#{ ooc;; }
laxusthelightning · 1 year
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(so... ihad to sketch the reunin in my head. and... ya. typical... right? 8))
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herleaf · 28 days
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LIKE THIS FOR A STARTER (lengths will vary. multi’s please specify a muse)
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notimminent · 5 months
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Starter Call, anyone?
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biff-adventurer · 2 months
i grow older and older with every expansion. i can't believe i've been in this fandom almost 7 years now. my wife says every time she makes a joke about sprint and tp, people are like WOW YOU'RE OLD AS DIRT! and i'm like, yeah. heavensward was our shadowbringers. it brought a lot of people into the fandom. both my wife and i showed up b/c it felt like other final fantasy titles. we're both fans of xii, so the political plots were especially interesting to us.
dawntrail is refreshing because, to me, it highlights the charm of older expansions while incorporating the lovely threads of newer expansions into its fabric. you can see the team slowly learning from its previous mistakes, though there are still mistakes! dawntrail feels to me the most quintessential final fantasy xiv storyline we've had for a long time. it makes me excited for the future. the team will keep learning and we'll see more interesting stories come alive in the years to come.
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fatestouch · 5 months
(clears throat) so i have not been around at ALL and im sorry for that—over the weekend i was miserable with an out of nowhere cough, and the literally as i was recovering from THAT, suddenly i have a stye on my left eye, with swelling and such! so my week is going great
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puzzledmemories · 3 months
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((it's almost so tempting to pick up a zexal muse with the zexal talk going on on dash idk who i would pick up but
it's really tempting
is this a bad time to mention that when i was trying to decide who was going to be my mun faceclaim i downloaded astral and number 96 icons as well because i very nearly picked one of them instead of jaden yuki))
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heliacalxrising · 5 months
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In light of things happening, I just want to make it clear that I do not tolerate minors anywhere near me, especially in the rpc. I'm turning 29 soon, I don't need some uppity teenager thinking they're above the fucking law.
Look, I get it, puberty is hell, and hormones are racing. Teenagers get horny just like adults -- most of them anyway -- but that doesn't justify putting innocent people in danger just because you wanna get your rocks off. I'm an actual fucking victim of CSA. COCSA if we're going to get really technical, and that shit fucks you up more than you ever realize if you've never suffered such a thing. And I pray to any god in the universe that you have not, it's horrendous.
If you are a minor, DO NOT TOUCH MY BLOG. Not only will I report and block you, but I'll warn my mutuals to report and block you too. This is your one and only warning. I try to be kind, but if you put me or anyone I care about in danger, that kindness is gonna turn into a frying pan smacking you in the skull, Rapunzel style.
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notenoughmuses · 1 month
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particlecreator · 21 days
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*dusts blog off* I promise I have not forgotten Eve, just was distracted with other fandoms but I want to take a break. I need to redo and clean out her blog here. So if you are interested to remain mutuals please like.
Otherwise I’m going to be updating my rules and adding some verses here tonight then a starter call later. I want to be more involved with more fandoms as the invincible fandom is very small currently.
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gravity-wall · 10 days
//I really need to iron out the reasons for and stipulations of his curse in Naoya's Stardew verse, fr.
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melancholicblossom · 3 months
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{ do you guys want to see souza's original saniwa -- the one who broke kousetsu samonji -- the one he doesn't get along with? her name is atusko chouson. her original last name was erased and replaced as nankaitarou chouson took over as her guardian. her parents forgot her! she is like. 16. }
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notimminent · 3 months
Hi, I used to RP on tumblr when I was 12-14. I was mostly active in 2015-2017. I literally remember following you back when I was active. I’m 21 now. I can’t believe you’re still writing here! That’s an insane level of dedication. In the time your blog has been active, I graduated middle school, high school, and am now in medical school 😭😭
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Hello Anon! It's so nice to hear from you! That is absolutely INSANE to think about. First thing I want to say is CONGRATULATIONS on graduating and on getting into medical school! I feel honored to have been a constant in your life. I hope schooling is going well and thank you so much for reaching out! Here is to many more years to come and I hope medical school isn't too rough. Remember to rest when you can and feel free to reach out to me whenever!
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biff-adventurer · 2 years
i realize a lot of people in the xiv community might not know this, but the ao dai is not a qipao. it's a bit insensitive to wear the ao dai without pants (like, as in, at least jeans or leggings) b/c
1) we must be respectful/not conflate different ethnic styled clothes with one another, as it perpetuates orientalist ideas and attitudes, and
2) vietnamese players will see you and probably ask themselves where your pants are (confirmed from a close friend of mine who was tirelessly harassed on the first day the ao dai was released for validation to wear the ao dai out of cultural context)
if you're looking for chinese style clothes in xiv, such as qipao, you'll want to look at the "far eastern garb for women/men" or the "far eastern socialite's attire", for examples. if you're looking for japanese style or korean style clothes, they're available, too.
the thing is, mixing and matching east asian wardrobes contributes to this orientalist image of the far east. scholar edward said talks a lot about this in his 1978 book "orientalism", where it is summed up as:
"the exaggeration of difference, the presumption of Western superiority, and the application of clichéd analytical models for perceiving the 'Oriental world'".
there are lots of high fantasy tropes that feed into racist stereotypes and caricatures. just because ffxiv comes from the far east doesn't make it immune to perpetuating certain ideas or images uncritically - but that is an entirely separate discussion, if equally important.
to avoid creating characters and stories that feed into the negativity in this world, research and specificity are your friends. this doesn't limit one's creativity, but rather humanizes your characters and the world we live in.
ultimately, it's your adventure and your choice. whether you take the lore literally or as a suggestion is up to you. either way, i wish you well on your journeys throughout the radiant world of etheirys.
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fatestouch · 8 months
sorry new dgm chapter dropped and i need to be insane for a second
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…… okay im normal again
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bleeding--scales · 3 months
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a comprehensive guide on the crew of HER DARLING SCORNED.
the captain: meri merdoc. the ruthless leader and driving force behind the entire crew. she has a flawed moral compass and a refined taste for the more decadent and perverted leisures in life. won't hesitate to kiss you. won't hesitate to kill you. wildshapes into an orca.
the first mate: cass haven. the steadying balance to meri's violent behavior. stoic, unyielding, and ceaselessly loyal to those she trusts. a cleric of auril. upon first glance, one might mistake her quiet nature for benevolence, but she couldn't care less about what happens to you. wildshapes into a leopard seal.
the navigator: nerida shore. not much is known about their life or their past, and they prefer to keep it that way. they're headstrong and dangerously clever, sharper than a dagger to your throat. has one good eye, but damn, it's a good eye. is a known cheat, and is banned from all game nights. wildshapes into an anglerfish.
the boatswain: akir inder. resident weirdo and freak. his warlock patron is a titanically powerful sea beast. the crew is honestly unsure where his loyalties lie, but he's capable and almost never has a problem getting dirty. spends the most time with seshadri. wildshapes into a giant squid.
the surgeon: seshadri. hails from a small, remote village. philosophically opposes everything the hippocratic oath stands for. sadistic, unfathomably curious, and meticulous. will often use prisoners and stowaways to benefit his research. shockingly good at dancing. wildshapes into a sea snake.
the stewardess: silver-eye cutlass. to friends, she is called lass. was plucked out of the trash as a young child and given a home on the ship. is almost unanimously adored by everyone onboard. maintains order and routine amongst the crew, and happily involves herself with violence, should the need arise. is romantically partnered with bayard. wildshapes into a shrimp.
the cook: delmar. is often found lounging around half-sober. when he's not napping, he spends much of his free-time tinkering with new recipes and innovating technological gadgets. unfortunately, he also suffers from frequent bouts of sea sickness. loves arm wrestling (he always wins). wildshapes into a swordfish.
the gunner: thal havelock. former rich boy who was fed up with the noble lifestyle. an ostentatious flirt. in a rivalry with pera to see who can be the most annoying bastard on the ship. is the best at cards. laid-back, adventurous, and hates tedium. wildshapes into a barracuda.
the musician: bayard dubois. the fruitiest guy you know. adores making new friends, but will also backstab you faster than you can say bonjour! (listen, i know french doesn't exist in d&d. bear with me.) is the worst at cards. silly, carefree, and always itching to be a little kiss-ass. wildshapes into a sea otter.
the officer: zale sirena. the middle sibling of the sirenas. stone-faced and intimidating, but not generally quick to anger. a woman of few words. asexual. would really prefer to be napping right now. rarely drinks alcohol. wildshapes into a bull shark.
the carpenter: pera sirena. the youngest sibling of the sirenas. flagrant asshole and instigator of bullshit. it's an easy mistake to assume she has a big ego, but really she just adores pissing people off, and will wield condescension to achieve this. probably the laziest crew member. is a bigger alcoholic than the captain. wildshapes into a hammerhead shark.
the helmsman: anteia sirena. the oldest sibling of the sirenas. mature. does her best to be a prime role-model for her sisters, but often fails. is likely the kindest member of her darling scorned. holds fury in her heart, but is often too soft to enact this, so she lives vicariously through the actions of the others. is hopelessly in love with meri, but it's unfortunately one-sided. able to be gentle, but won't cry for you when you die. wildshapes into a mako shark.
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puzzledmemories · 7 days
((pokes my head in. I think i'm gonna make my after work stops, get a frozen chocolate at dunkin, go home and start poking into dms and replies. Sorry for being quiet!! I wanna try to be back today.))
((genuinely, my computer screen was bothering me while i was sick and recovering, so i really appreeciate everyone being patient))
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