#{ ovdm : for the dancing and the dreaming : saving }
oroku-venus-demilo · 8 years
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@red-and-restrained @bracedvigilante I call this style to lazy to draw but not to shit post XD
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oroku-venus-demilo · 8 years
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Hey @red-and-restrained remember forever ago when I said I would make Raph and Vee an aesthetic?
Well I finally did!
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oroku-venus-demilo · 8 years
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So for most of my Venus DeMilo AU’s she has severely damaged vision, so if you are Roleplaying with me then chances are you’re gonna wanna know this! @red-and-restrained @spikethetortoise @slashtodestroy @millin21 @sassopathic @blueeyedleader @mikeybro2k12 @nunchuckpanther
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oroku-venus-demilo · 8 years
BOLD YOUR MUSE’S FEARS AND ITALICISE THEIR DISCOMFORTS. @bornrage <br> TAGGING. @red-and-restrained @bracedvigilante @nunchuckpanther @spikethetortoise
the dark // fire // open water // deep water // being alone // crowded spaces // confined spaces // change // failure // war // loss of control // powerlessness // prison // blood // drowning // suffocation // public speaking // natural animals // the supernatural // heights // death // dying // intimacy // rejection // abandonment // loss // the unknown
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oroku-venus-demilo · 8 years
Made A Quiz on Venus!
https://www.onlineexambuilder.com/how-much-do-you-know-about-oroku-venus-demychild/exam-131776 Comment your scores please! <3
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