#||✪Hey Nonnie Nonnie✪||
charlotte-liddel · 1 year
Did you gain some weight, Liddel? ¬‿¬
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"Going to slap the forth wall for a second here and let you know something important. Commentary directed at me about another version of me, especially the rare ones that don't share the same name public as me, are highly inaccurate and not appreciated."
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"Also intentional jokes about weight directed at women are in the poorest of tastes. It's the sort of shit that leads to women having issues with appearance and weight management when you impose standards on them that not all of them can so easily meet."
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"So to answer your joke, no I haven't but you certainly don't want to consider how heavy a star can actually be when she isn't bothering to use her magic to not break your planet by standing near it."
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grounded-sparrow · 1 year
//Tag Dumping
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inky-anemone · 2 years
🌷 = Is your muse likely to be the one to make the first move, or would they wait for the other to make a move first? 
Romance Headcanon Meme
It depends on the person she likes, and the situations surrounding them. She's usually the one who is more than likely to make first move in expressing she's interested in someone, but also gauges the other.
She'd like for the person she's interested in to make the first move but she's also got a bitter reality she tells herself that she'll always have to be the one taking the risk, even if she knows it will end up in her being rejected. Past crushes have resulted in this way during her middle school and high school years.
So the truth of it is that she is very hesitant due to fear of rejection because of her appearance, physicality and more, but stubborn enough to be the one to be ready to take the first step.
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Why do you care about the US election? Aren’t you Australian?
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The US is (unfortunately) one of the most dominant government powers in the world. I don’t know how to explain to you that that affects people outside the US too.
Literally right now there is an ADHD medication shortage in the New Zealand and Australia because it’s a major US export here and we don’t make it ourselves (or at least not on the scale required).
We are still in negotiations and the US hasn’t budged an inch.
In 1975, the CIA interfered with our politics under the Ford administration and got one of the most progressive prime ministers we’ve ever had dismissed.
There are US military bases on Australian soil.
Australian soldiers have died for US “wars” and their pride and greed.
In 2017, Trump tweeted about how a deal made during the Obama administration to admit 1,250 refugees to the US (while we took in many more refugees from the US, which ironically would have helped with his whole “their taking our jobs” rhetoric bullshit) was “dumb” and openly mocked it throwing a hissy hit, saying Putin was much more pleasant to talk to than our prime minister. In the end 300 refugees were relocated. Less than a quarter of the people originally promised to be helped. Because the presidency changed. To an idiotic, broke, failed reality TV Star who’d rather tweet out political secrets than think for one second about anyone but himself.
It fucking matters to me who’s in the chair.
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sailor-aviator · 2 months
Okay but imagine being in a rival co-workers/hatefuck fwb situation with Scott and there's a grumpy/sunshine vibe. He insists that the sex is casual and he doesn't care... until he sees Tyler flirting with you and he gets possessive and jealous, telling you not to talk to him. Then he starts realizing that he actually enjoys your presence but of course he is bad at showing his emotions so he ends up having to find a way to grovel and get you to realize he likes you. Just imagine after trying to make him smile with jokes for so long... and he finally gets a big goofy grin on his face when he finally officially gets you.
Yeeeeeeeesssssss you are speaking my language!!!!
Imagine it starts out as like a rival type situation like you said, you're basically a ball of sunshine who's always cracking jokes or laughing about something, and Scott HATES it. He doesn't know why you get on his nerves so damn much, but one night the two of you get sooooooo drunk and, well, things just kind of happen. You kind of hint to him that maybe you want something more with him, but he just ignores it, carrying on business as usual while you still have it as your life's mission to get him to crack a smile.
Then one day when y'all are stopped, he can't find you anywhere (not that he's looking), but then he spots you across the parking lot talking to Tyler Owens of all people, and suddenly he's seeing red. Before he knows it, he's stomping across the asphalt, hands clenched and nostrils flaring.
Tyler sees him before you do, a golden brow arched paired with a knowing smirk.
"Can I talk to you?" Scott hisses, already grabbing your arm and dragging you away before you can answer.
"Scott?" You exclaim, your feet dragging as he continues his warpath back across the parking lot, only stopping once the two of you are somewhere hidden.
"What the hell?" You snap, ripping your arm out of his hands and placing your hands on your hips. "What is wrong with you?"
"Why were you talking to him?" He sneers, jerking his head back towards where the two of you left Tyler standing.
"Because I can," you shot back, fixing him with a mean glare. "What do you care anyway? You hate me, remember?"
Scott feels his heart sink in his chest. No, that's not true. He wants it to be, but he knows it's not.
"I don't-" He cuts himself off, seeling his lips together. You study him, waiting for him to continue. When he doesn't, you sigh, shaking your head and moving to walk around him and back towards the gathered crowd.
"Whatever, Scott," you mumble, feeling defeated. You don't make it very far, his hand grabbing yours and pulling you back.
"What-?" You start, gasping as his lips collide with yours. Your freeze only for a seconf before returning the kiss. You pull away first, a questioning look on your face as you stare up into his blue eyes.
"I don't hate you," he murmurs, resting his forehead against yours. "I don't hate you at all."
You wait for him to continue.
"I like you," he admits finally, letting out a shaky breath as his hands grip your hips. "I really, really like you."
You try your hardest to fight back the smile that threatens to overtake your face.
"Yeah?" You giggle. "Was that so hard to admit?"
And you can hardly believe your eyes when a smile tugs on Scott's lips, your eyes dancing in delight at the sight.
"Shut up," he chuckles, leaning in to kiss you once more.
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kaaaaaaarf · 9 months
Oh you like snape? You said you’re his wife
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edathetublady · 9 months
The Catherine Tate, David Tennant version of Much Ado About Nothing has been taken off youtube and I don't know how to cope.
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How am I supposed to sleep without those lovely idiots talking Shakespeare in the background?
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My top contenders for what to do now this is gone are scream and cry so if anybody can weigh in on whether I should scream or cry or scream and cry, I would be most grateful.
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This post is my first step of grief. I am in mourning now.
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kinkymcbutweasel · 15 days
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Thank you again to the incredible Nonny who spoiled me for my birthday!!
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pilferingapples · 4 months
I was just reading the "Enjolras and his lieutenants" chapter and I noticed that Enjolras used the informal you for both Courfeyrac and Jehan, but not for Feuilly. Would you happen to know the historical/language reasons as to why that is? I thought it may be because both are students and where I'm from, students use the informal you, even if they don't know each other. But Bossuet addressed Marius with the formal you when they first met, so I'm not sure if that really is the reason for that. Does it mean that canonically, they aren't as close as Enjolras is with the others or could there be another reason for it? Also, do you know why he still only adresses them by their last names, even though he's using the informal you?
Nonny you are asking me about one of the Great Questions of the Novel: what the heck is going on with Feuilly and the t/v distinctions?
I am not going to dive into the weeds of standard t/v use,but --along with all the usual applications, in canon era and especially the kind of social circles that Hugo knew best and is setting up for the Amis, " tu" seems to have been common for young men to use together (a) with friends from childhood (b) among certain groups of Romantics , Because Romantic Friendship (c) particularly relevant here , among certain republican groups, because of the implied equality of everyone using it. Cosette will reference this use later:
And obviously all of this only makes Enjolras vous-ing Feuilly weirder!
And complicating the theorizing, Enjolras does use Tu for Feuilly later on, during his big barricade speech:
 Écoute-moi, toi Feuilly, vaillant ouvrier, homme du peuple, hommes des peuples. Je te vénère.
I have no solid answer, only theories! Theory 1: Feuilly is, somehow, fairly new to the group in Lieutenants. Counterargument: then why is he already one of the Lieutenants? And in what seems to be a particularly Secret secret meeting with ONLY the Lieutenants in attendance?
Theory 2: Maybe Feuilly's much older than we generally estimate , enough to make the Tu seem less automatic? The later use of tu at the barricades seems to argue against that, but maybe that's a special " we're all fighting and about to die" level of intimacy, since Tu does seem to be in general use there? Counterargument: hugo refers to them all being Young so very, very often, and ok that seems to include Up To Maybe 35, but still. Feuilly's part of their age cohort by all other signs.
Theory 3, Not Very Satisfying but Realistic: Hugo's bein' weird. Hugo personally used Vous for almost everyone, unless they were either direct family or , to be blunt, someone he was having an affair with. He definitely used Vous in friendships most anyone else would have considered a definite Tu situation. Maybe Hugo had an idea about it that he didn't flesh out; maybe he just wrote that and didn't catch it in edits; maybe his handwriting there was just really especially awful and whoever did the Clean Copy that day * didn't transcribe it right and no one later down the line saw it as a typo. Mundane, unrelated to the narrative reasons.
Counterargument: none ,really, except it's kinda boring.:P
Theory X (silly fandom only theory) : Enjolras and Feuilly are trying to act like they are on more formal terms , for shenanigans reasons. Maybe they're working on their Cover for a Secret Mission. Maybe they're trying to hide the fact they've started dating.
As for the Last Name thing, it's just how some people , especially men, are? I don't know that it really needs more explanation, but by all means tell me if you've got a theory! Personally I've always liked " Everyone is named Jean (so they default to last names) XD
usually, but not always, Juliette Drouet
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kitabasis · 4 months
''izutsumi is aroace'' She's a teenager.... she's 17
Yes, and the vast, *vast* majority of alloromantic, allosexual 17-year-olds have experienced sexual and romantic attraction by that age. For Izutsumi to say that she doesn’t experience attraction at age 17 means that it’s very likely she will never experience it, and thus that—were she in our modern world—she might identify as aro-ace (I use “might” because I have no idea if she would care enough to do the research to find the term, haha). It’s also significant that this isn’t because she’s a chimera—it’s demonstrated that the monster soul in her *is* allosexual, so it’s not as if the chimera transformation process affects the soul in a way that rids it of any present sex drive or anything.
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charlotte-liddel · 1 year
My apologies, I didn’t mean to come as weird. I saw the thread when someone may imply her as heavy, so that’s the main reason why I wanted to send this ask.
// Mun note on this answer. You're fine there Nonnie. I could tell you were trying to make the joke bit, but I also take my liberties in how Lottie reacts if you address her by default and not the one from the thread if you notice the name difference stuff.
I will often write her as more aggressive with her opinions, but the answer was done in good fun and hitting the fourth wall a bit for it. Just be careful with jokes like that in the future because some aren't as understanding.
This is also a good time for me to reiterate that if you're on anon you gotta make sure you directly name the verse name in question if you're making a commentary bit for a joke. Some of her specific verse versions will have differing ways they react to such comments.
Point and case example is Lottie will be fairly aggressive and point out topics of body positivity, where as the ToTK/BoTW version of her known as Nova would be a little insulted before preparing to chase an anon down with a zonai machine death trap.
Ultimately how I have my character answer is up to me, and Lottie has strong words about weight comments.
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dovesndecay · 2 months
If you have POTS, coathanger pain can sometimes be improved by upping your electrolytes. Drinking my electrolyte drinks helps me massively with it. Idk if that's what you got going on, but thought I'd mention it just in case since I had to discover this the hard way. I hope your pain improves soon and you can rest.
Hey, I appreciate it, nonny! We did have some gatorade in the house, so I had a couple glasses of that, and it did help some, which isn't surprising because I know damn well I don't get enough electrolytes these days.
I was taking Vitassium pills for a minute there and I could feel the difference in my brain fog specifically, but they went fast and stay expensive. Gatorade is great for me in a pinch, but I struggle with it making my tongue hurt? Something about prolonged drinking of it makes my mouth angery. (...I should probably, like, look into that at some point maybe? *shrug* priorities.)
I took a day or so of rest, trying to keep to low-spoons activities, and I'm feeling a fair bit better -- my pain has retreated to my baseline, and that's really all a spoonie can ask for 😂😂
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suddenlytennant · 15 days
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Thank you so much to the sweet Nonny who sent me this gorgeous fit for my birthday! It literally made my whole day!!!
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sailor-aviator · 2 months
Okay but just imagine the morning after you spend the night at Scott's apartment for the first time??? It was impromptu so you're in a shirt of his (obvs way too big since Mr Hotty McGrump is 6'4") making breakfast while he stands behind you, arm around your shoulder/chest and drinking coffee. Obviously no speaking, I can just tell he is someone who doesn't speak for like 30-45 minutes after waking up because of grumpiness. In general, I think he'd just kill for domestic moments once he opens up and enters an actual relationship with someone. Cooking together, cuddling on the couch, having you wear little sundresses so he can bend you over his counter and make you beg for him to breed you...
Uuuuuuugh yes!! Scott is definitely somebody who doesn’t say much in that first hour of being awake. You learned pretty early on that he needs to be through at least half of his second cup of coffee before you attempted an actual conversation with him.
Scott was not all that handsy early on in the relationship, but as soon as you two started becoming more serious, he ramped up the physical touch.
You’d be standing by the stove, fixing breakfast in his shirt that was waaaaaayyyyy too big on you, just humming along to whatever song was on your mind at the time. You’d jump when a pair of strong arms wrap around you from behind, a warm, firm chest pressing against your back.
Scott would let out a sigh, hand stroking up and down your stomach lazily as you smile. You’d turn slightly to give him a quick kiss, but he pulls you back in, moving his lips slowly against yours—still half asleep. You’d have enough forethought to turn off the stove before you let him pull you away, pressing you up against the island as he slowly grinds into you. Small whimpers leave your lips as he places gentle kisses along your throat, and the noises drive him wild.
Yeah, he thinks he can get used to this, actually.
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petalsthefish · 2 months
Petals what are your top five favorites you've ever written?
I am only doing this for one shots nonny :p idk if I could rate my multi chapters its like rating Taylor Swift albums hahaha
See fics belowwww
WILF by PetalsTheFish 
Fandoms:Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling  
No Archive Warnings Apply
Complete Work
28 Feb 2023
“What’s so funny?” “Nothing,” he said as his arms shook, “it’s just—you’ve got to be mental if you don’t consider him a WILF.” “A what?” Lily asked incredulously, grabbing his wrist. James stared her dead in the eye as he repeated slowly, “WILF. W—I—L—F. Wizard I’d Like to Fuck.”
Moral of the Story by PetalsTheFish
Fandoms:Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling  
General Audiences
No Archive Warnings Apply
Complete Work
30 Aug 2022
James tucked his head to look behind them, where Snape was looking at them from the parking lot. “Quick, laugh.” He ordered. Lily stared at him, “laugh?” “You know, like I said something funny.” Lily snorted mirthlessly, “you should say something funny then.”
Radio Echoes by PetalsTheFish 
Fandoms:The 100 (TV)  
Teen And Up Audiences
No Archive Warnings Apply
Complete Work
11 Aug 2020
Bellamy confronts Clarke about the radio calls, wondering why she only cared to call for him. Not Raven. Not Emori. Not Monty. Not even Harper. Just Bellamy.
Prodigal by PetalsTheFish 
Fandoms:Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling  
Teen And Up Audiences
No Archive Warnings Apply
Complete Work
14 Nov 2021
"Charming girl. I used to tell her she ought to have been in my house. Very cheeky answers I used to get back, too."
Girl Crush by PetalsTheFish 
Fandoms:Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling  
Teen And Up Audiences
No Archive Warnings Apply
F/M, M/M, Multi
Complete Work
20 Jan 2021
Jealousy was a monster that, left untamed, could turn even the slightest anger into a crusade. She acted like she loved Peter like she loved the others. That was the worst part, because no one could ever love him.
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This is what happens to me when I’m not taking adhd meds the hyperfixations go crazy!! (also I never said this would be good)
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