oroku-venus-demilo · 7 years
@grey-turtle-rp-blog She let out a sudden short squeak, her breath picking up and her heart racing as she collapsed on the ground frozen in fear. Her body trembled and her blurry eyes were wide with fear. She sniffled and closed them tightly waiting for him to strike, she was larger, taller, possibly stronger but her time with Shredder made her fearful and weak minded, like a dog answering their masters every beck and call, her body was skinny, pale and scarred evidence of her treatment.
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hynmy · 8 years
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WIP baby turtle base @millin21 I may make this a P2U or make adoptables on it if you all wanna request ships!
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orokuvenusdemilo · 8 years
Is Karai with you?
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Karai is like a big sister to Venus, and deeply worries about her because she knows that most of her scars were from “their” father. But these two nerds are to pure together for the world…
Art by @hynmy-art-and-aus
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oroku-venus-demilo · 7 years
@gearhead-supreme Venus frowned as she followed the sound of the lanky yet limber footsteps, her brows scrunched, her hands reached for her twin axes and she stalked him squinting, occasionally letting out a tongue click staying in the shadows, however that was when she made the mistake of the slightest slip of her footing on the rain slicked roof, resulting in a soft gasp and a tile dislodging and shattering as it hit the pavement. She froze in place, maroon eyes glowing in the night and held wide open as her axes trembled in her hands... ...This was not the plan.
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oroku-venus-demilo · 7 years
@duzmachines95 Venus frowned softly, she was making nightly rounds again. Looking out for the same old things, keep the dragons in check, check for signs of any new gangs and stay hidden, same show every night. Her father was a smuggler of sorts, The Shredder, leader of the foot clan. Feared by many... Except this time it was different... Her father wasn't there... He was locked away in a prison far away and she was still here... Alone... Her head whipped around hearing large footsteps, cautious clicks left her mouth as she approached the source of the sounds she'd been so fixated on.
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oroku-venus-demilo · 7 years
@blueeyedleader Her squinted gaze hardened, she wasn't in the best shape, she had low endurance due to her father malnourishing her. Her energy wasn't long lasted, Normally she'd have sent them running by now but today she did the unthinkable of all outcomes.... She H E S I T A T E D Her heart pounded in her chest, she'd had a shot at his life and it slipped away seemingly faster than it came... Her worn and scarred body responded by gripping her axes tighter and letting out a snarl, "I'm gonna make you regret the day that you were born."
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oroku-venus-demilo · 7 years
@turtleinred2016 Venus tilted her head and frowned... "Love?... Care.... I... I'm not sure what you mean..."
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oroku-venus-demilo · 8 years
TMNT RP Discord Community
https://discord.gg/g2mjM6k This is a community for turtle fans! ((marketed at turtle RP'ers)) Mod positions are currently open!
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oroku-venus-demilo · 7 years
@turtleinred2016 Venus frowned as she made her rounds, she kept her feet light and quick staying in the shadows and using her echolocation sparingly. She could see her target... But he couldn't see her, The Bladed Chain Whips she bore were enough to sever a limb or shred a shell, he didn't stand a chance...
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oroku-venus-demilo · 8 years
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@insurrxctioniist @tenderborn FIXED
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oroku-venus-demilo · 8 years
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Here's a finished Maggie for @insurrxctioniist I'm not Sure if she's from the RP with @theiirkniight or @tenderborn ((So Imma just tag them both lol)) Tell me if I need to change anything!
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oroku-venus-demilo · 8 years
"G-Guess it was my turn to fall of the rooftops, h-huh?"
She frowned softly lifting him up… This was different They weren’t close to home, her eyes had gone fully blind over the last few months from a bad infection and her hearing wasn’t in top shape after the last sonic wave from their previous fight… She hadn’t let anyone know her sight had gone yet, she’d relied on echolocation… She didn’t want to be left at home… She didn’t want to be a burden, but with her head throbbing and her ears ringing she wasn’t going to be able to use it much… She let out tears in soft chokes and whimpers “Raph! I…I can’t see…I…I haven’t been able to for a month now…I… I can barely hear myself! I…I’m lost…I ..I don’t know where we are or how to get home!” She softly gasped between sobs…. “Please you… You can’t leave me…” She could feel him bleeding… She sat down and ripped her scarf tying it tightly around his torso to stop the bleeding… The wave had destroyed their T-Phones and they could only wait… It was the dead of winter, far to cold for turtles…. She held him close and sniffled softly singing soft songs to him as she held him doing her best to keep him warm… That night it Snowed again…. Leo finally found them in the morning, but when he got there all he saw was a frost and snow powdered Venus holding a shaking Raph…. Leo could of swore he heard Tang Shen…. But the words would forever haunt him… “I’m so sorry…‘
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oroku-venus-demilo · 8 years
Those Lacking // Closed RP with BracedVigilante // Oroku Verse
@bracedvigilante Venus held her axes upright before softly frowning as she looked at the turtle before her, he was smaller than his brothers... There were only supposed to be four, five including her... Shredder had never prepared her for a fifth turtle other than herself... Her eyes traveled up and down him as she squinted before she softly clicked with her tongue to get a better "view". She frowned and her face fixated on his legs "Wh...Who are you? Y...You can't be... There's only supposed to be four...." She was confused and taken aback, unsure of what to do in this scenario.
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oroku-venus-demilo · 8 years
Turtle Tot Tuesday! (((Alt. TrashShip Tuesday)))
So here’s what I’m gonna do! Y'all are gonna send in the names of two turts and I am gonna make 1-2 Babies. Here’s how this is gonna work You’re gonna send in an ask in this format; Turt1 x Turt2 // 1 or 2 // Color // Trait* // Gender* * = Optional ))) So when I get these I will create a baby and draw them, I will explain a bit about them and after that they’re yours! If I do twins or siblings However I may wanna keep one XD… You may also request Turtles with humans, OC’s non-turtles and a random entity. You can also just request “Random Turt or Random Mutant” But anyways! I’m only doing this on Tuesdays! So now it the time to cash it in! Feel free to get one with Venus))) like plz)))))))))
Turtle Tot Tuesday Starts Now!
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oroku-venus-demilo · 8 years
I can see Vee being on the roof when it happened, fighting April and Raph only to see Splinter impaled, memories of before their separation flood through her and she softly whispers "This isn't Honor...." As tears roll down her eyes, she attempts to see his body and is kept away by the turtles who view her as an enemy... She can't feel his Spirit enter the spirit realm but still mourns... Afraid and alone.
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oroku-venus-demilo · 8 years
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