#{ rp: sunshine and rainbows | vanille }
@vaenaera [ ask box memes ( VANILLE & HOPE ) ] :  ‘ i want to believe that we got it right this time. ’
“Oho?” Vanille giggles a bit---nervous as ever. The airheaded act is a hard one to put down, and it comes up whenever she’s feeling uncomfortable... whenever she doesn’t know what to say? She’s right back to playing dumb, being silly, sunshine and rainbows, and only jokes to spare. 
But this is serious. She doesn’t like to think about the future---never has, but this is why.. She worries, too. And she cares about Hope. She cares about him knowing she’s there, and not just the shape of her, an illusion of substance, too light and falsely free to actually hold.
Her smile fades with the crinkle of her eyes, the dimple in her cheek as she frowns and thinks hard. “I don’t have all the answers. Never have,” Vanille gazes down at her feet, and then reaches out a hand, squeezes just Hope’s knuckles. His hands feel so much bigger now, even beneath the gloves. He’s all grown up---not that he ever had much time to be a child to begin with. “But I have you, now, Hope.” The Double entrede is as clear and cliche as ever, and yet, she continues onward. 
“A new family. A new world.” She looks up, sticks out her tongue. “What could possibly go wrong?”
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destinysthralls · 5 years
@mettleforged  asked: ☕️ AND RINOA AND VANILLE BECAUSE I SAY SO
AVALANCHE is growing larger by the day. Rinoa and Vanille joined up right around the same time--along with Fang and Squall. There’s news that there will be a new member soon---Tifa’s childhood friend, Cloud.
“Do you think there’s anything goin’ on between them?” Vanille hums, watching Tifa talk to Barret about strategy and the like. She leans in and whispers it in her ear with a gleeful giggle. The whisper ain’t so quiet, though---and Biggs quickly overhears, rolling his eyes at the both of them and taking up arms at the other couch. Vanille sticks her tongue out at him---winking, before turning back to Rinoa. “There’s gotta be, right? The way her face lights up when she talks about him. I hear he’s cute, too!”
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destinysthralls · 5 years
@sinnhelmingr [ hel + vanille ]
Vanille had only meant to follow Fang into the Fal’cie’s chambers to support her in being chosen. While Vanille was next in line---Fang was supposed to be the chosen hero to lead Gran Pulse in victory against Cocoon---not her. As much as Vanille loved Fang and her village---she didn’t want to be involved in this. Nor did Fang. And they had talked about as much, and perversely, their fervent dislike of the Fal’cie was what had led them to being chosen to be Ragnorak. To kill so many people in tearing out the sky.
And Vanille----Vanille, in the end, had been overcome by her own cowardice. Instead of stopping it---OR being part of it---she had simply stood by and watched Fang do all the Gods dirty work. It was horrific. As she turned to crystal, tears pouring down her chin, she heard screams---thousands of them becoming one, as if in some terrifying unison.
She hadn’t wanted this. Not any of it. She cursed the Goddess that picked them---the ugly form that had writhed and screeched as the ceremony continued---that had picked anyone to do this to other people, innocent or not. She thought that for a thousand years---all she would think about, all she would dream about, were all her fears and worries, realized in that exact moment----
And then she had woken up. Somewhere else.
Fang nowhere to be seen.
Instead another woman---just as beautiful, approached. For a moment, Vanille felt her vision clear of tears, unable to do anything but feel wow-ed at the other’s appearance. Her mind wandered---as if floating in a dream. She pictured holding hands with the stranger, who she felt connected to, heart and soul. Somehow she knew that the stranger did not mean to harm her--that the stranger had brought her here. To be safe. As a reward, somehow, for everything she had been through. That thought alone was enough to bring Vanille to tears once more as she was pushed forward back into thoughts of reality.
She sobbed, biting her lip. “Who are you?!” She demanded. “Where are we?! Where’s Fang?!”
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