puffyducks · 1 day
DCRC Week #16
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Wiggity what's up my fellow book clubbers, today we're taking a look at the ethics of treating artificially made intelligent lifeforms as second class citizens and what the qualifying factors are to determine a being as truly "sentient" and deserving of basic social rights. And by that I mean we're reading PKNA #12: "Second Draft" which is a comic where nothing bad happens!
This post is LOOONG btw.
okay we're just gonna start off our comic as normal and-
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WOAH who's this handsome young devil in his little fancy suit??? What's that? Head of Ducklair Industries?..... yeah sure that makes sense I think.
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Everett Ducklair 🤢🤢🤢 get a job stay away from him. Also this is a really nice way of saying you had to stop him from being overtaken by insane homicidal tendencies and putting guns in all his inventions btw
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Haha woah what was that. Did the fabric of reality just tear for a second there or did my ADHD meds just kick in. Probably just me.
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MASTER Donald???..... I don't even think I can write out the jokes I wanna make here they're too inappropriate for this blog sorry. But also what the fuck.
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Uno stop mothering maybe I WANT to get frostbite and lose all my fingers
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Not to take a sudden side tangent here but is this supposed to be like, a good thing? Don't the other seasons exist for a reason? I always thought fall and winter were meant to be like a cleansing period, they bring balance to the two other hotter seasons. If it's eternally spring, do some plants just never die? Are animals ALWAYS in the breeding season? Today we're going to overanalyze this one concept in an essay where-
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OH MY GOD IT'S ODIN wait nevermind hiii Odin hiiiii. what's lookin good cookin. I mean- shit. fuck. shit.
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I'm kind of obsessed with the way Odin is drawn in this comic. His whole body is all wiggly like a bendy straw. His stances go crazy.
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Guys ever since I made that post about Odin's outfits and noticed that he's barefoot here it's been haunting me. Like it might just be a coloring error in this panel but also... why'd he take his shoes off. Also sorry for immediately revealing that it's Odin but um uhh I totally don't know who the OTHER cloaked figure is.
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girlll you're giving away the game SHUT YOUR MOUTH
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TWO Lylas?!?!?!
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I'm loving Donald's shock lmao bro is fucking flabberghasted
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This picture is so fucking silly bro. Nooo you can't put Odin in jail, he has such a nice suit on :(
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Donald getting offended on Uno's behalf, not knowing that Uno is literally sitting right behind him. SURELY he'll figure it out eventually right.
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Omg guys it's Geena!!! Remember Geena? From Portrait of the Young Hero? Anyways she has a gun now
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Way to go Donald, you showed her basic empathy for like 2 panels and it gave her an actual sense of self value and NOW she thinks she deserves rights 🙄 she's gonna Detroit Become Human up in this bitch
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beaming you with my evil lasers. what if he just fucking fried her brains here I think it would've been funny
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Oh that's. probably bad.
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ohhhh noooo.....
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Ok so bad news, Geena fucking exploded and her droid rebellion is presumably over. The GOOD news though is that droids are destined to get their rights anyways, just in a less violent manor than in the timeline Geena had started. So... I guess that's a win?
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Disappears in a cloud of beautiful sunset smoke... Goodbye Odin 👋
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Donald. Please. DONALD.
Okay so there's a LOT to say about this comic (so much that I kept hitting the image limit and having to make edits to my post to make it more concise) but if I could summarize it into one word: damn. Like I'm just kinda sad now.
The whole concept of "do robots deserve to be treated like human beings" is a common argument to explore, we've seen it in all kinds of media before. The ethics that get touched on in this comic are nothing new, but I can't help but find this comic incredibly interesting to read in the year 2024. Maybe in 1997 the idea of robots integrating into our society seemed like a far-off concept, but in present day the ever-growing integration of AI technology really makes this chapter feel a little more close to home.
I mean, it's easy to be like "yeah, well of course the droids deserve to be treated like people." I mean, Lyla and Odin are droids, and we like Lyla and Odin! Odin is literally so lifelike that people don't even KNOW he's a droid. But I can't help but think about how this all ties back to the current ongoing debates surrounding the usage of AI, and specifically AI-made content. Obviously the AI we currently have is nowhere near the level of the characters in this series (chatGPT fucking WISHES it was Uno) but there's really interesting debates to be made here.
What qualifying factors determine whether or not a living being is deserving of the same rights we humans give to ourselves? Is it being biological? I mean, there are literally millions of types of animals on our planet, but we don't even treat them with the same level of respect we give to ourselves. So, is it intelligence? If we were to create a computer with the intelligence level of a living, breathing human person, would they be entitled to basic "human" rights? HELL IF I KNOW.
I love the way this comic handles exploring this topic. Geena isn't WRONG for wanting more, she's wrong in the way she went about it. Going as far as to literally alter the course of spacetime only further complicated things, for her AND for the other droids. Had Geena instead devoted her energy into droid advocacy in the modern day, things may have gone differently. This story isn't the end of droids getting rights, but it is unfortunately the end of Geena.
We ended on a happy note, but overall this story is a pretty melancholic one. Especially that whole "only machines can be rebuilt" like DAMN.
Anyways that's enough media analysis for today, time to take off my smart thinking hat and go back to being generally kinda stupid. I'm not gonna add anything about Angus Tales here at the end because I already hit the image limit lol. Umm shoutout to Angus Fangus for having like 110 parking tickets. Idiot.
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occasionallyprosie · 3 days
"Hiding Behind Plaster and Ceremics"
Chapter 3
Wind reveals something. This marks the beginning of something new.
Read On AO3
Finally actually just ending this one, I've had this chapter drafted so long I feel bad not posting it but I really don't think there's much more to be added to this fic.
Legend really didn't like the new status quo. Twilight was very defensive of him, which he was on the fence about to be honest, and Warriors just kept giving him weird looks. Contrast that with the fact he couldn't get any space because Hyrule and Sky were trying hard to get close and he'd promised Twilight he'd try not to be as mean.
Which really just meant he couldn't force the others to just leave him alone. Even after he got over the sickness, they stuck close and he could feel his nerves turn to fire as he couldn't get time to himself.
He was biting down on his tongue, trying desperately to avoid them without breaking his promise to Twilight. Now, not only was he trying to avoid getting attached, he was also just trying to not snap as every nerve, every coil, every spring prepared to get set off because everything was just too close.
They were just starting to make camp when Wind chose his chore for it.
"I'm going on patrol!" He declared.
"Fine, but take someone with you," Warriors reminded him, the usual rule for leaving the larger group.
"Come on, Scholar!"
Legend startled as Wind grabbed his sleeve--not his arm, his sleeve--and dragged him off. He quickly pulled himself free but meeting Wind's eyes--Ocean's eyes, bright and expectant and far too smart--meant he was following him.
Wind happily moved across the rainforest floor, seemingly accustomed to brushing aside underbrush as tall as they were.
Legend decided not to ask why and just followed, letting a distance form between them and letting himself just... relax in the silence and space.
They did a number of expanding loops around the chosen campsite, only coming across some tektites at a nearby river and some Deku Babas here and there. As they turned to go back, having been silent the entire time, Wind spoke up.
"You need more time?" He asked, facing him with an overly knowing expression.
Legend frowned. "What?"
"More time alone and away from everyone?" He clarified, a wry smirk tugging at his lips. "Don’t tell me our ever-aware spitfire didn't notice I dragged him off so he wouldn't explode on everyone."
Spitfire. He'd been called that before by exactly one person, the kid in front of him. Not that he'd say it first.
"Oh," he responded, definitely with the eloquence of the scholar he was nicknamed for. "Why?"
Wind laughed. "Please, I could tell you were getting antsy, I just didn't want to find out if you getting overwhelmed by people is the same now as it was in Hytopia."
Legend stopped in his tracks, Wind noticed immediately and looked at him, a wryness in his eyes.
"You think I couldn't recognize you?" Wind scoffed, as if insulted. "I recognized you when we met, but, well, you never said anything, and then you snapped at everyone and cursed out the Rancher when he tried to scold you for your language 'cause of the Smithy and I." He sighed. "It wasn't until you got sick and--" he grinned a bit, "you were hiding behind the Rancher, and his pelt-cloak thingie made you look so much smaller, that I knew I was right. You just didn't say anything."
Legend stared at him but Wind just smiled brightly.
"Which is okay," he said, still just as warm as when he'd asked if he was ready to head back. "I get things change... I get that you've changed and I can tell that something about all of this scares you--you haven't changed that much, Apple."
Legend grimaced. "I'm not scared."
"Can't be courageous without a bit of fear," Wind retorted with a still-wry grin. "But my point is, I noticed you were getting antsy and needed some time away from everyone. So do you want more time, more space, or what? We probably have another hour before we need to get back."
Legend ended up just backing up into a tree and slumping down to the ground, Wind hummed lightly as he followed and sat in the grass in front of him, a solid three feet of space, if not more, between them.
Silence settled, and if Legend closed his eyes, Wind was somehow so silent that as long as he ignored his magic, he could pretend he was in complete solitude.
They stayed like that for a while until Legend broke the silence. "Why aren't you mad at me?"
Wind made a confused noise. "What'd'ya mean?"
"I mean--For not telling, for not saying anything, why aren't you mad?"
Legend wouldn't admit he probably would've completely shattered if Wind was ever genuinely mad at him, Forest was their big brother, yeah, but it had been Ocean who he'd stared at and tried so desperately to mimic during Hytopia, from the casual singing of work songs to the way he fought. All of that had been Ocean, and even the blue cap he still wore to this day was the one Ocean had given him when they'd separated, sure it had been mended and resewn and altered to fit his larger head, but it was the same cap.
Wind laughed at his question though. "Why would I be? It's been years for you, I don’t think you realize how obvious it is that you've been through a lot, and what's probably only obvious to me is that it all hurt."
Legend opened his eyes and looked over at him, Wind gave him another warm smile.
"It's been years for you," he repeated, "but just over one for me. I think you've forgotten how well I know you, how well I can read you, and how little you've actually changed."
Legend stared at him. "It has been years, I'm not the same kid anymore."
Wind raised an eyebrow. "Well you have all the same tells as you did before."
"I do not."
"Oh yeah?" Wind leaned forward to poke his arm. "Then why did I know you needed to be away from everyone? It's almost as if you've been introverted since the day I met you and Hytopia was constantly getting on your nerves because of it, hmm?"
Legend couldn't help but smile a bit as he huffed and swatted him away. "I wasn't doing a very good job of hiding anything."
"And yet Forest didn't have a clue, the oblivious dumbass. I don’t know how he found out but I'd bet a gold rupee that it wasn't until you called him by his name or something."
Legend snorted. He couldn't even argue because Wind was exactly right!
For the remainder of the hour until Wind's necklace chimed with Wild's voice asking after them, they just talked and Legend didn't realize until that evening, just after dinner, that he hadn't even thought about his fear, about what was to come.
He'd reconnected with Ocean, he hadn't even thought twice about it either, which made it worse. He'd just forgotten exactly why he had been spending this whole quest sharpening his edges.
He'd forgotten that it was useless to reach out for them, as they were just going to be ripped away.
And as much as it hurt... he couldn't bring himself to regret it. Not when Wind joined him in his corner of the campsite and just laid down beside him, not chatting his head off, but quietly humming.
His heart felt softer, lighter, but even if he couldn't bring himself to regret it now, bringing his ocarina to his lips and putting a ringing tune to Wind's hums, he knew in his mind that it wouldn't last.
The quest would end and he'd be all alone again, whether or not it would be his breaking point was a different question, he thought Marin had been the breaking point but he still hadn't reached it even after her and then Ravio. What would he do then?
He didn’t know, but he’d have to concede here, wouldn’t he? He wouldn’t be able to fend off both his brothers, which meant… well, it meant he was done. It meant this was the beginning of a new chapter, at least with some of the other heroes. It meant he couldn’t keep running, and once this was over, the pitfalls of grief would catch up to him… but he couldn’t stop it, and he had to just accept that.
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kathonyy · 1 year
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BRIDGERTON 2x05 An Unthinkable Fate
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monstrsball · 5 months
Iwaizumi doesn't know what to think when he finds his boyfriend in the entry way of their apartment, soaked from head to toe and clutching his jacket to his chest.
"I'm home." Suga says with a sheepish grin while he clumsily tries to get his shoes off without using his hands.
“You’re soaked,” Iwaizumi frowns, pushing his wet bangs back out of his face and eyeing the barely noticeable trembling of his shoulders. “Why aren’t you-”
Suga’s jacket meows.
Suga frowns down at the jacket in his arms. “You were supposed to let me do the talking first.” He says lightheartedly, his words are met with another slightly more indignant meow.
“Koushi, we talked about this.” Iwaizumi says.
“It’s raining, Hajime. The poor thing was soaked, I couldn’t just leave her out there.” Suga says, his tone soft. “Can we just keep her here for tonight? Until it stops raining? And then I’ll take her to the shelter.”
Iwaizumi wants to stand firm but his resolve slowly melts away when he looks at the cat again. She’s shivering just as much as Suga, the now soaked jacket likely not helping her keep warm. She’s nuzzling into his chest in search of warmth and it tugs at Iwaizumi’s heartstrings. 
He glances back at the door to the balcony. Still raining. 
“Okay,” Iwaizumi relents. “She can stay for tonight. Until it stops raining.” 
He has a nagging feeling that ‘for tonight’ is going to turn into indefinitely but the pure joy lighting up Suga’s face distracts him from this fleeting thought. 
“Yeah, yeah. You need to get out of those clothes.” Iwaizumi reaches out to take the cat from Suga’s arms. She's oddly compliant for a stray. “I’ll dry her off and get her some food and water. I think we have some canned tuna in the cabinet.”
“Ooh,” Suga whistles, gently depositing the little tabby into Iwaizumi’s open arms. “You hear that, baby? He’s spoiling you.” He coos. 
“It’s the only thing we have,” Iwaizumi rolls his eyes, readjusting his grip once he has the cat safely in his arms. She nuzzles into the newfound warmth immediately.
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crystalpallette · 4 months
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get you a girl who can give you everything
this started a long long time ago when I made a joke about how sega should put ringo in more dresses, and then my friend reminded me that oh yeah!! I can do that instead!!! and then one thing led to another and we joked about punk ringo and I drew that too. using ringo like a dressup doll is so cathartic it's kinda crazy
some bonuses (original designs, timelapse) under the cut bc I like these designs!! I might do some more with them!! please disregard the band poster in the first second of the timelapse that's something else!!!
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#everyone look at my girl isnt she so pretty#puyo puyo#ringo ando#my stuff#please look at the timelapse it nicely packages a week of suffering into a minute :)#you cant tell at all from the recording. but all those teeny tiny scallops on ringo's dress? i drew all of those by hand#because the scallop brush i downloaded didnt look right. it never does why do i have that#plus the lace cutouts on the bottom i also drew by hand because i wanted them to look kinda like bunches of apple seeds#but thats not really a thing you can search for- 'lace brush that looks like apple seeds' is wildly specific#there's probably an identical brush to what i painstakingly drew by hand but dont tell me about it i want to think i did that for a reason#punk ringo on top was a lot less work on the lineart bit except for that godforsaken guitar#i had to make sure it looked right and it took forever#but what punk ringo gave me the most trouble with was posing#i knew i wanted an arm out to mirror lolita ringo but thw initial draft was meant to be her holding the guitar the opposite way she is now#(as in her hand was gonna be backwards)#and do you know how hard it is to balance a guitar like that. i had to grab my guitar and do a photoshoot to see what was most natural#while still having leg up arm out#this was fun to do even if i had about three crises in the middle of it#i tried doing my old rendering style again after a while and it was fun too#lolita ringo gave me a bit of trouble in the fact that my brain couldnt handle the dress being shaded but the apples being flat#but we got it lmao. i dont know if ill ever do this again it took too long#but maybe half of the time was because suddenly halfway through everybody needed my help for something or other that required me to leave#anyway wow thats enough rambling. i should go to bed now
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duskerot · 2 months
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i got SO inspired by this beautiful photo by Ron Frazier so i decided to paint it !! and then throw some guys on there cuz of course
u can look below the cut if you want to see the painting without the characters !!
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MY PAINTING !! this was so fun fr i love painting light <3 might go ahead and post this separately but for now you must look at these ocs ok?
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maxiwaxipads · 4 months
Tuxam Who Visits Bad Badtz-Maru Kingdom!
Badobarm - “Hahah!—When I read your letter, I couldn’t believe the contents and thought someone wrote in your name.” Badobarm - “‘Course. I had to see for myself.” “So, you’re having trouble and need my help?” Tuxam - “D—Don’t speak loudly! You’re the first person I thought could help me.” “I find you sensible, and those skills might have helped me!” Badobarm - “I see. I see.” “So you can’t relax at all?” Tuxam - “M…Mhm.” Badobarm - “Then spend time with me, Tuxam.” “Let’s find something to do.” Tuxam - “J…Just like that?” “No planning at all?” Badobarm - “First lesson, Tuxam.” “Sometimes the unexpected is equally good as the expected.” Badobarm - “Now, let’s go—shall we?” Tuxam - “Y…Yes!” [Extra 1] - “Heading out for the day, Badobarm?” Badobarm - “You bet I am.” [Extra 2] - “A friend of yours?—Please, have fun around the kingdom!” Badobarm - “Yes. We’ll do.” Tuxam - “(It’s almost impressive how happy everyone here is… I haven’t even seen a single frown.)” Badobarm - “Now… What should we start with today…?” “You hungry, Tuxam? To neglect food is to neglect yourself.” Tuxam - “No, I already ate—” (stomach rumbles) Badobarm - “Then that’s that. Let’s find somewhere to eat!” Badobarm - “Anything in mind? Want me to pick?” Tuxam - “I trust in your judgment, Badobarm—let’s go whichever seems best.” Badobarm - “Got it. Got it. Anything I have in mind—Ah! I got it.” “You’re going to love this place.” Badobarm - “Lesson number two. Good food is also good fun.” Tuxam - “…Good food is—good fun.” Badobarm - “Oi, Tuxam.” Tuxam - “Yes?” Badobarm - “Having fun means having fun in the moment, so you don’t always have to write what I’m saying down.” Badobarm - “But you’re earnest, Tuxam—And I find that admirable.” Tuxam - “W—Where is this coming from…!?” “You don’t need to compliment me.” Badobarm - “Then write this down as well—compliments are also something fun to receive.” Tuxam - “Badobarm… There’s something I’m confused about…” Badobarm - “?” Tuxam - “Isn’t this definition of fun… Too broad?” Badobarm - “Broad?” “That’s exactly what it means to have fun.” Tuxam - “Fun…” Badobarm - “Relax. Don’t think about it too much.” “Fun is anything that makes you smile.”
(Walking into a dark alleyway, where even the walls touch both shoulders)  (Graffiti covers the wall, but the trash is surprisingly tidy and organized minus a puddle of mud or glass bottles by the side) (A weak light blinks to reveal a door)
Badobarm - “We’re here now.” Tuxam - “…” Tuxam - “Doesn’t it look a little… Shady?” Badobarm - “Everything looks shady here in Bad Badtz-Maru Kingdom.” “But—Don’t just a book by it’s cover, right?” Tuxam - “Got it.” Badobarm - “Oh.” “Let me do the talking though. Keep your head down. Don’t make eye contact, and don’t look around until I say we’re there.” Tuxam - “…Is this really a restaurant?” Badobarm - “Eh. Sorta.” “…Partially?” Tuxam - “…Badobarm.” “Is it really safe?” Badobarm - “Of course it is.” “I wouldn’t take you somewhere dangerous, now—would I?”
(A plain white door smudged with a few scratches and unknown stains) (Somewhat elevated by two-stairs)  (The light blinks a few times)
Badobarm - “Could you stay right here? I’ll be back, it won’t take too long.”
(Badobarm enters, leaving the door partially closed) (Tuxam overhears racket and a few exchanged words) (A loud pang…!)
Tuxam - “Badobarm, are you—” Badobarm - “Don’t worry about it! I’m coming right now.” (Badobarm who arrives with a cartoonish head bump) Badobarm - “I’m back, Tuxam.” “Hold my hand. We’ll be climbing a fleet of stairs.” Tuxam - “…If you say so.”
(Entering a building, Tuxam looks down—a clean floor that’s kept tidy)
Badobarm - “I’ll walk slowly.”
(Climbing up a fleet of stairs)
Badobarm - “You’re free to look around.”
(Lightbulbs light the dim corners of the room, but morning from the outside overwhelmingly pours) (There are empty tables and chairs) (It’s clean but lacks decoration) (They sit by a table with a window view)
Tuxam - “…I have to ask, Badobarm. Am I allowed to know where we are?” Badobarm - “The 2nd floor of a barber shop.” “We entered through a staff-only exit.” Tuxam - “The view here—it’s quite nice.” (Blueness above—making a drab building glazed with opulence. Rooftops akin to stepping stones that helped in tracing the skies and followed the alignment of clouds.) (Nonchalance became a spectacle, as thousands swayed to the melodic chimes of everyday life.) (I couldn't indent...) Badobarm - “I know right?” “The owner is a little eccentric—but if you look past that, the food here is great.” […] - “Who are you calling eccentric?” […] - “Betrayer. Scoundrel. Fool. Arrogant.” “You came here out of your volition just to bother me. Wow~ What a bully.”
(It’s a person wearing a blue turtle shell on their head with a waiter’s outfit on.) (You can’t really see their face, but there’s a hole where you can kind of see an eye.)
[…] - “Should I even feed you in the first place? Perhaps even poison your food? Do you prefer opioids or stimulants?” Badobarm - “Thank you. But can we have a menu?” […] - “Sure. I was just thinking about that.” […] - “I’ll leave you to it.” Tuxam - “If my assumptions are correct, that’s the chef?” Badobarm - “Yup.” Tuxam - “I’m more curious… How did you find a place like this anyway?” Badobarm - “I was actually mugged.” Tuxam - “M…Mugged!?” Badobarm - “More or less.” “But the owner here offered food, so I thought to myself—hell, why not?” Tuxam - “I’m glad you fed yourself that moment, but you should be more careful than that next time…” Tuxam - “Wait—Did you even know what was in this food…!?” Badobarm - “M-More or less…” Tuxam - “B—Badobarm!” “Be more careful next time.” Badobarm - “…But they did also give me a menu—with all the listed ingredients like this one. Look—still the same as I first saw it.” […] - “You told him that story…” “It was so embarrassing…” […]- “…Eh.hhhhhh. You even scolded me on my posture…” Badobarm - “But it’s true—“ […] - “Nope! Nope!” “LaLaLa! I can’t hear you!” Tuxam - “I presume you’re here for our orders?” “I’ll take the [Food Item #1] and [Drink #1]” […] - “Ah… I almost forgot.” Badobarm - “Then I’ll take the [Food Item#2], and the same drink as him.” […] - “I’ll prepare it 30 minutes tops.”
(“[…]” leaves) (A little time skip because I’m not writing a 30-minute conversation) (Woah...!! It was so moving and uplifting that suddenly 30 minutes passed!!!)
Badobarm - “There are many people in Bad Badtz-Maru Kingdom who are like that—good or bad.” “So, Tuxam! Elevate your expectations to the highest level!” Badobarm - “You have nothing to expect here, only the greatest experience that I can give to you.” Badobarm - “And the food here will be great as well.” Tuxam - “I’m quite sure your statements contradicted each other—but please take care of me!” “I’ll trust you with my life for just today.” Badobarm - “Hahah! You’ve chosen greatly.” Badobarm - “Following me will bring the greatest of fortunes—never a disadvantage!”
(Badobarm receives a forehead fling from the turtle-head assailant.)
[…] - “Keep quiet, you.” […] - “If I can hear you in the kitchen, so will others.” “—(Sigh). The food is prepared.” Badobarm - “That reminds me.” “For a chef, you didn’t even introduce yourself.” […] - “Nnnhhhh…” “But I don’t want to?” Badobarm - “Don’t be lazy.” “Just say your name.” […] - “(Whispers)” Badobarm - “A bit louder.” […] - “(k…)” […] - “(…ae)” […] - “Badobarm… Do I have to?” “People… Y’know?” Badobarm - “Tuxam is a friend of mine.” “He’s a bit… Critical—but if you’re trying your hardest, no matter how bad, even he’ll praise you.” Tuxam - “Hm.” “If you’re too shy to introduce yourself, why not I introduce myself to you?” Tuxam - “I am Tuxam. I came all this way here from Tuxedo Sam Kingdom.” Tuxam - “If you follow my example, even conquering shyness will become easier.” Kae - “I am Kae.” “A chef.” Tuxam - “An excellent introduction.” “I give it a C-.” Kae - “…A grade!?” “Maybe I shouldn’t have introduced myself in the first place…” Badobarm - “But isn't a C- still passing? If you raised your voice, even that could be a B like in Badobarm.” Kae - “If that were the case, I wouldn’t want a B if it meant associating with you.” Badobarm - “Ouch.” Tuxam - “Ahem.” “It only means you have a long way to go. If you talked as you did earlier, and maybe a little more friendlier… I think it would be passing.” Tuxam - “If this were my hometown, it would have been admonished as a D until perfection.” Kae - “…Huh!?” “Are you a tyrant!?” Tuxam - “No!” “Even better—” Tuxam - “A gentleman!”
Badobarm - “That makes me think…” “What exactly is a gentleman to you, Tuxam?” Tuxam - “As his Lord Sam defines it, ‘someone who uplifts and inspires the people around them!’” Badobarm - “(So like an idol?)” Kae - “(An idol…?)” Kae - “I’ll… I’ll take my leave now.” “I don’t want the meal to get cold and mediocre.” Kae - “Please. Enjoy.” Badobarm - “Let’s dig in.”
Tuxam - “Yes!” Tuxam - “…!” Badobarm - “Any thoughts, Tuxam?” Tuxam - “I…It’s good!” “A single bite and I want more…!” Badobarm - “Great!” “Say more as if you’re a food critic—I want Kae to bear the overwhelming end of compliments and praise.” Tuxam - “Then how about this?” “I’ll make sure to write a letter with my full thoughts about the food I had the moment I return home.” Badobarm - “Sounds great.” Badobarm - “(But I get this overwhelming feeling it’ll be more than a single page…)”
Badobarm - “Ah. That’s right. Even the view here is only a glimpse of Bad Badtz-Maru Kingdom.” Badobarm - “There are more between the corners and alleyways.” “I’ll take you to places where no one even knows.” Badobarm - “Full already?” Tuxam - “Finished. The meal was superb.” Badobarm - “I’m glad.” Badobarm - “Take my hand, Tuxam.” “We’ll do the same procedure as we entered.”
Additional Information/Tangents -
Kae (Knight of Fragaria to Lord Kahme) -
An anti-social knight who dreams of opening his own restaurant and desires to cook for his lord every day for breakfast, lunch, brunch, and dinner.
Kae doesn’t appear to understand social and societal norms.
Kae - “I hate Badobarm but I tolerate strangers.” “There’s a difference. and it should be known.”
I wanted to insert this somehow but I couldn't.
I don't know if I'll be able to write the middle portion but it'll basically be Tuxam who asks Badobarm if he can shop clothes for him. Badobarm agrees. I might or might not write it? It depends on my mood, really.
(But I'll probably describe the "mood" of the outfit rather than intently describing the details) (I'm hesitant because I don't want to describe an entire outfit ; w ;)
(if i never finish this, ill probably post the ending portion without tagging)
(I'll likely keep the top half but not the part where badobarm and tuxam buy outfits for each other) (embarrassingly, i have a reason to not consider this...) That One Draft I Have #1 -
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if you dont know what quotev is I'm happy for you i know its a silly reason but I can't get it out of mind and it haunts me?? or maybe im just tired?
(the images are related to the concept but are at different points in time) I Really Like This And I Kinda Want To Write a Hangyon-Tuxam Sleepover That Isn't Related To That One Thing I Wrote Draft #2 -
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ichi is chip's knight of fragaria, he is dead
Hangyon - “Don’t you remember Tuxam?”
Hangyon - “The night we had together?”
(Tuxam who lightly whacks Hangyon’s head with his ice cream stick)
Tuxam - “Don’t say it in a way that misunderstands others.”
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edit 1: sometimes you write something for a month and realize you forgot to detail the setting AND AT THE START OF THE STORY AS WELL so basically: tuxam meets badobarm at his office and then they go out (probably implied well as text but I needed to add necessary detail </3) i already submitted this and i will live with this pain… it’s like early in the morning and i am weak without willpower
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spherekuriboh · 10 months
the difference between the triumph in 'i found you!' and the shame in 'you've found me.' is proof enough!!!
#distext#i feel strongly enough abt this one to tag it#the silt verses#youve found me and the god i unwittingly fed-- it was never yours but it was mine and you stayed because you found me.#blah blah the narrative twists to incorporate the listener's hopes and desires for a happy ending blah blah#but the god is not capable of denying the rapture in the journey. it is in fact all it has to offer.#sebastian being unhappy *now* doesn't mean that the god is unfed. of course not. the journey is eternal.#but the lingering doubt would not have been centered upon his lifelong traveling companion. because that *spoils it!*#there is no journey in staying here. staying here is an ending. and the other narrative can't bloom with such a shadow hanging over it.#hope exists. of course it does. it must. but it isn't like. saccharine and revisionist.#not the decision to stay in the place of potential and never see and ending through.#dev calls him sebastian. whether it's an attention check (are you listening?) or a slipup back to formality it is a fuckup.#in much the same socially inept way that 'let's stay here' was such a desirable idea for your lover this morning you dont even consider NOW#elephant. elephant is what i meant.#anyway. meta fodder for the listener (i dont have the commentary but ive seen the phrase 'coin-flip') vs. watsonian social interactions.#........ frankly i dont think that sebastian gave enough of a fuck to pick a winner between hayward and carpenter either but that is just m#i think there's probably something smart to say about how moving forward this season involves nothing but uncertainty#where even following the cairn maiden to an assured ending leaves the pulsing question of when#but man im just upset. gay sex saved the day solved the mystery and now we're going back to get shotgun married to dodge the draft#if you dont have your own insurance plan your spouse's is fine.#sorry. what was i talking about?#right. there isn't a joy in this. there is no definite moment where the hurt- this trauma. the fog.- would pass and settle into comfort.#and among all of the promises and threats. it would only hurt for a moment.#nope! congrats. scarred for life you have to keep on living and difficult conversations you have to keep on having and continued awkwardnes#can't catch me suicide metaphor i'm gay as fuck. anyways#podcast tag#tsv spoilers
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writer-of-sorts · 1 year
written with @wolfstarmicrofic prompt: train
The stranger on the train is dressed in ripped jeans, a black undershirt and a leather jacket, with heavy mascara lining his eyelids and a row of piercings lining his ears.
Despite his punk appearance, the man undeniably has the air of an aristocrat. He sits straight-backed and prim, one knee crossed over the other. A sketchbook rests atop the expensive-looking bag tucked against his side.
When Remus approaches him, the stranger looks up. The long hair curtaining his face draws back, revealing alabaster skin, sharp cheekbones, full lips and soulful grey eyes.
Quite frankly, Remus thinks this stranger is the most beautiful person he has ever seen.
Which is exactly why Remus stutters incoherently before proceeding to trip over his own lanky legs and swear like a sailor as he goes crashing down to the floor of the train compartment.
Except he’s not crashing down to the floor. Because there is a pair of very strong leather-clad arms holding him up.
Said arms straighten Remus’ body and then drop as he comes face-to-face with his savior. His very attractive savior, who just witnessed Remus nearly fall flat on his face.
Remus feels his cheeks grow hot as embarrassment washes over him.
“Es-tu blessé?” the stranger asks, eyebrows furrowed with concern.
And now Remus feels hot for an entirely different reason. He opens his mouth, then closes it wordlessly.
“Oh,” the man says. He smiles sheepishly. “Are you alright?” he asks, with just the faintest trace of an accent as he rolls his mouth around the r’s.
“Yes,” Remus breathes. He clears his throat. “My name is Remus, and” —he points to the empty seat across from the man— “I believe that is my seat.”
The stranger flashes a genuine smile, and Remus’ heart soars. “Sirius Black. Please sit down.”
word count: 300
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m1d-45 · 2 years
Finches can scream when sad/agitated so all I can imagine is Xiao hopping onto a mountaintop later and screaming his little vocal cords out. And subsequently get taken care of by the reader when we notice he's suddenly very quiet which can be a sign of sorrow/illness/stress. They can also make these noises whenever they're bored but that's not angsty enough. (Also has Xiao always been a finch and I've just been blind??)
i imagine xiao’s quiet for a bird, but even so it’s easy to tell when he’s upset. he’s always quiet, just sort of… dull. standing there.
oh, or, he gets the urge to scream like this after reader vents, and they assume they’ve somehow angered him, only making the problem worse. he’s not mad at you, he’s not, he just- his form is too small to hold his anger, it needs to be let out but he can’t just leave you-
also, no, he hasn’t! i. don’t think. i’ve never specified his species (bc i don’t know birds nor what birds are in liyue at that) but i beliiieve sibling anon called him a cardinal? then you said finch and it was on my mind as i touched up ‘he who is without sin’ so that’s where that finch line is from, if that’s what you’re confused over.
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arsenicflame · 10 months
more on the whole, thinking on my relationship with the ofmd fandom (got distracted by statistics) also i stopped makin this a proper coherent narrative halfway through youre just gonna have to deal w that if u read this
i mean, im not saying anything new its a lot of what i talked about on finale day, its a lot of what everyone i know has been talking about ever since.
things are different now. and maybe things always would have been different, even if i had absolutely loved everything about this show- maybe that change from a fandom that was stable, unchanging, would have always left me with this feeling of displacement, but the long and short of it is that i wasn't happy. i didn't like it. and i dont think theres a single thing that can be done to the show now to make it back into a show that i cared about in the way i cared about it before s2- and its not just that izzy died, its so much of how the show wrapped up plot lines that i can't see a future with this show for me. it would take so much backtracking to get to a point where i could get behind the story again, i dont think its possible.
everything is different now, and i feel lost.
getting into ofmd fundamentally changed my life in ways i can't even begin to say, and the community around it is a core part of that. ive met people through this silly little show, ive made friends through this silly little show, and that can never be changed by the way it ended, but it does feel tainted to me- and the way the end of the show ripples back into the bits i did like, the way the interviews keep taking things away that i held on a pedestal.
this fandom, this community, this family, means the world to me. i hadnt felt like a person in so long, and i hadnt realised until i met all of you. its cathartic to know im not alone in feeling upset about the way this series ended. but it also just makes me so fucking sad. for all of us.
i dont consume media. i dont watch things. its a narrative ive heard from a lot of my friends too. i never expected the way ofmd took a hold of me, but i kept holding on because i had faith in this piece of media. even though thats gone for me now, i cant leave this place, ill still hold my memories of this show dear to my heart.
the only reason i can keep going on liking it is because of every single one of you, because of the world we built based on this show, because of this show, in spite of this show. i hold the parts i love like a treasure and throw the rest away. its different and ill learn to accept that, maybe. maybe i wont, but im not alone in these feelings. youre not alone.
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Okay we'll think about that in a second lol
Oh dang oof o.o
It's literally on fire 😬
Ope dang why is that scar so big and like idk weird looking xd xD
Uh ohh some girl 😬😬
OH NO this ain't gonna be good :(( yeah Grace is right-
I mean I'm sure she'll be fine but still my girl don't deserve this 😭 xD
O.O 😬😬😬😬
Oh gosh xdd
Btw we don't talk about how I'm an hour behind lol
Typing this right around 9 XD
3 minutes after now but I would've been ending here around 9 if my wifi hadn't been struggling for a minute lol
Also ohh it's probably two episodes until the finale lol
I thought of that after a minute (like around the end of the promo lol when I first saw it actually at the end of the show instead of an hour later lol) and now after another minute I think it probably is xD
I had a second to check the episode count and stuff lol (not how many there are, though I couldn't remember that off the top of my head for a minute during all this xD, but what number we're on lol)
But DANG o.o
I live in fear :'))
That was the last of my last thoughts! Now it's time for the. . .
I loooved this episode!! I thought it was great :D. It had the DRAMA o.o but also some really hilarious moments XDD. And AAHHH not only tarlos (and Nanteo!!) crumbs but talk of the WEDDING TOOO :DD!! I mean I know it is in most episodes but still xD. Loved the multiple references by Gabriel 🥰🥰, plus talking about Lou 2 by Owen LOL. Not technically wedding talk but eh you know talk about them xD. Anyway! I am also SO GLAD everything worked out with Tommy :D. And I'm happy we got to see everyone 🥰🥰. Also, I'm scared for next episode o.o. Now that time I saw of someone mentioning that Grace and Carlos were gonna be working together again soon makes sense xDD o.o. I figure that's what it's gonna be, now that I remember I saw that mentioned lol. But! I'll talk more about that in a second :). Back to this episode, it was silly at points (even within the drama, like the little mystery music when Paul was laying it all out at the end xD) but still made the drama work, and it was just great :DD.
Now it's time for the individual parts!
Marjan, Nancy, and Mateo! Putting them together just because they're our besties and we didn't see them too much this episode :)). And pretty much whenever we did they were with each other xDD. Anyway lol! They were great this episode :DD. I'm sure they were all great at their jobs lol. We didn't actually see it xD. But yeah! They're all amazing :DD. I love each of them 🥰🥰🥰❤️.
TK and Carlos! The beginning was amazing XDD. But :OO Carlos how could you? XDD. I don't think I'm as betrayed as TK though LOL. Anyway, they were great this episode xD 🥰. And AAHHHH we got so many little cute moments of them this episode :D, I loved them all 🥰🥰. My boys :)). I love them 🥰🥰❤️❤️. And I'm sure they were both great at their jobs :D lol. About next episode though! Even though I don't like knowing too much about the episode beforehand, I couldn't resist reading the next episode's synopsis lol xD. I saw it right there when I was checking what episode we were on AND I had to lol. But :OO!! TK's uncle coming to visit!! He gets to meet him :DD!! AAHHHH I'm so glad he does 🥰🥰. And he comes with dramatic news o.o. Now for the interesting piece of information that Robert (that's his face right? Owen's brother lol) is sharing, I wasn't sure at first! Had no clue for a minute lol. But then I thought, maybe he has donor kids? Like, he donated sperm? Or Owen's dad :o? One of the two, I think. I mena if it is that lol. Becuase it would affect the family, if like those people wanted to reach out or whatever, but also it matches the episode title :OO! Right?? See that's what really cinched it for me lol. So yeah, I think that's definitely a possibility :))! I said cinched but I'm not actually sure, I just think there's a pretty good chance :)! And I mean, hey, it would be interesting! Anyway, I am really glad they get to meet :D. And that we get to see them meet, lol xD. Anyway! There was an interesting tidbit about Carlos next episode too :D. AAAHHHHHH WE GET HIM WORKING WITH GRACE AGAIN!!! YAYYY :DDD!! I'm so excited for that 🥰🥰. I mean, not the organ trafficking ring ರ⁠_⁠ರ, and the drama that looks like it'll come with it (more on that in Grace's section), but for the storyline :D. Anyway! I'm excited :)). But back to this episode lol: I loved them, they were great :)).
Grace and Judd! They were great this episode :DD. Them wanting the tea from Tommy was so funny XDD. And though we didn't see much of Judd this episode, he was still amazing :)). I'm sure he as great at his job. I love him 🥰🥰. Now for Grace; girl could not mind her own business lol. Nah, I'm just kidding XD, but I'm glad they did get all that sorted out. And honestly for to not want to hear people talk about your friend that way :')). My besties <333. As in, my babeys who are besties, basically lol. Basically that's what I mean, anyway. But yeah, she was great <33. And I'm sure sh was amazing at her job too :). I love her 🥰🥰. Now, for next episode o.o! I already spoke on it a bit, but I'm a bit tense for that one 😬. I didn't think of it being a possibility that she has having andidnk with the guy on purpose till I saw a comment on the promo that said she said the cheating type and was probably bait. I just figured she ran into him (not literally). But I do think she's probably bait. It makes sense! Still, in fear for my girl 😭😭💔❤️. I'm excited to see her and Carlos working together again!! Anyway, yeah, she was great this episode (both she and Judd were) :)). I'm glad everything worked out 🥰.
These next few will probably be shorter because a) I'm tired, b) most of the stuff from these past two paragraphs was because of theories for the next episode, and the people left weren't listed lol. Also, I'm not caring about the usual review order - no matter how tired I am, I'm posting this tonight xD. Basically I just mean I'm finishing this now even though I'm tired - I wanted to do a review without saving it as a draft, and having it at the back of my mind all week, so I am xD. Anyway lol!
Tommy! YESS GIRL SLAYYYY :DDDD!!! I'm so glad she and Trevor are okay :DD, and I'm so glad she stood up for herself >:DD 🥰!!! WHOOO 🥰🥳🥳🥰!! She did so great, it was awesome :)). Just- honestly just go off bestie, lol xD. The breakup was sad though 😭😭😭💔. I was hoping it wouldn't last, and I'm glad it didn't :')). They're sweet and they both deserve to be happy <333. Anyway :)). I'm sure she was great at her job this episode 🥰. I love her :'DDD ❤️❤️❤️.
Paul! My guyyyy :DDD. YESSS!!! He slayed so hard 🥰🥰. I'm so proud of him :D. From the little bit at the beginning (that I'm surprised wasn't brought back up lol, like at the hang, but in my mind definitely happens off screen before what we saw lol) - Carlos how could you by the way >:'O lol - to the main plot and case of the episode :D. He slays so hard 🥰🥰. I'm really glad he managed to solve it, to :D. Like, the whole situation wise lol - it needed solving xD. And clearly the police were already leaning one way. Even if that doesn't matter, it would've taken much longer. So yeah, I'm really proud of Paul 🥰🥰. He's just so cool :DD xD. Related but not the reason I'm proud lol. Anyway! I'm sure he was great at his job this episode 🥰. His actual job, not the one we saw, though he was clearly amazing at that :)) 🥰. And I mean, it kinda is his job xD. It's a psrt of it, anyway lol, sometimes. But yeah! I love him <3333 🥰.
Owen! I'm glad Kendra's innocent :D. I wasn't sure, but I didn't think they'd have ANOTHER crazy lady lol. You just never know though xD. But I am glad she's not :)). I felt awful for her though 😭💔. Poor girl's going through it <33. Especially with trying to DIE at the end too xdd. Not literally trying, by the way lol. I've mostly stopped feeling bad for he husband though xD. Bro was trying to kill her, karma lol. But yeah, I'm glad everything turned out okay and no one was a murderer :)). Well I mean, even the husband wasn't, but I mean none of them were to blame xD. And there wasn't another one running around lol. I'm also glad both Owen and Kendra survive xD. We love to see TK worrying about his dad though :)) 🥰🥰. I'm also glad everything worked out between Owen and Gabriel :D! That would've been one awkward wedding if not 😅 XD. Though, forgetting it was so soon, I did figure they'd resolve it by then. Or thought they probably would lol. But hey, I'm extra happy it was this episode :)). Not exactly the team up we expected for them xD, maybe even not the one we wanted lol, but it was still great nonetheless :)). And I'm glad he apologized, but Gabriel wasn't TOO out of line lol - he did share confidential information with Owen that he then blabbed to the number one suspect, even if it was for the greater good. I mean, he's not it before and it NOT end up well lol (Sadie, and even though it was fake, Billy in 2x12). But! Still, I'm glad theyre okay again :)). They are gonna make great consuegros 🥰🥰 lol. Also I find it funny that neither Owen nor TK knew what it meant lol. Idk, it's just a little parallel lol. Anyway! I'm sure Owen was great at his job this episode :). Though I don't know if he was actually on shift once today xD. Eh, anyway lol. I'm glad everything's good 🥰🥰. I love him :D ❤️❤️ <3.
Overall, I really enjoyed this episode! I thought it was great :DD. I really liked the two main plots, and the little side bits were fun too :)). I think the drama and humor balanced really well! Especially because somehow the murder investigation plot was a lot more severe/dire, and the other one would appear to be more a funny storyline, but it had its own drama and they still someone went along well with each other xD. It did provide a bit of a lighter side, balancing the episode, but it definitely still had its drama lol! Anyway, I feel like next episode will be a bit more drama 😬. Well, maybe not more, and maybe not less jokes, but less of a closer to comedic relief plotline. Tommy's wasn't of course, but it was deifnitley lighter, and the bits with Grace especially were on the funnier side lol. I think the Grace and Carlos storyline will be the more serious one (with laugh moments still), but I think it'll be a bit more dramatic all around. I'm struggling a bit to explain, but yeah xD. It just feels like it'll have a bit of andifferent tone from this one, even though Tommy's eas definitely dramatic and had a good amount of serious moments. Maybe it just because we're drawing closer to the end of the season ┐⁠(⁠ ⁠∵⁠ ⁠)⁠┌. Like they said, two episodes left - it just makes it feel like it's gonna be more intense XD. But again, two episodes left until the finale lol. Anyway, that took a while to explain, but yeah XD. Plus we'll have calls, or at least the one, so it'll be different in that way. And that call looks wild, by the way o.o. Anyway, yeah, I'm definitely really excited :DD. But I'm scared and way nervous too 😳😬 o.o. Which I think is fair lol. I'm sure everything will turn out okay though 🥰. But back to this episode, I thought it was really great :). I think it worked really well :D. And I'm glad Paul got a moment (a full episode :D) to shine 🥰🥰. Also, I'm happy we got to see everybody 🥰. Even if only a bit, for some people :).
So yeah! I loved this episode, I thought it was really great. I'm nervous for the next one! This has been my review of. . .
9-1-1: Lone Star, Season 4, Episode 14: Tongues Out
It was great! I'm super excited for the next episode, but I'm pretty scared too. I'll be back next week with my review of. . .
9-1-1: Lone Star, Season 4, Episode 15: Donors
See you next week!
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triglycercule · 11 days
i come up with ideas based on the most random things because wdym i just rambled on about fucking fingers and decided,,,, heh,,,,, yeah. this is a good idea. well i mean i do think it IS a good idea but also like in hindsight and out of context i do think its totally fucking stupid. angel92 ahh post 💀💀💀
anyways i was thinking about mtt and fingers and which ones they would lose as a result of being with eachother but then that also means that i'd have to give specific meanings to the fingers (ughhhh,,,,,) ok lets see. pointer finger would represent precision and clear vision because you literally use it to specifically gesture to things. middle finger is like ughh vulgarity and hatred because its the middle finger. the ring finger (heh! i already spoke about this one because of the myth that its connected to the heart and also holds wedding rings) represents love and the pinkie represent promise (PINKIE PROMISE!) and the thumb represents basic functioning and interpretations (because the thumb helps us literally hold things and also thumbs up and down shows your view on things)
i think if i just tack this idea onto the other post about ring fingers then it would be kinda unrealted + plus too long SO ITS GOING HERE. all the mtt are missing ring fingers because i said so. dust is missing an index finger because if the trio break up he's the only one that wouldnt have anywhere/one to go. also he'd struggle to smoke and i think that horror would always complain about him smoking so it'd be like horror's still kinda there warding him off from smoking even though he's not there anymore. horror would lose his middle finger because he'd probably be the most agressive against kist in mttpoly and now without them there he's kinda chilled out. but also the agression and spark isnt there and now he's stuck in plain old boring regular horrortale again which isnt all that fun,,,, even if dust an killer sucked fighting was a way to pass time. but horror would never admit that. and i think killer could lose a thumb (ill be fr im just running out of fingers to use here. next thing yk i'll start talking about TOES) and then he'd struggle to hold knives normally now. he literally can't hurt others the way he hurt horror and dust (but also that could also mean that killer just has to come up with more creative ways to main. or also his reduced actions could result in him causing less trouble and therefore having less threats. depends on if killer wants to be a bit more knife happy or just chil,,,,,, you KNOW i gotta go with the knife happy idea mtt NEVER get a break and if they do i immediately forget about it)
dude imagine them with all these missing fingers 💀💀💀 that shit would lookd SO weird
#triglycercule's on a BIT of a roll coming up with ideas#i dont particularly know why tbh i guess i've just gotten over this slump of not having ideas#i already have 3 other decent ISH ideas in my notes app i should probably figure thst out#and then of course i have my ever growing pile of drafts on here#i cleared some of them out so now i have 40~ but thats still a SHITTON of ideas ive yet to post#on the other post ive yet to post i got too fucking into the idea#like WDYM the mtt would all just COINCIDENTALLY lose their ring fingers#its a cool idea tho..... just seems a bit unfeasible to me but whatever everything is impossible snyways#i have summer homework due on tuesday ive yet to do i should REALLY probably do that#and a test im 90% sure im gonna BOMB on monday. its the EIGHTH DAY OF FUCKING SCHOOL AND A TEST#i havent even gotten used to doing HOMEWORK again and my bitchass math techer is giving us a TEST.... smh old people#anyways mtt have 2 hands all so they can beat eachother up#polyamory solves everything but the solution isn't all much healthier than if the trio just fucking stayed ALONE 😭😭😭😭#ugh i need them all to kill eachother SERIOUSLY and then they feel bad but also satisfied about it but also bad but also#what would that feeling be like as a word. what word would that be (asks killer because he doesnt know shit about emotions$#they are NOT doomed by the narrative but ALSO NOT soulmates in every universe (debatable in my head)#but instead they were never meant to be together and because they were never meant to be together they simply dont work#but just having that constant even if it hurts and you hate it and everything it stands for when you've had nothing that understands you#is just kinda like. damn. okay i might stay like this for a while#they are not doomed by the narrative they are doomed by each other#gawwwdddd i love mtt so much..... mttpoly..... they were mesnt to be#but didn't you just say they weren't??? ok MAYBE but its because theyre all such terrible fits thst they were meant to be#they all match eachother's freaks in a way that no other utmv character can. mtt gets mtt#the mtt have so many parallels i really should make a graph or something#they all have scary faces!!!! kinda. killer with the chara scary face#horror with his black drooly pissed face and i guess dust's shadowed out face could be scary#but i think that face would be scarier if there were realistic human eyes peeking out but wtvr#anyways all have scary face what else. theres so much more its not even funny they seriously are meant to be together#if always together in fandom art and writing and other depictions then why not poly??? why not TOGETHER together??? why mtt seperate???#tricule rant
0 notes
mathmusicreading · 2 months
Blog(ger) Shift
I am, so weird and bad about original posting and about reblogging and about saving things on Tumblr and that's why my blog has been mostly inactive or the lurking consumer type. But I don't want my fears about putting myself out there, being seen and known, articulating myself well vs. having been told my whole life I'm too wordy and opinionated vs. not managing to articulate myself well enough to justify being verbose and passionate, etc. to continue to control me so much.
So for my new specific-interest sideblog that I'm not locking, I hope it being themed will help me with making more original posts and reblogging, and I'm publicizing that here to push myself and also welcome interaction.
RIP to my other public specific-interest sideblog and the fandom sideblog I took over for someone that I didn't take further and to my private sideblogs that were meant to make me reblog and save and say stuff because they would be personal and just for me. I still would like to make those happen and reblogging and posting things that matter to me here, and oh my heart for the content ideas I haven't been working on, but they're pipedreams with how I'm (not) managing my life and I keep kicking those cans down the road.
To the person who I developed a real relationship with as a beta but who by now I probably count as having disappeared on with how long it's been and my not coming back to explicitly say I still can't help and don't know when I can, I am so sorry. I'm being a coward languishing in hoping I can tell you soon that I can get back into beta-ing for you and talking, but that's turned into me not talking to you because I'm waiting to be able to say something positive. Hopefully my vaguing here can help push me into talking to you, or at least this is here for you to read if you happen to see it; and I want you to know you absolutely can talk to me, can call me out, and if you're so gracious as to still want to be friends with me and just chat despite my dropping being your beta, I'm here for you and still want to be your friend even if I don't know if I'll have the spoons to be a good one and I know my saying that preemptively isn't apology or justification enough.
Honest assessment, I'm going to curse and say my living situation and work have both become even more of a shitshow, and with those things in mind I can't begin to imagine handling a real project until basically literally a year from now.
Which segues back into the main topic of this post. My goal isn't to have my new sideblog be like an active mainblog nor to abandon this blog—people interested in that blog can and should still interact with me here given how primary vs. secondary blogs on Tumblr work, and in terms of using that blog to help make me be a better Tumblr user, I think I should make certain original posts here and reblog them there as opposed to them being original there. With my mental-emotional and time resources, I want that blog to be "active" for a given definition of active, but really I think I should see my objective as "clear out tabs and likes and photos and lists and notes and drafts, etc. from the last four months" by saving stuff there, as opposed to my goal being the original posts I want to make there, and actually my long-term goal should be to use that momentum to do the same for older digital and physical storage that hasn't been lost or stolen. In my failure to be an interesting person, do I at least manage to be fascinating as a basket-case? Ha. But, also, as expressed above the Read More, the exercise of my danmei/Chinese sideblog is supposed to be a foray into me allowing myself to be an interesting person.
#my stuff#Ok I think there were just the two posts so far to be reblogged from here to my side blog#At this point I think I can determine the amount of “me/original” put into them warrants the My Stuff tag per how I think I meant to use it#But I'm not adding the tag to those posts and am instead letting people know they should check my sideblog and the Main tag there#which actually means search for Main because I think not everything will show up since Tumblr only organizes by the first five tags?#how long have I mistakenly thought only the first five tags showed in the Tumblr-wide tags but that the others would still work on blogs oo#and probably danmei related posts will be original on the sideblog and Chinese related posts will be related here#Now back to the tags from before I went over those two posts#lol at my private blogs that have drafts but nothing posted or reblogged#I stand by my aesthetics designing all of these though#will have to do some thinking on headers and icons and blog titles/descriptions if I end up getting to the point of#clearing up and saving stuff for interests I didn't already make sideblogs for#And it's funny (sad) that for the fandom that I thought would be lasting for me personally and for fandom as a whole and I made an ao3feed#blog for given that and not realizing someone else already had after ao3feeds broke and because of my thoughts on how to organize for Tumbl#I'll still be interested for beta-ing for my friend and in my content ideas that will probably never see fruition#but I feel less than for any other fandom like I will want to go back and reread and I think that some ill feelings from this fandom must'v#affected me more than I thought. Hopefully things are more positive though because while I'm not feeling so much thinking about my fav fic#when I cast my mind about for other good writing and beautiful stories I do feel more urge and drive to reread#Hopefully it's that I still love that fic but am fatigued on the rereads I've already given it but I still have the spark of love for the#fandom and perspective will help me focus back on fondness for the community especially remembering that higher level of and more#contemporary involvement were why I could reach the threshold of having more negative experiences
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faerieheart · 3 months
aelin leaning into her softness after years of having to be strong and hardened.
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savrenim · 6 months
I've got to say. I feel like the current thing holding me back from Writing the most is, like. the.... drag in the physics sense of the word of having Long Unfinished Works making me suddenly extremely cautious about publishing anything that I do not have The Rest Of The Story Written
#and honestly this is one thing when it's 'maybe I don't want to start new fic until I've finished at least 80% of the fic'#but this is also currently dragging on me in terms of like#oh gods the moment that I publish a novel that is not stand-alone#that is the Hugest Fucking Pressure to Write In That Series#like honestly this might be one of the reasons that I'm writing 'The Crane And The Knife' from scratch#instead of taking all of the two months it will take me to polish the latest draft of Opus#Opus II is going to be INSANELY long and I haven't started it at all and just#staring at it and all my unfinished fic and all the fic I want to write but also like#how much I hope people will love Opus and want more!!!!#vs how fucking Stressful it will be that Opus II is kind of two books and I wouldn't be surprised if it was close to 300k#of trying to Produce that under Pressure#it reminds me that I'm burned out and Exhausted instead of 'woot woot writing is fun!!!!!'#anyways just rambling to myself#The Crane And The Knife is really funny#and luckily The Heart And The Heartless is MEANT to be released chapter by chapter as a webnovel#so if people love TCATK it's waaaaay easier for me to get ahead in writing and then start releasing THATH instead of having to scramble#for my own sanity might want to like. write Opus II while Opus I is in beta.#my life#my writing#honestly honestly like. I was kind of hoping to be finished with ttbotr and wriu by now#I think I would feel SO much better if I had ANY complete works to my name#esp given ifmlam is probably starting up again relatively soon?#which is just going to. Bring Back The Pressure.
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