#{ c: ted tonks ;; }
inlumenhq · 2 years
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Edward “Ted” Tonks, 28, Hufflepuff Alum - Presumed Dead
Edward Tonks, Lily Potter, and Marz McKinnon went missing on October 31st. Many believe they are dead but their relatives believe otherwise. Something terrible is afoot and there is no knowing what the outcome may lead to.
Abandoned at a young age and deemed a “problem child,” Ted never had a place to call home. Their youth was spent moving from foster home to foster home with no permanent space to call their own. Emotional outbursts and things seeming to go wrong everywhere the child went were the main reasons adults wanted nothing to do with them. Misunderstood and without stable schooling, Ted was left near tears the day Hogwarts’ headmaster arrived to explain the school could take them. Only then did Ted know what it meant to have a home and be surrounded by people that wanted to support them. The adjustment was tough due to an unconventional upbringing but the professors were patient enough to help Ted learn and grow.
Edward didn’t refer to somewhere as home until meeting Andromeda. The definition of the word changed from somewhere to someone, with Ted content to be at Andromeda’s side despite their differences in blood type. Being a muggle was something that caused much consternation but Ted knew better than to let negative comments get to them. The two went on to marry and start a family and settled into an idealistic lifestyle.
As with all happy things in Ted’s life, the fairytale-like existence came to an abrupt end. They had gone out to grab groceries for Nymphadora’s favorite meal and never returned. The only memory Ted could recall of the day was everything going black and not being able to see once they came to. Pain and suffering are what they have come to know, with Edward trying their best to appease the death eaters. The hope is a bleak one, but maybe they may be able to do a good enough job to one day see their spouse again.
Frank Longbottom - Once an ally and close friend, Edward hopes that Frank is still there to protect their family. Ted knows the Longbottoms are good people and doesn’t think that they will so easily be swayed to the dark side.
Rodolphus Lestrange - Smug comments about Andromeda are the only thing that have given Edward the slightest idea of who they are dealing with. At least, that was until a visit from both in-laws left Ted well aware that the Tonks and Lestrages don’t see eye to eye when it comes to family loyalty. 
Andromeda Tonks - Andromeda is their soul mate, and it kills them every day that he can’t be by their side protecting them. It hurts more than the torture of the idea that they left them behind. Ted does what the death eaters say though, the only reason being knowing it might one day get them back to their spouse and child. 
Bios and posts that reference Edward Tonks can be found by clicking this sentence.
Suggested FC’s
Sean Teale, Anthony Ramos, Christopher Larkin
Edward is not open to apply for at this time.
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weirdnotal · 1 year
A normal black family dinner chaos edition
Sirius whispering: I poisoned someone's drink but I forgot who's
Andromeda whisper yelling: YOU DID WHAT
Ted: *moves drinks away from Tonks*
Regulus: the way this dinner is going I hope it's mine
Remus: *downs his drink* *waits a lil* I don't think it was mine
*James and Lily look on in terror*
Bellatrix: shut up or I'm going to hurt one of you-
Regulus: if you lay a hand on any of them I will crave your wrist bone out with a butter knife
James: good lord-
Lily: absolutely no-
Tonks: *handing him a butter knife* here you go!
Remus: y'know I think it might've been my c- *passes out*
All of them:
All the rest of the blacks:
Sirius: well fuck
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merlinsbudgiesmugglers · 10 months
Ten characters, ten fandoms
Thanks for the tag @artemisia-black
Name your top 10 characters in 10 fandoms, then tag 10 others to play.
Andromeda Black Tonks - Harry Potter
2. Keeley Jones - Ted Lasso
3. Sookie St James - Gilmore Girls
4. Anne Elliott - Persuasion
5. Ben Wyatt - Parks & Rec
6. C. J. Gregg - The West Wing
7. Veronica Mars - Veronica Mars
8. Mary Quinn - Derry Girls
9. Nick Nelson - Heartstopper
10. Peggy Carter - Marvel
Tagging: @incalculablepower @lanaturnergetup @solongdaisymayy @hinnyfied @turanga4 @charmsandtealeaves and anyone else who wants to join in
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auspiciouscolour · 11 months
  ( For those who have absolutely no clue )
NYMPHADORA TONKS (c. 1973[1] – 2 May, 1998) more commonly known as Tonks, occasionally Dora, was a British half-blood witch and a Metamorphmagus. She was the only child of Ted and Andromeda Tonks (née Black). Tonks attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry from 1984-1991 and was Sorted into Hufflepuff House. She was in the same year at Hogwarts as Gryffindor Charlie Weasley.
— L Y N N   B A R B ER
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AGE : 28
DOB: UK 05-12-73
Kids, Fun, Games, Work, Hogwarts, Colors
Boring People, Rude People, Paperwork, Evil Gits
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crookedkingdcm · 4 years
ted & andromeda ( @ncfunerals​ ) 
Being a Healer was always somewhat emotionally taxing but it had been especially exhausting that day since he had, had to stay late for an emergency. It was common territory that came with being a Healer and Ted had never allowed himself to lose focus while he was on the job. Not when it could mean the difference between life and death. He knew Andromeda would figure it out but as always, he had managed to find a minute amid the chaos to scribble a quick note telling her that he would be late.
He had been burnt out by the time he had come home and even though he had found Andromeda in the living room, waiting up for him, they had ended up going straight to bed. Ted couldn’t have said what it was that had woken him up. Perhaps it was the way he had grown used to sleeping with Andromeda splayed across his chest and felt the absence of it or perhaps it was just the fact that he was so attuned to her that he couldn’t possibly stay sleeping while she was too disturbed to get any rest.
His eyes flitted open to see Andromeda staring up at the ceiling, her expression unreadable in the dim light. “My love?” He questioned, his voice still heavy with sleep. He reached for her hand, entwining their fingers together as he leaned closer to press a kiss against her shoulder.  Ted knew that the past few days had been.. unusual to say the least what with Narcissa’s visit. It was sure to have dredged up many buried feelings in her and while he trusted her judgement on everything, he wanted her to know that he was always here. His voice is soft when he asks, “What are you thinking of?” What’s wrong?
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herorps · 6 years
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modern!marauders | edward tonks (x)
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ohtwilight-archive · 6 years
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Andromeda married a Muggle-born, Ted Tonks, so —
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fractured-hq · 2 years
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Age & Birthday: 1948-1953.
Gender & Pronouns: Up to player.
Blood status: Up to player.
Sided: Neutral
Occupation: Up to player.
Face Claim: Up to player.
School: Hogwarts
House: Up to player.
Extracurriculars: Up to player.
Up to player.
Up to player.
Up to player.
Andromeda Black - Wife
Up to player.
Things to consider:
Andromeda was born in 1952, they do not need to match age but the age gap should be within them knowing each other at Hogwarts.
TED is currently OPEN and played by PLAYER.
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quentinblack · 4 years
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“Rodolphus was a follower, not a leader. He’d always just do anything that Bellatrix told him to, that was always the main appeal for her. 
His brother, well, as my late husband would say, he was always a few sandwiches short of a picnic.” 
Andromeda Tonks, Smoke and Mirrors: Chapter 2 - Guilt & Grief
Link to full story on FF.net
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fabiansacharmer · 5 years
when: Friday, 27 September, 1978, after 10 pm where: No. 6 Low Street who: Fabian Prewett & OPEN
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“Anyone want another round?”
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captwraith · 4 years
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❛ Knew they were coming for me. Heard Death Eaters were in the area last week and decided I’d better run for it. Refused to register as a Muggle-born on principle, see, so I knew it was a matter of time, knew I’d have to leave in the end.
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andromedhs · 4 years
where: moribund’s  with: @badgepuff​
The Crump case had made Andromeda the busiest she had been all year working under Rodolphus, although it had just started up fully. Just when she thought she had gotten somewhere he offered them a new memory he had peiced together in his head that turned everything on it’s head again. Notepad under her arm, Andromeda had made her way to Knockturn Alley with the view of looking further into memory charms. Being a competent witch, Andromeda was well versed in memory charms but the one which had been placed on Silas was nothing like she or Rodolphus had seen before and required further investigation. The magic was dark and powerfull and where better to go for some answers than the only place in London which sold books on dark magic in abundance. 
Stepping up into the shop the bell rang quite loudly startling Andromeda, as she locked eyes with the shop assitant who simply sighed and turned back away to organise the shelves. Closing the door more quietly than she had opened it, she wondered towards the spells and charms section and began scanning the shelves slowly. She was after a very specific style of spell which meant looking through anything which might stick out with a fine toothed comb. Tenebris Magicae seems like a pretty decent place to start. , Andromeda told herself. Reaching out for the book and sliding it off the shelf creating a space between the shelves where she could see the other side of the shop. If Andromeda had looked away a second sooner she might of missed it, but she felt her heart suddenly fill with happiness as she caught sight of a familiar face. Sliding the book under her arm, she moved quickly to the second set of shelves and tapped him on the shoulder. “Ted, what are you doing here?” She asked in a soft whisper, a confused but happy expression on her features. 
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vivacious-lilium · 4 years
Healer’s Touch | Ted & Lily
Ever since Lily’s conversation with Amelia, she had a lot weighing on her mind. Amelia had a point -- it didn’t feel right to be sitting around doing next to nothing while she waited for the war to be more severe. Lily had been feeling unfulfilled for ages, seeking out something more to fill her days with. First, it’d been babysitting for Molly and Arthur and her landlady, but when that wasn’t enough she’d sought out more. She’d been working at the apothecary for about a month now, and as great a job as that was, that didn’t feel like enough either. Lily wanted to be doing, to be helping. Her conversations with Amelia and Edgar about possibly becoming a healer kept playing on repeat in her mind. It was a good option for her; perhaps the best option. She felt foolish for wasting such precious time when she could’ve been taking the first steps. After being assigned a delivery to St. Mungo’s, Lily decided she’d ask about their apprenticeship while there. Better to start late than never. 
Lily carried a carefully lightened box in with her to the hospital, going to the nurses’ station before being directed up to the third floor to speak with Healer Ted Tonks about where the delivery should go. It was a rather large order, her box filled with jars and bundles and bottles of substances that would be used for healing. Once on the third floor, she was directed to wait while someone went to fetch him. She was debating the merits of asking her questions now when Healer Tonks finally arrived. Lily smiled kindly and nodded to the large box she was keeping from levitating too far away. “I believe these are for you.” 
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savedpage15745 · 5 years
Where: Outside, Castle Grounds. With: Andromeda Black & Ted Tonks
Air. She needed air. The cold chill of night like poison to her lungs, filling and breathing her back to life. Sometimes, the crookedness of the Great Hall had gotten the best of her. How it spun onto one massive moment that Andromeda needed to leave. Quickly, footsteps shuffling backwards. Running out the Great Hall, she felt the momentary panic settle into her bones, how it finally released within the night’s sky. Outside, at any time, she found comfort. So much that she looked over her shoulder. He probably wouldn’t notice she was gone, if she took a moment or two to leave. So she did. Walking around the side of the entrance, passed those snogging in the carriages, and the muffled moans of something much more. She liked being alone. Possibly more than most people would’ve. But considering how alone she felt as of late—it wasn’t a passing thought. Having walked for almost five minutes—she caught that familiar scent. Tobacco filled the air, as she rubbed her forearms to keep warm—finding him leaning against the wall. “So—“ Andromeda announced, making herself known. “I suppose you haven’t kicked your dirty habit yet, Tonks?” She asked, nodding to the cigarette in his hand, as her teeth began to chatter slightly from the chill. The dress provided her no warmth. Suppose mother planned it to be that way for a reason.
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staygoldengilderoy · 5 years
Sybill was missing. His Sybil was missing.
Maybe he’d have more faith in the Aurors to find her, if the Aurors had made any sort of progress on finding Anson Wood. Or any actually threatening Death Eater. (He did love Nigel but Merlin it wasn’t as if the boy screamed ‘murder for hire’ and went about offing people.) Or doing, well... anything remotely helpful. The only thing they’d ever done for him was shatter his life apart.
Someone else at the Ministry could help, surely. After all Marcus Bulstrode had a child to look after, the P.I. didn’t need more of Gilderoy’s troubles. His options for independent crime solving kept dwindling. But there was that one man, cute if clumsy, that Gil had flirted with what felt like years ago. What was his name? Tonks? At least Gil knew where to find him.
He parked himself outside the entrance to the Department of Mysteries and waited, scanning every face that left.
“Tonks!” He said at last, bolting upright at the sight of the man, “So lovely to see you again. Gilderoy Lockhart, I’m sure you remember me.”
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wariswonhq · 3 years
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Edward (Ted) Tonks, 27, Hufflepuff Alum, Grant Gustin FC, CLOSED.
Birthday: July 12 Blood Status: Muggle Gender & Pronouns: Cis-male, he/him Occupation:  Head of the Department of Magical Accidents and Catastrophes Sided with: Neutral
Positive Traits: Empathetic, Optimistic, Loyal Negative Traits: Indecisive, Naive, Stubborn Summary: In the younger years of his life Ted was a quieter child, content in his own company though on the flipside he could talk easily to anyone. He is both an introvert and an extrovert, but certainly never likes to be the centre of attention. He is not strong in the way that some of his friends and family are, he is never the first one up to fight but instead has a quiet strength- a sort of resilience. He prefers to blend into the background. Whilst Ted is liked by most of his peers he only has a few close friends. Ted likes to trust that the ignorance in the wizarding world will fade over the next generations. He always likes to believe in the best outcome of a situation even if a time that makes him naive- and opens him up to being hurt. Ted has a large heart and it rules most of his decision making. Whilst he is happy to listen to his friends' opinions and respects their point of view, once Ted has made a decision he very rarely changes his mind. Thankfully for his friends, these kinds of decisions are few and far between. Ted has the tendency to overthink a lot of things and can often take a lot of time to make his mind up. Most of all Ted is kind, and tends to be the friend people go to for advice.
Growing up:
Whilst Ted’s family didn’t have the kind of money that his friend’s families had, Ted wouldn’t have swapped it for the world. His parents absolutely loved him and he grew up in a warm and happy household. At first Ted was a little jealous to have to share his parents' love with siblings but he quickly changed his mind when they were born. Even at five, it didn’t take Ted long to step into a big brother role. He’d seen how mean kids could be and he would do his best to protect his siblings. Ted had always been more of a lover than a fighter and tried to use his wit rather than his strength to stand up for himself. Though if he had to fight he would- he just wasn’t one for confrontation.
When Ted got his Hogwarts letter and found out what he was, it was like things finally made sense. Ted had always felt different to the other kids of school, and there had been times when he’d got mad or frustrated and the silly things he’d imagined in his mind had actually happened. It was like Ted had found the missing piece of himself. Though he missed his family Ted adored Hogwarts, it gave him the chance to really grow and flourish. There were certain people who still looked down on him for not being able to afford the latest wizarding gadget but it had come as a surprise to Ted that they were people who were determined to hate him just because his parents were muggles. Ted tried his best to ignore them all, to rise above it and let their insults bounce off him but sometimes it was hard.
Ted was an average student- he never failed a subject but never excelled at one either- with muggle studies being the natural exception. Ted struggled in the later years of Hogwarts, all his friends seemed to know exactly what they wanted to do with their future, whilst he didn’t have a clue. There were things he liked about all the subjects he studied- but nothing that particularly stood out to him. Once again he felt a little lost, though he hid it well.  Quidditch was the only thing he’d been above average at but he wasn’t sure it was something he wanted to do as a career.  Still Ted had believed that things had a way of working themselves out and that he’d find his real passion when he was ready.
During the war:
After Hogwarts Ted found himself applying for a position in the accidental magic reversal squad. The ministry had seemed like the most obvious place to work and at least this way Ted could help people. After accidentally using his magic so much as a kid it just made sort of sense. Ted was always better at the human interaction part of the job calming people down, making people feel less guilty about losing control of their powers. Ted enjoyed his job but as the war built the department had gotten more chaotic, sent to situations he didn’t believe were accidents at all.  When Ted’s concerns fell on deaf ears he realised what was happening and he was powerless to change it.
For a while Ted slipped into a sort of rhythm, what had been building between him and Andromeda at Hogwarts only escalated as they began stealing moments alone together. Ted was young but he knew that what he felt for her was something real. Nobody captivated his attention like she did and he loved that she seemed to come alive around him. No matter how much danger it put him in he just couldn’t stay away from her. When the war started to build, Andromeda had begged him to go into hiding. Whilst Ted certainly hadn't intended to fight in the war- there were other ways to help. Kingsley had tried to recruit him into the Order a few times, but Ted just didn’t feel like it was the right fit to him- he wasn’t courageous like Kingsley and he was only an average duelist. Ted insisted he would still help where he could, just not as part of the Order. He struggled with the idea of abandoning his friends, but after Andromeda pleaded a few more times and things got more dangerous, Ted finally fled London. He had all but resigned himself to a new life alone when Andromeda wrote to tell him she was going to come and join him.
Living with Andromeda in peace, Ted was almost able to forget about what was happening back home. She was the only person who had ever felt like home to him and it was easy to get lost in the love that she had for him. It wasn't a perfect life, but it was theirs and it was the first time they'd ever got to be truly together. The day that Dora was born was probably the best day of Ted's existence. He had never felt anything like how he felt when he first saw his daughter and he knew instantly he'd spend the rest of his life making sure she was safe and protected. For a while life was good but he couldn't ignore that London was still being ravished by evil.
Ted had been cautious when they'd headed back to London and it wasn't long until he found out his worries were very realistic. After keeping their secret all this time they finally got caught. With the Black family out for his blood Ted had no choice but to run. He was thankful for one thing, Dora was safe with his parents and they had managed to keep her away from it all. Ted tried to hide and escape them but the Blacks had allies everywhere and it wasn't long until Bellatrix tracked him down. Torturing him in front of Andromeda. He wanted to be strong but her skills far outweighed his own and only Andromeda's intervention saved him. Ted understood why she'd made the unbreakable vow- he probably would have done the same but he'd be lying if he said it didn't break his heart.
Dora was the main reason Ted managed to carry on, she was the most important thing now. Ted fled back to his parents house, working nights to help cover his costs. He spent his days looking after his daughter, too paranoid to leave her with a nanny. For the first time in his life Ted felt hopeless, he could focus on a good life for Dora, but his own future, Ted knew he would never find that kind of love again, he could never have what he truly desired. Andromeda's sacrifice meant he still got to have contact with his friends and that was something, though it was always the updates from Sirius he looked forward to most. If he couldn't be with Andromeda, at least he got to know she was safe.
No time like the present:
The end of the war was of course a relief but Ted didn't feel like anything had changed for him- Andromeda was still married and he still didn't feel safe returning to London with Dora. That was until he got word from Andromeda that she was going to leave her husband for him. Ted was worried about the danger that would cause once again, but his heart had won out over logic and he all but rushed back to London. Once again, his naivety got them in trouble and it wasn’t long before they were found- this time with Dora. Even though Ted has no love for the Black family he still feels guilty that Andromeda lost her family because of him. The Ted who returned to London was not the same person who he'd been before the war. He had lost the optimism he had long held on to. Ted had lived so many of the past years as a ghost. It would take him a while to be in control of his life again.
Although he and Andromeda have begun to rekindle their relationship, Ted isn't quite ready to let himself truly believe that they can be together without any interference. He also holds a lot of guilt for hiding away for most of the war- especially when he can see the strain it has taken on his friends. Ted is just trying to take life day by day. Looking too far into the future now scares him. Ted knows how much Andromeda gave up for him and whilst he tries to be the best man he can for her, right now he doesn’t feel like he’s achieving that. Though they were living together for Dora’s benefit, it was like they were getting to know each other all over again.
Ted wasn’t sure what he wanted to do for work when they finally settled back in London, until Dumbledore approached him about making him the head of the Magical Accidents and Catastrophes department. It seemed stupid not to accept the offer though he was cautious about working for the Ministry again. Ted still felt like there was more he could do as well, the war was over but it had left scars on people. Some scared muggleborns had still not returned. Ted didn’t know how he could help, but he wanted to. He had also been surprised that Dumbledore had approached him personally, they’d had little to do with each other and the rumours he heard once he started back at the Ministry unnerved him a little. Ted hopes that the rumours are just that- all he wants is a peaceful life with his family.
Evangeline and Ezra Tonks - As the oldest sibling, Ted did everything necessary to shelter the twins while growing up. The family wasn’t exactly rich and they often ran around in hand-me-downs. It was enough for other children to bully the entire family. The running joke once Ted got to school was the twins not being magical. They didn’t show signs like Ted had while growing up so it was a bit of a shock when they got acceptance letters to Hogwarts as well. Ted will do anything to protect his family and has spent the early years of Nymphadora’s life trying to convince her to stop listening whenever the twins tell her to ask for a younger sibling.
Sirius Black - During the war, Sirius became Ted’s only real link back to Andromeda. Ted had always liked Sirius and helped him as much as he could when he was disowned and even though Ted was half in hiding he still tried to help the Order where could- even if it was just researching things or to help resettle other muggleborns that had escaped. 
Gwenog Jones - Best friend and rival. Although they were in the same house, Ted and Gwenog often went head to head. They both played as a beater for the Quidditch team and were both in the running for being offered a captain position. When Gwenog got the offer, Ted was proud but made a point to do little things to mess with Gwenog.
Bios and posts that reference Ted can be found by clicking this sentence.
Suggested FC’s
Taron Egerton, Alexander Ludwig, Freddie Stroma Please note that Ezra’s fc is TBD and Evangeline’s fc is TBD.
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