atopearth · 1 year
Diabolik Lovers: Haunted Dark Bridal Part 1 - Sakamaki Ayato Route
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Just to start off, I watched a bit of the Diabolik Lovers anime and kinda liked it but also felt it was a bit weird, so I thought I would try out the game instead! I really love the art, so I just had to try the story again, especially since all the guys are hot haha. Btw, since the game is in Japanese, I have been reading it with a translation on the side haha. I try to read it with my own skills but some things are just too hard haha. Anyway, man, this feels like a horror game for the poor girl lmao. Not only does Yui get abandoned by her father for "her sake" but she's told to go to a haunted house to see some relatives that will take care of her?? I wonder if the dad is on this, like why couldn't he take her along and why is she being sent to these suspicious vampire men? OMG, I was like is Ayato's VA who I think it is, and of course it is Midorikawa Hikaru!! I love him already. Lmao I was wondering what "chichinashi" was when Ayato referred to her as that but it actually means titless🤣 He's such an ass to keep repeating that she has no breasts lol. Laito just licked Yui?? Omggg lol. Anyway, I forgot about Laito always referring to her as bitch-chan, so now I'm annoyed with him but also dead at how silly it sounds😂 Omg Kanato's appearance is legit terrifying. His eyes look so soulless, I am scared.
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AHHH, I heard about the binaural audio or dummy head microphone thing about this game so I've been trying it out with earphones and I felt so violated with the licking noises LOL. Kanato is so creepy, he makes me so scared lmao😂 The way he talked to his teddy bear? Legit horrifying🥲 Ummm, did Reiji just say it's okay to cook Yui? Plz. I mean, Reiji is hot and if he says he'll whip Yui for not explaining why she's here... I'm in for it😂 I'm sorry, I'm trash too😂 Anyway, Yui has some spunk even though she's even more terrified after discovering that they're vampires. I felt so bad for her when she tried to run away but got caught and then had her mobile phone broken by Subaru. I think the saddest thing is that her dad really meant to leave her here (according to Shuu). So...we have to pick who she'll give her blood to and that's the route we'll end up on? Well, Ayato it is! I am terrified of Kanato saying he'll cut Yui up if we don't pick him, and I don't know what we'll regret about not choosing Laito but from my perspective, Ayato seems the most normal. I hope he is anyway... Well, glad to see Shuu tell them that they're not allowed to kill Yui because of whoever in the church that is related to this?🥲 Lol at Ayato teasing Yui for being scared of the lights going out and thinking a ghost would come out. He refers to himself as Ayato-sama to her hahaha, I guess he does just view her as food.. On one hand, I feel very sorry for Yui because Ayato biting her must hurt, but on the other hand, I cannot resist Midorikawa Hikaru's voice so yes pls. Ooh I didn't realise that they're not proper routes but more like short events or scenarios? Interesting. I legit can't. The binaural audio with earphones really feels like Ayato is speaking straight into my head LOL, it's so good and so disturbing at the same time hahaha. Lmao when Yui was worried about Ayato getting poisoned as well when she thought a poisonous bat scratched her and Ayato sucked her blood. On the other hand, the sucking noises with binaural audio is a whole new experience, I recommend everyone to listen to it at least once in their lives🤣
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Well, I thought Ayato was just going to play a nice prank where he scares Yui with a wax doll but omg when he tried to drip wax on her body so she can become a wax doll too, like dude hold up please. LMAO when Ayato stole Yui's notebook to try and force her to go home so he can drink her blood, and she distracts him by saying there's a big breasts beauty in the hallway, and he even believes it enough that Yui gets her notebook back🤣🤣🤣 At least he's got the decency to take her back after sucking so much blood from her, but I'm seriously lowering my standards for Ayato aren't I?🤣 Ayato licking the wound on Yui's knee so that none of her blood gets wasted was nicee, lmao when he tried to move her skirt out of the way and lick her thighs because he was "bored" of her knee🤣 Omg, what did he use on Yui to make her burn up and feel light headed! Anyway, I guess I should be throwing all my morals out for this game because dang, when he kissed her cheeks and asked if it felt good, I swooned🤣 OMG BINAURAL AUDIO IS SO DANGEROUS. Ayato whispering in my ear saying he can't hold back is not what I was expecting, omg, my heart. Nice to know how interested he is in Yui now though haha. The kisses omgggg!! I mean yeah, this game is very iffy when it comes to consent and toxic men but I find it very refreshing hahaha. I mean, I can't resist Ayato saying he'll take all of Yui's first times and I love how unrelenting he was when it came to teasing her with kisses lol. Well, I was going to say Ayato's mother (Cordelia) looks hot, which she does but dang does she seem kinda crazy. But then again, who isn’t crazy in this game?
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Lmao when Yui said should she act like she dislikes him drinking her blood if that's what makes him happy🤣 Yui really is too sweet and naive lol. The moment Ayato took the dog collar off the dog, I knew he was going to put it on Yui and tell her to be his dog lmao. I lovee the kitchen scene!! It was so cute how he kept kissing her and kept wanting her attention when she was cooking lmao. One of the rare times he's actually cute and honest, and omgg Ayato's favourite food is takoyaki! I approve. Loll when he bit another girl just because he wanted to see Yui's reaction. Honestly, even though we know this relationship is toxic, I admit that the thought of Ayato going to another girl for blood made me sad too. OMG IT'S THE THING OF NIGHTMARES! Legit wanted to freak out with that sideways pose Kanato makes, it's so creepy omg. Okay, it's nuts but I love it. Binaural audio of Midorikawa Hikaru saying "you belong to me/you're mine" is just the besttt👌👌👌 My heart omg. Ohhh dangg, they actually did it omggg?! Lmao when he was holding himself back from drinking her blood because she's weak right now so he poured honey on her instead and started licking her lmao. Ayato was so mean when he handcuffed her and left her in a dark underground sewer all by herself for a while! She would be relieved and happy to see anyone after that! WOW, what a jerk LMAO, I legit laughed (I’m sorry) when Ayato pushed Yui into the lake because she was focused on looking for shooting stars and wasn't giving him enough attention, what a guy man. Honestly, it's pretty hilarious how jealous Ayato can get, I do feel bad for Yui but it is cute in its own way. Does Yui have Cordelia's heart or something? Is that why Ayato thinks their blood tastes the same? Just when you think Ayato is nice, he gets a bit more nuts and starts using a knife to slowly cut her for blood because biting her apparently isn't as exciting anymore lolll.
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Well, the first ending is rather tame. How interesting that Richter was the one who put Cordelia's heart into Yui. Whether he did that because he wanted Cordelia to live on somehow or because he wanted to spite Ayato's father, the vampire king or whatever, who knows I guess. Does Richter have a route though? I like him, well his face😅 Dang, that after story with Yui wanting Ayato to bite her everywhere and even wanting him to bite her ring finger so that his mark will always be there. Lmao that they were doing that in the lounge ignoring everyone around them haha! Lolll when she asked Laito for recommendations for presents to give to a guy and he's like their girlfriend's underwear, this wild man🤣 On the other hand, it's nice to see how concerned and worried Ayato is running around looking for Yui. Honestly, I'm sure Yui could just say she went shopping and he wouldn't even realise it's for his birthday lol, but I guess drama is drama. I can't even blame Ayato for getting annoyed considering his personality alongside Laito just constantly causing trouble lol. I wanted to tear up when Yui bit her own finger not wanting the mark of her being his to fade. OMG, Ayato actually apologised to Yui and kissed her finger for misunderstanding her when she was just trying her best to give him a surprise birthday present. That's so cute, really didn't expect the apology haha! It is illegal for Ayato to blush!! He's so cute when he blushes!! So adorable to see how he happy he was to receive the Ruby earring from Yui. Oh, and a man that's willing to eat a smashed up cake that fell on the floor for you is a 10/10! He may be toxic but he's such a sweet guy when it counts! Well transferring cake mouth-to-mouth certainly sounds hot! I approve. The cake probably won't really taste that good though haha. Okay, the sadistic ending was very not nice lol! He killed all the vampires and Yui has basically become his doll, yeah... I guess the other one isn't any better hahah. It broke my heart to see the guys try and take advantage of Yui and suck her blood when Ayato was gone, I felt so bad for her. I felt so relieved for her when Ayato came back, and I honestly loved how angry he was at the guys and how protective he was over her. Considering how he can be, him disinfecting her body with his kisses and then hugging her when she was scared was sweet.
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Overall, Ayato was better than I thought he would be! Yeah, he was crazy possessive at times (most of the time) and he doesn't listen to Yui when she says she's anemic and needs rest, but he's also very gentle when he wants to be. I loved it when he hugged her to reassure her that he's the one with her in the heaven scenario and when he apologised to her after misunderstanding her on his birthday?? Such improvement, I wanted to cry. But yeah, then there's times he'll push her into the lake because she's not giving him the attention he wants lmao. It's such a rollercoaster, I love it. It's even better that he's voiced by Midorikawa Hikaru because that instantly makes Ayato 1000x better hahaha, I just love how sensually he talks into your ear with the binaural audio haha! Anyway, Ayato was cuter than expected, and I guess you'll like him if you like men who are possessive and a bit childish in that aspect of you needing to give him all your attention all the time lol. I’m definitely all in on this ride of Diabolik Lovers. It’s so rare to find men so unapologetically toxic LOL. Every now and then I just need this toxicity injected into my veins HAHA.
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sadistic-sakamaki · 5 years
@papillionsoul​ asked:
you're cold ? here, have my scarf
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«Hm~ How selfless». And how incredibly idiotic she is as well. Does she not recall the fact that he is a vampire? And that, as such, his very own skin is piercing cold? The chilling wind --- it fails to bother him to such an extent. And given his nature, it is rare for him to contract common diseases such as colds (although it has happened once, under different circumstances). Let us be honest --- this guy is the one who proposes to make igloos when snow and ice start decorating the streets.
Still, for his own enjoyment, he shall omit those pieces of information and leave poor little Yuuki out in the cold. Maybe if she got sick she would have to skip duty, and would no longer be a pain in the ass whenever Ayato decided to roam around.
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Diabolik Lovers LUNATIC PARADE ;; Ayato Route ー Chapter 4
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ー The scene starts in front of Bernstein Castle
Yui: ( I just hope the Count will let us see him... )
*Knock knock*
Excuse me. Um...
ー The gate opens
Butler: ...We have been awaiting your arrival. Please, come in.
Ayato: Che, seems like the Count knows exactly what’s up after all.
Yui: Yeah...
( However, if he’s allowing us inside the castle, that means he’s willing to listen to what we have to say, right...? )
ー The two of them enter the castle
Butler: Master will arrive shortly. May I please ask you to wait a few more minutes.
Yui: ...Thank you very much.
ー The door opens
Count Walter: Why hello, you two. Since you have chosen to return to this castle a second time, I assume you have set all of your misconducts straight?
Ayato: Che, this guy has no shame, does he? Look at him talk as if he doesn’t already know everything...
Yui: Well, actually...ーー
ー Yui explains everything
Yui: ーー And there you have it. Therefore, we are unable to fix the key...
Count Walter: Hm, I see. However, that means you fail to meet my conditions.
Unfortunately, I fear I won’t be able to return the heart to you...
No, however...A key, huh...? My apologies, could you perhaps show me said key for a second?
Ayato: ...? The key? Sure? It’s broken and can’t be used though.
Count Walter: ...This is...!
Ayato: ...What? Is there somethin’ fishy ‘bout it after all?
Count Walter: I want you to tell me everything you know about the individual who handed you this key.
Yui: The individual...? Well, he’s the owner of the cellar which connects to the underground waterway...
Ayato: From the looks of it, he’s plottin’ somethin’ with a bunch of other shady dudes. Their sneaky behavior really screamed trouble.
Count Walter: ...I see. Just as I thought...
Yui: Um...Does it ring a bell, perhaps?
Count Walter: ...I assume those people are the gang of young Wolves who have been causing trouble all around this area as of late.
This key most likely opens the door to my personal basement. ...They must be planning to invade this castle.
Yui: Eh...? Then...
Ayato: Then what should we do? We can’t get them to forgive us unless we get that key fixed.
But if we repair the key, we’ll pretty much help them commit a crime, no?
Count Walter: ...Well, that’s what it would come down to.
Yui: Then, this case...
Count Walter: ...Fufu. Do you perhaps think that this has solved everything, Miss?
Yui: ...I mean...
( To get the owner of that house to forgive us, we have to do something which would directly disadvantage the Count... )
 ( So wouldn’t it make sense if he lets this one slide to avoid having his own castle invaded...? )
Count Walter: Please do not panic. I will not deny that these are unforeseen circumstances.
Let me make you a new offer.
Ayato: Haah? What do you mean!?
Count Walter: For example, if you lend me a helping hand in seizing those Wolves...
I would not mind returning the heart in question as a reward. ...How does that sound?
Ayato: Aah!? Where does that suddenly come from!? Can’t we let the Police handle that gang!?
Count Walter: Haha. What a funny thing to say. Ayato...Seems like you’ve taken your Father’s orders to heart and have become rather adapted to your life in the human world.
A convenient organization such as the ‘police’ does not exist in this town. Have you forgotten that? Fufu...
Ayato: Che, oh fuck off! It just slipped my mind for a second!
Anyway, we don’t know how many opponents we’re dealin’ with, so how are we supposed to handle this all on our own?
Count Walter: Like I said, slow down. I never said you had to do it on your own, did I?
Oi, bring our guests in!
ー The doors open once more
Yui: ...!
( These people... )
Ayato: O-Oi, these guys...
Count Walter: I had them gathered here because I had a hunch this might happen. What do you say? They seem familiar, no?
Yui: ( The Pretzel and Crepe Vendors...As well as the Locksmith...Everyone... )
Count Walter: Every single one of them has decided to give you their forgiveness.
On top of that, they are willing to help us take care of this gang.
Pretzel Vendor: Those guys who tried to destroy my shop belong to that gang as well.
The Parade is when we make the most money, so I don’t appreciate them getting in the way of my business.
Locksmith: I can’t stand the thought of knowing that I nearly ended up helping a bunch of thugs commit a crime either.
My skills are to help others, not to aid someone in their thievery. 
Count Walter: ...As you can tell, the people of this town are more than fed up with this gang.
They have been playing with the idea of taking care of them soon. You could say that right now is the perfect opportunity.
Ayato: Heeh, so basically we’ll all work together to completely wipe out this gang, right?
Sure thing. Count me in. However, I do have one condition.
Count Walter: ...What would that be?
Ayato: Return her heart right here, right now.
Yui: ...!
Ayato: I’ve been on edge this whole time, worryin’ that perhaps she’ll collapse again.
I’d be way too distracted to efficiently take care of some gang when like this...
Besides...I don’t want to see her suffer one second longer.
If you return her heart, I’ll assure you that I’ll take care of those thugs down to the very last one...
Yui: Ayato-kun...
Ayato: Please! Save her...I’m beggin’ you...!
Count Walter: ...
Yui: ( Ayato-kun...Having to lower his head to someone should be the thing he hates most... )
Count Walter: ...Sakamaki Ayato. You were not lying just now, were you?
Ayato: Aah? Lyin’? As if!
Count Walter: ...I see.
But are you sure? By returning her heart, she will once again become the target of other Vampires.
Ayato: I figured that might be the case, so I had Mr. Four-Eyes Smarty-Pants arrange me some Vampire repellent. 
Besides, I’ll be there to protect her, so she has nothin’ to worry ‘bout!
Count Walter: ...Very well. I must say I am impressed by your words just now.
One could say that entrusting the two of you with said heart once more could be interesting in its own regard, I suppose...
Yui: ...!
Ayato: ...Then!
Count Walter: Very well. I shall return the heart to you for now.
Yui: ...Thank you very much!
Count Walter: ...However, it is too early to be relieved, you see? Depending on the actions you take, I could easily steal it once again.
If you fail to catch the gang, to give one example. Understood?
Ayato: Of course! We’ll make sure none of them get away!
Count Walter: Fufu. I am very much looking forward to that. Well then, let us get this strategy meeting started at once.
ー The scene shifts to Saint Nore Park’s venue
Ayato: He said that we’ll put the plan into action...Right as the Parade comes to an end, right?
Yui: Yeah...We still have some time.
Ayato: Right. Now what to do...Oh, hey, Chichinashi. Let’s ride that one. Over there.
Yui: The ferris wheel...?
Ayato: Yeah! In the end, the Parade’s gonna come to an end no matter what.
So don’t you think it’d be nice to get a nice overview of everythin’ before it does?
Yui: ...Good idea.
( The Parade will end tonight... )
( In the end, I wasn’t able to enjoy it together with Ayato-kun in peace... )
( However, I’m plenty happy just being able to spend time together like this. )
( Besides...Our true time to shine has yet to come... )
ー The scene shifts to inside the ferris wheel
Yui: ( Once we get off the ferris wheel, it’ll almost be time to get started with the plan... )
( It was decided we would serve as decoy, carrying a fake key with us... )
ー A flashback ensues
Count Walter: There is one thing I must warn you about.
They are experts at handling explosives. They might use them this time as well.
Therefore it is very important that you proceed with the plan without them realizing your true intentions.
...Including that part, the success or failure of this whole strategy depends on you two. Can I count on you?
ー The flashback ends
Yui: ( Our opponent has explosives...We might find ourselves in danger... )
( Ayato-kun... )
→ Grab his hand (☾)
Ayato: ...Why did you suddenly grab my hand...?
You love doin’ this, don’t you? ...Hehe.
Yui: ...I mean...Uu...
Ayato: Let’s get this over with quickly and make the best of the Parade, ‘kay?
Yui: ( ...He squeezed my hand back... )
→ Stare at him
Ayato: ...Why are you starin’ at me like that...?
Yui: ...I mean...
Ayato: ...Did you get scared after hearin’ ‘bout the explosives or somethin’? 
Yui: ...
Ayato: Haah...Don’t worry. It’s just a lil’ bomb.
Yui: ...But.
Ayato: Say, Yui? Once we get off the ferris wheel, you should head back to the hotel first. 
Yui: Eh...?
Ayato: I’ll head to their hideout by myself. Don’t worry. I can ensure you everythin’ will go as pla...
Yui: ...You can’t do that! I can’t possibly...let you go by yourself...
I’ll go with you...!
Ayato: ...But we might be dealin’ with some seriously dangerous guys, you know? The Count said there’s a lot of them as well...
Yui: ...Exactly...I can’t let you go to such a dangerous place all by yourself...
I don’t want to...
Ayato: Yui...
Yui: ...Besides, they might grow suspicious if you show up by yourself, don’t you think?
If there’s a woman with you, they might let down their guard a little...
I got my heart back as well, so I promise I’ll carry my weight...
So please, take me with you...I’m begging you...!
Ayato: ...
Yui: ( Anyway, I don’t want him going by himself... )
Ayato: ...Haah, you’re such a pain in the ass...
Fine. In return, don’t you dare leave my side, ‘kay? Can you promise that?
Yui: ...Yeah, I promise.
Ayato: Okay. Let’s go together then. I’ll protect you, no matter what happens.
...So stay with me.
Yui: Ayato-kun...
Ayato: Oh, check it out! The view’s quite nice.
Yui: You’re right...How pretty...
Ayato: To be honest, I was really hopin’ we could get this all over with sooner so I could enjoy the Parade with you...
Yui: ...
Say, Ayato-kun?
Ayato: Hm? What?
Yui: You see, I...I’ve been having this dream lately.
Ayato: ...Dream?
Yui: Yeah...I don’t know for sure, but I think it might be the Count showing me this dream...
Ayato: ...The Count?
Yui: ...Inside that dream, you see. He told me. That you’re only trying to save me because of my heart...
And that you don’t actually care for me as a person...
Ayato: ...That’s not...!
Yui: But don’t worry. I’m well aware...You’re not that kind of guy.
I know that there’s not a single other individual in this world who cares for me as deeply as you do...
I also believe you...When you say you’ll protect me...
Ayato: ...Yui...
ー He embraces her
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Yui: ...
Ayato: Hmph. You really are a fool. Did that dream have you worried?
Geez, that darn Count. Just when will he stop messin’ with you...?
He pisses me off...!
*Rustle rustle*
Ayato: Oi, listen carefully.
You are mine, understood? I won’t let anyone else have their way with you ever again.
Not some Count, nor a bunch of thugs...Nobody. Nn...
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Yui: ...Nn...
Ayato: ...Nn...
Yui: ( ...Ayato-kun... )
( ...I love you... )
ー The scene shifts to Aizen Alleyway
Vampire Child C: Mama, hurry! It’s timeー!
Vampire Mother A: Watch out! You’ll drop your lantern in a hurry!
Ayato: ...Okay, let’s get goin’. Ready?
Yui: Yeah.
( It’s finally time to get our plan started... )
Ayato: ...Are you nervous?
Yui: Eh...? Well, yeah...A little...
Ayato: Hmph. I’m here with you, remember?
Well, you can just think of this as one of the attractions and enjoy the show, ‘kay?
Yui: ( ...Ayato-kun... )
ー The scene shifts to the underground passage
Ayato: ...Oi. We brought the key as promised.
Owner: ...Ooh, you’re finally here. Come on in.
ー They enter the cellar
Thug A: Hmph. We figured the two of you had run away since it took you so long.
Ayato: Aah? Think again!
Owner: ...Whatever. Anyway, give us the key.
Ayato: Of course. Here...
Yui: ...The key’s right here...
Owner: ...Hooh. It really is...
...That being said, I have to say I’m impressed you managed to fix it. I’m sure you realized that this key is special?
Ayato: Well, yeah. However, that’s no big deal to me.
...Anyway, we’re even now, right?
Owner: Yeah, we are. ...If this key was real, that is...!
Yui: ...Kyah!?
Ayato: ...Yui!?
Owner: Don’t move. If you value this woman’s life at least...
Yui: ( ...He pulled out a knife...! )
Ayato: The fuck you doin’, you bastard!? Let her go at once!
Owner: Fufu...Don’t get your panties in a knot. Once we determine whether this key is real or not, we’ll let her go right away.
It’s real, right? Then you’ve got nothing to worry about. ...Correct?
Ayato: Che...
Thug B: Well, if it turns out to be a fake, we’ll kill her on the spot, of course. Hehe.
Ayato: Say that again!? Fuck off! In your dreams!
Owner: Either way, we’ll know as soon as we put this key in the door in question.
So why don’t we go and try it out right away...?
Yui: ...!
( At this rate, they’ll find out it’s a fake...! )
ー They start walking away
Ayato: Ugh...Wait...! Be a lil’ more gentle with her!
ー The scene shifts to right in front of the door
Owner: Well then, go ahead and open the door...
Ayato: ...Fine...
Yui: ( Oh no...We have to find an opening somehow, or the two of us will... )
Ayato: ...
Yui: Ayato-kun...
Ayato: ...Don’t worry. Everything’s fine...
Yui: ( ...God, please...! )
Ayato: ...The key...?
Yui ( ...It worked...? )
Owner: ...Hooh.
Ayato: ...See? Didn’t I tell you? There’s no way we’d bring you a fa...
Yui: ( ...The door opened by itself...? )
???: Now’s our chance! Seize them!!
???: Uooooh!!
ー The other people storm out of the door
Thug A: Wha...!?
Owner: ...What’s going on!?
Thug B: Pull back! We’re retreatin’ for now!!
ー They start running away
Crepe Vendor: Hah! You wish!
Yui: ( From behind as well, the others!! )
Ayato: Yui!! Now’s your chance! Come here!! 
Yui: Ayato-kun...!
Owner: Che, not on my watch!
Yui: Kuh...!
Ayato: Yui...!
Owner: Everyone, back off! Or else, she’s a goner!
Locksmith: Che...How dare you resort to such filthy tactics...!
Owner: Hah! Run your mouth all you want! Come on, woman. This way!!
Yui: Ayato-kun!
ー He runs off with Yui
Ayato: Fuck! You’re not gettin’ away!! ...Wait!!
ー The scene shifts back to the cellar
Yui: Kyah...
( This is...the cellar... )
Owner: Haah...Haah...God, we were so close too! You little pests...
...Now that it’s come to this, I just gotta blow up this whole cellar along with all evidence which could lead back to us!
Woman...That includes you, get it...? Hehe...
*Pang pang*
Yui: ( ...This is...! )
( There’s explosives hidden inside the wall...! )
*Thud thud*
Ayato: Yui!! Are you unharmed!! You bastard...! Open this door right now!!
Yui: Uu...!
Ayato-kun! Don’t come in here!!
Gather everyone and run away together!!
Ayato: Aah!? You really think I can do that!?
Yui: Please! Listen to me! There’s a bomb in here...!
Ayato: Ugh...! Then I definitely can’t leave you behind and run!!
Fuck!! Yui! Yui...!!
Owner: Hehe...If you have any final words, now’s your chance.
Yui: ( ...He lit the fuse...! )
Owner: Too bad, this is the end...
Ayato: ーー !!
Yui: Ayato-kun, no! Run...ーー!!
Ayato: Hell no!! Didn’t I tell you that you’re mine!?
I won’t abandon you, even if it kills meーー!!
ー The screen fades to white
Ayato: Ugh...!!
Yui: Kyaaaah!!
( Ayato-kun...!! )
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nightowlfandom · 5 years
(REQUESTED) Laito Sakamaki- Left Alone
So my main bitch @slasher-fanatic was my first request and may I just say I am not sorry for the work thats about to be given....that is all! THIS ISNT REALLY HEAVY  SMUT AND I’m SORRRRRYYY. YOU WERE MY FIRST REQUEST AND I’M A LIL SHY BUT I’LL MAKE IT UP.
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37- Am I making you nervous, Y/N
39- Just admit that you wanna fuck me...if you behave, I just might let you.
An empty room was the perfect excuse to catch up on some reading! You had just purchased the latest installment of your favorite book series and now it was finally time to sit down and relax. 
You had already wasted your time trying to evade Ayato and his snide remarks. You had managed to get out of a “tea party” with Kanato, and you didn’t even bother to try and sound nice when it came to everyone else.
Everyone know how private you were. The only person who ever bothered to respect that was Yui, of course but that really didn’t stop everyone else. You really didn’t mind the fact that Yui liked to come around and just have a nice chat with you. Technically you were housemates, so you figured let the only other girl be your friend if you were gonna have a friend at all. Though Yui did get into trouble, you felt like you had to protect her.
Of course you had nothing against the brothers...not too much anyways. Except maybe one certain vampire in particular. 
But you weren’t going to waste your alone time on thinking about how nice it would be to push Laito off a bridge. 
“Finally, some alone time!” you whispered to yourself. You got comfortable on one of the chairs in the empty room and began reading. You could already feel the effects of such phenomenal literature making its way through your head, it was almost enough to not realize the window was slightly ajar. 
“Hm, now what could you be doing here?”a voice cut you out of your thoughts and made you look up. Dread coursed through your veins in realization as to who the voice belonged to. “Trying to avoid me?”
You slammed your book closed as Laito emerged from the shadows revealing himself. A smirk spread across his face as he fixed the hat perched on his head. 
“Since when did everything I do become an effort to avoid you?” you crossed your arms. 
“Hm, must I remind you of how you hid yourself in a broom closet for three hours just to avoid bumping into me?” he smirked, causing you to remember how you had begged Reiji to not tell anyone where you went...asshole did it anyways.
“What do you want, Laito? Aren’t you usually bothering Yui at this time?” you rolled your eyes as you stood up.
“Oh are you jealous? Do you want more of my attention?” he strided up to you.
You clutched the book tighter in your hands, almost shaking.
“N-no!” you snapped. “The last thing I want is attention from someone like you!” you whipped around and began walking towards the door. “Of course, I’d rather Yui no have to worry about you assholes in the first place.”
Before you reached the doorknob, a hand hand slammed against the wall close to your head. You twirled around and were met my Laito’s pale face getting dangerously close to yours. Noses almost touching, his heavy breaths were fanning your face.
“Hm, I beg to differ little Y/N” he chuckled. “I think you love being annoyed by me.”
“Ha! Says you.” you turned your head away. “Can I go now?”
“Hm, if I didn’t know any better, I’d say-....Am I making you nervous Y/N?” Laito grinned, which caused you to nearly drop your jaw.
“Excuse me!??” you were taken aback. “Absolutely not!” you denied, even though your compromising position would say otherwise.
“Hm, has anyone ever told you that you are the worst liar?” he chuckled, slowly dipping his head into your neck.
“Tons of times!” you replied honestly. “W-what are you doing?”
“Hm, nothing too special. “He chuckled, causing you to grow suspicious. “I find it really hard to believe you’ve never been bitten before.” he chucked. “You smell....nice”
“Mostly because i keep myself from being put in positions to be bitten in the first pla- AAH!” You jumped at the feeling of what felt like needles digging into your flesh. The impact had caused you to drop your book. Laito took note of this and pinned your arms above your head. A shiver shot up your spine and you threw your head back, letting out a sound you’ve never made before.
“S-so...delicious.” you found it impossible to tear your eyes away from him. The crimson color dripping from his perfect skin. “Just admit it Y/N...Admit that you want me. You want to fuck me. You want to be ravaged...by me...if you behave...I just might give you that.” he chuckled, rubbing his tongue along his bottom lip. 
You inhaled sharply looking down at your shoulder, the imprint of Laitos fangs almost stung and you would take this to your grave...but you wanted to feel it again. 
“Look at me, Y/N” Laitos seemingly teasing and soft voice had ground raspy and deep, which also caught you by surprise. Before you could register what to say, the scene of Laito licking the remainder of your blood (his meal) off his fingers sent shivers down your spine. You meet his piercing gaze. With your arms still pinned above your head, Laito traced his tongue up your shoulder, to your neck. He chuckled deeply. “Your pulse is picking up.” he giggled. “No need to be so nervous Y/N”
“L-laito...Y-you’re being mean.” your breath hitched.
“Aww...Y/N.” he cooed as if talking to a child. “I like being mean to you...it makes playing together all the more fun.”
Before you could reply, Laito had crashed his mouth over yours. Fighting against everything telling you to push him away and yell at him and call him out for being nothing more than a thorn in your side, you found your mouth moving against his. Your book, long forgotten had somehow been thrown across the room, not that you cared in this particular moment. Laito’s hand had held on to the back of your neck, holding you in place. His opposite hand crawled under your shirt, seemingly reveling in how warm your skin was. It was like molten lava to him. 
The fact that he could make you feel this way with only a kiss, despite his fear of you possibly hating him genuinely made him happy. He studied your movements, particularly in your hands. 
Surprisingly enough, you held onto his collar allowing your kissed to deepen (and maybe get a bit sloppy.) You didn’t the mention the fact that you could taste his blood, mostly because...well you were enjoying it too much. Sure Laito was a shameless flirt with a horrific past, but you had only fooled yourself into focusing on his playboy attitude. 
“Y/N...as much as I’m open to the idea. The thought of ripping your clothes off right here in an empty study wouldn’t be wise, and it would also make Reiji mad.” he giggled again. “So...come ere’” 
You were hoisted into Laito’s arms, only to be pushed further against the wall. “Let’s do it anyways”
“You said Reiji would get mad!” you tried to even out your breaths. 
“I couldn’t care less what Reiji thinks at this moment.”
Before you knew it, you had found yourself on the couch you were sitting, only this time laying on your back. You looked up and saw Laito look the door and turn towards you with hunger very evident in your eyes. 
“You look so....delicious sprawled out for me, sweet Y/N.” he looked over your body.
So much for getting any reading done...
273 notes · View notes
tournesolia · 5 years
Chaos Lineage Yuma Chapter 9 Translation
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Place : Scarlet mansion – Yuma's room
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Yui : Hmm... Huh... ?
(Since then, Yuma-kun and I always stayed together yesterday, and... That's right. We fell asleep before we knew it)
(Huh ? I can't move... ? It's warm, could it be...?)
Yuma : … Zzz...
Yui : (He's hugging me from behind ?)
Yuma-kun... If you hug me so strongly, I can't move
Yuma : Hmm... ? … Zzz...
Yui : Geez, you're sleeping soundly
(But Yuma-kun looks happy when he's like that)
(He's right beside me and hugs me...)
(But we still have things to do. We must hurry and recover everyone else's memories)
(We have to get out of this strange situation and return back to our daily lives...!)
Let's get out of bed for the time being
*Yuma prevents her
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Yui : Kyaaa... !?
Yuma : … Where are you going... ? Stay here
Yui : Y-Yuma-kun ! No, I have to get up and act
Yuma : Ah ? What “act” ? Working at the fieds... ?
Yui : N-No... I also have to go check on the vegetable garden, but...
I have to get everyone's memories back ! Come on, Yuma-kun, wake up as well !
Yuma : Geez, 'can't be helped... Then let me feel a little good
Yui : Eh ?
Yuma : *kisses Yui
Yui : Hmmm !?
(He kissed me !?)
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Yuma : Aaah, I finally feel like waking up. Now, let's get dressed. Are you gonna just stand here ?
Yui : That's my line...
(He caught me of guard, that's unfair...!)
Scene change : Scarlet mansion – Corridor
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Yuma : So, what do we do now ?
Yui : Hmm... I think it would be better to go meet everyone first
We hardly ever talked to the Oranges...
Yuma : Well, true. I'll bring them food at the same time
There's vegetables we just harvested. How about making soup ?
Yui : Ah, sounds good !
Yuma : Ruki loves soup, so maybe that would help him recover his memories
Yui : Hehe... I see
(Reiji-san may scold us but I want to reach everyone even if I have to apologize)
There are four oranges... Ruki-kun, Shin-kun, Ayato-kun and Kanato-kun...
It would be nice if they show even one sign of recovering their memories
Yuma : And if they don't, what about the Violets ? The Scarlets never showed any signs
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Yui : That's right. Shu-san, Reiji-san and Kino-san don't show any signs of remembering...
Yuma : Ah ? By the way, that Kino dude... Who's he ?
Yui : You don't remember him either ?
Yuma : I don't know him, and never heard of him. But he's maybe friends with the other red dudes, no ?
Yui : Indeed. I wonder if he's acquainted with the Sakamaki or the Tsukinamis...
(Hmm, it's worrisome but, unless they remember, it would be meaningless to ask the person themself)
(Kino-san looks like a bright and nice person, so let's leave him alone for now)
Scene change : Scarlet mansion – Kitchen
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Yui : As expected, the freshly picked vegetables are good
Yuma : Obviously. 'Cause I grew them
Yui : (Hehe, Yuma-kun sounds like he's having fun in the kitchen)
Yuma : It's nice to make soup for them but I begin to want something to eat
Yui : Eh ? Y-You're not going to suck my blood, right ? I will be anemic
Yuma : I know that, dumbass. Vegetables would be nice but there would be nothing left for them
Now that I think about it, there's my little sugars around here. I won't get caught even if I take one
Yui : (H-He hid them at the back of the shelf... Reiji-san must be strict...)
By the way, you haven't eaten too much sugar cubes recently, right ?
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Yuma : It's 'cause of Reiji. When I try to eat some, he says stuff like “They're used for the tea ceremony”, “It's bad manners” and blah-blah-blah...
He's gonna get his hands on the next supply again, he's extremely stingy
Yui : … Supply ?
Yuma : Yeah, and that's weird. There's no shops here, huh ?
Food and medical products pop up in a fixed place at a fixed time
When my memories went crazy, I found that normal even though that's a weird mecanism
Yui : W-Wait ! That means someone prepare these supplies, right ?
Yuma : Ah ? Well, I guess ?
Yui : That's right. Someone must have prepared those if they suddenly appear here. In other words--
Yuma : … ! Is it who I think it is ? That bastard who brought us here is the one giving us food ?
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Yui : It's a strange thing that everyone's memories got out of order at once
Someone is intentionally... having everyone fight each other for some purpose...
Yuma : Shit, I can't believe it. Who the hell would have such bad hobbies !?
Yui : (Someone who can rewrite memories of everyone here... even Carla-san who's a founder...)
… Even if I think about it, I can't find an answer right now
Let's make dinner. I'm sure they're all waiting. Especially your brothers
Yuma : … Yeah, you're right. I'll first talk to Ruki and the other Oranges
Yui : (All the people we know gathered. Rewritten memories, an unknown land...)
(If this is the work of someone's will, could it be--)
Scene change : Dungeon
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Yuma : Hey, I brought dinner
Yui : (It looks like the two families are separated in two different cellars to avoid quarrels. This cellar is where the Oranges are)
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Shin : Dinner, huh. Are you trying to gain the enemy's sympathy ?
Ayato : Eww... Didn't you put poison in it ?
Yuma : I didn't. Stop complaining and eat up
Kanato : I prefer sweets
Yui : I'm sorry. I'll bring some next time
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Ruki : What is the meaning of this ? We don't accept your charity. Quit doing unnecessary things
Yuma��: Don't be obstinate. Under such circumstances, you must be the one who's the most hungry
You always had three meals a day, right ? Here, you like vegetable soup, no ?
Ruki : You have no right to be over-familiar to me. Take it back
Yuma : … You...
Yui : Um, Ruki-kun. Won't you listen to our story ? Even just a little ?
Ruki : We have nothing to say to you. It's no use trying to get information from us
Yui : We didn't intend to do that...
Yuma : … Fine
Yui : Yuma-kun ?
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Yuma : It's no use talking to him now. I'll just leave the soup here for now and go
Here, drink it whenever you like. I put plenty of vegetables in it
Ruki : I said I don't need your charity
*Ruki drops the soup
Yuma : … !
Yui : No way...
(The soup Yuma-kun made with all his heart is...)
Yuma : Ruki...
Ruki : … Disappear. And don't come ever again
Scene change : Scarlet mansion – Corridor
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Yui : (I never thought he would break the plates...)
(The others didn't accept the soup either...)
Yuma : … Shit...
Yui : (Yuma-kun is depressed as well...)
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Choice 1 : Cheer him up (White roses)
Yui : (I have nothing to comfort him, no matter what I say, but I want him to get better)
Yuma-kun, it's alright. Ruki-kun lost his memories right now but there must be a way to restore them
And when they are restored, we'll all live again at the Mukami house
Yuma : … Yeah, you're right. It's not the time to be bummed
Choice 2 : Leave him alone (Black roses)
Yui : (I have nothing to console him, no matter what I say. I can do nothing more than leaving him alone...)
Yuma : … Why are you making that face ? You don't need to make such a face
Yui : Eh... ?
Yuma : I'm fine. Iwas just pissed off, more or less. Or rather... bummed
– End of choices
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Yuma : It's naturally natural that I can't deny that guy lost his memories
Now that I think of it, that guy was just like when we first met. I remembered it after a long time
Yui : Yuma-kun...
Yuma : That Ruki guy is suspicious of us so we just have to be patient
Yui : Yes, you're right. He will surely be able to understand our feelings, even little by little
*footsteps approaching
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Reiji : … Did you feed those rats again ?
Yui : Ah, Reiji-san...
Reiji : Shall I advise you to stop now ?
Yui : Um, we're sorry. But we're worried about them no matter wh--
Reiji : Please be quiet
Yui : … !
(The atmosphere changed from usual. Is he angry ? No... upset ?)
Yuma : Reiji... Why are you acting like that ? You bored or something ?
Reiji : Not at all. I was waiting for you. There's something I need to talk to so gather urgently in the living room
Yui : (Something Reiji-san needs to talk... ? I wonder what... I have a bad feeling about this)
Scene change : Scarlet mansion – Living room and dining room
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Kino : Ah, you finally came. You're a bit late
Yui : Kino-san...
(Shu-san's here as well. Does that mean it's a general meeting ?)
Yuma : Tch... I'm picking up bad vibes
Reiji : With this, all the members are gathered. So let's begin the meeting at once
All those cumbersome members of Violets and Oranges got captured. There's nothing that can become a treat to us now
Therefore... We have no need to get conservative anymore
Yui : (Don't tell me...!)
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Reiji : Yuma, you don't need to continue guarding Eve. She is now under my supervision
Yuma : Wha... !
Yui : No way...
Yuma : I can't give her to you ! If she's put with you, what will you do to her... !?
Reiji : You thing I will be rough with Eve ? It would be reasonable for her to stay with me in order to get information from her
Yuma : She doesn't know anything ! All that stuff about the supreme ruler are fabricated memories !
Kino : Haa ? What are you saying ? Did you hit your head ?
Yui : (It's no use, even if we try to convince everyone whose memories got out of order, they won't listen...!)
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Yuma : If you need a reason to be convinced... She’s mine. So I can't give her to you
Yui : Yuma-kun... !
Reiji : I see... So these are your true intentions
Yuma : Yeah. There's no way I would give her to another man
Reiji : … I see. This is very disappointing but it seems to be as Kino said...
Yuma : Kino ? Hey, you bastard, what did you put into Reiji's head !?
Kino : I didn't put anything in his head. I'm just concerned about you. Don’t get any ideas
Look, you really get along with Eve. Aren't you aiming for the supreme ruler's throne ?
Yuma : Stop saying garbage !
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Reiji : Be quiet. I won't allow you to outwit me. How about confessing honestly ?
Yuma : It's a misunderstanding. I don't intend to... !
Yui : (How can we explain it to convince Reiji-san ?)
(Reiji-san is smart... So he's excessively possessed by the knowledge and memories implanted in him)
(Not any words will reach him...?)
Yuma : I got back my memories. That's not the original house we lived in
You guys aren't my brothers
There's no point becoming the supreme ruler ! It's useless getting your hands on her !
Reiji : Is this your only excuse ? If you go against my orders, you will be given the appropriate punishment
Yuma : Why you... !
Yui : H-Hey now, you two... !
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Shu : … You're noisy...
Yui : Shu-san... ?
Shu : Did you call me just to listen to your silly talk ? I wanna sleep
Reiji : Are you going to act as you please again ?
Shu : You there. There's no proof, so what makes you so upset ? It's not like it's been confirmed
Reiji : … !
Shu : And Yuma is not the kind of guy who steals a march on someone
Yuma : Shu...
Yui : (Could it be he's defending Yuma-kun...?)
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Reiji : People like you... You always have to go against me, right ?
Shu : That's not it at all
Kino : Is that so ? You immediately went soft on Yuma
Shu : … Shut your mouth
Yui : (The atmosphere is cooling down... Everyone is glaring at each other with a sharp glance...)
Reiji : Let's call it a day. However, if you take a behaviour that goes beyond limits, I will give you appropriate punishment
Please keep that in mind
Yuma : … Shit...
Yui : (They're brothers, even if it's fake, and yet they're starting to dislike each other... Why...?)
Scene change : Dungeon
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Ruki : …
Shin : What's wrong, big brother ? You're staring at your hand
Are you perhaps injured ?
Ruki : … No, it's nothing
Shin : That's fine then... We aren't going to be stuck in that place forever, right ?
Ruki : Of course not. I have no intention of being used by those guys
Shin : I thought you would say that. Those guys are taking us for fools. Giving us food to mess with us
Ruki : … Soup, huh
Shin : Big brother ?
Ruki : Nothing... It's nothing...
Chapter 9 : End
147 notes · View notes
tournesolia · 5 years
Chaos Lineage Azusa Chapter 9 Translation
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Place : Violet mansion – Azusa's room
Yui : Hmm... Yawn...
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Azusa : Good morning, Yui-san...
Yui : Good morning...
(I slept in Azusa-kun's room...)
Azusa : Hehe, Eve is cute when she's sleeping... Hey, come here... ?
Yui : Okay...
*Yui gets closer
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Azusa : You're warm...
Yui : You're warm as well...
Azusa : Eh ? I'm a vampire so... I don't think my body is warm...
Yui : But... I feel like it's very warm...
Azusa : I see... If you insist, that must be true...
It's been a while... since I felt so relaxed...
Yui : (It's been a while, huh...)
(Azusa-kun has been fighting alone for a long time...)
Azusa : Don't make that sad face...
I'm alright now... Because you're here... *kisses her
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Yui : (Ah... He kissed my wrist...)
Hehe, it tickles...
Azusa : You don't like it... when I kiss like this ?
Yui : No, it's not that. But...
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Choice 1 : I want you to suck my blood (white roses)
Yui : (It tickles, but it feels good...)
I want you to suck my blood...
Azusa : Eh... ?
Yui : (Ah... W-What am I saying...!?)
J-Just now, um...
Azusa : … It's fine
Yui : Eh ?
Choice 2 : I'm embarrassed (black roses)
Yui : (N-No... I can't say something more embarrassing...!)
Azusa : … What's wrong ? You don't like it, after all... ?
Yui : It's not that I don't like it...
Azusa : But I got you confused... I'm sorry, I won't do it anymore...
Yui : (At this rate, it'll become a misunderstanding...)
Y-You know, um... I want you to suck my blood...
Azusa : So that was it... I'm glad you don't hate it
– End of choices
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Azusa : If you say that you want me to... I'll do it as much as you want... *sucks blood
Yui : Ah...
(It looks like the numbness spreads from my wrist... to the rest of my body...!)
Azusa : … Are you okay ? It doesn't hurt ?
Yui : No, I'm okay...
Azusa : Then, that's good... *sucks blood
Yui : Ah... Hmm... !
(I wonder if it's because we were separated for a certain time)
(I can't help but be happy that we can touch each other like this)
Azusa : Hmm, that's enough...
Yui : Ah...
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Azusa : Hehe, you make a greedy face but I can't do more than that. You'll become anemic otherwise
Yui : Ah... Yes, you're right
Azusa : And... even if you think you'll be fine, it may not be good if I drink too much blood...
Yui : It may not be good... ?
Azusa : No. Nothing
Yui : (What is it ? Azusa-kun's facial expression darkened...)
Ah... Sorry, it looks like I'm still unsteady...
Azusa : Hehe, you can lean on me. I think it's better for you to not move for a while
Yui : Yes, thank you...
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Azusa : When you say that I can drink your blood... I'm happy. Because I always kept avoiding it
Yui : Hey, why did you stay away from me all this time ?
If you didn't, our current time would have been repeated over and over until now... right ?
Azusa : Well...
… I told you that this fight has been repeated multiple times, right ?
Yui : Yes...
Azusa : Until now, I've lived here with false brothers for seven times... I have seen the fight over you as Eve for seven times...
The battle always stagnated, and after a while... It returned to the day you wake up in the church...
I thought that I should avoid sucking your blood during those times to not hurt you...
Yui : You avoided... sucking my blood ?
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Azusa : It looks like your memories are shaken when I suck your blood
Yui : Now that you mention it... When you sucked my blood in the jail, various sights came to me at once
As if a lid containing my memories blew away...
Azusa : A lid... blew away... It may feels like it
Yui : Then that's why you should have suck my blood, even by force, to restore my memories
Azusa : I... couldn't do that
No, I thought that I couldn't. But... I couldn't control myself this current time and drank your blood
Yui : Yes. And that's why I could return to my normal self. It's thanks to you
Azusa : Yeah...
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Yui : (What's going on ? I feel like he's hesitant...)
(Is there something wrong about returning my memories ?)
Nobody regained their memories until now, right ?
Azusa : Yes, it's the first time for you. No one else remembered anything, even if I talked to them...
Yui : I see...
(Then they won't remember no matter how many times we talk to them about it...)
Azusa : Ah, but...
Yui : Eh ?
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Azusa : There's only... one person I couldn't properly talk to until now...
Yui : Really !?
Then let's go meet them ! The possibilities may be low but we could make them remember !
Azusa : Y-Yeah, but... I wonder if I can talk to them...
Yui : I'll help out as well. But who is the person in question ?
Azusa : Kanato-san...
Yui : K-Kanato-kun... ?
Azusa : Only Kanato-san never heard my story properly...
Yui : Aaah... I see
(So Kanato-kun never did...)
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Azusa : It will be a hit or miss but... I want to try anything I can do... Eve, will you help me out ?
Yui : Of course. Let's create a situation where we can talk to Kanato-kun !
(But it's incredible he never got to talk to Kanato-kun one single time even after seven retries...)
(Huh ? By the way, I recovered my memories, and yet--)
(Why don't I remember what happened the last seven times ? I can't remember them yet ?)
(If I can recover all my memories, I could become Azusa-kun's strength...)
Scene change : Violet mansion – Kitchen
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Yui : Phew... Is it alright to prepare something with these ingredients ?
Azusa : First, let's make pancakes... I think he will surely like them...
Yui : Okay ! And if we give Kanato-kun lots of sweets, he'll surely listen to us
(If he's always in a bad mood and won't listen to us, this should have a little effect on him)
How should we carry them after ?
Azusa : With just us two, it will be limited, huh. It would be nice if someone else helps us...
Yui : Kou-kun, Laito-kun and of course Carla-san have a good intuition so they would be suspicious about it...
Hmm... When it comes to this...
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Subaru : Hm ? What are you guys doing here ?
Yui : … ! Subaru-kun !
Subaru : Y-Yeah, what's wrong ?
Yui : (That's right, I forgot THE right person !)
Azusa-kun !
Azusa : Yeah... !
Subaru : Ah ? What ? You're staring at me with sparkly eyes
Yui : You see, we would like to ask you for a favor...
Scene change :  Forest – Wide area
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Subaru : Why the fuck do I have to carry all that !?
Yui : Sorry. But thank you for helping us
Azusa : It's a strategy to defeat the enemy, so... You're helping by carrying these with us...
Subaru : Can we seriously beat those Orange bastards with sweets and pancakes ?
Yui : Err... We thought we could at least reduce their will to fight...
Subaru : Tch, if we can't beat them with that, I won't forgive you !
Yui : O-Okay
(It pains me to trick him but this is a try to recover Kanato-kun's memories)
(Sorry for having you carrying the desserts, Subaru-kun !)
Is it okay around here ?
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Azusa : Yes... We're close to the Orange mansion...
Let's spotlight the sweets and the pancakes...
*they install the “trap”
Azusa : Subaru, you come here as well...
Subaru : Tch, how bothersome
*Subaru goes hide with them
Yui : (We'll hide and wait like this...)
It feels like we came to catch beetles...
Azusa : There may be stag beetles. Because they chew food...
Yui : Aah, I see
Subaru : Don't “I see” !
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Yui : I-I'm sorry. I'll seriously keep watch...
I wonder if he'll successfully notice it
Azusa : It would be nice if Ruki doesn't notice it before...
Subaru : If he notices, we should tear him down with Kanato
Yui : Y-You have great confidence
(Ruki-kun is strict so he must have restricted sweet things)
(Kanato-kun loves sweets so he surely can't endure it... He will fall into this trap !)
(… That's what I hope but I'm getting more and more anxious)
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Subaru : Hey, how long are we gonna lurk in the grass ?
Yui : Err... Until Kanato-kun shows up
Subaru : And what if he doesn't come ?
Yui : Uuh... In this case...
Azusa : Shuuush ! Be quiet... I can hear faint footsteps...
Yui : … ! Don't tell me...
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Kanato : Aah, just as I thought. It smelled nice other here...
There are pancakes that look delicious in such a place. And so many sweets
I can't help it. I'll take them
Yui : (He really came !)
(Our trap is working but he so easily fell for it and I'm really worried...)
Kanato : *eats... Hmm, pancakes are still the best. The sweets as well... *keeps eating...
Haa... I can last one day with this amount
Yui : Eh ? You'll eat this amount in one day !?
Kanato : … Hm ?
Yui : Ah...
(I unintentionally got myself involved...!)
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Kanato : All of you... Since when have you been here ? These pancakes are mine. I won't give you even one
Subaru : I don't need that !
*Subaru draws his sword
Yui : S-Subaru-kun !? Wait a minute... Sheathe your sword !
Subaru : What ? We came all this way to beat that guy, right ?
Azusa : That's right, but... Anyway, put away your sword, this time...
Subaru : Haaa ? Stop saying nonsense
Azusa : I want to talk to Kanato-san, first.... So, please...
Subaru : Shit, what the heck ?
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Kanato : *eats... What's going on with you ? I'm in the middle of eating... *eats...
Yui : You see, we want to talk to you
Kanato : I have nothing to say to you. *eats...
Yui : Can you listen to us even when you eat ?
We want to get your original memories back, no matter what
Kanato : What is this ? It has nothing to do with me
Yui : (As planned, he seems to behave himself but refuses to listen...)
You see, right now, you think that the Oranges are your family, but...
Your real brothers are all from the Sakamaki family
Kanato : What is that ? I never heard of that family
Azusa : The Sakamaki family is... your family. Shu-san, Reiji-san, Ayato-san, Laito-san...
… and Subaru-san are your brothers...
Subaru : Ha ? Why me ?
Azusa : Errr... Since we have another opportunity, we'll teach you something as well
Subaru : Haaa !?
Kanato : What are you talking about ? I have no time to deal with stupid delusionals... *eats...
Yui : You don't remember going to school everyday in limousine with everyone ?
When you were late, even a little, Reiji-san would get angry...
Kanato : *keeps eating...
Yui : (It's no use, he doesn't react at all. Is there another memory that would blow away the lid containing his memories...)
(What would violently shaken Kanato-kun's memories...?)
Azusa : Kanato-san... You really don't remember anything... ?
Kanato : You really don't give up. I'm busy eating pancakes
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Yui : (We can't give up here. Azusa-kun finally gets to talk to Kanato-kun)
(In order to stop this battle from repeating over and over again... We can't withdraw here !)
Kanato-kun ! Please, listen well to us !!
Kanato : Wah... !!
*the pancakes fall
Kanato : Ah...
Yui : Ah... S-Sorry. I've been too loud...
Azusa : Kanato-san's pancakes...
Subaru : … fell
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Yui : (T-This is bad...!)
Kanato : My... My pancakes...
Yui : S-Sorry ! I didn't think they would drop... I'm really sorry !
Kanato : You did it on purpose... You did it on purpose, right ?
So you would laught at me for taking my enjoyment away...
Yui : That's wrong ! I didn't do it on purpose !
Kanato : That's too much. I was just eating delicious pancakes, and yet--
Yui : (I-It can't be... This atmosphere...!)
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Kanato : What are you gonna make it up for !? By your fault, my meal is ruined ! Please take responsibility !
Azusa : Uwaah...
Subaru : T-That guy went nuts...
Yui : C-Calm down ! If your voice echoes, Ruki-kun will notice... !
Kanato : It doesn't matter, doesn't it ? Or did you say that to distract me ? How abject can you be ?
You wanted to take the pancakes from me. You think it would be that easy ?
Yui : T-There's no way I...
Kanato : “… would do that”, is that what you're saying ? Why do you always and always irritate me !?
Yui : I-I-I'm sorry !
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Kanato : Being sorry isn't good enough when I just came to my house. You ruined my snack... !
Azusa : Eh... ? When you... just came to your house... ?
Kanato-san... Did you remember the Sakamaki house... ?
Kanato : Of course I remember. Are you going to take me for a fool as well ? How unpleasant !
Yui : Eh... ? You remembered... ?
Azusa : Kanato-san... regained his memories... !
Yui : W-We did it ! We did it, Azusa-kun !
Azusa : Yes, yes... !
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Kanato : What is wrong with you ? How far are you going to make a fool of me ?
Subaru, please say something to them !
Subaru : I dunno what to say...
What the hell is that ? What kind of situation is that... ?
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And then, we briefly explained to Kanato-kun,
who now regained his memories, what
happened to ourselves.
He was confused when we suddenly and briefly
talked about being in an unknown place
and everyone having fake memories
implanted in them.
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Kanato : … I don't understand a thing you're talking about
Yui : I-I see...
(I thought he would say that...)
Kanato : However, I want to go home quick, so I've got no choice but to cooperate
Yui : Eh ? Really ?
Kanato : BUT, when we come back, please prepare pancakes for me. Lots of them
Yui : Of course !
(It was a hit or miss strategy but it went well ! With this, we took a step forward !)
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Subaru : … Hey, what happened to your talk about beating that guy ?
Yui : (Ah... That's right)
Azusa : Subaru-san... You don't remember anything... ?
Subaru : I don't get at all what's going on with all that remembering stuff
All I somewhat get is that you made Kanato change sides
Yui : Eh ?
Subaru : Ah ? That's what you meant, no ? If we aren't crushing them, I keep out of this
It's not like I'm interested in being the supreme king to begin with, I'll crush them myself later
Azusa : O-Okay...
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Yui : (It was the right thing to ask Subaru-kun to carry the desserts... I'm convinced myself)
Ah ! By the way, Subaru-kun, I would like you to not tell Carla-san and the others anything about what just happened
Subaru : I'm not gonna bother telling Carla at all
Azusa : You too, Kanato-san, keep it secret from Ruki and the others...
Kanato : I don't even want to talk to Ruki. Those who confiscate my snacks should be destroyed
Azusa : I would like you to avoid destroying him, but thank you for keeping silent about it
Yui : Thank godness... With this, we have achieved our purpose for today, right ?
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Azusa : We'll become suspicious if we're out of the mansion for too long... Let's break up here for today...
Kanato : Understood. Please make sure I can return to my original home quick
*Kanato leaves
Azusa : We did it
Yui : Yes... !
(It all went better than I thought. At this rate, I feel like we can stop this battle--)
Scene change : Orange mansion –  Living room and dining room
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Ruki : Hmm ? This familiar...
(I've never seen this familiar. It's holding a letter...)
*Ruki takes the letter and reads it
Ruki : …
Heh, what a clever move... So that's what those guys are thinking
Well, fine then... I shall join in
Chapter 9 : End
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