#{gxrdenkeeper queued}
Hola! Sé que tengo meses desaparecida pero entre una cosa y otra todo se sumó. Después de los apagones las cosas se pusieron dificiles en casa y en general me compliqué la vida yo sola con proyectos más grandes de los que podía cargar.
Tengo la intención de volver para finales de agosto porque por fin me llegó una tablet (normal, no de dibujo) donde puedo meter todos mis icons de rol y bajar la app de Tumblr, y también voy a tener una laptop prestada durante algunos meses.
La mala noticia es que perdí prácticamente todos los borradores excepto los de cierta fecha en adelante, y quiero retomar los temas sólo con la gente con la que tengo interacciones constantes o son mis partners fijos porque no tengo la capacidad fisica o mental de responderlo todo (eran más de 100 y quedaron unos 15). Pero si alguien que no entra en esta categoría tiene un tema que le guste mucho y tenemos uno o dos temas, no tengo problemas con recuperarlos todos o uno solo. Sólo haganmelo saber que yo estaré encantada de responderles!
Por ahora eso es todo, voy a editar la Masterlist pues voy a agregar tres personajes femeninos nuevos (Senjougahara Hitagi, Lightning Farron, y Boogiepop). Los ships se quedan intactos a menos que alguien quiera droppear algo, que de ser así, sólo háganmelo saber. Por ahora entro en Semi-Hiatus, así que para darle vida al blog reblogguearé un par de memes y estaré respondiendo solamente los asks pendientes cada una o dos semanas, o cuando tenga tiempo para hacerlo y dejaré los borradores que me quedaron en Queue para se publiquen el 31 de Agosto.
Espero que hayan estado bien! Los adoro mucho <3
Pd: este post esta en queue
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Hello! I know I've got months MIA but between one thing and others everything piled up. After the massive blackouts things got rough at home and generally I complicated my life by my own hand biting more than I could chew due to me taking too many ambitious proyects at time.
I have intentions of coming back fully at the end of August because finally I got my tablet (an android one, not a graphic design tablet) where I can move all my icons and download Tumblr app, and also I'm gomma be using from time to time a borrowed laptop for a few months
Bad news is that I've lost all my drafts and just a couple from certain dates and forward survived, and I want to only continue threads with people that interacted with me constantly or are my personal partners, mostly because I had too many threads and I can't physically nor mentally retake everything at once (they were more than 100 and just about 15 survived). But, if anyone that can't be labeled as any of those (partner or talkative) has a thread that wants to continue because you liked it so much or have a few threads with me that would like to get going, I have no issue with replying one or just a couple. Just let me know and I'll be flattered to reply!
For now this is it, I'm going to edit my Masterlist because I'm adding three new girls (Senjougahara Hitagi, Lightning Farron, and Boogiepop). Ships stay as they are unless someone wants to drop anything, and if that's the case just let me know. For now consider myself at Semi-Hiatus, so to give life to this blog I'll reblog a couple of memes and I'll be replying only the pending asks every week or so, or whenever I have free time to do so, also I'll let waiting in Queue until August 31th all the surviving drafts.
I hope you're all well! I adore you a lot <3
Pd: this is a queued post.
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Continued from {🌸}
With: @aertha
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-I... -Cloud felt like he was suddenly thrown into frozen water. For him, the few seconds he was thinking, passed like hours "What if I just say the truth? Would she hate me? But she looks so nervous, I should just shut up... But what if she likes me, anyway? What do I do?" the blonde blinked one time, then twice, and then took her hands between his with a little blush on his cheeks and totally ashamed- I like you. As a friend, and... as much more than that. It's not that I thought we were something... It's just... I, I just... I think you're my most special someone, Aerith, and I can picture you as my... I'm sorry if this is bothering you -he said, blue eyes filling with anxiety and a bit of sadness "probably I'm just making her uncomfortable and now she hates me. Perfect, Cloud, you ruined everything, again".
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Continued from {🌸}
With: @aertha
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Cloud smiled a little finishing his drink and shrugged- b-but... She makes awesome drinks, and it's not like I'm a kid or something -he said as he was a valid excuse to be wasted- and... Yeah, I'm kind of... wait what was that again? -shaking his head suddenly he couldn't remember well- did I told you already that you look hot even if you're mad with me? Because you are -no, usually he wouldn't say anything close to that, but he was so in a bliss for the drinks he was just acting more like a regular dumb guy than himself. The young drunken hero meant no harm anyway, he was just letting out some undisclosed thoughts he'd always have towards the flower girl.
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Oh y btw, dejaré en queue a las 8 de la noche (horario de aquí) pada que se publiquen todos los borradores pendientes. Esto es para evitarme el dolor de cabeza del internet.
Así que si no quieren ver el spam pueden bloquear el tag {gxrdenkeeper queued} sólo que existe la posibilidad de que no vean si algún post es para ustedes, creo, y no tengo cómo saber inmediatamente si los flaggearon o no, pero estaré pendiente dentro de lo que pueda.
For english mutuals: I'll be posting all the posts in queue to avoid the issues with my internet at 8 pm (Venezuela's time) so if you don't want to see the spam, you can block the tag {gxrdenkeeper queued}, but it exists the possibility of you being unable to see if I replied. Also, if the post gets flagged, I will try fix it whenever I can.
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Hi this is Nina from the past for you in the future! More draft spam is coming at 11 am.
Recuerden bloquear el tag {gxrdenkeeper queued} si no quieren ver el spam en el dash, este es un mensaje del pasado así que lo que pase en las siguientes 5 horas y media no es mi culpa (?
Tengo un ask de un anon, pero no puedo contestarlo en draft así que simplemente lo dejaré para mañana si no estoy ocupada.
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