#{ i don't remember how to rp jfc }
daybreakrising · 4 months
🌿 author portrait .
get to know the author behind the blog! repost, do not reblog.
basics .
name/nickname: lauri age: 33 as of yesterday pronouns : he / him years of writing : literally for as long as i can remember. as for actively writing in an rpc, i started here in like 2012 so... jfc, 12 years on t.umblr technically. jfc. and i was writing on other sites and in IMs before that. man.... man i feel old-
reflection .
why did you pick up writing? i have always been a huge fan of reading & it just felt like a natural progression to start writing my own stuff. i've been told many times that i've always lived inside my head, and i've been doing creative writing since i was a small child. it's one of my biggest passions & i would love to one day make it my profession (haha, good luck lauri-) as it's the only thing i'm actually any good at slkdffg
do you have any writing routines? i don't.... think so ??? i mean i do like to have set playlists for writing but they're not specific to what i'm writing so it's just whatever i'm feeling at the time.
what's your favorite part about writing? the absolute freedom you have with it. there are endless possibilities with writing & that's one of things i love to explore as much as possible. there are no limits to creativity with writing and as someone who is inherently creative by nature, i just found my place here.
three things you like about your writing .
one, how descriptive i can be if i let myself go wild with it. i try to reel it in a little in rp bc my replies are long enough already, but i sometimes let it slip through. whether it's describing a setting, or even just the myriad of expressions and body language a character can display in a single scene, i feel like i'm pretty good at getting that across in my writing.
two, i'm already struggling here bc i'm always stuck on the 'i can be better' train when it comes to my writing. also i generally find it hard to give myself compliments- BUT. okay. i can do this. i guess, that i can so easily switch between vastly different personalities one after the other when doing replies. yes, many of my muses have similar traits, but sometimes i'll go from someone like blade, for example, to t.homa and it's easy for me to get into the mindset of the character immediately, and hopefully that shows in my writing.
three, THIS IS SO HARD GDI. okay - that i can (apparently) invoke visceral reactions in the person/people reading my writing. for example, charlie has literally thrown things at me as a reaction to something i've written. i think that just speaks to the kind of writing i can produce and i like that it makes people feel, i guess.
a question for the next person .
write a question for the next person to answer. once you've answered it, leave a new question for someone else to answer.
have you ever given up on writing? never. i do get occasional burnout bc i do spend a lot of my time writing (and this is particularly bad when i do na.nowri.mo every year) but i never take a break for long and i've never completely given up. i don't think i could alsbfkdg
new question: what do you find the most difficult to write (eg dialogue)?
tagging: @resolutepath @araneitela @ccaptain @apocryphis @ofluminance tagged by: stolen from @avaere
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askshivanulegacy · 4 months
Tagged by @dingoat !!
1. Ahuska and Thirteen! I don't even know how we got here honestly, but between the duo getting murder-happy on the Star Fortresses, and a sudden pile of shows which are so them, I CANNOT get enough. They're not even SUPPOSED to be together, 13 is MARRIED NOW jfc, and Ahuska is SUPPOSED to be hopelessly smitten by her fox, but ... oops I guess. :') They're terrible. They're terrible for each other. It's a train wreck in slow motion and they're still running along it holding hands. Ahuska dear, stop being attracted to the stupidly hot enemy agent who played a role in your horrible traumatic imprisonment. He bought you steak dinner ONCE.
2. Thirteen/Five/Crow + Ulfran. There's no toxic power imbalance if that's your kink, is there? 8) Throw in some wholesome and genuine love and kindness, spice it up with the occasional kinky patron Sith, and you have the perfect Imperial agent romance recipe. 13, 5, and Crow are married ... with bonus content. I LOVE how this crazy relationship mess just organically arose as a side plot to the main plot, but OOPS it's 13 unintentionally driving everyone involved to upend their entire lives. He dragged Crow to the Empire, pulled Ulfran to the Dark Side, and forced Five to actually care about something other than himself.
3. Blakk and all his romances! Ofc he's still ... supposedly ... Ahuska's main flame. <_<;;; But anyway, he's also been responsible for years of favorite ships and RPs which I still absolutely LOVE and haven't forgotten.
First Ship
I've been trying to remember if I CARED about shipping as a kid, and whether I appreciated Gambit/Rogue, or whether it was really all just about Gambit. 😂 Either way, in my early fanfiction days, I was a fan of the FF7 Zack Fair/Angeal/Genesis/Sephiroth/Cloud Strife in various combinations. Depending.
First ship I ever actually WROTE was Blakk/Saare, a Sith from my agent's canon timeline.
Last Song
Uhhhh. Does the X-Men theme song count? 😂
Currently Reading
Other than my own RPs? <_< X-Men fanfiction lol.
Last Film
In theatres: THE FALL GUY. SO good. It's super funny that I never would have given this movie the time of day, once upon a time. 8) At home: X-Men Origins Wolverine, for the only movie cameo of Gambit, ofc.
Currently Craving
Banana juice, hehehe. Think I'll get some RIGHT NOW. 8)
Tagging: @kaosstar @empire-at-war @lhunuial @gaithe-guy IF YOU WANT.
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sav1ored · 4 months
🍒 Meeeee do me !
send  me  🍒  +  a  url  and  i  will  write  positivity  for  them. || @wiredcapability
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//. MY FOREVER TWIN !!! For I have known you for many, many yeeeeeeeeeears as well ! 2017 ! Damn. How has time passed by, huh ? Before covid came in, before I had kids.... jfc... you met me when I was single and not wanting to mingle LMAO ! When I was working at applebees, jfc... those were the days. I mean that's crazy when you think about it. BUT WE MET WHEN WE WERE BOTH playing good ol ramsay bolton, and let me tell you, you are forever chefs kiss when it came to the way you wrote him, and now with negan ? you just know how to grasp any character you rp as. You take them in and make them your own, you add life into them and that's just so amazing. I can't ever express just how inspiring your writing is, and how much feels you put just about everyone in when you write. Like you already know I'm a sucker for what you and michi write first off. Like ugh ugh, never stop. LMAO.
Besides you being so good at roleplaying different amazing muses, we're about to get mushy right here when I say... and like I told Michi, how much love and respect I have for you. You will forever be another one of my virgo sistas.... that doesn't just go away. I cherish our moments together, and I'm glad to have you in my life again cause let's be real.... i had some fond memories of the two of us as well. Known you for such a long time, and us coming together again--- feels like it was only yesterday when the two of us + michi were back on skype talking shit. LMAO !! CAUSE MAN-- I remember our little group chat.
I'm thankful to have crossed paths with you back in the GOT FANDOM, I'm grateful to call you a twin when it comes to our similar taste in muses. My Ramsay loved your Ramsay. LMAO and my Negan def loves your Negan cause holla. That's his boi !! ahah ! Seriously I do hope you can come around and join me and michi on some future adventures we have planned out. And I hope you know just how important and amazing you are. How much I love you, and will always consider you a close friend of mine. Here's to many more years of friendship, I love you so much Jen ! xoxo ! Truth be told I can think of so many things to say about you. How funny you are, and duh like always right ---- #virgosareneverwrong. LMAO !! please don't change girl. you are chefs kiss, I love your Negan so much, I love your threads with Michi. I love having you on my dash, it's truly a gift. <3 xoxoxo !!!
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What does your everyday, average day look like?
Why is this year better than last year? Or why was last year better than this year?
If you could switch lives with anyone for a day, who would you be?
Who are your favourite characters?
What does your everyday, average day look like?
Wake up, try not to sleep 80% of the day, drink lots of iced coffee, be on here in between naps. Work out, shower, lotion myself up. When my son goes to bed I watch horror movies and Bob's Burgers and Big Mouth...sometimes wrestling if I remember it. Tag Spooky in stuff that makes me think of our ships.
Why is this year better than last year? Or why was last year better than this year?
Both years were pretty miserable for different reasons. Last year I wasn't married, but I was still having to deal with my abusive ex. This year I no longer have to deal with him (court ordered!) but I realized I don't like being married. (Or I don't like my husband, leaning more towards that tbh.) But this year I met Spooky, and she almost immediately became my best friend, so yay!!!!
If you could switch lives with anyone for a day, who would you be?
Someone who's not married lmao. I don't know.
Who are your favourite characters?
So. Many. I have a list, in no particular order:
Chatterer - Hellraiser
Black Noir - The Boys
All of the characters in What We Do in the Shadows TV series (like seriously, how do you even pick?
Viago & Vladislav - What We Do in the Shadows movie
Drusilla Keeble & Spike & Glory - Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Billie Wesker - Netflix's Resident Evil (jfc I forgot her name for a second and I have a whole fucking RP blog for her)
Ginger Fitzgerald - Ginger Snaps
The Painted Doll - The Devil's Carnival
David - The Lost Boys
Louise - Bob's Burgers
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hey this is (jfc I don't even remember what name you knew me by it was so long ago. I think Max?) the person who you used to rp elenore and TJ with!! I just wanted to say hi and ask how you're doing
Oh shit! I don't know how long ago you sent this, but holy shit! How've you been?!
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crowsandmurder · 2 years
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I lost pretty much everything with my last laptop, so excuse me for this being the worst looking starter call ever. But, I have had tons of requests for Bjorn.  So have a starter call for Bjorn Ironside from Vikings. 
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