Hola! Sé que tengo meses desaparecida pero entre una cosa y otra todo se sumó. Después de los apagones las cosas se pusieron dificiles en casa y en general me compliqué la vida yo sola con proyectos más grandes de los que podía cargar.
Tengo la intención de volver para finales de agosto porque por fin me llegó una tablet (normal, no de dibujo) donde puedo meter todos mis icons de rol y bajar la app de Tumblr, y también voy a tener una laptop prestada durante algunos meses.
La mala noticia es que perdí prácticamente todos los borradores excepto los de cierta fecha en adelante, y quiero retomar los temas sólo con la gente con la que tengo interacciones constantes o son mis partners fijos porque no tengo la capacidad fisica o mental de responderlo todo (eran más de 100 y quedaron unos 15). Pero si alguien que no entra en esta categoría tiene un tema que le guste mucho y tenemos uno o dos temas, no tengo problemas con recuperarlos todos o uno solo. Sólo haganmelo saber que yo estaré encantada de responderles!
Por ahora eso es todo, voy a editar la Masterlist pues voy a agregar tres personajes femeninos nuevos (Senjougahara Hitagi, Lightning Farron, y Boogiepop). Los ships se quedan intactos a menos que alguien quiera droppear algo, que de ser así, sólo háganmelo saber. Por ahora entro en Semi-Hiatus, así que para darle vida al blog reblogguearé un par de memes y estaré respondiendo solamente los asks pendientes cada una o dos semanas, o cuando tenga tiempo para hacerlo y dejaré los borradores que me quedaron en Queue para se publiquen el 31 de Agosto.
Espero que hayan estado bien! Los adoro mucho <3
Pd: este post esta en queue
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kcganeiro · 5 years
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Some things are beautiful exactly because they are unobtainable.
@stellar-fiore | @noctismare / @chaldeamare | @gxrdenofoblivion
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mawsitsit · 6 years
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Para él es un placer ser un placer a la vista
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“ Gracias Gran rey por permitirme....ver todo su esplendor...??”
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cutesuki--bakugou · 6 years
49 about Bakugo if you can share your wisdom please ~ (I really love your portrayal)
49. writing advice
Gah, sorry this is a little late lol. 
Really, I just try to write him with a more gentle nature when he is with or doing something with his lover. Sure, he still has a short temper and can get annoyed easily and the like, but it’s nothing on the level of how it would be with anyone he’s not so intimate with. Things that “he would never say” would be said with this person, as would the willingness to convey his feelings as best he can (eventually). He’s pretty slow at getting intimate with someone, however, and he can struggle with getting to that point, so I feel like if you are writing him in a newer relationship, it would be pretty slow going at first. 
As far as cursing, he is a potty mouth, but I try to keep it... reasonable. Kind of thinking about the way I talk when I decide ‘fuck’ or ‘shit’ is necessary. And I avoid writing in all caps unless it is like a HUGE moment of yelling or distress. Just his typical yelling doesn’t need caps I dont think and I just don’t like reading / writing things in all caps myself lol. 
I like to write him quite brutally honest, straight forward and curt. Short responses unless he’s really into talking or discussing something. 
While alone with his lover, he’s quite affectionate, though out in public I like to write him more recluse and bit more reluctant to show extreme amounts of affection. 
I personally don’t think that he would use pet names, maybe like ‘babe’ every once in a while, but I tend to avoid that when writing him. 
Uh... I dont know, I’m having trouble thinking of what to say lol. Hopefully this helped a little?? Probably not because I suck at explaining myself
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chibiwrath · 6 years
Cierto Master está observando desde la sombra con cautela todo lo relacionado con su alumna y ese tipo dorado que parece que no sabe hacer otra cosa además de ir detrás de todas las chicas que le recuerdan a Saber.
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Gray no! te llevará por el mal camino
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madnessinthishouse · 6 years
Una luna para Blake!
send 🌙 for a moodboard of our muses
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tetsuwan-atom · 6 years
Continued from here.
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No doubt seeing her happy smile when he gave her the gift left him feeling happy in return, although his cheeks ended up turning bright pink on their own, when she hugged him afterwards. It was always nice seeing her happy. "I wouldn't mind sharing at all, Rin" He answered warmly. "I do enjoy tea every now and then. It's nice to have it more often too." Considering in most cases he usually had coffee or iced coffee. Tea was a welcome change, something to relax with, instead of having something on the go. Plus, he'd be happy to spend the rest of the day enjoying tea with her.
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nindread-fatalis · 6 years
Mistletoe (accidental o no, lo dejo a tu criterio)
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“Just as planned...”
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“Ah, como no vi eso antes, casi se me olvidaba lo de la decoración, porque no te agachas un poco y me dejas subirte en tu espalda para sacarlo, Apollo?”
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sharp-shot · 6 years
❝I can drive. I’m fine.❞ (from Cloud)
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he’s got the keys hidden, and he has no intentions of giving them back. “ nope, you aren’t leaving in your state, dude. specs would murder me if he knew i let you leave like this. “
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akaixnoyuusha · 6 years
Ⓐ (me gustaría saber qué piensa Hel de Gary xD)
Send me Ⓐ and my muse will rate yours → ( ACEPTADO )
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    repulsive ― hideous ― ugly ― not attractive ― unappealing ― not unattractive ― meh ― no preference ― ok ― mildly attractive ― nice looking ― cute ― adorable ― attractive ― pleasant on the eyes ― good looking ― hot ― sexy ― beautiful ― gorgeous ― hot damn ― would tap that ― perfect ― godlike ― holy fuck there are no words
    grating ― irritating ― frustrating ― boring ― confusing at best ― awkward ― unreasonable ― psychotic ― disturbing ― interesting ― engaging ― affectionate ― aggressive ― ambitious ― anxious ― artistic ― bad tempered ― bossy ― charismatic ― appealing ― unappealing ― creative ― courageous ― dependable ― unreliable ― unpredictable ― predictable ― devious ― dim ― extroverted ― introverted ― egotistical ― gregarious ― fabulous ― impulsive ― intelligent ― sympathetic ― talkative ― up beat ― peaceful ― calming ― badass ― flexible
    not if they were the last person on earth and the world was ending ― fuck no! ― never ― no way ― not likely ― not sure ― indifferent ― i’m asexual ― maybe ― probably ― it depends ― fairly likely ― likely ― yeah sure ― yes ― would tap that ― hell yes ― fuck yes! ― wishing that could happen right now ― as many times as possible ― we are already having sex
    never in a million years ― worst of enemies ― enemies ― rivals ― indifferent ― neutral ― acquaintance ― friendly toward each other ― casual friends ― friends ― good friends ― best friends ― fuck buddies ― bosom buddies ― practically the same person ― would die for them ― true friends ― my only friend
    i hate them so much ― i don’t like them ― i don’t trust them ― they annoy me ― they’re weird ― i’m indifferent ― meh ― they seem alright ― they’re growing on me ― truce ― i think i like them ― i like them ― i’m not sure if i trust them ― i trust them ― they’re cool ― they’re genuine ― i think we’re going to get along ― i really like them ― i think i’m in love ― oh fuck they’re hot ― i love them
    i hate them so much ― i don’t like them ― i don’t trust them ― they annoy me ― they’re weird ― i’m indifferent ― meh ― they seem alright ― they’re growing on me ― truce ― i think i like them ― i like them ― i’m not sure if i trust them ― i trust them ― they’re cool ― they’re genuine ― i think we’re going to get along ― i really like them ― i think i’m in love ― oh fuck they’re hot ― i love them
    worst kisser ever ― terrible ― bad ― awkward ― just okay ― alright ― pretty good ― good ― makes me moan ― excellent ― exciting ― oh god they’re good ― i dream about it ― fucking amazing ― absolute perfection ― we haven’t kissed
——:: { @gxrdenofoblivion​ }
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iconsmadebyalex · 6 years
You're the real MVP Alex! I couldn't find any icons, like, ANYWHERE! And you made them so fast, thank you! Ilysm 💜💜💜
Glad i could help!  ^-^
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Hello! I know I've got months MIA but between one thing and others everything piled up. After the massive blackouts things got rough at home and generally I complicated my life by my own hand biting more than I could chew due to me taking too many ambitious proyects at time.
I have intentions of coming back fully at the end of August because finally I got my tablet (an android one, not a graphic design tablet) where I can move all my icons and download Tumblr app, and also I'm gomma be using from time to time a borrowed laptop for a few months
Bad news is that I've lost all my drafts and just a couple from certain dates and forward survived, and I want to only continue threads with people that interacted with me constantly or are my personal partners, mostly because I had too many threads and I can't physically nor mentally retake everything at once (they were more than 100 and just about 15 survived). But, if anyone that can't be labeled as any of those (partner or talkative) has a thread that wants to continue because you liked it so much or have a few threads with me that would like to get going, I have no issue with replying one or just a couple. Just let me know and I'll be flattered to reply!
For now this is it, I'm going to edit my Masterlist because I'm adding three new girls (Senjougahara Hitagi, Lightning Farron, and Boogiepop). Ships stay as they are unless someone wants to drop anything, and if that's the case just let me know. For now consider myself at Semi-Hiatus, so to give life to this blog I'll reblog a couple of memes and I'll be replying only the pending asks every week or so, or whenever I have free time to do so, also I'll let waiting in Queue until August 31th all the surviving drafts.
I hope you're all well! I adore you a lot <3
Pd: this is a queued post.
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kcganeiro · 6 years
 Ⓐ (al azar uwu)
                        ❪ meme: send me Ⓐ and my muse will rate yours ❫
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  repulsive ― hideous ― ugly ― not attractive ― unappealing ― not unattractive ― meh ― no preference ― ok ― mildly attractive ― nice looking ― cute ― adorable ― attractive ― pleasant on the eyes ― good looking ― hot ― sexy ― beautiful ― gorgeous ― hot damn ―would tap that ― perfect ― godlike ― holy fuck there are no words
  grating ― irritating ― frustrating ― boring ― confusing at best ― awkward ―unreasonable ― psychotic ― disturbing ― interesting ― engaging ― affectionate ― aggressive ― ambitious ― anxious ― artistic ― bad tempered ― bossy ― charismatic ― appealing ― unappealing ― creative ― courageous ― dependable ― unreliable ― unpredictable ― predictable ― devious ― dim ― extroverted ― introverted ― egotistical ― gregarious ― fabulous ― impulsive ― intelligent ― sympathetic ― talkative ― up beat ― peaceful ― calming ― badass ― flexible
  not if they were the last person on earth and the world was ending ― fuck no! ― never ― no way ― not likely ― not sure ― indifferent ― i’m asexual ― maybe ― probably ― it depends ― fairly likely ― likely ― yeah sure ― yes ― would tap that ― hell yes ― fuck yes! ― wishing that could happen right now ― as many times as possible ― we are already having sex
  never in a million years ― worst of enemies ― enemies ― rivals ― indifferent ― neutral ― acquaintance ― friendly toward each other ― casual friends ― friends ― good friends ― best friends ― fuck buddies ― bosom buddies ― practically the same person ― would die for them ― true friends ― my only friend
  i hate them so much ― i don’t like them ― i don’t trust them ― they annoy me ― they’re weird ― i’m indifferent ― meh ― they seem alright ― they’re growing on me ― truce ― i think i like them ― i like them ― i’m not sure if i trust them ― i trust them ― they’re cool ― they’re genuine ― i think we’re going to get along ― i really like them ― i think i’m in love ― oh fuck they’re hot ― i love them
  i hate them so much ― i don’t like them ― i don’t trust them ― they annoy me ― they’re weird ― i’m indifferent ― meh ― they seem alright ― they’re growing on me ― truce ― i think i like them ― i like them ― i’m not sure if i trust them ― i trust them ― they’re cool ―they’re genuine ― i think we’re going to get along ― i really like them ― i think i’m in love ― oh fuck they’re hot ― i love them
  worst kisser ever ― terrible ― bad ― awkward ― just okay ― alright ― pretty good ― good ― makes me moan ― excellent ― exciting ― oh god they’re good ― i dream about it ― fucking amazing ― absolute perfection ― we haven’t kissed
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mawsitsit · 6 years
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“¿Tu crees que Master se enfadará si compro todo los pasteles?” Parece que este avenger le gustan mucho los dulces.
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I am not blocked anymore I see. I decided to move back to this blog because it’s the one I liked the most of all three of the ones I had in the end. Hello everyone!
I’ll be continuing to reblog stuff from the other blogs for the next few days, as well as take on all the requests from the other blog. Thanks to everyone who is still sticking with me after all the moves! Feel free to send in requests if you have any because we are back in business!
I am very sorry for all the moving back and forth. Here some special shout-outs to people who’ve kept me company all this time!
@tenebies ; @vaseshipghost ; @peaceyagi ; @bossssman ; @te5s3ract ; @midnightrellik ; @kirishimaeijirouswife ; @lemursqueaks ; @sora91 ; @calmxwriter ; @gxrdenofoblivion ; @graspingeden; @winterboobbear
You can check out my original writings at these other two blogs:
@aizawaslecturehall / @aizawaschalkboard
I hope for your continuous support everyone and that you are just as thrilled about this blog running again as I am.
Shout-out & Reblogs are very welcome, to spread the word!
Admin Ivy
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chibiwrath · 6 years
gxrdenofoblivion ha respondido a tu set de fotos: Hoy me apetece compartiros este cosplay mio, pues...
ay muchas gracias ;v; ♥♥
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