#{ i wanna come back here but will i get any interaction?? is the fandom dead as a door nail?? }
writebackatya · 1 year
I wanted to warn you about Shelly who you've been interacting with in the DuckTales fandom. They were a known groomer and all around gross person in the Pokémon fandom. They are obsessed with children characters and s*xualize everything. They associate on Twitter, Furaffinity, Inkbunny etc. with artists that draw p*rn and inc*st of child characters including Boyd and the duck children. You can search AmorousArtist (a twitter mutual that's collabed with them and one of many examples) to get an idea. Be warned it's "Dead Dove" level art. They tend to play dumb about stuff even though they're around 40 now and were in the Pokemon fandom for almost two decades before finally being called out. They are very agreeable and change what they like and how they act like a chameleon. They befriend older fans to gain safety. Warnings have been going around but because they're a really good artist I don't think it's being taken seriously. Thankfully some have pulled away or already have them blocked. Please don't give them attention, they traumatized me and my friends and no one cared because they got the artist free pass. Even looking back their Pokémon stuff was a red flag. I know a lot of ducks fans are young and impressionable and I'm scared it's happening again. Thank you for your time and please stay safe, it's hard to trust people nowadays :(
TW: Pedophilia, grooming
Thank you anonymous for coming forward to me with this information. I know letting others know about stuff like this is never easy but your concern for the safety of me and others in the DuckTales fandom is much appreciated
After receiving this message from anonymous I talked with a couple others in the DuckTales fandom who received this message from you and decided to look into the info they gave us. And after searching their Twitter, their art mutual’s stuff, as well as looking them up on other sites, I found out that yes, Shelly does associate themselves with that ArmorousArtist who draws NSFW art featuring minors and Shelly has drawn stuff like that in their past
I will say the only sexualize art I found on their Twitter was stuff with adult characters as well as a pinned tweet urging minors not to interact with their account, however the art mutual anonymous mentioned DID have some very questionable art involving the young characters of DuckTales
When I went searching for Shelly’s art on other sites I came across their Pokémon artwork and can confirm yes, their sexualize artwork featured some of the Pokémon that are on the cutesy side as well as one with a trainer
If you’re a minor and have come across the blogs @/Shellyoducks, @/shellyochunks, or @/chickenmcdicken here’s what I want you to do:
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Block those accounts. Do NOT interact with them at all!
I will state it right here that I myself am not a minor but someone in their late twenties (I turned 27 back in January) and have been in a few fandoms in my life. I never really interacted with a lot of people so I don’t have a whole lot of advice other than this:
Block people like this
Let someone IRL know about your mutuals and anybody you interact with a lot here or any social media site
And I get it. You wanna keep your personal life and your online life separate. You do have the right to your own private life, but you should also be safe. But please if you have a parent, a relative, or an older sibling that’s an adult that you can talk to about your interests, please let them know about the people you talk to online and please be safe
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d33pwithinmys0ul · 7 months
more thoughts on last nights episode—spoilers for unmortenrick idk i’ll get better with titles eventually
i think a few people have said that there was a lot all at once in the episode-which i think i can agree with, but i am silly and simple and was just thrilled and excited with what we got—but i think we were better off with this in one episode. maybe it was a bit sudden, but maybe it was about time too? i think a consistent “line” the writers might teeter on, and that the fandom might expect, is serialization vs one offs, and tackling primes death and evil mortys back story in one episode felt satisfying for me at least. i think if it was in two parts or set apart for another season i think i’d at least be a little frustrated. being too serialized and dragging it out might be something the writers try to avoid? it felt in depth enough for me, even though it was a lot. rick and morty has always been a show that knows its two different sets of story telling, i know i love it all.
sometimes i feel like a yes man, but i really didn’t have any issues with this episode. i think it’s realistic to be suddenly fast paced and thrown into what goes on in the universe, and all of a sudden primes dead (or is he)?
side note, any other fanfic writers that have been writing outside the central finite curve, are we all scrambling to make tweaks to personal canon lol? i loved the scene showing all those portals, all those dimensional beings, sudden death, whew i wanna use it i loved it
i loved seeing evil morty here, i know some people found it unnecessary and i can understand that, but i really liked seeing further confirmation in his similarities to rick, along with them co-existing. our morty hasn’t been very centralized so far this season, and i know we’ve gotten an onslaught of old character cameos (nostalgia baiting?) but evil morty feels justified in the context of a pushed to the side kind of subservient morty we have right now. our r&m haven’t interacted and “developed” as much with the exception of the spaghetti episode, and next weeks cold open trailer thing might show that we’ll be getting more morty, but seeing evil morty interact with them both felt like unspoken comparison?
another side note, i’m excited for next weeks episode but i do wonder why they chose to have the first few episodes in the season be centralized on rick with morty only coming in later on. i know ricks being trying to handle his shit without him? be less dependent? but i personally don’t feel like that specifically translated.
as fun as an episode about just evil morty would be, it was never really supposed to be about him. he’s really the rickest morty- and he’s gonna fuck off. i think if anything i’ve been a little weirded out by the lack of our morty’s cynicism. he’s been too agreeable lately, and i can’t help thinking about a certain video game.
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tealenko · 11 months
Me2, Horizon... And the struggles of getting in the skin of your character.
It's a week later, I still haven't played Horizon, but I wanna adress why I don't really want to, just in case I'm sending the wrong message here.
After more than a decade playing thins game, I'm no longer bothered with the dialog with the Virmire survivor (Kaidan, in my case), and I've reached a point where I kinda enjoy it, in a weird way (I've already talked about this in ch.3 and 4 of my fic Somebody that I Used to Know, if you wanna know more about it).
Do I wish they let my Sole Survivor Shepard say: "Look Kaidan, you're right. I hate myself for having to work with Cerberus and I know they are the worst... But I have no other option if I want to save the galaxy, sorry."? Yes! 10000% But, in the end, I'm okay with the outcome and general angst of their whole conversation (also, because of this I have Mars at the beginning of ME3... And I REALLY love Mars XDDD)
Anyways, I just wanted to say that for me the interaction it's okay (although I understand why other people in the fandom disagree with that statement XDDDDD)
I do like Horizon... What I don't like is PLAYING it.
Why? Very simple.
I'm always creating and writing ME fics for my canon Shep (most of them never see the light of day, but they live rent free in my memory for all eternity XDDDD) So, when I play the games, I'm 100000% in the mind of my Shep, to the point that I feel happy when good stuff happens to her and I feel like shit when she's being tortured by the plot.
Playing the beginning of ME2 it's already quite hard for me... Like, I feel a pressure in my chest just thinking about it. You may not believe it, but that's me lol
I simply cannot handle the angst when it's too much... And Horizon, it's the worse thing ever when it comes to that.
Knowing that, let me put you in the mindset of my Shep (and mine) during the mission:
She's been asking about Kaidan for forever (but no one gives her any info).
Forced to work for the people responsable for the death of her best friend and the rest of her unit back in Akuze.
When she finally has any news of Kaidan it's because he is in a colony that's being attacked by the collectors.
And knows that everyone dies or disappears when that happens.
So, Horizon for me, it's my Shepard (and me, despite knowing what happens) desperatly looking for Kaidan in every corner and every turn she takes, dreading the though of not finding him or to find him dead.
That's what kills me every fucking time.
I know this is a quite random thing to post and no one cares... But I care, so I wanted post it.
Anyways, that's it. I think I'll play it tonight (or at least I'll try).
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tbhimnoteasyonmyself · 4 months
DFF & the Contemporary Issue of Trends
Last time I came onto this tag I was grasping at the last droplet of hope I had for the ending to be good.
I decided to tell you all about the great seen of Tee's confrontation with Non's dead body.
Before that I tried to guess who White might be in the story and what was happening with Phee and how and why Tan was New.
And along the way I made polls and memes and I joined this fandom in appreciating what seemed to be another great story by BOC.
We've all dedicated so much time and care and love and talent and skill to contribute to this community, to make something great around something we were growing to love...
But now we're all left neck deep in the mud, as another series with great potential bites the dust in a terrible manner.
And I'm here as the ominous oracle of the death and peril yet to come, in good Greek Tragedy fashion, to tell you this was not the 1st time we've witnessed this and it shall not be the last. And all bc contemporary media have taken 1 thing to their heart and 1 thing only: engagement.
So let's take a step back.
What fuels people? What sticks with them?
How many times a day do you remember you love your loved ones in a week? Perhaps not many. But how many times do you remember the guy the big car crash you witnessed on your way home the week it happened? A lot, probably.
Why? Bc it's new, it's shocking and it probably fuels you with either fear or frustration.
The same can be said about contemporary trends. They're new, shocking and probably fuel a negative emotion in you. So they get talked about A LOT. All at once.
This is the reason why media is becoming what it is. It's realized all st once, tried to rush through plots and plots to be relevant all the while. Makes twists and twists and twists. And has something controversial to it. Bc this will make people talk. And talk will get more people to consume.
Until of course, the next more appalling thing happens and everyone moves on.
God, this is even true in the news. I mean... How many times do you hear about good projects? Or art? But hoe many times do you hear about murder?? No wonder we're growing desensitized to it. It's all we hear about all the time!!
DFF is just another case. Another series in a sea of them that tried to be shocking and play with expectations to keep people talking.
My question is, however: and now what? Now what?
Sure, we're all talking about it cause we're shocked and pissed. But adter the emotions settle and the curiosity to find out the fuck went wrong dies out, what happens?
Don't get me wrong, I love this fandom but the series itself? It'll mostly fade away. It's not something I want to create anything for anymore. I don't have care for it any longer bc why would I??? If no one bothered to mind writing something that even made sense, why should I care to love it??
And I feel like I'm not the only one!
This fandom will die. Like many other have. And what will the creators have achieved?
I never thought about The Untamed with too much fervor, for example. And most of us have not. But if I go into its tag here or on AO3, there's still stuff being made for it. And everyone once in a while, I'll think about it and I'll coke back to it and I'll cherish and nurture it for what it is. And the fandom's there. And sure rn I haven't interacted with that fandom in a bit. And I've been on DFF's tag nearly every day. But in a year, maybe even just a few months, I'll still be thinking and coming back to Xue Yang and Wei Ying and Jiang Cheng and Wen Qing... I won't be coming back to this mess, though. And in the end, it might not matter to anyone, but it matters to artists, doesn't it?
We make things because we are humans and we wish to connect with others. We wanna live forever in the things we live behind. But a story can't be told if there's no one to tell it to. You can't live forever in a void where no one awaits you.
So, in the end, we have consumed DFF, they have their money. But it will die and be buried together with all the people who have buzzed me while I was crossing the street or didn't held a door for me or were annoying to me on the bus. While other series, nourished with more love, will be there with me and many others, accumulating all the times we thought about them through the years, alive and well.
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tickly-giggles · 1 year
Ultimate Masterpost! (Fics and Art)
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Heyaa! I'm Giggles, I draw full time and write stories some of the time, so here's a full masterlist of everything I've done so far :D I will update this as frequently as I can ^^
Few notes for clarification sake:
I don't take art requests often, if at all. Commissions are a definite way to get personalized art from me!
I might take writing requests in the future? But for now, I do not.
Commissions are currently closed, as I'm still working on my backlog TwT but I do have a Patreon that I advertise frequently!
What is open right now?
Tickle fight HCs ✅️
Tickle HCs for characters ✅️
Fic requests 🚫
Art requests 🚫
Sentence starter drabbles ✅️ (Request one from here, pros and villains only pls)
I am multi-fandom, but right now, my obsession is My Hero Academia. I am only taking HC requests/fic requests/art requests/drabbles for the pro heroes, teachers, and villains! I love the classes, but they are quite overdone. I wanna shine light on the characters that don't get too much love in this community :3
Now onto the list~!
Last Updated: 4/22/2024
My Hero Academia
* = Not a part of any storyline
Feather Ticklish - (Lee!Dabi, Ler!Hawks) During a meeting at the LoV hideout, Hawks notices Dabi looking more down and apathetic than usual. He tries to make him feel better, but when words don't work, he realizes he may need to take another approach.
Watch Your Back (sequel to Feather Ticklish) - (Lee!Hawks, Ler!Dabi) It's been a few weeks since Dabi warned Hawks to watch his back, but nothing has come of it. Hawks decides to go about his work without worrying about it too much (spoiler: he worries a lot) and, during a private outing to the hideout late at night, he runs into Dabi.
Get Some Sleep* (Sentence Prompt Drabble) - (Lee!Hawks, Ler!Dabi) College AU. Keigo has to finish a very important paper in order for him to graduate, but he's having a lot of trouble and refuses to sleep or take care of himself until it's done. Luckily, Touya is there to get him to take a break and sleep.
The Safe Word is 'Tickle'* (Sentence Prompt Drabble) - (Lee!Dabi, Ler!Hawks) Dabi has been tickling Hawks so often since they started dating. Not that Hawks is complaining, but he wants his own chance at revenge! And he gets it, in the meanest way possible~.
When I Find You, You're Dead!* (Sentence Prompt Drabble) - (Lee!Mic, Ler!Aizawa) Mic decided it would be a good idea to play a prank on his sleeping husband. When Aizawa wakes up and sees what he did, he has quite a bit of fun with his punishment~.
Dabi Tickle Headcanons
Twice Tickle Headcanons
Aizawa Tickle Headcanons
Sir Nighteye Tickle Headcanons
Kurogiri Tickle Headcanons
Bubble Girl Tickle Headcanons
Shigaraki Tickle Headcanons
Tickle Fight: Dabi vs Hawks
Tickle Fight: Dabi vs Shigaraki
Tickle Fight: Endeavor vs Hawks
Hawks Tickle Headcanons
Mr. Compress Tickle Headcanons
Wing TKs (Lee!Dabi, Ler!Hawks)
Anticipation (Lee!Dabi, Ler!Hawks)
Muscle/Pose Practice (NonTK fanart of Dabi)
Fuck Off, I'm Playing Pokemon (NonTK fanart of Dabi and Shigaraki)
Wing Stretches (NonTK fanart of Hawks)
Careful if He Gets Loose~ (NonTK fanart of Dabi, barely NSFW, light bondage)
College AU Dabi/Touya Design (NonTK fanart of Dabi)
Sup, Little Bro? (NonTK fanart of Dabi and Shoto, college AU)
Tickle Fight (Switches!Dabi and Hawks)
You Have a Tickle Blog~? (Lee!Keigo, Ler!Touya - Part of my "Keigo has a tickle blog" college AU)
Forgot to Hit Record - (Lee!Eric, Ler!Andrew) Eric has been in more of a bad mood than usual, and his friends are getting fed up with it. Coincidentally, they have to film a "movie" for their website, and Andrew decides it's the perfect opportunity to put him in a better mood~.
Tickle Torture (NSFW, Lee!Andrew, Lers Eric, Nathan, Christian)
Ask for Christian - What pranks have backfired? (Mentions of NSFW activity)
Ask for Andrew - Bust it down, sexual style?
Ask for Nathan - Who do you prefer to be tickled by?
Lazy Day (NonTK)
Ask for Andrew - What tools are your favorite?
Why Do You Sext Like Jigsaw? (NonTK, Andrew and Eric)
Cuties Bonding - (Lee!Nathan, Ler!Eric)
Happy Pride Month - (NonTK)
Dude, Why Are You Crying? - (NonTK, silly animatic w/ Christian and Andrew)
Forgot to Hit Record~ - (Lee!Eric, Ler!Andrew)
Teaching Him How to Bake [wip] - (NonTK ship art of Nathan and Eric)
Four Square - (NonTK art of all the boys, draw the squad meme)
Christian's Mummified Tickle Torture - (Lee!Christian, Ler!Andrew)
Can't Sleep - (Lee!Eric, Ler!Andrew)
Nathan Bunny Slime Sticker - (NonTK art of Nathan with a bunny slime, a sticker for my shop!)
Anticipation - (Lee!Nathan, Ler!Andrew)
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pokemon-ash-aus · 1 year
Heyyo! Hope this ask reaches you well nwn. I have a couple hundred questions about ur art style and storytelling methods if you don’t mind :3
Most important one: How do you draw Mewtwo fingers so well 😭😭😭😭
Also, what program(s) do you use? Canvas size for different projects? What brush settings? And how do you sketch, line and colour? Which step is your favourite? How long do you normally take from piece to piece?
How do you come up with your different AUs? Any particular inspirations? What tips would you give someone just starting out a comic on tumblr?
And uhh any general tips on getting around tumblr? Blogs you really like?
Sorry for all these questions, really big fan if you can’t tell :’D I actually really love the pride art piece you did~
So i tried answering this before and it doesnt post so uhhhhh heres to hoping it works?
1. I base Mewtwo's paws as hands, worked without the rounded digits first then moved to rounded digits so... Take that as you will?
2. I use Clip Studio Art and Procreate! Mostly, anyways XD i also sometimes default back to Paint tool Sai, or Fire Alpaca if i want a different brand lol.
3. I vary in size for different projects. My animations are different than my sketches, my sketches are different from my completed art and my completed art is different for my comics! It also helps my brain not get tired XD
4. I tend to favor my lineart and rendering! Though both of them take equally long times, i render less But i love it more.
5. Depends on the project. I can typically churn out colored pieces in like an hour or so! Sketches are faster.
6. A lot of them are inspirations of something else. Shiny AU was just cause i liked Shiny Pokemon. But Dead AU was based off Danny Phantom and Mimikyu au was a "What if" scenario of the dead au!
7. Oop, Danny Phantom for the Dead AU. Legendary Mew was based off the whole Chosen one BS XD False Twins was slightly based off of TC but was actually based off another AU where Ash and Mewtwo were sorta close friends.
8. Tagging is your best friend~ don't be afraid to interact with other blogs. If someone is being mean, just block em and move on!
9. Getting around Tumblr? I'd say reblog, follow peeps, go to your favorite fandoms/tags! You'll get mutuals in no time!
10. Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh a lot of peeps but i dont wanna bother then with tags XD so nontagged peeps!
Loupy Mongoose
TazerPones/MegaMew and Crew
The Mew Crew
And a few more but i cant remember tumblr names djdbdb
And thank you! I have one more peice i want to finish before i forget- its a peice i didnt get to do last year XD
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ripjulie-gone · 8 months
Okay so here's an update for this blog and for @bandysnatched!
I go on vacation next week. I leave on 11/17 and I don't come back until 12/05. During this time I will likely be MIA ( not that it's any different from now LOL ) as i will be in the middle of the ocean.
However, when I get back I'm doing a complete revamp to both julie and bandit. but, for julie i'm going to be changing all my graphics and my url as well as rewriting Julie as HER OWN ENTITY. Her own character. AS A WHOLE she will be unaffiliated with the DBD fandom ( MINUS the interactions I already have. I am keeping those because you can tear those out of my cold dead hands ), but her main verse and such will be unattached and something completely different due to things that have happened over the past few months. I feel like this is what I need to do to be comfortable here again.
i'm unsure if i will remake her blog as a whole or just use this one. i'll decide that when i get home, but if you wanna follow me even after my revamp i will always be grateful and thankful for the support but i just wanted to let everyone know of the future plans here because I MISS YOU ALL SO MUCH. I miss writing and I miss my stabby baby so much.
I love all y'alls faces xoxo
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Restless Nights
Aki Hayakawa x Reader (I don't think there's any mentions of gender and if there is please yell at me because there's not supposed to be)
Fandom: Chainsaw Man
CW: manga spoilers!!! mentions of character death, angst, implied nightmares, hurt/comfort (but mostly hurt), unrequited love, non-sexual bed sharing, aki makes for really good angst sorry
1st Person
This is sfw but I have explicit content on my blog, minors, do not interact with my content. I don't want y'all here.
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Aki Hayakawa had an expiration date far sooner than anyone his age should.
It was painfully obvious to everyone including myself; I mean, the Curse Devil alone was evidence enough but with the impossible, unwavering goal of killing the Gun Devil I wouldn't be surprised if death came knocking next week. It shouldn't hurt me as much as it did, I was trained not to be phased by friends' deaths given the profession and typically avoided friendships altogether but it'd be a lie to say I was okay with it.
Truth be told, I'd fallen for him entirely. It was stupid, of course, you'd have to be blind not to notice Himeno's attempts to stray him–I most certainly didn't have a chance–but the strain in my heart at the mere sight of him couldn't be helped. The thought of being his was lovely but even if he wasn't so cold and closed off; his contracts were so detrimental the idea of a future with him was nothing more than a pathetic pipe dream.
The only comfort I had was knowing I wasn't alone in being rejected or simply having their affections ignored. Himeno obviously but even his new buddy; the Angel Devil were so clearly in love but he never bat an eye at them. Not in the way they wanted him too at least. I suppose Angel would never admit that though, probably scolding me and giving the lecture on how he's a devil first, an angel second. It didn't matter. We both understood that we'd sit on the sidelines, helpless to aid in the prevention of his downfall or end up like Himeno. Whichever came first.
I had seen him less and less as of late though. It was to be expected. I suppose Makima was closing in on the Gun Devil so it came as a surprise when I was told that I would be looking into very likely rumors of a devil a few cities away with Aki. Nonetheless I took the job graciously and headed to the train station with a backpack containing sleepwear for both of us.
Upon arrival I called him, not catching sight of him anywhere. As the phone rang longer I felt my patience dissipating. I had no doubt he'd shown up, I was told he'd be here before me, but this was supposed to be my day off, we'd have to stay the night at a hotel, and I was already tired from the week. If it weren't for my paranoia about Aki's well being and a guttural feeling that as the Gun Devil grew closer to being killed Aki's time grew nearer I would've said no to going. But. The man I was in love with would be dead soon, I should enjoy whatever fleeting moments I can take. After all, his best case scenario was only two years and a few months.
At the third ring a small poke on my arm signified the presence of the man I was looking for. I smiled.
"Glad you found me, wanna get going?" He nodded in response, giving out a ghost of a smile. I grinned and took his hand, selfishly stealing what small contact I could. As I headed to the train he stumbled slightly. Slowing I looked back at him. He may not have said anything, claiming he was just fine without it, but there were small things I'd noticed that he was clearly struggling to adjust to after losing an arm. The most apparent being the few times I had been able to come over and needing to help him cook. He hated it and it was obvious. Prior to his bout with the Darkness Devil he was always ready with an intricate dinner before anyone was walking through the door. I shook the thought.
We boarded and sat in silence, the only noises on the train being the occasional sound of shuffling, rustling paper, and soft whispers. It was nice. I glanced at Aki to see a calm expression gracing his features as he gazed out the window. Moments like this were rare and I made a mental portrait of the way the afternoon sun seemed to make his blue eyes shine as it hit them. I looked away soon after though. He'd called me out for staring before and I didn't want to upset him. He didn't want a relationship, that was made obvious. The train ride would be long. I opted to sleep on the way there.
Upon arriving at the somewhat rural city (though just about every town and city tended to look rural when coming fresh from Tokyo) we asked around. Quickly able to surmise that tip about a devil in the area was correct and taking residence in a decrepit old house on the edge of town. It bolted after seeing us, immediately heading into a wooded area bordering the yard on the house. It was rather weak, the most difficult part of killing it being how good it was at fleeing. After taking care of the body we found a hotel close to the station we'd be departing from the next morning and checked in.
I sat on the couch and gave Aki a tired smile. He returned it before heading to the bathroom and starting hot water for a shower. I followed him in, setting his clothes on the counter.
"I'll go after you so don't take to long okay?" I said before leaving, closing the door behind me. He groaned.
"You act like I'm known for long showers," he muttered though it was audible through the door. I giggled in response before returning to the couch and staring at the ceiling. I had contemplated trying to find something on tv but I was tired and the thought of putting effort into anything right now felt like a chore. He was out quickly as promised, hair down and looking exhausted. Going to one of the beds in the room and pulling back the covers to tuck himself in he was out almost immediately.
After taking my shower and putting on a tee shirt and sweats I let my gaze fall on Aki for a moment. It wasn't a common occurrence to see him at peace to begin with but after Himeno's death he seemed perpetually distraught. Sighing I turned the lights off and muttered a small good night before getting under the covers of the other bed and letting myself drift off.
I woke up to the sound of crying and turned over to see Aki, still asleep, whimpering as tears fell from his closed eyes. I avoided letting any come to my own at the sight as I climbed out of bed and padded towards him.
"Hey... hey, c'mon. Wake up," I whispered as I shook his shoulder gently. He opened his eyes slowly before quickly sitting up, startling me slightly. Bringing a hand up to his face he wiped away his tears and let out a shaky breath.
"S-sorry," he mumbled. His voice was broken and barely audible. I shook my head and after a moment of hesitation rubbed circles into his back.
"It's okay. You've gone through a lot, you can cry about it if you want to," I offered. It felt stupid coming out of my mouth but seemed to strike a nerve as he looked up at me, his brows knitted and eyes were glossy with tears. He pulled me by my waist and buried his head into my stomach as sobs racked his body. I brought my hand not busy rubbing circles into his back to his head, holding him close and petting his hair.
"Please stay with me tonight," he mumbled. I almost didn't catch it, his voice was weak and muffled by my shirt. But I did. I sighed and moved to sit on the bed before laying down, gently pulling him with me. He curled into himself and nestled further into me. I knew it would hurt, that this was likely the only time he would show anyone, let alone me, any type of vulnerability. That if it had happened to be someone else here who was kind enough to show him compassion and knew him well enough he would've likely had the same reaction. It didn't have to be me. He just needed a warm body and if that's all he ever wanted from me then so be it.
I was utterly whipped and just for tonight I could fool myself into thinking he cared even a fraction about me in the same way I did for him.
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buggyandthebartoclub · 10 months
Intro & Navigation
Hi I'm Venus! Any pronouns are fine, 21+, adhd & autistic, indigenous. (About me below the cut)
This blog is a SELF SHIP blog run by a 21+ user. I post 18+ nsfw content at random. You should not be following if you’re under 18.
My SFW content is very welcome to all, just be mindful of being on my blog page due to the warnings above, thank you.
Writing and Drawing requests are CLOSED!! Thank you so much I will catch up on these and publish them soon!! After this requests are limited to mutuals only!!! Sorry I realize I really enjoy creating for my friends the most 💕
You can check the rules before requesting here and check my ship list here if you don't see it listed below. I do not write or draw non con and/or dead dove esque type stuff. Please do not request these types of content from me, thank you.
Spicy tag for original content is Bartos Burlesque Hours
Art Tag will be Unhinged Scribbles, Writing Tag will be Unhinged Writing - I will make a master list next week (Feb 18)
Non anon requests will be honored first bc I wanna make friends with other people here in the op fandom!
Commissions are OPEN: kofi is here - commission sheet here - if you get scammed trying to buy fanart pls dm me I will do it for free any fandom
About Venus! Some of my favorite characters I love drawing/writing for include: SHACHI & PENGUIN 💕 Jinbe, Bepo, Law, Corazon, Bartolomeo, Buggy, Franky, Sanji + every animal ever in the series! I just love goofy lil guys ya know? Multishipper, also love OC and Reader ships/inserts.
Fave canon x canon ships include: Penguin/Shachi, Luffy/Zoro, Usopp/Nami, Buggy/Shanks and many more you can view on the ship list linked above I don’t take shipping too seriously I don’t care what ships you tag my posts as or enjoy as long as you’re not a minor interacting w my 18+ posts thank you!
I have not seen the live action or plan to anytime soon just due to lack of access to netflx and other life stuff asks and DMs are always open to chat!!
Link to OP birthday list post so I can find it easily
Side blogs:
Reblogs/anything not one piece: @bartos-reblogs
Fairytail sideblog (mostly rb at the moment): @lucyandthecelestiallovers
Art ref/inspo/ things in general don’t want to lose or I want to come back to for art/writing purposes: @buggys-secret-stash
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The things we leave behind: FURY
A postgame Headspace AU set in the ruins of a discarded dream. In part 3 of 6, Aubrey faces her demons. This AU is easily the most indulgent thing I’ll ever write for this fandom, but I just rly needed to see more interaction between Omori and Sunny & sometimes u gotta make ur own food.
Sunny opens his eyes in an empty void. No ceiling. No walls. Just empty white as far as he can see in every direction. The silence is deafening. How did he survive for years on only this? How and why?
(Stupid question. Of course he knows why. This is the only place he could escape himself. The only place where he could still see Mari.)
He sits up. On the other side of the void, Omori is hunched over his old laptop.
“Finally,” Omori huffs, unfolding to his feet. “Can we go?”
Sunny opens his mouth to say something agreeable. His mouth says, “Where’s Mari?”
…Oh. He didn’t mean to say that. But now that he has, he doesn’t want to take it back. He wondered about it the whole night, the last time he was here. Mari wasn’t at any of her picnics. Omori said she was okay, but—what does that even mean? How can she be okay if she isn’t here?
Omori glares. “None of your business.”
“Do you love your friends or not?”
Sunny’s questioned a lot of things over the years, but that was never one of them. “Yes.” Obviously.
“Then let’s go.”
Pyrefly Forest is a bloodbath.
It was always a ghost town. A horror story still unfolding. Melancholy scales in minor keys, plinking up and down a phantom piano. The silhouettes of dead and dying trees, choked by cobwebs and shrouded in fog. When you looked at them too closely, they almost seemed to move.
But this is different. This isn’t a graveyard. It’s a massacre.
The ground is littered with corpses. Not human corpses, thankfully—it’s crushed bulbs and shredded leaves, not cooling viscera—but vaguely appalling nonetheless. Strangely, the forest has never looked healthier. The leaves on the trees grow thick and glossy. The bark on their trunks shines steely gray.
Sunny squints toward the nearest picnic blanket. Empty. Like all the rest.
“So,” he says, testing the waters. “Mari’s not at the picnics.”
Omori doesn’t answer.
“But you said she’s okay.”
A curt nod.
“Can I see her?”
“No,” Omori says coldly. “Any more stupid questions?”
Yes. Definitely. A lot. But he doesn’t want to push his luck. “...No?”
They find Aubrey by the Weeping Willow’s spring, playing whack-a-mole with half the population of Sprout Mole Village. In lieu of her bat, she’s swinging a ludicrously oversized crowbar, a flashy cartoon weapon in a distinctly different artstyle. Maybe she brought it with her?
When she spots Sunny, she throws an arm up in greeting. “Yo, what’s up! You wanna help me smash these weird rats?”
Sunny darts a glance at his alter ego. Omori’s eyes have gone round with wonder. He obviously didn’t expect Aubrey to be so buff. Or so heavily tattooed. Or so… pink.
“She’s pretty cool, huh.”
“Die,” Omori says immediately.
Sunny gives him a knowing look.
Omori counters with a withering glare. “We might need back-up… Wait here. I’ll call Kel.”
“That’s not a good idea.” Whatever’s going on with Headspace-Aubrey, Kel is bound to make it worse. When Omori just stares, Sunny grimaces. “Aubrey’s… easily embarrassed.”
“What? No she isn’t.”
Sunny can’t help laughing. “You might not know her as well as you think.”
“You might not know what you’re talking about.”
“Two Sunny’s, huh?” Aubrey asks cheerfully. Both of them jump. In the time they were arguing, she must’ve closed in. “Cool, cool. So, were you guys gonna help me fight these weird bugs or not?”
Sunny looks to Omori, who rolls his eyes. “Just make her come with us.”
As Omori leads them through the fog, Aubrey elbows Sunny. “So… what’s with the sidekick?”
That gets Omori’s attention. He whips around with both hands curled to fists. “I am not his sidekick.”
“Hah! Oh, man. I forgot how much of a brat you were at that age. You remember that time Kel spilled juice on your sketchbook and you made him sit in the corner?”
“...No,” Sunny lies.
“You made him a dunce cap! Oh my god, he wore it for hours. And when he asked if he could take it off you said— You said, Do you think you’ve learned your lesson? And he said—”
Sunny can’t hold back a snort of laughter. “He said no.”
“He totally said no!!! Oh my god, what a fucking moron. Whoops. Sorry, I probably shouldn’t cuss in front of your inner child.”
“I am not—” Omori sputters.
“Aw, c’mon, Sunshine,” she tells him, one-handing her crowbar so she can mess up his hair. If Sunny tried something like that, he’d lose that hand. But apparently Aubrey gets special treatment. “You know I’m just playing. Can you blame me? You were fuckin’ adorable. Like an angry little kitty cat.”
Omori’s face turns red, then white. He glares at Sunny. “Make her stop.”
Sunny shrugs. “I’m not her supervisor.”
“And thank god for that,” Aubrey agrees. “Hey, so where are we going, anyway? Between you and me, I’m pretty sure this isn’t real.”
Sunny’s gone back and forth on that himself. “I don’t know. Omori?”
Omori doesn’t answer.
“Pfff,” Aubrey snorts. “Silent treatment, huh? Now I’m getting all nostalgic.”
Sunny can practically see the steam rising from Omori’s ears. “You should probably stop messing with him,” he tells Aubrey. “He does have a knife.”
“Aw, Sunny. It’s so cute that you think you could get near me with that thing.”
“I’ve done it before,” Sunny sniffs.
“Only ‘cause you took me by surprise. And it was two against one. Totally doesn’t count.”
“Will you two shut up?” Omori hisses over his shoulder. “Or do you want to get eaten?”
Sunny’s eye narrows. As far as he knows, there isn’t anything in Headspace that eats people. Or at least, there didn’t used to be.
Aubrey opens her mouth to argue. But before she can get a word out, a deep, rattling snarl rumbles through the trees. Even with its source far out of sight, Sunny can feel it buzzing in his chest.
Aubrey’s eyebrows go up, and her mouth clacks shut.
The further they walk, the louder the growling gets. Sunny walks a little closer to Aubrey. He’s increasingly convinced that he knows who’s making all that noise.
At the Pyrefly Pluto stop, just south of what used to be Sweetheart’s Castle, Omori finally stops. That rattling snarl isn’t in the background anymore. It’s loud enough to shake the ground under their feet. The grass is littered with dead leaves, shaken from their branches by sheer sonic force. The air is thick with the scent of decay, musty and sickly-sweet. The forest is barren. All the trees here are dead.
“Wait here,” Omori mutters, and darts ahead. In an instant, he’s swallowed by the fog.
Aubrey elbows Sunny. “Dude. What’s the deal.”
Oh. “Sorry. We’re—um. You’re… dreaming.”
“Yeah, no shit, Sherlock. There’s not usually two of you.”
…Right. “And we have to go—do something. Talk to someone, or… something like that. Like a quest.” As cover stories go, it’s not very inspired. But it is more-or-less true.
“Uh huh,” she says. “But like. Why?”
Ugh. Of course Aubrey wouldn’t just go along with it. She was always going to be harder than Kel. “We just have to.” No, that’s not going to work either. Aubrey doesn't take orders from anyone. “I need you to?” he tries. “As a favor. …Please.”
“Well,” she drawls, smirking a little. “I guess if you need me.”
He rolls his eye at her. “Really it’s Omori. The other one. Oh. And you should probably stop calling him—”
“Shh,” she hisses, stiffening. “Did you see that?”
“In the trees. It was— I thought I saw something.”
Something. But does that mean— Could she be talking about—
Sunny’s heart leaps. He knows he shouldn’t get his hopes up but he can’t help it. He misses her so much. He whips around, scanning the treeline for a familiar silhouette. Long and dark, with one glaring white eye.
A blur of motion flits between the trees. Lightless, eyeless. Almost formless. Just a shadow among shadows. He only sees it for a moment before it vanishes, lost to the surrounding dark.
When he turns around, it’s looming over Aubrey.
(In Sunny’s memories, the Stranger is just a black-and-gray version of Basil. He wasn’t even scary, really. Just lonely, and sad, and strangely magnetic. Wherever he appeared, Omori couldn’t help but follow.
But Sunny isn’t running Headspace anymore.)
The Stranger’s limbs have lengthened, stretched sapling-long and pencil-thin. When he stands half-hunched, his knuckles scrape the grass. His fingers, hooked like talons, are tipped with jagged claws. His legs don't end in feet, but cloven, pointed hooves. And there’s something hanging from his neck. A loop of slick black rope. It drags behind him like a rat’s tail, heavy and unnervingly greasy.
“You,” the Stranger hisses, close against Aubrey’s ear. His voice is like spider's legs. Like dead leaves over dry bone. “You remind me of sss-s-someone.”
Omori materializes out of the fog with his knife already drawn. “Easy, Stranger,” he says warningly.
Aubrey doesn’t flinch. She might as well be carved from stone.
“You aren’t afraid,” the Stranger cackles. “Eh-hehe-heh-he. You were always-s-sss braver than the ressst of us.”
“Wait.” Aubrey’s eyes widen. “Basil???”
The shadow lets loose a wild laugh. “Ohhh, you are interesting, aren’t you? Mmh… Such an a-a-angrrrry little bunny.” When he stutters, his neck clicks and jerks like bad claymation. “A r-rrrRRRHhrr-rabbit hunting wolves. And now you’ve found them.” He twitches closer, breathing down her neck. “You want me to hurt you, don’t you? I can s-sss-smell it on your ssskin. All the things you think you deserve.”
“Stranger,” Omori says again.
“Eh heh heh. Ohh-h-h, calm down, Omori. I'm not here to break your toys. I was only sssaying hello.”
“We’re looking for Aubrey,” Omori says calmly. In the background, the real Aubrey looks confounded. “She isn’t in her fortress. Do you know where she went?”
“I know where ev~eryone is. The princess-s-ss is out hunting. Rabbitsss,” with a savage grin for Aubrey. “Glutting on blood and sinew and s-s-ssssucking the marrow from their little bones.”
Omori doesn’t back off. “Where?”
“I could take you,” the Stranger whispers. His smile is a knife-wound. It slits his face from ear to tufted ear. “But she won’t s-s-ssee you. She hatesssss us.”
Omori gestures impatiently, like that goes without saying. “Just tell me where to go.”
“What the fuck,” Aubrey says succinctly, after the Stranger sends them on their way.
Sunny isn’t listening. He’s too busy trying to catch up to Omori. “The Stranger. He’s not not all messed up. Or—not as much. Not like Kel.”
Omori doesn’t slow down. If anything, he walks even faster.
Sunny lets out a frustrated breath. “Omori.”
“Why isn’t he all messed up?”
Omori huffs irritably. “He’s another exception. Obviously. Like Longlegs. And me.���
“And Mari.”
Omori doesn’t answer.
“He didn’t sound different,” Sunny mumbles. He didn’t even act different, really. “But he looked—”
Omori whips around with his teeth bared. “Oh, I’m sorry. Did you want everyone to stay exactly how you left them? This place isn’t yours anymore, Dreamer. You left. You don’t get a vote.”
Sunny frowns. Does that mean that Mari’s different, too? Is she even still his sister anymore? Or is she just another monster? “Is that what happened to—”
“You don’t get to ask me about Mari.”
“Um,” Aubrey cuts in. When both of them turn to glare, she laughs nervously. “Heh. Uh… Sorry to interrupt, I guess? I just had a question.”
“What,” Sunny says impatiently.
“Uh. I guess basically… What the fuck?”
“Shh,” Omori hisses, grabbing them both and yanking them back into the bushes. “She’s close.”
A flurry of rabbits streams past, a river of white fur and terrified eyes. Crow scatter and screech. The trees tremble.
And then they see her.
Captain Kel was swollen to Looney Toons proportions, but at least he was recognizably human. This creature is decidedly not. Sunny can tell, because humans don’t typically grow as tall as a fucking house. And they’re definitely not supposed to be covered with plush, feathery pink fur.
The monster’s eyes are huge and dark, but the light that glitters in its pupils glows an unnerving blood-red. As far as Sunny can tell, it’s not any one animal, just a chaotic jangle of monster parts: rabbit’s haunches and ram’s horns and a colossal crocodile maw of shark’s teeth, all smushed together into the world’s ugliest chimera. It looks like what would happen if you put eight tertiary predators in a blender and set it to puree.
Filmy threads from Aubrey’s old nightdress still cling to the monster’s paws, and the entire front half of its body is spattered red. Its round, lizardlike muzzle is drenched in it. But the ribbon Mari gave her is still pristine, tied in a neat bow around her neck. It would be funny if it wasn’t so sad.
Sunny looks at Omori. Omori nods.
Sunny just stares. Because—what? What is he supposed to do about this? Aubrey might be tough enough to come out on top of nine out of ten bar fights, but even she can’t take down a monster the size of a school bus. It doesn’t even look like her. Except for the bow, maybe. And the eyes.
But when he turns to see how the real Aubrey is doing, her face is gone cold. Her fists are clenched, her jaw set.
“So,” she says darkly, once the monster’s lumbered out of range. “That’s the quest.”
It isn’t a question, but Sunny answers anyway. “Yes.”
“It’s me.”
The breath hisses through her teeth. “Right. Sure. Of course it is.”
Omori looks taken aback, but Sunny is barely surprised. Aubrey was always more self-aware than the rest of them. She isn’t like Kel, who’ll only take a good hard look at himself if you take his head in your hands and make him. Aubrey sees to the heart of things. It’s why she was so quick to recognize Stranger, even though it took Sunny years and years.
Besides. Aubrey might be all grown up, but that doesn't mean that she can always see it. It’s all too easy for her to see herself in a monster.
Sunny frowns and tugs on her elbow. “It isn’t really.”
“Hahh?” she demands, twisting around to glare. “Which one is it?”
He doesn’t know how to answer that. “It’s just a piece,” he tries. “Not even a big piece.”
Aubrey softens. “Y-Yeah. I know. Sorry.”
“Me too.”
“Okay,” she mutters, and shakes herself off. “Okay. So this is, what? Some kinda vision quest? Hunting my inner demons, or some shit?”
“...Something like that.”
“So why are you here? Fucking, twice, I might add?”
Sunny shrugs.
“‘Cause it seems like it’d be a guilt thing, but—if I’m honest, I feel way worse about Basil. No offense.”
“None taken.”
“Hrmm.” Aubrey holds her frown for a moment longer and then rolls up her sleeves. “Well. Whatever, I guess. Fuck it. Let’s go kick my ass.”
For once in his life, Omori looks genuinely moved.
They stalk Kaiju Aubrey—(Monster-brey? Monbrey? …He’ll keep working on it)—back to King Crawler’s clearing before regrouping at the picnic.
“So I pretty much just hit her on the head until she dies, right?” Aubrey asks cheerfully.
Omori chokes.
“Not exactly,” Sunny snickers. Ideally, she’d stop before Beastbrey died. (Beastbrey, he thinks. That’s not bad.) “Um. Try not to kill her.”
“You sure? ‘Cause that sounds a lot easier.”
“Pretty sure. Yeah.”
“Suit yourself,” she yawns. “Pretty sure you’re supposed to kill monsters, though.”
“She’s not a monster,” Sunny mumbles.
“Pfft. Right. Good one.”
He frowns at her. “You’re not—”
“Aaaand I think that’s enough with the heart-to-heart, thanks! Can we please just fight?”
So, they fight.
Headspace-Aubrey made her lair in King Crawler’s old grotto. The grass is littered with sprout mole husks and rabbit’s bones. But the surrounding forest has never looked healthier. The trees here are violently lush, with glossy leaves and thick strong trunks. The grass grows long and perfectly key lime-green.
At the farthest end of the clearing, Beastbrey is splayed languid, gnawing the bones of her last meal.
The bulk of her body is blunt and barrel-shaped, like a boar’s. But those powerful, tightly coiled haunches would look more at home on a jackrabbit, or a frog. Two colossal silver ram’s horns curl from either side of her head, and her thick coat of fur is run through with slender, translucent spines—like a hedgehog’s, if hedgehogs had spines all over their bodies.
To Sunny’s surprise, there aren’t any claws on her front paws. Instead, each leg ends in a blunt, chitinous protrusion of bone, like the head of a mallet. Or like the monster is wearing very uncomfortable white mittens.
While Omori sifts through his inventory, Sunny sidles up to him. “Omori. I really think I should have a knife.”
“Cool. I guess you should go find one.”
But they both know that Omori has artillery to spare. Sunny frowns. “Are you mad at me?”
“Not everything is always about you,” Omori says coldly.
Since Aubrey showed up already armed, she doesn’t need to borrow a weapon. But Omori does thrust a CHARM at her. It’s one that Sunny doesn’t recognize, a pastel-pink headband adorned with a huge silk gladiolus.
“Aw,” Aubrey snickers, amused but clearly also touched. “For luck?”
“Something like that.”
She slides it on, pinning her bangs back from her face. “So? Is it cute?”
“I don’t know,” Omori mutters.
“Totally,” Sunny says promptly. It suits her, actually. It’s flashier than the pins that Basil wears, but then again, so is Aubrey. “Gets a little lost in your hair. Maybe a different color?”
“It’s not for fashion,” Omori hisses. “Never mind. Let’s just get this over with.”
READ THE REST OF CH 3 HERE: archiveofourown.org/works/45213322/chapters/126779419
OR START FROM THE BEGINNING: archiveofourown.org/works/45213322/chapters/113743957
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astralsweetness · 2 years
Hi Luna!! Writing updates? Life updates? It's been a while since we heard from you, is this blog still active?
Hi! I'd love to write again, I'm just struggling to find things that capture my interest for it that I think you guys would also like to see. It's a delicate line between writing for myself and writing for others' enjoyment, and I've kind of burned out on writing for Pentagon, just like I burned out on writing for Seventeen, most likely because I hyper-fixated on them so intensely for such a long period of time. I can't think of anything to write for them that I haven't already done - and I can only do so much with requests that are like "so-and-so and thigh riding" when I've already written that once or twice or more. If there were newer prompts, then I might be able to find some inspiration there. There are some more popular groups I'd like to try writing like Stray Kids, or older groups like specific members of Super Junior or Shinee, but the latter doesn't seem popular on here and the former didn't get any interest when I brought it up before. I want to find something I both would like to do and that you guys would like to see as well.
I've been having a really tough time lately, both with mental and physical health and college [I'm enrolled in two right now] so I've kind of ended up reverting back to comfort singers of mine, which are a lot of 2nd gen idols. Eunhyuk, Minho, Donghae, Hanhae, Tei, Key, etc, and I haven't really said anything about them on here bcs I know no one really cares about them when it comes to fics on Tumblr, and even less when they're written as sub. I did have a thing I wrote that I was going to post on here, but I had a mental breakdown shortly after finishing it and ended up deleting it entirely lol. @funkywinkyboy got to experience what the mental breakdown was like, it wasn't pretty.
In the mean time, I'll give a suuuper short recommended list since I am a failure as a writer, so maybe you can get your fic-fix through them instead:
@euphoricsunflowers Venus is a very lovely person who runs a very nice sub!idol blog. I think she's got sub!svt on the brain rn, so if you wanna go fill her inbox with that stuff.. 👀
@blu-joons Chloe is pretty much well-known for having a blog with every damn fandom that exists on it.. you sort of can’t go wrong with perusing her masterlist. pls go appreciate her and what she does
@pinkchubbiebunnie Tanisha isn’t a kpop blog but she’s kept me afloat this last month without really even knowing I was grasping onto her blog and our interactions to keep my head above water. If you’re into Stranger Things or The Walking Dead go check her out. She’s doing a cute lil Halloween event rn too so.. prime time to go
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dangerous-advantage · 2 years
|-| eyo, welcome to my blog |-|
Tumblr media
(for quick reference, here’s my card. if you’re here for fic stuff, here’s my blog dedicated to ‘it was futile’: [rottmnt iwf])
eyo what’s up i’m danger (though you can use any shortening of my username as a nickname, or just come up w/one of your own) 
i identify as nonbinary and use mainly they/them pronouns, but also xe/xem/xyrs, ve/ver/vers, and ae/aer/aers. i identify as bisexual, as well as somewhere on the ace-aro spectrum. for those who need to know, i am an adult. i try to be private about personal details though (be cautious online, kids)
i have adhd and autism and tend to jump from hyperfixation to hyperfixation, but i do enjoy long-lasting mutuals. this is a multi-fandom blog and it kinda just follows whatever my newest interests are (plus shitposts.) so, if you follow me and we become mutuals, assume you’re in for the long haul.
don’t really consider myself an artist (nothing i’d post here) but i do write things from time to time. i also really enjoy theorizing about and analyzing media. really like interactions so feel free to reblog, reply to, add onto (or anything else) any of my posts. my asks are open (confessionals) if you just wanna vibe. unless the asks are rancid, i try to answer everything i get, so if i haven’t within (at the most) 3-5 days, feel free to send me another one and assume tumblr ate it. 
don't mind nsfw stuff. will try to tag accordingly but it doesn't bother me. i'll make jokes sometimes but generally nothing too explicit.
i do have the tendency to lose interest and disappear off of tumblr for several months but i always come back (sadly, it’s my main social.) if i don’t reach out or interact a ton with you its nothing personal, i just tend to fumble social interactions and also easily forget. i have been pretty active on discord lately, so that could be a possible option for my closer mutuals.
(note: I tend to go through and “prune” my follower count every once in a while to get rid of bots/dead accounts, so if I block you, I am very sorry, I block very liberally)
Tags and Organization dangerous ramblings -- personal posts, thoughts, random bs dangerous delights! -- faves, references, things i like confessionals -- my asks tag! dangerous dialogues -- general convos between myself and others in post form my writing -- self explanatory
classic / classic post -- posts that are older/well-known in tumblr “history” n/sfw -- purely nsfw stuff/rbs (suggest you block this if you aren’t interested) nsfw ish -- contains mature themes/concepts, but not explicit nsfw <3 suggestive -- similar to above, but generally a more ‘severe’ version divertives -- my “funny” tag
anyway yeah enough of that and
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miriamundertale · 3 months
da miriam writing masterpost
so im porting my writing/review stuff over from wordpress to here. both are gonna be getting updated ideally so if u hate wordpress here is good and if u hate tumblr yet are on here to see this the wordpress isnt going away
to answer the "why is this around" question. i work nights at a hotel, and its very uhhh, full of free time. so ive wound up having most of the night to either watch stuff or read manga, and its gotten to the point where i think i should probably keep track of my opinions of them more in depth -- this felt like the smartest way to do so.
The core point of this post is gonna be to track stuff i want to write about and be a pretty ok navigation point for people. lets break whats coming down:
Yoshiru Konogi, the Hornybait writer who Fucking Gets it
if youve seen me tweeting ever henjou has almost definitely shown up. henjou is hornybait and largely just a sex comedy much like everything Konogi writes, but i think the standout about her writing in the genre and henjou and its spinoff in particular (Eroko-San on the attack) is that while theres an obviously set audience for the horny teenage boy in both, the target feels less to be them and more to be women, either the weirdo girl whos willing to be openly horny or the failwoman neet whos terminally fucking posting about being horny online. its very different in feel to a lot of its genre and i think deserves some more analysis. done! Konogi is a weirdly fascinating mangaka and at least worth peeking through like this. i also go into her crypto stuff for some reason
The Game Parodying a Genre You Didn't Know Existed
if i wind up making a video out of any of these, itl be this one. this is about a specific game in my horrible side hobby of playing terrible western eroge, specifically those using koikatsu party as their source of visuals. my biggest fear is how intentional the parody itself is, as unlike Yoshiru Konogi's work i dont have an accessible back catalog of works to go through. if i wind up having the creator see and and get some sort of weird backlash to my reading im going to be so fucking devastated. they're very much a weirdo(positive) so i dont imagine anything like that but the fear is there.
Yeah i fucking know trashing homestuck is very easy considering the state of a lot of homestuck fans and the way people were with it, especially since it was for a lot of people a first for fandom (and realistically was probably the worst possible entry into fandom one could get,) but homestuck really has a lot of interest going on in its meta layers and how it is intrinsically tied to the era it was written in. Homestuck and its successors (the epilogues and hs2, maybe ill read some of the bigger FA's once i get to this) have a lot of depth that i feel gets terminally ignored or just passed by from basically everyone who has had some sort of interaction with it, be they fans or Normal People
Star wars - God i fucking hate episode 9
Thats right two red flag series in a row babey. we got some TERRIBLE posting Writing POASTING about to happen Star wars realistically is a good series cursed with one of the worst fanbases imaginable, and i want to examine the overarching themes it has about fascism in detail, but here's the basic outline: the original trilogy is about the defeat of fascism and taking only the best from the past, the prequel trilogy is about the rise of fascism and how it corrupts democracy from within, and the sequel trilogy SHOULD have been continuing on the themes of the original and how fascism corrupts and utilizes the past as a tool to grow its own power (but instead we get the most fucking pandery fucking movie targeted at the worst of the fandom)
The one good gacha is fucking dead
Listen i just really wanna talk about dragalia. maybe it was laser targeted at me with its obvious mmo influences but dragalia was MADE for the platform it is on instead of being extant on that platform. dragalia wasnt by any means the best game ever made but it was easily the best gacha ever made. the loss of dragalia is a fucking crime that needs to be talked about more.
Can we please do a good live action comic book movie again at least spiderman like cmon
pretty please i wont complain about the actor spiderman is my favorite superhero of all time and the last two good live action spiderman movies were the first two raimi movies. i think they realised that with no way home and thought by bringing back dafoe and molina they had nailed that when really it was raimis commitment to understanding the fucking medium hes adapting that made those two hit so well and is part of why im so conflicted on multiverse of madness which i also wanna talk about
One Punch Man
See this is coming at some point i have a lot to say about OPM and specifically comparing it to the original webcomic but for now i will leave it at you should read the webcomic its good
Kyoukai No Kanata the best anime of all time
Kyoukai no kanata is the best anime of all time and im not taking questions
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bcofl0ve · 4 months
People had a double standards when it comes to kaia like “ let’s just focus on his career not his relationship ” but when we get new interaction between Austin and another woman they start shipping them and sit him up , but noooo thats actually how Focus on his career 🤣
loll its so goofy. if you wanna gossip there's nothing wrong with that! lord knows i of all people will never be able to say that haha- imo we all have an innate urge for it as social beings. but just own it, don't make statements about how you're only here to talk about his career that you're gonna walk back within hours/days anyways.
and one of the things that grates one me most abt this whole discourse is when people (this isn't directed at any one person, this a sentiment ive seen around since 2022!) who engage with smut fanfic, whether by writing or enjoying as a reader, act like they're doing austin a solid with their brave endeavor to ignore his relationship. i read and write (i know im behind with updates don't remind me!) fic too, it'll always be a part of fandom ecosystems.
but you cannot look me dead in my eyes and say that austin would be more uncomfortable with people talking about how they think his relationship is cute than he would be with people writing self insert p0rn about him.
if we wanna be real i think mr anti social media would be (or *is*, not sure how much he knows about us!) a little spooked by having a massive social media fandom that talks about him 24/7/has profile pics of his face/posts about his every move in general. that's not me saying he doesn't love his fans bc i think it's clear that he does! but idk we don't need to make how people choose to engage with fandom a "who would austin like more" contest. that's not why we're here.
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keptmanners · 4 years
can u believe i miss writing as ruby and louis??
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kikyan · 3 years
Yandere Natsu Dragneel Headcanons
DISCLAIMER: These are my interpretations of his/her/their persona and none of these are 100% accurate. I don't condone any of these actions in real life and all of this is purely fictional and should be taken as such! 
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Gosh, this is such a throwback but I remember watching the first episodes on Netflix of Fairy Tail when I was a little girl. When my brother first started high school, he’d bring the manga from his school library and we’d read it together. I’m going to be honest, despite watching anime as a child with Inuyashsa/Naruto/DBZ/Yugioh being the first ones, Natsu was my first anime simp. Started out young bruh, anyways I hope the Fairy Tail fandom isn’t dead just yet because I’m going to be posting a lot more from it. Now let’s get to it! I see Natsu as overprotective, clingy, possessive, and obsessive. 
I am such a simp for this man jfc, but anyways it’s given that he is overprotective. I mean, he wants to save the majority of the members in the guild at all times and he truly believes that nobody should be alone. Same goes with his S/O, you’ll be lucky if you ever have any time for yourself. He’s extremely overprotective, no doubt wherever you go he will be there following you. Without a doubt, he’ll do anything to be your friend. Got a sad backstory? He’ll bring his whole speech out and do what he can to ensure you never relive those dark moments in your life. You’re safe and sound, you’re his friend and the desire to protect you is strong. It can be small, like catching the person who took your wallet or taking the blow when a villain tries to harm you. He never wants to see you cry, his arms are your new home (FLW reference haha), he wants to comfort you to the best of his ability and more. While he is extremely goofy, he’ll do things to make you laugh because no sad faces here, okay? You get kidnapped? He’s on his way to save you running on pure adrenaline, fear of something happening, and fueling rage for someone taking you. Again, it could be something so small like providing warmth on a cold night or sharing a meal when you’re hungry to absolutely risking his life for you. 
Obsessive. He STAYS breaking into Lucy’s apartment like??? What’s stopping him from breaking into yours? Honestly, these headcanons are like 50/50 because what if you were already in a relationship and then he began growing obsessed? Or you were new? Depending, he’d break into a lot more than your house. If you by some concept were involved with him and are moving in, he’s all over your stuff. If you haven’t, well he’d be all over your house. You going shopping? Expect to see him there on your kitchen table munching on some snackies and exploring your place. He knows every entrance, he knows where you keep the snackies even when you try to hide them, he knows where your spare key is, he knows a good majority of stuff. He knows your routine, where you shop, how often you shop, your interactions, what kind of missions you take, your diet, your salary, your hobbies, etc. Everything. I mean he is obsessed, it’s not like some kind of creepy stalking behind, it’s just his clinginess and random events that just transpire. It’s all for protecting you and making sure you’re safe and sound. 
I’m going to blend in together with possessiveness and clinginess. As we’ve seen with Lucy, he’s always at her place non-stop, the friendship they’ve built is really sweet. He’s always there for her and they are able to have fun here and there with jokes. He’d want the same with you and I really think he’ll be chill. He’d want your attention non-stop and I don’t think he’d terminate any friendships he has so it’s going to be, “Wanna go on a mission with us?” He’d always invite you to jobs and make it enjoyable on the way. Everyone would be their usual self but you’ll come back happy and wanting to go with the wacky group again. He’ll invite you out to eat and then feel guilty when neither of you have enough to cover the tab because he ate a lot more than expected. He’ll make it up though!! Whenever someone asks if you’re a couple he’d be oblivious to anything until someone points it out and then he’ll proudly say, “of course!” I mean it’s Natsu, who would even believe him? Without a doubt, he’s always ready to hang out with you. You could be sleeping peacefully and wake up to Natsu drooling next to you. He’s always there and trust me, it’s stronger when you’re in public. When you and Natsu are hanging out in town or someone tries to hit on you. Natsu will take it the wrong way and attack, yall dont have to be dating and he’d still be ready to pounce. Natsu is the brawn and no brain type so it wouldn’t be surprising he uses that as an excuse. “I didn’t know he was a good guy!” Deep down however, Natsu knows. Oh and as much as I love Happy, Natsu would probably emotionally manipulate Happy into thinking that this is okay and this is all to protect you. Happy, would be hesitant but later believe his friend, choosing to report anything you do to him and keep an eye out on you when Natsu isn’t there. 
In terms of using his brain, he’s a 5/10. He isn’t the brightest, but he isn’t completely stupid either. He knows what he is and isn’t capable of in terms of intelligence, but he will never give up. Persistence? Again, he’s EXTREMELY clingy so 9/10. Strength? MF has plot armor, good luck babes 10/10. Giving him an overall ranking of 6/10 on my yandere scale. Natsu is the type to have the best intentions but the WORST ways to initiate them, he may think what he is doing is protecting you and not see that he is suffocating you.
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