#{{ he always has a plan lmfao poor yuuki }}
sadistic-sakamaki · 5 years
@papillionsoul​ asked:
you're cold ? here, have my scarf
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«Hm~ How selfless». And how incredibly idiotic she is as well. Does she not recall the fact that he is a vampire? And that, as such, his very own skin is piercing cold? The chilling wind --- it fails to bother him to such an extent. And given his nature, it is rare for him to contract common diseases such as colds (although it has happened once, under different circumstances). Let us be honest --- this guy is the one who proposes to make igloos when snow and ice start decorating the streets.
Still, for his own enjoyment, he shall omit those pieces of information and leave poor little Yuuki out in the cold. Maybe if she got sick she would have to skip duty, and would no longer be a pain in the ass whenever Ayato decided to roam around.
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