halchron · 5 years
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* positive vibes // accepting
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@13nth - we haven’t talked much but ! I really love tea’s roxas, and all the thought and care she puts into him ! she seems very lovely and nice, and I always love reading her hcs and stuff, and I’d love to get to know her better !
@kaionace - sol is so !!!! lovely !!!! they’re so sweet and I love their lev so much !! they send me gifs and stuff of nekoma stage play things and I appreciate it tons ! they also make lev more than just one sided and give him the depth he deserves !!
@mettleforged / @revolverized - west,,, I love a guy ! he’s so cool and chill I always love talking to him on disco or wherever, and he always hooks me up with those sweet sweet aus. he’s very fun to talk to, and I can always count on him to send me either memey stuff or asking the important questions because there really isn’t any in between.
@litteriae - gina,,, I’ve followed a few of her blogs but this is the first time I’ve actually rped with her I think and I’m really glad we are !! her writing is so nice and lovely, and all her takes and portrayals are wonderful ! she also has a wonderful selection of muses, and it makes me happy seeing her rp wind waker link because he’s so cute and I love that game. she’s also very sweet and kind, and I look forward to interacting more in the future !
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atlaslain · 5 years
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adventures with @mettleforged with no context
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valkyriesrose · 5 years
Rinoa Heartilly
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“Your boyfriend doesn’t really talk that much,he was pretty much silent while gathering up the summons.”
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destinysthralls · 5 years
@mettleforged [ gladio + ardyn : the palace ]
As far as games to pass the time goes---this is certainly one of Ardyn’s stranger hobbies. He supposes most boogie men stay under the bed instead of outright asking children to spar with them---but it’s for that reason that little Gladio has become Ardyn’s favorite. He puts up a good fight---and he doesn’t remind him so much of Somnus or Aera.
Ardyn has been visiting the children their entire lives---and, against all rhyme or reason, they actually trust him as some sort of functioning, human adult and playmate. To their parents he’s an imaginary friend who still hasn’t gone away---but his visits still light up Noctis’s face. Ignis seems more perturbed by his appearances---but Gladio is a different story altogether, probably due to the fact they spend most of their time sparring.
Ardyn throws Ardyn a towel and a potion after a hardfought battle. He’s still too small and weak to put up any real kind of challenge---but still, for one so young, his work is certainly impressive.
"No need to be cross with me, my boy. You’re getting stronger every day. I daresay you will most certainly get me next time,” a sentiment he has uttered ever since their very first fight. “And no one likes a sore loser.”
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youngrevolutionary · 5 years
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mettleforged replied to your post: GENERAL. full name.  Seifer Almasy  pronunciation....
“Virgins are a turn off” can’t BELIEVE how Squall-phobic this is /s
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“Sounds like a personal problem to me~” 
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cheshism · 5 years
(ಥ_ಥ): finish this: i hate it when…
...people have themes that I can not navigate!! Some are so hard to figure out!! Sometimes I have to wave my mouse around to find where the links are hidden. I’m blind and stupid. Complicated themes are hard for me. 
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indomitalis · 5 years
ASK ;; “You don’t look very… godly… to me.” ( from rinoa! )
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   IN HER HONEST observation, Heartilly should be more shocked. That is the normal way that revelations are taken by the mortals, with useless panicking, incessant chattering, && idiotic assumptions. She does not take this moment to point out another fact that left her biased: Seifer, the idiot, had himself been shocked for days when he had finally learned the truth of her existence. But here stands RINOA HEARTILLY, strong despite everything that had been thrown at her. Admirable, she thinks, && does not say.
   On the other hand, it is far more preferred that Heartilly had not acted into the arms of stupidity, as Seifer had. FAR MORE PREFERRED. She even appeared to still have her wits about her---her breathing, normal, the speed of her speech, normal, && her heart rate a steady beat. Yet. Yet, still, the Goddess of Wind felt the undercurrents of disbelief lining the woman’s words. That, compared to Seifer’s floundering, was definitely acceptable.
   She had always admired the souls that questioned, that sought understanding over instant gratification. It likely also helped that Heartilly had experienced more of the magical, unexplained side of the world---sorceresses always were more deeply rooted in that side of life. Furthermore, her efforts in controlling the chaos that surrounded her own abilities, no matter how much she wounds herself... the fact that she could still smile, afterwards, && still offer her strength to those surrounding her.
   Yes, admirable, by far. She almost wishes she had chosen this pure soul over Seifer, but she digresses---mortals, never failing to surprise her.
   “Minor,” she corrects, the breeze a playful thing in her hair, the strands as silver as the clouds above. “By choice.” After all, if her divinity were more present, more problems would undoubtedly occur. It was easier to kick Raijin, too, in this ‘less godly’ form.
⇢ ❝ gods && deities … // accepting. // @mettleforged.
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aryalaenkha-a · 5 years
💚 💙 💟 ❤ for the ship meme from thancred! im down for anything omg
@mettleforged | SHIPPING CALL
💚 - friendship 💙 - kinship ( blood or symbolic familial bond ) 💟 - friends with benefits ❤ - romantic relationship
Given the relationship between the Warrior of Light and the Scions of the Seventh Dawn, I can perfectly see a very strong friendship, almost as a kindship between Thancred and Aria, especially since it is the first Scion she met during her journey.
As for a more in-depth relationship between them, it is important to know that Aria is biromantic/demisexual. She will gladly let herself be seduced by him - especially since he is a relatively charming man - but she will certainly not give in so easily to his advances without having any feelings before. Depending on how their relationship evolves as they interact, I can see perfectly a romance between them anyway.
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light-of-judgment · 5 years
What Icon? Ask Meme
👀 for my most creepy looking icon of my muse
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Thanks for the ask!
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hiraitz · 5 years
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* tomb raider legend // accepting // @mettleforged
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❝ Yeah, well what can I say ! There’s always a bright side to everythin’, and I ain’t one to let things get me down for too long. ❞
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verumace · 5 years
💸- A random icon you click on without looking!
For all you filthy icon hoarders...
As before, I simply closed my eyed and quick scrolled my gallery before letting my finger land on one. Fortunately it didn't land on two and cause me to need to choose between them. So here we are.
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It's another of my experimental icons. Still not sure how I like the look of the filter––it's quite different to any styles I use or have used.
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halchron · 5 years
I don’t persona so idk JACK about ryuji but he seems like a solid lad. Fill Me In
* ask me about my muses // accepting
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he’s a former track star, and only stopped bc kamoshida ( the high school he goes to abusive and asshole pe teacher ) literally broke his fucking leg. also did some other shitty stuff but this isn’t about him. and he also said stuff about his dad ( who also abused him and his mother, though he left a few years back ), which made ryuji angry and lash out ( rightfully so )
because of this he has a limp, and probably will for the rest of his life
very hot headed, and since the school believed kamoshida over him, he pretty much became a delinquent, and was about to drop out were it not for akira ( the protag ).
akira and ryuji are best bros and I seriously can’t get into it right now but akira’s the only one who believed in him and was his friend when no one else was
 the heavy hitter / tank of the group, his weapon of choice are blunt objects and overall very strong regardless of his he’s in the metaverse or not ( the place where they fight bad guys basically )
the game has him acting pervy in regards to ann ( another party member ) but I cut that out because he’s a good boy and drinks his respect women juice
can and will die for his friends
tough guy exterior, but soft boy with a big heart on the inside
dyes his hair blonde, it’s actually black
cusses a lot, but literally censors himself so he doesn’t say fuck, he says eff instead
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atlaslain · 5 years
@mettleforged     /     one-liner call  ( for gladio! )
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          “i --- totally had that.” he did not. he’s flat on his ass, sword knocked from his hands, bleeding rather profusely from a gore wound to the shoulder, and it’s probably time to stop acting like he’s not a dumbass for taking on such a big hunt alone. he makes an expression crossed between a grin and a grimace. “i mean. thank you for savin’ my ass.”
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destinysthralls · 5 years
revolverized said:Is it too late to send?? if not then ♡ for whoever u want on here or my multi. Or both. Tell me everything. - @revolverized / @mettleforged
[pre-established relationships meme] : bold what i want, italics what i could see, and strike out what i don’t want.
FRIENDS.   childhood friends  /  work friends  /  family friends  /  recently friends  /  turning antagonistic  /  turning into something romantic  /  stable  /  falling apart  /  friendship of need  /  friendship of circumstance  pen - pals or internet friends  /  coworkers  /  partners  /  other .
ROMANCE.   childhood sweethearts  /  newly entered  /  soulmates  /  skinny love  /  unrequited from my muses side  /  unrequited from your muses side  /  friends with benefits  /  awkward  /  fading  /  turning  toxic  /  toxic  and  destructive  /  other .
FAMILIAL BOND.   sibling bond  /  older sibling figure to your muse  /  younger sibling figure to your muse  /  parental figure to your muse  /  parental figure to your muse  /  guardian figure  /  legal  guardian  /  other .
ENEMIES.   dangerous to themselves  /  dangerous to others  /  unpredictable  /  passionate  /  rivals  /  petty  /  developing into a sexual tension  /  developing into a romantic tension  /  based off family matters  /  based of circumstance  /  based of professional matters  /  based of misunderstandings or lies  /  other .
BASICALLY: so its implied they grew up together on radiant garden!!!!! i can see them as childhood friends until the darkness came and took their home. unlike leon and the others zack kind of starting traversing other worlds through traverse town instead of trying to get radiant garden back. and i feel like after the darkness comes cloud like CHANGES a lot and he doesn’t care about getting their families back he just wants to leave everybody behind and explore the world and leon and aerith and yuffie feel like he doesn’t care about them anymore and it’s sad and angsty when they meet again----but also they’re just as good at fighting and bantering as they used to be and its nostalgic and happy but it also hurts that he left and ahhh its good
FRIENDS.   childhood friends  /  work friends  /  family friends  /  recently friends  /  turning antagonistic  /  turning into something romantic  /  stable  /  falling apart  /  friendship of need  /  friendship of circumstance  pen - pals or internet friends  /  coworkers  /  partners  /  other .
FAMILIAL BOND.   sibling bond  /  older sibling figure to your muse  /  younger sibling figure to your muse  /  parental figure to your muse  /  parental figure to your muse  /  guardian figure  /  legal  guardian  /  other .
ENEMIES.   dangerous to themselves  /  dangerous to others  /  unpredictable  /  passionate  /  rivals  /  petty  /  developing into a sexual tension  /  developing into a romantic tension  /  based off family matters  /  based of circumstance  /  based of professional matters  /  based of misunderstandings or lies  /  other .
BASICALLY: i view leon, aerith and yuffie as SIBLINGS they basically all lost their families in radiant garden and were taken in by cid. i think they’re so close and basically they’re just cute sibs, and now they are STRUGGLING to regain their lives now that radiant garden is back but some of their families and friends are still lost to darkness and now the king’s back and the apprentices are back and they just TAKE BACK OVER and aerith’s like HEY THERE. HEY NOW. U GUYS WERE EVIL. UR JUST GONNA BE OUR RULERS AGAIN. LETS TAKE A MINUTE AND THINK THIS THROUGH. so there’s like basically civil unrest and stuff within the restoration committee through aerith and i think they need to Deal With That ya know?
FRIENDS.   childhood friends  /  work friends  /  family friends  /  recently friends  /  turning antagonistic  /  turning into something romantic  /  stable  /  falling apart  /  friendship of need  /  friendship of circumstance  pen - pals or internet friends  /  coworkers  /  partners  /  other .
ROMANCE.   childhood sweethearts  /  newly entered  /  soulmates  /  skinny love  /  unrequited from my muses side  /  unrequited from your muses side  /  friends with benefits  /  awkward  /  fading  /  turning  toxic  /  toxic  and  destructive  /  other .
FAMILIAL BOND.   sibling bond  /  older sibling figure to your muse  /  younger sibling figure to your muse  /  parental figure to your muse  /  parental figure to your muse  /  guardian figure  /  legal  guardian  /  other .
BASICALLY: this is basically what i put in my little drabble/starter for u for fang but i think they’re drinking/fellow lgbt soldiers in arms. they helped each other like come out and stuff and now they probably talk about their gay crushes/feelings for people, and maybe there’s some flirting there sometimes, but mostly they are just Doing Their Duties and hanging out on occasion!!!! this aint a real serious relationship tbh!!!
FRIENDS.   childhood friends  /  work friends  /  family friends  /  recently friends  /  turning antagonistic  /  turning into something romantic  /  stable  /  falling apart  /  friendship of need  /  friendship of circumstance  pen - pals or internet friends  /  coworkers  /  partners  /  other .
ROMANCE.   childhood sweethearts  /  newly entered  /  soulmates  /  skinny love  /  unrequited from my muses side  /  unrequited from your muses side  /  friends with benefits  /  awkward  /  fading  /  turning  toxic  /  toxic  and  destructive  /  other .
BASICALLY: i really view ignis as having been in love with gladio since they met when they were preteens and i think our gladio and ignis would have a really fascinating relationship because they’re both trans and my hc is that ignis didn’t figure out he was a man until he met gladio and gladio showed him that a man could be strong & capable & gentle & smart all at the same time which is something that ignis had never like. conceptualized really bc his dad was kind of a dumbass and all the other men in his life kind of felt like. Not Real People if that makes sense, or they just weren’t really nice to him bc of his family situation or the fact that he grew up poor.
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khresme · 5 years
@mettleforged -- ;
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“Understood. Don’t hold back this time, okay? Our enemies certainly won’t.”
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cheshism · 5 years
@mettleforged continued from x
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The mechanic couldn’t help but find the surprise a little amusing. What was so shocking for opening the door for someone else? Though she couldn’t help but smile in return, “Oh, just helping out is all.” She had been taught manners and she used them all the time. Ingrained in her and she wasn’t going to stop using them anytime soon. (She had also been taught not to take any crap but that didn’t really matter at the moment.)
“Sure am! Hope that’s alright.” 
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