#{Landon Davies;; the sweetest taste of sin}
malakhai-ozera · 4 years
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@khai0zera: In a world full of beauty, you’re still my favorite thing to look at. 💚💙 @davieslandon

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malakhai-ozera · 4 years
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@khai0zera: Last weekend was so good. Making memories that can never be replaced with Elle and @davieslandon 🎃🤍👻

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malakhai-ozera · 4 years
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@khai0zera: “After all this time?” “Always.” 🖤@davieslandon #halloween20 @kingsboro-tea

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malakhai-ozera · 4 years
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@khai0zera: @davieslandon and I carved these Frozen pumpkins for Elle, but I think my Olaf may have out done his Elsa just a bit... 😉🎃🤍👻

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malakhai-ozera · 4 years
Lunch Date || Landon & Khai
Discord thread featuring: Khai Ozera and Landon Davies
When: October 7, 2020
Where: Dreamer’s Diner
Mentions: @aaronhart93 @romanbeckett @dammitdorian @jayceelynd
Description: Khai invites Landon out for lunch so that they can talk about where they stand in their “relationship.”
Trigger Warnings: Feels!!!
Khai. Khai was kinda dreading this lunch date after the way their last one went. But he knew they needed to talk. He just wanted this talk to go better than the last one, and he was trying to mentally prepare himself for that to happen. No matter what Landon had to say, or what he wanted. Khai needed to be okay with it for his own sanity. He had been burying himself in work lately and to be honest, he was starting to feel a little lonely. He walked into the dinner and looked around for his friend before taking a seat in the booth across from him. “Hey, babe” he greeted with a confident smile. Shrugging his jacket off his shoulders he pushed up the sleeves of his long sleeved shirt to make himself more comfortable. “You look nice.” He didn’t really know how to start this conversation, so he was just gonna leave that up to Landon.
LANDON Landon was terrified of their second attempt at a lunch break. The first one didn’t end so well and he didn’t want this to be a repeat of that. In hindsight, maybe he should have accepted Khai’s offer to talk about it through text and got it over with but deep down he knew this was a conversation they needed to have face to face. Their time together with Elle at the pumpkin patch confirmed that there were things they needed to talk about. Landon was the first one to arrive at the diner and he found a booth that was far from the others so they could have some semblance of privacy. Word travelled fast around Kingsboro. It didn’t take long for Khai to show up and sit in front of him. They exchanged the usual greetings and pleasantries and Landon suddenly found himself at a loss over what to say. How was he supposed to start a conversation like this? “Thanks, so do you.” He took a moment to try and collect his thoughts then sighed deciding there was no better option than to get straight to the point. “You kissed me when we were at the pumpkin patch.”
Khai. Seeing Landon face to face like this, had Khai second guessing himself too. Maybe things would have been a lot easier over text. But, to be honest, there was a part of him that really just wanted any excuse to see his friend. He looked down at the menu on the table as his fingers fidgeted with the edge of the laminate. His eyes only shifting up one he heard Landon get straight to the point. “Yeah...” he breathed out. The nerves so clear in his voice it was almost embarrassing. “Of course I did.   I know maybe I shouldn’t have. I didn’t really mean to.  Not in front of Elle. But, Landon... you have to try and understand I’ve been falling for you for a really long time, and it’s not that easy for me to just wipe our slate clean. I wanna be with you. I get that’s not something you want, and I’m trying to respect that. But, to be honest. I don’t really know what you expect from me.”
LANDON Landon wasn’t sure what he expected from him either. Khai wasn’t completely right in saying that Landon didn’t want to be with him. He told the other that was something he wanted and agreed to be boyfriends...before he was told about Dorian. That changed things for him. It didn’t stop him liking Khai or wishing they could be together but it made him more scared, reluctant to give it a try and risk getting hurt. “How are things with you and Dorian?” He needed to know that before saying anything else. Landon was not about to open up only to be told the two were trying again.
Khai. The last thing he expected out of Landon’s mouth after saying all that was a question about Dorian. It almost had him rolling his eyes, but instead he just looked back down at the menu again. “Things are okay with us, I guess. I don’t really talk to him that much anymore. He’s been dating Quentin, and we’re trying to stay friends. But it’s awkward to say the least” he shrugged. Of course he was always gonna care about Dorian. You didn’t just turn something like that off. But the simple truth of it all was that it ended the moment he had told his ex about his feelings for Landon. He looked back up at his friend and pressed his lips together as he shrugged again. “If you’re wondering if I’ve been with anyone else. The answer is no. It’s always been you Landon, and I’m tired of hurting people just because I can’t have you” he said honestly. Hoping his friend understood that what he meant was that he wasn’t going to try to be with anyone else while he still had feelings for him.
LANDON Landon was shocked to hear that Dorian was seeing Quentin now. When did that happen? It left him feeling as he had almost expected the other to say that they tried things out, even if it didn’t work in the end. Apparently not. He definitely wasn’t expecting Khai to say that he hadn’t been with anyone else either. As much as Khai said he had feelings for him, which he believed to a certain extent, he never thought he would stop seeing other people especially since there was nothing going on between them. It shocked him but in a good way. It spoke to a certain level of maturity that hadn’t been there just a few months previously. “Oh.” Oh? That’s the best he could say? But Landon was at a loss for words. “I wasn’t expecting that.” If anything was to happen they both needed to be honest to each other and that’s exactly what Landon was trying to be right now.
Khai. Whatever it was that happened between him and Landon, it definitely had awoken something inside of him. He was living his life so recklessly, and maybe it took being hurt as deeply as he was hurting others, to finally want to change. Regardless of whether or not that change landed him with Landon, it needed to happen. He had spent a week in bed not really eating or bathing, and then buried himself in his work at Venus. But after replaying everything he had done in the past few months  over and over in his head, he was definitely changed. He wanted to be better, and even though he missed having sex so fucking much, he wanted something real. “I don’t blame you” he said simply. “I did a lot of stupid and reckless things, and I know I hurt a lot of people. It was never my intention to do that, but it happened, and I wish I could fix it all and make it better. But I can’t. All I can do is try to be the best version of myself from here on out.” He almost felt like he was confessing all his sins and trying to repent to someone who could only see the bad in him. But he was trying to speak directly to the best friend he used to have in Landon, and not the guy who shattered his heart.
LANDON Landon couldn’t deny Khai’s words and say no one had been hurt because the truth was that he was hurt. When Khai told him that he and Dorian hooked up for closure after he asked for some time, Landon felt tricked. There he was, believing that something could happen between them. He risked his relationship with Roman and went through one of their most awkward conversations so that he could go into whatever it was with Khai with the knowledge that the most important people in his life knew about it and had his back. Thinking that while he was doing that Khai was holding up with his ex made him see red. All he asked for was time and this is what he got in return. It made him confirm past suspicions that he was just another notch on his bedpost and the other’s feelings for him weren’t so deep after all. He questioned everything; their weekend together, the words Khai said to him...everything. And Landon might have overreacted, he could admit that now. Maybe he shouldn’t have kicked him out and tried to talk about it instead but at the time he felt like he wasn’t getting anywhere and he was too angry to think straight. It meant a lot to him that at least Khai was admitting to having made mistakes and was aware his actions hurt people. Actions have consequences, Landon knew that all too well. “You’re right, some things just can’t be fixed and we can’t make everything better with the snap of our fingers. But admitting our mistakes and dealing with them...that’s a start”, he said. “I’m sorry I kicked you out. Maybe I shouldn’t have done that but at the time I need to be alone to process everything.”
Khai. At the time Khai would have definitely agreed that Landon overreacted. His feelings for him were true, but Landon honestly had no way of really knowing that. All he had to go off of was his word, and let’s be honest, his words hadn’t really been all that trust worthy with anyone. He led Emily on, and then did a very similar thing with Dorian soon after. How could anyone believe anything he had to say? The truth though was that he was scared. He did have love for Dorian, but it wasn’t the same type  of love he was developing for Landon. Even though he did want it to be, and he did try. In the end he realized he was only trying to get something out of his ex that he couldn’t get with the person he truly wanted to be with. He was scared to be alone, and as painful as it was to admit to himself. He was scared to let go of Dorian in fear that Landon would reject him again and that’s exactly what he would be, alone.  It was all kind of ironic to think about now. Because he ended up alone anyway, and truthfully it seemed to be the best thing for him. He had so many epiphanies about everything, and now he was just left in a constant state of wondering. Wondering if he should continue waiting for Landon, or if maybe he should just let go and move on. “You don’t have to apologize. I deserved it, and I shouldn’t  have been with him. I was just scared, Landon. It had nothing to do with anything but my own guilt and insecurities. I didn’t mean to hurt you.... Honestly, I thought you were just gonna tell me to forget about  everything that happened between us, and that it wasn’t gonna happen again. Especially after I told you what Roman did, and I got scared you were gonna hurt me. I’m sorry. Rejection has never been one of my strong suits and I.... I don’t know. I made a choice. But I never meant to hurt you by it. That weekend we spent together. It was like something out of a dream and I never wanted it to end. I’d do anything to get back to that place. But, I don’t want you to be with me just because. I want you to mean it, and if that’s not the case, than so be it. I’ll move on.”
LANDON There might have been a point where he considered telling Khai just that because he didn’t want to hurt anyone. Roman’s reaction over walking in on them was enough to show him he was hurt and then his relapse...well, Landon felt responsible for it. But he liked Khai and after his awkward conversation with Roman he thought something could happen between them. Sure, Roman wasn’t thrilled at the idea but neither was he at the idea of his best friend and ex dating. He got over it. Eventually...sort of. The mention of their weekend together brought back memories that Landon had tried his best to suppress and he managed a small smile. “That weekend meant a lot to me too. I enjoyed myself and it was amazing seeing you and Elle get closer. She loves you, you know.” Deep down, Landon knew what he wanted to say when they agreed to meet for lunch but he wanted to hear what Khai had to say before doing it. It was a risk but one he was going to take and if things ended badly...then he would have more than enough time to beat himself up about it. He took in a deep breath to prepare himself for what he was about to say then looked at Khai, making direct eye contact. “Once chance Khai...you get one chance for us to really give this a try and see if it works but I swear to god if anything like with Dorian happens again I’m out. I mean it.”
Khai. It was a bit rejuvenating to sit here and pour out all his deep dark truths. But at the same time it was a bit terrifying. He never let anyone see beneath his tough exterior. In fact, the only other person who probably ever had was Roman. There were some things he even hid from Jaycee, and she was his best friend. Although, most times she could connect with him without him ever even having to say a word. This was different though, he was telling someone that he had been falling for, for months, that he was in fact damaged. And worst of all, he was admitting to complete knowledge about it. He was starting to get into his head a bit about it all. About everything he had just said, and wondering if maybe he shouldn’t have said so much. His eyes blinked a bit confoundedly as he heard Landons words, and he just kinda stared for a moment. It was almost like he had just had the wind knocked out of his lungs and he was left stunned. Did he really just say that? Wait... was he hearing things? He didn’t even know how to react to what he was hearing right now. Internally he was screaming with happiness. But to be honest, he was also a bit dumb founded. He pursed his lips a bit as if he were going to say something, but nothing seemed to come out. The feeling of his chest rising and falling a bit more rapidly inevitably taking his breath away as his emotions started to reveal themselves in his eyes. He searched Landons blue orbs for some type of clarification. But ultimately he was left in a state of daze.
LANDON Roman was right. He was letting his fear get the best of him and making them both miserable in the process. What was the point of fighting his feelings for Khai if he was just going to be sad about it? And the other was obviously not happy either so there was no point. Things would have been much easier if they cut out all contact and truly stated away from each other but Landon couldn’t do that. Khai was his friend and he cared about him regardless of what was happening between them. How could he let go of that? It was clear that he shocked Khai with his words though and if the situation wasn’t so serious he would chuckle. “I like you Khai, I really do and you hurt me but that still didn’t change anything. I still like you. And you’re right. These feelings aren’t going to go away and just being friends...it’s not going to work. I’m still scared, terrified really, but I can’t keep on living in fear. But I mean what I said. One chance.” Please don’t waste it. He almost said it but bit his tongue at the last second.
Khai. Landon just kept on talking, and Khai just kept on staring. He could feel his heart beating so fast and loud it was almost deafening, and  he almost felt like he might explode. “I... yeah. Yes” he started to nod. His hand reaching across the table to grab onto Landons. Because he almost felt like he might float away or maybe even wake up from a dream if he didn’t. “I really like you too” he added. His hand squeezing Landons firmly just to make sure this was for real. “No... fuck that” he retorted with a slight shake of his head. “I more than really like you, and all I need is one chance.” With those last words he got out of the booth and moved to sit beside Landon. His free hand moving to cup the smallers face as he gazed deep into his eyes. “You’re it for me” he confirmed as simply as breathing. Closing the space between them and pressing a soft languid kiss to Landons lips as his fingers clenched around his face.
LANDON When Khai didn’t say anything right away Landon started worrying. Did he misinterpret the situation? His worried were eased when the other finally started talking and what a relief it was. Khai felt the same way. He knew that to some extent but having him agree to his proposal of one chance still meant a lot to him. Landon made space so that Khai could sit down next to him at the booth and smiled at his words. It was still a risk and Landon was still worried but maybe it could actually work this time. He wanted it to work. Landon closed his eyes and let himself fully immerse into the feeling of Khai’s lips against his. No worries, no fears. Just the other’s presence.
Khai. After everything that had happened between them in such a short amount of time. Khai was still scared too. That fear that Landon could change his mind at any given moment still lingering in the back of his mind, even now. But kissing Landon like this again, it was like all those fears had vanished. It was just the two of them falling blissfully into one another as the outside world continued to spin around them. Honestly, it was really hard for Khai not to want to ravish him right there in the booth. Not only because he had gone quite a while without sex. But also because he had all these built up feelings for Landon that were now spilling out into their kiss. His hand was clenching so firmly around Landons jaw just to try and keep himself from going to far. His other hand dropping mercilessly into Landons lap as it kept laced tightly around his. He let his fingers brush lightly against the others thigh as he pulled back just enough for their lips to continue brushing together. “I missed you” he breathed out in a whisper against Landons lips before kissing him again. He wasn’t sure whether or not if this meant they were going to be boyfriends now. But right now he was so lost in kissing Landon it hardly mattered if they had an official title.
LANDON It was as if the second their lips touched, the invisible wall that had been between them since their conversation about Dorian was knocked over. They were back to the Landon and Khai they were before it all went wrong. He moved his hand to cover the one Khai had on his jaw, squeezing it to show him that he was here and he wasn’t going anywhere. Landon didn’t know where this left them but he couldn’t be bothered to think about that right now. “I missed you too”, he said, as soon as they broke apart for air. “Let’s not do this again it physically hurt to be so awkward around you. Even Elle noticed.” He was only half-joking, as his daughter really had brought up the conversation about Khai after their day at the pumpkin patch.
Khai. Khai pressed his forehead to Landon’s as he felt his hand squeeze around his. His eyes closing for a moment as he tried to catch his breath. “Never again” he agreed. He knew Elle had to have noticed the awkwardness between them. As hard as he tried to hide it, there was a huge different between the two at the pumpkin patch compared to what she had witnessed over their weekend together. “I don’t ever want to be away from you again” he added. He let go of his hold on Landons face and hand and wrapped his arms around him. He just wanted him close for a bit longer as he breathed in his familiar and comforting scent. “I love you” he whispered into the smallers neck. Knowing full well he probably shouldn’t have said that so soon. But he felt it, and he wanted Landon to know he meant it. Even if he didn’t end up saying it again anytime soon because he didn’t want to rush anything. But he also didn’t want it going unsaid either.
LANDON The radio silence between them after everything that happened was torture. Landon was so used to getting at least a text from the other that getting nothing hit him harder than he thought it would. He smiled and hugged Khai from the side, leaning their heads against each other. The other’s admission came as a shock but he tried hard not to let it show. It was too soon for him to say it back, even though he knew the feelings between them went beyond a simple crush. But Landon wanted to see how things went before he could feel comfortable enough to say it back. And so he smiled, pulling his head back enough to connect their lips together again. That would have to be enough for now. There would come a time where Landon would feel comfortable enough to say it and it would be something special but, for now, this was good too.
Khai. Not texting Landon was torture for him too. He found himself struggling almost every single day not to give in and send him a message with even a simple how are you? He hated it, but he knew the space was needed. If not for Landon to figure out what he really wanted, than at least for Khai to try and detach. Not that detaching from Landon happened in even the slightest bit. He pulled his head back slightly when he felt Landon lift his head from his, and he kissed him back soundly. He knew Landon well enough to know this was his was of reciprocating his words, and he hummed softly. Of course that was enough. He never expected Landon to say it back, at least not this soon. He already knew how he felt and that was all he needed in this moment. Besides, being able to kiss him again was always a great alternative.
LANDON They were so immersed into their conversation that they didn’t even order anything and Landon chuckled when he looked at their empty table. So much for coffee and lunch. “Tell you what”, he suggested, turning to look at Khai once again. “Elle has been asking for you ever since we went to the pumpkin patch. How about I take the rest of the afternoon off and you come with me to pick her up from school? Maybe we can go out for dinner tonight instead?” He doubted they were going to be able to eat much now that they’ve had their conversation, so might as well postpone it to later in the day. “You can show us Venus and give us both the special treatment.”
Khai. When Landon suggested taking the rest of the afternoon off and going out for dinner, He suddenly realized they hadn’t ordered anything for lunch. He knew Landon was probably starving too after working all morning, and he almost felt bad. “Of course, I’d love that” he smiled. Caressing his thumb along Landons jawline before kissing his chin softly. “I’ve been missing her too and I’d love to see her. I’d also love to give you both the special treatment. It’s the least I could do after causing you to miss lunch” he grinned. Having Elle and Landon as his first official costumers was more than he could have ever asked for. He was so proud of the establishment and what better way to celebrate it than sharing it with two of his favorite people. “How are her pumpkins holding up by the way? They aren’t rotting out already are they?” Of course he would carve her a new one if he had to. But, he hoped the pumpkins she had picked out for herself were still going strong.
LANDON They might have missed lunch but Landon didn’t really care. It’s not like he was very hungry in the first place. He suspected that the only reason they often got lunch when wanting to have similar conversations was to have a distraction in case things went bad or got a little too awkward for them to handle. “It’s fine, don’t worry about it. It’s not like I was starving, I’m used to working so much during the day that I forget all about lunch.” Landon thought back to Elle’s frozen pumpkins which were on display in their back garden. Elle wanted to keep them in her bedroom but he convinced her otherwise, knowing that they would start rotting eventually and the smell would be hard to get rid of. “No rotting yet but it’s bound to happen eventually. So far so good though and Elle is loving going out to the garden everyday after school to check them out for herself. It’s almost like she thinks someone’s going to come and steal them from her while she’s at school”, he laughed.
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malakhai-ozera · 4 years
Discord Text Thread || Landon & Khai
Discord thread featuring: Khai Ozera and Landon Davies
When: October 25th, 2020
Mentions: Jaycee Lynd and Roman Beckett
Description: Khai texts Landon about Elle’s Halloween costume and they talk about the Halloween festival and playing with a Ouija Board.
Trigger Warnings: Fluff.
Khai. Hey baby, do you think Elle would rather be Ana or Elsa? I’m having a custom dress made and I wanna make sure to get the right one.
LANDON she adores Elsa so I think you should go for that
Khai. Okay, Elsa it is then. Nothing but the best for the little princess
LANDON Thank you  she’s going to be so excited
Khai. Good, I hope that she is. She’s been such a good girl lately and she really deserves it.
LANDON she has, hasn’t she? I’m impressed
Khai. I am too honestly. I thought maybe we were gonna have our hands full since I’ve been around a lot more often. But she’s been really good
LANDON I think she’s trying to be on her best behaviour to impress you. but it’s going to change eventually and then you’ll be in trouble
Khai. hahaha good to know. I’ll try to brace myself so I can be ready for it.
LANDON don’t worry, I’ll be there to help haha
Khai. My hero ♥
Khai. I think as long as she doesn’t put hair remover in my shampoo we should be good lol
LANDON don’t go giving her ideas 😂😂
Khai. I’d probably cry and I’m pretty sure you are tired of seeing me do that lol
LANDON oh babe no, i wouldn't let that happen
Khai. Of course you wouldn’t. I don’t think you’d want me bald anymore than I would 😂
LANDON i think you could make anything look good. but yeah, i would definitely miss the hair a little bit haha
Khai. Oh yeah, is that right? I think you’d just miss pulling on it 😏
LANDON you got me there
Khai. Mhm.. how are you feeling? Still hungover?
LANDON a lot better now after a good breakfast/lunch
Khai. I’m glad. I drank way more than I was expecting to. I didn’t think my hangover was ever gonna go away.
LANDON yeah you were way worse off than me. babe you were using a ouija board 😂
Khai. No way! Was I really? 😂
LANDON yup with Jaycee
Khai. Wow, I’m sure that’s gonna come back to bite me on the ass. I don’t remember doing that at all. lol
LANDON yeah Ro and I tried to stop you guys but there was no getting through to you haha
Khai. Of course not. I can be very stubborn when I wanna be.
LANDON that you can be
Khai. Mhm, but I think you like it when I keep you on your toes.
LANDON as long as it doesn't involve dead spirits, i'm in
Khai. Hahahah fair enough. I’ll have to make it up to you later 😏
LANDON I look forward to it 😉
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malakhai-ozera · 4 years
Discord Text Thread || Khai & Landon
Discord thread featuring: Khai and Landon ( @davieslandon )
When: July 20th
Mentions:  Roman ( @romanbeckett ), Emily ( @warmvlbes ),
 Aaron ( @aaronhart93 ) and Loren ( @lorencourtier )
Description: Khai and Landon spend the day at Coney Island.
Trigger Warnings: Feels…Lots and Lots of  FEELS!!! Also, this got pretty lengthy oops. Hahaha
Malakhai Khai pulled up outside of Landons place in his new Bentley. Shooting him a text that he was there before waiting patiently for him to come out. They had a long drive ahead of them but, he was super excited. It had been so long since he and Landon actually got to hand out like this. Even though he knew a lot of people probably wouldn’t be happy about them hanging out. He saw Landon appear from his side mirror and watched as he got into the car. “Do you wanna switch places since it’s a long drive? I know you don’t really like riding with other people”’he said trying to thoughtful. Leaning across the center console to kiss Landons cheek before moving back to his place. “You like nice by the way” he complimented, giving him a smile.
Landon Landon was excited to spend some time hanging out with Khai, having some fun and relaxing. He was also looking forward to seeing the other so he could confirm for himself that he really was okay after his stay in the hospital. He kept his outfit pretty simple with a pair of jeans and a white t-shirt, pairing everything up with his favourite pair of converse and was ready to go when he got the text from Khai that he was there. "Hey, sweet ride", he said as soon as he got in the passenger side. He wasn't expecting Khai's suggestion and his friend could probably tell by his stare. "Oh, thanks...you look nice too. Um...are you sure though? I probably wouldn't want anyone else driving a car like this."
Malakhai “Thanks,” Khai smiled. He hadn’t had the car long but, he was actually realty proud of it. But his mind was taken away from those thoughts when  Landon said he looked good too. He wasn’t really expecting a comment like that in return, but he’d take it. “Thanks babe. I dress up just for you” he mused with a wink. Leaning back into his seat as he shook his head. “Of course I’m sure. I just want you to be comfortable, and I trust you” he said honestly. Opening his door and getting out to go to the passenger side. He opened Landons door and looked down at him with a smile. “Come on sexy, drive me around like you love me” he teased. Waiting for Landon to get out of the car and switch places with him. Once they were situated Khai smiled over to Landon again. “So, you excited? I know I am.” He rubbed his thighs with his hands excitedly as he leaned back into the seat. “It’s gonna be a great day.”
Landon Landon was still a little hesitant but he got out of the car and switched places. It’s not like he thought he was going to crash or anything like that but driving a car that wasn’t his own always made him a little worried, especially when it was an expensive car such as this one. Khai was right though that he’d feel more comfortable being the one to drive, especially for such a long ride. And he was also touched the other boy still remembered one of their first conversations where Landon had admitted that. He started the car and they were off, on their way to Coney Island. “I’m so excited. Coney Island is always a great place to go for a bit of a getaway and a nice day away from home.”
Malakhai Khai was definitely the type of person to remember things. Especially important things about the people he cared about. He wanted Landon to be comfortable and to have the most fun possible. “Yeah, me too” he replied as they began on their way. “I haven’t been in so long and I’m determined to have the time of my life today.” He had been going through a lot recently, his step dad being in town, his break up with Emily, drama with Roman, being in the hospital, and so much more. He really just needed a break. He smiled over to Landon and reached over to squeeze his thigh. “So, how have you been babe? Good I hope.”
Landon The last time he’d been to Coney Island was back when he went with Roman and Elle, before everything started going wrong. Landon didn’t bring it up with Khai though, not wanting to remind him about the other boy in case it was something that upset him. “Yeah, I’ve been good apart from the waking up early in the morning issue. I should be asking you that though. How are you?” When Aaron texted him to let him know Khai was in the hospital and they thought it was drugs, Landon felt so bad so he was glad to see that he seemed to be doing better.
Malakhai “Well that’s good. Not the not sleeping part, but that you’ve been good. I worry about you” he said honestly. He nodded his head as Landon put the question back on him and he took a deep breath in. “Yeah, I’m good. Better” he nodded again. “I wasn’t sleeping so well myself, still don’t really. But I guess it all just finally caught up with me. I took too many of my pills and it didn’t end well. I was just trying to sleep, ya know?”  He really had been doing better about staying clean, aside from the slip he got from a client at work. But he was really well. Just super stressed. “Maybe we could help each other sleep” he mused. Pressing his tongue to the corner of his mouth as he smiled at Landon. Of course he had to tease him.
Landon “You don’t need to worry about me, I’m doing well. There was a point where I was not doing that great but I feel like the worse is over.” There was no point in lying about it. At this point most people he cared about knew that he didn’t take his breakup very well and that he needed some time but he felt like that was quite normal. Landon knew what it felt like to really want to sleep yet being unable to but he still made a mental note not to make use of any sleeping pills like he’d been thinking of doing. What if something similar was to happen to him and Elle was the one to find him? No, too much of a risk. “I know and I know that not being able to sleep sucks just...be careful yeah? Things could have gone much worse.” Landon rolled his eyes but his smile gave him away. “And how do you suggest we do that?”
Malakhai “I do worry about you though” he said honestly. “I care about you, Landon. More than you know.” He really did care for Landon, more than he let on most times. But above all else, he was his best friend. He wanted him to be okay, and he hated that Loren hurt him. He wished he could take him pain away so badly. “Yeah, it does. I’m definitely gonna be more careful from here on out. I really scared myself and it was unintentional” he shrugged. He knew he could be careless. But this time truly was an accident. He grinned over to Landon and squeezed his thigh again, leaning over to whisper in his ear. “I’m sure you know exactly how we’d do that” he purred. “Just think about it” he smiled
Landon "I know but it's over now with Loren and I just have to focus on moving on. I'm sure he's doing the same. I'll get over it eventually, I always do", he shrugged. "Yeah, and you did a pretty good job of scaring everyone else as well. Aaron texted me to let me know you were in the hospital before Emily could and...we didn't think it was sleeping pills or that it was an accident. I'm sorry about that, by the way, it's just that we were worried." And he really was. When Aaron texted him Landon panicked. They'd seen each other for breakfast in the morning when Khai brought breakfast for him and Elle and he looked fine. Landon couldn't help but start blaming himself again for not noticing something was wrong so he was glad it wasn't the case. He smirked at the other's words and touch and pushed him away with a laugh. "Don't distract me from driving you menace."
Malakhai Khai nodded his head. He didn’t want Landon to hurt, but honestly. He was glad Loren wasn’t in the picture anymore. He felt like Landon deserved better than what he did to him. “I’m sorry, Landon. I’m here for you. But you already know that” he assured. Nodding again to his next words. “I know, I’m sorry. I’ve been clean for months now though. I wouldn’t do that, and definitely not on purpose. I’ve just been so stressed myself and not sleeping wasn’t helping.” The last thing he wanted to do was scare anyone. Especially Landon. Not after his accident. “You know, the best part of my day was seeing you and Elle. It definitely helped ease the stress” he added. He couldn’t help but tease Landon though. Laughing as he pushed him away and called him a menace. “Mhm... I’m a distraction now hmm?” he grinned. Sitting back in his set and continuing to smile over at him.
Landon "I do but thank you. Don't be sorry though, better all this happened now than months down the line where I would have felt even worse." Landon was still very hurt and it wasn't something he was going to get over at just the snap of his fingers but at least he could look on the bright side of things instead of constantly focusing on the negatives. "I know...a part of me knew that you wouldn't do that but I still got scared and I guess my mind automatically went to that. But I'm glad we at least helped ease your stress a little bit. I know not sleeping can be really tough but you know you can always talk to me right? About anything." Landon made sure to keep his attention on the road and switched the lane. "You know you can be very distracting. I'm pretty sure you don't need me to tell you that."
Malakhai “Yeah, that’s true. I would have had to kick his ass then” he said with his tone filled with mirth. Even though he was totally serious. He could see Landon was still hurting but he hoped he could help take his mind off of it. Even if it was only temporary. “Well yeah, I’m a recovering addict. I would have thought the same thing” he said honestly. “You guys definitely helped though. I promise” he smiled. “Yeah, I know. Sometimes things seem a little out of bounds. But. I know you’re here for me, and I appreciate it.” Another grin pulled at his lips and he shrugged nonchalantly. “Maybe not... but. I like knowing I distracted you in particular. Just saying.”
Landon Landon rolled his eyes playfully, even though he was thankful to know he had a good friend on his side. If all of this taught him anything, it was that he now knew who the people he could trust were. What happened suck and anyone in his place would probably think the same but it was nice to know that there were people on his side who loved him and cared about him, even when he was not doing so well. It meant a lot to him. "Of course, I'm always here for you, whatever you need." He laughed but Landon really should have expected that. "Don't flatter yourself too much, you're going to get a big head."
Malakhai “I saw that” he mused. He knew Landon had been through a lot. Maybe even more than he had been through himself. But he loved how strong he was being. He wished he had that strength within himself. “Thank you, I appreciate that more than you know” he said honestly. Things had been a bit awkward between the two for a while. But he was happy to know they were becoming close again. He never stopped caring about Landon. Regardless of anything he might have said. He laughed again and shook his head. “I don’t know babe.. I’m not sure it can get much bigger. Especially when you smile like that” he teased. Reaching over and poking his cheek playfully.
Landon Things between him and Khai had been a little awkward in the last few months after everything that happened. Between their kiss at the bar, the argument in the bathroom and everything with Roman, it wasn't that surprising that their friendship took a hit. But it was nice to see that they were finally getting over it and moving on. It seemed like they were getting to a point where they were both comfortable with each other again. "You're right, if it gets much bigger it will explode", he laughed. "So I'm going to make it my personal mission to help you keep your feet on the ground. Especially today while we're at Coney Island."
Malakhai “Well, I don’t know about explode. But, it could definitely get me in trouble”’he mused. He smiled at Landon again and nodded his head. “I’m sure you’ll have no trouble doing that. You always seem to keep me pretty level headed.” He kept his eyes on Landon for a while as he drove and he pulled his bottom lip between his teeth. There were lots of things going through his head. But, he didn’t say any of them. “You know, I hope I can take your mind off of things too. You deserve a break... and some genuine fun. Just no getting sick on the rides or I’ll have to gag you. Although you’d probably like that” he teased.
Landon “As I’m sure it’s gotten you into trouble before”, he chuckled. “I’ll have you know though that I’m pretty good on rides so you should be fine. I promise I’ll keep the getting sick to the minimum. He shook his head in mock annoyance but it was obvious he didn’t really mind. “You know, I’m actually not as kinky as you seem to think I am. Although I’m really not sure where you got the impression that I’m kinky in the first place.” Landon had his moments of course, but he didn’t really get to have sex often enough for him to make a habit of turning it kinky.
Malakhai "Yeah, it definitely has.. and yet Roman just keeps boasting me up anyway" he laughed. "Yeah, that's good. I didn't really take you as someone who would get sick. But I had to give you a hard time anyway" he mused. He laughed again and shook his head, this time his smile definitely more of a blush. "Uhm... it's not really that I got that impression. I just... I guess I'm kinda kinky myself and I just like to tease you." That wasn't the full truth because, even though he was teasing. He definitely hoped it would go beyond that at some point. Then maybe he could find out how kinky or not kinky Landon actually was. "I mean, you seem to like the belt as far as I can tell" he grinned. Pressing his tongue to the corner of his mouth as he looked over at the smaller.
Landon "Yeah but Roman's just too nice not to do that." Landon looked at the other from the corner of his eye and smirked at his reaction. "Is it just me, or have I actually managed to make you blush? I have to admit that it feels great to be on the other side of things for once", he laughed. "As for the belt, wouldn't you like to know?" The truth was that Landon knew there were things he was probably into that he just wasn't aware of because he never got the chance to try. Could he say for certain that he was into the idea of a belt being used on him? Not really, but he wasn't against the idea of trying it out either.
Malakhai "Are you trying to say he's lying to me?" he asked. A look of faux hurt playing at his features as he placed his hand on his heart. It wasn't until Landon called him out on blushing that he actually started to blush more. "Stop it.. drive the car" he chuckled. Bringing his hand up to cover his face as he playfully pushed Landons shoulder. "You make me blush more than you know, babe. But. we aren't gonna talk about that" he grinned. "But yeah, I actually would like to know. Does that bother you?" he wasn't sure why he asked if it bothered him. Hell, he was just trying to tease him. But maybe deep down he knew his teasing was a bit more than that. "I already know you are quite intrigued with my piercing" he winked.
Landon "I would never even try to imply he's lying to you but also he might be lying to you", he teased. "Oh no, now that I know I can make you blush I'm definitely not letting this go. If I had known the thought of me being kinky would have you turning red I would have brought it up ages ago, whenever you were threatening me with that stupid belt. To answer your question, I wouldn't know since I never actually tried it." Did it bother him that Khai wanted to know? Not really, after all this was all a part of their friendly conversation and their tendency to tease each other. And Landon knew deep down that there was probably more to it than that but he pushed it to the side, pretending not to have a clue. Landon rolled his eyes at the mention of the piercing even though his thought went straight to the picture Khai had shared with him. "I still can't believe you actually did that." And to think Landon used to think he was edgy for having so many tattoos. Clearly, he was wrong.
Malakhai "Mhm.. who knows maybe he is" he shrugged. The smile staying clear as day across his features as he spoke. "Oh God, I've gone and done it now. You're never gonna let me live this down are you?" His words were laced with an amused yet slightly embarrassed chuckle. But honestly, he thought it was cute. Landon had finally found something to use against him in his defense. He knew it had to be a bit uncomfortable for him that he flirted the way he did in front of so many people, especially in the chat. But he couldn't help himself. All he could picture was Landon smiling on the other end and that gave him all the fuel he needed. "Hmm.. maybe we should try it then. You know, just a little friendly encounter of one friend helping another find his kinks." God, he was blushing even more now and he couldn't even hide it. "Yeah.. I know right? I can't believe I actually did it either. But, it's quite nice actually. I think you'd enjoy it" he mused. Biting at his bottom lip as he watched the expression on Landons face.
Landon "Nope I'm going to bring this up whenever you're being annoying, which is a lot mind you, just so I can see you turn bright red", he grinned. Landon had to really focus to keep his eyes on the road at that and he bit his lip, unsure. He could never quite tell when Khai was being serious or when he was just teasing him. They were both to blame for flirting on the group chat but he felt it was all very teasing and something that was done between two friends. It's what he did with Roman as well. Then again, Roman was never just a friend and he doubted he would ever be. This left Landon more confused than ever. Was Khai really suggesting they do that or did he say it as a joke? "I don't know...I think I can do that by watching some porn as well." There, that was vague enough, right? "Yeah, I don't think I'm going to let anyone go with a needle gun anywhere near my junk anytime soon, sorry to disappoint."  Landon wasn't actually this obtuse, he knew what Khai really meant but he felt this way was safer.
Malakhai “You would” he laughed shaking his head. Khai knew his words could be hard to swallow sometimes, and most times.. his tone was hard to read. He had become and expert as sweet talk. But with Landon, it was hard to decipher if he was just being playful or not. Especially when his feelings were pretty well known. “Yeah. You could do that” he nodded. “But where’s they fun in that?” He asked raising his brow. He licked his lips and leaned closer to Landon as he continued to drive. Knowing damn well he was distracting him. “I didn’t mean that you should do it. I meant you should play with mine” he said in a low almost way too seductive tone. His breath hitting against Landons neck. He knew he knew what he meant. But this was too good not to take advantage of.
Landon Landon would like to see anyone manage to stay cool and collected while driving with someone as good looking as Khai doing his best to tease. “You’re trying time distract me and it’s going to end up with me crashing the car”, he rolled his eyes. “And you really don’t want that to happen because, one, your car is brand new and expensive. Two, last time I was in a car accident it kind of ruined my life so I’d like to avoid that happening again if possible.” Years later, Landon still wasn’t able to joke about that day, not that he could be blamed. There wasn’t anything funny about it. This right here was the closest he could get to bringing it up without panicking. “I think your dick piercing gets played with more than enough without me adding to that.”
Malakhai A playful smirk pulled at his lips as he watched Landon and he nodded his head. “Yeah, I guess that’s a good point” he chuckled. Moving back into his own seat and slouching down as he played with his phone. His eyes gazing over to Landon every so often with a small smile. It seemed no one had ever tried so hard to not fuck him and that was slightly amusing to Khai. “I mean, I am a frequent masterbator” he grinned. “So you’re probably right.”
Landon Landon sometimes got the impression that Khai wasn’t very used to not getting what he wants although he would need to start getting used to it. He planned on keeping their trip today strictly PG, mostly because he really didn’t want to ruin their friendship. It was awkward enough after their kiss a few months ago, they didn’t need to add more to that. “Why am I not surprised? Then again, aren’t we all?” Landon wasn’t ashamed to admit that he frequently took care of himself, especially when he wasn’t in a relationship and so didn’t have anyone to help out. He even kept a box of some toys he could use hidden on top of his closet so that Elle wouldn’t ever find it by mistake.
Malakhai Khai had always been a very sexually intense person. After what he went through growing up, and using his body to make a living when he was younger. It wasn’t unusual for Khai to be overly assertive when it came to flirting or sexual pleasure. Landon had been on his radar for quite some time now. but the fact that they were friends meant way more to him than actually getting his way with his sexual. Although, he did often wonder what would be so wrong with a harmless hook up. That wasn’t his intention today though. He was honestly just teasing Landon and giving him a hard time. It’s what he did when he liked someone. “Yeah, I’m pretty sure we are. No shame” he grinned, looking over at Landon once more. “Smile” he said leaning closer to him and snapping a picture of them both. “First photo of the day” he said holding up his phone with a wide smile. “And it’s caption will be... Landon talks to me about masterbation” he chuckled.
Landon Landon was a perfectly healthy twenty eight year old who also happened to be single. It was natural for him to need to let off some steam sometimes and having no one to help him out meant having to get creative. Not that he minded. He knew just what he liked and how he liked it which couldn’t always be said for how get he was about to sleep with. Landon tried his best to smile for the photo while also keeping his eyes on the toad, although he wasn’t sure he did a great job of that. “If you write that I’m going to throw your phone straight out of the window”, he joked right back.
Malakhai “You wouldn’t dare” he laughed. Looking down at the photo with a smile. “Your face says it all though, babe” he teased. Pushing his phone into the crotch of his pants as he leaned back into the seat Shai . “There now it’s safe” he smiled mischievously. “Keep making faces like that though and my masterbation album will be complete” he mused
Landon “Do you really want to risk your phone  in order to test that theory?” Landon was obviously joking but he wasn’t about to say that. Besides, he was pretty sure Khai knew not to take him seriously. “For now, but I could just get it from you later and break it into pieces”, he reasoned. “Also, are we really going to ignore the fact that you need a whole album to masturbate?”
Malakhai The look on Khai’s face as Landon teased him was priceless. It wasn’t very often he got the other male to really open up and start spouting threats or flirting back. But this was too good. He shrugged his shoulders, but then burst out into laughter. “I did say that didn’t I?” he continued to laugh. “That’s not what I meant... I just meant.. with photos of you” he kept laughing knowing that didn’t sound any better. “You just drive. Behave” he grinned.  Chewing on his bottom lip as he kept smiling over at the other male.
Landon “Yep, that is exactly what you said”, he listened to the excuse Khai was coming up with and laughed, shaking his head. “You know that doesn’t really help your case right? I’m kind if worried about your dick if you need a whole album of photos of me to get off. I think getting that piercing might have broken it. Rest in peace Khai’s cock. Gone but never forgotten.” Landon could see that there were no longer any cars in front of them and accelerated a little, still keeping under the limit. “You’re one to talk, Mr Dirty Mind.”
Malakhai “Hey, there is absolutely nothing wrong with my dick. I just so happen to get off a lot better when it’s live action play” he grinned. Of course this was where Khai would normally want to prove his case. But instead he just pulled his phone out of his pants and rubbed his hand over his crotch just once to settle himself down. “I’m not one to talk” he chuckled. “I can see you over there getting off on teasing me” he teased. “Too bad your driving. But hey, there’s always road head of that helps” he joked. He definitely did look at Landons crotch but he just leaned back into the seat trying to distract his mind with something else as he looked out the window. “Hey.. did you bring a bathing suit? Cause I definitely wanna go swimming” he said trying to change the subject.
Landon “Did you really get hard just from talking about this? You are unbelievable!” he laughed loudly, although he did try to get a little peek of Khai rubbing a hand over his crotch without making it too obvious that he was looking. “Contrary to you I’m not desperate enough to get hard just from talking about getting hard. I have this thing called control.” Once again, he was only teasing. “Oh yeah, I did. I’m wearing it underneath. You can’t go to Coney Island in summer without going for a swim. I think that’s literally a sin.”
Malakhai “I don’t know what you’re talking about” he chuckled lightly. Knowing full well exactly what he was talking about. “Desperate?” he asked with a louder laugh. “Baby, the only thing I’m desperate for is...” he stopped talking and shook his head. “Is control” he finished. Deciding not to say what he was actually thinking. “But you’re right. That would be sin. It would also be a sin not to see you in a bathing suit. But, luckily that won’t be the case” he smiled. He knew Landon was trying to catch a glimpse of him. But he didn’t make any mention of it. This was a battle within himself that he just wasn’t going to win. Not today.
Landon Landon raised his eyebrows when the other stopped talking before saying he was desperate for control but didn’t push him on it. If it wasn’t something Khai wanted to talk about then he was going to accept it. “Lucky you. I really don’t think it’s as amazing a sight as you’re making it out to be but I’ll let you dream”, he laughed. The time had gone by so fast while they were talking that Landon barely noticed they were almost there.
Malakhai “I think it’s much better than you’re leading on, Davies” he smiled. Lacing his hands together around his phone in his lap. He looked out the window again and saw the Ferris wheel and he smiled widely. “Jesus, I haven’t been here in so long. We’re going on that first right?” he asked. His eyes lighting up with excitement.
Landon Landon rolled his eyes again and didn’t comment. It’s not that he was very self conscious about his body but he also didn’t think he could compare to some other guys around town. “Last time I was here was with Elle and it was like she’d never seen a Ferris wheel before in her life. It was very amusing to watch”, he said, leaving out the fact that Roman was with them. “We can go on whichever ride you want.” It was a good thing that they headed out early since it meant parking wasn’t too bad yet and he found a spot without problems.
Malakhai “Don’t roll your eyes” he said with a soft smile. “You’re very attractive, Landon. Very! I mean that” he said honestly. He listened to Landon talk about Elle, and it made him smile more lovingly. He knew Roman was with them, but it didn’t bother him that he left him out. “That’s so cute! We should bring her with us next time. I love kids and she’s a doll” he said honestly. “But yes, I definitely wanna go on that first. It’s probably my favorite ride even though that’s probably lame” he shrugged
Landon Landon believed him and knew Khai was saying the truth but at the same time he was very confused as to what the other guy apparently saw in him. “She had a blast last time we were here so I don’t think she’ll need much convincing to come again”, he laughed. “And that’s not lame. I love the Ferris wheel as well, it’s not too extreme as far as rides go and you get to enjoy an amazing view. What’s not to love?”
Malakhai If anyone understood low self esteem it was Khai. Sure he acted all confident and strutted his stuff like he knew he was hot. But deep down he really couldn’t understand what anyone saw in him. “I’m sure she did. She had the best company” he smiled. Pushing Landons arm lightly as he nodded. “Yeah, it’s definitely an amazing view if not anything else.” He kept his eyes on Landon and smiled as he thought the view here was pretty good too. But he’d keep that thought to himself. At least for now.
Landon Landon smiled the way he always did at the thought of his daughter. If there was one thing he did right in life it was her and raising her to be the wonderful little girl she was today. And she never failed to make him feel special even when he messed up. Landon parked the car, being even more careful than usual considering he wasn’t driving his own car then got out. “Ready to go on that Ferris wheel?”(edited)
Malakhai Once the car was parked, Khai pulled his hair back and tied it up into a top knot. Grabbing his ball cap before placing it on his head and getting out of the car. “I’m so ready” he nodded with a wide smile. Walking up behind Landon and draping his arm over his shoulders as they walked toward the entrance
Landon Landon watched as Khai fixed his hair, even though he wasn’t quite sure why he was hiding it. He followed him to the entrance and they made their way inside in no time at all. “Ferris wheel first or have you changed your mind?” he asked, grinning. He could see the line for the Ferris wheel slightly ahead of them but it wasn’t too long. It would probably be smarter for them to go now to avoid disappointment later.
Malakhai “Ferris Wheel definitely now” he nodded. “I don’t change my mind that quick” he mused. Pushing Landon playfully toward the line. Khai definitely didn’t have much patience,But thankfully Landon was there to keep him company. “After this we should definitely get food. I don’t know about you, but I’m famished” he smiled rubbing his own stomach under his slightly lifted shirt. Using his other hand he turned his hat sideways a bit and sighed. “I hope this line goes fast...I wanna ride.”
Landon Just the mention of food almost made his stomach growl. He didn’t have much time to make himself some breakfast because of their early start. He’d been more worried about getting Elle ready and to Aaron’s place before Khai picked him up so now he was definitely feeling the repercussions of that. “Food sounds amazing right now”, he said, already thinking of what he could get himself after they were done with the Ferris Wheel. “I don’t think we’re going to have to wait for much longer. The line doesn’t seem to be too long.”
Malakhai Khai could head Landons stomach growl and it made him think about whether or not he was actually hungry. He hasn’t eaten anything, but he wasn’t eating much lately anyway. “You wanna grab a burrito after this? I hear they are really good here” he commented. Moving closer to the rides entrance when the line moved. “That’s good cause now you got me thinking about food” he chuckled. Leaning his arm on Landons shoulder as he leaned chin on his arm.
Landon Getting food after the ride was probably a good idea. Not that he thought a simple ride like the ferris wheel was going to make him sick but better safe than sorry. "Sure, that sounds like a plan. The street food over here is some of the best I've ever had so I'm good with anything", he said, thinking back on the times he'd been there and the different food he had every time. The line was moving consistently so it didn't take long for it to be their turn and they were soon paying for their tickets and getting on. "You ready for this?"
Malakhai Khai was all smiles as the line started to move a bit faster. His excitement clear as day in his face as he listened to Landon speak about the food. “Well, I haven’t been here in forever. So, I’ll just have to take your word for it” he said with a soft chuckle. They were finally paying to get on the ride and he sat side by side with Landon. “Oh yeah, I’m so ready” he mused with a wide smile. Waiting for the ride to start moving before slightly rocking the cart.
Landon Landon took a hold of the cart when Khai rocked it and he directed a playful glare towards the other. "If you do that while we're all the way up, I'm going to kick you out right now", he said, on;y half kidding. Heights were never really his thing, although he was usually fine on a ferris wheel as long as it wasn't moving too much. "Or even worse, no burrito for you."
Khai. Khai laughed when Landon said he’d kick him out. Rocking the cart a bit more as they went up another level. “No burrito? That’s just cruel” he grinned. Placing his hand overs Landons on the bar as he looked over at him. “Are you scared of heights, babe?” he asked. Not wanting to rock the cart anymore if he was. He was just trying to be silly.
LANDON "That's it, I'm going to buy myself all the burritos and I won't let you have any", he teased with a smirk. "Well, heights are not my favourite but it's fine, don't worry about it." It all made him feel a little silly. He was the one driving here because he was uncomfortable being in a car with someone else driving for a long journey, now heights...it made him feel like a bit of a wimp really. "Just my mind playing tricks on me sometimes."
Khai. Khai grinned at him and shook his head. “You wouldn’t dare” be spat, his tone filled with mirth. He pulled his bottom lip between his teeth as Landon explained himself and he shrugged slightly. “How about I just get your mind off of it instead?” he asked. Not really giving any time for Landon to respond before he was leaning over to kiss him fervently. His hand resting on top of Landons on the bar to make him feel secure. Sure, this was a bold move. But being on a Ferris wheel, it wasn’t like Landon could really kick him out.
LANDON Landon should have known that this was bound to happen eventually. He could try to convince himself that they were just friends and nothing more as much as he liked but everyone could tell there was a sort of sexual tension between them. He still thought it was a bad idea as they were both going through so much and they probably needed some time on their own to figure things out. They were on top of the Ferris wheel so it's not like there was a lot he could do and Landon couldn't run away either. So he kissed him back but was the first one to pull away. "We shouldn't have done that", he sighed.
Khai. When Landon pulled away, Khai kept his eyes closed for a moment. He could hear the mans  words ringing in his ears over and over. We shouldn’t have done that, Khai knew he was right. But it was just something he had to do. His heart was racing and when he finally opened his eyes he just smiled. “I’m sorry. I know I push” he said softly. His eyes zoned in on the deep blue orbs looking back at him. “I just... I- I can’t help how I feel.” The last thing Khai wanted was for this to be awkward again. So he quickly pulled his hand from Landons. “It was just a kiss”’he said a lot faster than he meant to. Looking away from him as he chewed is bottom lip for a moment. “Let’s not be weird okay? We’re friends.” He was mostly trying to convince himself. But his heart was still racing and he was sure Landon could tell. He couldn’t even look at him now. God! Why did he always feel the need to rush things. But was he really rushing things when he had liked Landon for what seemed like months now? It didn’t matter though, he knew Landon didn’t want to be more than friendship. Maybe if he could learn to respect that, things wouldn’t be so awkward.
LANDON Landon felt like he was always a bit lost when it came to relationships and matters of the heart. Ever since the disaster that was his marriage, he found it hard to trust anyone else in that way, especially since it wasn’t just about him. He also had a daughter to think about. It’s why he was so hesitant to start anything with Loren. Past experiences told him that serious relationships just wasn’t for him and he took some blame for it. After all, he’s also the one who slept with his ex/best friend right after they both broke up with their boyfriends. Someone who was doing okay and had everything under control probably wouldn’t have done that, no matter how drunk they got. That’s one of the reasons why he was so scared of taking his relationship with Khai beyond anything other than friendships. He had his heart broken so many times, lost important friendships...he didn’t want what he had with Khai to end up like that as well. And the other boy scared him, in a way. He had a turbulent past with relationships just like Landon. What if together they just made one even bigger mess? Maybe Khai just thought he liked him but it was just a phase. Landon wasn’t sure he could risk that. But he was also unsure how long they could go on like this. How long could they keep trying to convince themselves they were just friends before doing something to crush that thought and then repeat the same cycle all over again? Landon almost said just that but they were having such a good time and he didn’t want to ruin it. “It was just a kiss”, he nodded, repeating what Khai had just said. It was such a lie but it’ll have to do for now. “We’re friends. Let’s not ruin that, yeah?”
Khai. If anyone could understand turbulence or failed relationships, it was definitely Khai. He did have some what of a bad past, and he definitely had a reputation. One that had only seemed to grow even more wildly out of control after his breakup with Roman and Jaycee. It was like he was constantly trying to fill that void that leaving them left in his heart. Was that healthy? Hell no it wasn’t, and deep down he knew that. But he just wanted so desperately to be loved. It just always seemed like he was trying with the wrong people. Landon was different though. They had never hooked up, and their one make out session was barely a blur anymore from how drunk they both were. He didn’t blame Landon though. Of course he probably thought he was just a phase. He would bounce around from person to person like he was a god damn pinball machine. What else would he expect him to think? He probably just thought he wanted to get into his pants. But, even if that were the case, would it really be so bad if they hooked up? If they were friends with benefits? Khai just shook the thoughts from his head and brought his hand up to his mouth the pull at his bottom lip. “Yeah” he hummed. He could still feel Landons lips on his own, and the rejection, as soft as it was, it still hurt. “How long is this ride again?” he asked. Placing his hand onto his thigh as he rubbed his sweaty palm against it. Still unable to even look directly at the other male. “I’m starving” he added. Just trying to change the subject and pretend like it never even happened. That was much easier said than done though, seeing how he could still taste the bitter words we shouldn’t have done that on his lips.
LANDON Landon knew he disappointed the other boy. It didn’t take a genius to figure out Khai was avoiding his eyes and that it was awkward between them now, even though they tried to keep it from getting so. It didn’t help that they were stuck in a Ferris wheel ride with no way out. Landon could only hope that it didn’t take too long to finish. All thoughts of his fear of heights went out the window and all he could think about were things between him and Khai. Why couldn’t things ever be simple for him? All he wanted was to spend some time thinking things through with his close friends by his side but it seemed like that was too much to ask. And he was scared that things with Khai would always be awkward because the tension between them wasn’t just going to disappear but Landon didn’t think he could do anything about it. Not without ruining things between them for good. How could they hook up without everything going to shit? “Oh um...I think it’s almost done? Then we can go get you that burrito”, he said, biting his lip nervously.
Khai. It was a really good thing that Khai was mostly resilient. Being a Scorpio he would get pretty down, but he always had a way of bouncing back with a nice recovery. To be honest, he was mostly just embarrassed. He wasn’t used to being rejected or being told no, so it always shook him up a bit. Maybe hooking up for them would change things. Khai knew deep down that it would. That it would only make things more difficult because he would want him even more.  But once Landon mentioned burritos again, it was like Khai was snapped out of whatever weirdness he fell into. “Oh, I still get a burrito?” he asked. Turning to finally look at Landon with a slightly crooked half smile. “Is it okay if I kiss that?” he asked with mirth, quirking his brow. Maybe his sense of humor wasn’t always the best. But if they couldn’t make light of it, the rest of the day would be weird. He definitely didn’t want that.
LANDON Seeing Khai smile again filled him with relief. Maybe their day didn't have to be completely ruined after that kiss. It would be a pity for them to have driven all the way here only to leave after just one right because of what happened. And Landon knew that if they didn't try to get over the awkwardness now, it would be even harder to do it later. "Don't make me take back the offer of the burrito", he said, teasing him right back. "Keep on going like that and I might just hit you with it instead of letting you kiss it." Their ride on the Ferris wheel came to an end and Landon hopped off, holding his hand out to Khai to help him get down as well.
Khai. The way Landon could always snap back, with such sass. It made him chuckle as he shook his head. “You wouldn’t dare hit me with it” he countered. His smile widening because of course he was taking that comment to a whole other level. He didn’t want to push his luck though so he just kept the thought to himself. Grabbing Landons hand with his slightly sweaty palm as he let him help him. Even just holding his hand for a second made his heart race. Jesus, Khai get a grip he thought to himself. Smiling at Landon as they got of the ride and he pulled his hand back. He probably would have held onto the others hand all day if he would have let him. But he was walking on don’t make it awkward territory. “So... “ he chuckled a bit idiotically as he looked over at Landon. “How about those burritos. Yeah?”
LANDON "You're always threatening me with the belt, getting hit with your own burrito is the least you deserve." It slipped out before he could even think about the fact that now was probably not a very good time to be bringing up the belt. Not after what had just happened and how they were both clearly trying very hard to move on and keep things from getting awkward again. Well done Landon. "Burritos, yeah..great idea!" he rushed to say, anything to get them out of the current situation. They walked over to one of the stalls which Landon was pretty sure sold the best street food. "Hi, we'll have one burrito and a hot dog. Anything to drink?" Landon turned back to Khai to ask.
Khai. Of course he would mention the belt while Khai was think dirty thoughts about a burrito. Or, not a burrito so much. It just made him laugh. Especially when Landon so clearly was trying to escape his words. “Yeah, come on slick” he grinned. Placing his hands on Landons shoulders as they made their was to order their food. He let Landon order and watched the way his mouth moved as he talked. He couldn’t help himself. But, he was a bit taken back at the drink question. Sure he had just gotten caught starring again, but oh well. “Uh.. yeah. Water. Waters fine” he smiled. Pulling his hat from his head to get more air because man... it was getting hot.
LANDON Sometimes Khai was not subtle at all in the way he stares at him and if it wasn't for their current situation, it would make Landon smirk. Instead, he ignored it and turned back to the server to let them know they were having two bottles of water. He took the bottles from him and handed one to Khai, before getting out his wallet to pay and it wasn't long before they were getting handed their food as well. One of the advantages of getting street food was the short waiting time after all. "Should we find a place to sit down and eat?"
Khai. Khai took the bottle of water and   and watched as Landon paid. He thought to himself for a moment that maybe he should have paid. But, he just shrugged it off. He would make it up to Landon later, he always did some how. “Yeah, I think there are some picnic tables on the other side” he pointed. Walking with the other male to go sit down before opening his bottle of water. He chugged almost half of it in one swig and then smiled at Landon. “A hot dog?” he finally commented. Fighting the urge to the entire time they were getting food. Of course his next comment would have been way out of line so instead he just pushed his tongue to the corner of his mouth and smiled. Draping his hat over his knee before reaching for the burrito and taking a bite. His eyes never leaving Landons face as he chewed slowly. Just waiting for him to take a bite of that hot dog.
LANDON They walked to the picnic tables together and Landon took a seat in front of Khai, opening his own water bottle and taking a sip. It was clear the other was suffering through the heat a lot more than him and he had to bite back a smile. It quickly turned into a mock glare though when he heard what Khai had to say about his hot dog. "I can't even enjoy my hot dog in peace without you trying to turn it into something dirty", he rolled his eyes. "Just because you've started eating your burrito doesn't mean I'm not still in time to hit you with it." Landon was glad to notice that even though their topic of conversation was once again a little dirty, it was more teasing and it wasn't as awkward between them anymore. It made him hopeful that they could get through this.
Khai. ! Khai was definitely way hotter than he expected to be. Beads of sweat kissing his dark skin even though he was in a tank top. Maybe it wasn’t just the heat though. Landon was so damn attractive, and the flirting back and forth was very exhilarating. He laughed at the other males words and shook his head. “Don’t threaten me with a good time” he grinned. Extending his tongue to lick at the filling of his burrito before shooting his eyes over to Landon. “Eat your hot dog” he blushed slightly. Feeling Landons eyes on him as his sat across from him.
LANDON Sometimes it still shocked Landon to see the effect that he could have on the other boy. He knew Khai liked him but it was a different thing entirely to see him blush. With the way they were and talked to each other, it wasn't often that he got to see the other blush so when he did it was the perfect confirmation that his words had gotten to him. Or maybe it was just because he was looking at him while eating? Landon almost teased him about it but changed his mind at the last second and took a bite of his hot dog instead. "Thanks for this. You know, bringing me here for a day off. I really needed it."
Khai. khai: It wasn't too often that you would catch Khai blushing. Usually he was pretty damn good at hiding it. But, with Landon. It was so hard to hide it. Especially when he was looking right at him. His lips curled up into a grin once Landon finally took a bite and he nodded his head. "Yeah, of course. You don't need to thank me. I needed it too. Life has been pretty crazy lately, ya know?" He shrugged slightly. He was pretty sure Landon knew exactly what he meant without giving too many details about Emily and everything else. "I'm just glad you could come with me. I always have fun with you" he said honestly. Finishing off his burrito before grabbing his water and licking his lips.
LANDON Landon knew Khai probably did not want to talk about it but he knew that things were not going that well with Emily from their text messages. As long as he could distract him and allow him to have some fun, he wasn't going to pry. After all, he didn't feel like talking about Loren either so he could definitely understand why Khai would want to keep quiet. "Yeah, I know. It's been crazy for me too and it's nice to get a day to get away from everything and focus on having a good time instead of al the crazy shit going on right now."  Landon took a sip of his own water and finished his hot dog. "I'm glad. I'm having fun too and I'm glad we could do this." Awkwardness from their kiss apart, they were having a pretty good time.
Khai. Most days Khai was an open book. He would run his mouth and lay his feelings out there for everyone to know. But, with Landon, he didn't like to do that. He knew his friend had a lot of his own drama going on, and he just wanted to be able to be there for him. "I'm glad you're having fun. I'm having fun too. Even with the kiss.. No regrets" he smiled. Standing up and reaching his hand out for the other males. "So.. Wanna do another ride? Or maybe play a game? I could win you a teddy bear" he grinned. Was he treating this too much like a date? Maybe so. But, he couldn't help it. He was infatuated.
LANDON Landon wasn't sure how he felt about Khai bringing up their kiss again because he wasn't sure what was better. Pretend it never happened and move on with their day or acknowledge that it happened and try to move on with their lives? It seemed like Khai decided to go with the latter and Landon didn't want to disappoint him again. The other might not have said it out loud but he knew him enough to know that he was disappointed at his reaction on the Ferris wheel and Landon just didn't want to make it worse. So he didn't say anything about it and instead took Khai's hand to get up. All he wanted was for things to be okay with them, that's all. "We can do another ride if you want. I don't think you have what it takes to win me a teddy bear", he teased.
Khai. Khai’s face went a bit blank for a moment before expressing complete shock. “You don’t think I have what it takes?” he asked with a baffled chuckle. “I’ll have you know, I am king of the dark game. Also the squirt gun game.” He didn’t know the names of these games but he did have pretty good aim. “But suit yourself, babe. What ride you wanna do? A roller coaster?” he asked raising his brow as he smiled at the other male.
LANDON Landon laughed and shook his head. "I definitely don't think you have what it takes especially since most of those games are rigged anyway. You can never win but they keep taking your money while you attempt to show me you know what you're doing." He really did believe those games were rigged but he also loved teasing Khai like this. "A rollercoaster sounds like it could be fun, as long as you're ready to hear me scream my lungs out."
Khai. “Well, even so. I’ll just buy you the damn thing” he laughed. Of course the games were rigged. But he would spend all the cash he had on him to get Landon what he wanted. “Babe...” he laughed again. There was that blush again as he went back into his dirty thoughts. “I have no issue with you screaming. Come on.. let’s go make that happen.” He pulled Landon by the arm toward the nearest roller coaster. “Front or back?” he asked as they waited in line. His brow quirking up as he gazed into Landons blue eyes.
LANDON Khai might not have said it outright but Landon had a pretty good idea of what was running through his mind judging by the fact that the other's cheeks had turned red. It made him smirk to know that even innocent things he said without really thinking about it made him think dirty thoughts...almost made him feel powerful in a way even though Landon knew that it was probably wrong to think like that. As soon as he heard Khai's question his head snapped back to look at him and he narrowed his eyes. The little shit knew exactly what he was doing. Well, two could play at that game. "I'll do you a favour and take the front. Don't think you can handle me at the back", he winked.
Khai. The way Landon turned to look at him definitely stopped his heart for a moment. His mouth practically dropping open at his response. Did he really just say that? “Uh...” he chuckled a little before blushing again. This time covering his face with his hands as he shook his head. When he looked back at Landon again he just grinned. “You know, you can’t say shit like that to me and not expect me to wanna find out. Damn, Landon” he chuckled again. “Just get on the damn ride” he teased. Pushing him lightly toward the front of the ride before slapping him on the ass boldly with a wink of his own.
LANDON “I’m so sorry to keep you wondering but you’re right, we can’t keep everyone waiting”, he said, about to get on the ride when he felt the slap on his ass. “You really are a menace and I’ll have you know that you started this.” Landon sat down with a shake of his head but he was amused more than anything. There back and forth was very entertaining.
Khai. “Yeah, I started it. I plan on finishing it too” he grinned. Sitting on the ride right beside Landon and he pulled the bar down over their laps. “You know, you can’t deny me forever. It’s just inevitable.” He was mostly teasing. But Landon had to know he was also pretty damn serious. He had been craving him for such a long time now, it was almost becoming useless. But Khai was definitely not the type to give up on someone once he had feelings for them. Even if just being friends and flirting back and forth was all he could get. He would gladly take it. As long as he could look forward to moments like these. Once the ride started moving Khai pulled his bottom lip between his teeth. His hand moving to rest half way over Landons as they inched up toward a huge drop. He wasn’t the biggest fan of roller coasters. But he did his best to keep his composure.
LANDON “Maybe not but I can definitely try.” He was only half teasing. A part of him knew that they could only keep doing this for so long before something inevitably changed. Now what that was, he couldn’t be sure but he knew for a fact that they couldn’t keep running circles around each other for much longer. And yet he was willing to try because this wasn’t the right time for them to try anything between them, not to mention that he was still terrified. If it wasn’t for the fact that Khai suddenly got so quiet, Landon probably wouldn’t have noticed that something wasn’t quite right. “Hey...you okay?”
Khai. “Yeah, you definitely can” he nodded. His adrenaline suddenly sky rocketing way too high for him to actually come up with something witty to say. His hand tightened over Landons as they inches closer to the top and he nodded his head. “Yeah, I’m good. Just not a big fan of roller coasters” he chuckled. Of course it was much too late to back out now though. He sucked in a deep breath as he closed his eyes and they were off. Falling for what seemed like way too long as he held his breath. Wow, Khai. way to play it cool now he thought to himself. His stomach doing tiny flips as he held onto Landons hand with a death grip.
LANDON Landon looked at him with wide eyes. "You're not a fa - I can't believe you suggested we go on a rollercoaster when you don't even like them." This wasn't the time to give out a lecture about not doing things you don't like just to look good in front of others so he stayed quiet and let Khai grip onto his hand, holding back a wince at the death grip. It was just their luck that out of the rollercoaster at this place they seemed to have chosen the one with the most drops. "Still doing okay?" he asked during a brief reprieve where they were inching up to yet another drop.
Khai. Jesus Christ! He thought to himself. Of course this roller coaster had a damn drop around every fucking corner. Besides going upside down, which thankfully this roller coaster hadn't seemed to do yet. The drops were the worst part. He felt like he left his stomach way back at the first drop, and he was starting to feel a little sick. He looked over at Landon with a slightly pale face and nodded his head. "Yeah, I'm good. Is it almost ov.." he couldn't even finish his question before they were dropping again. His hat flying off his head and lost to the wind as he closed his eyes again.
LANDON Landon wasn’t sure whether to believe him or not as Khai looked a little too pale to be completely okay. It made him feel really helpless because there was no way of getting off the rollercoaster unless the ride was over. He was trying to figure out how long it was going to be until it was over but that was hard to do while going down various drops. He might not be as affected as Khai but it was still hard to go down the drops without at least closing his eyes. Landon watched as the other’s hat flew away on the next drop and he tried to catch it but it was too late. Shit. Luckily for them, that seemed to be the last drop and the rollercoaster was soon coming to a stop. He lifted the bar and got up, offering Khai his hand to help him out. “Let’s get you somewhere you can sit down love.”
Khai. Thank God, that was the last drop. Khai exhaled with a sigh of relief and he was most definitely eager to get off of the ride. Taking Landon's hand and standing up as he felt a bit light headed. He did not remember roller coasters being that bad when he was younger. But, he would definitely remember not to get on another one again. "Thank you" he breathed out as he stepped off the ride. Walking with Landon back to the picnic tables before taking a seat. "I'm sorry, I didn't think it would be that bad" he said honestly. His head was hanging down as he tried to regain his composure. Almost feeling way too embarrassed to even look at Landon at the moment. "I didn't hurt your hand did I?" he asked. Barely looking up as took deep breaths. "I don't think I should have eaten right before that" he chuckled. Trying to make light of how ridiculous he was being.
LANDON Landon led the way back to the picnic tables and took a seat next to Khai. It seemed like they couldn’t get anything right and kept doing things to make their day take a turn for the worse. Not that Landon minded. For once he was not the one being effected by something and he had no problem helping out Khai after a less than ideal rollercoaster ride. “Don’t apologise, it’s fine. We’ll just have to remember not to get onto any more rollercoasters today. How about we just sit here until you’re feeling a little better then just walk around? Take it easy for the rest of the day”, he suggested. Landon could tell the other felt bad and tried to reassure him. “My hand’s fine. It’s been through worse so I’m sure it’s going to survive just fine. Let’s just focus on making sure the burrito doesn’t make a reappearance.”
Khai. It did seem like one bad decision right after the other. But it wasn’t anything out of the ordinary for Khai. He should probably just start walking around with caution tape wrapped around his body. Beware, this fool makes shitty decisions on the regular. He smiled over to Landon at how understanding he was being and just nodding his head. “That sounds like a good plan to me. But, just for good measure. I’m gonna win you that teddy bear. It’s the least I can do after almost breaking your hand” he chuckled softly. He was already starting to feel better now that he wasn’t dropping over and over. Which was pretty evident since the color was coming back to his face. “I can’t believe I lost my hat. That was one of my favorites too” he joked. “I’m just gonna get another bottle of water and then we can explore.” He grabbed Landons hand and lead him back over to the concession stand to buy them both another bottle of water. Throwing in a bag of cotton candy for Landon as well. “Come on, mr. I can’t handle you from the back” he chuckled and winked playfully. “Let’s go get that teddy bear.”
LANDON Landon rolled his eyes but he wasn’t about to argue with him. If Khai wanted to go against a rigged game and attempt to buy him a teddy bear, he wasn’t going to stop him. Especially not if it made him feel a little better about what happened on the rollercoaster. Not that Landon thought there was anything to be embarrassed about but he knew he wouldn’t have liked it very much if it was the other way around and he was in Khai’s shoes. “How about you win me a teddy and I’ll buy you a new hat to make up for your favourite one.” He took the bottle of water and cotton candy from Khai and together they made their way to one of the game stands. “Well, I wasn’t wrong was I?” he asked with a laugh.
Khai. It made Khai chuckle the way that Landon rolled his eyes. But he didn’t make any comment on it. He knew damn well the games were rigged. But it didn’t matter to him. He just wanted to have a good time with Landon. If that meant making a fool out of himself at a cheesy game than so be it. “You don’t have to buy me a hat. It’s okay. Besides, wasn’t it you who said I didn’t need it?” he questioned. Raising his brow as he looked over at the other male. “...and for your information. I think I could handle you just fine from the back. But I guess we’ll never know will we?” His tone was filed with mirth as he spoke, and his grin never left his face. His attention only being pulled from Landon when the game host game over to hand him five dark. “So.. should we go for the life sized teddy bear? Or would you prefer the lion?” he asked. Throwing a dark and popping the first balloon with no problem. Wow, if it went that well the whole time he would be thoroughly impressed.
LANDON “Just because you don’t need it doesn’t mean we shouldn’t get you another one since the rollercoaster was rude enough to take it away from you...sort of”, he laughed. Landon was glad to see that Khai felt much better since he was joking around with him. “I guess not.” Maybe it was better that way. He was surprised that the first dart managed to pop the balloon and he looked at him with an impressed look. “Nice. Let’s go for the unexpected and get the lion but you need to pop them all first.”
Khai. “Alright, fine. But, only because you insist” he smiled. Of course he was touched that his friend wanted to buy him something. Even if it was something as simple as a hat. It was nice to know that Landon cared about sometime he knew deep down Khai cared about as well. He rolled his eyes as he playfully shook his head at Landons next comment. Of course he would say that. But did that mean Khai would ever give up? He’ll no. He was persistent and when he really liked someone, he never really did give up on them. He popped the next balloon as well and he got a bit excited. Jumping in place for a second as he smiled widely at Landon. “I got this” he tried to convince himself. Because he knew damn well he was running on luck he didn’t have. He tried to shake himself loose a bit before throwing the next dark. Popping that one as well which only made his ego that much bigger. “Two left... go hard or go home right?” he grinned at Landon. Throwing the last two darts simultaneously and  dropping to his knees when they both hit and popped the same balloon. “Shit! That counts right?” he asked wide eyed as he looked up at Landon. “I totally popped it.” He was like a little kid winning his first big prize but he couldn’t help it. Even with all the big shot talk. He never actually won at one of these games before.
LANDON At first, Landon thought it was just luck. The last time he’d been at Coney Island he tried to win something for Elle and he only managed to pop one balloon. He though he confirmed the common knowledge that there was no way of winning these sort of games but apparently he was wrong. Maybe it was beginner’s luck or maybe it was fate’s way of smiling down on them after the day they had. Whatever it was, Khai won and Landon couldn’t be more impressed if he tried. “That definitely counts. Wow, I can’t believe you managed to pop them all. That was great!”
Khai. This definitely had to be beginners luck. But, Khai was ready to take the win and celebrate regardless. "Seriously? It counts?" he asked looking up at Landon from his knees with a wide smile. He had his hands laced together in his lap. But once Landon clarified that he had indeed won. He popped up and wrapped his arms around Landon's waist. Picking him up off his feet and spinning him around excitedly. "Hell yeah, I won" he exclaimed with excitement. Placing Landon back down before clapping his hands. "Holy shit" he laughed, a bit embarrassed now at how excited he had gotten. "I told you I'd win you that Lion" he said. Pulling his bottom lip between his teeth as he grinned cheekily.
LANDON It was cute seeing the way Khai got so excited over winning him the lion and yet he was still caught of guard when the other wrapped his arms around him and picked him up. Landon would forever deny the little shriek he let out at being spinner around and he held on tightly to Khai’s shoulders. “Put me down you menace”, he laughed, playfully hitting his back. “Hm yeah I guess you did tell me that. I’m sorry for ever doubting you oh great dart thrower.”
Khai. Khai was still grinning from ear to ear. He couldn't help it really. The day had been taking wrong turn after wrong turn, and now something finally was going right. He managed to make Landon smile and impress him all at the time. Something he hadn't seemed to be able to do very often. The sound that came from Landon though, that was one he wouldn't soon forget. "That's right, I'm the dart king" he mused. Accepting the Lion from the game host and handing it over to Landon. "That was fun. But, I better not press my luck" he laughed. "Do you wanna go for that walk along the board walk now?" he asked. His eyes searching Landon's for a moment to see if he really was impressed with him, or just teasing him again. Either way, he couldn't be happier at the moment. He just wanted to bask in the feeling a little while longer.
LANDON Landon took the lion plush from Khai, a bright smile still on his face. “Thank you.” It’s true that he told the other boy there was no need for him to win him anything but now that they were here he was touched that Khai had gone through all that trouble just to win something he could give him. Landon doubted he would ever say it out loud but he was flattered. “Sure, let’s go for a walk. Although I think we’re going to get quite a few looks dragging a huge plushie around with us”, he laughed. It was so nice to see that their day was taking a turn for the better.
Khai. “You’re very welcome” he replied proudly. The smile on Landons face giving him all the praise he really needed. “Maybe so. But I think they’ll really just be staring at how cute you look with it” he grinned. Pressing his tongue to the corner of his mouth playfully as he reached out to lightly pinch Landons cheek. “You’re not embarrassed are you? I mean, we can always just take it back to the car if you are. I don’t mind carrying it for you either,  if you prefer not going to the car?” He was standing there messing with the tail of the plush lion now as he rambled on. Part of him still just wanting to show off that he won something for someone who meant a whole lot to him.
LANDON Landon rolled his eyes but he held the lion a little tighter. “Do that again and I’ll bite your finger off”, he narrowed his eyes, although it was pretty obvious he was only joking. “No, it’s fine. There’s no need to go back to the car I’ll just hold it myself and if I get tired I’ll make you carry it for me.” He still wanted the enjoy the feeling of having something that was won just for him.
Khai. He widened his eyes at Landons threat and he laughed a bit taken off guard. Of course he was only joking, but the way he retorted was actually kinda hot. “Well, okay then” he continued to laugh. “Sounds good to me, babe. But I still think you look cute as fuck holding it.” He let go of the lions tail and headed toward the board walk with Landon by his side. “So... what should we talk about? Tell me more about you. I wanna know everything.”
LANDON Landon rolled his eyes again but he didn’t argue. If Khai wanted to say that he looked cute holding the lion, he wasn’t about to argue. The question brought him up short because he wasn’t sure what he was supposed to say. There was a lot Khai knew about him, things that he didn’t go around telling just everyone. He knew about the car accident and the repercussions of that, had an idea of everything he’d gone through with Roman...his daughter. “What do you want to know? I feel like you already know so much about me that I wouldn’t even know where to even start.”
Khai. It was true, Khai did know things about Landon most others didn’t know. It was the same for Landon when it came to him. He knew all about his drug struggles, his horrible past with his family, and his misfortunes with Roman and nearly everyone else. They really did get rather close for a moment there after his initial break up with Roman and Jaycee. But that all seemed so far away now. There had been troubles for Landon with Loren, and his constant ups and downs with Emily. But he wasn’t really sure what exactly happened with Loren. Not that he was gonna bring that topic up any time soon. “Tell me about Elle. What grade is she going into? When’s her birthday? What’s her full name and her favorite tv show?” Khai really did love Elle. He had only met her once or twice before, but only for short periods of time. He was in awe of Landons relationship with her though, and his love for kids only made him want to know more. Not to mention how proud of Landon he was when it came to her.
LANDON If there was something Landon never got tired of talking about, it was his daughter. Elle was maybe one of the most unexpected things that had ever happened in his life and yet, the most important. He could remember it like it was yesterday when his mum called him to let him know Jo was pregnant. She couldn’t keep her and asked him to adopt her. Only twenty two years old and recently married, some had thought he was completely mental for saying yes and he couldn’t deny that it was a huge decision but one he never regretted. So many things in his life had changed over time but Elle was the one constant who never left. “She’s going into first grade next September and it’s going to be the first time she’s away from home everyday for more than a few hours so I’m nervous. She’s going to do amazing but all of a sudden it seems like she’s growing old so fast”, he smiled. “And she’s a December baby, like me. Her birthday’s on the 22nd and then mine’s right after on Christmas Eve. Her full name’s Elle Lily Davies, for my mum and her favourite tv show is Peppa Pig...unfortunately.”
Khai. It was so endearing to watch Landon talk about his daughter. The way his eyes lit up and his voice changed. It was clearly evident that she was the one thing in Landons life that would always be perfect. Regardless of any failed relationships or bad decisions. She was the light at the end of the tunnel for him, and Khai was envious. But not in a bad way at all. He only wished he could feel that type of love toward someone. That kind of unconditional love that would never be questioned or faltered. There was a purely genuine smile on Khai’s face as he listened to Landon speak about his daughter. His full attention centered on his words as he felt his heart melt. “Wow, first grade. Time always seems to move so fast when you least expect it. Doesn’t it? I think she’ll do great though. She has her father’s witty sense of humor, and she’s tough as nails. She’s been raised to perfection. So, I really don’t think you have anything to worry about. But, hey... if anyone ever messes with her. I’ll be right there with you fucking people up.” He meant that whole heartily and he was sure Landon knew that too. “Nice... a Capricorn. Just like daddy. No wonder I get along with you both so well” he grinned. “Elle Lily Davies” he repeated. “That’s a beautiful name, She’s beautiful. Inside and out just like you.” The way his words cane out actually didn’t sound flirty or flattering at all. There was a realness to them that he didn’t express very often at all. “Even with the whole peppa pig thing.. she’s absolutely precious. You should be proud.” Khai had always wanted kids of his own one day. Even with the constant fear of being just like his father, He had a deep love for children.  “We should really bring her with us next time. We could do a whole beach day, and hey... maybe I can get lucky and win her something too” he smiled.
LANDON While Landon didn’t have any doubts that Elle would do amazingly in school, it was still a new chapter of their lives and so it was natural for him to worry. What if she didn’t manage to make any friends? He went above and beyond to make sure that Elle would be attending the same school as Des so at least they would have each other and he knew that his daughter was very friendly but he still worried. It was his job as her dad to worry after all. “I hope so. I mean, I know she’ll probably be just fine but until I know for sure that she’s been attending school for a few weeks without problems, I’ll be worrying. It’s good to know there’s someone else on the Elle Davies defense squad though.” Landon could feel himself turning a little red at the compliment but he didn’t mention it and hoped Khai wouldn’t either. “I don’t think you would be saying that if you had to spend your days listening to a posh British accent and pigs snorting”, he teased. “I am proud though. And yeah, Elle never says no to a beach day and she loved Coney Island the last time we were here.”
Khai. “Yeah, I get it. I’d be worrying too. It’s just that you put all that time, love, and care into someone, and you just want people to see exactly what you see when you look at her. It’s scary to think anyone could see anything different. You just want the best for her and that makes you an amazing dad, Landon.” He let out a soft chuckle at the comment about the show and he shrugged a bit to one side. “I mean, I’ve lived through worse.  I’d gladly spend my day’s with a British pig. As long as that meant I could spend more time with you as well.” That last bit wasn’t actually meant to be said out loud. But he just pretended like it was a natural thing to say. He didn’t want to make things weird again, that was for sure. He stopped on the pier and rested his arms on the barricade. Looking out over the water as he sighed contently. “Who wouldn’t love it here? It’s so tranquil” he said softly. The water was reflecting off his eyes as the sun angled just right to glisten off it’s ripples. He was obviously in deep thought as he just gazed out into the distance. “Thank you for coming here with me today. I mean that. I really need it” he said softly. Looking over at Landon with an appreciative smile before resting his chin down onto his arm and looking back out over the water.
LANDON Khai somehow managed to put into words exactly what he was feeling. He knew he raised an amazing young girl and that Elle was going to be doing great things but what if others wouldn’t see what he saw? It would break his heart. “That’s pretty much it. Sometimes I think you give me way too much credit, but thanks. It...wasn’t always easy, raising a kid so young. And then with the accident it only got harder but I think we’re at a good point now.” It was clear the other didn’t know just how irritating Peppa Pig could get but he wasn’t about to argue with him, especially if it meant maybe having another person that could watch over Elle when he needed a babysitter. Landon leaned against the barricade and smiled. It truly was beautiful. “You’re welcome”, he turned to look at Khai with a smile. “We kind of helped each other since I also needed to get away for a bit.”
Khai. Khai could see it all in Landon’s eyes. How much love he had for his daughter, the turmoil, the struggles, and even how proud he was. It was hard not to see it. Especially since he felt so close to Landon. “I don’t think that’s true. With everything you’ve been through, you’ve only made your bond with her stronger. You can’t have good without bad, or triumphs without struggle. You did amazing, Landon. You are amazing, and you raised an amazing little girl.” Khai truly meant every word he was saying.  Even if he didn’t know Peppa Pig all that well, he would suffer through it just to be part of Elle’s life. He had only meet her a handful of times, but every time he seemed to get closer with her. He loved cooking for her and reading to her. But mostly, he loved when she would put make up on him and do his hair. It made him feel accepted. “Well, you’re welcome too” he smiled. His eyes gazing over Landons face for a moment as he thought about kissing him again. Instead he let out a deep sigh and licked his lips slowly. “So... should we head back? I know you gotta pick up Elle still and I don’t wanna keep you away too long. I mean, unless you want to go for a dip?” He asked with a slight grin as he pointed at the water.
LANDON Regardless if his words, Landon did feel proud of himself for raising Elle into the little girl she was today. He managed to overcome all the problems that life threw at him and cane out of it stronger with a daughter that thought the world of him. And he did it all on his own because Harry had only come back in the picture recently. Sure, his mum helped out while he was staying in London after the divorce but for so long it was just him and Elle against the world and Landon didn’t think that was ever going to change. “Thanks. I try my best so I’m glad it shows”, he smiled. Landon looked over to the water and shook his head with a laugh. “I would but I didn’t bring my swimsuit with me and I’m not planning on skinny dipping at this time of day.”
Khai. It was clear how proud Landon was of Elle, and maybe even a bit of himself. But Khai just wanted him to know he was proud too. Of the both of them, whole heartily. A small grin pulled at his features as he nodded his  head. The words skinny dipping pulling him completely off the subject of the others daughter. “Damn, and just when I thought I’d get to see your sexy ass naked” he teased. “You could always swim in your briefs though, no?” Khai pulled his tank top off and began to undo his jeans. His eyes watching Landon watch him until he was standing just in his own briefs. “Come on, babe. Don’t be shy. I don’t bite... hard” he mused. Placing his hands behind him onto the barrier as he waited to see if Landon would follow pursuit.
LANDON “You’ve already gotten lucky with the darts today but no one can be that lucky in just one day”, he said, throwing his head back to laugh. The last thing he was expecting was for Khai to start pulling his clothes off. He just couldn’t make this easy for him could he? Landon looked around them and was relieved to note that at least there weren’t that many people nearby. “You’re unbelievable, you know that right? The things you make me do.” He started taking off his own shirt and jeans. If you can’t beat them, join them.
Khai. “Ahhh, burn. I betcha think you’re pretty clever don’t ya?” he asked with an amused chuckle. Landon could definitely be sassy when he wanted to be. But that was only one of the many things that drew Khai to him in the first place. He watched Landon look around  before pulling off his shirt. His eyes scanning the other males body as he licked his lips and tucked the bottom between his teeth. “Unbelievable maybe. But, you’d be so bored without me, just admit it” he winked. His hand reaching out to pinch Landons nipple playfully before climbing over the railing and jumping into the water. As he came back up for air he pushed his wet hair back with his hand. Smiling up at Landon as he encouraged him to join him with his hands. “Come on, babe. The water feels great. Don’t be shy.”
LANDON “Oh yeah, I know I am.” He could feel eyes watching him as he took of his clothes and tried not to let it get to him too much. The last thing he needed was to turn into a blushing mess right now. “I don’t know, I think I would still manage to have so fu - you little fucker!” he yelled when Khai pinched his nipple. The other was jumping into the water before he could get to him so he was quick to follow. He jumped as well, getting back up for air soon after. “I’m so going to get you for that. Forget the belt, you’re getting a stick or something”, he laughed.
Khai. It didn’t matter how comfortable these two thought they were together. There was always that bit of awkward tension that neither one of them could shake. The moment Khai bit the bullet and went for Landons nipple though, all guards went down. He was laughing so hard and trying to keep a fair distance away from the other male as he treaded over the water. “Oooh, there’s that feistiness” he grinned. His cheeks turning a blushing shade of pink as he tried not to show too much excitement about his words. “You gotta catch me first though” he laughed again. Splashing water at Landon playfully before trying to get away.
LANDON If a water fight was what Khai wanted, a water fight is what he would give him. Landon splashed water right back, trying to get close enough to make a grab for him. “And you’re a coward! Come and face the repercussions”, he called out gleefully. They kept splashing water at each other until Landon was able to get close enough to jump on his back. “Got you!”
Khai. Was this really happening? We’re they really having a water fight and was Khai losing? They were indeed and Khai was giggling like a little school boy again. “I’m not a coward” he tried to spit out through his fits of laughter. An all too embarrassing squeal coming from his lips as Landon jumped onto his back. He almost dropped completely under water from the weight as he lunged forward a bit. But instead wrapped his arm tightly around one of Landons legs and reached back his other hand to slap Landons ass. “Where’s my belt at” he mused, his  tone filled with mirth. He spun them both around keeping a firm grip on his friend before dropping backwards into the water. Letting go of the others leg as he fell back on top of him.
LANDON Landon didn’t even want to think about how they must look to other people right now. Splashing water and goading each other...like two kids. Later he will probably feel embarrassed about it but right now he was having too much fun to care. “Hey, hey, hey, keep your hands to yourself”, he laughed. “Consider yourself lucky you don’t have your belt or I’d be using it on you.” Landon drooped back down in the water and ran a hand through his wet hair. “I told you I’d get you.”
Khai. “Maybe I don’t want to” he retorted. A way to mischievous grin spreading across his lips. How was he really supposed to keep his hands to himself when Landon was holding onto him like that. Once Khai came back up from the water his eyes landed on Landon. Watching him push his hair back as the water dripped down his face. Damn it! There was that feeling again. The feeling where he just wanted to swim right over to him and kiss the breath right out of his lungs. He didn’t budge though, instead he just laughed again. “You gotta stop threatening me with that belt. Cause it’s doing all kinds of bad things to me” he mused. His grin pulling at his lips again as he splashed some more water at his friends. “Yeah.. you got me alright.”
LANDON “The belt master himself wants me to stop threatening him with the belt. I’ve got to admit I never thought I’d see the day”, he teased. Landon splashes water right back and laughed. “Asshole.” The two of them being like this...it was dangerous. They’d already messed up once today when they got carried away on the Ferris wheel and he didn’t want that to happen again so he smiled and started making his way back to where they left their clothes. “Come on, it’s getting late and it’s a long way back. And we don’t have a change of clothes.”
Khai. “Yeah, yeah. You better soak it up because you just caught me on an off day” he teased right back. Another laugh flowing from him as Landon splashed him back and called him an asshole. There was something genuinely attractive about the way he called him that too. It was a good thing Landon decided to head back to their clothes. Because if he didn’t, Khai was about to fall head over heels into another misshaped kiss. He followed behind him and nodded his head. “Yeah, but it’s okay if you just want to go naked. I don’t mind” he winked. Climbing out of the water and sitting on the dock as he smiled over at Landon.
LANDON “Now that you’ve offered I’m totally going to take off my pants and get in your car completely naked. Everything not to ruin the interior right?” he rolled his eyes with a laugh. He picked up his clothes but didn’t actually put them on, figuring it was best to wait until he dried up a little to wear them. “I can’t believe I just did that.” He pretty much just behaved like a child but he enjoyed it a lot. Neon looked over at Khai and smiled. “I had fun today, thank you.”
Khai. All Khai could do was shake his head at Landons words. He was blushing yet again, or hell maybe he was actually just flushing this time. Just the thought of Landon naked was giving him a chub. He couldn’t help it though, especially after how they had just acted together. “Yeah, me together” he grinned. Grabbing his clothe take placing them over his lap as he smiled up at the other male. “No, thank you. I mean it. I really needed this” he said honestly. “Can we just sit here and dry off a minuet?” he asked. Sure he was partly trying to hide his semi, but the other part of him didn’t want this moment to end.
LANDON Landon nodded, much preferring getting a little dry before heading back to the car. He wouldn’t care if they were using his car but Khai’s was no joke and cost a fortune so he didn’t really feel like going in with wet clothes. “Sure, we can wait until we’re both a bit more dry before heading back. Probably a better idea than walking through all those people in just our underwear”, he laughed. “That would probably raise a few eyebrows.”
Khai. Khai tilted his head back a bit to look over at Landon. A smirk pulling at his lips that probably gave away every bit of what was on his mind. “Oh, I’m sure it would” he chuckled a bit seductively. Not really meaning to, but again, he couldn’t help it. He was a very sexual person, and the fact that he had been containing it this long should be considered a miracle in itself.  “Sit with me” he finally asked. His hand patting at the space beside him as he readjusted his clothes in his lap. The last thing he wanted was for Landon to notice he was getting aroused just by looking at him. His eyes shifting back out over the water as he tried to regain his composure.
LANDON It’s not that Landon didn’t want to sit next to him but he wasn’t stupid and he could tell that, whatever Khai was thinking, couldn’t be very PG. But he knew he couldn’t say that without making it obvious what he was thinking about so Landon smiled and sat down next to Khai.
Khai. Khai cleared his throat as Landon sat beside him and he pushed his wet hair back from his face. This was so difficult for him even though it shouldn’t have been. It wasn’t like Khai to have there type of interactions without some sort of sexual exchange. But it was different with Landon, and he was trying so hard to show him it was more than that. Not that his body was helping in that matter any. “So.... you wanna stop for ice cream on our way back? I could really go for some a Mint  Oreo milkshake.”
LANDON Landon scrunched his face and turned to look at Khai with mock horror. "Please don't tell me you're a mint lover?" He was mostly teasing, at least about Khai liking it. He hated anything having to do with mint and thought putting it into ice cream was a sure way of ruining it but he didn't mind others liking it. Not everybody could like the same thing. "Sure, we can go for ice cream but I think I'll go for chocolate, or maybe a lemon slushie. A slushie on a hot summer's day is always nice."
Khai. He turned his head to look back at Landon as he raised his brow. “I wouldn’t say I’m a mint.. lover” he chuckled. “But, I do like mint Oreos and it’s refreshing in a milkshake” he shrugged. “My ultimate favorite though would probably have to be chocolate cherry or vanilla bean caramel swirl.” Khai was definitely a guy with a sweet tooth, so literally any ice cream was bomb to him.  But he thought Landons reaction was so cute. “Mmm lemon slushie, or even better... a strawberry breeze” he grinned. Thank god the topic changed to sweets because he was finally able to start putting his clothes back on without revealing what he was really craving for.
LANDON “Well at least you won’t have to worry about me trying to get a taste out of your milkshake”, he joked. “Vanilla bean caramel swirl is definitely a good one...oh, and anything with cookies or cheescake. I’m a fan of that too.” Landon always has a sweet tooth, and although for the past few years he tried his best to incorporate a bit of healthy eating as well, nothing was going to stop him from keeping his freezer stocked with different tubs of ice cream. “Yeah, strawberry breeze has definitely become your thing, hasn’t it?” Landon didn’t think he was going to get any drier than this so he got up and put on his clothes.
Khai. “That’s good, cause I don’t share when it comes to Oreos” he teased. He licked his lips as he listen to Landon list off his likes. Making mental notes for in the future as he nodded his head. “God, cheesecake will be the death of me one day I swear” he was salivating at the mouth just at the thought of it. “It has... especially when you add a bit of tequila to it. It’s so damn good” he grinned. He picked up Landons stuffed lion once he was dressed and pulled his keys from his pocket. “You drive?”
LANDON “I guess that means I’m going to have to start calling you the Oreo hoarder”, he laughed. Landon rolled his eyes at the mention of tequila but had to admit it did make it even more delicious. What can he say, he’s a tequila guy. When Khai asked him if he wanted to drive, he got quiet before giving him a small smile. “It’s fine, I trust you.” This was such a huge step for Landon that he could barely even he was actually saying that but he didn’t take it back.
Khai. “Yup, so if you buy them for Elle you better keep them locked up” he mused. He noticed Landon roll his eyes at the mention of Tequila but all he could do was chuckle. He knew Landon liked it just as much as he did, but they did tend to get a little carried away. Especially when drinking together. The song Drunk had been inspired by Landon after all. He raised his brow when Landon told him he could drive. His face softening in the most touched way when he said that he trusted him. He knew that was a big deal and not something to be taken lightly. “Are you sure?” he asked, just to be safe. A genuine smile pulling at his lips as he searched the others deep blue eyes.
LANDON “You would steal Oreos from a five year old child? Wow, talk about being cruel.” There were very few people he felt comfortable enough being in a car with while they drive. It was actually so weird because he was the one driving when the accident happened but somehow it made him feel more control. He could drive at the speed he was comfortable with and make sure he didn’t drive after drinking but he couldn’t be a hundred percent certain when someone else was driving. And even though it wasn’t too long ago that Khai got into a car accident himself, he trusted him to be careful this time. “Positive. Don’t drive too fast though or I might change my mind”, he teased.
Khai. “I mean, yeah” he shrugged with a way too pathetic laugh. Once they reached his car he unlocked the doors and put the plush lion into the backseat. Getting in himself and putting his seat belt on before smiling over to Landon. “Don’t worry. I really am a good driver” he assured. Regardless of his accident, Khai generally was a pretty good driver. He did tend to speed a bit, but aside from that, he kept pretty good control. He didn’t want to scare Landon though and honestly, he really did appreciate the trust. So he definitely would be paying very close attention to the speed limit on their drive home. “Here, you control the music” he said. Handing his phone over to his friend before starting the car. He waited for Landon to pick a song and then headed  back toward the highway.  Setting cruise control once they got on route. They were only going 60 mph, but Khai kept glancing over to Landon to make sure he was okay. “If I go to fast let me know. I tend to get a bit of a lead foot” he mused. Relaxing back into his seat as he vibed to the music.
LANDON Landon took the phone from Khai and went to Spotify, looking through the playlists until he found one he really liked. He kept catching Khai’s eye as he looked at him and could tell the other was really trying which warmed his heart. “Don’t worry about it, I’m all good.” They we’re on the highway so it was to be expected to go a little faster.
Khai. It was so hard for Khai not to reach over and hold onto Landon’s hand. This wasn’t a date by any means, just two friends hanging out. But he couldn’t help but feel like some sort of connection had been made. Maybe it was just him though. He did have a tendency of misreading the situation and moving a little too fast. He didn’t want to do that with Landon though. He really just wanted to take his time and enjoy his company. Maybe he would ask him out on a real date after this, but honestly, he was so scared of making things awkward again. He would rather have Landon in his life as his friend than not have him at all. Even with the constant struggle of wanting to kiss him all the time. “So... tell me something about you I don’t know” he asked. Smiling over to him before looking back at the road. He was just trying to make small talk to pass the time. But he honestly was interested in getting to know him even more.
LANDON Even though this wasn’t a date and they were both going through a lot relationship wise, there were a few points during the day were it almost felt like it was. Mainly their kiss on the Ferris wheel but Landon was determined not to bring it up again. His breakup with Loren was so fresh, he needed time to get over it and his focus, for once, was more on himself than on anything else. It didn’t help that Khai was going through his own issues with Emily. Anything between them would be really bad timing. Something about him that he didn’t know? That was a touch one. “I don’t know...what do you want to know? I feel like we’ve talked a lot about me today and not enough about you.”
Khai. Khai shrugged his shoulders as he chuckled softly. “I don’t know, I wanna know everything” he said honestly. Shaking his head soon after as Landon mentioned that they hadn’t spoke too much about him. “You don’t wanna talk about me. I’m a whole ass hot mess” he mused. He was being playful but his words were true. He knew Landon knew that too, how could he not? It seemed like everything Khai did was analyzed under a microscope by the whole damn town. “Tell me about your passions. Like, what is something you want more than anything in the world?”
Landon “ Aren’t we all bit of a mess? We’re only human after all and no one can be perfect. I would still like to know mir about you.” It didn’t seem fair to Landon to keep talking about himself without giving Khai the same opportunity and he really did want to learn more about him. “My passions? I guess I want to keep advancing in my career, keep doing better. Maybe try and get a masters degree once Elle’s a little older. What about you?”
Khai. “Yeah, that’s true I guess. But, I’m like the king of ultimate messes” he mused, his tone filled with mirth. He could see it in Landons eyes that he really did want to know more about him. But opening up was dangers for Khai. Hell, that’s how he started falling for Landon in the first place. “Oh... really?” he asked, raising his brow again as he once again peaked his interest. “I didn’t know you wanted to go back to school. That’s really cool, Landon” he smiled genuinely. “I still don’t really understand what you do. But, maybe you can tell me more about it?” He really wasn’t expecting the same question in return and it kind of stumped him for a minute. What even were his passions? “Uhm... I don’t know” he chuckled a bit nervously. Chewing his bottom lip for a moment before actually giving an answer. “I’ve got the whole music thing going on right now. That’s been pretty intense and eye opening. My mum was actually a lounge singer before she had me, and I didn’t really realize how passionate I was about music until just recently. Besides that, I’d really like to open my own restaurant one day. I’ve always wanted to do a kind of around the world under the stars type of thing. Serve a little bit of everything, ya know?” He gazed over at Landon with a soft smile and shrugged his shoulders. “I don’t know, its really just a pipe dream. But, it could be cool right?”
LANDON “I don’t know about that, I feel like I’m pretty messed up lately so maybe we can share that”, he laughed. Doing his masters was always something he wanted to do. He was actually on his way to an interview with a university when he got into an accident. The meeting was going to happen soon and he was late so he was driving a little too fast and didn’t see the other car heading his was until it was too late. After that, his head just wasn’t in the right place. There was a whole period of his life he couldn’t remember, a husband who he knew was hurting because of him and there was nothing he could do. Then with the divorce...it was never the right time to get back into it so getting his masters was moved to a potential dream for the future. Now that Elle was getting older and about to go to school, it seemed more feasible. “It’s something I’ve wanted to do for a while but it was never the right time. I guess I’ll just have to see what the future brings. My job...it’s not that interesting. Think of it as the development and design of chemical manufacturing processes.” It wasn’t something he talked about often as many people gave him weird looks when he really got into it. “I love your music. You’ve got a really great voice and the songs you write fits that perfectly”, he complimented. “Oh wow, that sounds incredible! I think a restaurant like that would be a huge hit.”
Khai. Khai pressed his lips together and nodded his head. He knew all to well what it was like to want something so badly, but the timing was just off. “You should do it! I could even watch Elle for you” he suggested. He really just wanted Landon to be able to live out his dream. He was willing to do practically anything to help make that happen for him. His eyes widened a bit as he tried to explain his job and his lips curved up into a clueless smile. “I have no idea what you just said. But it is was sexy as hell” he mused. His cheeks flushing over with a soft shade of pink as Landon complimented his music. “Thank you, that really means a lot coming from you.” To be honest, he never really thought he had that great of a voice. His father would always tell him that music and singing was a huge waste of time and that he sounded like a dying cat. So, it was nice to get the compliments he had been getting recently. Even though he had a hard time accepting them. “Yeah? You think so?” he asked, his face lighting up with excitement. “I know I told you my dads a chef back in Bradford. But, I really always kinda wanted to do my own thing. He wants to open a restaurant here, so I’ll probably go back there for a bit and talk details with him. He’s been wanting me to run the place, and even though it wouldn’t be my own place, it’s something stable” he shrugged. “But, I really have to try and take everything he says with a grain of salt. He’s never wanted to help me before. So, I just gotta try and be cautious, ya know?”
LANDON It meant a lot that Khai was willing to help out to allow him to live out his dreams but it wasn’t so simple.  This wasn’t like getting his first degree, where he was a student full time and working part time to make ends meet. He was working full time now and he couldn’t give that up, not without having to give up on a lot of stuff that both he and Elle were now used to having. “Thank you, I really appreciate it. I guess I have to see if I’m ready to go back to school while also working from 9 to 6 everyday”, he shrugged. Landon was really happy that Khai was getting this opportunity but at the same time he couldn’t help but worry. He knew Khai’s dad wasn’t the greatest person and that the two disagreed a lot and so he worried that this opportunity was too good to be true. “I know what you mean. Maybe he had a change of heart?” But it was clear Landon didn’t really believe that.
Khai. “Oh yeah, that’s rough” he nodded, realizing the difficulty of the situation. Things always came pretty easy to Khai, but only because he was so damn persistent. “You don’t need to thank me though. Anything I can do to help, I will” he assured. He kept his focus on the road as he listened to Landon and nodded again. “Yeah, I don’t know. I’m trying not to get my hopes up about it. But, he’s never been this nice to me.” You could see the worry in Khai’s eyes about the whole situation, but he tried not to let it be known. He had told Landon before all about how his dad was an abusive alcoholic, so he knew Landon had to be worried too. “But hey... if it all goes to shit. There’s still the idea of my own place. So, I guess I’ll just have to wait and see what the universe has planned for me.”
LANDON “Thanks.” It meant a lot to Landon that Khai was willing to help out so he could live out one of his dreams of getting a masters. He didn’t know if it was going to happen any time soon but, even if it didn’t, at least he knew he had people on his side. Landon was worried that Khai’s dad would end up hurting him again, just like he did in the past. It didn’t even have to be on purpose but he knew the two didn’t often see eye to eye. “I hope it all goes well for you. Just...keep a close eye on your dad yeah? Just in case he tries anything.”
Khai. Khai shifted his eyes over to Landon with a pure look of sentiment. It really meant a lot to him that his friend would worry about him with his dad. Honestly, Khai thought that Landon had probably forgotten all about the shit he was dumping out on him that one night over texts. He wondered now if maybe he remembered when he said he wanted to kiss him until the world stopped spinning too. “Yeah, I will. I promise” he nodded. There was a sudden soften to Khai’s entire demeanor. His hand moving to rest on top of Landons without even giving another thought about it. “I really appreciate you worrying about me. Sometimes I forget that people actually give a shit” he said honestly. He laced his fingers through his friends and squeezed his hand gently. There was a sort of  comfort about the way he was holding his hand that he hoped Landon could feel too. It wasn’t like he was trying to come off romantic or that he was making a move at all. “So... what do you do for fun usually? Do you have an hobbies or secret talents maybe I don’t know about?” he asked. His lips curving up into a slightly crooked grin.
LANDON Landon could relate to feeling like that. Sometimes life put you down to the point where it gets hard to believe there are people who care and who don’t want to see you get hurt. He was grateful that his words seemed to be getting through to Khai though and that he could tell he was being honest. It had been a while since the day Khai texted him about his dad but Landon still remembered everything and he didn’t want him to get hurt again. He wasn’t expecting the other to lace their fingers together but he didn’t mind; especially if it helped him show that he cared. When asked about any secret talents, his head thoughts instantly went to his tendency to attempt magic tricks when drunk. Emphasis on attempt. “I think you actually know all about my secret talent. I love a good magic trick. It’s gotten so bad that Alison actually gave me a magic trick set for Father’s Day to try out with Elle”, he laughed.
Khai. It was really hard for Khai to grasp that people actually wanted anything more than just sex from him. He had always been treated like a sexual object since he was eight years old. So it took a lot to really get through to him. For him to understand that people actually cared for him beyond that. When he was Landon though, it was like sex didn’t even matter at all. It wasn’t that there wasn’t any sexual tension, because damn there was a lot of that. But it was just different, a good kind of different. Hell this was the longest interaction he had probably had in months without it turning into something sexual. Even though he may have tried to blur the lines a bit, there was no denying it was much more than that. Just holding Landons hand the way he was, it was giving him butterflies. His stomach doing tiny flips as he tried to keep his heart from racing away. “Ahhh, magic” he chuckled softly. “I did know that” he nodded. “But, I wouldn’t really say that’s a talent you actually possess” he teased. “Have you always been into magic though? Or was that just something you just so happened to pick up to in order to pick people up?” His tone was filled with mirth as he continued to tease his friend. The smile on his lips definitely giving away he wasn’t being serious.
LANDON It was moments like this that really made Landon think about his relationship with Khai. There was plenty of sexual tension between them, that was for sure, but it wasn’t just that. They got on well and had fun together even when it was something as simple as playing around in the water. Landon gasped at the other’s dig of his magic tricks and frowned at him. “Now that’s just offensive”, he shook his head. “I’ll have you know that magic is a big passion of mine and I’m great at it. If it helps me pick up people at bars it’s only an extra advantage.”
Khai. Khai tried really hard to keep a serious face as Landon stood his ground. But he couldn’t help it. The laughter spilled from his lips in an almost way too embarrassing way. “Shit...” he continued to chuckle. “I was just messing with you. I think you’re fantastic at magic, babe. Maybe I’m just bitter you haven’t used it to try and pick me up” he teased. Letting go of Landons hand he reached up to pinch playfully at his friends chin. His entire face lit up with amusement as he smiled from ear to ear. “It’s all good though. Maybe one day you can show me your disappearing act” he winked. Ah, and there it was, that familiar sexual innuendo.
LANDON “I’m hurt that you seem to have forgotten the time I showed you that trick with the glass when we were at the bar.” It ended up with the glass breaking into tiny little pieces but that was neither here or there. “Correct me if I’m wrong, but I believe it worked out pretty well on you.” Landon knew it probably wasn’t a great idea to talk about that night, all those months ago, when this whole thing between them had started but the words were out of his mouth before he could stop them.
Khai. He sat in his thoughts for a moment after hearing Landons words. Holy shit! He was right. He definitely showed him a magic trick and ended up taking him home. How could he have forgotten that? Oh, I know how.. the only parts of that night that really stuck with him was his tongue down Landon’s throat. He pulled his bottom lip between his teeth as his cheeks started to flush over. A soft chuckle forcing its way out as he shook his head. “Wow... you got me” he grinned. The blush on his cheeks way too evident to even try to hide. “You weren’t really trying to pick me up though, were you?” he asked. His eyes shifting over to his friend curiously before looking back at the road.
LANDON It was kind of cute to see Khai get bright red at the thought of what happened that night. Even though neither of them brought it up, Landon was sure they both remembered how that particular night had ended. “Not exactly”, he shrugged. “I knew you were with Ronan and...I knew it was an open relationship but I still wouldn’t have done that to Ro. It’s bad enough that we...kissed. I really hurt him.” This was probably the first time they were talking about it after it happened and Landon wasn’t sure how he felt about it. Maybe bringing it up was a horrible idea.
Khai. As soon as Landon mentioned the kiss, or make out session rather. He could feel his heart speed up even more. His lips parting slightly as he remembered the feeling of his friends lips on his. “Yeah, I know. I hurt him too” he nodded as he took a deep breath in. “It wasn’t like it was intentional though. I mean, I’m pretty sure neither one of us were settling out just to hurt him. I liked you... I mean, I still do” he breathed out. “Regardless of all the turmoil from it though, I don’t have any regrets. Do you?” He couldn’t even look at Landon now as he waited for his response.
LANDON It definitely wasn’t intentional. Landon was really drunk that night and Khai was there...he didn’t think and just went with it only realising what he’d done the day after. He wished he could tell the other that he never regretted it because he knew it’s what he wanted to hear but he couldn’t really do that without lying. There was a point when everything seemed to be going badly, that Landon had regretted their kiss. He hurt someone important to him and still felt responsible in a way for breaking up their relationship. None of that would have happened if they never kissed. And at the time he had still been hopeful that him and Roman could maybe try again. It’s why he moved back to New York after all, then everything with Aaron happened and...well, that was obviously the end of everything. So many people got hurt over this. “I don’t know...sometimes I think I don’t and others I can’t help but feel like a lot of pain could have been avoided if that night never happened.”
Khai. Khai just nodded his head to Landons words. He didn’t really know how to feel about them honestly. They kinda hurt,  but at the same time he knew he was probably right. Landon wasn’t the initial cause of their break up, but he did give Khai hope that maybe he could love someone else after Roman fell for Aaron. He never did too well being alone, and when Landon backed away from him it started his whole downward spiral. “Yeah, I guess it could have been. But, like I said, l really liked you. As much as I regret hurting the people that I love. I don’t regret kissing you at all. I just... I kinda wish it could have been under better circumstances.”
LANDON Maybe everything would be different if they’d kissed under different circumstances. Maybe they’d be in a different position now. Who even knows what oils have happened if Landon didn’t consider himself to be so messed up in relationships and Khai wasn’t seeing Roman and Jaycee. It’s something they could only wonder about and Landon wasn’t a big fan of obsessing over the what if’s. “Yeah...I guess I feel guilty about it”, he finally admitted. “We didn’t know each other well, or at least not as well as we do now and I could have ruined everything with my oldest friend over it. I don’t know what I would have done if Roman never talked to me again.” Although he knew now that was never going to happen, not when his ex was seeing his best friend. What a mess. “Anyways, it’s all in the past now.”
Khai. “Yeah, No... I get it. I wouldn’t have wanted that to happen either” he said honestly. He probably never would have forgiven himself if he ruined the friendship Landon and Roman had. It was one thing to self destruct, but when it came to people he truly cared about, he never wanted to hurt them. “It is” he nodded again, smiling softly over to Landon. “I’m just glad we got a really good friendship out of it.” He wanted Landon to know he had every right to feel the way he did, and he didn’t have to validate it. Regardless of the after events they did end up becoming the best of friends and Khai was thankful for that at least.  He spotted the ice cream shop and he pointed in its direction. “Wanna go there? Or wait until we get closer to home?”
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malakhai-ozera · 4 years
Discord Text Thread || Khai & Landon
Discord thread featuring: Khai and Landon ( @davieslandon​)
When: September 13th
Mentions: Roman Beckett, Dorian Taylor, and Emily Davis
Description: Khai spends the weekend with Landon and tells him that he had break up sex with Dorian after the party. Landon asks him to leave.
Trigger Warnings: INTENSE feels!!!
Khai. Landon and Khai both had been in a bit of a state of delirium. Things were moving pretty fast when it came to making up for lost time. But after spending the entire weekend together, it was time they moved into the more serious aspect of where they stand. Landon had just put Elle down for bed and Khai was waiting for him in his bedroom. They had decided that they would spend their Sunday night snuggled up and watching a movie. But Khai had things on his mind they he still craved answers for. Once Landon joined him in the bed, he rolled over and wrapped his arm around his waist. Kissing his chest softly before looking up at him. “I had an amazing time this weekend” he started off. Kissing Landons chest once more before looking back up at him again. “So... does this mean you’re my boyfriend now? Or.... are we just gonna date exclusively? Because I don’t want anyone but you Landon.” He wasn’t trying to be pushy or rush them into anything. Details just always mattered a whole lot to him, and he needed to know where Landons head was at with everything.
LANDON The weekend was almost at its end and after spending it all together, Landon knew it was about time they talked things out. When he asked Khai to come over so they could talk a few days ago, they didn’t get much talking done before they were having a repeat of what happened at the party without alcohol. While the weekend was great and they had fun together, they needed to talk about where all of this left them. Khai seemed to be of the same thought since he was the one to bring it up as soon as he joined him in bed. Just a week or so ago, Landon would have freaked out at the mention of boyfriends. Was he ready for such a step? Was Khai? But his perception after the party changed. He might not have given Khai the answer he wanted straight away but the other still waited for him and that meant a lot to Landon. “I wouldn’t..,mind being boyfriends I guess.” This wasn’t easy to talk about but Khai deserved honesty. “I guess I was worried you were going to go running to someone else the second I said I needed time after the party but you didn’t. So I guess...sorry for doubting you.”
Khai. Hearing Landon say he wouldn’t mind being boyfriends make Khai’s stomach do little flips. He had been waiting for so long to hear Landon say this words and... Wow, he was knocked breathless hearing them. But his heart quickly sank at the mention of him running to someone else right after the party. Shit!!! What did he do? “I uh... about that” his voice broke with a bit of panic before he cleared his throat.  “I did see Dorian a day or so after. I went to officially break up with him and things got a little messy.” His heart was racing so fast now and he was so scared of losing Landon that he couldn’t even hide it. His eyes looking down at Landon’s chest as he played with the fabric on his shirt. “We did hook up” he forced out of his lungs. “But, it’s not like you think. I don’t want him, I want you. It was just kind of a closure thing and I didn’t think you would want me sober. I’m just an idiot.” The panic was clear in his voice now, but he wanted to be honest. That was one thing about him he would never change. He might not always include every detail but he was always honest when asked straight up.
LANDON Landon wasn’t sure what he was expecting. Maybe they would talk about it some more and celebrate with more sex, like they hadn’t spent most of the weekend doing that already. Or maybe they’d just kiss or go to bed. Anything but this. Landon’s smile was wiped clean off his face when Khai’s words registered and he had to fight with himself not to push him away. “So let me get this straight”, he said, voice perfectly calm and collected even though he felt like he was breaking a little on the inside. “I said I needed some time to figure things out, you said I can have all the time I need and your idea of giving me time was to fuck your ex after breaking up.” Even saying it sounded surreal to him. “You want me? Sure you do, I’ve never felt more wanted than I do right now.” Landon snapped, his composure finally slipping. “I asked you. Wanted to make sure you were serious about this and specifically asked you if there’s anyone else and you didn’t say anything. What the fuck Khai?” It was clear that he was getting angrier by the second.
Khai. The tension in the room became incredibly thick super fast, and Khai was almost too afraid to even move. He knew Landon had every right to feel the way he did, but what he did wasn’t meant to be malicious. He was only trying to do the right thing, and with sex usually being his only sense of control. He slipped. “Landon, please don’t do that. I do want you” he tried to assure. But Landons tone was only getting angrier the more he spoke. “I didn’t plan for it to happen. I went there to break up with him and I just... I really didn’t think you would ever want to be with me. I ended it with him anyone though, because I did want to give you time, I don’t want him Landon. It was just closure.” Khai was trying to keep his composure and his tone was sincere even with the evident pain that laced through it. But his eyes were glossing over with disappointment in himself. The last thing he ever wanted to do was hurt Landon, or give him even more of a reason not to trust him. All he wanted to do was cry right now, and the tears were building up in his tear ducts as his hands started to shake. He forced himself to pull away from the other male and he looked straight into his eyes.He could see the pain radiating there behind his deep blue orbs, and it only made him feel even worse. “Landon, there isn’t anyone else. I don’t want him. It’s always been you, don’t you get that? I shouldn’t have let it happen, I know that.  But It wasn’t like I was trying to get him back. I just didn’t want him to feel like he never mattered. It was bad enough that I told him I wanted you the entire time.” His tears were pushing their way down his cheeks now out of his control and he wiped at them mercilessly. “I love you Landon. I didn’t mean to hide it or lie, I just... I love you and I didn’t want to hurt you.” Maybe he shouldn’t have said those words so soon. But he did mean them, and he really wanted Landon to know that he truly was the only one he wanted. It had been him for so long and Khai was such a mess when trying to explain his feelings and where he was coming from.
LANDON "Sometimes I'm not even sure you realise that's your excuse for literally everything", he snapped. This is why it took him so long to give Khai a chance, why he found it so hard to trust him and now it turns out that he was right not to trust him. Landon didn't think he could feel more stupid if he tried. "Every time you tell me that you did it because you didn't think you had a chance and every time I get hurt and then I believe you but now...what the fuck am I supposed to think now?" It always came back to the same thing with Khai, one excuse after the other and Landon fell for it every time.He laughed but there was nothing funny about it. "It's always been me? You say that and yet I can give you a whole list of people other than me and I kept letting you convince me otherwise but you keep proving my fears right. I get talking to Dorian and wanting closure but this is what you call closure? And then I asked you and you didn't mention anything and I..." Landon felt used and like he was just a phase, just like he feared would happen. Hearing Khai saying he loved him was the last straw for him. "Love me? You think you love me? You don't even know what love is." He knew he was being harsh but was it unwarranted? The guts of him to say he love him right after telling him about what he did. That wasn't love. Landon was an infatuation for him at most."
Khai. “It’s not an excuse Landon. You made yourself pretty clear over and over again. You think I really wanted anyone on this so called list everyone keeps talking about. I only even have a damn list because I couldn’t be with the one person I wanted most. I was trying to move on and not pressure you. I knew being with me wouldn’t be easy and it probably never will be. But to me you are worth it, you’ve always been worth it. Can you really blame me for not feeling like I was worth it to you?” His tone was was getting more defensive, but he was trying to stay calm. Landon’s words hurt, but he knew he put himself in this position. He did stupid things all the damn time and no matter how hard he tried he just always seemed to fuck things up with Landon. Hell, he fucked things up with every one at this point. But the only one who even mattered to him was Landon. You could see it in his eyes how badly he wanted to be with him, and how much love he did in fact hold for the other male.“I already know I fucked up by being with him. I never should have done that in the first place, I was in the wrong and it was selfish of me. But, I didn’t know being with him before we were even a thing would be so wrong. Not until it was already to late, and don’t you stand there and tell me It hasn’t always been you. You didn’t ask me if I was with anyone, you asked me if you were the only one and you are. I don’t want anyone but you. Maybe I don’t know what love is, maybe I’ve been abusing the word all together. But I’m not going to stand here and spit meaningless words at you. I’ve never been anything but completely honest with you, maybe to the point it even made you hate me. But all I can do is tell you how I feel and where I stand and hope you see me for who I really am and stop just skimming the surface. Because I assure you there is a whole lot more to me than this shitty image I’ve painted into everyone’s heads. If you don’t want me now, I get it. But if you think I’m gonna walk out that door and stop fighting for you every second of every day you are dead wrong.”
LANDON "Stop it. You keep saying you're nothing but honest but you're lying so much right now I doubt you even realise it. It's like you've got to the point where you've said this shit to yourself for so long that you actually believe it now." Landon wasn't sure he could keep going like this. How could he trust Khai? How could he trust anything he said. Weeks ago he said that they both weren't ready for something else, that they both needed time to themselves and to think things through. He ended up going against his own beliefs and now it was coming back to bite him in the ass. "I'm sorry for making you feel like that but you literally had sex with your ex days after we hooked up at the party. Days. And you didn't tell me. You wouldn't even have told me now if I didn't bring it up myself without even meaning to." He wasn't going to let himself be talked down by nice words only to get hurt again. Landon did that enough times already and look where they ended. Khai was still talking and he couldn't take it anymore. "I've tried Khai!" he said, at his wit's end. I've tried to see you for who you really are and you keep doing this so maybe...maybe that's who you are and I just can't. I've done this with others and it ended in disaster, I'm not doing it with you too. I'm sick and tired of getting hurt." Landon took a deep breath and tried to keep it together for long enough to do what he had to do. he could break down later when he was on his own. "You can do whatever you want to do but not here. You should go home Khai, I want to be by myself."
Khai. If could wasn’t already sitting on the bed he would have just fallen to his knees. He was completely beaten and there was nothing more he could say. Of course Landon didn’t believe him. Part of him knew he never really would, that it was all just a too good to be true. “I don’t know what you expect from me” he said with complete defeat. “I feel like you were just looking for a reason to push me away this entire time and I’m sure I gave it to you so easily.” There was nothing left to the image Khai would normally try to uphold. He was broken and if you couldn’t see that, you obviously just didn’t want to. “I’m sorry I’m so easily disposable to you. I tried too, whether you see that or not. I really did try.” He stood up from the bed and walked toward the door without even grabbing anything that was his. Stopping right in front of it as he placed his hand on the knob and just dropped to his knees. He didn’t say anything he just squeezed his eyes together and let the tears falls. Trying his hardest to not actually sob as he fought to find the strength to do what Landon asked.
LANDON "I wouldn't need to push you away if you didn't give me a reason to. And you would do the same if you were in my place so don't try to pretend like that's any different." Landon didn't want to do this but he couldn't go on in this way. It seemed like they were always going two steps forward only to go ten steps back right after. And he'd been so hopeful this time. Roman might not be happy about it but at least they had his go ahead and even Aaron seemed to be okay with it even though he didn't really like Khai. For once it seemed like luck was going to be on their side but that wasn't the case at all. It hurt that this time wasn't because of anyone else but themselves, there was no one else to blame. Landon scoffed and rolled his eyes, the pity party was not going to get to him, not this time. "If there's anyone who should feel disposable here it's definitely not you. It's all the people you keep hurting. I guess I deserve this though for the way you hurt others because of me and now I get a taste of my own medicine." Landon got up and picked up Khai's keys and wallet, going over to give them to him. He couldn't even get himself to look at him, knowing his resolve would break if he did. "Please just go."
Khai. Khai could hear Landon talking but his words were all just muffled. He wasn’t saying anything Khai didn’t already know. He did a lot of fucked up things in the past few months, but this? This wasn’t something he did to be selfish or hurtful. In fact it was the complete opposite, and where did that get him? He took his stuff from Landon and stood up to clear his throat. The only reason he even allowed himself to break like that right at the door was because he didn’t want to risk Elle seeing him. He knew the second he walked out the door it would be over and there would be no going back this time. He had screwed up and there was nothing he could do to change it. He grabbed Landons wrist to stop him from walking away from him as he looked right into his eyes. As much as the other male would allow him to anyway and he shook his head. “So that’s it? You’re just gonna kick me out because I had break up sex with someone who I completely destroyed to be with you?” Those words probably were not the right ones to say. But they were true and he wanted to be honest. “It’s not like I cheated on you Landon. I just wish you would understand where I’m coming from. Please don’t do this.”
LANDON Landon tugged his arm away from Khai and glared at him. “You can be a real asshole sometimes”, he said, voice breaking by the end. “Send my apologies to Dorian because you completely destroyed him for ‘my sake’. Maybe in a few days I’ll call you and we can have breakup sex for closure.” That was probably too much but Landon was hurt and everyone knew he was capable of hitting right where it hurt the most in an attempt to protect himself. “You’re right, you didn’t cheat and I’m ending this before you do.” Landon didn’t wait for Khai to say anything else, he heard enough. He walked out of the bedroom himself and over to Elle’s with the pretense of checking up on her, hoping the other would be gone so he could cry in peace once he went back.
Khai. If there was anything Khai learned from his break up with Roman. It was to never walk away. Watching Landon do that hurt more than any of the words he spewed at him throughout this entire conversation. Nope, he wouldn’t do it. He couldn’t bring himself to do it. He hadn’t felt this strongly for anyone since Roman, and he was not going to make the same mistake twice. If Landon had been literally anyone else, he would have been long gone by now. But, he couldn’t do it. He couldn’t walk away from the only person he could ever really see himself with, not again. He watched Landon disappear into Elle’s room and he shook his head. The other male knew he wouldn’t follow him in there, but what he didn’t know, was that Khai wasn’t going to leave without a real fight. He turned around and sat back down on Landons bed and ran his hand through his hair. All the things he had done to both Emily and Dorian running through his mind, but Landon was the one who stuck out most. He had fought so hard to be here with him. He hurt so many people, including himself. He wasn’t going to just give up now, and frankly, he was tired of Landon pushing him away.
LANDON Elle was sleeping, as Landon knew she would be and he found himself peeking through the barely open door to watch Khai leave...but he didn’t. He waited for ten, fifteen minutes before it became quite clear that the other wasn’t going anywhere. Landon was beyond pissed now and he walked out of his daughter’s room, forcing himself not to slam the door closed. “What game are you trying to play here?” he snapped as soon as he walked back into his room to find Khai sitting there. “You did whatever it is you did with Dorian, weren’t even going to tell me about it, blamed me for your breakup again even though I never asked you to do that and now you won’t listen to me when I say I want to be on my own.”
Khai. It took Khai off guard when Landon came storming back into the room. His entire body jumping up off the bed as a sense of fear flashed in his eyes for only a moment. “I’m not trying to blame you for anything Landon. It was all me. I take full responsibility for it all. I just wanted you to know that my feelings for you never changed. I was just trying to move on and do as you asked of me. But this... I’m not doing this. I’m not going to leave you. I’m not playing any games. I’m just trying to be honest with you, and I wasn’t going to hide it. It was just irrelevant. I let him use me the way I used him and I know it was wrong. I wish I could take it back, all of it. But I can’t, and I’m so fucking sorry.”
LANDON Landon sighed and sat down on the bed, making sure to keep some distance between them. “You know, I’ve been in love before”, he said, almost conversationally. “Calling someone beautiful, getting them breakfast...that’s not what love is because those things mean nothing if there’s no trust.” He didn’t want to argue anymore, he just wanted to sleep it off at this point. “Staying here, saying you’re fighting for me...it doesn’t help Khai. I think I need some time to figure things out and you need to figure out if this is what you really want; if you can really let go of random hookups and closure sex or whatever. And don’t tell me you know already because you really don’t. Then we’ll talk.”
Khai. He let out a sigh of his own after hearing Landons final words. It wasn’t what he hoped for but at least it was rational. “Alright, Landon.” he replied soft and broken. “If that’s what you really want, I’ll go.” He stood up from the bed and pushed his wallet that he had been clenching onto into his back pocket. Looking down at Landon with tear filled eyes he pressed his lips together. “So, I guess I’ll see you around?” The question wasn’t really meant for an answer as he headed toward the door again once they were said. The flash backs of the night he left and got into an accident replaying in his mind as he pulled the door open. He looked back only once more before shaking his head in disbelief that this was actually happening all over again. “Goodbye, Landon” he forced out with a shaky broken tone. Walking out of the door and making his way to his car before completely breaking down again right there in the parking lot.
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malakhai-ozera · 4 years
Discord Text Thread || Khai & Landon
Discord thread featuring: Khai and Landon ( @davieslandon​)
When: September 9th
Mentions: None.
Description: Khai texts Landon to let him know he is thinking about going away for a bit and Landon asks him to come over.
Trigger Warnings: feels
Khai. So, I think I’m gonna go away for a bit. Maybe relax for a few days somewhere tropical
LANDON a little holiday?
Khai. yeah, if you wanna call it that lol I haven’t really been in the best head space
LANDON i'm sorry you deserve a break though
Khai. Don’t be sorry, it’s not your fault. I just wanted to let you know I’d be giving you space
LANDON it is and you know it but thank you
Khai. Its not. but, don’t mention it.
LANDON enjoy your holiday love
Khai. thanks babe. I’ll try.
Khai. I’m not leaving til this weekend I guess. Don’t know why I’m telling you that. But yeah lol
LANDON want to hang out before you leave? just as friends of course
Khai. If you want to. and of course as friends. What else would we be?
LANDON yeah, exactly dinner?
Khai. Sure, sounds good. whenever you’re free
LANDON tomorrow or Friday?
Khai. can I say both? lol
LANDON haha dinner twice in a row? Wow
Khai. Well, I doooo miss you. Ngl
LANDON me too
Khai. you sure about that? I’ve been kinda blowing you up haha
LANDON what do you mean?
Khai. you know what I mean lol. I’ve been texting you pretty nonstop
LANDON yeah well...I guess I’m getting used to it
Khai. good to know I’m not annoying
LANDON you’re not
Khai. Mhmmm id belt you but I don’t wanna invade your space
LANDON really? that's the excuse you're going with now?
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LANDON hahaha
Khai. you infuriate me lol
LANDON i try my best
Khai. I know you do and that’s even more infuriating you better be glad I like you lol
LANDON i'm very flattered
Khai. you should be so, where do you wanna do dinner? Or am I supposed to cook?
LANDON i was going to cook actually
Khai. oh boy okay lol
LANDON hey i'm a great cook!
Khai. I know you are just giving you a hard time love
LANDON no food for you
Khai. hmm maybe I’ll just eat something else instead then
LANDON 😔 bye
Khai. I meant you don’t make me belt you
Khai. Too much? How about I just hit you with a pillow instead then?
LANDON aw you getting soft on me?
Khai. quite the opposite actually
LANDON 😏 keep it in your pants
Khai. Mhm... I’m trying. you never make it easy tho
LANDON you're being naughty
Khai. I’m sorry. Space... I’m on it.
LANDON you're the best
Khai. I try. I try. Hey Landon... love you
( Sends Audio Track - Naked by James Arthur )
LANDON come over.
Khai. Now?
Khai. Are you sure?
LANDON I’m sure
Khai. Okay. I’m on my way
LANDON see you x
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malakhai-ozera · 4 years
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@khai0zera: Take me back... #coneyisland @davieslandon 🎡🍻🏖🎠

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malakhai-ozera · 4 years
Discord Text || Khai & Landon
Discord thread featuring:Khai and Landon ( @davieslandon )
When: August 19th
Mentions: Dorian @dammitdorian
Description:Khai drunk texts Landon after flirting in the gc, and they agree to watch a movie instead of going drinking.
Trigger Warnings:drunk feelings.
Khai. ::belt emoji::
LANDON what have i done to deserve that?
Khai. you know what you did
LANDON nope not a clue
Khai. you broke my heart
LANDON did i?
Khai. yeah you did. but it’s okay
LANDON I’m sowwy
Khai. don’t be. I still love you
LANDON ::heart emoji::
Khai. I’m sorry I’m annoying
LANDON i promise you're not
Khai. Maybe we should just watch a movie or something instead of getting drinks. I don’t want to be too much.
LANDON you're not too much. it's just been a bit of a weird day
Khai. yeah, it has been. Kind of a shitty day actually.
LANDON what happened to you?
Khai. I just got hella drunk and tried to break up with my boyfriend. Instead I fell through a glass coffee table, made an ass of myself, and sprained my wrist.
LANDON what is it with people breaking up with their boyfriends when drunk in this town? sorry sorry. your wrist okay?
Khai. I don’t know. I guess it’s a new trend lol. But we didn’t break up so, there’s that. yeah, it’s fine. I’ll live.
LANDON at least it ended better for you guys. remind me never to gets so drunk though, don't want to become part of this new trend. so things are not going well?
Khai. I’ll be sure to do that. Drinking is evil if you let it be, and lately I’ve been letting it be. I don’t know why. things are good. I just... I always feel like there’s supposed to be more. Like I’m in the wrong place with the wrong person. Does that make sense?
LANDON yeah i know, there's a point where drinking just stops being fun. i guess. i thought he was the one though
Khai. That’s very true.  It just becomes more of a bad medicine that never really cures anything.. I know you did, and I’m sorry Landon. If it were me I would have never let you go.
LANDON no i meant i thought Dorian was the one for you. things with Harry...they were complicated, they've been complicated since the accident
Khai. ahhh, sorry. Still a bit drunk here. I don’t know, I guess I kinda thought so too. He’s great.
LANDON I'm sorry about that, I was really happy for you two
Khai. God, I can’t believe I said that. I’m a terrible person. thank you, Landon.
LANDON you're not
Khai. I try not to be.
LANDON life's hard sometimes and we can't always be perfect
Khai. isn’t that the truth. I really just need to stop drinking so much. it makes me do stupid shit
LANDON preach. so movie night?
Khai. yeah, I’d like that. This time you pick okay?
LANDON deal, although I'll probably go for something light
Khai. that’s totally fine with me, babe.
LANDON I get off work in 20 minutes
Khai. Alright, cool. I’ll pick up some food and snacks. I’ll even bring you a strawberry breeze.
LANDON how generous of you
Khai. Anything for you, babe.
LANDON I'll see you soon x
Khai. can’t wait, babe. I’m looking forward to it.
LANDON me too
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malakhai-ozera · 4 years
Discord Thread || Landon & Khai
Discord thread featuring: Khai Ozera and Landon Davies
When: October 10th, 2020
Where: Landon’s House
Description: Khai spends the weekend with Landon. They watch a movie with Elle and then hook up for the first time since their split.
Trigger Warnings: NSFW!!!
Khai. Spending another weekend with Landon seemed like something that would never happen again. He was sure after their little falling out things between the two of them would be forever chance. He wasn’t exactly wrong though, things were forever changed. Except, much to his surprise, things seemed to changed in a much better way than he could have ever hoped. He sat on the couch in Landons living room with Elle stretched out across both his and Landons lap. Her eyes fixated on the tv screen as they watched the newest Halloween movie from Scooby Doo. To be honest, Khai tended to be a sort of big kid when it came to these movies. He always found them entertaining and even a bit comforting in a sense. Of course he loved his scary movies as well, but if they planned on watching one of those, they would have to wait until Elle went to bed. “So, how do you like that popcorn surprise?” he asked, resting his head on Landons shoulder. The recipe of melted chocolate and candy corn sprinkled over caramel kettle corn had always been a favorite of his and his siblings. “It’s a little sweet, but it had just the right amount of saltiness, right?” He dug his hand into the bowl and popped a handful of the treat into his mouth before leaning in to kiss Landons cheek. “Thank you for this” he whispered so that only his friend could hear. He wasn’t sure if ‘friend’ was the proper term for Landon anymore. But he was so thankful to be getting a second chance with him.
LANDON Landon never thought this was something that would be happening again after the way their last weekend together ended. The thought of the words they exchanged and the way they left things back then still made his stomach clench but Landon was very determined to leave it in the past. They were watching the new Halloween Scooby Doo together and Elle was obviously loving it. Landon didn’t think he would be paying much attention to the movie but found himself actually enjoying it. The secret popcorn recipe was as much as a success with his daughter as the movie was and she was already begging Khai to let her know how he made it so that she could get it more often. Landon left her to it even though they both knew he was not going to let her eat it everyday. He might not be so strict about healthy eating but he still had his limits. Landon smiled, turning to look at Khai. In reality there was no reason for the other to thank him. He wouldn’t have given in if this wasn’t something that he wanted just as much. “Don’t mention it”, he said, sneaking in a quick peck while Elle wasn’t looking. This was definitely something he would have to talk to her about at some point but that would come later.
Khai. It was so cute how Elle went on like a little adult talking popcorn recipes with Khai. Of course he wasn’t going to give in to her so easy though. A wide smile spread across his features as he kept answering her questions with questions. Luckily the little girl found it just as amusing as he did though, and she was all giggles. He knew if he gave her the recipe though, Landon would be in a losing battle with her to make it on the regular. Needless to say, he was thankful when something happened in the movie that regained her full attention. It not only gave him an out from the recipe talk, but it also landed him a quick kiss from Landon. Khai knew he didn’t have to thank Landon for any of this. But honestly he was so grateful for another chance, and just being here, in this setting with Landon was more than he could have ever asked for. He pulled his bottom lip between his teeth as Landon pulled back into his own space and he raised his brow suggestively. His hand moving under the blanket they were both under to rest on the other males thigh. It had been about four days now since they had decided to give their relationship another chance. But, they had yet to consummate it, and it was quite clear that Khai was really looking forward to it. It wasn’t that the relationship was all about sex, he thought he made that pretty clear by waiting the four days he already had. But it had been quite some time since the last time he was with anyone, and he was feigning. “How much longer do you think this movie is?” he asked his ‘boyfriend’ in a low sultry voice. He didn’t really mean for the tone, but the hunger for the other was extremely clear in his eyes. “I really wanna snuggle you” he mused. His hand sliding a bit up Landons leg as he leaned back against his shoulder and looked up at him. “I’ve missed you” he added. Placing a quick kiss to the side of Landons neck before turning his head to make sure Elle didn’t see.
LANDON Landon was surprised that they managed to go four days since they agreed to give things between them another try without having sex. It wasn’t even for lack of trying but they were both really busy and it being the weekend meant Elle was always around. Not that he was complaining, Landon loved getting some time to spend with his daughter, especially now that she was going to school everyday. It did mean that him and Khai had to leave anything sex related for when she was sleeping to make sure her little ears didn’t hear anything they weren’t supposed to. And, even then, they needed to be careful not to be too loud lest they wake her. As much as Landon was looking forward to consummating things between them, he was used to a long time passing by without having sex so it wasn’t too difficult to hold back but he knew the same could not be said about Khai. “Don’t complain, you chose it”, he teased, grateful that at least Elle seemed to be immersed in it once again. He tangled their fingers together, keeping the other from being able to move his hand further up and leaned his head against his. “Yeah, I’m sure that’s all you want to do.” But at least he was grateful Khai was trying to keep it PG.
Khai. A shit eating grin fell upon his features as he shook his head. “I’m not complaining. Not complaining at all” he chuckled softly. Being this close to Landon and not pushing the limits was definitely a struggle for him, but he wasn’t trying to complain. He laced his fingers through the engineers and squeezed his hand gently. “You know, I used to watch scooby doo all the time while I was growing up. This new animation though, it still blows my mind. I mean, why not leave well enough alone. Right?” Of course he took a complete 180 from the topic at hand. But he knew if they kept talking about what might happen after Elle went to bed. He might not be able to hold out that long. Especially since Landon smelt so damn good! He let his thumb brush lazy against the others thigh where their laced hands rested and he hummed contently with a soft sigh. It was kinda weird to be in a relationship that didn’t revolved mostly around sex. But God, he craved this for so long, and he finally felt like he belonged.
LANDON “I’m like this more than I thought I would but I still think the classics are the best.” Landon couldn’t really understand all the fuss about modernizing the classics with new animation that made it look completely different but the kids clearly loved it so he couldn’t complain too much. He was grateful for the change in topic, knowing that if they kept talking about what would happen later, Landon would have to use the blanket in the back of the sofa to cover himself up from view. That just wasn’t a conversation he planned on having with his daughter any time soon. And the movie was almost over anyways, so they could wait. They’ve waited four days already, a couple more minutes were nothing compared to that.
Khai. “Oh yeah, it’s definitely interesting. I think I’d love scooby doo even if they did it in claymation though” he teased. Maybe that wasn’t completely true, but he definitely was enjoying this movie more than he thought he would. Especially since Elle seemed to be in heaven and completely glued to the screen.  He just hoped that popcorn he made didn’t leave her wanting to bounce off the walls instead of actually going to bed. “Hey, I’m gonna grab a drink. Do you want anything?” he asked, tilting his head up to look at Landon again. A small smile pulling at his features as he saw how into the movie he was at the moment.
LANDON Landon looked up when the other offered to get him a drink and smiled. “Can you get us two glasses of water?” Of course, Elle chose this moment to tune back to what they were saying and she opened her mouth, clearly getting ready to argue. Landon stopped here before she could  though. More than used to her antics. “No arguments young lady”, he said, shaking his head in mock disapproval. “I’ve let you eat all the popcorn your heart desires but now you have to drink some water with it.” It was the only way they would be able to get her to go to bed after the movie instead of jumping around on a sugar rush. He turned back to Khai and smiled. “Two waters please.” Elle knee when arguing was a lost cause and turned back to the movie with a roll of her eyes.
Khai. Khai just stood there for a moment as he watched Elle argue with her father. He wasn’t sure if he had ever seen her give attitude before, but it was kinda hot to watch Landon daddy her. “Yup, you got it. Two waters coming right up” he finally replied when Elle rolled her eyes and put her attention back on the tv. He leaned down to kiss the top of Landons head before disappearing into the kitchen to grab those drinks. He was only gone for a moment though, before reappearing with three glasses of water. “Here ya go babe” he smiled at Landon before handing a glass to him. Also handing one to Elle who almost wouldn’t even take it from him. Thankfully he had mastered a look in his eyes though  that he used to use on his younger siblings that made her give in. He took a seat back down beside Landon and leaned forward with his elbows resting one on his knees and one on Landons. He could tell Elle wasn’t happy and he wasn’t about to get comfortable until he knew she wasn’t going to start arguing again. He would have to make sure to apologize about the popcorn so late to Landon later.
LANDON Landon was grateful that at least Khai seemed to know how to handle his daughter and didn’t give in to her wishes at the first pout. He knew first hand how difficult it was to say no to her when she looked at you with those puppy eyes but it was important. The last thing he wanted was to have a spoiled child on his hands. Although he did feel a little embarrassed when Elle almost refused  to take the glass of water from Khai. “Elle behave”, he hissed only for her to stick her tongue out at him. He almost got up and turned the tv off but he knew that could result in a potential argument so he just gave her his perfected stern parent glare until she took a small sip of her water. Small wins. “Sorry about that”, he mumbled as soon as they went back to watching the last few minutes of the movie. “Sometimes she can get quite whiny when she’s tired.”
Khai. It was definitely something new to see this side of Elle, and the way that Landon handled it.  But he could definitely understand where his daughter got her attitude from. It almost made him grin at how much alike the two actually were. “No need to apologize, babe. I get it” he nodded in understanding. Sitting back and giving Landon’s knee a small squeeze before he sipped his water. “She looks just like you when she crinkles her nose though. It’s kinda cute” he mused with a whisper over to Landon. His brow raising playfully as he took another sip of his water and grinned into the glass. He could still remember the look Landon had on his face when he kicked him out, and he could swear Elle was giving that same look to her father every time she glanced back at him. He had to make light of it though. Because it was the little things like that, that made him love these two so much.
LANDON Landon rolled his eyes at Khai’s comment before he realised that was probably only confirming what he was saying. He knew Elle probably got a little of her attitude from him but sometimes he just wished she didn’t use it on him so often. At least it meant he didn’t have to worry too much about people picking on her at school or life in general. Elle could handle herself just fine. “It’s cute until it’s directed at you”, he laughed, shaking his head. “And trust me, the longer you stick around, the more you’re going to get it directed at you.” It’s just how his daughter was. A little shy around strangers but a menace with people she knew.
Khai. Landon rolled his eyes and Khai couldn’t help but chuckle. There it was, exactly what he was talking about. She was a splitting imagine of him and it was adorable, at least for now. He knew Landon was right through. She was already starting to display signs of getting comfortable enough with him to mouth off. The way she almost rejected the glass of water from him only clarifying it even more. “Oh, I know. Trust me” he mused with another chuckle. “You both get pretty intense when you don’t get your way.” He reached out and caressed Landons jawline for a moment as he smiled over to him. “But hey, at least you don’t have to worry that she can’t take care of herself. You did a good job” he assured. He leaned in to place a soft kiss to the others jawline where his fingers had just traced. Bringing his attention back to the movie just in time to catch the ending credits.
LANDON “Excuse you, I do no such think”, he said, only half joking. In reality he knew that he tended to get a little bit too much if things didn’t go his way but he hoped that at least he handled it a little bit better than a five year old. As soon as he realised that the end credits were rolling, Landon got up and switched off the tv. “Time for bed.” There was very little arguing, much to his surprise, and they were soon making their way to the little girl’s bedroom, Khai right behind them. Landon tucked her in and kissed her forehead goodnight before getting up to walk out. “Goodnight daddy.” It was little moments like these that made everything worth it. “Goodnight sweetheart”, he said, turning off the lights and closing the door behind him.
Khai. “Mhm” he hummed sarcastically. The look of amusement never leaving his features as he eyed the other male. Of course he did in fact handle it better than a five year old. But he was still pretty intense none the less. As soon as Landon moved to turn off the tv, Khai started gathering their glasses, and the bowl of popcorn, bringing it all back into the kitchen. He then draped their blankets over the back of the couch before following the pair up the stairs to Elle’s bedroom. The last time they were in the position, Khai immediately went to the bedroom and let Landon have his moment with Elle. But this time, he stood leaned in the doorway as he watched Landon tuck her in. He “sweet dreams, baby girl” he said softly before blowing her a goodnight kiss and waiting for Landon to come out and close her door. “She’s so cute” he smiled. Placing both of his hands on Landons shoulders and massaging them lightly as they made their way to his bedroom. “I’m surprised she didn’t put up a fight though. I thought we were gonna go for round two” he mused, obviously just joking.
LANDON Landon let out a soft sigh when he walked out of his daughter’s bedroom. It had been a very tiring day and was glad it was coming to an end. He was even more grateful that Elle didn’t put up much of a fight to go to bed. “I know right? After all that popcorn I thought she was going to put up much more of a fight to go to bed but I think she was exhausted and trying to hide it. It was an exciting day”, he smiled. Landon lead the way to his bedroom, not even bothering to check that Khai was behind him. They’d been waiting for this moment all day after all. “So I’m guessing we’re both exhausted and going straight to bed?” Yeah, right.
Khai. “Yeah, I didn’t really think that sugar high through” he admitted apologetically. “I’m glad she enjoyed it thorough, that’s what counts right? Especially after the exciting day she had. She deserved it” he added. He followed Landon to his bedroom and let out amused chuckle. “Ha, yeah... so exhausted” he grinned. He pushed Landons bedroom door closed and turned the lock just for safe measure. His back leaning against the door for a moment as he watched Landon move across the room. Before making his way over to  him and pushing him down onto the bed. “You better not fall asleep on me Davies. Or I’ll never let you live it down” he grinned.
LANDON “Oh yeah, for sure. I’m not complaining. Although maybe you should share the recipe with me rather than her for obvious reasons”, he laughed. He was glad Khai remembered to lock the door. Not that Elle was going to be coming in anytime soon but better safe than sorry. Landon made his way to the bed and threw himself on it, peeking at Khai through his arms. “Really? That’s a pity because I was already thinking if taking a little nap. I’m sure you can wait a little longer, right?” No one could say Landon didn’t like to tease.
Khai. Oh, a nap. He wants a nap. He thought to himself as he shook his head. His grin giving him away that he was much too amused by Landons antics. “You’re funny. Really funny” he mused. Climbing onto the other side of the bed he pulled his shirt off and tossed it to the floor. “Alright... let’s take a nap” he grinned. Leaning back against the pillows he reached for Landon. “But you better snuggle me” he pouted. His eyes already darkening lust just by watching the look on Landon’s face as he teased him.
LANDON Khai wasn’t playing fair, although Landon already knew he wouldn’t be. How was he supposed to keep up his act with the other laying shirtless right next to him? It’s impossible. “Like you even have to ask”, he said, moving closer to do just that. “Goodnight then.” Landon closed his eyes to keep the pretense going, trying to peak through one eye and finding Khai looking on in amusement every time.
Khai. Of course he wasn’t playing fair, he never did. He knew exactly how to get what he wanted, and even though he tried not to push it too hard with Landon. His antics usually worked in his benefit. He pulled the smaller into his arms and raked his fingers gently through his hair. Watching him peek through one eye at him every so often and giving him an amused grin. “You sure you’re tired, baby?” he asked in a low clearly seductive voice. His other hand wrapping around his lover to rub lovingly at his chest. “Maybe a goodnight kiss will help?” he grinned alluringly. Leaning down to press his lips to Landon’s in a slow lingering kiss.
LANDON It wasn’t exactly a lie that Landon was tired. It was a long day for everyone and he could feel the weight of it on his shoulders. That didn’t mean he was tired enough to say no to what he knew was coming and what Khai was hinting at. Landon closed his eyes as soon as their lips connected, moving a hand to Khai’s chest. Even if he really was thinking of going to sleep, which he wasn’t, all plans of that would have gone out the window after their kiss. He pulled back for long enough to take his own shirt off and then moved back in to kiss him hungrily.
Khai. Feelings Landons hand on his chest caused him to instinctively pull him closer. The taste of his lips drawing a soft hum out of him to vibrate against his lovers mouth. God, he missed this so much. Just being close to Landon like this made his stomach twist into tiny summersaults. His lips parted breathlessly as Landon pulled away to remove his own shirt and his eyes were taking in his physique before their lips were crashing together again. “Mmm” he hummed again this time a bit more hungrily. Pushing Landon into his back as he pulled himself over him. Their movements were a less hurried this time then they ever had been before. But they were still intense as the feeling of longing burned through his fingertips. His hand trailing down Landons side before crossing over to the hem of his pants and pushing gently inside. “Looks like you’re more awake than you thought” he grinned against Landons lips as he felt his erection growing. Kissing him again fervently as he brushed his fingers teasingly over his bulge.
LANDON Being like this with Khai almost made Landon consider whether he made a mistake pulling back from the other a few weeks ago. Maybe or maybe not, but the distance might have actually done them both well. It was unbelievable how a few simple touches from Khai were enough to get him hard in his pants. “I guess you managed to wake me up, thanks for that”, he said, winking playfully. He bit his lip to hold back a moan at the feeling of fingers brushing against his cock. Landon could already tell this was going to be good. Weeks of pent up tension coming to a head.
Khai. Honestly, the distance that had been put between them from a few weeks ago til now. It had made a huge impact on Khai. He hated it obviously, because he longed to be close with Landon. But it also opened his eyes to so many things. He realized the way he was living his life wasn’t right. That he was hurting people, including himself, and he wanted that all to change. This wasn’t about fulfilling his inner most desires anymore. Or quenching a need to be with someone he was crushing on. He truly cared for Landon, loved him even. Just being with him made him feel whole in a way he hadn’t in a really long time. Hell, even if Landon had decided right now he didn’t wanna have sex. He would honestly be okay with that. Sure it would be disappointing because he really wanted to be close to him, and it had been so long since the last time. But it wasn’t about that, not like it had been before. Not that sex was all he wanted before, but it was just different, good different. He could feel Landons lower abdomen tighten as his fingers brushed against his cock. His lips curving into a grin as he watched his reaction and extended his tongue to lick at his lovers lips. “You are most welcome, baby” he practically purred with a lustful tone. “You’re so sexy” he added. Pulling his hand from Landons pants to pull them down along with his underwear. Just the sight of Landon laying there exposed had Khai salivating. His kisses moving to his lovers neck as he wrapped his fingers around his length. “Tell me what you want baby” he breathed out with desire against the wet marks his lips left upon his skin. Sucking his earlobe between his lips as his hand started to slowly stroke up and down Landons shaft.
LANDON Landon never wanted the other to resent him for needing some time to think things through and for some time, it looked like that was exactly what was about to happen. As much fun as they had at the pumpkin patch, things got a little awkward a few times. He worried that their friendship was inevitably ruined but was glad to notice things were going back to what they used to now that they agreed to give it another shot. Actually, they were even better. It seemed like Khai had done some thinking of his own and his perspective had changed as well. Or at least, that’s what it seemed like to Landon. He lifted his hips to help the other pull his pants and underwear down, not even caring that he was now completely naked while Khai was still dressed from the waist down. Although he did take the opportunity with Khai‘a question to change that. He gasped at the feeling of lips on his ear, sucking it in and threw his head back. “I want you naked.” That wasn’t even close to everything he wanted but it was a start.
Khai. Khai never wanted to resent Landon either. There was a moment where he thought he might actually be doing so. But after a bit of clarity, he realized Landon was only doing what he thought was best for him. Even if he had decided not to give them another chance, Khai was sure their friendship would be fine. He would have just needed some time to actually get over him. What most people didn’t realize, was that Khai had been falling for Landon for months. Even with his ventures into other relationships, he always had these feelings for Landon that he was never able to quite shut down. Now, laying here like this with the other male. It almost seemed like he was dreaming. He just wanted to savor each touch and kiss for as long as he could. The fear of losing it at any moment still lingering in the back of his mind. Well, at least when he wasn’t too distracted by the soft sounds Landon was making. “Oh yeah?” he grinned with a soft chuckle. “I think that’s easy enough.” He pulled back from his lover and hooked his fingers around the hem of his joggers and pulled them down, underwear and all. His eyes scanning Landons body as he licked his lips. “Is this what you want, baby?” he asked as he maneuvered out of his clothing. Sitting back onto his knees as he looked down at the beautiful man laying beneath him. “Do you wanna touch me?” he asked with an all too devilish grin. His tongue pressing to the corner of his mouth as his own hands pushed up and down Landons thighs.
LANDON Everyone kept telling him that Khai really liked him, has been developing feelings for him for months but it wasn’t easy for Landon to believe it. He knew the other liked him now, he would never have agreed to give things between them another shot if he didn’t think the attraction was mutual. But months? Landon couldn’t be too sure about that, not when he lost count of how many people the other had gone with or been connected to in some ways since the first time they met. For so long he was terrified that he was just another notch on the bedpost but at least he trusted Khai now. The other boy wouldn’t do anything to hurt him, of that he was sure. Landon watched with bated breath as his...boyfriend (?)....followed his direction and pulled down his trousers until they were both naked. This was exactly what Landon asked for and he wasn’t disappointed by what he was seeing. “What sort of question is that? Of course I want to touch you.” Landon pulled him in for an intense kiss that showed the both of them exactly where this was headed and moved his hands down the other’s chest. He kept going, pinching his nipples before reaching his cock with one of his hands and wrapping his hands around it. A few experimental tugs were given. More than anything, Landon just wanted to see the effect he has on Khai.
Khai. It was to be expected that Landon would be skeptical. Especially since he never really made any real effort to show his feelings. At least not until recently, and anyone who knew him, would more than likely feel the same as Landon did. It was no secret that Khai had a reputation of getting around. But, that still didn’t change the fact that he had been wanting Landon for so long. He honestly never thought he would be in this position with the other male. So much had changed between them, and even with the ups and downs he wouldn’t change any of it. Because it was everything they had been through that led them right here to this moment. Devouring each other as if they had been starving for each other’s touch. Khai let out a soft chuckle at Landons words and immediately crashed his lips into his lovers as he was pulled in again. Well, okay then, he thought to himself. Pulling in a sharp breath as he felt Landons fingers pinching at his nipples. Fuck! that was such a turn on, and Khai was trying hard not to start moaning with pleasure already. Landon already knew he had this effect on him, he was a pretty vocal lover. But, he didn’t wanna give in too quickly, he wanted to make this count. That all went out the window though the second Landon’s  hand wrapped around his length. “Shhhhit, baby” he hissed lustfully. His hips involuntarily thrusting forward into his lovers hand as he nipped hungrily at his lips. His own hand finding Landon’s cock again as he kissed him passionately. Moaning against his boyfriends mouth as he matched the rhythm of his strokes to what Landon was giving him.
LANDON Khai’s quick inhale at getting his nipples pinched made him smirk. Clearly he wasn’t the only one with sensitive nipples and Landon was going to store that piece of information in his head for further use later. He would love to test out the other’s limits, wanting to know how much it took to have him turn into a writhing mess. Maybe he could even get him to cum just from playing with his nipples. The possibilities were endless. But for now he just wanted to focus on getting his hands on Khai’s cock and giving him as much pleasure as possible. “You like this huh?” he grinned, although his cocky attitude quickly slipped when Khai got a hand around his own cock. “Fuck Khai.” It felt so good to have the other boy like this again.
Khai. Testing the limits was usually one of Khai’s favorite things to do. But, damn, Landon was so hubristic. His playful yet cocksure attitude always left Khai reveling, and yearning for more. Just hearing the way he was making Landon feel had his cock practically throbbing with anticipation in his lovers hand. “You know I do” he breathed out lustfully against the others lips. His chest rising and falling more rapidly as soft moans of pleasure and desperation passed through him. It was quite clear that he hadn’t been touched like this in a while. His body was practically trembling  beneath his lovers touch as he ached  for more.  He pulled his hand  from Landon’s cock as he placed two fingers into his mouth and saturated them with his own saliva. Keeping eye contact with his lover as he situated himself between his legs and pushed them even further open with his knee. “Do you like this baby” he asked as he started to fondle with his boyfriends hole. Pushing just one finger inside of him at a time as his hips continued to move with his lovers strokes.
LANDON Khai’s reaction to his touch was proof that what the other said was true and he hadn’t been with anyone else in a while. It filled Landon with a feeling of possessiveness that surprised even him. It was one of the reasons why he was so upset to find out about Dorian. He tended to be a very jealous person when he got together with someone so knowing Khai went with Dorian after him made him see red. It was why he didn’t think an open relationship or anything polyamorous could ever work for him. Landon groaned at the feeling of fingers playing with his hole, biting his lip with pleasure. His grip on the other’s cock got tighter for a few seconds with shock before releasing a little bit. He didn’t want to hurt Khai after all.
Khai. Khai could be a very possessive person as well. He didn’t like to share, and that was what initially set in motion his break up with Ro and Jay. He wanted them both for himself, but he also felt a bit torn about sharing himself with both of them. Having Landon all for his own though, it made him feel powerful in a weird kind of way. Like he could give his lover his full attention and make him feel better then he ever had before. The expression on Landons face as he fingered his heat, and the way his hand tightened around his girth let him know he was doing exactly that. “Fuck.. Landon” he practically growled through clenched teeth as his cock flexed with need. The way his lover was touching him was driving him insane with lust and honestly he just wanted to fuck him. “Where’s your lube?” he managed to get out through his hard breaths. He would have just went for it, but Landon was so tight. He might enjoy a little bit of pain, but he wasn’t so sure Landon felt the same.
LANDON Any other time, Landon might have just told him to go for it but the last time he was with anyone was with Khai at Emily’s party and back then he hadn’t bottomed. This wasn’t the right time to think about it but if he had to think back on the last time he bottomed for someone it was probably Loren. And that was a surreal thought. “Bedside table, second drawer”, he rushed, trying to vaguely point in the right direction. “There’s lube and probably condoms...I think.” Landon would have to keep himself more prepared now that he was seeing Khai so frequently. It wouldn’t do to risk cutting their moments of fun early because of lack of ‘tools’. He was finding it hard to do anything other than moan. It was so long since he got fingered like this that it was driving him wild.
Khai. Honestly, Khai wasn’t really sure if Landon ever bottomed. But, the way he was reacting to just his fingers inside of him, he was pretty sure he was into it. He could hear Landon telling him where the lube and condoms were through his moans of desperation. But he was finding it so hard to actually pull away from him to get them. He leaned over his boyfriend and kissed him fervently, licking at his lips between kisses before slowly pulling his fingers out of him. “Don’t move” he instructed breathlessly. Moving quickly to the bedside table to grab what he needed before returning to his position. He opened the condom in his hand and then grinned over to Landon. “I’m not sure how well this will work, babe” he said honestly. Looking down at his piercing and then back to his lover. “But, I’ll wear it for you” he promised, pulling his bottom lip between his teeth as he slid the condom over his length. Just the tightness alone from the condom had him humming softly as he lubed himself up. His eyes locking with Landon’s as his fingers circled around his entrance applying some of the lube to him as well. His movement were quick and it seemed like only seconds before he was leaning over his lover once again and kissing him passionately. His hand gripping tightly around his own cock as he teased along Landon’s crack. Moaning breathily into their kiss before finally pushing slowly into his boyfriends heat.
LANDON Landon looked down at his boyfriend’s cock and realised that wearing a condom might prove to be a hit if a problem with his piercing. He’d heard too many stories from fans if random hookups to take the risk though, especially with Khai’s history. They were both going to have to get tested before he would even think of doing without. Landon almost laughed out loud when Khai told him not to move. As if he was going anywhere like this. Landon glared at the other and his teasing, not that it did much to change anything. “You better get in me right no - fuck.” He could feel every inch of Khai pushing inside and it was amazing.
Honestly, Khai had no problem wearing a condom. It wasn’t the discomfort or lack of feeling he was worried about. He just knew all too well that his piercing could very well rip it anyway. Let’s just hope the amount of lube he used would keep that from actually happening. Landon seemed to be in a bit of a hurry so he didn’t really let himself worry about it too much. Pushing into him right at the exact moment when his boyfriend couldn’t seem to handle any more teasing. “Mmmm shit, baby” he moaned exasperatedly as he pushed balls deep into his lovers heat. “You’re so fucking tight.” He gripped on to Landon’s waist as he began rolling his hips deep into his boyfriend. Letting his piercing rub against his prostate for a moment, so that he could really feel it,  before pulling out to just the tip and pushing back into him again.   “Oh, fuck. You feel so good” he moaned again. His hips starting to thrust in and out a bit more rapidly as his finger tips dug into his boyfriends hips.
LANDON Landon couldn’t believe that with the kind of piercing Khai had, this was his first time getting fucked by him. It was an indescribable feeling, wanting to moan and scream every time the piercing brushed against his prostate. “Fuck so good Khai, you fuck me so good”, he moaned, throwing his head back in pleasure. His hands automatically went to the other’s back, almost an attempt at holding on and he used his fingernails to scratch down every time his boyfriend hit a sensitive spot. That was definitely going to leave a mark. When Khai’s thrusts got more rapid, his moaning was going to get poster but he hit his lip until he almost tasted blood. His daughter was sleeping in the other room and did not need to be woken up by their lovemaking.
Khai. Landon’s voice was so sexy when laced with pleasure. Hell, it was always sexy. But the way he sounded right now mixed with the feeling of his finger nails digging into his back. God! The pleasure was becoming overwhelming and causing goosebumps to scatter all over his body. His hips only thrusting harder and deeper each time his boyfriend tried to muffle his loud moans. “You like that baby” he growled softly through his clenched teeth. His lips magnetizing to Landon’s neck as he bit and sucked at his salty skin. He knew they had to be quiet, but goddamn, Landon felt so fucking good and he couldn’t keep himself from practically drilling into his lovers prostate. His hand moving from his boyfriends hip to cover his mouth as his kisses and love bites moved up his jawline. “Fuck.. yes baby” he growled again. Trying hard to hold back his own loud moans as he felt his boyfriend squeeze around him each time his piercing brushed against him. His body trembling with pleasure as his other hand moved to wrap around his boyfriends length.
LANDON At least Khai seemed to get the importance of staying quiet, although Landon didn’t doubt they could still be heard, even with all their efforts. He was getting fucked so good that some noises still made it out and the bed was also creaking with their movements. They were definitely making up for lost time, that was for sure. Landon couldn’t say much with Khai’s hand covering his mouth but it didn’t take much to figure out that he was definitely liking this and was not disappointed one bit. Landon knew he wasn’t going to last long, especially when the other wrapped a hand around his length and started stroking him. Waves of pleasure were coursing through his body from all ends and of his mouth wasn’t being covered, he would be screaming in pleasure right now. Even though he was close, Landon also didn’t want this to end so he used his hands to push on Khai’s shoulders and roll them around. The move caused the other’s piercing to brush against his prostate just right making his eyes roll to the back of his head. Using his grip on Khai’s shoulders for balance, he started moving up and down, biting his lip in pleasure.
Khai. Khai could feel his own release building inside of him, and he was almost disappointed that he might not last so long. But when Landon flipped them over it took him by surprise. A soft grunt of intense pleasure escaping his lips as his boyfriend sunk even further down on him and began to ride him. “Oh, shit. Fuck yeah baby. Don’t fucking stop” he demanded through hard lustful breaths. His hips lifting up to meet Landon thrust for thrust as he gripped tightly on to his waist. His moans getting a bit louder each time Landon came down on him. “Mmm, baby. I’m so close” he breathed out through shaky breaths of desire before biting his bottom lip to try and keep quiet. His lower abdomen tightening with pleasure as he continued to stroke his boyfriend fervently and he tried to hold back his release.
LANDON Any other time, Landon might have considered teasing the other boy. He would go up until only the tip of his cock was still inside, teasing at his rim. Then when Khai could no longer handle it and turned into a begging mess, he would slam down again, taking him all in. But that was not for today. He would have to leave it did when they hadn’t been waiting so long to get together again. So instead he kept riding Khai, going faster and faster, with the other still stroking his cock. Landon definitely wasn’t going to last long. “B-babe...I’m close.” If the situation was different, he would feel embarrassed over not lasting very long but, all things considered, Landon was actually surprised he was still going.
Khai. Landon was so fucking sexy like this. Khai honestly didn’t know how he had even lasted this long. The sounds coming from the both of them as their bodies slapped together was definitely sending him. His head lulling back against the pillow beneath him as his entire body stared to trembled with pleasure. “Lan... fuck, yes baby. I’m right there” he managed to get out through his hard breaths moans. His hips continuing to lift vigorously into his boyfriends as his mouth gaped open. “Uuughh... *Shiiit.” Fuck, I’m gonna cum, daddy.” He wasn’t sure if Landon had a daddy kink or not, but the word just fell from his lips so effortlessly at the way his boyfriend was fucking him. His left hand pushed up Landons chest to grip firmly at his neck as he gazed straight into his eyes. Continuing to stroke him sloppily as he felt his hot cum shoot out of him with a loud pathetic moan.
LANDON Landon couldn’t believe he really thought they could be quiet. Even if they somehow managed to keep their moaning to a minimum, there would still be the sounds of their hips slamming together over and over again. He was so into it and oh so close to his release that he wouldn’t have realised what Khai called him it wasn’t so unexpected. His rhythm stalled and he looked at the other in shock. It didn’t last long though as he was soon back to riding him and trying to get them both to the edge. His prostate was being abused with every thrust and Landon was a panting and moaning mess. “Shit Khai...just like that. I’m so close, so close”, he gasped. Khai’s strokes were the last push he needed and he was soon throwing his head back and cunning with a groan.
Khai. Khai was a little taken back by the pause, but he didn’t let it phase him. Watching Landon cum was still one of the most beautiful sights to be seen. He was just so sexy in every possible sense of the word. “Yes baby.” He growled softly with pleasure as he watched his boyfriends cum shoot out of him. “God, you’re so fucking beautiful” he breathed out through his hard exasperated breaths. Pulling Landon down against him as he wrapped his arms tightly around his body. Their hearts were both beating so fast against each other’s chest and khai smiled with satisfaction. “Mmm, god, I’ve missed this” he admitted. Pressing his lips to Landon’s forehead before placing his hand beneath his chin to tilt his head up. Looking into his boyfriends eyes adoringly before placing a soft peck to his lips. “That got a little loud there for minute. I hope Elle didn’t hear us” he mused. Kissing his boyfriend once more before rolling him onto his side to pull out of him.
LANDON The position he was in and the exhaustion of the day seemed to catch up with him all of a sudden. His legs felt like jelly and he flopped on top of Khai, leaving a trail of kisses along his chest. He winced a little when Khai pulled out of him, still feeling quite sensitive and then he rolled over to look at his...boyfriend? "I really hope not because I'm not ready to have that particular conversation with Elle yet. We'll just have to tell her we were exercising or something if she says anything tomorrow morning", he said, smirking in amusement. It wouldn't technically be a lie as what they just did was quite a workout, especially for his thighs. "Hm...how about that nap now? I think we deserve it after that."
Khai. He hummed softly at the feeling of Landons lips against his chest and he pulled his bottom lip between his teeth with a chuckle. “Oh yeah, that was a total work out” he mused. Pushing Landons hair back from his face before leaning in to peck his lips again. “Yeah, baby. I think we definitely deserve that nap now. But, I wanna snuggle” he grinned. Pulling Landon as close as he could as he snuggled into him. Resting his head on top of his boyfriends and humming softly once again as he closed his eyes. He felt so content and happy, it was almost a bit overwhelming. He just didn’t want this feeling to ever end. “Sweet dreams, baby” he whispered with exhaustion. His fingers gently raking through his boyfriends hair as he started to drift off to sleep with a smile.
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malakhai-ozera · 4 years
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@davieslandon 🕷❤️🖤
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malakhai-ozera · 4 years
Discord Thread || Khai and Landon
Discord thread featuring: Malakhai Ozera and Landon Davies
When: September 9th
Mentions: Roman Beckett, Jaycee Lynd, Dorian Taylor, and Aaron Hart
Description:Landon asks Khai to come over after Khai texts him a song about how he feels.
Trigger Warning:  NSFW!!!
Khai. Khai had definitely been pushing his luck a bit when it came to  texting Landon. He had asked for space, and Khai was just not doing too well with that at all. Ever since they hooked up at the party, Landon was all he could think about. He wanted to be close to him and he wanted to talk with him about what they had done. He couldn’t help but feel a bit used though after immediately being shut out again. Wondering if Landon regretted being with him and if it was only the alcohol that swayed his decision. Quite honestly the possibility of that really hurt. But, regardless of the fact that he had spent most of his time in bed nearly every day since the party ended. He continued to be persistent. He wanted Landon to know he didn’t regret being with him at all. That he still wanted him,  maybe even more so now. He was pressing his luck and to be honest, he was scared he might actually be pushing him away. But there was a sense of relief when Landon finally invited him out to dinner. The sting of “as friends” was better than nothing at all wasn’t it? It wasn’t until khai sent him the song that had been on repeat in his head for days, that Landon completely shocked him. Asking him to come over and causing his heart to literally skip a beat in his chest. He could feel his stomach doing little flips the entire ride as he made his way to his friends house. His heart racing as his hands shook nervously, his palms sweaty. What was about to happen? Was Landon going to tell him enough was enough and to move the hell on? Or was this actually about to move toward something be had been wanting for months. Which ever way it went, Khai was scared out of his mind. He hadn’t felt like this for anyone since Roman and Jaycee and even with how he felt for Dorian, this was different. Landon was the one person he had ever fallen for without actually falling into their bed first. It was something he wasn’t used to and definitely something he was in no way prepared for. It was more than sex and more than friendship between them, but what was it exactly? Did he actually love this man? He sat outside in his car for a few minutes as he tried to collect himself. His thoughts were racing through a million different scenarios and he had smoked a whole blunt to his head. He grabbed his Gucci cologne and sprayed it on his red jumper before getting out of his car. He wasn’t sure if Elle was here or not, but he didn’t want to arrive smelling like a whole damn pot tree. He knocked on Landon’s door as his heart continued to pound out of control. His breathing shaky as he took a few deep breaths in and he waited for the other to answer the door.
LANDON Landon didn’t regret the night they spent together at the party. It was everything he thought sex with Khai would be and more. Things the morning after weren’t as easy. He could remember the hurt look on Roman’s face when he saw them kissing and the way he ran out of there without another backward glance. And when he found out his ex relapsed after that? It completely devastated him. How could he explore whatever he and Khai when it was hurting someone else so much; someone he cared about. Landon knew that he was also hurting Khai by saying they needed space but he didn’t know what else to do. He didn’t know how to make everyone happy. It was impossible. His perspective changed after his talk with Roman. The idea of him and Khai still terrified him because he didn’t know what to expect. But at least he had Roman’s blessing now and that made all the difference, even if he still wasn’t sure his ex was being completely truthful. He planned on talking to Khai about it when he got back from his holiday, give him some time to think things through and relax and wasn’t bluffing when he told him their dinner would be just as friends. Then he sent him that song. And it changed everything. Landon could hear what the other was trying to tell him and...he couldn’t ignore it any longer. So he told him to come over, right there and then. Landon couldn’t even remember the last time he was so nervous and he had literally nothing prepared but at least Elle was at a friend’s for a sleepover. He almost ran to the door when he heard the knock and, with one last deep breath, opened it. “Hey”, he said as soon as he saw Khai waiting on the other side. Landon moved to the side to let him walk in and led the way to the living room. “I was actually thinking of ordering a pizza so...I don’t have dinner ready. Sorry about that.”
Khai. He was looking down at his feet and fidgeting when Landon pulled open the door. His eyes gazing up at him as he felt his heart stop once again. Wow, he was not expecting just the sight of Landon to take his breath away, but there he was. Standing there with his lips parting open into an idiotic grin. “Hey, babe” his voice almost squeezed as he greeted him. Clearing his throat soon after and trying to play it off as he chuckled at himself. He followed Landon into his living room and he could feel his heart doing laps in his chest. “Yeah, no, that’s totally fine. No worries” he assured. His hands rubbing against his thighs as he looked around the room and debated on taking a seat. Honestly he wasn’t really thinking about food, or where to sit. All he kept thinking about was how badly he just wanted to go up to Landon and kiss him.  But he had to play this cool. He didn’t want to make his same typical mistakes and ruin things before they even began. “So... uh.... What kinda pizza you are you gonna order?” he asked as he looked over at Landon once again. His pupils giving away his feelings as the dilated just at the sight of him.
LANDON This was a little awkward but it wasn't anything Landon wasn't already expecting. It was the first time they were seeing each other in person after the party and it was clear they both weren't sure of what to say or do. Landon took a seat and gestured for Khai to do the same then he got out his phone to order pizza. "My go-to is usually mushrooms, ham and olives but if you tell me your preference I'll order it for you as well." Landon was going to use the time spent discussing pizza toppings to try and figure out what he was going to say to Khai. It wasn't easy, putting himself on the line like this, and he was terrified but he also knew that they couldn't go on like this for much longer. Something had to happen and, at this point, he knew it was up to him to make it happen.
Khai. He took a seat beside Landon as he gestured for him to join him. Leaning back into the couch and draping his arm over his abdomen to try and hide his labored breathing. His heart was still pounding so fast, and even though he was mentally telling himself to chill the fuck out, it was incredibly hard to do. He was scared, and it was probably evident all over his face. He never had been good at hiding his expressions. Which most times proved to be a good thing. But right now, he just wanted to be chill and not make things awkward. He couldn’t help it though, he was so scared Landon was going to tell him that it was all a mistake and that they should  just keep things as friends. Not that it would necessarily be a bad thing if he did say that. But Khai had it so bad for Landon, which also happened to terrify him. He licked his lips as his friend stated his usual and he nodded his head. “That actually sounds really good to me” he replied. His hands rubbing on his thighs again as he tried to keep them from being so clammy. His body shifting forward as he rested his elbows on his knees. “Where’s Elle? Is she not here?” he asked. Just trying to make small talk to keep from letting things fall into an awkward silence.
LANDON With a few clicks on his phone, Landon ordered their food from his usual pizza place and put his phone away. He still wasn't entirely sure what he was going to say but he couldn't keep putting it off any longer. It was clear that Khai was nervous and he didn't want that to get worse while he took his sweet old time trying to come up with something to say. "Pizza's on its way and it's just going to be us today because Elle's at a sleepover with a friend." He was glad that his daughter was already making so many new friends, especially since it meant he could get the chance to talk to Khai without any interruptions or distractions. "I talked with Roman." Might as well get right to it.
Khai. He chewed his bottom lip and looked around the room again as Landon ordered their food. His eyes scanning over the pictures in frames as if he hadn’t been there a million times. It wasnt until he heard Landon putting his phone away that he brought his attention back to the smaller. A soft smile pulling at his lips as he said it would be just them. “That’s nice. I’m glad she’s making new friends... unless she’s with Des, that’s cool too” he chuckled. His giddiness was cut short though as soon as he heard the mention of Roman, and he nodded his head. “Okay” he breathed out. “What does that mean?” Of course Roman had told him that the two of them had talked. But he wanted to hear things from Landon. He wanted to know where he stood with everything and honestly, he wanted to know if he was okay.
LANDON "Des is probably there too. Those two are pretty much attached at the hip at this point but I'm glad they're both making other friends." Landon knew that Des and Elle were destined to be best friends for life but it was good to have other friends because there would come a point where they couldn't both be together all the time and would need others for help. What does that mean? That's a really good question and one Landon wasn't sure he had the answer to. "He said he's fine with it...with us, I mean. Even gave us his blessings", he joked, trying to ease the tension just a little bit. "I'm still scared...terrified actually. I want to trust you, I really do, but you know I don't have the best track record and I don't want to get hurt again. But I like you, I really do."
Khai. “Yeah, of course they are. Their best friends” he smiled. “I’m glad their making friends too though, it’ll be really good for them” he repeat his earlier statement. His eyes shifted to meet Landons as he informed him what Roman had said, and he chuckled softly again. “His blessing?” he repeated with slight amusement. His head nodding as Landon confessed that he was scared and really did like him. “I know, I’m scared too. I’m not stupid, Landon. I know I have a reputation and I know I’ve done a lot of shady things. I don’t really expect you to trust me, regardless of your own track record. Which is kinda bullshit honestly, those guys are idiots and I don’t really think he had anything to do with you. They just couldn’t realize a good thing when they had it.” He shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly and pressing his lips together with a soft sigh. “I really like you, Landon. I have since the day we kissed in the bar. I thought it was obvious, but I knew it would be difficult. That’s the only reason I tried to move on. I thought you didn’t feel the same way, and I had no other choice. I just kept screwing things up because I still wanted you.” He couldn’t really believe he had just said that all out loud. Normally he was trying to prove himself through text, but now Landon was looking right into his eyes, and there was no hiding how vulnerable he really was to the situation. “ I don’t want to rush you, I never wanted to rush you Landon. All I’ve ever wanted was to just have a chance to show you how much you mean to me. Actually... that’s not all I’ve ever wanted. I’ve also wanted to be able to kiss you anytime I want. But that’s besides the point” he scoffed at himself.
LANDON Landon didn’t want to hurt him by saying that he had a reputation but it was the truth so he was grateful when Khai brought it up himself. It was hard for him to really believe and trust that Khai liked him when he was there for every person he dated. Landon was there when he was in a relationship with Jaycee and Roman. He was there when Khai spent the night with Ella and he picked him up to give him a lift to the theater. He was there for Emily...Dorian...what made him so different from the others? Khai was wrong. It had everything to do with him. Loren came back spewing bullshit about still loving him and then went to Jace before they could even try again because Landon wasn’t enough. Harry  didn’t want to deal with a husband who couldn’t even remember him so he left. He ruined things with Roman all those years ago even though he was still in love with him, over his own insecurities. Everything was his fault and he wasn’t looking forward to Khai figuring out the same thing. But Khai seemed so sure of what he was saying. Landon didn’t want to get hurt again but he was still hurting trying to keep himself away. “Well if you really want me...” Was he really going to do this? “Then get over here and kiss me.”
Khai. He really wished that he could give Landon a free pass to sort around inside his head. Maybe then he could understand a little better where he was coming from. The only reason all of those relationships failed, aside from his throuple, was because he couldn’t get over his feelings for Landon. Emily nearly beat the shit out of him when he confessed it to her, and Dorian, well he shattered him pretty good too. He didn’t want to do that to Landon, in fact, it was quite the opposite. He was ready to settle and had been for quite some time. He just needed the person he really wanted to reciprocate the notion. He knew that would he a challenge though. Not only because the two of them being together could hurt others that they loved, but also because he knew Landon blamed himself for all his past mishaped relationships. Khai knew better though. Landon just had a big heart and he was always so worried about hurting people and or being hurt himself. Khai tended to be the same way, just not so vocally. Which made this situation even more difficult, because neither one of them wanted anything more than to just be happy and have the people around them happy as well.  He was starting to get so deep in his thoughts about it all that the wind was completely knocked out of him with Landons next words. His eyes shifting down to his lips for a moment before reconnecting with his soft blues, and licking his lips. Without wasting another second or even giving Landon a chance to change his mind. He was moving closer and cupping his hands around the smallers face. His lips pressing firmly to Landon’s as he kissed him slowly savoring the taste of his mouth against his own.
LANDON The feeling of Khai’s lips on his confirmed that he was making the right choice. So while he was still terrified and didn’t have any idea what the future held for them, he didn’t regret it. Because he liked Khai, he liked him a lot, and Roman was right. It was useless fighting against it if they were both going to be miserable. And he knew other people might be hurt over it. Roman was probably not being honest, Aaron didn’t really like Khai and he didn’t even want to think about what Emily and Dorian would have to say to him if they saw him. But Landon couldn’t keep living his life according to what would make others happy. He tried doing that before and it ended in disaster. And Khai proved himself by waiting for him, especially after their hookup at the party. So he kissed him back and Landon enjoyed every second of it.
Khai. Kissing Landon felt like the most natural thing. Like their lips were made to be pressed against one another’s. Now that neither one of them were holding back, and they were completely sober. Well, mostly sober in Khai’s case. There was a different kind of passion to it. Their lips moving languidly against one another’s as Khai’s hands slid to the back of Landon’s head and grabbed two fist fulls of his hair. He hummed softly as his tongue slid slowly across Landons lower lip and he lifted up off of the couch. Pushing Landon back on to his back before pulling himself over him and reconnecting their lips. He let his body weight press down against the smallers as his tongue snaked between his lips and fully explored his mouth. His hand reaching back up and pulling at Landons hair as the other gripping firmly at his jawline. He was so damn addicted to the taste of Landons mouth already, he wasn’t sure he would ever be able to stop kissing him.
LANDON Landon knew that once he stopped fighting it and finally gave in it was going to rock his world but he didn't expect it to this extent. It was almost as if Khai wanted to make up for lost time and suddenly he found himself almost regretting not doing this straight after the party. It would have spared him a lot of worry and misery. He whined when the other grabbed onto his hair, grateful to know he remembered how sensitive Landon was there. Moving his own hands to Khai's back, he grabbed a fistful of his shirt and pulled on it to try and get it off.
Khai. Hearing Landon whine for him was so fucking sexy. It made his entire body crave to satisfy him as he continued to kiss him fervently. He felt the pull on the back of his shirt and he grinned against Landon’s lips. He hadn’t expected this to happen, but God, there was no way he could resist. He broke the kiss again only long enough for Landon to get his shirt off and he reached down to pull his off as well. His hands exploring all over the smallers chest as he leaned back in to kiss him again. “You’re so fucking sexy” he breathed out against the others lips. His hand trailing down his abdomen until he was rubbing Landon over the fabric of his jeans. “Mine” he growled softly. Biting and pulling fervently on Landon’s bottom lip before teasing his mouth with his tongue.
LANDON Landon threw his head back with a moan when Khai finally got his hand on his clothed cock and the way he was being so possessive...that was hot. "All yours and you're mine...right?" He knew that he kept coming back to Khai's reputation and he hated himself for it a little but he needed to confirm this before anything else could happen between them. Few people knew this about him but Landon was actually a very jealous person and he wasn't known for sharing. And so he pulled back from Khai, forcing the other to look him in the eyes. "If we do this...you're it for me, you get that right? And I want the same for you otherwise this won't work. Is that okay?" Way to ruin the mood Landon. But better to get it out of the way now than when he was already in too deep, even though it already felt too late for that.
Khai. When Landon threw his head back he moved his lips to his neck. The taste of his skin causing him to hum as he licked and bit at his soft skin. “I’m yours baby” he breathed out with pleasure. The words rolling off his tongue so effortlessly as he kissed back up to Landon’s lips. It didn’t bother him that Landon wanted confirmation. Because honestly, the reminders were extremely sexy in the moment. He could feel Landon becoming more and more aroused beneath his touch, and it was turning him on so much. But when he pulled back and forced Khai to look at him he whined softly. He wasn’t really expecting what Landon had to say, but it didn’t ruin the mood. In fact, it made him smile. He felt like he had been waiting so long to hear those words and it only made him want Landon even more. “You’re it for me Landon. You’ve always been it for me” he confessed. Placing another soft peck to his lovers lips before looking deep into his eyes again. “I’m all yours, baby. Only yours” he confirmed, and he meant those words with every fiber of his being.
LANDON Landon knew that a part of him was always going to worry about the what-ifs and about Khai finding someone new but it was getting less frequent and the other's words worked at easing his concerns, at least for the time being. They made him feel special and wanted. Khai really liked him and he liked him back so maybe things could actually be okay for once. Landon still wasn't sure where this left them but he was willing to try if Khai was and so he pulled him in for another kiss, biting softly on his lower lip to request entrance.
Khai. Khai knew that things between the two of them would probably never be easy. Aside from all of the people who would have something to say. They were both very jealous people. Let’s not forget, there were still a handful of people who weren’t exactly okay with them being together in the first place. But he couldn’t bring himself to care, not right now anyway. He knew they would have to have a deeper conversation about where things stood with them and what was expected. But when Landon pulled him back in he was all he was able to focus on. He had waited for this moment for so long and now that they were both finally giving in. He wanted to enjoy the moment for as long as he could. Opening his mouth without any sort of hesitation and allowing Landon in. His hand continuing to rub at his bulge as their tongues rolled together.
LANDON There was still much for them to discuss. They needed to figure out where this left them and what it all meant. Whatever happened, Landon was determined for them to properly discuss it rather than whatever they did after the party. They owed it to each other to really talk things out but right now they were both too busy to even think about doing that. Landon moaned at the feeling of Khai rubbing his clothed cock  and moved his hands up and down his back, almost as if to convince himself that he was actually here.
Khai. Khai wanted to talk to Landon too and figure out exactly where they stood with each other. But it was so hard to think about anything else with his tongue down his throat. He moved his hand up to Landon’s abdomen and then back down to work on undoing his pants. His teeth pulling on his bottom lip as he looked into his eyes. It was still so hard to believe they were actually doing this, and sober. Khai really just wanted to savor every second of it. Just in case Landon were to change his mind again. He moved  his hand down again as he slid it down inside of the others pants. His fingers wrapping firmly around his length as he breathed deeply against his lips. “You’re so sexy” he whispered breathlessly. His chest rising and falling with desire as he stroked his shaft slow and hard.
LANDON This was like the party all over again except this time he wasn’t under the effect of enough tequila to have him wasted. Landon was sober and he was pretty sure that Khai was as well so, even though in a way it was very similar, it was a whole different experience at the same time. He moaned when Khai finally wrapped a hand around the bare skin of his cock and started stroking, wiggling his hips to show him that he wanted more. “You’re talking to me about sexy?” he rasped, trailing kisses down his chest.
Khai. Khai was quickly becoming addicted to the feeling of Landon’s lips against his. The sounds he made as he touched him only fueling that fire that had burning deep inside of him for so long. He moved his hand a bit faster up and down his lovers shaft. Letting his thumb roll sensually over the tip of his cock as he spread his precum. “Oh yeah, you’re so sexy baby” he purred. Moving his kisses along Landons jawline and down to his neck as his strokes picked up speed once again. “I love making you cum” he hummed softly against the wet marks he left along his lovers skin. Lifting to his knees he used his free hand to push Landons pants down even further. Freeing his cock and giving him more leverage as he continued to stroke him and kiss down his chest. Kitty licking at the slit on his tip as he looked up to watch the pleasure form upon Landons face.
LANDON Landon already felt like he was in seventh heaven and it was only about to get better judging by the fact that Khai was getting in his knees. That could only mean one thing and he was so here for it. He lifted his hips up in order to help him get his pants down and let out a loud moan the second he got his tongue on his cock. They did this at the party but it felt so different when there wasn’t a whole bottle of tequila running through his system. It felt like all sensations were multiplied. “Fuck yeah, just like that. Get your mouth around me baby”, he encouraged.
Khai. Khai was grinning up at Landon as he asked for more and he stroked him a little harder. His free hand moving to caress his balls as he put just the head of Landons cock between his lips. Letting his tongue bar roll around his tip before opening his mouth and licking down his shaft with a hum. “You want more baby?” he asked with a low lust filled rasp. Licking back up his length and then taking him completely into his mouth. His hand continued to stroke where his mouth fell short as he moaned against him for added pleasure. Hazel eyes locking on Landons expression as he took his cock all the way to the back of his throat.
LANDON Landon didn’t think he was ever going to get used to Khai’s tongue piercing and the way it felt on his cock. A part of him still couldn’t believe he was referring to this as something that was going to happen again but that’s exactly what it was, right? The little they talked made it clear it wasn’t going to be a one time thing. Landon groaned and threw his head back in pleasure when the other took him completely in his mouth. He ran his fingers through his hair and tugged on the strands whenever it felt like it was getting to be too much. “I’m always going to want more.” It wasn’t even a lie, Landon could be greedy when he allowed himself to be.
Khai. Watching Landon was such a fucking turn on. He didn’t think this man could get any more beautiful, and yet here he was, the vision of a pure masterpiece. Pleasure only highlighting the already incredibly sexy features he displayed. He relaxed his throat a bit as he pressed his tongue against Landons shaft. Taking his length even further down his throat as his hand continued to caress his balls. God!!! He loved giving head, especially to Landon. He wasn’t sure if he was even gonna get used to his girth but he loved it so fucking much. He gagged softly as he held Landons cock in the back of his throat for a moment. His eyes falling shut as he hallowed out his cheeks and began to bob up and down. His momentum increasing with each stroke of his mouth as he moans pleasurable vibrations against him. He tasted so damn good, and Khai was captivated by his new addiction.
LANDON Landon used his grip on Khai’s hair to pull him in deeper, watching with wide eyes as the other gagged on his length yet kept on going. “You’re amazing”, he said in amazement. The vibrations of Khai’s moans against his cock felt incredible and all Landon wanted was to push him further down until he couldn’t go anywhere, even if he tried. Reaching down, Landon pushed down on Khai’s pants and wrapped his hand around his cock, giving it a few strokes.
Khai. Shifting  his eyes to look up at Landon again when he said he was amazing, he pulled up from his cock with a pop. His hand continuing to stroke him as he twisted his wrist for added pleasure. “You’re amazing baby” he replied with a raspy and breathless tone. His bottom lip pulling between his lips as he Landon pushed down his pants and took his own hard into his hand. “Mmm, Landon” he moaned softly. His touch quenching that aching need as his hips jerked into his hand. “God, I want you” he groaned with desire, leaning back in to lick at at Landons tip again as he kept his eyes on him. He was so hard and dripping as Landons fingers brushed against his piercing. Sending him into overdrive as he moved his hands to hook beneath Landons knees and prop his legs up onto the couch. “I wanna fuck you baby” he informed with a bit of dominance lacing his tone. “Do you want me to fuck you?” Maybe the question was a bit of a no brained, but Khai wasn’t sure if Landon was a top or bottom, and the last thing he wanted to do was make him uncomfortable.
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malakhai-ozera · 4 years
Discord thread featuring: Khai and Landon ( @davieslandon )
When: September 5th
Mentions: @romanbeckett
Description: Landon and Khai get drunk at Emily’s release party. They get caught kissing by Roman and then hook up for the first time,
Trigger Warnings: So many feels. SMUT!!!
Khai. It has been weeks since the last time Khai had any type of strong alcohol. So it was needless to say that the bottle of tequila in his hand was probably a bad idea. He didn’t care thought, you party hard or go home right? He sat on one of the couches as he rocked the bottle back and forth on his knee. Licking his lips in anticipation of his first drink, but painfully dragging it out. “Alright, well... here goes nothing” he said to himself. Picking up the bottle and chugging it a quarter of the way to the middle. He let out a sigh of satisfaction as the alcohol burned its way down his throat. Smiling over to the person beside him as he nodded his head he let out a soft chuckle. This night was about to get a whole lot more fun. He just hoped he would remember it in the morning.
LANDON Landon rolled his eyes when he saw Khai chugging so much tequila in one go. “Well, well, we’ll. Someone’s already being a little wild tonight”, he laughed. “Are you going to share or do I have to beg?” Drinking tequila was probably not a good idea since it was the drink which was known to make him horny but if he was going to survive a night in his ex-boyfriend’s place then he was going to need all the alcohol he could get.
Khai. Landon always knew exactly what to say to make Khai all giddy on the inside. But after their recent conversations he was really just trying to behave himself. “I’d love to see you beg. Right there on your hands and knees” he grinned, pointing the the floor between his knees. “But, I’ll just be nice and share. As long as you keep those comments about how wild I am to yourself” he winked. So much for behaving. He handed the bottle over to Landon and placed his hand on his friends knee. His body was already feeling all warm and tingly and he was smiling like an idiot.
LANDON Landon looked at him with raised eyebrows and smirked. “Really? Babe you’re nowhere near ready to handle me on my hands and knees.” He took the bottle from him and chugged a healthy amount. There was no point taking things slow if the end result was going to be the same anyways. “I guess I’ll keel it to myself but I’m not making any promises.”
Khai. Blinking his eyes slowly he shifted them back into Landons direction. A devilish grin pulling at his lips as he shook his head. “I would love to know where you’ve gotten this idea that I can’t handle you from the back or on your knees. It’s quite amusing” he laughed. Licking his lips again as he watched Landon down quite a bit of alcohol. “Mhm... that’s right. Such a good boy” he teased. Reaching for the bottle once again before downing a bit more. “Here, you’re gonna need this” he mused, handing the bottle back. “We should go swimming.” The bad ideas were only getting started.
LANDON Was he being serious when he said he didn’t think Khai would be able to handle him? Not really, but it was fun to tease the other like that so Landon knew he was going to keep doing it. “I don’t know, I’ve been told I can be a lot to handle so maybe that’s why”, he grinned. He took the bottle from Khai again and didn’t argue. He was definitely going to need it to get through the night. The last thing he expected was a suggestion to go swimming. “You want to what? I did not get dressed for a party only to ruin it by going swimming”, he laughed.
Khai. The look on Khai’s face was priceless. He always got a real kick out of how sassy Landon could be, and the look on his friends face only topped it all off. “Hmm... Maybe I’ll have to test that theory out for myself one day” he said mindlessly. Normally he would throw a comment like that to the wind and stand confidently behind it. But he knew Landon wasn’t in anyway interest and it was all just a game of cat and mouse for him. “Don’t go getting all boujee on me now Davies. I didn’t mean right this second anyway” he laughed. Maybe it was the weeks without drinking, but Khai already felt a slight buzz coming on. His smile only getting a bit more seductive and slightly goofy the more he sipped the bottle. “You do look good though. Really good” he complimented. His hand reaching over to trace his fingers along the collar of Landons jacket.
LANDON Landon rolled his eyes but didn’t deny it. Maybe it was the tequila or maybe it was just that he was used to these sort of comments from Khai and knew not to take them too seriously. It was a relief to know he didn’t mean right this second as Landon didn’t think he was anywhere near drunk enough to willingly go for a swim in the pool. “Thanks, so do you.” Well, someone seemed to be getting a little handsy but Khai wasn’t the only one effected by the tequila so he didn’t stop him. He wasn’t drunk but the party atmosphere was enough to make him a little more agreeable to this than he usually would be.
Khai. His eyes were following the trail of his fingers on Landons jacket before shifting up to meet his soft blues. A slightly shy smile pulling at his lips as he pulled the bottom between his teeth. Wow, he was definitely going to need more alcohol to ignore these flips in his stomach. He reached for the bottle again and chugged more than half before handing it back. “Thank you” he breathed out with a soft hiss from the burning sensation in his throat. “So...  now what? You wanna go get into some trouble? Or would you rather just sit here all night making googley eyes at me” he mused. His tongue darting out to lick the corner of his mouth as he tempted his friends to have a little fun.
LANDON “I thought I was supposed to need it more or something”, he laughed, referring to the now almost empty bottle of tequila. He chugged down the rest of it and left the empty bottle on the table to be thrown away later. “And what sort of trouble are we talking about? I wouldn’t want you to get stuck with me making googley eyes at you, that’s just not fair on you at all. So sorry about that.” Like he hadn’t just caught Khai staring at him or anything, of course not. The other boy was lucky that he didn’t tease him about it, more out of a news not to make things awkward than him being nice about it.
Khai. “Oh, you definitely need more” he nodded eagerly. “Hell, so do I” he added with a chuckle. His shifting his eyes back to Landon again and it looks could kill, Landon would have just dropped dead. “You can look at me however you want, babe. Just don’t tease me” he grinned. Of course Landon knew exactly what kind of teasing he was talking about. How could he not at this point? “Come on, let’s get more alcohol” he insisted. Grabbing Landons hand and leading him over to the little mini bar that was set up in the lobby. “I’m not sure how drunk we can get off this, but it’s worth a try” he mused. Passing a small bottle of tequila over to Landon before downing one of his own. A soft hum passing his lips as he closed his eyes and let the alcohol bring his body to life.
LANDON Landon didn’t think he ever saw Khai glare at him like that and he had to fight really hard not to burst out laughing. That was probably more an affect of the alcohol though. “Okay, no teasing promise.” He followed Khai to the minibar and took the small tequila bottle from him. “Are you kidding me? I don’t know about you but I can definitely get drunk from tequila.” Landon left out the part where he was already beginning to feel the effects of it, probably because it’s been a while since he last got drunk and he chugged half a bottle of tequila by himself. Opening the small bottle, he downed it and absentmindedly wondered how long it was going to be before he started making bad decisions.
Khai. It was quite clear that Khai was  indeed feeling the effects himself. His already heavy accent was starting to slur a bit and his idiotic crooked smile never left his face. “Tequila is definitely my drink of choice” he said randomly. Grabbing another small bottle and downing that one as well before grabbing Landons hand. “Okay, mr hard to handle. Let’s go have some fun” he chuckled. Pulling his friend along with him before stumbling over the rug and crashing into the wall. Of course he pulled Landon along with him as he rested his back firm against the wall behind him. They were now face to face as Landon stood in front of him and he shifted his eyes down to his lips. Was this the universe giving him a push? Probably not, but he went for it anyway. Moving his free hand to the back of Landons neck and pulling him in for a heated kiss
LANDON “Oh yeah, it’s mine as well.” Somehow he tended to end up hooking up with someone whenever he had tequila though. Nope, definitely not saying that out loud. He followed Khai but wasn’t expecting him to trip over the rug and be dragged along with him. Not effected by the tequila my ass. Their faces were literally inches apart and Landon almost made some sort of joke to break the tension. Before he could, Khai was pulling him in for a kiss and Landon was powerless to stop it. He had trouble pushing him away on a good day but with all the tequila he’d been drinking, it was close to impossible.
Khai. The weight of Landons body pressing into his against the wall was making him feel dizzy. But in the best possibly way that it could. He could taste the tequila on the others lips and it made it sooo hard to stop. Especially when Landon was kissing him back just as heated as he’d given it. It was a definite turn in events but Khai forced himself to pull away. His head resting back against the wall as he starred into Landons eyes. “I’m... I’m sorry” he breathed out. His hand clenching onto the back of his friends neck as he fought against the magnetic pull to kiss him again.
LANDON This was probably a long time coming. Between the times they’d kissed before and came to a mutual understanding it was a bad idea, and the sexual tension between them, it was bound to happen again. Landon was actually surprised they got through countless nights in watching Netflix snuggled on the sofa without anything happening. Khai pulling back was enough to shock him back into the present. Shit. “Ugh...yeah it’s...don’t worry about it, it’s fine.” Wasn’t this what they said wasn’t going to happen again? That went well.
Roman. Roman had just gotten to the party, dressed head to toe in Gucci of course - making a statement, as always. He looked down at his phone, replying to some messages as he stepped through the lobby, stopping dead in his tracks when he saw Khai and Landon kissing up against the wall. Both of them had stated to him that nothing was ever going to happen between them, but he’d known that was a lie. He wasn’t an idiot, nor did he have a right to say anything. He closed his eyes as his stomach sank, tucking his phone into the pocket of his pale peach trousers. The heels of his Chelsea boots were loud as he clacked through the lobby, cursing silently to himself that he’d given himself away as he rushed to the elevator, mashing his finger on the button until the doors opened for him to go upstairs.
LANDON Great, this was going to get awkward again wasn’t it? They really needed to talk about it because, as much as he wanted to move on and ignore it ever happened again, he knew they couldn’t keep doing this. Just as he was about to tell Khai just that, Landon heard the sound of clacking heels coming from behind him and he turned around, only to freeze when he saw who it was. Shit, shit, shit. Of all the people who had to walk through the lobby right now why did it have to be Roman? He promised him that nothing would happen between him and Khai but it did and Landon didn’t know what to so. He almost called out to him as he watched him frantically pressing on the button for the elevator but then what would he say? They needed to talk about this, he knew that but not when he was under the influence of a bottle of tequila. That wouldn’t go down very well. Landon turned to look at Khai, hoping the other would have a better idea of what they should do.
Khai. Landon was telling him it was fine, but was it really? It didn’t seem to be. He always did this, he always had to go and make shit weird. Why couldn’t he just take no for a fucking answers? Just when he thought Landon might say something else he heard the clicking of heels. His heart immediately sinking because he knew that sound like the back of his hand. He closed his eyes as a deep sigh escaped his lips and he let go of Landons neck. It was in the look on Landons face, and even more so in Romans, he fucked up, yet again. “I’m gonna go” he pushed out, his tone breaking right along with his heart. “I shouldn’t have done that. I know you you don’t want me and I’m not trying to make shit harder on anyone. I should just go.
LANDON Why couldn’t things ever be simple for them? Sometimes it felt like no matter what he did, someone was bound to get hurt and this seemed like a confirmation of that. If he followed Roman to try and explain, he would be hurting Khai and if he stayed here, he wouldn’t be able to explain himself to his ex. Not that he knew what he was going to say. ‘Oh hey, sorry about that. Got drunk again and kissed Khai again’ That would totally work. He was going to say that it was fine but Landon bit his tongue before he could. That would have been such a big lie that he couldn’t get himself to say it. There was nothing remotely five about their situation and it was time he faced it. Hearing what Khai said made the decision for him. “It’s...that’s not it and you know it. But this just turned into an even bigger mess than it already was. Roman saw us.
Khai. There was a huge part of Khai that really wanted to chase after Roman too. He was his best friend among other things and the last thing he ever wanted to do was hurt him. He would rather hurt himself over and over again than ever cause any type of pain to Roman, or Landon for that matter. But he couldn’t help how he felt. No matter how hard he tried to push it away, or how much he told himself it was wrong. He couldn’t stop it or change it. This just hurt all the way into the pit of his guts. Did Landon still love Roman too? What was even happening right now? “I know it?” he asked through a shaky voice. “I don’t think I know anything anymore, Landon. You told me you don’t like me like this and you told me it could never happen. Yet here I am making a fool of myself and hurting the people I love again.” The tears were balling up in his eyes but he refused to cry. He didn’t want to cry over this again not in front of Landon. “I’m sorry” he repeated. Wishing he wasn’t trapped against the wall right now, because even with being caught by Roman neither one of them even budged. This would be where Khai would normally just say fuck it and through caution to the wind. But he had changed so much in such a short amount of time. He really didn’t even know what to do, or say. It was all on Landon now, the ball was in his court and Khai was ready to surrender.
LANDON Landon knew he was to blame for this because of things he said in the past. It’s not that he didn’t like Khai, it’s just that they were both in difficult situations and he wasn’t so sure getting together would help with that. His past relationships didn’t do much to change his mind and neither did Khai’s. And he was so tired of hurting people no matter what he did. But that’s just the thing, isn’t it? No matter what he decided, someone was going to get hurt, whether it was Roman, Khai or literally anyone else. He was constantly trying not to be selfish so as not to hurt others and it still ended up going to shit. Maybe it was time to forget about the rest of the world and focus on what he really wanted. The tequila only encouraged him and, deep down, he knew there would be a level of regret the next morning. Khai’s eyes were shining with tears and Landon just couldn’t take it anymore so, without much more thought, he leaned in and smashed their mouths together.
Khai. Khai waited for some type of response on how Landon told him not to kiss him. His eyes searching his friends for some type of relief that he just couldn’t seem to find. He could tell Landon was just as stuck and confused as he was, but he couldn’t tell how he really felt about it all. The alcohol definitely not making the situation any easier either. Khai placed his hand on Landons arm and he was about to try to make his get away. The silence was deafening and he could swear Landon could hear his heart pounding in his chest. But before he could even move Landon was smashing his lips into his and quite literally taking his breath away. He did not expect that, AT ALL. His grip tightened on his friends arm and he kissed him back passionately. The slow movements of how their lips submitted to one other’s only causing him to melt right into their kiss. It only took a moment before Khai’s free hand was gripping at the other males waist and pulling his body flush against his own. A soft hum passing from his lips and onto the others as his tongue slide along Landons lower lip.  Desperately imploring entrance into his mouth.
LANDON Landon thought that Khai would be the one pushing him away this time. This was a bad idea and it was going to have serious consequences, of that he was sure. But he wasn’t pushed away. Instead, Khai pulled him even closer, under there was barely any space between them. It was an addicting feeling and Landon didn’t think he could stop even if he tried. He granted him access when it was asked for, moving his hands to take a hold of Khai’s hops, almost as a way of grounding himself. A part of himself couldn’t believe this was actually happening while another part was surprised it took this long.
Khai. There was a huge part of Khai that knew deep down that this was probably a very bad idea. He couldn’t stop himself though. He had wanted to kiss Landon like this for so long now and it was finally happening. He could barely even process it though. His head was still spinning from being seen by Roman and also from being taken so off guard by Landon. He didn’t think he would ever be able regain his focus. It wasn’t until Landon placed his hands on his hips, that he finally felt himself become more grounded. As if Landon was holding him down onto the earth and keeping him from floating off into blissful orbit. There was a soft moan that fell from  his lips as it vibrating against Landons and his  hands gripped at whatever parts of him that he could find. Deepening the kiss even more as he was granted access to explore the smallers mouth, and finally understanding what it would be like to kiss him until the world stopped spinning.
LANDON There were still so many things to talk about and Landon has no idea what this meant or what was going to happen. For now, he just wanted to enjoy the moment. He didn’t want to think about anything but Khai, standing right in front of him and kissing him like it was going to be the last time he got to do that. For the first time in a long time, Landon was doing what he wanted without thinking about anyone else but himself and it was liberating. Maybe later he would come to regret it and he will panic over doing something like this, even knowing that he was hurting others but for now, he just wanted to enjoy it. He moved one of his hands to Khai’s hair, running his fingers through it and pulling a few strands. It was everything he could have hoped for and more.
Khai. Kissing Landon made him feel all types of euphoric. Maybe that was partly due to the alcohol as well. But he was literally crumbling against the wall with need. He didn’t want this kiss to end, he just wanted to savor every second of it for as long as he could. His hand moving ever so naturally from the smallers arm to the side of his neck. His fingers clenching at Landons face as his thumb pressed firm against his Adam’s apple. He pulled back just slightly from the kiss as he felt Landons hand pulling at his hair and he brushed his lips against his. “I want you” he said boldly. His lips ghosting over Landons as he didn’t want to give him any opportunity to stop kissing him. His other hand sliding from the smallers hip to his ass as he pressed his groin seducingly into his.
LANDON It seemed like they were both reluctant to pull away, almost like they were scared that if they did some sort of spell would be broken and they would be reminded that there were other things they needed to deal with. Landon gasped at the feeling of the other’s groin being pressed against his and he nipped Khai’s lip, trying to keep himself from making anymore sounds. “Not here though.” It’s not that Landon was against anything a little public, his time with Loren more than a little proof of that. This was different. Roman walking in on them kissing was a clear reminder that anyone could see them right now and there were too many people they could hurt with that. It’s a risk they couldn’t afford to take.
Khai. It was becoming harder and harder for Khai to hold back. Especially when Landon nipped at his lips like that. The feeling causing him to lull his head back against the wall with a slight whimper. “No...  not here” he agreed breathlessly against his lips. But where they would they go was the question. He definitely didn’t want to be seen by anyone else that could possibly cause a scene, but he also didn’t want to be away from Landon very long either. He was already becoming aroused by the way their  groins rubbed together and he had always been known to be a bit impatient. “Where do you wanna go?”  he finally asked between kisses. His hand sliding up the side of Landons neck to grab a fistful of his hair.
LANDON Now that was a good question and one which he didn’t really have an answer to. The only ‘room’ he’d really seen was the lobby since they didn’t get very far before they started drinking. Where could they even go where they wouldn’t run the risk of being interrupted? And it was getting a little hard to think with Khai kissing him and rubbing against him like that. The alcohol didn’t help. “Fuck, I don’t know. Somewhere private.” Wherever it was, they needed to leave now because Landon wasn’t going to hold back on doing anything more much longer if the other kept behaving this way. This was yet another reminder of his horny tequila could make him.
Khai. It really was too damn hard to concentrate on anything other than Landon right now. His patience was growing thin and he just needed to have his hands all over the other sooner rather than later. He pushed off the wall and grabbed Landons hand before leading him further into the building. He was almost positive that the bedrooms in Emily’s apartment would be taken, so he led him in the opposite direction. It wasn’t until he spotted the gym completely empty that he pulled Landon inside. “This will have to do” he said seductively. Pushing the door closed behind them and turning the lock to make sure no one could enter. He let his eyes scan over Landons body before licking his lips and giving him an alluring smile. “You’re so fucking delicious” he commented before grabbing his face and kissing him again. Walking the smaller backwards until he was able to push him down onto one of the workout machines.
LANDON Landon has never been in this apartment for pretty obvious reasons. Apart from the fact that he was pretty sure neither Emily or Jace would invite him, there was also the tiny detail that Loren also lived here. Khai would definitely know this place more than him so when he started leading him further into the place, Landon didn’t complain. Hopefully that meant he had somewhere in mind although he really wasn’t expecting to be led to the gym. “I’ve got to admit I’ve never hooked up in a gym before but I guess there’s a first time for everything”, he teased. He didn’t get much of a chance to say anything else before Khai was kissing him again and any thought of the unusual location went out the window. Landon let himself be pushed into the workout machine, pulling Khai right along with him. He dragged his hands over the other’s back until he reached the end of his shirt and started lifting it up slowly.
Khai. Khai was grinning like an idiot at Landons confession. Mostly because he had never hooked up in a gym either. It just seemed like the closest most relevant place at the moment. He wasn’t really thinking about location though, especially when his lips were back on Landons. God! He kissed like a pro when he wanted to. Each and every time their lips connected, Landon left him even more breathless than before. The asphyxiation only making him yearn for more. He broke the kiss once again as he let Landon pull up his shirt. Following in pursuit as he removed his as well. He placed his hands against Landons bare chest as their lips met again, and he let them slowly trail down to his abdomen. His fingers clumsily working on getting the others jeans undone as he bit and sucked at his lips. His arousal becoming more evident than ever as he rolled his tongue into Landons mouth. Letting his tongue bar scrape against the roof of his mouth with a soft moan.
LANDON The knowledge that no one was going to walk in on them again made him relax a little more. No more surprises and it was just them now. Landon couldn’t ask for anything more right now. He lifted his hips to help Khai get his jeans down and worked on his as well, making quick work of the button and zip. It wasn’t the most comfortable place ever as he had to be very careful of how he moved lest he drop off the machine but it was working. Once Khai’s jeans were out of the way he pressed against his hardness, giving it a few strokes over his underwear. Pulling back from the kiss he leaned in to whisper in the other’s ear. “You know how I’m always teasing that you can’t handle me? How about I show you?”
Khai. It seemed so effortless now that they were finally alone. Their bodies moving in perfect rhythm as they undressed one another and really took their time to enjoy it. Well, as much time as too eager, drunk, and horny men could. Once they were both left in only their briefs though the heat between them became almost unbearable. The strokes Landon was applying over his underwear only making it that much harder for Khai. Quite literally! His lips curved up into a slightly mischievous grin as Landon whispered into his ear and he breathed out with desire. The thought alone causing his cock to twitch with anticipation. “God!.... yes please” he breathed out heavily. His own hands moving to pull down Landons underwear before firmly wrapping his fingers around his length. “I just want to make you feel so good” he confessed. His eyes locking with Landons before dropping to his knees in front of him. What better way to lube him up than to give him a mind altering blow job right? He gave Landon a few slow yet intense strokes before bringing his cock to his lips. Letting his tongue piercing roll lightly around his tip before kitty licking at his precum. “Mmm... so delicious” he repeated his previous word before slapping his cock against his tongue. His eyes never leaving Landons expression as he finally took him completely to the back of his throat.
LANDON Khai didn’t even have to worry about that because Landon was feeling great. This was the culmination of months of dancing around each other and of him pretending there was nothing between them. How many times had he pushed the other back and said they couldn’t do that? And now here they were. It was almost surreal in a way. Watching Khai get down on his knees in front of him was a sight he didn’t think he would ever get used to and all his thoughts were focused on him. He gasped at the first feeling of the other’s lips around his cock but that quickly turned into a loud moan at the touch of the tongue piercing around his tip. That was definitely a new experience and one which he knew could get addicting pretty fast. Landon tangled his fingers in Khai’s hair, giving little tugs every time he took him in a certain way. As soon as the other took him in completely, he threw his head back with a loud moan, uncaring of who could hear them from outside. “Fuck.”
Khai. Khai was pretty sure he would wake up tomorrow and wonder if this was all just an amazing fucking dream. But, right now it didn’t matter. Dream or not, Khai was going to take full advantage of the situation. The moans coming from Landon as he tugged on his hair were so fucking sexy. Causing his own moans to send a gratifying vibrations against the others length. He bobbed his head up and down, continuing to stroke him where his hand fell short as he hallowed out his lips. Taking Landon even further down his throat with each manipulation of his mouth. He was pressing his tongue against Landons shaft as he looked up at him once more. His free hand moving to caress Landons balls as he slightly started to choke on his girth. Fucking hell, he was so damn sexy. He loved how loud he was getting for him, and it encouraged his own moans to mix right in with his. His cock throbbing with anticipation as he watched Landon revel with pleasure.
LANDON If the sight of Khai on his knees wasn’t hot enough, catching the other looking at him with Landon’s cock in his mouth definitely was. And it only got more intense when he started choking on his girth. God, that was so hot. He knew he wasn’t going to be able to last much longer if they kept going like this so Landon used the grip on the other’s hair to pull him back, even if it was the last thing he actually wanted to do. Seeing Khai’s swollen lips and the dazed look in his eyes was doing things to Landon and he quickly helped him get back up in order to get his underwear off as well. Wrapping his hand around the other’s cock, he gave it a few quick strikes, smirking at the reaction he was getting from Khai. “You look so hot like this.
Khai. Landon was getting real close to shooting his hot cum straight down Khai’s throat. He could tell by the way his cock was flexing in his mouth, and he was so ready for it. But Landon had other plans, tugging him back by his hair and causing him to whine greedily. He got back onto his feet with Landons help, and he gasped with desire as he freed him from the restrictions of his underwear. His cock avidly throbbing with need as Landon wrapped his hand around his length. “Fuck... baby” he moaned out with a a pathetic whimper. Tucking  his swollen bottom lip between his teeth as he looked down at him with lust filled eyes. “No baby... you’re so hot” he breathed out heavily. Soft moans of pleasure passing through his lips as Landons fingers brushed teasingly against his piercing. “God, that feels so fucking good. But I just wanna feel you baby. Please” he practically begged. His hips thrusting forward a bit into Landons hand as he pleaded for more.
LANDON Months ago, Khai had teased him about his piercing, sending him photos of it. Back then, Landon never thought they would get to the point where he could see and feel it first hand and yet here they were. It filled him with a certain sense of accomplishment to know that he reduced Khai to begging but he loved it. He kept on stroking the other through it, increasing the speed and pressure and watching him writhe and moan. “You want to feel me? Tell me how love, I want to hear all about it.” Landon knew he was being a tease but he loved it and he couldn’t wait to hear Khai tell him all the ways in which he wanted him right now. It was so hot to watch.
Khai. There was no way in hell Khai could have ever prepared himself for this moment. The way Landon was teasing him was so fucking hot, yet also a bit infuriating. He moved his hands to firmly grip at Landons hair as his head lulled back with pleasure. His grip only tightening with each stroke the other inflicted as he yanked his head back to look up at him. “Yes... please” he whimpered again. His mouth gaping open with pleasure as his hips continued to thrust against his strokes. “I wanna feel you so deep inside me baby. Stretching me so perfectly to your every need.” His words were a bit muffled with breathy moans, as his body started to tremble with an aching need he couldn’t control. His body caving in to Landons touch as he smashed  his lips into his. Letting him taste the desire that was burning relentlessly inside of him.
LANDON His scalp had always been one of the most sensitive spots in his body and so he was loving the feeling of Khai’s grip on his hair, making his whole body tingle with pleasure. Landon kissed him back just as heatedly before pulling back again. He knew he was probably getting on Khai’s nerves at this point but he needed to get some things from his wallet. Bending over, he found his jeans bundled up on the floor, getting his wallet out of the pocket. The packet of lube and condom were just were he left them all those weeks ago when he’d been hopeful before a night out. Back then he was disappointed that nothing happened but now he was glad as it meant he had just what he needed. Landon got up from the workout machine and pushed Khai on his back instead, intent on giving him exactly what he asked for. He tore the packet of lube with his teeth and got some on his fingers. Spreading Khai’s legs apart, he pushed his first finger into the other boy, rubbing his thigh soothingly with his other hand. “Is this what you want baby? My fingers inside of you?”
Khai. It was true that Khai wasn’t the most patient person, especially when it came to sex. But he did enjoy a good edging every now and then. It sent his body into overdrive, and if it hadn’t been for how long he had already waited for this to happen. He probably would have tipped gears and took matters into his own hands. There was just something so intimate about the way Landon was touching him, and how he was really taking his time with him. Even though he was teasing, it had Khai reveling in the palm of his hand. He watched as Landon reached for his pants and when he pulled out the lube and condom his pupils dialed with desire. His heart was racing with anticipation as Landon pushed him back onto the workout machine and spread his legs open. His mouth gaping open with pleasure as he pushed his finger inside of him and he reached out with his hand to clench onto his arm. God, could this man really be any sexier? “B-baby...” his breath hitched with fervor from the slight pressure, but he needed more. His fingers digging into Landons arm as he tried to pull his hand away. “I want you to fuck me, Landon. I wanna feel your cock throbbing inside of me.. please” he begged with a whimpering moan. His free hand reaching up to tug at his own hair. Feeling  like he might go insane with need if he didn’t feel him inside of him soon
LANDON Landon didn’t want to hurt him so he was a little hesitant about pulling his fingers out so soon but he trusted Khai to let him know if he was uncomfortable. So he pulled his finger out and used the rest of the lube in the packet over his cock then he crawled over the other boy, leaving small kisses over his chest. He gently thrust his hips allowing his slackened cock to slide up and down Khai’s ass but making no attempt to enter the dark haired man. Pretty soon, his own need becomes too much and he lines himself up, pushing in with slow, steady pressure which causes him to moan in pleasure.
Khai. The one thing Landon probably didn’t know when it came to Khai, was that he was a bit of a pain enthusiast. He loved being rough and having pain inflicted onto him during sex. So when Landon pulled his finger from him, he let out a moan that could send chills right to your core. It was a good thing that Landon was crawling over him now.  because with that sudden pleasure rush he was starting to get a bit feisty. His hand tightly clenching a fist full of Landons hair as his other moved to his ass. “Uhnnnn... Landon” he moaned with intense yearning as he slid his cock along his crack. His hips lifting eagerly to rub back against him as his finger dug into his ass cheek. “God... you drive me cra...” he couldn’t even finish his sentence before Landon was pushing into him. A pleasurable moan spilling from his lips as he finally felt Landon fill him up. His anus stretching around his girth so blissfully as he lifted his hips even more to take him deeper. “Fuck... yessss baby” he hissed  through his clenched teeth. His hand drawing back to land a stinging slap on to the other males ass cheek. Hoping to encourage him not to take it easy.
LANDON Landon kept pushing until he was all the way in, tight heat engulfing him. The sensation was overwhelming almost making him feel like he could come at any second but he held back. It was still too early for that. It took all his control to hold still and allow Khai some time to adjust although it seemed like he didn’t even need it. At least that’s what he got from the other’s slap which had Landon narrowing his eyes and smirking down at Khai. He doesn’t need much more encouragement than that as he starts thrusting into the other boy, grip on his hips so tight that he was bound to leave bruises. Pulling back until just the tip of his cock is still inside then he  slammed back inside him hard and fast.
Khai. God, Landon felt so damn good inside of him. He had craved for this moment for so long and now that it was finally happening, he felt like he could combust at any second. He raised his hips up to meet Landon as he pushed all the way into him and he rolled his ass against him. Soft moans passing through his parted lips as he gazed up at Landons smirking face. Their eyes connecting for only a moment before Khai’s were falling shut with pleasure. Goddamn, Landon was not playing around. It felt like each hard thrust he pushed into him was pounding the breath right out of his lungs. “Oh, fuccck... yes baby, don’t stop” he moaned with pleasure. Pulling Landons head down by his hair to get him closer to him as he leeched his lips to his neck. His moans vibrating vigorously against the wet trail of kisses and love bites he was leaving along his skin. “Uhnnnnn... shitttt. You feel so fucking good” he growled as he slammed his hips up to meet Landon thrust for thrust. His teeth scraping against Landons chin as he nipped fervently at his jawline.
LANDON They were both moaning so loud he was surprised no one else was hearing them, not that Landon would care if he did. The pleasure coursing through his veins, together with the alcohol made it pretty hard for him to care about anything other than this moment. In fact, the sounds Khai was making only sours him on to go harder as he continues his brutal pace. Landon knew the trail of bites the other was leaving on his neck were going to leave marks but that was something he could worry about later. He tilts his hips in his attempt to find that spot  inside Khai that would have him seeing stars and smirks when the other’s back arches off the workout machine. Got it. He was getting close and doubted he could last much longer.
Khai. The way Landons grip was digging into his sides, and his thrusts were intensifying. Khai was sure he wouldn’t last much longer. He was in a constant state of pleasure mixed with pain, and once Landon hit that spot, he was done for. His back arching up off of the workout machine as his entire body started to tremble. “Fuckkk, Landon” he hissed with overwhelming pleasure as his hips jerked up into Landons thrusts. His hand moving from the others hair to wrap firmly around his neck. It was the only way Khai really knew how to keep a bit of control. His hand tightening around his lovers throat to cut his air supply only slightly as he kept pounding into his prostate. “I’m... I’m gonna cum. Don’t stop” he informed as he kept slamming right back up against Landons thrusts. His mouth dropping open inaudibly against his lovers cheek as he felt his release about to wash over him.
LANDON Landon tried his best to keep up the same steady rhythm, aiming for his prostate every time. He could tell that he was getting close and the hands wrapped around his neck weren’t helping but he really wanted Khai to come first. The only sounds you could hear were those of skin slapping against each other and moaning, both ignoring anything else going on around them. The focus was on each other and Landon loved it. “Need you to cum for me baby, I’m so close. You feel so fucking good around me”, he moaned. He teaches between them and wraps a hand around Khai’s cock, giving it a few strokes to try and get him to reach his orgasm first.
Khai. It was like a goddamn magic trick when Landon took hold of his cock. Stroking his orgasm right out of him as his hot cum shot all over both of their chests with a loud pitiful moan. His hips still jerking up against Landon sloppily as he worked on getting him to cum too. “Cum for me baby... I wanna feel you inside me” he encouraged through hard raspy breaths. Both of his hands moving to squeeze Landons ass as he pulled him impossibly deeper, grinding his ass against him with each thrust.
LANDON Landon continues to fuck Khai through his orgasm, his hand moving over the other’s cock until he is spent, sagging back onto the machine. “You look so beautiful when you cum”, he rasped, barely even able to talk through it. Landon was so close. He kept thrusting himself into Khai hard and fast, chasing his own orgasm, his hips stuttering and losing their rhythm as he kept getting closer. Thrusting in once, twice...then holds himself inside deep as he cums hard inside the other boy. He can feel Khai’s hands running up and down his ass as he rides out his orgasm with one long drawn out moan. “Fuck.” Landon collapses on top of Khai, nearly resting all his weight on him. They are both covered in sweat and cum but he can’t really bring himself to care.
Khai. Khai tried to smile when he heard what Landon had said. But with him relentless pounding into his sensitive anus, it was hard to focus on anything else. His body was literally shaking with pleasure against Landons as he felt him cum so deep inside of him. Letting out a lustful shakily moan as his lover pumped every last drop into him until he was collapsing on top of him. The weight of his body resting on his giving Khai a sense of intimacy he hadn’t really experienced very often at all. “Goddamn, babe” he breathed out with a love drunk chuckle. His arms moving to wrap around Landons body as he held him against him. “That was... so worth the wait” he chuckled again with a satisfied grin. His lips pressing to Landons sweaty forehead as he traced his fingers lazily up and down his spine.
LANDON Landon didn’t want to keep crushing Khai with his weight but he didn’t think he could move even if he tried. The strength given to him by the alcohol seemed to have left him together with his orgasm and now his whole body felt like jelly. It didn’t look like Khai minded the extra weight very much though judging by the way he wrapped his arms around his body and strokes his back with gentle touches. If he was a little more sober Landon would have probably blushed at the comment of it being worth the wait but, as it was, he just chuckled in amusement. After all, Khai wasn’t wrong. He really did make him wait a long time for this and yet...he never stopped waiting for it. That had to mean something, right? He moved his head enough to be able to leave a gentle kiss on Khai’s chest. Now that it was over, Landon wasn’t sure how he was ever going to get up from here. He literally felt boneless.
Khai. He definitely didn’t mind the added weight of Landons body laying on top of him. In fact, he wished he could just hold onto him like this all night.  He sure waited for it long enough. But even if this had never happened between them. He would have still waited relentlessly. It felt so good to be close to him like this, and even though the room was still spinning, he felt content. Giddy, but definitely content. “You alright?” he asked with another soft chuckle. Pulling his bottom lip between his teeth as Landon kissed softly at his chest. “You’re not gonna make me carry you out of here now are you?” he mused, his tone light and filled with  mirth. “Cause I’ll have you know, I’m rather accident prone while under the influence” he laughed.
LANDON Landon hummed in answer. He was alright. Actually, he was much better than alright. Khai’s question did get a laugh out of him though. “Why, are you offering?” Or at least he thought he was before the other admitted he was accident prone while drunk. He couldn’t keep himself from imagining them tumbling down the stairs as Khai is attempting to carry him down and he giggled. That would make for quite the sight and they definitely wouldn’t be able to keep away from prying eyes as they’ve been trying to do so far. Landon finally pulled out and rolled to the side while trying not to fall on his ass. “It’s fine, I’m sure I can walk on my own two feet to get out of here.”
Khai. Hearing Landons remark before he laughed caused Khai to smile from ear to ear. His head shaking in disbelief because he could almost imagine exactly what Landon was picturing. His thoughts were interrupted though as he pulled out of him and another soft grunt passed through his lips. Goddamn, he was still so sensitive. He took a couple of deep breaths as his smile reappraised and he turned his head to look at Landon beside him. “You sure about that?” he asked teasingly. Pushing Landon off the machine with a laugh before rolling off himself and landing on top of him. “You’re so wasted” he laughed, knowing damn well the other could say the same about him. His lips pressing to Landons as he kissed him softly, smiling idiotically against his mouth.
LANDON Landon was mentally celebrating managing to stay on the machine without falling when Khai pushed him off and he ended up on his ass anyways. “You little asshole”, he shrieked, hitting the other on his chest playfully. “I’m wasted?! You literally just pushed me and fell on top of me. You’re more wasted than me.” Somehow this was ending up into a competition of who was drunker and Landon found it hilarious. There was a little voice in his head telling him they were going to have to talk about it eventually but there’s no way they were going to do it right now, drunk off their ass.
Khai. It was only natural for Khai to fall right back into the rhythm of things, and being playful and flirty was   just  something they had always done.  He was laughing way harder than he should have been though. They were both butt ass naked just laying on the floor in the middle of.... gym? He laughed again at the realization of where they were. “I’m soooo fucking wasted” he admitted, almost proudly. He hadn’t drank in weeks and this was the one night he gave himself to really go wild. Mostly for Landons sake, knowing he was forcing him to attend a party at his ex’s place. “That was one hell of a work out, eh?” he asked, grinning cheekily down at Landon who was laying beneath him. He knew they would have to talk about what they had just done eventually.  But right now he was just living in the moment and basking in the after glow.
LANDON It seemed they were both finally realising just where they were. Landon couldn’t believe that after months of going around in circles, their first time together was in a gym. How romantic. “I think that’s the hardest I’ve worked out in a gym in all my life”, he laughed. Mostly because he couldn’t really remember the last time he went to the gym but that was neither here bore there. Landon sat up and looked down at Khai, running a hand through the other’s hair. “How about we get dressed and go back down to enjoy the rest of the party?”
Khai. He couldn’t help but laugh at Landons confession. He had gone to the gym quite a few times himself. But  this was definitely the first time he had ever hooked up in one. “Well, you’re welcome” he winked playfully. “I’m free every Saturday and every other Friday” he teased. He hoped Landon knew he was just joking. Which he thought was quite evident himself seeing how the worst of his jokes always came out while inebriated. He smiled up at Landon again as he ran his hand through his hair and he instinctively grabbed his hand to bring it to his mouth for a kiss.   “Okay baby” he nodded. Sitting up beside him to start grabbing his clothes. He wasn’t really looking forward to possibly bumping into Roman at the moment. But, if Landon wanted to party he would party. He just hoped that once they walked out of this room that it wouldn’t change the way they were feeling.
LANDON “Only Saturdays and Fridays? How disappointing “, he said, shaking his head in mock disappointment. “I’m actually only available Wednesday’s and Thursday’s so I guess this is goodbye.” Landon got up and looked around for his clothes, which they had thrown about every which way. It was going to be a pain to get dressed and attempt to look like he hadn’t just had sex but he was going to try. He was still worried about bumping into Roman again or into someone who would be able to tell what they did and give them shit for it but Landon was determined to enjoy the party. No one knew what tomorrow would bring and all they could really do was enjoy the moment.
Khai. Khai scoffed at Landons remark and shook his head as well. A devilish grin pulling at his features as he watched the other search about for his clothes. He had his shirt back on but as for everything else he would have to get up himself. “Damn, and just when things were starting to get good too” he replied a bit delayed. He didn’t really want to think about it where things would go from here. But, he was feeling rather parched. Grabbing his underwear he got them back on before sitting back down onto the machine to get his pants on. Once he was fully dressed he ran his hand through his hair to push it back and then smiled over to Landon. “I could really use another drink. How about you?”
LANDON Landon managed to put on his underwear and his jeans but he couldn’t find his shirt anywhere. Finally he found it hanging from the treadmill and he picked it up with a chuckle before putting it on. His hair was probably a lost cause but he did try running a hand through it to try and get it under control. Whether he succeeded or not he wasn’t sure, but at least he tried. They probably had more than enough to drink already but the night was still young. “Sure, let’s go find another bottle of tequila”, he said, putting an arm around Khai’s waist and leading him out of the gym.
Khai. He was grinning at Landon like an idiot the entire time he watched him get dressed. His drunken eyes doing all they could to take in the sight of him like this. “More tequila?” he asked with a chuckle. Wrapping his arm around Landons waist as well as they walked out of the gym. His hand reaching up to mess a bit with a Landons hair as he smiled over at him. “There, perfect. You look amazing” he winked. If they didn’t look like they just had sex, they most definitely reeked of it.
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