ll be posting part two between saturday and sunday.
FYI, if i wasnt going to hell before, i now will given how im planing to write God.
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter ten
Chapter eleven
Chapter twelve
Chapter thirteen
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ruhaku-xo · 3 years
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Other Characters:
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Voice Actor: Takuhei Yamamoto
NAME: Diavolo (ディアボロ)
TITLE(S): Lord Diavolo
Future King of the Devildom
Student Council President
ALIASES: Lordy McLordface
The Young Lord (by Barbatos)
Young Master (by Barbatos)
BIRTHDAY: October 31
ZODIAC: Scorpio
"The only child of the Demon King and the most powerful being in the Devildom. He is also president of the RAD student council."
Diavolo is the ruler of all demons, and everyone who lives in the devildom knows his name. His father, the Demon King, is still alive, but he has no interest in the affairs of the Three Realms. He allows Diavolo to take full control of the demon world, choosing to sleep at the bottom of the Devildom instead.
As a result, it is believed that Diavolo will become the future king of the demon realm. Thus, Diavolo believed that the three worlds should live in harmony with each other and began to strengthen the relationship between the devil, the human world, and the heavenly world through an exchange program.
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Voice Actor: Masayuki Harada
NAME: Barbatos (バルバトス)
ALIASES: Diavolo's Butler
Greatest pastry chef
BIRTHDAY: August 22
"The perfect butler who follows Diavolo like his own shadow. His ability to see both the past and the future."
Barbatos is a loyal servant of Diavolo. He was first introduced in Lesson 213 with Simeon and Luke.
Barbatos like to tease others a bit, but have a very calm attitude. He treats the MCs well and often leaves leftover sweets he bake for them. He is very loyal to lord Diavolo and wants to serve him well. Diavolo sometimes complained that Barbatos was too harsh on him. Demon Brothers describes him as an overprotective demon.
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Voice Actor : Okaki
NAME: Luke (ルーク)
ALIASES: Chihuahua
ZODIAC: Cancer
Representative of Heaven. "Lucifer gave him the nickname Chihuahua and was often teased."
Luke is one of two angels sent from the Celestial Kingdom to participate in the exchange program. He and Simeon will stay at Devildom for a year. He is presented in lesson 2-13 with Simeon.
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Voice Actor: Yu Hirata
NAME: Simeon (シメオン)
TITLE(S): Archangel
ALIASES: Serious Angel (by Asmodeus)
Christopher Peugeot (Pen Name)
BIRTHDAY: February 10
ZODIAC: Aquarius
“He has a gentle personality and always has a smile on his face, but he has great intuition. He has no hope for technology."
Simeon is one of the two angels sent from the Celestial Realm to take part in the exchange program. He and Luke had to be in the Demon World all year long. He is first introduced in Lesson 2-13 with Luke.
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Voice Actor: Kazuki Kawata
NAME: Solomon (ソロモン)
TITLE(S): King Solomon the Wise
ALIASES: The Greatest Sorcerer
Solomon the Sorcerer
The witty sorcerer
Mister Stiff (by Asmodeus)
BIRTHDAY: December 9
ZODIAC: Sagittarius
"An exchange student from the human world. Known as the wise one, he is the most powerful wizard who can control 72 demons."
Solomon is one of two people sent to participate in the exchange program with the MC. He is first introduced in Lesson 22. It was later revealed that he had magical powers that summoned Asmodeus before he could make a contract with him and try to MC. He also signed a treaty with Barbatos.
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Main Character
NAME: Player determined
Yuki (Default Name)
Sheep-chan (by Asmodeus in
Otaku FM)
GENDER: [Unspecified]
BIRTHDAY: [Player determined]
The Main Character (MC) is one of the only two human exchange students attending RAD. Their default name is Yuki, however, the player can change this name alongside their birth-date at the start of the game.
"Obey Me! One Master to Rule Them All"
A romance simulation and RPG card mobile game developed by NTT Solmare Corp. It's one of many romance simulation games from a dating sim brand called Shall We Date?
Users can experience a story filled with numerous characters. There are phone and messaging systems and fun card battles. Complete a series of tasks and choose how to enjoy life in the world of demons!
Get the app here: https://shallwedate.jp/obeyme/en/
Obey Me Wiki Fandom
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elai-okonma · 4 years
Chapter 9. Ain’t Afraid To Die
Thank you to everyone who is still here<3 And a very special thank you to @obeymekookie for always supporting my work <3
Warnings: violence, etc. 
Word count: 2,308
Celestial Realm
  You hear faint talking, though you can't really pinpoint who or where it was coming from. You try to open your eyes but the lids are just too heavy. You decide that if you can’t use your eyes to figure out what’s going on, then you would just use your hearing. You focus all your energy to hear what’s being said, and who is saying it. 
“...you know damn well what you are doing Michael…”
“...you think we are none the wiser because we aren’t Archangels…”
“...she was human before she was an Angel, she doesn't know the customs here in the Celestial Realm…” 
  You’ve confirmed that it was your two friends talking to Michael, but you hadn’t heard Michael say anything in response. What were they talking about, anyways?? You were fully conscious now, but thought it best to pretend to still be sleeping. You wanted to know what was going on, but had a feeling that you’d get more information by just staying right where you were. 
  “...this isn’t right, and you know it…”
“...you should at least know the truth about her while she is still unaware…”
“...MC died in the Devildom, at the hands of Belphegor. She died violently and she suffered greatly before he took her life…”
“...she’s also in love with the brothers, and if Lucifer finds out about what you’ve done, we are sure to have another war on our hands. Is that what you want, Michael??...”
  You hear the Archangel speak for the first time now.
  “...MC loves my fallen brothers??...”
  “...she loves them more than herself and is prepared to fall for them. She’s already spoken to Father about it...she knows the price and she’s willing to pay it…”
“...your pact with MC cannot be. She will not stay by your side, she won’t even stay by Fathers. Nothing you can say to her will make her change her mind, either. She’s dead set on returning to them, to the Devildom…”
  You hear Kyo and Elai start to choke up. You knew they didn’t want you to go, but they support you nonetheless. You hear what sounds like a sigh come from Michael. 
  “...what will you do when she falls?? It's clear that you don't want her to leave...”
 “...we honestly don’t know. It breaks our hearts that she will be leaving us, but we as her friends will support her, no matter what happens…”
“...you need to tell her what making a pact with you entails. Tradition or not, she won’t agree to it…”
  You start to hear high pitched ringing in your ears, now. It’s almost unbearable, but you concentrate on the conversation the three are having. 
  “...a pact formed with an Archangel cannot be undone -RRRRRIIIIIIIINNNNGGGG- she won’t be able to break the -RRRRRIIIIIIINNNNGGGG- either. She will have to realize that her place is -RRRRIIIIIINNNNGGG-...”
  FUCK, what was this noise?? It feels like your head is about to split open. You can’t listen anymore, you can’t even think with this noise assaulting your ears. You had no idea what Michael was even saying at this point. No longer able to pretend you were asleep, you jolt up and clutch your head. 
  “The ringing, make it stop!” you yell.
  “You hear the rings, MC?? Those are the Celestial Bells, they signal something serious is happening.”
  “Why are they so loud?!” you gasp out.
  “It’s only loud because you’re not used to your power yet. All your senses are heightened now, so it’ll take some getting used to.” Michael responds.
  “How long are they going to ring?! My fucking head...it’s too much…”  you trail off. 
  “It should be stopping soon. MC, besides your new hearing, how else do you feel??”
  You try to think of a reply to his question, “overwhelmed,” is all you say.
  “You handled receiving my power very well, MC. You’re the first person, Angel or otherwise, that I’ve done this with.”
  With the ringing finally stopped, you take a deep breath and tell Elai and Kyo to go leave you for a minute. They oblige, and step outside. Now, with it just being Michael and yourself, you get serious.
  “I heard you and my friends talking. I want answers.”
  “Of course, love.”
  You don’t care for the look on his face. You also don't let it go unnoticed that he just called you love. 
  “Please don’t call me that.”
  “Why not?? You don’t like it??”
  “I am not your love, they are in the Devildom. I heard Kyo tell you about my being in love with your brothers, and it’s true. I love Lucifer and the others, and I do plan to go back to them as soon as possible.”
 Michael looks away from you before starting:
  “MC, i’m going to be honest with you, forming a pact with an Archangel, is not something that is done. One of the reasons being that no one makes it through the process. Another reason being that no one is worthy of such divine power, but the other reason is that…”
 He was cut off when he heard a familiar voice booming from behind him:
  You look past the Archangel and see the last person you were expecting to see, standing there. Your eyes widen at the familiar face, and their eyes widen in return. 
  “MC, I KNEW I SMELLED YOUR SCENT! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!” the Angel runs to you and pulls you into a hug, tearing up at the reunion. 
  You hug him back tightly, and let your tears flow. Your first familiar face since you came to the Celestial Realm almost a month ago. Simeon lets go and looks in your eyes, dead serious, now. 
  “MC, is it true that you made a pact with Micahel??”
  “H-how did you know that??”
  “I ran into Kyo, and Elai on my way here. I followed your scent as soon as I got back, I had to see for myself if it was really you. MC, do you realize what you’ve done, by forming a pact with Michael??”
  “No, but he was just about to tell me, RIGHT Michael??”
  You look back over to Micahel, and Simeon looks at him, as well. With a deep breath he confesses:
  “MC, the other reason pacts with Archangels are...difficult...is because it's also a mating pact.”
  You suck in a breath as your mouth drops open. For the first time since you’ve known him, Simeon looks disgusted. 
  “W-w-what are you t-talking about?? A mating pact??”
  “It means that you are betrothed to me. That you are mine.”
  You haven’t felt this level of anger and betrayal since Belphegor killed you. What the fuck was this prick Angel talking about?? He must be OUT OF HIS FUCKING MIND!! If there were anyone you belonged to it was Lucifer and the others, NOT MICHAEL. You’re yelling now:
  “You accepted when you agreed to form a fact with me, MC. Remember, you said you’d do anything to get back to your Demons.”
  You’re quiet now, as you look to Simeon, and then to the area where Elai and Kyo were standing. They were panting from sprinting in after hearing you yell. You look back to Michael and smile. Smile the most sadistic smile you could, an action that would make even Lucifer scared. A low growl left your throat, and Simeon took a step back. Michael looked ready to flee, wings spread and twitching at the sight before him. You took the chance to let your own wings emerge, the light from your newly bestowed halo on top your head pulsating with your heartbeat. Your three friends look between each other now, ready to restrain you if need be. Your sigils from the Demons lighting up and floating just above your skin took everyone by surprise, including yourself. You forgot you had them, assuming they were gone since you died. 
  “M-M-MC, please, take a deep breath and think before you made your next move.”
  “Shut up, Michael! Just SHUT UP!”
  “MC, he’s right, please, you need to calm down. You’re going to overwhelm your body again, if you keep this up.”
 “ALL OF YOU, SHUT YOUR TRAPS!” you scream at the top of your lungs, shaking the columns of Michael’s house. 
  But it was too late. In a flash of light, you were behind Michael, laughing maniacally as you grab one of his wings and start to rip it off his body. His screams, like music to your ears. 
  You growl once more, but your friends are on you now, tackling you to the floor. Michael steps away immediately as his hand comes up to where his wing was dangling off his back. He looks over to you on the floor, wings flailing about as the three Angels wrestle you down. 
  “LET ME GO!”
  “MC, you need to stop! You’ll be punished for this! You assaulted an Archangel!”
  Michael uses his good set of wings to fly off. Seeing him leave makes you even more crazy. You push Kyo, Elai, and Simeon off of you to go after him, but the other Angels are right behind you. 
  Weaving through the night sky, you follow the scent of Michael’s blood. You can hear his desperate whimpers not far ahead, and you decide you need to get him out of the sky. I don’t know what I can do with these powers yet, but I need to think of a way to get him back on the ground. Then it dawns on you, shoot him out of the sky…
The Devildom
  The brothers cease their shouting when Simeon bolts out of the house. It was unlike him to do something so rude. After some time goes by, they hear a low rumbling coming from somewhere outside, they become still. 
  They run out to the garden and look around to see where the noise was coming from. Then they heard Levi gasp as they turned to him. They follow his gaze to where his eyes are and they can’t believe what they’re seeing. 
  The sky above them is lighting up all over the place, and Lucifer couldn’t stop himself from shaking. 
  “Angelic lightning bolts?! Is there another war happening?!” Asmo speaks up.
  “It can’t be. Why are they fighting?? Who are they fighting??” Beelzebub responds, stopping mid-chew. 
  Luci says something under his breath, and his brothers ask him to repeat what he just said. 
  “I said, does anyone else feel...weird?? Like, their skin is tingling??”
  The brothers look down at themselves, and notice what looks to be gold specs ghosting their skin. 
  “What is this?? It’s beautiful…”
  “...Celestial Ash…” 
  Everyone looks at their eldest brother when he says that. They were all former Angels, and they’d never seen this stuff before.
  “I’ve only read about it...I’ve never seen it…” Lucifer rubs his gloved fingers together, smearing the golden ash around, before admiring it.
  Asmo put his hands out like he was catching snowflakes. Levi and Mammon never took their eyes off the sky above them. They heard another low rumble, followed by shrill whirring noises. 
  “What in Diavolo’s name is going on up there??”
Celestial Realm
  You were right on Michael’s path when you figured out how you were going to shoot him out of the sky. You took the deepest breath you could muster and opened your mouth, the same blue light from before came blasting out followed by a scream. How convenient, you think to yourself. You hear Simeon and the others behind you, but you just keep close behind Michael. Again. You open your mouth again, and let out a few bursts of light. The sky around you flashes bright, as you let out more short bursts of light. Your throat feels hot, and you struggle to keep up the rapid firing. One more. You can’t breath but you know Michael isn’t too far ahead. Almost there. You quickly catch up to the Archangel, and grab a hold of him. You come face to face with him and take another deep breath, ready to end this. You smash your lips to his. I’m going to make sure he doesn’t recover from this. As your tongue snakes into his mouth, forcing it open, you feel your throat heating up again, ready to let out more Angelic light straight into him. In a desperate attempt to escape, Michael grabs your hair and yanks you off of him enough to harden his wings. 
 “NO!” You scream, as Michael slips out of your grasp and falls down towards the water below. You swoop down to follow him, but he’s just falling too fast, weighted down by his wings. My light won’t penetrate through him with his wings armored. The Archangel is picking up so much speed you can hear the wind moving around him, a metal whirring sound, as he becomes aerodynamic. You reach out to him...So close.. as he plummets into the water. 
  “FUCK!!” you shout, as you stop just short of diving into the water yourself. You continue hovering at the surface, when Kyo and the others find you. Simeon makes quick work of detaining you, as he and the others fly back to land. 
  Now that you’ve calmed a little, you realize what you’ve done. Simeon’s voice comes out quiet but stern, 
  “MC, do you have any idea what the punishment is, for attacking an Archangel…”
  You look up to him, then to Kyo and Elai. Seeing the looks on their faces just confirmed the worst. This was a matter that was going to be handled directly by God.  
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caffeinatedfantasy · 4 years
The Seal pt 17: Emotions Running
{ Chris: [bio] [Prologue] [Story in Tumblr] [ AO3 Link From Beginning ] 
I was a little surprised that I'd managed to slip away from the entire house the next day. I'd kept glancing over my shoulder, expecting Mammon to pop up behind me as I walked through Devildom, but... Nope. Even glancing at my D.D.D., none of them seemed to have noticed yet. It was a relief, but also... I couldn't help the twinge of pain in my chest. I pushed aside the familiar voice saying that's what I should expect, That of course none of them would notice. They only pay attention to you at all because they have to... Between Diavolo putting them in charge of me and the pacts, there's really no other reason for them to even--
I cut off the thoughts abruptly, tapping my forehead with the edge of my DDD a bit harder than necessary. I couldn't let those thoughts get started. I'd made a point to make it so that they wouldn't notice me for awhile, so it only meant that I was succeeding. That was how I should look at it. I took a deep breath to steady myself. I needed to hit up the Library, that's why I was out. Getting some peace and quiet to finally look at the case I'd gotten was the point. I'd left it with Belphegor perhaps too long and that worried me. I didn't know if he'd gone through it or taken anything out, and I didn't know if that even mattered.
But it was mine and had been given to me and there was a part of me rather reluctant to let them see it. What if it was something I shouldn't have? What if Lucifer got mad about it? At least the Library wasn't far and it wasn't long before I found myself a corner to hide out in, getting some books for my classes on the way. I pulled out all of my things for my homework, but that wasn't what I was there for. I just wanted an excuse set up. [I winced. Some habits were hard to break.]  I sighed, finally pulling out the leather case and placing it on the small table behind the stacks of books.
It was like an old soft-sides leather briefcase my dad had had when I was younger, but the handle at the top had broken off, leaving it to look almost like a mailer instead. I could feel... Something from it. And I frowned a little bit. The risk of handling it myself, without telling any of the others about it, was that if the magic inlaid in it was dangerous, I'd have no way of knowing about that, much less how to protect myself if it were. I'd started to sense magic in general, but this. I frowned. And went for it anyway, struggling with the buckle for a moment as it seemed keen to stay shut.
I hissed when the metal bit into my skin, drawing blood that smeared along the leather strap. And with a faint glow and a silent 'pop', it opened. Maybe Belphegor hadn't managed to open it before?
Undoing the other strap, I slid the contents onto the table. Inside was a journal, a sealed letter, a couple pouches, a pack of cards [they didn't look like tarot, but I was unfamiliar with anything except playing cards] and, at the very bottom, a small pendant on a silver chain. My hand shook as I picked up the pendant. It had a sigil on it. One that I recognized from when I'd looked into the Seal. I instinctively touched the tattoo on my stomach, wondering if somehow the witch had been able to sense it. I could recognize what the sigil was for, but...
I slipped the pendant down my shirt, tucking it, chain and all, into my bra before I sorted through the other things. Dried herbs in one pouch, crystals in the other. I recognized some of both. Dandelions, star anise and lavender stood out to me. And then opal, turquoise and amethyst of the stones. I didn't remember their properties, but they seemed like things a witch would have, at least. It didn't make sense why she'd give them to me, though. Maybe it was just not wanting the police to have the stuff. And since it had been her not-apprentice that had killed her...
I flipped through the journal briefly. The notes were all in English, and seemed to be instructions for spellwork and potions. She must've thought me a witch or something. I wasn't even sure if any of this would help me, since I couldn't really do magic, but... I guess it was still nice? Sliding the other things back into the case, I was left with the letter. The wax seal [with a stylized 'G' stamped into it] was still intact, and there wasn't a name on it from what I could see. I wanted to know, but I hesitated breaking the seal. More bad habits. But I ducked into my bad and pulled out a small knife I'd gotten and a lighter. Heating up the knife briefly, I slipped the edge of the blade under the seal, melting the wax enough to pop open the envelope.
Sliding out the letter, I scanned it, hoping it might have some more information for me, but unlike the journal, this wasn't in English. It was... Latin, I think. The strange thing was that it started with 'Chris'. My name. She'd shown that she could see the future, but how could she have known this would go to me? It bothered me. And I wanted to know what it said, but it had been a long time since I'd really tried to read much latin. I sighed, slipping it back into the envelope and using the knife to re-seal the wax. I put that with the rest of the things, slipping the entire care back into my bag. No real answers. It just seemed to be a witches kit. Except for the letter.
I needed to ask someone. I was slowly coming up with more and more questions and I didn't even know where to start on any of this. It wasn't my world. The only magic I knew was from stories. And D&D might not be the most reliable here. I was getting more and more involved in all of this and if the other night had been anything to go by, I was already well past what I could handle on my own. I hadn't even known what Belphegor had done. Or what I had. [I felt a flush of embarrassment remembering it.] And he'd called me an empath. If that hadn't just been me having a sex dream, what did that even mean?
Leaning back in my seat, pushing my glasses up and pressing the heels of my palms against my eyes, and I groaned to myself.
"Come now, the homework can't be that bad." I jumped, knocking my glasses askew at the voice. I recognized it and, after adjusting them to sit properly on my face, I found Simeon standing there, smiling gently at me. I chuckled nervously at the comment, straightening out and staring down at the papers I had splayed out on the table as my "cover".
"No, I was thinking of something else." I apologized, looking up at him. I could ask him in theory. He was an angel, after all. They were supposed to be good... But for some reason...
"Can I help?" I shifted awkwardly at the question, glancing down at the papers and sort of shuffling them for something to do with my hands. He probably could help me, to be honest. But guilt welled up in my chest at the idea of even asking. I hummed, trying to play it off.
"It's fine. I wouldn't want to bother you with it." I swear it wasn't meant to sound as self-pitying as it came out to my ears. I winced at it, but sent him the most reassuring smile I could. He opened his mouth, looking ready to speak, when I interrupted him. "Anyway, I'm about done with homework ether way."
A pause. That was not my best deflection. And he was watching me, that calm smile still on his face. It made me nervous and I glanced down at my DDD to see if an excuse to change the topic had popped up in the form of a text from one of the brothers. But no, that had been too much to ask apparently, as there was still nothing on my screen. Just me and Simeon. I set it down, not wanting to be rude, and looked back up at him. His smile brightened, spreading across his face and making me want to return the expression without even giving it a thought. 
"If you're done, would you like to join me for lunch?" I hesitated. I had no reason not to. And he'd never been anything but nice. [And it would do me good to maybe not worry about the brothers for a bit. I shrugged.
"Let me put these away, and then sure." It took a few moments, and Simeon helped, but it wasn't long before we were headed out of the library, my bag thrown over one shoulder and having to jog a little to catch up to the angel. [How on Earth did he move so fast without looking hurried in the least?]  We were making small talk, though. Our classes. How I was adjusting. It almost felt like a normal sort of conversation, really. I was nervous enough around him that I wasn't entirely retaining much of the conversation.
"Luke is quite fond of you." He commented, and that perked me up far more than anything else he'd said. "Perhaps you should come over sometime. He's told me you like baking as well."
"He's a sweetheart. And he gets too riled up by everyone's teasing!" I laughed, puffing out my cheeks a bit as I thought of it. The demon brothers did the same thing to Mammon, but he was far more used to it, it seemed. He didn't take it as seriously as Luke seemed to. Or perhaps stay as affected by it. "Was he not used to it before now?"
Simeon shook his head, looking quietly amused. "No, he always stayed close to Michael, and he's too serious for that."
"From that tone of voice, I'm assuming that you tried." He was making it much easier for me to forget he was an angel, talking about Luke and Michael this likes. Especially when he chuckled at my assessment, looking far too guilty.
"For the most part, jokes like that go over his head." The idea of a mighty archangel that Michael was supposed to be not getting jokes was immensely funny to me. I didn't know what Michael looked like, but I could still imagine the expression well enough. [In my mind, he looked like Luke's older brother, with how the younger angel spoke of him, that's simply how I saw things.]
"Hopefully Luke is picking up some humour while here." I chuckled. While it was fun to tease him, it would be much better if he didn't get quite so upset about it.
"That's what I'm hoping for, at least.." Simeon nodded, giving me a soft smile. He looked like he was about to keep telling me about Luke when he looked up abruptly. Something passed across his face that I couldn't quite make out before his familiar smile reappeared and he turned his attention towards the restaurant we were approaching. "Ah, here we are."
"Chris! You're feeling better, I see!" I was greeted by Diavolo's cheerful booming voice and nearly tripped over my feet. Simeon's steadying hand appeared at my arm.
"Dia--Lord Diavolo! Simeon didn't mention I was-- Yes, I'm feeling better." I didn't entirely know how to act around the Demon Lord. Which should be silly since I lived with the 'Seven Rulers of Hell', and spent much of my time giving them more shit than was really appropriate. [I suspected any demon wouldn't get away with it.] With Diavolo, I don't think it helped that he was so fucking hot. And I'd seen him in his demon form and I swear it had come straight out of one of my wet dreams. I hadn't been able to look him in the eye since. But I did my best as he led the way into the restaurant.
At least Asmo's insistence on making sure that practically all of the clothes I owned here in Devildom be nice was keeping me from feeling too out of place. I ordered something small. With some wine because fuck it, I was going to need something to survive this. Diavolo was largely making small talk with Simeon for awhile, talking about the angels, mostly. And how their communication had been going. A pang of envy hit me. Was I the only one not allowed to contact home? [No, I couldn't think like that. What the fuck was with my emotions today?]
I was starting to zone out from their conversation, draining my first glass of wine and starting to look about when my D.D.D. rang. I nearly dropped my glass at the sudden noise. And the sudden looks. I felt like they were annoyed at me as I scrambled for it, pulling it out and immediately clicking the 'don't answer' button before I noticed the name on the screen.
Shit. He wasn't going to be happy about that. I didn't remember hearing my DDD go off before, but this hadn't been his first time calling me, either. I frowned slightly. He'd called, and so had Mammon. And some texts from them-- Why hadn't my DDD been working and-- I glanced up, feeling their eyes on me.
"Sorry. Uh. Looks like I forgot to let Lucifer know I was going to be out..." Diavolo's eyes narrowed a little bit at that and -- oh that's right he could tell when people were lying. I winced. I almost expected him to get angry at me, but he beamed instead and waved over a waiter.
"Get a picture of us." He told the waiter, plucking my phone from my hands and handing it to him. The demon nodded and Diavolo started pulling me in towards them before he even explained. "You can send him a picture. I've seen you send them to him before..."
Yes, when I was just hanging out with Mammon or Levi or Beel and feeling far too lazy to say that I was still doing exactly what I said I'd be doing. Not like this. But I was practically pulled onto the Demon Lord's lap, with Simeon barely leaning into frame, and a couple pictures were taken before my phone was handed back and I was red. I could feel the heat in my face so keenly that my eyes were starting to hurt and I moved back to my seat. Diavolo was still grinning as I sent the pic to Lucifer with a message. 〈Went to the library. Ended up at lunch with these two.〉 And because I couldn't help myself. 〈Tell Levi if I die from a nosebleed not to mourn me.〉
The three little dots popped up. Disappeared. Popped up again. Disappeared once more time before. 〈We'll talk when you get home.〉
Iiiii was definitely in trouble. I shot a quick message to Mammon too, since it seemed like he was going to be in trouble too. 〈sry luv u don't be mad〉and sighed, putting my phone back into my bag.
"It's good to see you're getting along with them!" Diavolo's deep voice was warm and pleased. He had talked so much about wanting the three worlds to get along, after all. And considered us to be guinea pigs so to speak. But I couldn't help but smile. Because I was quite fond of them, at least.
"It's strange for me to be in a house with so many people, but it makes it hard to feel lonely, at least." Which... Was actually very true. And something I hadn't even realized was true until then. Save for today, when I had gone out of my way to avoid them, I couldn't recall a specific time feeling lonely down here in Devildom. And that made me smile.
"That's fantastic. I was worried when Lucifer told me that you'd said you wouldn't get involved with any demons while here, but it seems like you've changed your mind." My eyes went wide and I stared for a moment. First off, Lucifer had told Diavolo that and second off-- Was Diavolo under the impression that I was involved with--
"I-I mean. I'm-I'm still not getting involved. Not like. I mean, I'm doing the pacts, but I'd meant that as in like. Dating or sex or anything and--" Oh dear God now he looked confused and that confused me and I looked over at Simeon for some sort of help, but he didn't seem to be offering me any. It was as if he was waiting to see how this would go. "Is that, uh. Is that strange?"
"A little bit." Simeon did finally answer. He was calm, amused. And I couldn't read his voice. "Especially since you made a pact with Asmodeus."
"But it's just a pact, it's not like we're married or anything..." I was trying to blow it off like I was joking, but Diavolo still looked a little confused, though not angry.
"No. Perhaps you're right, it wouldn't be that strange to humans, would it?" Diavolo answered, humming thoughtfully. But he shrugged. "Still, I am excited to hear that you've become close friends with them."
I smiled back at that. I did consider them friends. And Diavolo started asking me questions about them and I happily answered. I realized the confusion at what I'd meant must be even stranger considering I freely shared a bed with Mammon and Beel at times. Or how I'd stayed up, more than once, baking for Beel. Or hung out in Levi's room and simply sat together playing games [on different consoles]. Or Asmo's pampering and cuddling and helping him apply lotion and.
Oh dear lord. I was acting like I was dating them. Just without the sex. The more I talked to Simeon and Diavolo about them the more I realized how attached I was already getting to them and hadn't that been the other part I'd wanted to avoid with that rule of mine? Getting too attached? Because at the end of the year this would be over and I'd never see them again.
But... I focused on talking about them instead, finally relaxing into the conversation with Diavolo and Simeon at least, despite the feelings gnawing at my chest. I'd made pacts with four of them. And they were mine. There wasn't any other word for it.
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