#||mail: lori grimes||
zombiigrll · 2 months
i am a lori defender until i DIE … but. one thing that rlly annoyed me is in the last episode of the second season when she hugs rick and says “im sure you had your reasons” and then rick tells her what happened with shane and she SHOVES HIM AWAY ALL ANGRY. LIKE WHERE DID YOUR SPIRIT GO ..? and i totally get being upset about it but why are u angry
still love her tho 🫶🏻 she just a little confusing but its okay bc its lori grimes!!!
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itsgrimeytime · 6 months
drunk on you (part two) || Rick Grimes (TWD) × gn!reader (no apocalypse!AU)
rick grimes taglist: @golden-hoax @mgparker
Part 1
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Summary: You'd known Rick forever, as far back as freshman year. He was a guy you (if you were honest) had a crush on; there was just something in his stance and the low drawl of his voice. You'd say that feeling only got worse from there. Before you could blink, he was married and had a kid; and suddenly, despite your best efforts, you felt very out of place. You faded out of his life, and he yours. So when Rick shows up at your door (drunk out of his mind) about 5 years after the last time you spoke to him, you have a lot of questions.
TWs: divorce mention, alcohol, making out, and shameless flirting.
[[A/N: girl get ready. WEDDING TIME!!! Also, I am about to create Rick Grimes's mother as a character in this one, so... I know Southern mothers, you'll see. Enjoy :))]]
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Soon after you reunited with Rick, you got the wedding invite in the mail. All curly letters and shiny details, you wondered briefly just how fancy it would be, and the dress code-
You made a note to ask Rick before the day.
You'd been seeing a lot of him recently, he either asked you to come to his city or just showed up in yours.
You'd shown him a few different places, (you'd gone to a café, one with cheesy puns that you, ashamedly, laughed at. Rick had only smiled, and shook his head, "Adorable." You weren't sure what exactly he was talking about, but something in you had a clue), and even some of your favorites.
You weren't sure why you wanted to share so much with him, but it felt natural.
He'd even met some of your new friends ("That Rick?"), and they had promptly horrendously embarrassed you. (He is handsome, you were right, Y/N.) Rick couldn't get enough of that day, laughing and smiling with your friends -but you did catch his cheeks turning rosy when they brought up your... compliments.
It made your heart stutter in your chest.
And then, he'd brought Carl to meet you again. Rick was terrible about just showing up at your place unprompted, so you were not ready for it. But somehow you slotted right in.
"You know I held you as a baby, right?"
Carl blinked up at you like he was processing the information, and maybe trying to recognize you, "I think I remember you."
He seemed to only remember that you were constantly playing with him, and even pulled out some old toys you recognized. Ones that were apparently super sentimental to him. It made you smile.
You fell right back in place, listening to him talk about whatever he wanted to -it felt familiar. Something about your old life that wasn't as hurtful.
You'd missed the little guy.
And in the back of your head, if you noticed Rick wordlessly staring at you with quite possibly the brightest smile you'd ever seen on his face, you ignored it. Because there was still two months to go, and that meant nothing.
Or at least that's what you told yourself.
The weeks before the wedding though, you didn't see much of him. A part of you wondered if it had all washed away, and you weren't entirely sure how to interact with that.
You were probably the only one early to the wedding, but Lori had wanted you to be. Said something about catching up, and wanting to see you. Shane was apparently just the same. You weren't sure how to take it.
On one hand, they were your old friends, on the other, they had really done something shitty to Rick and you doubted they got as much flak as they should have. Rick was too nice, always was, but he definitely had his moments.
Later, you decided, later, you'd chew them out. Not on their wedding day.
Fidgeting with your clothes, you waltzed up into the chapel -all high ceilings and stained-glass windows. It was beautiful, really, with flowers strewn against the pews and a leather little check-in book where you signed in. It was everything that a wedding was supposed to be, all the little bells and whistles.
Isn't infidelity a sin? Your mind chimed, and you zapped back the thought -a betraying little smile on your face.
"Y/N!" a voice cheered, and you were met with Shane -a few years older and a buzzcut (which was an interesting choice, to say the least), "-long time no see, buddy!"
"Hey," you smiled, genuine warmth building up -he was your friend after all. He was like a brother. That was kinda why you did what you did.
With a breath, you smacked him in the face -not a real one, kind of just a play hit. It still got the message across.
"Yeah," he rubbed his jaw, "-figured 'at was comin'."
"Good," you said, before opening up your arms for a hug, which Shane gladly accepted. He still smelt the same -a little too sour for your tastes, but was much more built. Just like Rick.
You smiled, stepping back, "It's really good to see you, sorry for-"
"Don't," Shane held up his hand, "-There's no need. I get it, a lot more than ya think."
At least I held back on my impulses, you thought, before shoving it down again.
God, you were really going to have to keep yourself in check today.
"I'll show ya to where Lori is," he offered, "-think she's still getting ready."
"Probably will be for a while, Shane," you laughed, "-The wedding hasn't even started."
"Good point," he agreed, gruffly, before guiding you to a door -you heard a lot of rustling behind it. Just thinking of the extent of people, you nearly didn't knock.
Luckily, Shane did that for you.
"'S Y/N," he called before nearly scampering away -you had to hold back a laugh.
"Oh, come in!"
Lori was the first one to, verbally, greet you, smiling wide -her hair was getting done, "Y/N, oh it's so good to see you, I'm so glad you could-"
Before she could finish, someone came rushing over to you - almost squealing in delight.
"Y/N, honey," she smiled, big and bright, "-it's been so long!"
That was the one and only Bonnie Grimes, Rick's mother. You wondered for a moment, why she would be here, before she barreled you into a hug.
"Hey, Mrs. Grimes," you smiled, accepting her hug gratefully, and she squeezed you a little too hard but you had expected it. Bonnie Grimes was on solid hugger, wouldn't let you go until she wanted to.
"Please, call me Bonnie," she grinned, before pulling back from the embrace, "-Look at you! You look so good, honey! All grown up."
"You saw me when I was in college, Mrs... Bonnie," you laughed, "-I don't think I've changed much since then."
"I still remember you in high school," she sighed -wistfully, "-ugh, the three of you were so cute! I miss those days."
Before you could say a word, she intertwined your arms and began ushering you out the door, "C'mon, let's go, sweetie! We have lots to talk about."
"I was just-" she pulled you neatly out of the door, so you shot Lori an apologetic smile -she laughed and waved you off.
Bonnie had never had the... best relationship with Lori, you heard it through the grapevine a lot. So, you had no idea why she was here at all, other than to maybe see Carl? But, still, she was definitely petty enough to wait and see him later, so what-
"When Ricky told me you were comin', I just had to see you," she said -like she was reading your mind, before whispering low, "-otherwise I wouldn't even be 'ere."
You nearly laughed at 'Ricky', but sealed it back behind your lips, responding simply, "I'm really honored, Bonnie. I would've come out to see you but-"
"Oh, sweetie," she laughed, pulling you down to sit outside on a bench infront of the church, "-I know why you couldn't. A mother's instincts."
"Yeah," you laughed, a little awkwardly -his mom knowing was not something you had quite imagined.
"You know, I always wanted you two together," she remarked, almost as if she didn't expect you to comment, "-liked you better than her for him."
"Bonnie," you urged.
"What? They're divorced now, I can say it."
"Maybe not at her wedding," you quipped back.
"Okay, you're right," she sighed out, "-suppose I just can't get over what they did to my baby."
You frowned, taking a hand and rubbing soothing circles into her shoulder, "I can imagine, it must've really hurt to see your son like that."
"Hurt? Oh I was furious, sweetie," she clarified, "-Ricky had to hold me back by my horns."
You let out a laugh, and Bonnie smiled back. The air was crisp, and the sun was warm -it was a good day. And, it was nice to get to come back -see some of where you grew up. It was familiar, homey and you felt in place, you weren't sure that would ever go away.
"You know, he talked about you," Bonnie hummed, looking out into the streets, "-even when you left, it was like... he wanted to keep you in his memories."
You exhaled, guilt swirling up in your stomach, "Yeah, I'm starting to think I made a mistake leaving. I feel like I missed so much."
Bonnie smiled -a little bittersweet, gathering you up into a side hug, "No one is smart in the matters of the heart, honey. You were hurtin', you did what you could to feel better. There's nothin' wrong with that."
You smiled, leaning into her -your head resting on hers, "Thanks, Bonnie."
"Now, that that's settled," she said slowly, happiness dipped into her words, "-Can we talk about it?"
"About what?"
"My son," she clarified, playfully smiling, "-he talks all about you, you know. And he's been really excited for today, I was hopin' you could tell me why. It's downright suspicious for a man to be so happy at his ex-wife's wedding-"
"Maybe, she's marrying a terrible man," you joked, and Bonnie laughed.
"Shane always was trouble," she seemed to think back, before reiterating, "-I know you two have been spendin' a lot of time together, and I didn't want to be hopin'."
"Okay," you held up your hands in mock surrender, "-you got me. When we met up those few months ago, he told me he had feelings for me-"
"No, really?!" she gasped, "-Oh, I thought he was never going to do that. Praise you, Jesus-"
"It was right after Shane's bachelor party, and I was... skeptical," Bonnie listened very closely, "-so I told him that if he still feels the same by the wedding, we can talk."
"That's very reasonable, sweetie," Bonnie smiled, before speaking much more directly, "-I hate to say it, though, all 'at time was certainly wasted. My boy has loved you since he met you-"
"-he just didn't know it," she finished, slapping her hands into her lap, "-You don't know how many times I tried to get it through his head, honey. It was like talkin' to a brick wall, I tell you."
You laughed again, "Well, I appreciate you sticking up for me."
"Oh, I do it a thousand times over for you, sweetheart," she hugged you into her side again, "-you make my baby boy very happy and I'll be forever grateful for that."
You smiled -something warm in your chest.
"And," she whispered, "-if you need a moment with Rick, you just tell me and I can draw a whole crowd."
You laughed even harder then, as she guided you back inside -you ended up helping with some if the last minute decorations.
At the current moment, you were pulling the flower petals into the basket for the flower girl. Apparently, they had to be fresh. It was kind of sad to pull them off the flower though.
"Hey," a voice breathed out like they were startlingly happy.
You peeked up, and saw the one and only Rick Grimes -dressed to the nines in a suit that really suited him. Handsome, really handsome. You fidgetted with your clothes self-consciously.
"Hi," you parroted back with a smile, "-like the suit."
"Oh," he grinned, a bit like he had so much energy but just couldn't put it anywhere, "-thank you, wasn't sure I'd like it."
It was the one picked out by Lori, with the color scheme -the light blue tie matched his eyes really well though, so she apparently picked well. Rick was Shane's best man, so his outfit was one specially picked -you weren't given the "luxury".
"I think you look handsome," you smiled, halting your work for a moment, "-If that helps with your opinion at all."
"Uh, yeah," he laughed, rubbing the back of his neck, "-Yeah, it does. Yours was the only opinion 'at matters."
Your heart jolted into your throat, your eyes flickered back down to your hands -pulling off more petals. The basket was about halfway full now.
"Wouldn't say that out loud, Ricky," you teased -alluding.
"Oh god," he groaned, "-my Mom's 'ere? Why?"
"The one and only," you laughed, "-and apparently she's here for me."
"Sounds like 'er," he grinned -big and bright, and it seemed like he almost wanted to say something else but-
"Rick, Shane needs you," someone, who you decidedly didn't know, popped their head in.
"Talk later?" You offered.
Rick pursed his lips for a moment, like he was really debating going anywhere else. (Like he wanted to stay with you.) But he let out a big, long sigh, "Yeah, I'll hold ya to it."
"Please, do," you laughed, watching him go out of the room -like a puppy dog. You frowned, you really need to get yourself in check.
The ceremony was beautiful, Bonnie sat beside you and plastered on the most real fake smile you'd ever seen -elbowing you and whispering low little jokes every once in a while. You had to bite back laughter half the service. On your other side was Carl fidgeting with his vest -apparently he was supposed to be up there with Shane, but he refused. You got a little kick out of that.
To cheer him up, you taught him the head squish trick -squeezing your two fingertips together from a distance. Carl was much more engaged after that, particularly squishing his Dad's head with a big smile.
And Rick, well, he stayed focused but every once in awhile, you'd catch him looking at you. The dart of an eye, so quick you could miss it if you hadn't been looking at him too; Bonnie would point it out to you, if you weren't paying attention.
The reception was nearby, in a building that was primarily rented for this exact purpose. It looked how you thought a reception should look with a big dance floor, so many decorated tables, and a buffet of food off to the side. Which all looked and smelled delicious, you noted.
Each seat had a name, you realized. So, you were kind of awkwardly navigating through tables to try and find your spot -you didn't want to get food and then wander around like a chicken with your head cut off. So, you dodged through chairs -peeking at the little cards, and just as you found it, you felt a tap on your shoulder.
You spun around and met Bonnie's eyes, she was looking a little nervous.
"Everything okay?"
"Yes," she hummed, "-I just realized that I forgot some medicine in my purse, would you be a doll and go grab it for me?"
"Sure," you soothed, "-where is it?"
"The closet where they put the coats," Bonnie answered, "-I wanted it out of the way, but-"
"Bonnie," you smiled, ushering her to her marked chair, "-please, sit down, I'll grab it for you."
She smiled, big and wide, a polite thank you leaving her lips. There was something there, but at the time, it didn't seem important.
With a breath, you wondered back toward the front of the building -trying to remember which closet exactly was the one with the coats. You hadn't had one, so you didn't stop but-
The door to the closest one slipped open, and hands pulled you inside. You nearly screamed, but when your eyes adjusted to the dim light, they settled on Rick -standing just across from you.
"Rick," you hissed, "-what the hell? You scared the-"
"Sorry, sweetheart, was the only way to getcha alone," he spoke, a little quickly -breathlessly happy to see you.
"Oh, is that why-" you puffed out a breath, "-Bonnie was in on this, wasn't she?"
Rick grinned, shrugging a little -as if to say, maybe. You bit the inside of your cheek to stop a smile from smoothing across your face.
"Why are we in here, Rick?"
"I needed to talk to ya," he echoed out, "-alone."
"And we couldn't do that anywhere else?" You laughed, "-Like outside, or-"
"It was the first idea to pop into my head, gimme a break," he responded, slow with a smile, "-I 'aven't thought clearly all day."
"What if someone tries to get in here?" You questioned, voice low, "-this is going to look pretty incriminating-"
"It locks from the inside," he said simply, moving his hand and turning the lock.
Your breath caught in your throat suddenly, realization setting in -you were locked in a clost with Rick. Correction, you were locked in a small closet with Rick by his own doing.
Jesus Christ.
"Is there-" you questioned, "-something you wanted to talk about, or?"
You knew exactly what he wanted to talk about, but you were not going to be the one to bring it up. Especially when his face was so close to yours, and the light was dim enough to make his eyes shine so blue, and you could feel his breaths on your face-
Your heart was practically beating out of your chest, you could feel it in your throat.
You expected this is much different circumstances, like an open room and good lighting and maybe the crisp night air. Not in a hall closet, where all you could smell was Rick (a woodsy sort of smell), and all you could see was Rick.
His hair was tussled a little, like he had nervously run his hands through it. And part of you wanted to reach up and comb through it, he was letting it get longer now -you liked it.
"I didn't think this through," he finally said.
"Yeah," you laughed a little, "-I can tell."
"Well, I did," he reasoned, "-'ad this whole thin' planned out, how I was gonna say it and everythin'. But now I... Looking at you, I can't remember any of it."
"You sure it's not a lack of oxygen?" You teased, trying to cut through the tension, "-This room is pretty small-"
"I'm in love with you."
Your mouth snapped shut.
He was laughing a little -in disbelief or happiness, you couldn't tell, "You told me, if my feelin's stayed the same to tell ya. But they haven't."
"They haven't?" You asked, a little weakly.
"I fell in love with you," he clarified, grin so bright, "-I watched you wit' Carl and my Mom and just you. And I... I love you. God, I love you."
"Rick," you whispered out.
"I knew," he exhaled, stepping slightly forward, "-I knew there was somethin'. That I felt somethin' and then you were everywhere, and suddenly I felt everythin'."
Your eyes were starting to tear up, but you held them back.
"I couldn't stop thinkin' about ya, and then I just wanted to see ya, all the time-" he exhaled through a laugh.
"Rick," you repeated.
"I love you," he repeated like it was all he could say, eyes desperately searching yours, "-and I know it's kinda shitty to 'ave this moment 'ere, because it's my ex-wife's weddin'-"
You laughed, and a grin found itself along his face -letting out a chuckle.
"But I couldn't wait," he echoed out, "-couldn't wait long enough to not 'ave to do it in a damn closet."
"I would have preferred that," you remarked, "-but, this... this is okay too."
"I nearly told you this mornin'," he breathed out, "-you were in front of me an' all I could think was-"
Your hands cupped his face, and pulled him forward without so much as another thought. He stilled at first, shocked, but when he realized, everything in him shifted.
He pushed you into the wall almost without thinking, instinctual. Hands on the wall behind you, he cornered you in; and your hands only squeezed tighter on his jaw. It was desperate, like he'd been dying in the desert and you were water -like if he didn't have you now, he would've died.
Your hands slipped to his shoulders, and one of his moved to cup your face -your head was getting woozy. He separated for a moment, eyes darting between yours and pressed forward again -stealing the breath out of your lungs.
"Rick," you breathed out, but he kept pushing kisses onto your lips. Like he could never have enough, "-Rick."
He groaned -apparently eager to keep kissing you, pulling back, "What, baby?"
Your throat went dry, lips smacking shut. That was new, you had never heard him call you baby before. Platonically, sweetheart, darlin', the works. But this was distinctly, romantic.
Rick scanned over you for a moment, a bit in concern -eyes fluttering along your face, "Everythin' okay?"
He was still caging you in, wide expanse of arm just above your shoulder and his face a breath away. Your brain was suddenly short-circuiting, all you could see was Rick and all you could smell was Rick and all you could taste-
"Hey, sweetheart," he moved his hands to hold your face -keeping your eyes solely on him, "-are ya okay? Did I hurt you or-"
"No," you let out in a breath, a little embarrassed, "-you just... you called me baby."
"You don't like 'at? I don't 'ave to-"
"Rick, no," you clarified, burning with embarrassment, "-I like it. I... really like it. You've just never called me baby before."
He smiled, sort of lightly -a little like he was in love with you (which he very much was), "I've never kissed you before either, ya know?"
"Yeah, obviously," you huffed out a breath, "-I'm still getting used to that part too. But I just didn't..."
You groaned, and Rick's grin only got wider.
Pushing your hands into your eyes, you exhaled -shame burning in your stomach, "This is so embarrassing."
He didn't say anything for a moment, before his fingers came to grab at your hands pulling them away from your eyes, "'S not embarrassing, baby, 's cute."
"God, you're going to use that against me forever now," you peeked up at him, "-aren't you?"
He grinned at you, hand coming up to hold your cheek, "Yeah, 'course, I am."
Rick was smiling at you then, his eyes dipping low to your lips and your breaths hollowed out in your chest.
"We really can't-" you tried to contradict, but it was weak willed.
"What's a few more minutes, baby?" Rick hummed, face so close to yours that you could see different shades of blue in his eyes.
You only had so much will.
It would be a waste to use it now anyway.
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in-my-feels-probably · 7 months
Scott Street: Prologue - The Road to Atlanta (OC x TWD)
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Daisy Grimes was only sixteen years old. She shouldn’t have had any more to worry about than — at least in her opinion — what was soon to be her parents' impending divorce. She was supposed to be drinking too much at parties her friends made her sneak out to, or being endlessly annoyed by her endearing yet infuriating little brother who had apparently made it his life’s mission to irritate his big sister to death. She was supposed to be worrying about college, or if she’d be asked to the dances, and whether or not she was going to beg her parents to finally get the family a cat for the sixteenth year in a row. Slowly but surely, Daisy was cracking away at their resolve, and she was sure this time that it finally was her year.
But then Daisy came home to the news that her Dad had been shot. And, as if that wasn’t enough to bring her world to a halt, an outbreak of a rapidly spreading virus took over the world while he was still in the hospital. Along with her family, Daisy was uprooted from her home and forced on the run where she had to fight to survive and keep her family safe every day, while still desperately grasping for some form of normalcy and domesticity.
Even after being reunited with her Dad and meeting new people who might not have been blood but certainly were still family, she realized her world would never be the same. As the days turned into weeks, weeks turned into months, months turned into years….Daisy changed. 
And she wasn’t so sure that was a good thing anymore.
Walking Scott Street, feeling like a stranger
With an open heart, open container
I've got a stack of mail and a tall can
It's a shower beer, it's a payment plan
There's helicopters over my head
Every night when I go to bed
Spending money and I earned it
When I'm lonely, that's when I'll burn it
Do you feel ashamed
When you hear my name?
Anyway, don't be a stranger
Anyway, don't be a stranger
Don't be a stranger
Daisy couldn’t make it out the front door fast enough. She made the mistake of snoozing her alarm, which led to her missing the bus, and that led to her having to confront her already pissed off Mom to ask her for a ride to school. 
On a normal day, Lori would have been happy to do so. It was rare that her daughter asked her for something, and even rarer that she actually volunteered to spend time with her. Lori could count the days on her fingers in the past few months that Daisy had actually stepped out of her room long enough to spend time with her. But at the end of the day, Lori couldn’t blame her. If she’d had to wake up to her parents bickering every morning, she’d have spent a lot more time hiding in her room listening to music too. She even considered it some mornings when her mind was still reeling from a petty argument with Rick the night before, but then she’d feel guilty and get up to make everyone pancakes before they started their day. She was determined that they were going to be the kind of family that got up to eat pancakes together, and she’d be damned if anything got in the way of that – even if it was her lack of cooking skills. 
But today was not a normal day. 
There were no pancakes on the table, or a family happily sitting down to eat them. Carl had already left, carpooling with the neighbor’s kid. Rick was running late for work too, fumbling around for his keys while Lori stood in the kitchen, still in her pajamas. 
They had argued the night before – it was getting to be a regular occurrence at this point. 
And, while they often shielded Carl from it, Daisy more often than not got an unwanted earful. This time, Daisy couldn’t even tell what they were arguing about. She had just woken up to the sound of bickering muffled through the wall. She’d managed to get herself dressed and ready for school in record time, and now she was standing by the front door waiting for the passive aggressive comments to stop so that she could actually make it to class on time. Her parents apparently were determined to make that quite the feat for her. She was debating swiping the keys to her Mom’s car and driving herself when she heard Lori mutter under her breath.
“I wish you would just say it.”
Daisy could hear Rick let out an impatient sigh from down the hall. “Say what, Lori?”
Lori scoffed, and Daisy could practically feel her eyes roll. “Whatever the hell it is you’re not saying. Just say it! Speak!”
“There’s nothing to say–”
“Oh, for the love of God,” Daisy whined for the third time that morning, pausing her parents' bickering. “Can you do this later? I’m gonna be late, and I have a test in first period.”
There was a pause, and she could hear the sound of Rick’s keys as he made his way to the kitchen. He and Lori spoke in a hushed whisper for a while, until that whisper was on the verge of shouting. After she got tired of tapping her foot on the floor for an eternity, Daisy finally marched into the kitchen to see what the argument was about for herself. Her cheeks flushed as she caught the tail end of her parent’s conversation, which came to an abrupt halt as Lori spoke in anger without thinking.
“Sometimes I wonder if you even care about us at all.”
Daisy backed out of the room and headed for the front door before she could even see the shared look of guilt on their faces. Lori sighed as the sound of Rick’s hurried footsteps followed Daisy out into the living room.
“I’m sorry,” he murmured, an awkward silence passing between him and his daughter. “You know she didn’t mean that. She’s just pissed at me, you know how she gets. It was my fault really.”
“It’s fine, Dad,” Daisy replied, her gaze set on the floor. 
Another awkward silence passed as Daisy traced over the pattern on the rug with her eyes. Rick shifted back and forth uncomfortably, before placing a hand on Daisy’s shoulder. She reluctantly met his gaze, shrugging her shoulders. 
“It’s fine,” she muttered, speaking under her breath. “Nothing I haven’t heard before.”
Rick’s face fell, and Daisy quickly headed for the kitchen before the guilt could settle into the pit in her stomach. She stuck her head around the corner, stopping in her tracks when she saw her Mom hastily wiping away tears from under her eyes. Lori’s lashes were still wet when Daisy backtracked to the front door where Rick was still waiting.
“I’m just gonna walk today,” she announced.
“Honey, no,” Lori tried to reason, fumbling around in the kitchen for her keys. “I’ll drive you. Just let me grab my purse.”
“It’s only a few blocks, I’ll be fine.”
Rick shook his head, agreeing with Lori. “Daisy, let your Mom take you. You’ll drive her insane if you don’t let her take care of you. It’s her way or the highway.”
Daisy could hear the attempt at humor in his voice. He was trying to make light of the situation, and Daisy could appreciate that. Her parents were trying to be civil and rational. She could see the effort they were putting in every day to try and work on how they spoke to each other, if not for themselves then for their kids. But something in his voice rubbed Daisy the wrong way, and she already had too much on her mind to add her parents fighting like children to the list. 
Daisy snapped, spitting out poison. “You’d know all about that, wouldn’t you? You’d think you would have learned by now, Dad. I guess you can always try your luck next time.”
“What?” she spat, unlocking the front door as quickly as she could. 
“Look at me.”
Daisy begrudgingly turned around, meeting her Dad’s stern gaze. His jaw was clenched, but he took a deep breath to calm himself down. He always did this – stared at her in silence until he was sure the next words either of them spoke wouldn’t be shouted. He’d used her nickname that only he got the free pass to use, knowing no one else had called her Days since she was little when she decided it sounded too childish. For whatever reason, Daisy could never bring herself to ask her Dad to stop using it. So he saved it for moments like these, when he wanted his little girl to take a breath and listen to him. It was his way of silently saying sorry for whatever it was that was happening between the two of them, and it worked almost every time. 
Almost every time. Rick couldn’t even get a hand on her shoulder before Daisy was recoiling, pulling away from him.
“Just stop, Dad!” Daisy shouted, untangling her earbuds as she rambled. “I don’t need this shit today, alright? I’m already late. Please, just save the caring act for Carl. I’m sure he’s the only one in this house that still believes it. God knows I’ve seen it enough times to know that it’s bullshit, so just stop, okay? Go to work and play hero to strangers, Dad. I don’t need you. It's not like you've been much of one to me lately."
She regretted her words as soon as she said them. He was trying to be nice and make the start of her day better, but all she could do was make the situation worse in her anger. She quickly turned around and headed out the door before she could dig herself into an even bigger hole, shoving her earbuds in her ears. She was out the door before he could come up with something to say.
Rick didn’t follow after her this time.
Daisy couldn’t focus the whole day. Her parents fighting always put her in a sour mood, and it ruined any potential she had at staying on task. She was almost positive she had bombed her test in first period, or maybe by some miracle she’d managed to scrape by with a C. It was all so hazy in her mind, she couldn’t really tell. Either way, she wasn’t happy. But despite her best efforts, all she could focus on was the conversation she had with her parents that morning.
She didn’t know why she acted the way she did. 
When her parents first started fighting, she was always quick to step in and try to diffuse the situation. But she was sixteen now, and the fights that her parents had were beginning to happen more and more often. It had gotten very old, and so she couldn’t help but snap on mornings like this. She’d spend the rest of the day regretting it, and the guilt Lori and Rick also felt from fighting with each other – especially in front of their kid – would postpone their next argument to at least another day out. 
At least they all agreed on something – feeling guilty.
Daisy took the bus on the way home. The bus was the place Daisy did her very best thinking. All the ideas about different ways she could apologize or get her parents to apologize to each other filled her head. By the time the bus made it to her stop, she had plenty of methods stocked up. Daisy was about to stand up and grab her backpack when a sudden feeling washed over her. Reluctantly, she let go of her bag. She couldn’t bring herself to get off the bus. Instead, she waited until the doors closed to settle back into her seat, letting the driver continue on down the road. 
After a few stops, the bus stopped at the end of Scott Street.
Scott Street was Daisy’s very first home. Her parents married young, barely out of their own parents' houses when they found out Lori was pregnant. They were eighteen and stupid, but Lori was determined to create the little family she had always dreamed of. Naive and in love, Rick did everything he could to give it to her. 
He started in the police academy, quickly becoming an officer, while Lori took night classes to get a business degree. She never really did end up using it, but at the time she figured it would come in handy one day. It didn’t hurt to get it, and they still could get by on the combined little bit of money their parents gave them to start their own lives. Their first home together was a little apartment by the community college. Slowly, they saved and saved. By the third trimester, they had enough saved to put a down payment on a little house on the edge of the suburbs. It wasn’t much to look at, and it was too cramped for a family of four – they had moved into their current home by the time Carl was around. But their little house on Scott Street was their first home. And, although Daisy hadn’t lived there for quite some time, she still had good memories there. On days like this when her family was fighting, she’d long for her first home.
Before the bus could pull away, Daisy quickly shot out of her seat and stepped off the bus. She gave the driver a friendly wave, taking out her earbuds to roll them up and shove them in her jacket pocket as she stepped out of the street and onto the sidewalk. She watched the bus pull away, leaving her alone on the quiet street.
Daisy slowly walked to the third house down on the left. It had been repurchased since her time there. The new owners had painted over the quaint shade of yellow with a dull gray, and the pretty white trim was now a dirty charcoal color. The red door Daisy had toddled through so many times with her parents hot on her heels was now painted a dusty looking brown. The flower beds Lori could never seem to keep alive had been ripped up and replaced with a layer of mulch. Even the car parked in the driveway was a sad and dreary little thing, reflective of the sad and dreary little people that were living inside of Daisy’s house who had painted over and ruined all of its charm and comforting qualities. 
Daisy hadn’t even realized she was crying until the tear rolling down her cheek fell onto her shirt. She quickly wiped under her eyes, clearing her throat as she shoved her earbuds back in. Daisy didn’t know why she was crying. 
It was just a house. 
It wasn’t her home anymore. It wasn’t the house she saw her little brother grow up in. It wasn’t the house her Mom let her keep the stray cat she found in for all of an afternoon before she discovered it was actually the neighbor's cat, and it was then promptly placed back outside next door. It wasn’t the house where she watched her Dad come home with a tired smile on his face, raving about the promotion he had gotten that day. 
And yet, she couldn’t shake the feeling that something was left behind here. A part of herself, or a part of her family – something that was keeping them together, and now that it was missing, they were finally starting to unravel.
Daisy quickly shook her head, taking one last look at the house before turning around and marching back down the street. She wiped under her eyes as she walked, humming along to the music in her ears as she found her way back home. The apology she had spent the entire bus ride working on was now on the tip of her tongue, and she was ready to get home and wait at the dining room table until both her parents were home so she could deliver it to them. But then she turned the corner in her neighborhood to her street.
A squad car was waiting in the driveway, and her Dad’s partner, Shane, was at the front door, frantically pounding on it. 
Daisy could feel her stomach drop, a sick and twisted feeling in her gut stopping her in her tracks. She ripped her earbuds out for a final time, this time shoving them into her backpack out of her reach. After a minute, she finally got her feet to move. She slowly made her way down the sidewalk, stopping next to her mailbox. She couldn’t force her feet to take her any further.
She placed a hand on the mailbox, bracing herself as she called out to the man at her front door. “Shane?”
Her voice was quiet and cracked, but it was loud enough that Shane heard it. He whipped around, his eyes landing on her at the end of the driveway. Daisy couldn’t help but instantly notice the dried blood caked on his t-shirt under his uniform. He had clearly tried to scrub it off sometime earlier in the day, but he was too frantic or distracted to notice that he’d missed some. Daisy had to force herself to pry her eyes away from the stain, finally looking up to meet his gaze. Even if there wasn’t any blood, the ghostly white look on Shane’s face would have been enough to tell her that something was seriously wrong. 
“Shane?” she asked again. 
It was all she could bring herself to say.
“Hey, sweetheart,” he muttered, trying to mask the fear in his voice with calmness. 
It was a tactic he had mastered when having to talk to the families of criminals and victims when something in a case went awry. He had gotten used to it by now – he was good at it, even. But at this moment, he couldn’t mask the shakiness in his voice. His eyes were soft on Daisy as he motioned to the squad car.
“Why don’t you come with me, alright?” he asked, opening up the passenger side door. “Your Dad wanted me to come tell you something.”
It was like her body was on autopilot. 
She knew what was happening the moment she sat down in the car, but it was a shock to her system anyway. Shane told her about the call they responded to. Two armed and dangerous men being chased up and down backroads, firing at the officers any chance they got. They eventually were pinned down and in a shootout with responding officers. In the process, her Dad was shot. Once in the ribs, although the bulletproof vest caught the brunt of it. The worst he would have had from it was a nasty bruise. But the second time, he wasn’t so lucky. An unknown third man crawled out of the car and shot him through the shoulder. He was picked up in an ambulance and rushed to the hospital, passed out by the time surgeons got to him. Before he passed out, he told Shane to go to Lori and his kids. He wanted Shane to tell them that he loved him, and that he’d be okay.
Daisy had checked out of the conversation by the time Shane got to that part, her ears ringing and muffling his words. She didn’t even realize they had stopped until Shane put the car in park. She looked up to see Carl’s school, her Mom standing in the parking lot with the mother of one of Carl’s friends.
Daisy let out a shaky breath as Shane cleared his throat, wringing his hands together. “Why don’t you wait here, alright? I’ll handle this.”
Shane got out of the car before Daisy could even register what he said. He stepped a few feet from the car, waiting for Lori to approach him. Daisy watched as her Mom’s face fell, but she put on a brave face and walked over anyway. They had a muffled conversation before the sound of a school bell interrupted them.
Daisy perked up when kids began filing out of the school, happy smiles on their faces as they found their parents. She unbuckled and quickly scrambled out of the car once Carl came into view. She was halfway to him when she felt a hand in hers, turning her around.
“What are you doing?” Lori asked gently, bringing her free hand up to hold hers. “Shane said you haven’t spoken since he picked you up. Let me do this, baby girl. Everything is going to be alright, just go wait with Shane.”
Carl had stopped in the street now, a confused look on his face. Daisy glanced at him over her shoulder before quickly turning back to her Mom.
“Let me do it.”
Lori’s face fell as she shook her head. “Honey, no–”
“Mom…please,” she pleaded, squeezing Lori’s hand. “He can’t hear it the way I just heard it. I’ll be gentle, I won’t let him worry. He’ll know it’s bad if you do it.”
Daisy’s voice cracked halfway through her sentence, and she could see her Mom’s eyes fill with tears. It was silent for a moment before Lori nodded, pressing a kiss to the back of her hand. She squeezed it one more time before letting her go.
“I’ll be right here.”
Daisy nodded, turning back to face Carl. She quickly headed across the street, stopping in front of him. She sat down on the curb, patting the spot next to her for him to sit. He obliged, plopping down next to her with a goofy smile on his face.
“What are you doing here?”
“Not happy to see me?” Daisy scoffed, feigning offense. “It was a half day for the high school, remember?”
Carl nodded. Daisy smiled, slinging her arm around his shoulder. In her peripheral vision, she could see her Mom standing by the squad car. Her hands were shaking, and Shane had a comforting hand on her shoulder. Daisy took a deep breath, opening her mouth to speak.
Carl beat her to the punch. “What’s Shane doing here?”
“I need you to listen to me, okay?” Daisy spluttered out, hesitating for a moment. “Don’t make a big deal out of this, everything is fine. I promise. Just…let me say this.”
For once, Carl didn’t fight her on this or do any of the things little brothers do to endlessly annoy their big sisters. He just nodded, letting her take his hand. She gave it a squeeze, giving him a halfhearted smile.
“It’s Dad…there was an accident at work.”
Carl’s eyes widened and filled with fear. “What? Wh…What do you mean? What happened? Is he okay? Is he de–”
“No!” Daisy quickly answered, squeezing his hand. “No. Something happened at work today. He’s been shot, but an ambulance came right away to get him. He’s in the hospital right now. He’s having surgery to fix him. They’re gonna fix him.”
Tears immediately spilled over his cheeks, and Daisy was quick to pull him into a tight hug. Carl hid his face in her shoulder, letting her gently rock them back and forth. She gave him a moment to breathe before gently pulling him back by his shoulders.
“Have I ever lied to you?” Daisy asked, wiping the tears from his cheeks with her thumbs.
Carl shook his head, his voice watery. “No. You said lying was only for kids to use against their parents, and you promised to never lie to me.”
“Exactly,” she chuckled. “I’ve lied to Mom and Dad plenty of times. More times than I care to share, really…but never to you. I’ve always told you the truth, even if I knew it would make you mad at me. I told you when I accidentally backed over your skateboard with Mom’s car, didn’t I?”
“You still haven’t made that up to me, by the way.”
“You little asshole,” Daisy grinned, pulling him in for another hug. “Don’t tell Mom I said that in front of you. Now’s the perfect time for you to practice lying. Or better yet…withholding the truth. That’s a skill a bit harder to master, but I’m sure you’ve got what it takes.”
Carl nodded, a small grin on his face as he slowly calmed down. Daisy stood up, helping him up from the curb. She took his backpack from him, shouldering it herself as she looked down at him. Although he was smiling too, she could still see the fear on his face, so she quickly held him in place and ruffled her fingers all through his hair. It stuck straight up in about eight different places, and Daisy laughed while he fought against her to try and push her back. She finally let him go with a smile, reaching down to smooth his hair down.
“Dad’s going to be alright, Carl. I’m not lying…I’m promising you. I don’t want you to worry, okay? Let’s just save the worrying for Mom. It’s her who’s gonna have to endure Dad’s whining all day at home until he’s well enough to go back to work. Remember the last time he got a cold? You would have thought he had the plague with how much he griped and complained.”
Carl laughed, nodding. Daisy put her hands on his shoulders, pushing him out in front of her in the direction of where Lori and Shane were still standing. Lori had a grateful smile on her face. Shane was still chuckling as he watched Carl continue to smooth his hair down.
“Come on,” Daisy said, leading him to the car. “We’ll ask Mom if we can go to the hospital now.”
Rick spent a few hours in surgery. When he was stable, the doctors came out into the waiting room to update everyone on his condition. They explained that, while his condition wasn’t critical, he had lost a lot of blood. He had to be placed into a medically induced coma so his body could recover without overworking itself. In the days following, they’d reduce the medication and let him wake up on his own.
When Daisy asked for a time frame they’d all have to wait, she was given a very vague answer by a clearly overworked and tired nurse. It was obvious this wasn’t her first time dealing with a family like this, and the repetitive questions were wearing her down.
“We can’t give you an exact time or date. It all depends on the rate at which his body heals itself. We’re doing everything we can on our end, all that can be done now is giving him time. Feel free to sit with him now if you want. It’s not entirely proven, but it’s said that patients in comas are actually sometimes cognisant of what’s going on around them. If you talk to him and let him know you’re there, it might encourage him to wake up faster. Understand my use of the word “might,” please.”
“But he will wake up?” Lori asked with an expectant look on her face.
The nurse hesitated, glancing over at Daisy who had Carl asleep on her shoulder. “Like I said, ma’am. Give it time. We’re working at your husband’s pace now.”
“He’s a fighter,’ Shane said impotently, pacing around the waiting room with a cup of coffee in his hand like he’d been doing for the last few hours. “He’ll be up and at it in no time.”
The nurse said nothing more, just nodding as she returned to her work.
Daisy spent the following several days in and out of the hospital. Between school and making sure her brother and Mom were doing alright, she felt like she had less and less time to sit in a hospital room. After all, Rick still hadn’t woken up yet. It was possible he had no idea they were there, and it wasn’t making much of a difference sitting and worrying at the hospital instead of sitting and worrying at home.
One evening, Daisy stayed at the hospital late. Carl needed to go to bed, and Lori only had her car to take him home. Daisy wanted to stay, so Shane offered to stay as well and drop her off on his way home. 
The two sat alone in the hospital for another hour before Shane stood up, stretching. “I’m gonna go get a cup of coffee. You want anything?” Daisy just shook her head. Shane nodded, leaving her alone in the room. After a few minutes of staring, she shuffled her chair closer until she was sitting right at Rick’s bedside. Carefully, she took his hand in hers. He was cold to the touch. She absentmindedly pulled his blanket up over him higher, trying to ignore the sinking feeling in her stomach that this cold lifeless hand was not the hand of the warm father she always knew. She took a breath, squeezing his hand in hers.
“Dad?” she whispered, getting no response.
Rick lied still in the hospital bed, his hand limp and heavy in hers. Daisy sniffled, trying and failing to fight back tears. She gave his hand a squeeze, her voice low as she spoke.
“I went back to the old house again. Mom drove us by on the way to the hospital. She finally got to see what they did to the paint. She called it a monstrosity. Said she could never picture a family growing up in a house like that. We made bets on what the inside looks like. Carl said he bets their couch still has the cover on it, like the one Grandma put over her furniture last Christmas. He thinks whoever lives there keeps it on year round. Mom said she's thankful you got us all a nice house so that Carl could know a home like the one we had before he was born.”
The words caught in her throat. Daisy looked down at their joined hands, hers beginning to shake.
“Dad,” she tried again, silent tears rolling down her cheeks as she got no response. “I’m so sorry.”
Her last words she said to him came rushing back to her, and she felt like the guilt would swallow her whole. She looked at her Dad’s face, his eyes closed and his skin pale. She could see the outline of his bandages from the surgery under his gown. There was a nagging thought in the back of her mind that maybe he wouldn’t wake up again, and the thought alone was enough to pull a muffled sob from her. She squeezed his hand, her voice raw.
“Why’d you have to be a hero, Dad? Why you? Why’d you let yourself get shot?”
Daisy let out a shaky breath, clutching his hand tighter. “I didn’t mean it. I know you care, we all know you care. I know what I said was cruel, but…I need you. I really need you to be the bigger person right now and wake up. Mom’s worried sick, Carl is following me around like a lost puppy. I had to lie to him and promise you’d be okay, when I don’t know a fucking thing!”
A low sob catching in her chest prevented her from continuing. 
Suddenly, the door opened once more, and Shane peeked his head in. One look at Daisy’s tear stained face, and he was grabbing his things from the chair. He bent down and placed a kiss on top of her head, then a hand on Rick’s shoulder. His voice was tired, but soft.
“I’ll be in the car. Five minutes, you hear me? I gotta get you home, Days.”
The use of her nickname only made her cry more. She just nodded, and Shane was quick to leave the room. Once she was sure he was gone, Daisy turned back to look at her Dad. She wiped at her cheeks with her free hand, letting out a long sigh.
“I’m gonna take care of them, okay?” she promised, nodding. “Until you come home, I’ll watch out for everyone. I’m gonna make it up to you as soon as you’re awake, I promise. And I’m sorry for swearing…I know you don’t like when I do that. Mom lets me swear, you know — just in front of her anyway, not in front of Carl. You can argue about that with her sooner if you would just wake up.”
Daisy chuckled at her own joke, fresh tears spilling from tired eyes down her cheeks. She shook her head, standing up to gather her things. She reached for his hand one last time, giving it three rapid squeezes. 
It meant, I love you. 
It was something they did in their family when it needed to be said, but for whatever reason they just couldn’t get the words out. Usually after arguments, or when someone was crying, but during the happy moments too when someone was laughing so hard that they couldn’t get any words out at all. Daisy was longing for one of those moments right about now.
Just as she was about to let go, she felt the faintest of squeezes to her own hand. It was so light, she almost missed it. She nearly convinced herself it was just in her imagination, when she felt another light squeeze. Daisy leaned down and pressed a kiss to the back of Rick’s hand, gently pulling hers away as she headed for the door.
“You can give me that last one when I come back to visit after school tomorrow,” she said excitedly, opening the door. “I’ll be here, Dad. I promise.”
Daisy didn’t go back to the hospital the next day – she never got the chance to.
For the first week that Rick was in the hospital, there had been reports of some kind of virus spreading out west and in highly populated cities. While it wasn’t close to Daisy or anyone in her town, the news coverage of it was still making people uneasy. They began locking themselves in their houses, calling out of work and pulling their children out of school. 
The night she got home from the hospital, Lori told her she wanted to wait a few days before any of them went back to visit. Apparently, there had been some sort of riot downtown at a grocery store, and a few people were shot and injured. It all seemed dramatic to Daisy, but she could hear the stress in her Mom’s voice when she asked, so she agreed not to go anywhere for a few days until things started to calm down.
As the days progressed, the news coverage of the virus got worse and worse. It was making people violent and deranged. Civilians were being shot dead in the streets by police, people were eating other people, and there were reports that entire villages in other countries had been wiped out by the virus. There was riots and looting and chaos – mass panic was beginning to ensue. Eventually, the virus spread into Daisy’s state, then her county, then her town. The military began sending troops down to manage the situation, and they advised all civilians within a fifty mile radius to evacuate to Atlanta for a while where a quarantine and refugee camp was set up.
Daisy barely had time to wrap her head around it before Shane was showing up to their door, his car packed and ready to go. 
“I’m going to the hospital to get Rick,” he whispered to Lori at the front door.
Daisy overheard, making sure Carl wasn’t around before she butted into the conversation. “What? He’s not awake yet, he needs the doctors. You can’t just go get him.”
“Daisy’s right,” Lori tried to reason. “Isn’t a hospital the safest place for him? They know how to handle sickness and contamination, we don’t. They have protocols to follow. They said if it came down to it, they’d medevac patients to Atlanta without notice. Who says they’ll even discharge him?”
Shane lifted the hem of his shirt to show his gun holstered to his side. “They’ll release him.”
Lori’s eyes widened in shock. “Shane…I–”
“Look,” he spoke quickly. “I promised Rick I’d look after y’all while he was gone, and that’s what I’m gonna do. Now, the station has been getting reports from all over the county. The sheriff has been talking to the ones from neighboring counties, and it sounds like this is all gonna get a lot worse before it gets better.”
“Shane,” Daisy tried to interrupt, but he was quick to silence her.
“Damn it, just listen! I promised your Dad I would do this, I promised him I’d look after you and do what’s best for you. And right now, this is what’s best for you. Now I’m gonna do what’s best for him and go to the hospital, I don’t think it’s the safest place for him to be anymore. The news is right, they’re sending damn platoons in every day by the tankload. They’re saying Atlanta is safer, so we have to go. Pack the essentials and be ready to go by the time I get back, alright? Please, Days. We’re all outta here as soon as I get Rick.”
The tone of his voice was something neither Daisy or Lori had ever heard before. There was a sense of such desperation and urgency that Lori listened immediately. She had Daisy going back inside to help Carl pack within seconds, coming up with the next steps of the plan with Shane before he left for the hospital. 
According to him, Shane barely made it alive out of the hospital. 
He came back to the house in a hurry, practically strapping everyone into the car himself and speeding off before he explained what happened. Daisy only heard bits and pieces after Carl started crying and she pulled herself together long enough to comfort him, but the things that she did hear shook her to her core. The hospital was overrun. The military was already there, and they were shooting uninfected doctors and nurses alike. Half the hospital had already been evacuated, and the other half had fallen. Despite doing absolutely everything he could, Shane couldn’t save Rick. He could only save himself and fulfill his promise to Rick by making sure his family made it out safe.
The next few days were a blur. 
Eventually, they made it to the highway that led into Atlanta. Cars were at a standstill, stopped for hours at a time. By nightfall, the line had been stalled for so long that everyone had turned off their cars to save gas. Families had gotten out and were talking to the families in the cars next to theirs, sharing food and radios, trying to see if anyone had any clue what was going on. Then, the radios went out. Eventually, Shane decided it was safe enough for everyone to get out of the car and stretch their legs. 
That was when Daisy met the Peletier’s – a brutish and seemingly chronically upset father named Ed, a nice but skittish and reserved mother and housewife named Carol, and their quiet little girl called Sophia.
Sophia was right around Carl’s age. Once the two families got to talking, Carol set up a travel size board game of checkers in the trunk of her car for the kids to play with. They were getting bored and antsy, and it was a good way to entertain them. Daisy sat behind Carl on the tailgate silently watching over his shoulder, snickering every time Sophia made a move and took one of his pieces. It was enough to keep everyone calm and distracted for a while, but the helicopters circling overhead eventually uneased everyone enough that they just forgot about the game all together. 
After a while, Lori and Shane decided to scout ahead and see if they could figure out what was going on.
“Stay with your brother and Carol, okay?” Lori asked Daisy, reaching up to brush the stray hairs out of her face. “Promise me.”
Daisy nodded, glancing over at Shane. “The broadcasts stopped, didn’t they? The ones telling people about the refugee center in Atlanta. I saw what station it was being broadcasted over on the way here, we must have heard it fifty times over the last few days. I checked in Carol’s car…it’s all static now.”
Shane sighed, knowing he couldn’t lie to her. Daisy was too smart for her own good, and there was no point in trying to hide the truth from her. The highway was a glue trap. It was likely that the refugee center was turning people away, or it had already been overrun. The broadcasts stopped because whoever was broadcasting them decided that there’s no people left and nothing worth broadcasting to. Shane nodded, tilting his head towards Carl.
“Just stay here. We’ll be right back.”
Shane and Lori headed off before Daisy could protest. She just huffed, sitting back down on the tailgate with Carl and Sophia. She reached over Carl’s shoulder to move a checker, giving Sophia a reassuring smile.
“Your dad’s nice,” Sophia commented.
Carl tensed up next to Daisy. “Shane’s not my Dad. My Dad’s dead.”
An awkward silence fell over the group. Daisy could feel a stinging behind her eyes, her chest tightening. She could feel Carol’s pitying eyes on her, making her look up at Sophia. There was nowhere she could look to get away from this feeling though, despite how hard she was trying to. Then Daisy noticed a little doll tucked into Sophia’s lap, clearly a well loved toy.
“I like your doll,” she said, making Sophia’s face light up. “I had one like that when I was your age.”
Sophia smiled, moving another piece. “Where’s yours?”
“I gave her away to the neighbor's daughter. I hadn’t played with her in years, and I figured she’d get better use out of it than I would letting it collect dust on my dresser. I bet it’s buckled into the backseat of that little girl’s car right now. On a roadtrip – sounds cool, right?”
Before Sophia could reply, a distant explosion sounded from somewhere down the highway. The sounds of an argument could be heard, and Daisy craned her neck to see a fight breaking out a few cars ahead of hers. Suddenly, more helicopters circled overhead. This time, they headed into the city. Everyone on the road paused what they were doing to watch, stepping over the guardrail to see past the trees on the hill. The city was dark, only the light from the helicopters illuminating the skyline. The helicopters hovered over the skyline as onlookers watched from the highway. Faint murmurs from people inside the city could be heard alongside the whirring blades of the helicopters.
Sudden flashes of light could be seen in the night sky. Just as Daisy squinted to try and get a better look at their source, multiple fiery mushroom clouds of heat and smoke billowed over the skyline. The city lit up ghastly tones of yellow, orange, and red.
Then it dawned on Daisy – they were dropping napalm in the streets.
“Oh my god,” she muttered, quickly standing up to help Carl and Sophia down from the tailgate. “Don’t watch, okay? Eyes on me.”
To her side, Carol let out a gasp and then a short sob, looking to Ed for answers. He just watched with a far away look in his eye, glancing around to see how everyone else was reacting. Daisy could feel Carl clinging to her waist, and she looked down to see a wild look in his eye as he watched the skyline light up.
“Get in the car, now!” Ed ordered, hastily yanking on Carol’s arm to get her in the passenger seat.
“We can’t just leave Carl and Daisy!” Sophia cried, tears running down her cheeks in fear.
Daisy was quick to reassure her, pulling Carl closer. “Go with your Mom, okay? We’ll be fine, we’ll catch up.”
Sophia was pushed into the car by Ed before she could get another word out. He quickly got back in his car, cranking it and stepping on the gas. He rammed into the car in front of him, smashing the bumper into pieces. Daisy gasped as he gunned it until he pushed the car out of the way, tearing up the shoulder of the road. The car scraped against the guard rail making an awful sound till Ed finally drove right through it, turning in the opposite direction the cars were parked to head back the way they came. The tires burned patches into the grass below, leaving tracks in their wake.
Daisy felt like she was going to puke. She looked around frantically for Lori and Shane, but they were nowhere in sight. People were screaming and crying, mass panic blanketing the highway. The smell of the burning city began wafting up the hill, the smoke stinging her eyes. She clutched Carl tighter to her.
“Hold my hand and don’t let go,” she ordered, gripping Carl tight. “We have to find Mom.”
Daisy took off in the direction her Mom had left earlier, turning around to make sure she remembered where their car was left. She pulled Carl over the guard rail, keeping him out of the way of people running and trying to drive on the shoulder of the road. She led him into the patch of trees at the top of the hill, scanning the area as best she could. By some miracle, she spotted Lori and Shane in the midst of the chaos a few yards away. Lori was clinging to Shane from behind as he led her through the sea of people, one hand wrapped around her wrist, the other on his gun. His eyes were wide and calculated, like an animal that had been cornered on a hunt.
“Shane!” Daisy screamed, running to him with Carl in tow. “Mom!”
“Daisy!” Lori cried, immediately breaking from Shane to pull her kids into a hug. “I told you to stay put, what were you thinking?”
“I had to move! We nearly got mowed over just standing there, and Ed already pulled Carol and Sophia into the car, they’re leaving. It’s getting bad, people are fighting and panicking–”
Shane interrupted her, quickly pulling everyone into a tighter huddle. “What do you mean they’re leaving? The grid is locked, there’s nowhere to go!”
Daisy frantically pointed up the hill. “Ed busted through the guard rail. Practically knocked a tire off turning to drive back the way we came. He left tracks as far as I could see.”
Shane looked up the hill for a second before finally nodding. “Come on, we’re following.”
“Shane,” Carl finally managed to spit out, still clinging to Daisy. “I’m scared!”
Lori took ahold of Carl in one hand, Daisy in the other. “Listen to me. I know you’re scared, but we’re going to be fine. We’re going to be brave, and we’re going to get out of this. I want you two to listen to everything Shane says, and you don’t let go. No matter what happens, you listen and never let go.”
Daisy could feel her Mom’s hand shaking in hers, but she was putting on a voice so brave that her words almost convinced Daisy that they’d be okay. They’d get off this highway and make it to somewhere safe, and this living nightmare they were stuck in would all go away. It’s what Daisy kept telling herself as Shane cleared a path for them to get back to the car. Everyone piled in as quickly as possible, and Shane didn’t waste a second before gunning it past the downed guard rail, following Carol’s tire tracks.
As the skyline faded from view, Daisy watched out the back window. Before they rounded a corner, she watched in horror as a group of the undead suddenly emerged from the trees. They descended onto the highway, grabbing and attacking stragglers who were too panicked to run or fight back. Gunfire rang throughout the streets from stray hunting rifles stashed in the backs of cars, but the dead weren’t dropping. They took shot after shot, only finally going down when someone managed to get a headshot in. 
Daisy promptly turned back around to face forward and look away just as she watched brain matter splatter across the pavement, the sound of gunfire, groans, and desperate screams fading into the background.
A/N - Hi! Finally caved and started a TWD fic! I’ve had this fic idea in my head for a while now, and with The Ones Who Live coming out, I figured now would be a good time to start it while I’m getting back into TWD. This is a lot different than the past fics I’ve written, because unlike my other fics, I’m not disclosing any planned relationships between my OC and any of the other characters until I write up until certain parts of the show. This is gonna be a long fic, so bear with me while I plan, write, and update it. This is a new kind of writing for me, so please be patient! I’m still not entirely sure where I’m going with it, but I wanted to go ahead and get some of it out. I hope you like it, thank you to anyone who reads and supports my work! Any questions, feedback, comments, suggestions, and critiques are all welcome :)
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we-will-begin-again · 2 years
Daryl wasn't going at figuring out what to get someone for their birthday. He didn't have much experience with birthdays because his family never acknowledged his. So he could take them or leave them, but Lori had made the point of telling him last week that her birthday was in six days so he'd kept track. And he'd spent the time between then and now trying to find the perfect gift for her.
He couldn't believe his luck when he'd happened upon a jewelry store that had been picked through but that wasn't empty. He found a beautiful silver chain with a locket pendant and he had managed to carve both Judith's and Carl's names into the top. His penmanship wasn't the greatest, but he was pleased and hoped that she could find little mementos of her children to put inside it.
He also got lucky and found some beautiful wrapping paper and a little bow. He blushed profusely as he held out the box to her. "From me and Judith. Guess Carl, too. Happy Birthday."
Lori's Birthday - June 1st
Lori had meant to keep the topic of her birthday on the downlow, she'd only told a few people, those she feared might get upset if she didn't tell them and she didn't want to risk it. She'd told Daryl, Carol, Carl, Rick and Maggie. But then Maggie told Glenn and– well, if Glenn knew something, everyone knew it.
And so she'd been receiving birthday wishes all day. It was sweet, really. Carol had baked her something out of scratch like the culinary ace she was, Maggie had been keeping Judith to give Lori some time for herself, and Carl seemed to have resorted to old ways, writing her a birthday letter that made her cry herself dry, like the ones he'd write her back when he was little and just learning. He'd always been more a writer than a drawings as gifts kid, but he'd paired it up with adding Judith's hand prints to the other side of the letter. It was sweet even if Lori was the one who had to wash the paint of Judith.
Then there was Daryl, walking up to her red in the face as she was putting away yet another plate of birthday food delivered to her by one of their neighbors, presenting her with a properly wrapped gift, something that was so rare nowadays.
The silver locket necklace was breathtaking, as was the penmanship and the fact he'd taken the time to carve her children's names on it. Lori held it in her hands, before she stood and wrapped her arms around Daryl, hugging him tightly and finding that she did have some tears left in her.
"Thank you," she breathed against the crook of his neck. Lori pulled back just enough to press a kiss to Daryl's lips. "I love you. Help me out it on?"
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richonnefics · 5 years
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Right In Front of Me by SBK 
It was another Friday night and another dinner with friends.  Rick Grimes can’t even recall how long they’d been doing this, getting together and enjoying each other’s company.  There used to be five couples but now there are only three, Sasha and Bob, Glenn and Maggie, and Andrea and Shane.  He and Michonne were the single ones now.  His marriage to Lori ended amidst a cheating scandal and Michonne and Mike called it quits after he decided to move abroad with a woman he’d only interacted with online.
The sound of Michonne’s voice pulls him away from his musings.  He listens attentively as she gives some vague details about a case she is handling.  Andrea asks a question which leads them to share legal notes.  Sasha sighs impatiently and states, “Leave the office at the office please.”
Maggie agrees.  “Yeah.  Let’s talk about our upcoming trip.  I’m so excited.”
Michonne rolls her eyes heavenward and asks, “Do we have to?  I seriously cannot believe I let you guys talk me into paying for this.”
“It’s going to be fun,” Andrea inserts.  “We haven’t taken a trip together in years so don’t try to back out now.”
“But a ski resort on Valentine’s Day weekend?”  Michonne asks.  “I hate to point out the obvious but I’m minus a plus one now so what do I look like going on a romantic ski trip?”
“You’re looking at this all wrong.  There’s plenty for a single woman to do on a ski trip.  It doesn’t have to be about couples only,” Maggie adds.
“Yes, you keep reminding me,” Michonne retorts.
“Besides it wouldn’t be the same without you there,” Andrea includes.
Shane looks to Rick.  “She makes a valid point, man.  I know you want to back out too, but you’ll have fun. You gotta come with us.”
Rick shakes his head. “I don’t know.  I…..”
Michonne interrupts with, “That’s it.  If Rick’s not going, I’m not going.”
“Oh no!”  Maggie whines.  “Look what you’ve done Rick.  Come on don’t back out now.”
They continue to go back and forth before moving on to another topic.  Hours later, the friends are preparing to leave Sasha and Bob’s place. Rick watches Michonne from a short distance.  He has known her for years and considers her a close friend.  They were there for each other when their marriages collapsed and he knows she is someone he can always depend on.  He figures they could probably make this upcoming trip bearable if they decide beforehand to basically spend their time there together. They already know the couples would be doing couple activities so there was no reason for them not to enjoy themselves as well.
He walks toward her.  “Hey.  How about we make this trip worth our while?”
“Oh no.  They’ve convinced you, haven’t they?”
“Well we’ve already paid for it so let’s just go.  You wanna be my Valentine for the weekend?  Nothing heavy.  Just two friends enjoying the slopes and the attractions.  We might as well make the best of it right?”
Michonne considers his words, thinking that she’d enjoy the trip more with someone by her side. Maggie, Sasha, and Andrea would be there, but she knows majority of their time would be spent with their significant others as it should be.  She is sure Rick is feeling the same about his friends.  She gives him a quick once over and offers her hand.
Rick grasps her hand gently, giving it a light shake.  “So, we have a deal?”
“We have a deal.”
The ski trip was off to a great start.  They traveled there together and Rick was most attentive.  He and Michonne have always gotten along but she never considered him as anything other than a friend.  She is seeing a side of him she had never noticed before.  She knew he was a good husband to Lori, but she concludes she was too distracted with her own marital issues to notice anything more.
They arrive at the resort and although they are all a bit tired, they have to make it to the slopes for their scheduled guided tour.  They agree to meet back in the lobby in forty-five minutes.
Michonne looks around, admiring the décor and the huge fireplace in the corner of the room.  The champagne chilling in the ice bucket and the roses decorating the table bring a smile to her face.  She believes she will enjoy this trip more than she ever thought she would.
The guided tour was informative and she wasn’t as stiff and out of practice as she thought she would be. Rick flew across the snow like he’d been doing it his entire life.  Of course the guys had to make it into a competition instead of just enjoying the slopes.  The ladies enjoyed their time but ended the outing watching the guys act like they were participating in the Olympics.
That night, Rick and Michonne sat together during dinner and basically formed their own little world. They talked and laughed and occasionally included their friends.  Sasha watches them closely and hides a knowing smile.
They walk from the resort restaurant to a small bar/nightclub where the ladies take to the dance floor and the guys stand by and watch in awe.
The next day, Rick and Michonne are seated in the lobby waiting for the others.  They had planned a shopping excursion in town.  He grabs a brochure and shows her services offered by the in-house spa.
“They’ve got a couples package.  You game?”
“Why not?  We’re here.  We’re enjoying ourselves.  Let’s live it up,” she adds.
He reaches for the resort phone on the table next to them but is interrupted when a young man holding an expensive looking camera approaches them.
“Excuse me.  My name is Roger.  I handle PR for the resort.  I noticed you two out on the slopes yesterday and at the restaurant last night.  You seem to really be enjoying yourselves and I wanted your permission to use photos of you for our new brochure.  I’m willing to show you what I already have.  I showed them to my boss and he thinks you embody what we want couples to experience if they visit here.”  He preps his camera to show them the images.  “So how long have you two been married?  Do you have any kids?”
They look at each other and then back at Roger.  She starts with, “Oh we aren’t…..”
Rick interrupts her and says, “Let’s look at those photos.”
Michonne hides a small smile and swallows a bit nervously as Rick holds the camera and Roger scrolls through the photos.  She will admit they look more than happy in those photos and they look good together.
“So, what do you think? Do you like them?  Can we use them for our brochure?”  Roger asks.
“It’s fine with me as long as it’s fine with you,” Rick tells Michonne.
“The photos are beautiful and I’d be honored to be part of your promotion.”
Roger smiles widely.  “That’s great.  Thank you so much.  We have a form for you to sign and we’ll mail you copies of the finished product.”
Once Roger exits, they share another look, a knowing look and Rick offers his hand to Michonne. She smiles and places her hand in his.
“I think we got more than we bargained for on this trip,” he states.
She smiles.  “Yeah I can agree with that.  But then maybe it’s just this place.  It’s romantic and meant for couples.  Maybe we’re just under its spell.”
“Is that your way of asking me out on a date once we get back home?”
“It might be the only way to dispel the magic of this place.”  She answers.
He smiles.  “Maybe.  But I think we should continue to enjoy the magic while we’re here.”
She nods in agreement, noticing as his eyes drop to her lips.
His heart races as he thinks she’s been right in front of me all long.  
She was sure Rick was leaning in to kiss her but a clap on his back and Shane’s booming voice stifled the moment.
“You guys ready to go?” He asks.
“Actually, Rick and I planned a spa day.  We’ll see you guys at dinner,” Michonne says.  She wanted him all to herself for just a while longer.
Sasha, Bob, Maggie, Glenn, Andrea, and Shane look on as their friends walk off hand in hand smiling and talking like they are the only two people in the world.
“What just happened?” Bob asks.  “Rick and Michonne?”
Sasha smiles.  “Rick and Michonne.”
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carolina-bleus · 7 years
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The Reunion: Carolina-Bleus
“Mr. Grimes?”
Rick looked up to see his assistant standing in the doorway of his home office. “Come on in, Taryn.”
“Here is your mail for today. All of the invitations to charity events, requests for speaking engagements and charitable donations are sorted and ready to be sent over to Jillian and David’s offices.”
Being a famous former baseball player, Rick was inundated with different requests from all over the country and beyond. Most of the mail went to the business address set up for such things, but sometimes people were able to find his actual address and send things directly to his home. Mail that came to his home was sorted by his assistant and either sent to his agent or business manager to look over and make their recommendations to Rick. All other personal mail came directly to Rick.
“Thank you, Taryn.” Rick collected the remaining mail from his assistant and started going through it. “Is there anything interesting in this pile?”
“Uh...well,” Taryn stammered.
“What is it? Did I get a piece of hate mail?” Rick laughed. “I know some folks are upset that I retired so soon.”
“No, that’s not it.”
Rick continued flipping through the mail until he came across the item he was sure caused his assistant’s reaction.
“Thanks again for the mail, Taryn. You can go now.”
“Is there anything else you need, Mr. Grimes? A drink or something?”
“No, I’m fine. I just need some time alone.”
“Okay. I’ll make sure no one disturbs you.”
Rick waited until the door closed behind Taryn before he opened the envelope from the court. He pulled out the papers and sighed.
“It is hereby ordered and adjudged that the marriage between Plaintiff, Loraine Halston-Grimes, and Defendant, Richard Grimes, is dissolved.”
Rick didn’t bother to finish reading the rest of the document. He knew the details of the divorce like the back of his hand at this point. Lori was to receive a generous divorce settlement, including a hefty financial sum and their New York estate, and Rick received custody of the kids. Rick really didn’t care how much money he had to pay or how many houses he had to give Lori as long as his kids remained with him.
Tossing the divorce decree onto his desk, Rick sat back and thought over his nearly 11-year marriage. It was a miracle it lasted as long as it had given the origins of it. But whatever other headaches and heartaches his marriage caused, Rick was forever grateful for his two kids the resulted.
Sitting back up, Rick went through the rest of his mail. The last item in the stack gave him pause. Opening the package, Rick pulled out an invitation and a picture.
“Fifteen years? Damn, I’m gettin’ old.”
The King County High School Alumni Association was throwing a reunion for Rick’s class in three months’ time. Rick had missed the ten-year reunion, but there was no way he could have shown up. There were things...people...he couldn’t bear to face at the time.
Picking up the picture, Rick smiled looking at the young faces of the kids he’d known since birth. His smile turned wistful when his eyes landed on one face in particular. That smile still made his heart clench all these years later.  
I wonder if she’s going to be at the reunion. She still lives in King County so she’ll probably be there. Things are different for her and for me now. And it’s been over ten years. Maybe we can at least be friends now. I just want her back in my life in some way.
Rick examined the picture again. The kids in that picture represented where it all began. They represented home. He’d been in New York for his entire career but it’d never felt like home and that’s what he and his kids needed right now. They needed that feeling of family, friends, and security that could only be found in King County. And Rick needed a chance to make things right for them and for Michonne.
Decision made, Rick filled out the RSVP for the reunion and then called Taryn back into his office.
“Yes, Mr. Grimes?”
“Taryn, I need you to look into some things.”
“Like what?”
“Homes in and around King County, Georgia. Also see what I have to do about getting the kids into school down there.”
Rick Grimes was going home and he was ready to take care of some unfinished business.
“Yes, Mama, it’s me.” Michonne had barely gotten the sentence out, when she heard little shoes pattering running down the hall. Andre burst into the living room with a huge smile on his face and ran into his mother’s awaiting arms.
Michonne swept Andre up into a hug. “Hey, Peanut! How was your day with Grandma?”
“It was good! We made cookies!”
“And how many did you have?” Michonne asked as she carried her son into the kitchen.
Michonne set Andre down and he ran over to the breakfast nook to finish coloring.
“Really, Mama? Three cookies?”
Sheila Richardson rolled her eyes. “Oh, they were little ones and that was hours ago.  They are in the cookie jar if you want to try one...and I know you do.”
“I’m not that predictable,” Michonne said as she eased over to the cookie jar and grabbed three cookies for herself.
“Uh huh. How was the meeting?”
“Same old, same old. Too many needs and not enough money to cover them all.” Michonne was an art teacher at King County High School.
“Do you still think they are going to cut out the arts programs?”
“They might. It doesn’t seem to be a huge priority for the school board.”
“That’s just a shame. Kids need to learn about more than reading and writing. The board is so concerned about test scores to the exclusion of everything else.”
“You’re preaching to the choir, Mama.” Michonne took a bite of a cookie. “These are delicious. I hope you made a lot because I’m about to lay waste to them.”
“You are going to do no such thing. Dinner will be ready soon.”
“Are you staying?”
“No, I’ve been away from your daddy all day. I know he’s missing me.”
“Well, fix him a plate at least.”
“I made this for you and Andre. I’ll pick something up on the way home.” Mrs. Richardson gathered her things. “Oh, I left the mail on the counter.”
Michonne popped the last bit of cookie into her mouth and went over to grab her mail. Junk mail, bills, and an invitation.
“Oh, I got my reunion RSVP.”
“Are you going?”
“I haven’t decided yet.”
“I think it would be good for you, Michonne. You need to get out of this house for something other than work, Andre’s activities, and board meetings. That’s all you’ve been focusing on for the last two years.”
“I’ll think about it, Mama. Maybe Tyson would like to go.”
“Tyson?” Mrs. Richardson turned up her nose. “He didn’t even graduate from King County High.”
“Mama, I’m sure other people will be taking dates that didn’t graduate from KCH.” Michonne lowered her voice to keep Andre from overhearing. “Admit it. You just don’t like Tyson.”
“Okay. I just don’t like Tyson. I think you can do better.” Mrs. Richardson whispered back before walking over to Andre and giving him a big hug and kiss. “I had fun today, baby. I love you.”
“I love you, too, Grandma. Tell Grampy I said hey.”
“I will, baby.” Mrs. Richardson turned to Michonne. “Come on and walk me to the door.”
Mrs. Richardson was quiet until they were in the hallway. “I talked to Suzanne today.”
“You talk to her every day.” Michonne tried to feign disinterest in her mother’s conversation with Suzanne Grimes.
“She told me a bit of news.”
“Who are y’all gossiping about now?”
“What?” Michonne’s breathing quickened.
“I guess Rick received his invitation a couple of days ago because, according to Suzanne, he is coming back for your reunion.”
“Why are you telling me, Mama?”
“Because I didn’t want it to be a surprise. I know you need to prepare yourself.”
“Mama, why would I need to do that? I haven’t spoken to Rick in over ten years.”
“And that’s exactly why you need to prepare yourself. You are about to see your first love for the first time in over a decade. Trust me, Michonne, you need to prepare yourself.”
Michonne hugged her mother goodbye. “Mama, it’s not even that serious.”
“Keep telling yourself that, baby. Maybe you’ll actually start to believe it. Goodnight. I love you.”
“I love you, too. Tell Daddy hey for me.” After watching her mother pull off, Michonne closed the door and leaned her back against it deep in thought.
Michonne had done her best to put Rick out of her mind years ago. It was the only way she could move on at the time. And she had moved on and gotten married to Mike and had Andre. But there had always been a part of her brain...a part of her heart...that couldn’t let go of the past. It was easy to ignore that part when Rick was gone and Mike was alive. But now Rick was coming back and Mike was no longer here.
Walking back into the kitchen, Michonne saw that Andre was coloring quietly. She went to the counter and turned her focus to the class picture that came with the invitation.  Her eyes immediately found the face of the boy who had been her first love and her first heartbreak. A lot had changed in the years since they’d last seen each other. Their connection had probably changed, too.
At least I hope it has.
Rick Grimes was coming home and Michonne wasn’t sure if she was ready.
Nearly three months later, Rick was overseeing the last of his furniture delivery being placed inside of his and the kids’ new home on Maple Street. He was back home and he was here to stay. Once Rick had made the decision to move back to King County with his kids, things had moved fairly quickly. He’d initially been worried about moving the kids during the school year, but they seemed fine with it. Five-year-old Judith didn’t offer much complaint and ten-year-old Carl was fine once Rick agreed that he would have a dedicated space for his art (along with new art supplies) in their new home. Lori had also been fine with the move. Her career took her all over the country and the world, so she wouldn’t see the kids a lot regardless of where they lived.
Rick tipped the movers and shut the door behind them. In any other situation, his home would have been unpacked and ready for him and the kids to walk into and just start living. Purchased convenience was one of the perks of being a multimillionaire athlete. But things moved a little slower back home regardless of if you were a big-name athlete or not. His name may get him a bigger scoop of mash potatoes down at the local diner, but, for the most part, Rick was always treated the same as any other King County resident and for that he was grateful. He was glad to be back where he was seen as Rick Grimes the small-town kid who made it and not Richard Grimes the Cy Young award winner, world champ, and eight-time All Star.
Turning away from the door Rick surveyed his new home. It was a large old home in an old established and moneyed neighborhood close to the downtown historic district. Rick used to walk through this same neighborhood on his way to and from downtown when he was growing up. He and his friends would also make sure to come over here from their own neighborhood for Halloween because the houses always had the best decorations and best candy, including full-size candy bars. He never imagined that one day he’d be living in one these homes.
Rick’s thoughts were interrupted by a pounding on the door.
“Open up! I can see your curly ass head through the window!”
If the pounding on the door hadn’t let Rick know who was waiting, the greeting would have. Rick chuckled as he opened the door for his best friend.
“I certainly hope you aren’t the neighborhood welcome wagon. If so, I might have to rethink my purchase.”
Shane walked in past Rick. “Man, you know I can’t even afford a doghouse in this neighborhood. Let alone a real house. I am but a dedicated civil servant.”
“You are a dedicated asshole,” Rick laughed.
“Get it right. I’m a dedicated ass man. Now come here, brother.” Shane pulled Rick into a huge hug. “I’m glad you’re back, man.”
“It’s good to be back. I didn’t realize how much I missed being home. It feels good knowing that I don’t have to pack up and leave to go back to the city in a few days.”
“Ain’t no place like King County,” Shane agreed. “How are the kids liking it?”
“They are fine thus far, but we’ll see how they are after their first day of school next week.”
“Oh, they are going to be little celebrities...well, at least Carl will be. I don’t think the five-year-olds in little Judy’s class are really going to give much of a shit who her daddy is.” Shane took a moment to look around him and let out a low whistle. “You done good, man. I’m proud of you, Rick.”
“Thanks, Shane.”
“Now, show me around this palace and make sure the tour finishes wherever the beer is.”
“Right this way.”
Rick gave Shane a tour of the house with brief stops to talk to the kids in their rooms upstairs. As promised, Rick and Shane were currently downstairs in the kitchen enjoying some cold beer.
“You got more money than you can spend in a lifetime and you still drinking this cheap shit we used to sneak in high school?”
“There are a lot of good memories tied to this beer. Plus, it always felt like a piece of home whenever I drank it when I was in New York.”
“Look at you being all sentimental and shit. But, speaking of good memories, have you seen Michonne since you’ve been back?”
Rick gulped down the rest of his beer instead of answering.
“Don’t tell me you’re scared to see her?”
“Shane, the last time I saw her, I told her I was marrying another woman. You don’t know what that was like...the hurt that was in her eyes. I want to see Michonne again, but I don’t know if she really wants to see me.”
“You had a bigger set than I did to tell the girl you loved that you were marrying another girl you barely knew.”
“Michonne doesn’t know the whole truth behind that. I thought it would hurt her more to know all of that.”
“I still don’t understand why y’all broke up in the first place. I was sure you would have been married and had like twelve kids by now.”
Rick scoffed. “Shane, you were the one telling me we weren’t going to last.”
“The devil is a liar! I said no such thing. You know I was firmly Team Richonne.”
“Shane, when I got drafted, you kept talking about how hard it was going to be for me and Michonne because I was going to be away traveling so much and there would be groupies trying to get with me in every city.”
“And that was the truth cause one of those groupies locked your ass down for about ten years.”
“Lori wasn’t a groupie.”
“Groupie, aspiring actress, or whateverthefuck. It doesn’t matter. She wasn’t Michonne.”
“I never would have hooked up with her if I had still been with Michonne. We were broken up and I was hurt and lonely. I wasn’t thinking straight.”
“Well, unfortunately for you, your little guys knew how to swim straight to Lori’s—”
“Shut up, Shane,” Rick interrupted. “I’m glad to have my kids. I just hate that I lost Michonne in the process.”
“Well, talk to her and clear the air. Maybe y’all can pick up where you left off.”
“That would require us to be the same people we were in college. Too much time has passed and too much has happened for that to be the case.”
“You never know, man,” Shane added with a shrug. “Some things are just meant to be and I think you and Michonne are one of those things. Though Tyson might have something to say about that.”
“Shane, feelings change and--. Wait, who the hell is Tyson?”
Shane smirked. “Feelings change, huh?”
Andrea held out to dresses for Michonne to try. “So what look are you going for at the reunion...sexy or super sexy?”
“Andrea, it’s our high school reunion that’s going to be held in a gymnasium. I don’t think a thigh high slit is venue appropriate.”
“A thigh high slit is always venue appropriate whether you’re dressing up for a night on the town or a night in a decorated gymnasium.”
“Um, the last time you were in a dress with a thigh high slit in that gymnasium, you were almost thrown out of our senior prom.”
“Almost is the key word. I knew I was going to be a lawyer even back then cause my words about how unjust and sexist it was that my dress was deemed inappropriate while it was okay for Daryl to walk around like a hillbilly prince in his dirty boots and tuxedo jacket with the arms ripped off saved me from getting kicked out.”
“Your words and my emergency safety pins.”
“Why did you have safety pins in your purse?”
“Because I knew there was no way in hell they would let that dress slide and I didn’t want you to miss prom.”
“Aww, you have always been such a good friend. Now let me be one and help you find the perfect dress. And this red one is it. There isn’t a slit, Miss Prude. Plus, it will have your tatas sitting just right.”
Michonne examined the red two-piece dress. She had to admit that it was cute. It had a long skirt and a low-cut top that would expose a bit of her midriff and a lot of her chest. “Andrea, I like the dress but it won’t have my tatas sitting just right. It will have my tatas sitting outside of the dress if I move the wrong way.”
“Well, that would be one way to get Rick’s attention.”
“What does Rick have to do with this?”
“I’m just saying, we know he’s going to be there that night. You might as well show him what he gave up.”
“He didn’t give up anything. Our breakup was a mutual decision.”
“A stupid mutual decision that left you miserable.”
“Well, obviously Rick was doing well enough to find another woman to marry and get pregnant.”
“You mean get pregnant and then marry.”
“The order doesn’t matter, Andrea. We broke up and he obviously got over it faster than I did so that tells me all I need to know. It may have taken me a little longer to get there than he did, but I’m truly over Rick.”
Andrea rolled her eyes. “Try telling that to somebody who hasn’t known you since birth. Maybe they’ll actually believe it.”
“I am over him. I’ve been over him for a while now.”
“No, you haven’t been, Michonne. Not even marrying someone else changed that.”
“Him marrying someone else did my change my feelings, Andrea.”
“I wasn’t talking about Rick’s marriage. I was talking about yours.”
“Andrea, you might want to stop now,” Michonne said in warning.
“Michonne if you can’t be real with your best friend, then who can you be real with? You know I’m not going to judge you.”
“I’m not having this discussion here.”
“How about over a liquid lunch back at your house?”
Michonne sighed. “How about we pick out a dress so I can get out of here? I have other things I need to do today.”
“You can avoid this conversation right now but you aren’t going to be able to avoid Rick at the reunion next week or maybe even before then. I heard he is moving back today.”
“Yeah, my mother decided to text me that information early this morning.”
“Are you going to try and see him before next week?”
“I’ll see him when I see the rest of our long-lost classmates...at the reunion.”
“He’s not just any classmate, Michonne.”
“To me he is.” Michonne took the dresses from Andrea. “Let’s go.”
It’s like going back fifteen years.
Michonne looked around the gym which had been transformed for the first event of the reunion. It was a welcome back dance and the reunion committee had taken great pains to make the gym look like it did for their senior prom.
It brought back feelings of nostalgia and a bit of melancholy for Michonne. At the time, she thought that night signaled the beginning of forever for her and Rick. It was the night they made love for the first time and promised that they would always be together. Forever turned out to be about three more years. While Michonne was happy when Rick got the chance to start living his dream. She hated that it caused the end of theirs as a couple.
Shaking off her thoughts, Michonne plastered a big smile on her face when some old classmates approached. She was already exhausted and Rick hadn’t even arrived yet.
Rick walked into the old gymnasium and was immediately hit with a flood of memories. But he barely had time to let them all sink in before he was surrounded by people. So many faces came upon him at once that to anyone not used to it, it would have been overwhelming. But it was something Rick had gotten used to over the years and he put a smile on his face and handled it like a pro. He shook hands and accepted hugs and nodded along to stories that had him and the speaker starring as the best of friends (even if they’d barely spoken when they were younger). All the while, Rick discretely scanned the room looking for the one person he actually wanted to see tonight. He knew she was here. He could feel it.
He spotted her standing over by the refreshments.
Michonne stood refilling her glass from the punch bowl. She immediately knew when Rick arrived even before the buzz in the room sharpened and the excited chatter started. Michonne felt Rick’s presence as soon as he entered the room.
She turned and found his eyes already on her. So much for that part of our connection being broken.
When Rick broke away from the crowd and started making his way over to her, Michonne nervously gulped down the rest of her punch and took a fortifying breath as Rick stopped a couple of feet in front of her.
Aware that they now had an audience, Michonne was about to go for a handshake when Rick beat her to the punch and raised his arms and stepped forward for a hug. She only hesitated for a second before allowing Rick to pull her into an embrace.
The moment they were in each other’s arms again, everything felt right. Being back in each other’s arms felt familiar. It felt like home.
Overwhelmed with all that she was suddenly feeling, Michonne ended the hug first. Rick let his hands slide down her arms before finally letting go and stepping back.
“It’s good to see you again, Michonne.” Rick’s eyes quickly ran up and down Michonne’s body. “You look amazing.”
“It’s nice to see you, too.” Michonne was happy she’d let Andrea talk her into buying the red dress. “Uh, how long have you been back?” Of course, Michonne knew the answer, but she didn’t want Rick to know that.
“Me and the kids moved back last week,” Rick answered, pretty sure that Michonne already knew that.
“How are they liking it?”
“Pretty good. They start at their new schools this week, so hopefully the good feelings continue.”
“Are you sending them to the private school or...?”
“No, public school all the way for them. King County schools have a pretty good track record with the kids they turns out. I mean there’s you.”
“And you. But there’s also—”
“Shane and Andrea,” they said in unison before laughing.
“Well, I guess no place is perfect, but I want my kids to have the same kind of upbringing I did.”
“That might be kind of hard considering who their parents are.”
“I hope being back home where I grew up, that people will just treat them regularly. So, how is your little boy? He’s about Judith’s age, right?”
“That’s your daughter?”
“Yeah, she’s five.”
“So is Andre.”
“Uh, Michonne, I was sorry to hear about Andre’s father...your husband.” That last word almost stuck in Rick’s throat.
“Thank you. I got the flowers you sent. I meant to send you a thank you note but things were so hectic and I—”
“I understand. I didn’t expect to hear from you. I just wanted you to know that I was thinking about you...and your son.”
Michonne’s husband, Mike, had been a firefighter. Three years ago, he was killed in a car accident. Michonne had always worried that Mike would get hurt or killed on the job. It was something she almost expected. But for him to get killed in a simple traffic accident just seemed particularly senseless and unexpected.
“I don’t know what the proper etiquette is, but I’m sorry about your divorce.” Despite what his marriage had meant for their relationship, Michonne truly was sorry that Rick and his kids had to go through such a hard event so publicly.
“Thank you. It was a long time coming though.”
Michonne decided not to broach that topic any further. “So what are you going to be doing now that you are retired at the ripe old age of 33?”
Rick chuckled. “I really haven’t decided yet. I have to find something to do because I can’t just sit around doing nothing for too long.”
“Yeah, you used to get so restless right before baseball season started. I think you got a little better in college because you were able to start training earlier, but you were such a pain when you were restless. I felt like I always had to find something for you to do.”
“Most often we ended up doing--”
“Yeah, we did that... a lot.”
“We started late in the game compared to our friends and we had to catch up. And, Michonne, in all situations, practice makes perfect.”
Michonne shook her head with a laugh. “You still haven’t outgrown telling bad jokes either, I see.”
“Well, now that I’m a dad, I can get away with it more.”
“You were made to be a father just for the dad jokes alone.”
“And you were made to be a mother. From the time we were young, I always knew you’d be a great one.” Rick laughed at a sudden memory. “Do you remember when we had that egg baby in tenth grade?”
“You would have thought that was our actual kid the way we took care of it.”
“Well, it got us an A in class and we started going out after that, so I have nothing but love and fondness for Hameggton Richardson-Grimes.”
“You were so proud of that name.”
“I was. It was a stroke of genius on my part.”
Rick and Michonne smiled at the memories before falling silent. Rick decided to ask the question that had been on his mind since he arrived back in King County.
“Uh, Michonne. I know now isn’t the time, but I think there are some things we need to talk about...clear the air. Could we maybe meet for coffee or have lunch?”
“Rick, I don’t think that’s a good idea.”
“Why not?”
“Michonne! Sorry I’m late.” A man suddenly appeared at Michonne’s side and pressed a kiss to her cheek.
Rick narrowed his eyes at the scene while Michonne looked like she wanted to be somewhere else entirely.
“That’s okay, Tyson.”
So this is Tyson, Rick thought as he sized up the man.
“Hey! You’re Richard Grimes! Pleasure to meet you. I’d heard you went to school here and that you were back in town. I’m a huge fan.”
Rick politely shook the hand that Tyson held out. Michonne could tell by the slight tic in his jaw that Rick was not happy.
“Michonne, you didn’t tell me you actually knew Richard Grimes. I thought y’all were just classmates.”
Rick turned his narrowed gaze on Michonne.
“Uh, well, you know how it is with small towns. We all grew up together so we were all like family.”
“Yep, just like kissin’ cousins,” Rick added. That got him a sharp glance from Michonne.
Tyson just glanced back and forth between the two feeling like he had walked into the middle of something he didn’t understand. Michonne quickly bid Rick good evening and then walked off with Tyson in tow.
Michonne spent the rest of the night talking to former classmates with Tyson close by her side. She tried to avoid Rick, but she felt his gaze on her throughout the night. It was always like that with them even before they started dating. They were always hyper aware each other whenever they were in a room together.
Between Rick bird dogging her all night and Tyson staring at her chest, Michonne couldn’t wait for the evening to be over. Then she was going to do her best to avoid Rick Grimes and all the feelings he brought back to the surface.
Of course, in a town as small as King County, that was a lot easier said than done.
The Monday after the reunion, Andre hopped into his mother’s car with a big smile on his face.
“How was school, Peanut?”
“It was great, Mama! I made a new friend.”
“Oh, did you? What’s his name?”
“Her name is Judith!”
Michonne started to panic but tried to calm herself and think rationally.
Judith is a common name. It was probably another little girl name Judith...
“Today was her first day at school.”
...who also just moved into town and started school today. Shit.
“She’s my new best friend, Mama. Can she come over and play?”
“We’ll see, sweetie.” Shit.
Michonne’s son had just become friends with her ex-love’s daughter. Their town was too damn small for Michonne’s own good.
Michonne dropped Andre off at her parents’ house and hustled back to work. Her schedule at the high school allowed her to be able to pick up Andre from school every day but today she was cutting it close trying to make it back in time for an afterschool staff meeting. The principal had a big announcement to make. Michonne prayed that it wasn’t more budget cuts. She was already having to spend more of her money for art supplies than she could really afford.
Michonne slid into a seat just as the principal walked in with Rick right behind him.
“What the hell?”
“Are you alright, Michonne?” a calculus teacher asked.
“Okay, you just said ‘what the hell’ so I was worried.”
Shit, now, I’m cussing out loud at work. Shit, did I just say that out loud, too?
Michonne looked around but no one was focused on her. Instead they were giving the principal and Rick all of their attention.
“I want to thank you all for being here this afternoon. I know the meeting was called on short notice, but we have some very exciting news! One of our own, Rick Grimes, has agreed to volunteer his time and help coach both our JV and Varsity baseball teams! You are going to be seeing him around here every day for the rest of the school year!”
The news was met by instant applause and smiles from the staff...especially the female members. Michonne didn’t know how to feel about the whole thing. She’d made a vow to stay away from Rick and he was popping up in some way in different parts of her life.
Michonne made a beeline for Rick as soon as the brief meeting was over. There was a crowd around him so she caught his eye and nodded towards the door before exiting the room.
“Hey, could y’all excuse me for one minute? I’ll be right back.” When the crowd parted, Rick followed after Michonne. He found her pacing in a side hallway.
“Hey! Looks like we are going to be colleagues.”
“About that. Last time I saw you, on Friday night, you didn’t know what you were going to do. Now, three days later, you have a new job?”
“Well, if you’d agreed to have lunch with me...or given me your phone number then I could have told you that Tommy offered me the position on Saturday during the class picnic. You know, the picnic you didn’t bother to show up to.”
Michonne had decided to bow out of the rest of the reunion weekend. She didn’t want to risk running into Rick. She thought she’d been ready to face him again, but she hadn’t been. She really should have listened to her mother and prepared herself.
“Something important came up,” she lied.
Rick just tilted his head and stared at Michonne.
“Don’t tilt your head at me! I’m telling the truth.”
Rick continued to stare.
“I’m not lying!”
He added a raised brow.
“Dammit! Okay, nothing came up. I just didn’t feel like going.”
Rick raised his head and smiled knowing that his old tactic still worked on Michonne.
“Why didn’t you want to go? It was fun and a lot of people asked me where you were.”
“Why would they ask you? You just got back into town.”
“Maybe they figured we reconnected on Friday night.”
“But we didn’t.”
“We didn’t?”
“No. It was just two old friends catching up on old times.”
“So you didn’t feel anything when you hugged me?”
Michonne shrugged. “The only thing I felt was the fact that your chest has grown.”
“I’m kidding. I mean your chest has grown...a lot. But that’s not all I felt on Friday. You didn’t feel that spark...that connection we always had?”
“No...and don’t even think about tilting your head at me again.”
“Michonne, there are some things we really need to talk about. Seeing you Friday night made that even more evident. That was the first time we’d seen each other in years, but when I held you, I was eighteen again and in love with you and ready to conquer the world with you by my side.”
“That was just nostalgia, Rick. Before Friday, we hadn’t seen each other in over ten years. And the last time we did see each other was hard for me.”
“It was hard for me, too, Michonne. Do you think I wanted to do that?”
“Apparently you did.”
Rick shook his head at Michonne’s words. “There is so much that you don’t understand about what happened. That’s what I want to talk to you about.”
“What’s the point, Rick? It was a long time ago. We’ve both moved on and changed and there is no going back so why even talk about it?”
Rick stepped closer to Michonne. “I’m sorry that I hurt you. I never--”
But Michonne didn’t want to hear it. “I need to go.”
“You’re running away again,” Rick said, frustrated.
“Just following your example.”
Rick stepped back as if struck. “Michonne, I didn’t run away from you or our relationship.”
“That’s what it felt like. But, again, I’m not having this discussion with you.” Michonne started to walk away and then stopped and turned around with a laugh. “You know what? I can’t even avoid you now. And it’s not even that we live in such a small town or that we are going to be co-workers. Apparently, our kids are now best friends and Andre wants Judith to come over and play. Isn’t that rich? It’s like everything is conspiring to bring us into contact whether we like it or not.” Michonne turned again and walked down the hallway.
Rick knew from experience that it was best to let Michonne be by herself for a while, so he didn’t go after her. Instead he thought about all that she’d said and became more determined than ever for them to have the conversation they should have had years ago.
 Andrea’s mouth dropped open. “You just stormed off?”
Michonne nodded. She was still a little shocked herself. “Yeah. I don’t even know where the anger came from in that moment. He just made me feel so many things that I thought I’d gotten over.”
“Well, we know you are obviously feeling some anger, but did Rick’s return also rekindle some feelings of a little long lost love?”
“Come on, Andrea.”
“I’m just asking.”
“Honestly, a lot of things came to the surface the night of the reunion. Being back in his arms again just felt right and that felt wrong.”
“I don’t understand.”
“Andrea, I should be over it...the anger, the hurt...the lo-“ Michonne cleared her throat. “I should be over everything, but I’m not. And seeing him again...Having to see him at work and having our kids be friends...I don’t know if I can handle it. It was easier when he was far away.”
“Was is it really easy though, Michonne? I remember what you were like after y’all broke up.”
“That was a mutual thing.”
“It was, but you were still hurt by it. And when Rick told you he was getting married...” 
It one of the worst days of Michonne’s life and she still hated thinking about it. She had hoped when Rick said he had something important to tell her all those years ago, that he was going to say he wanted them to try again. That’s certainly what she’d wanted. But what he’d actually said had devastated her. It wasn’t until Mike came along, that she allowed herself to be vulnerable enough to love again. But even then, there was a piece of her that was closed off. No matter how much she wanted to, Michonne couldn’t give Mike all of her heart when a piece of it would always belong to Rick Grimes.
Michonne closed her eyes as the unbidden memories washed over her. 
Flashback: May 20, 2006
Michonne checked her phone again as she waited for Rick’s arrival. She’d been surprised yet pleased when he’d texted her earlier and asked to meet at the baseball field of their old high school. Michonne looked around the with a smile. This diamond had been both Rick’s and her world during high school. He’d played his heart out while she’d cheered him on from the stands. In turn, he’d come and shown his support at the art shows she’d participated in. They were a team.
Michonne thought they were going to be a team for the rest of their lives. And things had been going that way until Rick decided to enter the MLB draft after their junior year at UGA. Although she’d been worried about how the time apart would affect their relationship, Michonne had supported Rick’s decision because she knew playing professional baseball had always been his dream. And she’d hope they were strong enough as a couple to weather the time apart. But the time apart started to take its toll with them missing each other and rather than risk ending things on bad terms, they’d decided to take a break and come back together when the timing was better. It had been the hardest decision of both other their young lives. But, maybe, the time was finally right. Michonne certainly hoped it was.
Rick was having similar thoughts of the past as he approached the old ball field. Rick, too, had had similar concerns when he first discussed going pro with Michonne. He’d had a phenomenal three years playing for the Bulldogs and the consensus from scouts was that he should go pro. Rick had agonized over the decision, but his family, friends, teammates, coaches, and most importantly, Michonne, convinced him to go for it and he did. Rick sometimes felt that it was the best and worst mistake of his life. He’d gained a lot but he’d lost a lot as well.
Hearing her name, Michonne turned her head and saw Rick coming through the gates. She gave him a tentative smile that wavered the closer he got to her. She immediately knew this conversation was not going to be what she’d hoped.
Rick sat down next to Michonne on the bleachers. He took a deep breath and turned to her with red-rimmed eyes.
“Thanks for meeting me here. Congrats on your graduation.”
“Umm, thanks. And thank you for the present.”
“I couldn’t let your graduation go by and not get you something.”
Michonne had graduated from UGA a week ago. She’d heard from her mother that Rick was back in town then and she’d hoped to see him at her graduation even though they were no longer together. She’d been disappointed when he hadn’t shown up. She’d felt a bit better when Mrs. Grimes brought by a graduation present from him the next day. The older woman had had the same red rimmed eyes as her son as she’d explained that Rick had left town already after a brief visit.
Rick grabbed Michonne’s hands. “Michonne, there’s something I have to tell you and I really don’t know how.” Taking a deep breath, Rick continued. “I love you and I don’t want you to ever think that I didn’t or that you didn’t mean anything to me because you mean—meant the world to me.”
Tears sprang into Michonne’s eyes because though her mind was racing to catch up, her heart already knew what was coming next.
“Michonne, I’m getting married next week.”
“I’m getting married.”
“Married? I didn’t even know you were dating anyone. We’ve barely even been apart six months!”
“It’s something the just kinda happened. I didn’t plan for it.”
Michonne snatched her hands back from Rick. “Is that supposed to make me feel any better? We were together six years and it takes you less than six months to find the love of your life and get married.”
“Michonne, it’s not like that.”
“Then tell me what it’s like, Rick. Let me know.”
“Michonne, I love you—”
“Stop saying that!”
“But I do. I love you and this isn’t how I expected things to turn out but—”
With strength she didn’t know she had, Michonne swallowed back her tears and stood. “Just stop, Rick. I don’t want to hear it. But let me thank you for being man enough to tell me to my face and to give me this lasting memory of you. Whenever I start to feel sad over you, I’ll pull this moment out and think about it and realize you probably did me a favor.” Michonne walked down the stands. “I hope you and your wife have a nice life because I know I certainly will.” Michonne said the words as she walked away because she didn’t want Rick to see the tears that started streaming down her face the moment her back was to him. But if she’d turned around, she would have seen similar tears of heartbreak streaming down his face.
Andrea wanted to cry herself when Michonne opened her eyes again and she saw the pain in them. “Michonne, I didn’t mean to take you back to that place. I just think you need to sort out everything that you’re feeling for Rick and deal with it and him once and for all. You two need to have a real conversation about everything. Don’t leave anything unsaid.”
“Andrea, I really don’t think there is anything left to say.”
“She just stormed out, Shane. I knew she was angry with me the night everything happened. But everything felt so different when I saw her again on Friday night. It felt like we were back in high school and none of the hurt and heartache had happened. But it’s all still there.”
“Are you really surprised about that, man?”
“No. I never expected us to be exactly as we were, but I was hoping we could at least be friends. I’ve missed her, Shane. There hasn’t been a day that I haven’t thought about her and how she’s doing. Hell, I remembered the anniversary of when Michonne and I started dating better than I did my own wedding anniversary.” Rick rubbed his temples. “I’ve just made a mess of everything.”
“You thought you were doing the right thing, Rick. And I can’t fault you for stepping up with Lori, but I still think you should have told Michonne everything.”
“I couldn’t. If she’d known, she would have been understanding and supportive. She would have been everything I loved about her and I couldn’t have done the right thing and walked away from her. I wouldn’t have been able to and I had to.”
Flashback:  May 13, 2006
Rick stood in one of the SkySuites watching the graduates file into the stadium below. He wanted to be in the stands with the other families of the graduates, but he didn’t want anyone to see him and alert Michonne that he was there. His arrival was supposed to be a surprise. He’d even made his mother promise not to tell Michonne’s mother, Miss Sheila. Today was the day he was going to end the misery they’d both been feeling since they’d decided to take a break. Today, Rick was going to ask Michonne if they could get back together.
Once the commencement ceremony was over, Rick made his way down to the field. He scanned the mass of graduates. He’d just spotted Michonne and her family reunited on the field and was about to head over when his phone buzzed in his pocket. Rick thought about not answering it, but worried it could be his mother. When he pulled the pulled his phone out, however, he didn’t recognize the number. Rick decided to answer anyway.
One night almost two months ago, when he’d been lonely on the road and feeling miserable about the recent breakup, Rick had allowed some of his Triple A teammates to convince him to celebrate their recent win at a local bar. There he’d met a waitress. She’d said her name was Lori and she was just waiting tables until she had her big acting break. She’d seem nice enough and the two had talked throughout the night. When her shift ended, they’d continued their conversation and started drinking with his teammates and some other local women they’d met. One thing had led to another and Rick and Lori ended up back at her small apartment. The next morning, Rick had awakened with a throbbing headache that grew monstrous once he realized what had happened between him and Lori. The woman had tried to make breakfast and extend their time together, but Rick gave an excuse and almost ran from her apartment. Rick was consumed with guilt about what happened. He and Michonne had just broken up in December and he still hoped they could find their way back to each other. He didn’t want one mistake to mess that up. Fortunately, Rick hadn’t heard from Lori since that night...until today.
“Yeah. Look, we need to talk.”
“Lori, I’m sorry if I led you on but there’s someone el—”
“I’m pregnant and the baby’s yours.”
Rick almost dropped the phone in shock. That was the last thing he was expecting to hear.
“And in case you’re wondering, I don’t sleep around and I’d never had a one-night stand until that night. You were the first guy I’d been with in six months and I haven’t slept with anyone else since. Honestly, I was kind of waiting to hear back from you. And now, I’m pregnant and I’m trying to make it on my own and I’m scared.”
Rick rubbed his eyes wearily. When he looked up again, he saw Michonne and her family heading in his direction. He ducked out of sight and watched them walk past. It hurt to have Michonne so close and not be able to go to her, but now was obviously not the right time. He wanted everything to be just right for them.
“I can fly back to New York tonight so we can talk.”
Rick planned to talk to Lori and his parents and decide what to do from there. He prayed that she was mistaken about being pregnant. If not, he knew his future with Michonne was over before it had a chance to begin.
Rick shook the memories off and focused on Shane once again.
“Michonne’s a smart lady, Rick. I’m sure once Carl was born, she figured out that you did the honorable thing and married Lori because she was pregnant. She has to understand that.”
“She doesn’t have to understand that, Shane. How can I expect her to when I was devastated when I found out she was pregnant by her own husband?”
That was why Rick hadn’t shown up to the first reunion of his class five years ago. It would have been hard enough seeing Michonne with her husband. But seeing her and knowing that she was pregnant with another man’s child would have been too much for Rick to handle. Hearing the news itself had almost brought him to his knees. He was at an awards ceremony with Lori when he’d gotten the text about Michonne’s pregnancy from his mother. Just like the night years before, he drowned his sorrows in alcohol and Lori had ended up pregnant with Judith shortly thereafter.
“Y’all need to talk and air all that shit out and either be friends or just move the fuck on. King County is a small town and you are going to see each other a lot. Hell, you work together. You are going to have to learn how to be around each other again. Just talk to her and tell her everything, man. It’s the only way you’ll both be able to move on.”
Rick knew Shane was right. He just hoped the conversation with Michonne didn’t do more damage.
Rick gave Michonne some time to herself before approaching her in her classroom after school the following Friday. He lingered in the doorway and smiled at the scene before him. It was one that was familiar. Michonne was wearing a large paint smock over an old t-shirt and leggings. She concentrated on the canvas before her while jazz played softly in the background.
“The only thing that’s missing is you being barefoot and a paint smudge on your cheek.”
Michonne looked up as Rick walked into her room. It was just like old times when they were in high school. “I wouldn’t dare go barefoot in this classroom now. I must have been out of my mind to do it back then.”
“Nah, just young and dramatic.”
“Oh, I was dramatic? Didn’t you call one of your homeruns once?”
Rick blushed at that. “I was in middle school and all the boys were doing it. I never did it again after said how cocky we all looked.” Rick had liked Michonne even back then.
“Well, at least you could always back arrogance up.” Michonne had also liked Rick back then.
The two smiled at each other for a moment before they both began to speak.
“Michonne, I--“
“Rick, I--“
They broke off and laughed nervously.
“You go ahead, Michonne.”
“No, you came to see me so you can go first.”
“I was just wondering if we could talk tonight or whenever was a good time for you.”
“I don’t know. The last time you said you wanted to talk, it didn’t end so well.”
“I’m serious, Michonne. We really need to talk. I’m back home and we are going to be in each other’s lives more and I want us to be comfortable around each other. And...I don’t want you to hate me anymore.”
“I never hated you, Rick. That was the problem.” Before Rick could ask what she meant, Michonne continued. “Andre is going to be spending the night with my parents, we can talk tonight at my house.”
“My kids are going to be with my parents tonight so that works. What time?”
“Around seven? We could have dinner. That way I could drink wine during the conversation because I have a feeling I’m going to need some libations.”
“That sounds good. But I don’t drink anything harder than beer nowadays.”
“That’s a long story.” Rick gave a rueful smile.
“Well, save it for tonight.”
“Okay. I’ll see you tonight.”
Rick knocked on Michonne’s door ten minutes before seven. He didn’t know if he arrived early out of politeness or eagerness.
Michonne pulled the door open already dressed for the evening. She was casually dressed in a striped maxi dress and sandals. Her outfit made Rick glad he’d opted for a pair of well-worn jeans and a dark denim button down with the sleeves rolled up.
“Hey. Come in.” Michonne stepped back to let Rick enter.
“Thank you.” Rick took a quick look around. “Your home is beautiful.”
Michonne and Andre had moved into the small bungalow after Mike died. There was a relaxed, bohemian vibe about the place that made you feel right at home. It had Michonne’s touch written all over it.
“Thank you. We can head to the kitchen. Dinner’s almost ready.”
“Oh, I got you this.”
Michonne took the package that Rick held out. She recognized it as her favorite bakery in town. She peeked under the lid and was met by the wonderful scent of chocolate cupcakes.
“I know how much you love cupcakes and when I saw these, I knew I had to get them for you.”
“That was very thoughtful of you. I might even share one with you before you leave.”
Rick eyed Michonne dubiously. Michonne had always been unerringly generous about all things except her sweets.
Michonne laughed at the look. “Hey, I’ve changed. I have a child with as big a sweet tooth as mine, so I had no choice but to learn to share.”
“That’s karma.”
“Mmhmm. Have a seat while I finish our meal.”
The pair decided to stick with the relaxed vibe of the night and eat at the breakfast nook. Their conversation stayed on neutral topics and it was an enjoyable evening as they learned about what had changed in their lives in the last decade or so. One thing that hadn’t changed was Michonne’s cooking skills. They’d gotten even better.
“This is delicious, Michonne. You always could cook a mean steak.”
“I had to learn given how much you loved them. And from the look of your plate, I see that love hasn’t faded.”
Rick looked at Michonne. “No, it hasn’t.” He cleared his throat and pushed his plate away. “So, about that talk.”
“About that. Can we go sit on the couch first? I need to be comfortable to hear this.”
“Let’s go.”
By the time they were settled on the couch, the nerves were back for the both of them.
“Well,” Rick began. “I wanted to talk to you tonight to tell you some things you didn’t know about that night in May.”
“Well, I guess I should say, that day in May. I came back for your graduation. I was in the stadium that day and I saw you graduate.”
“I came back that day because I missed you so much. I was miserable without you...without us. I came back that day to see if we could start over. I was going to surprise you after the ceremony.”
Michonne was taken aback. “What happened?”
“I got a phone call that changed everything. I saw you standing there, looking more beautiful than I’d ever seen you and then Lori called me and said she was pregnant.”
“It only happened once and it was a couple of months after we broke up. I was drunk and I missed you and...I made a mistake. Even though we weren’t together, I felt so guilty afterwards. I just tried to put it out of my mind and pretend it never happened. But when she told me about the baby, I...” Rick swallowed. “I couldn’t let her face that alone. I had to do the right thing even though it was the last thing I wanted to do. Once the pregnancy was confirmed, I knew I couldn’t have my child growing up without me there. I talked to my parents and asked them not to tell anyone until I could talk to you first. I also asked Mama to give you my gift because I just couldn’t face you right then. All of my plans would have gone out the window the minute I looked into your eyes.”
Now Michonne understood why Mrs. Grimes had looked so sad when she’d given Michonne the gift.
“Michonne, the night I had to tell you I was getting married was one of the two hardest nights of my life. The other one was Sunday, November 2, 2009.”
“Wait, that’s the day---”
“That’s the day you and Mike got married and the day that I had the worst game of my professional career. It just so happened to be during Game Five of the World Series. I pulled it together before the end, but we still lost the game. I didn’t care too much though because I knew that night I’d lost something and someone so much more important.”
“Mike was from Philadelphia and a huge Phillies fan. He actually had us watch Game Six while we were on our honeymoon. I saw your team win and I saw you run out onto the field looking so happy and it was like a punch in the gut to see you again. Mike and I were both devastated that night but for different reasons.”
“Michonne, I’m sorry. I never wanted things to end the way they did. I never wanted them to end at all. I thought we’d be married with our own kids at this point. You’d be a famous artist and I’d be playing in the league.”
“Me, too.” Michonne smiled sadly. “Well, I’m glad one of us achieved part of our professional dreams.”
“It wasn’t the same without you. It just didn’t feel complete. I didn’t feel complete without you there by my side.”
“I felt the same way and I felt so guilty about it. After everything that happened, I couldn’t let the love go,” Michonne admitted.
“I never let our love go but I never felt guilty about it even though I probably should have. The only things I really felt guilty about was that I’d hurt you and that my kids had to spend part of their lives in a house with parents who didn’t truly love each other. I thought I was doing the right thing by marrying Lori, but I just made everything worse for everyone involved. I should have followed my heart back to you.”
Rick caressed Michonne’s face in his hands. When he began to lean forward, Michonne pulled back.
“Rick, what are you doing?”
“What we should have done eleven years ago on that baseball field. Unless...unless you don’t want me to.”
“I want you to. I’ve always wanted to.”
When Rick’s lips touched Michonne’s for the first time in over a decade, everything else melted away... all of the years, all of the heartache, and all of the pain. All that was left was the love they’d always shared, even when they were apart.
Michonne woke up the next morning feeling lighter and happier than she had in years. She smiled when she felt soft kisses against her shoulder.
Michonne turned to face Rick. “How long have you been up?”
Rick raised a brow causing Michonne to laugh and hit his chest.
“You know what I mean. How long have you been awake?”
“A little while now. I just wanted to hold you a bit longer before you woke up.” Rick leaned forward and gave Michonne a soft kiss. “Good morning.”
“Good morning.”
Rick decided to cut right to the chase. “So, what do you want to do?”
“About today or about us?”
“You aren’t pulling any punches I see. Well, you caught me off guard last night and then you wore me out so I haven’t had much time to think about either.”
“Well, I want us to have breakfast and then have each other...or vice versa. Then get dressed. Pick up our kids. And spend the day having everyone get to know each other.”
“Rick, aren’t you afraid this is a little fast?”
“Fast?” Rick was incredulous. “It’s been over ten years, Michonne. I don’t want us to waste another day apart. Don’t you want that, too?”
“You gave me a lot to think about last night. I just need a little time to take it all in. You’ve known the whole story for a while now. Just give me a little time to catch up.”
“I want to argue with that but I can’t. It makes sense. I’ll give you the time you need. Just please give this...give us...a chance. We deserve our second chance, Michonne.”
Rather than answer, Michonne pushed Rick onto his back and straddled his waist. “Before you leave, why don’t you plead your case one last time.”
All Rick could do was nod his head in agreement as Michonne eased his length into her body.
Rick and Michonne spent the rest of the weekend apart but their thoughts were never far from each other. By the time Monday rolled around, they were both eager to see each other again. They made a beeline to each other at the Monday morning staff meeting.
“You have a good rest of your weekend, Michonne?”
“I did. I was really relaxed for some reason.”
Rick nodded. “Were you, now? How did that happen?”
“Oh, did you try some new yoga positions, Michonne? I remember you saying yoga relaxed you.”
Michonne and Rick were both startled by Tyson’s sudden appearance. He also taught at King County High.
“Uh, yeah. I tried some new positions and they did just the trick.” Michonne answered nervously.
Meanwhile, Rick was trying his best to hold in laughter.
“That’s great! Maybe we could try them sometime.” Tyson offered.
That shut Rick up immediately and then it was Michonne’s turn to stifle a giggle.
Tyson continued, oblivious to the byplay. “There is a new restaurant that opened in the city. I think you might like it. You want to check it out on Friday?”
Michonne didn’t know how to let Tyson down. He was a nice man and a good friend but she’d never felt anything more than friendship for him. Now, with Rick back in her life, she definitely knew it would never go beyond that.
Understanding what was about to happen, Rick excused himself to both give Michonne privacy and spare Tyson any embarrassment.
“Tyson, are you talking about going to the restaurant as friends?”
“Well, I was hoping for more than that, but from the tone of your question, I guess you aren’t.”
“I’m sorry but I would like for us to just remain friends.”
“I sort of figured that, especially with how you and Grimes were eyeing each other at the reunion. Is he the one that got away?”
Michonne and Tyson had talked a lot about their pasts, including past loves. While Michonne had never given a name, she had talked about her past love with Rick and her unresolved feelings for him.
“Yes. I’m sorry, Tyson. I hope you don’t feel that I led you on.”
“You didn’t. I understood that our date to the reunion was just a friend date but I was hoping, over time, it would grow into something more. But your heart has always been with someone else and I’ve known that. But you can’t blame a guy for hoping your heart would turn his way. You are an amazing woman, Michonne Anthony.”
“Thank you, Tyson. You are a wonderful man and you are going to make someone very happy one day.”
Tyson looked over to where Rick was doing his best not look like he was observing their conversation. “And so will you...one day soon. You deserve happiness, Michonne. And I’m glad you found it.” Tyson gave Michonne a hug and was about to walk off when a sudden thought hit him and he laughed. “Yoga, huh? And I said I wanted to try the positions with you? Ha! No wonder Grimes looked like he swallowed a bug after I said that.”
Rick came back over to Michonne after Tyson left. “You okay?”
“Yeah. He’s a good guy and he understood.”
“Apparently so, with the way he was laughing. What was so funny?”
“Uh...just a little teacher humor. Let’s take our seats. The staff meeting is about to start.”
When the meeting was over, the principal found Michonne and asked if she could stay and speak with him. Rick didn’t like the principal’s tone but a look from Michonne and he left to go the gym. However, he made a mental note to speak with her during lunch.
He didn’t have to wait that long. Michonne rushed into the office Rick shared with another coach. Thankfully, only Rick was present so Michonne fell into his arms.
“What happened?! What did he say to you? Do I need to hurt him?” Rick asked while rubbing Michonne’s back.
Michonne pulled out of Rick’s arms. “I’m out of a job!”
“Did he fire you? You’re the best teacher here! All the kids and even the other teachers say that. He can’t do this.”
“It’s not up to him. He just found out this morning that the board voted to cut funding for all the arts programs in the county schools. Every other teacher like me is out of a job at the end of the year. What about the kids? It’s not fair to them.”
“It’s not fair to you and the other teachers, either. Isn’t there something we can do? Call somebody? Hell, I’ll write a check if I have to. You don’t deserve to be fired.”
“Principal Riley said the decision was final for the next school year. They have to allocate the funds to focus more on testing...as if these kids and teachers aren’t already overburdened and stressed out over testing.” Michonne started pacing the floor. “I have to figure out what to do next. I have to take care of Andre.”
“I could always give you---”
“Don’t even finish that thought. I’m not taking your money, Rick.”
“You’re not taking it. I’m giving it to you.”
“Thank you but the answer is no. I’ll figure this out.”
“Can I at least help you figure it out? You don’t have to do this all by yourself you know.”
“I know and I appreciate it.”
“Are you okay to work the rest of the day?”
“I don’t really have much of a choice. I can’t just abandon my kids.”
“Okay, but how about you and Andre come over to my house tonight? I’ve heard so much about him from Judith, that I’m itching to meet the little guy. We’ll have dinner. You can meet Carl and Judith. Judith and Andre can play. Carl will be in his little studio. And you and I can talk.”
“That sounds good.”
Rick pulled Michonne to him and gave her a kiss on the temple. “Maybe we can turn it into a sleepover and you and I can do a little yoga to relax.”
Michonne laughed through her tears. “Not tonight, mister.”
“I had to try.”
Dinner and introductions went off without a hitch. There was some uncertainty on the adults’ behalf as to how the kids of their newly reunited partner would take to them as the new adult in their lives and that of their parent, but the concern was unwarranted. There was no awkwardness to be found. Andre and Judith were of course pleased to be spending time together and Carl was impressed when he found out that Michonne taught art for a living. After dinner, he showed Michonne around the little art studio his father had fashioned for him in the house. Michonne even gave Carl a few pointers about his painting. It was while watching them interact that Rick was struck with an idea. He discussed it with Michonne while the kids were watching television.
“Have you ever thought about opening your own studio and giving art lessons and classes? You obviously have a gift for teaching. You can put things in a way that they don’t sound like a criticism. I mean Carl took to you right away and started asking for your advice. I think you could do that with kids and adults.”
“But do you really think an art studio would thrive around here? I love our hometown, but we obviously aren’t in the most arts focused area of the state.” Michonne thought a moment. “There are going to be a lot of kids who aren’t going to be able to take art classes at school anymore. But I would feel horrible charging them.”
“Michonne, you don’t exactly do it for free at school. You get a salary.”
“But the kids don’t have to pay it out of their pockets.”
“No, their parents do through taxes. And I think some of those parents would be willing to pay out of pocket for their kids that are really interested in art. And I know my mama and your mama and all of their friends would love to take classes as a way to pass the time. You could start small at home and maybe eventually move it to Atlanta after it’s a success.”
“After it’s a success? You are that confident in your idea, huh?”
“I’m that confident in your talent. There is going to be a need and you can fill it, Michonne. What do you think?”
“I think...you have a head for business as well as baseball.” Michonne gave Rick a quick kiss. “Thank you. I don’t know how I’m going to get this off the ground but I feel good about it.”
“You know I’m going to be with you every step of the way. And to show my faith in all that you can do, I’d like to sign up as your first customer.”
“Rick, you want to take art lessons?”
“Oh, no. You remember when you tried to show me some things in college and we ended up with more paint on each other than the canvas.” Rick leaned down to whisper in Michonne’s ear. “But I also remember how much fun we had getting that paint off in the shower.”
“That’s not part of a class package.”
“You damn right. That’s a perk strictly for the two of us. I was actually talking about Carl and Judith taking lessons.”
“You think they’d want to?”
“Carl could you come here for a minute?”
Carl, followed by Andre and Judith, walked into the den from the game room.
“Son, would you like Miss Chonne to give you art lessons?”
Carl’s eyes lit up. “That would be awesome! Can you, Miss Chonne?”
“I would love to, Carl.”
“I want lessons, too, Daddy,” Judith piped up.
“You got room for one more?” Rick asked.
“What about you, Dre? You want your mama to teach you? I think you get the family discount,” Rick joked.
Andre didn’t look too enthusiastic. Michonne understood why.
“Dre took after his father and loves all things sports, especially baseball.”
“Well, I think I can help with that. Dre, how about while your mama is giving the kids art lessons, I’ll give you baseball lessons? I’ll teach you everything I know.”
“Please, Dre. That way he’ll stop trying to get me to go to the batting cage with him.” Carl pleaded.
“Can I, Mama?”
“Of course you can, Peanut.”
“Well, that’s settled. When did you want to start, Teach?” Rick asked an excited Michonne.
“How does this Saturday sound for everyone?”
With a time agreed to, the kids went back to their show. Michonne settled back against Rick with a smile.
“Hey, what are your rates for baseball lessons?”
Rick wrapped his arms around Michonne. “It depends on the client. For you, I charge unlimited kisses and hugs.”
Michonne pretended to ponder. “I think I can swing that...no pun intended.”
“Just so you know, I’m totally stealing that for my dad joke arsenal.”
Rick and Michonne shared a kiss before settling in to enjoy the rest of the evening. After so many years, things were finally falling into place and they couldn’t be happier.
One Year Later...
“And now for the scholarship presentation. It is being presented by the woman without whom none of this would be possible. She—”
Michonne tried to steady her breath as the emcee continued on with his words. She hated giving speeches but it couldn’t be avoided and she was actually honored to be doing this one. Michonne was jarred out of her thoughts by sudden applause and a hand on her knee.
“You’re up, babe. Go knock ‘em, dead.” Rick whispered before helping Michonne out of her seat.
“As I’m sure is the case for all of you, the arts are near and dear to my heart. They were my first love. The place in which I found joy, in which I found solace, in which I found peace, in which I found happiness, in which I found myself. Everyone should have the opportunity to express themselves in whatever way speaks to them, be it through art, poetry, music, dance, or drama. And that’s what this foundation and this scholarship were created to achieve. The KC Endowment for the Arts enables the kids in our schools to have that opportunity to experience and explore all forms of artistic expression and they are able to do that thanks to the generous donations of so many of you, including our very first donor, Rick Grimes.”
Michonne smiled at the applause thrown Rick’s way. She knew he was undoubtedly blushing in his seat behind her.
“I would like to announce our very first scholarship recipient. This individual, who has shown so much incredible artistic talent and potential, will have their tuition and expenses paid by the endowment when they enter college next year. I would like to welcome Ariyah Johnson as the 2018 Mike Anthony Memorial Scholarship winner.”
Michonne hugged her former student and then stepped back to let her say a few words. Once she was done, Michonne, Rick, Ariyah, and her parents posed for a photo before taking their seats.
“As the evening draws to a close, I’d like to thank you all for being here this evening. And I look forward to seeing you again at next year’s banquet and at all of the many events, including art shows, poetry slams, and the many music, dance, and dramatic performances that will be put on by the students of our great county throughout the year. And, once again, I’d like us all to give a huge round of applause to the creators of the foundation...Richard and Michonne Grimes.”
Once the evening was over, Rick and Michonne headed back home. They were eager to kiss their kids goodnight and head to bed themselves. It had been a long but rewarding evening.
“You did good tonight.”
“We did good tonight. I couldn’t have done any of this without you.”
“I think you could have. I’m just glad I could be here to help.”
“You’ve done more than help. I’m glad we are doing this together...how it should be.”
“How it’s always gonna be. Ain’t that right, baby?” Rick put his hand on Michonne’s stomach and felt a little kick in response. “See, even Junior agrees with me.”
“Junior? Rick, we could be having a girl.”
“Michonne, get with it, babe. This is the 21st century and girls can be juniors, too. Serena did it.”
“We’ll see. Now let’s hurry home so we can tuck our kids in and then do some yoga.”
“You feeling tense?”
“No...but I want to feel you.”
“Well, what Mama wants, Mama gets.”
With the kids asleep and their yoga session over, Rick and Michonne were relaxed in bed.  
“You comfortable, babe? Do I need to adjust the temperature or anything?”
“I’m fine, Rick,” Michonne mumbled already drifting off into a peaceful sleep.
“Babe, you can’t go to sleep yet.”
“Why not?”
“I have to tell you something.”
“I love you.”
The words brought a sleepy smile to Michonne’s face.
“I love you, too.”
No matter where they were and even if they happened to be apart, Rick made sure that the last words Michonne heard before she went to sleep and the first ones she heard when she woke up, were “I love you”. After so many years apart, he wanted to make sure they never went another day without speaking those words to each other.
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newyorktheater · 5 years
“Underground Railroad Game,” a much-praised 2016 play from Ars Nova that is being revived for just two weeks, is inspired by an actual game that co-creator Scott Sheppard was forced to play in fifth grade, when his school re-enacted a bizarre version of the Civil War. The students were divided into Union and Confederate soldiers, and won points for their team for either capturing black dolls that represented escaped slaves, or helping them flee to Canada.
Out of this already surreal memory, Sheppard and Jennifer Kidwell have fashioned a captivating work of theater that is bravely acted, inventively designed, and relentlessly surprising — dizzying in its anarchic turns from playful to hateful, satiric to sadistic. The play’s two authors are its sole cast members, morphing in eight scenes over 75 minutes from runaway slave and Quaker abolitionist, to fellow middle school teachers overseeing an “educational Civil War,” to an awkwardly dating interracial couple, to intense role-players engaging in a full-on explicit fantasy involving sex and violence, with a safe word (“Sojourner”) that they ignore. There is even a brief, subtle moment when the author-actors as themselves, Scott and Jenn, debate what they’re doing. It’s a testament to their skills as both writers and actors that all these duos are understood to be the same two people.
I had not seen “Underground Railroad Game” during its run at Ars Nova’s theater on 54thStreet , and knew little about it before I wound up amused, shocked and provoked by this encore at Ars Nova’s new second theater in Greenwich House on Barrow Street in the Village. Since the surprises are much of what made the show feel so theatrically explosive to me, I am reluctant to disclose many details.  (The photographs offer some clues.)
But it’s the very reliance on an adrenaline shot of theatricality that makes me wonder 1. how any theatergoers would react to the show upon seeing it a second time now knowing all that happens, and 2. whether, three years after its debut, there has been a change in the effectiveness of the drama and the themes of the show. (To extend the metaphor, what are our side effects from the script and after effects from the themes, after the adrenaline from the stagecraft wears off?)
Now, it’s hard to miss the pointed commentary beneath both the humor and the ferocity in the show. When Teacher Stuart and Teacher Caroline instruct us — we the audience are assigned the role of Hanover Middle School students — their lessons reflect the fatuous impulse of American educators to protect students from the realities of their history.  The underground railroad that brought a handful of slaves to freedom, the teachers tell us cheerfully, “was the silver lining to the dark cloud that was slavery.”
Later, Stuart and Caroline’s flirtations reveal how wide the gap between black and white:
Stuart: I wonder what happens when your hair gets wet? Does the water just kinda fall off of it?
Caroline: I wonder what you’ll look like in the dark? Like, are you going to be my own personal night light?
But when “Underground Railroad Game” opened three years ago, Donald Trump had not yet been elected President. What’s happened since — “you had very fine people, on both sides” — makes some of the targets in “Underground Railroad Game”  feel considerably less urgent.
“Underground Railroad Game” also comes back to New York (after touring three continents!) in 2019, which is the 400th anniversary of the first African slaves brought to America.  Whether coincidentally or not, the year has been marked by a raft of plays by black playwrights that touch in varying degrees on slavery and its legacy. These include: Donja R. Love’s “Sugar in Our Wounds,” Charly Evon Simpson’s “Behind the Sheet,” Suzan-Lori Parks’s “ White Noise,” and Jordan E. Cooper’s “Ain’t No Mo.” and, oparticular relevance, Jeremy O. Harris’s Slave Play, which shares with “Underground Railroad Game” a  predilection for surprise and for sexually explicit role-playing in its exploration of interracial relationships.
“Underground Railroad Game” now must take its place alongside these other plays, all of which suggest in a variety of ways that the stain of slavery hasn’t been erased in the United States 150 years after its legal elimination.
Click on any photograph by Ben Arons to see it enlarged.
Underground Railroad Game Ars Nova at Greenwich House Written and performed by Jennifer Kidwell and Scott Sheppard with Lighting Rod Special; Directed by Taibi Magar. Production design by Tilly Grimes, scenic design by Steven Dufala, lighting design by Oona Curley, sound design by  Mikaal Sulaiman, fight choreography by Ryan Borque, movement consultant David Neumann, production stage manager Lisa McGinn Running time: 75 minutes no intermission Tickets:  $45-65, with premium tickets available at $90. A limited number of subsidized, original-run priced $35 tickets available through Ars Nova’s mailing list Underground Railroad Game is on stage through June 15, 2019
Underground Railroad Game Review: Slavery, Sex and Power Yesterday and Today "Underground Railroad Game," a much-praised 2016 play from Ars Nova that is being revived for just two weeks, is inspired by an actual game that co-creator Scott Sheppard was forced to play in fifth grade, when his school re-enacted a bizarre version of the Civil War.
0 notes
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Top face mask Secrets
I love a fantastic lip balm 12 months-round, but specifically in the cold months when my lips can chap. So think about my shock when I figured out you could possibly make your individual working with beeswax, almond oil, honey and a bit of previous lipstick. In the bowl, choose some orange peel powder, sugar and almond oil. Be certain the quantity of sugar is equivalent to your peel powder and below you might have a straightforward recipe to a stunning smelling lip balm that’s successful and easy to make. If you'd like the key benefits of the antioxidants and caffeine, you may do what I’ve been carrying out these days and put a drop of green tea extract (or coffee extract!) within your moisturizer. Appreciate!!! I’ve been using this a single >> Hi Lori! I have read through as soon as that the situation with Uncooked eggs is salmonella, waht do you think about it? I like your articles Although egg white masks are rich in nutrients, the molecule is too substantial to penetrate the further levels on the skin. For that reason, the action is limited to the upper layers of the skin. You will be greater off eating the egg white than making use of it to your face. As a substitute, use a face serum. Hi Fahi! Of course, I’d give it a try and see how your skin likes it! But something else that works really well for noticeable pores is my deep pore cleaning mask recipe — I believe you’ll genuinely like that a single and spot a huge variance. Choose 1 fresh banana and mash it inside a cleanse bowl, increase egg yolk and one desk spoon of honey and blend all the ingredients comprehensively. Utilize this face pack around your face (keep from eyes), neck and cucumber slice in your eyes. @salamat: Use as soon as each individual 3 days and operate your way approximately at the time just about every 2 times. Tend not to use day-to-day, as orange peel is a potent, exfoliating and peeling ingredient. The main element is to use it constantly for a minimum of a month before receiving noticeably radiant and glowing skin. I want to try out egg white face mask but I have concerns about salmonella. Do you get salmonella from egg yolk? But You should not be afraid to also use an acne item if you want it. At times the acne will never disappear absolutely by 'all-natural' signifies whatever you need to do, especially if you might be younger, considering that your hormones can just be much too from equilibrium at that age. Just gonna say below, you might be missing out by not utilizing the yolk. I beat 1 egg effectively and place it in a little glass jar for storage in my fridge. Just about https://twitter.com/steptoremedies/status/1087109036632391680 take it out and generously use it all over my face. Rinse your face. Rinse your face with lukewarm water, a washcloth, and no soap following the mask has soaked into your skin for 10-20 minutes. You want to crystal clear your face of your banana mask, however, you don’t want to scrub away its nutritious Positive aspects. Mash one ripe banana to create a thick paste and insert ½ tbsp of turmeric and ½ tbsp of baking soda and mix all elements perfectly to create a high-quality paste. You may also increase small drinking water if this paste appears thick. I’m undecided in which you obtained the witch hazel from, but Which may be a fascinating experiment. Let us understand how you like it
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Use organic oils to moisturize your skin. Several of the finest are: vitamin E oil, jojoba oil, coconut oil, and shea butter. Olive oil is great for some skin types, but it surely can cause some flaking for Other folks. (ii) After making use of a face mask, look at massaging your face with ice cubes wrapped inside a comfortable towel. This may function to shut opened skin pores and end Filth and pollution from generating their way into your skin pores. Alternatively, you are able to wash your face with cold h2o. Ensure that you get a few hours of physical exercise every week. Workout increases blood movement to your skin and materials it with oxygen and nutrients. For those who training really hard plenty of, the sweat should help flush out the toxins with your skin. Work out might also support reduce tension.[seventeen] I Primarily really like employing it just before a day or right before one thing significant Once i want my skin to appear it’s ideal. The instant brightening, smoothing and line reducing consequences lasts for hours and hours! An incredible face mask for regenerating the skin and providing it a youthful glow. Well suited for all ages, and all skin forms. When you are feeling your skin tightening up, gently clear away the egg white, by using a cloth soaked in warm drinking water. Hey !!! Am content for getting this coffee concept … It’s superior to try instead having fun with sip on a mug Thanks all .. .. To check if you have oily skin, press a paper napkin to the forehead. Any time you pull it away, it ought to be soaked in oils. Implement the face mask on your own face, keeping away from the eyes and mouth place, where the skin is dryer and more delicate. I just acquired a jar of it from wal mart but was $four a lot more Wished I’d observed This great site previous 7 days. Can’t wait around to do that. I exploit coconut oil for a lot of things. For your acne and pimple difficulties search this site. This site has most effective treatment plans for acne and pimple issues: This information was co-authored by our skilled group of editors and scientists who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness. Brown sugar is an excellent skin-exfoliator. It can help slough off lifeless skin cells within the outer layer in the skin. This enables room For brand new healthy skin cells to regenerate and performance properly. It will even deep cleanse your skin, eliminating grime and germs from inside of skin pores and preventing even more breakouts. The appliance of the egg white mask can clog the pores and raise the possibility of breakouts for anyone who has acne vulnerable skin. Other Unintended effects include things like the spread of germs within the skin, as raw egg whites include salmonella, a bacterium that can result in food items poisoning.
egg white face mask Secrets
> Onion juice is greatly used to be a pure cure to treat hair reduction and hair thinning. It contains large amounts of sulfur, that's a element of the amino acids located in the hair. Please take just a little instant to complete your profile so we are able to personalize your encounter and ensure that you receive information and offers that happen to be appropriate for you. In the event you materialize to help make a considerable batch of banana face mask (or almost every other face mask) don’t worry! Most face masks is usually saved during the refrigerator for as many as 1 7 days and become utilised safely. If nearly anything begins smelling funky although, it’s the perfect time to hit the trash. The egg white not merely aid nourish and firm your skin, nonetheless it will likely support tighten the pores[one] Discard the egg yolk or put it aside for another recipe. You may use the egg yolk to produce a nourishing face mask. Consult with the section in the following paragraphs on producing a nourishing face mask to learn the way. Masks should remain on for 10-quarter-hour. I like washing masks off that has a steaming hot washcloth. I run a washcloth below incredibly hot water, squeeze out the surplus drinking water after which you can press to my face for an entire moment. I then gently wash off the mask inside of a circular motion. Washcloths are excellent for exfoliating. We've outlined that Dr. Oz calls bananas character’s Botox? Perfectly, he is onto a thing! The nutrients in bananas have the power to appreciably lower the appearance of wrinkles and make the skin glance extra supple and youthful. Choose one which suits your skin sort and you are on your method to finding numerous benefits of honey for the skin! Kindly tips on the ideal mixture to to start with apparent the black acne heads, which resulted from my selecting the face. It transpires unconsciously. Second is to restore my glowing smooth skin texture. This uncomplicated banana face mask makes use of turmeric and baking soda that can assist you get glowing skin and minimize pimples and blemishes. Remain acne-absolutely free with normal software. :D um seriously hoping for getting an amazing result because um really really impressed by your techniques…:D if i remove my facial problems I'll Enable you know needless to say In shaa ALLAH…^_^ may ALLAH bless you and preserve you pleased usually….:D voila!!! If you have the mask in your eyes, It will probably be extremely irritating. In the event you ingest it, the Uncooked egg from the mask could cause food stuff poisoning. I exploit weekly after Multanimitti with Rose water, Sandal with Rose drinking water and tried Papaya fruit pulp with Banana , lemon , cucumber mask, only papaya with Besan Powder and tomoto juice with lemon. I actually fed up using this acne and oil on my fore head I wish to come across something which support the skin to return to a firmer state… it just started to become a bit… euh… slack… at specific region. The fats during the avocado and complete milk yogurt are deeply moisturizing into the skin, even though the lactic acid from the yogurt smooths your skin, refines pores, and stimulates collagen creation.
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This may reduce it from getting sticky. To safeguard your garments, contemplate draping a towel about your upper body and shoulders. Go above your whole face, but stay clear of your lips and eyes. Don’t use a washcloth to rub the sugar into your skin, as this will be also harsh of the exfoliant and could irritate your skin. Amazing hub. I am a Skin therapist myself and I take a look at a whole lot of various skin care merchandise in the marketplace currently. I do on the other hand concur with also making your individual homemade skin care recipes! This 1 does do the job and A lot of people Will not understand how excellent egg whites are to the skin! Thx for sharing! Wonderful occupation! [30] Some industry experts advocate staying away from lemon juice all with each other, as These are acidic and can irritate skin by disrupting the skin’s natural pH stability. Safer solutions incorporate pineapple or papaya blended with simple unsweetened yogurt.[31] Some gurus warn versus using sugar to exfoliate skin, because it can result in small tears in your skin, making your skin rough, dry, and flakey In the long term.[32] Other professionals endorse towards sugar and claim that it truly hastens ageing by binding to proteins like collagen.[33] By combining bananas with other ingredients filled with powerful nutrients, we might make face masks that serve several purposes. We are going to look at banana face masks that struggle wrinkles, banishing acne, Command oil, lighten skin, and a lot more. Hi, I utilized honey mask for six times and noticed a dazzling and healthy end result on my face then I attempt to use Honey+Egg+Lemon and saw blemishes scattered on my face just on first working day of use, I continue employing it on the opposite day hoping that it's just the response of employing it fro The very first time. Use a moisturizer in your skin. Seal from the moisturizing effects from the scrub with your preferred moisturizer. This can be accustomed to determine unique browsers or products if the accessibility the provider, and it is employed for protection explanations. It just felt 'organic' to choose up the eggshell and dab the remaining white onto my face esp concentrating on the spots beneath my eyes.. its worked for me ever because withj no unfavorable Unwanted side effects so check out it yourself.. :) go normal! Lemon can make your skin sensitive to daylight. Avoid likely outdoor right after employing this mask, or use a 30 SPF sunscreen rather. Unwind by yourself as you look ahead to the combination to settle and dry on your own face. It is possible to lie down and breathe deeply, considering satisfied views! Apply the mask on your face, then hold out 15 minutes. Rinse the mask off with warm h2o, then splash your face with great water to shut your pores.[10] Tend not to use baking powder; it isn't the exact point. If you're able to and you've got the mandatory substances, then it's necessary. Nonetheless if you do not have the necessary substances or time, then make it Recurrent but not everyday. As element if my "nighttime routine", I make use of the Constructed from Earth Sea Kelp Clay Mask - I truly Permit it sit about the skin, immediately after it dries, for around 10 minutes then I rinse it off with warm h2o! And It comes off conveniently and the outcomes are straight away found. This mask has labored miracles for my skin!
pineapple face mask for Dummies
Software: Utilize the mask on your own face (specially on afflicted areas), and go away it on for 10 to quarter-hour. Then, rinse off your face with lukewarm h2o. Subsequent that, clean your face yet again with cold water. We received’t truly advise you retail outlet the egg whites and utilize it to your face afterwards. It is best to make use of a new one for every software. Thanks in your subscription. Your e mail structure is Improper! Unfortunate, but we could not increase you to our mailing checklist ATM. Subscribe Utilizing a tiny, motorized hand blender, whisk the egg whites right until They are really marginally stiff for software. Slowly but surely peel from the dried layer. You might truly feel a sensation that is like slight pinpricks as the facial hair is waxed from a skin. -Manuka Honey is said to become the only option in terms of antimicrobial Homes, And that's why Manuka Honey Masks are regarded as the simplest. I have often loved natural elegance masks. I have found them efficient and healthier than chemical-based types. Often they have a bit extra operate to put them collectively and use, but the final results is often rather beautiful. Many thanks for sharing! three. Your face may be a little bit crimson after the scrub. It's because of your sugar scrub which stimulates good blood circulation within your face. The redness will vanish right after a while as well as your face might be glowing and free from peeling skin and dead cells. Also, Should you be experience additional generous remember to depart some encouraging responses within the opinions part at The underside of your site. I really like finding suggestions from visitors. It's going to really encourage me to jot down a lot more all-natural solutions which are cheap and powerful! in. Our selection also characteristics bath extras like system sponges, all-natural loofah pads, tub towelettes, shower caps, bathtub brushes, tub mitts and also bathtub kits for very little kinds to enjoy. Get skin care goods on line by logging on to Amazon.in and enjoy a vast variety of goods at the most effective rates on the net. Moist a washcloth and push it in your face to loosen the mask, then rinse with heat h2o. When you've got sensitive skin, you need to avoid rubbing your face since the coffee grounds could perhaps scratch your skin. Before we move ahead to how for making the mask, let's check out the value of Every of the opposite added components: We've given you some free of charge supply tokens. The free delivery tokens are legitimate until handful of days. A no cost shipping token is mechanically used each time a shipping and delivery demand is because of. So, enjoy the bigbasket expertise a lot more With all the totally free deliveries! Combine all the above mentioned elements in a little mixing bowl. Using cleanse finger tips, utilize a thick coat in the mixture on to your face.
Not known Factual Statements About orange face mask
Blend lemon juice and olive oil in container. Make certain that These are nicely mixed. You should utilize the container that you'll be storing the exfoliating scrub in. Use the sugar combination to your face. Use gentle round motions to use the scrub towards your face. Prevent your eyes and mouth even though implementing. Be sure the mixture is thick sufficient. If it’s not thick plenty of it will eventually drip down your skin, into your eyes and on to the garments and household furniture. I attempted which makes it myself nevertheless it received messy. So I looked up some honey masks online and this was the cheapest I could come across. Can’t conquer 4oz for $15. And theirs have some fantastic elements added to it. I went ahead and obtained a pair. Check it out: Once you put the egg white on, lay a single layer of separated tissue paper about your face. Then apply much more egg above that, and then peel it off. Include the milk and Mix perfectly to make a paste. It is possible to come to a decision the amount with regards to the texture you find most realistic. Orange, full of Vitamin C, is the greatest all rounder when it comes to your skin. Through the peel to your juice all work in the best possible strategies to help keep you glowing and wholesome. It turns out honey also Obviously absorbs excessive oil, which aids avoid acne – and Which means amongst the many benefits of honey on skin is You can utilize it rather than lots of chemical-laden about-the-counter acne creams and ointments.” – from Honey Colony By Mary Smith. Current: June 5, 2018 A superb cup of coffee is, for Lots of individuals, The one thing that gets them to awaken each morning. Excellent news, coffee lovers - your preferred observed is additionally a fantastic Remedy to help make your skin appear brighter, fresher and even more crucial. i have little pours on my cheeks and nose and in addition acne issue…. remember to aid me to get rid of this.. [ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QEc2hv1hUMI ] To use the sugar scrubs use both your arms, a clean up washcloth or clean exfoliating gloves.[26] Frequently your arms will be your very best wager as They are really by far the most gentle solution. Uncooked honey was prized for its healing Qualities in ancient civilizations. In Egyptian And Ayurvedic traditions, honey was utilized to treat skin wounds and Diseases (read more about the ancient uses of honey below). Preserving your skin wonderful does not have to cost you a fortune. You are able to invest lots of money if you purchase facial masks from boutiques and spas. How it works: Banana indisputably nourishes the skin. Whilst Yogurt has been around as strong exfoliant. It increases the blood stream and honey moisturize the skin completely.
Details, Fiction and coffee face mask
Intend to make the indications of aging vanish? Then Do this banana and egg yolks solution and become stunned at the effects. This is utilized to determine distinct browsers or equipment if the obtain the assistance, which is useful for protection factors. [sixteen] Test some of the subsequent rest procedures: Take a walk throughout the block. This will let you operate off some steam. more info can also aid tranquil your head. Avoid paying too much time from the Sunshine, and usually dress in sunscreen whenever you do. Decide on sunscreen with at least 15 SPF. You must don it every day, even during the darker, colder Wintertime months. will definitely attempt dis tomarow ….aaj i have to get ready my chandan pack…. Kal pakka isko attempt karoongi waise me tooo enjoy eating oranges a great deal Now with this particular rapid and efficient treatment, 1 can easily cleanse their skin applying just banana and milk. Oily skin can be a norm, especially in warm and humid climatic circumstances. Coping with this distinct sort of skin is often rather tough as you might want to be excess careful along with your skin and food items routines. Working with orange peel, Uncooked honey, and oats, this recipe is perfect for having rid of acne and infamous pimples. Raw honey contains antibacterial Qualities that remove germs that result in acne from deep inside the skin pores. Aloe Vera Gel with a minimum of 90% pure aloe barbadensis leaf juice in it is perfect for sunburned or irritated skin. Aloe vera is noted for its healing Homes and may do miracles for the skin. Eat many fruits and veggies. They're not only superior for The body, but they are perfect for your skin. They are really full of nutritional vitamins and antioxidants. [6] Some ceremonial or attractive masks weren't meant to be worn. Even though the religious usage of masks has waned, masks are employed in some cases in drama therapy or psychotherapy.[7] Historic masks These are definitely really exciting honey masks. I accustomed to do honey and yogurt many years ago and it labored excellent with my skin. I'll be sharing this terrific hub and passing it alongside! This mask should not be made use of on presently dry skins, and it really is a smart idea to check with a physician ahead of applying this mask. Application: Apply the mask on your face (specially on impacted parts), and go away it on for 10 to 15 minutes. Then, rinse off your face with lukewarm drinking water. Following that, clean your face all over again with cold water.
A Simple Key For yeast face mask Unveiled
Hello Shannon! Since the floor coffee is an effective exfoliator, I don’t Feel I might use it day to day. 3 times every week will be Alright. No, since it has a lot of oil in it. The easy mask works because the lemon juice acts as an astringent, even though the honey might help filter out the acne-resulting in microbes. Many thanks! Of course No Not Valuable fourteen Beneficial forty six And For those who have sun burned or Solar weakened skin, you’ll be really delighted to realize that coffee can help reverse the destruction of UV rays! So definitely make sure to slather this on for those who transpire to receive far too much Sunlight or Should you have Solar damaged skin. It might help restore your skin from destruction! Boling, saying, “Bananas are substantial in potassium, which happens to be wonderful for your lymphatic technique. The lymphatic procedure is what allows your skin thoroughly clean itself, and it offers nutrients to each mobile in The body.” I exploit yellow Section of the egg for 30 mins right before inportant function. it will take the useless skin away and tends to make my skin sleek and glowy Our splendor face masks are effortless to apply and take away. This in your own home facial treatment is easy, fast and provides smooth and delightful skin for every age. Get 7 to 9 hours of rest each night. Not having adequate slumber might make your skin appear uninteresting and sallow. It may also bring about luggage or shadows under your eyes. Getting enough sleep will decrease wrinkles and under-eye puffiness. It can even give you a healthy, glowing complexion.[fifteen] Never be scared to don makeup, but do it with care. Use make-up that's appropriate for your skin type, and take away it prior to gonna rest to avoid breakouts. Rinse https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RwYXOpLAq6E with drinking water, gently pat dry utilizing a tender towel and utilize a light cream to seal during the absorbed nutrients. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fcjuwgzkHc0 won’t remove the acne episodes. You might have to try this mask in addition to other property-solution. Also, it helps make absorption of topical nutritional vitamins challenging. Therefore, exfoliation need to be the first step previous to utilizing a purely natural banana mask. Secondly, research in animals show that vitamin C can be absorbed via the skin in an acidic environment. It could be effective to add within an acid (like lemon or citrus of some form) to inspire vitamin C absorption.” At last, whisk the mixture together with a fork and apply it to your face using your fingers or even a cotton ball. To learn how to create a nourishing egg facial mask, scroll down! You ought to take into account your perfume bottles no a lot less than assertion items, and shop them faraway from warmth and light-weight to lengthen their shelf daily life to maintain their scent and quality. […] Select one which satisfies your skin type and you also are on your approach to identifying a lot of great things about honey for your skin!
Top Guidelines Of sugar face mask
Preserve it on for 15 minutes As you lie down to circumvent gravity from pulling the mask downward. Once the time is up, gently scrub off the dried mask from the face and use moisturizer. A wonderful natural moisturizer is three-4 drops of olive oil. Im gonna attempt your mask this 7 days I just need to make clear warm water to open up pores, apply mask beaten egg whites with witch hazel, usel facial cleanser and moisturizer after It is actually conjectured that the very first masks could have typically been employed by primitive persons to affiliate the wearer with some sort of unimpeachable authority, including "the gods" or to normally lend credence to the person's assert on a given social role. This egg white face mask with lemon juice and further-virgin coconut oil is greatest fitted to those with dry skin. The coconut oil will work to hydrate and nourish your skin, making it comfortable, balanced and younger-looking. Numerous elegance professionals say You do not want them because toners are meant to take away all remaining traces of oil, make-up, and Grime, and a fantastic cleanser ought to do this. Protecting masks are parts of kit or equipment worn on the head and face to afford defense to the wearer, and these days ordinarily have these capabilities: Inside of a thoroughly clean mixing bowl, whisk together the egg white and lemon juice till the combination gets frothy. The lemon juice masks the odour with the egg white. Insert ½ teaspoon of honey and stir very well. For the duration of ceremonies, these visages are offered Energetic variety in The nice mask dramas on the South and South-japanese Asian location.[37] Indonesia Lemon juice is really a much better ingredient, so dependant upon your skin time, you might want to Restrict the amount of occasions you employ this mask to 1-two occasions a week. The application of the egg white mask can clog the pores and enhance the possibility of breakouts for all those who have acne inclined skin. Other Unwanted effects involve the spread of micro organism to the skin, as raw egg whites contain salmonella, a bacterium that can cause food poisoning. Thanks so much Eleanor! I really need to test the activated charcoal; I’ve listened to these kinds of great items over it! Masks and puppets ended up generally incorporated to the theatre function of European avant-garde artists from your turn in the nineteenth century. five. Unfold all the peels on a tray and position underneath the Sunshine to dry. Be sure you cover the tray by using a net or a thin fabric to stop insects and mud from stepping into connection with them. To cleanse skin, most Ladies favor the h2o approach: Use heat water to loosen Dust and clogged pores. Use a dime-sized little bit of cleanser, then rinse with awesome or lukewarm drinking water.
Not known Facts About sugar face mask
Special eye creams are formulated to "thicken" this area. Still other professionals declare your day-to-day lotion functions across the eyes just as nicely. Exfoliate your skin when each week. This will likely aid buff away Those people dead skin cells and depart your skin sensation silky-smooth. You use scrubs, loofahs, and exfoliating sponges. Make sure you use a gentler exfoliator on your face than on the rest of Your system. Masks should really remain on for 10-15 minutes. I love washing masks off with a steaming scorching washcloth. I operate a washcloth under incredibly hot h2o, squeeze out the excess h2o and after that push to my face for a full moment. I then gently clean from the mask in a very circular movement. Washcloths are outstanding for exfoliating. We could use conversion tracking pixels from advertising networks for example Google AdWords, Bing Advertisements, and Facebook so as to recognize when an ad has correctly resulted in the desired action, which include signing up for your HubPages Assistance or publishing an report within the HubPages Provider. Exfoliation is definitely the move a lot of people skip within their weekly skincare plan. However, if You begin thoroughly exfoliating your skin, you might notice an almost rapid difference. Thanks both! I'm thrilled to acquire my hub selected as Hub of your Day! It's so thrilling and it would make me very delighted! Thanks to your practical reviews! Wash your face twice everyday to keep it oil-absolutely free, improve complexion, and stop breakouts. You'll want to clean your face each morning whenever you stand up, and in the night before intending to bed. I have under no circumstances heard about an egg white face mask in advance of. General, I'm glad that I came upon this hub. many thanks with the recipe and a few insight on how to Use a cleaner and more healthy wanting face. Voted up and shared. will attempt, appears uncomplicated sufficient. can these be designed ahead of time and how long will it continue to keep for the moment egg white is removed from egg shell? There are various skin care goods readily available that you can buy that claims to assist you with acne but rarely works. So The easiest method to address and stop the skin from acne is by using banana. This company enables you to sign up for or affiliate a Google AdSense account with HubPages, so that you could get paid money from adverts on your own content articles. No data is shared Unless of course you have interaction using this feature. (Privateness Policy) We now have offered you some free of charge supply tokens. The totally free shipping tokens are legitimate until handful of days. A absolutely free shipping and delivery token is quickly used each time a shipping charge is owing. So, take pleasure in the bigbasket encounter all the more with the cost-free deliveries! Hey all, I'm Suzanne, I really like collecting new info on purely natural treatment for health and fitness ailments. I usually feel that character has therapies for all our health issues, we just really need to use it in the ideal way. Dress in an old t-shirt in excess of your outfits to prevent yellow stains from turmeric, which can be really hard to clean off.
The Single Best Strategy To Use For banana face mask
I would like to discover something that help the skin to return to a firmer condition… it just started to turn into a bit… euh… slack… at certain region. This is certainly utilized to determine individual browsers or equipment in the event the access the services, and it is employed for protection explanations. Steer clear of paying too much time while in the Sunlight, and normally dress in sunscreen any time you do. Decide on https://www.wikihow.com/Make-Face-Masks-out-of-Fruit with at least 15 SPF. You must wear it daily, even in the darker, colder Winter season months. I feel the admin of this Site is genuinely Doing the job challenging for his Site, as listed here just about every things is good quality based details. You may as well get ready a Do it yourself face mask to get rid of facial hair by mixing egg whites with extra-wonderful white sugar and corn starch. The sugar and corn starch turn the whisked egg whites into a peel-off mask upon drying. Clay masks are magnificent for controlling oily skin. Honey aids split up extra oil and really absorbent clay eliminates it even though Carefully exfoliating. Bentonite and Moroccan Pink are two of the greatest clay selections for balancing oily skin. Clean your pillowcase normally and steer clear of donning hair products to bed. This may enable reduce breakouts. No HTML is authorized in comments, but URLs will probably be hyperlinked. Opinions will not be for advertising your article content or other sites. Honey in your skin is basically character’s miracle, and these four Uncooked honey face mask recipes are a few of my beloved homemade recipes for nourishing my skin. Turmeric powder and orange juice have potent skin-lightening Houses and make this mask an very powerful treatment for acne scars and dim places, far too. Avoid the Sunlight among 10am and 2pm, as This can be when its rays are most hazardous.[eighteen] If you do not like carrying sunscreen, consider using a moisturizer or foundation that have already got sunscreen in it. Your a short while ago considered things and highlighted tips › Perspective or edit your searching history The most effective face mask for acne can’t be purchased at an expensive Section shop. In actual fact, it only has 1 ingredient and it’s probably now as part of your pantry! It’s considered one of my personalized favorites: the raw honey mask. Also known as The recent Face Mask, it is actually composed of honey, cinnamon, nutmeg, and lemon. It’s the lemon that triggers the burning sensation, but that’s if you place much more than one/2 a teaspoon!
Facts About banana face mask Revealed
An orange peel face mask might audio like an odd plan, but it surely has quite a few Gains to provide for the skin. It can be full of antioxidants and vitamin C that aid tighten and tone the skin, giving it a healthful glow. So stepto remedies moisturizes your skin, control surplus oil, heal acne. It also brightens your skin so In addition, it genuinely great for ageing skin. Hello, pls allow me to know how often we must always apply the mask specially for lightening the skin. is it a every day mask or after in every week mask ? two. Banana Face Mask to lighten skin: This organic face mask is nice for fading absent dark places, eradicating blemishes and brightening boring skin. This is certainly created up of subsequent 3 highly effective ingredients to hydrate, lighten and brighten your skin. Be certain never to smile or speak with the face mask on! This can extend your skin around the mouth and eyes and really induce wrinkles to kind. i have modest pours on my cheeks and nose in addition to acne dilemma…. be sure to help me to remove this.. six. Now pour your dried peel into your foodstuff processor. Be sure your food stuff processor is completely dry simply because any volume of humidity can spoil the powder, rendering it rot. Any use of this facts is within the person’s discretion. For health worries or emergencies and medicine adjustments, be sure to talk to a healthcare Expert. All over this post, you will also discover essential tips on earning and making use of banana face masks. Now let's take a look at three face masks which will profit your skin in strategies expensive chemical-laden beauty creams cannot. Now, several of the recipes down below are more strong and should only be applied one-2 moments each week. Other individuals You can utilize everyday. I’ve produced notes for how often Every single mask should be used. I utilize a raw honey mask quite a few occasions every week (occasionally on a daily basis), And that i’ve seen a definite improvement from the tone and softness of my skin. I love it a lot more for The reality that it’s completely edible and doesn’t expose my skin towards the chemicals located in most attractiveness solutions. Hi. Give your e-mail id inside the subscription box and click on on Go / Subscibe. E-mail are going to be despatched to you personally. Acknowledge it and beauty ideas will be despatched towards your electronic mail id consistently. Gently exfoliates and scrubs skin clean. Absorbs and removes impurities and Filth within the skin’s surface.  Even though there are https://www.wikihow.com/Take-Care-of-Your-Skin of skin care goods accessible out there but nothing at all can give you with the sort of best benefits that a humble fruit as banana can. The banana face mask will do miracles for your skin.
The best Side of skin care
Egg white has become used in face mask recipes because historical periods, particularly in Asia, to achieve stunning radiant skin. You can make a mask with egg white by yourself, or you may add in other powerful elements to offer additional nourishing Added benefits to the skin. This is the truly very simple mask which i appreciate frequently. It only has 2 substances so it only requires minutes to create but the effects are incredible. How often should I exploit this mask, i meant the first mask and might i utilize a toner on my face right after making use of the 1st mask. It’s also a nice or gentle scrub far too. Let it remain for ten or 15 minutes. Within the In the meantime perform some skipping rope after this wash your face and pat dry. Blend two spoons of peel powder with among milk and add a spoon of coconut oil to bind the elements alongside one another. When your skin feels dry soon after making use of this mask, it is possible to constantly increase a dab of coconut oil or Olay Each day Moisturising Lotion to hydrate. This written content is accurate and correct to the top with the author’s awareness and isn't intended to substitute for formal and individualized suggestions from a professional Qualified. This is often utilized to gather facts on traffic to articles along with other webpages on our internet site. Except you might be signed in to the HubPages account, all personally identifiable information is anonymized. two. Lemon juice is electric power full of all of the goodness of vitamin C and is very good for oily skin. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Facemask clears blackheads and whiteheads and likewise helps prevent new breakouts. It clears current acne likewise and lightens complexion about a length of time with standard use. Hi, thanks for The good report! I are already applying egg-white now for some a long time, but it had been instinctive rather than getting examine it on the internet. Use the mask above your face and wait 20 minutes. Clean it off utilizing lukewarm drinking water, then Carefully pat your face dry with a smooth, clear towel.[22] Take into account incorporating a squeeze of lemon juice to brighten your skin or cut down acne. It's your decision. You'll want to do it soon after washing your face, that is Usually accomplished each morning and evening. Many people use masks within the evening, as that is certainly after they have the most time. Become a member of Reward Me and obtain exclusive provides! Turn into a member Mixing honey, orange peel powder and yogurt creates a mask which will help you lessen acne scars and blemishes. Be sure to do an allergy check before you decide to try out any of our masks. Read our security information and facts and utilization Guidelines before you decide to carry on.
An Unbiased View of strawberry face mask
Thanks in your reply..i wiil give it a test..bt this factors are not pimples.. It a style of black head appeared both equally the corner of eyes only..will yoghurt be effective. Hi, I'm just wondering if there is something I could to get rid of or lower my sagging face specially my chin and jaw region. Just after getting a glowing skin by utilizing this process, once i cease making use of this , will I possess the identical glowing skin or not. And how much time can it be lasted? Guidelines: Use this combination 3 to 4 moments every week (even a each day software is fine), but you should definitely put together it fresh each and every time, as it is extremely easy to organize and only at that point. Kindly guidance on the most beneficial blend to to start with distinct the black acne heads, which resulted from my buying the face. It transpires unconsciously. Second is to revive my glowing sleek skin texture. When applying the combination, perform upwards from your chin in your cheeks and after that in your forehead utilizing a mild round movement. Recommendations: It provides very good benefits, but it does get time to see them. In the event you don’t right away see a adjust, don’t throw in the towel. You may’t assume results within a day or two. Also, the mixture is very best utilized when freshly designed. Clean your face with a gentle cleanser. Use a gentle cleanser to scrub your face with lukewarm drinking water, then pat your face dry using a thoroughly clean, dry washcloth. Whenever you say orange juice- which just one-fresh orange juice that we make or just one in a very carton that we obtain from retailers? Intriguing :) The one thing I'm concerned about is Samonella. I do know not all eggs are contaminated with Samonella, nevertheless it does increase an eyebrow. If the benefits are that fantastic for my skin I would be prepared to give it a whisk :) Turmeric is undoubtedly an historical occasions dried root herb and baking soda will work as a highly effective cleanser and exfoliant. Egg whites assistance tighten skin, generating them an efficient home cure for reducing overall look of crow’s-toes below and all around eyes. Whisk from the honey. Make this happen until eventually the lemon juice, olive oil, and honey Blend right into a medium-thick solution. You are able to alter the quantity of honey and olive oil you use depending on how thick or slender you want the scrub for being. We may possibly use conversion monitoring pixels from advertising networks for example Google AdWords, Bing Advertisements, and Facebook so as to recognize when an advertisement has correctly resulted in the specified action, for instance signing up for your HubPages Assistance or publishing an short article on the HubPages Assistance.
The Greatest Guide To strawberry face mask
1. Use added virgin olive oil for ideal benefits. Processed solutions may well irritate your skin or lead to acne breakouts. https://www.wikihow.com/Have-a-Good-Face-Care-Routine , the yogurt can help clear away dead skin, lighten and brighten skin, gets rid of darkish places and almost stops ageing. The Attributes of yogurt are many and when used in this mixture, it’s positive to provide you with Advantages a lot better than a readymade mask. Right here you can find out more about the benefits of oats with the skin and the way to make oatmeal scrubs to your face. Concurrently, it is actually thought to be a responsibility for the business to deliver The shoppers with cost-successful products. Blend the leftover floor coffee beans with water. Do not forget that there need to be much more coffee than h2o, since the final result must be a instead close texture to a product or simply a paste than the usual liquid. Some recipes alter the water for milk for more hydration. This homemade face mask is better For those who have sensitive or dry skin, since it's gentler and much more nourishing. https://twitter.com/steptoremedies/status/1087123981155618816 will want floor coffee beans, 2 times just as much ground oats plus a tablespoon of honey. Brown sugar is a wonderful skin-exfoliator. It helps slough off lifeless skin cells over the outer layer from the skin. This enables space for new healthful skin cells to regenerate and performance appropriately. It may even deep cleanse your skin, removing grime and germs from within just skin pores and protecting against further breakouts. [24] Use brown sugar for the gentler scrub and white sugar for an everyday scrub. You should utilize any kind of oil you'd like, but coconut oil or olive oil would function finest. Need to have one thing more powerful? Try out salt! Handmade face masks are crammed with character's restorative goodness, in the form in the nutrients, minerals, acids, and oils spelled out within the tables higher than, with none of the chemical compounds that retailer-purchased masks really have to consist of for an prolonged shelf life. Warning: Extended use of aspirin or hefty doses must be averted, as it may well leave the skin excessively dry and enable it to be glance yellow. Aspirin will not accommodate all skins, and this also needs to be carefully thought of When selecting which face mask to make use of. The caffeine content material might help reduce swelling and restore the skin's missing blush, brightness and vitality. The bottom beans are excellent to scrub and scrub, although caffeine provides a tightening effect on your skin pores. Separate the egg. Crack an egg about a bowl, and transfer the yolk from shell to shell. Each time you transfer the yolk, a little bit of the egg white need to move into your bowl. Preserve carrying out this until finally all of the egg white is inside the bowl. Wet a washcloth and push it on your face to loosen the mask, then rinse with heat h2o. In case you have delicate skin, you must stay away from rubbing your face as the coffee grounds could probably scratch your skin. Steaming your face helps you repair damaged skin that may be caused on account of air pollution, sun publicity and many others. Look into 10 great things about face steaming & actions to get it done properly right here at our site.
The Ultimate Guide To honey face mask
This mask is very important for exhilarating your skin and it will encourage circulation. In addition, it lowers pigmentation. So girls, upcoming time whenever you appreciate tangy oranges, don’t fail to remember to feed your skin with many of the natural beauty advantages of this Tremendous delicious fruit. That’s it for these days, right up until following time, take care and keep tuned to IMBB. So now you recognize the miracle component, the subsequent issue is the best way to rely on them within a mask that will advantage you. Is a strong antibacterial and antiseptic agent. Slows down the aging means of skin by fighting off cost-free radicals. Moisturizes skin. Clean your face. Use a delicate cleanser to scrub your face with lukewarm drinking water, then pat your face dry with a clean, dry washcloth. two. Be Mild. Tend not to rub the sugar face scrub way too tough on your face. This gives you a burning sensation in addition to pink, Ugly skin. In case you have oily skin chances are you'll swap milk with drinking water or possibly a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar. To make orange peel electric power, preserve orange peels out from the Solar for every week or so for drying after which you can grind them. The #1 reason for wrinkles is Solar damage, so it's important to work with a sunscreen of at the least 30 SPF out of your early several years on even in Wintertime and on cloudy times. A great trick is to buy two moisturizers: 1 to the night time and one particular to the working day that features UV safety. Also, it helps make absorption of topical vitamins tricky. As a result, exfoliation really should be the first step just before employing a normal banana mask. Secondly, studies in animals exhibit that vitamin C can be absorbed because of the skin in an acidic environment. It could be effective so as to add in an acid (like lemon or citrus of some form) to encourage vitamin C absorption.” Wash oranges and peel off the highest most component. Try to avoid the white section just as much as you possibly can. For this, ensure that you use a pointy knife. I can even notify the distinction between raw honey makes I exploit for my honey mask. A top quality neighborhood Uncooked honey produced my skin glow in a means I didn’t see with the other Uncooked honey I tried. You can find a terrific supply of high quality raw honey In this article. At last, scrub your skin with this mask and depart it for almost 50 % one hour to receive delicate, glowing skin. It really works for a organic bleach and lessens Sunlight tan when applies about thrice in each week for at least per month. Whisk within the honey. Do that till the lemon juice, olive oil, and honey Mix into a medium-thick Remedy. It is possible to regulate the amount of honey and olive oil you utilize according to how thick or slim you need the scrub to get. Avocado has fantastic moisture in it and it hydrates the skin rendering it supple and soft. Banana is useful from inflammation and skin cracks.
Not known Details About banana face mask
These tend to be manufactured from leather-based with appendages of fur, feathers or leaves. Some go over the face, some The entire head and are sometimes extremely abstracted forms. Navajo masks look like inspired through the Pueblo prototypes.[33][34] These masks are perfect for an at-dwelling facial. Begin with https://twitter.com/steptoremedies/status/1087124334748057601 up skin and in advance of applying the mask, lay a warm, wet wash fabric with your face to open up up your pores. Right after rinsing off the mask, clean your face with chilly drinking water or use a toner to shut the pores. Then utilize a good face oil. Pacific Northwest Coastal indigenous teams were usually remarkably qualified woodworkers. Their masks ended up generally grasp-items of carving, from time to time with movable jaws, or a mask inside of a mask, and parts moved by pulling cords. The mask is thought to be an instrument of revelation, supplying sort to the sacred. This is usually achieved by linking the mask to an ancestral presence, and so bringing the past into the existing. A caution when working with lemon juice: Lemon also can make the skin photosensitive. Rinse your face comprehensively and use sunscreen when you’ll be out within the sun quickly afterward. I don't advocate using the mask every day because it could dry out or irritate your skin. I'd use the mask two times every week at one of the most. The Senoufo men and women of the Ivory Coastline stand for tranquility by building masks with eyes half-shut and lines drawn near the mouth. The Temne of Sierra Leone use masks with modest eyes and mouths to represent humility and humbleness. They represent knowledge by building bulging forehead. Gently do the job the sugar into your skin using your fingers. Employing Light circular motions with the fingers, perform the sugar in to the lather. https://www.facebook.com/steptoremedies/posts/2099806783445924 enables you to join or affiliate a Google AdSense account with HubPages, so as to gain income from ads on your article content. No info is shared Until you have interaction using this type of characteristic. (Privateness Coverage) To complete your registration make sure you enter the verification code you gained on your cellular. In case you have not obtained the verification code, be sure to SMS REWARDME to 9223347100 Week just after 7 days, I feel like I'm constantly faced Using the very same dilemma - what to do with leftover egg whites. I planned to do a little something distinct this time rather than develop a white cake, angel food cake Environmentally friendly tea and honey perform anti-inflammatory magic on skin redness and inflammation. This soothing combo is gentle plenty of for delicate skin (do a patch take a look at for those who’re anxious). Each components are potent antioxidants to combat absolutely free radicals and maintenance skin hurt. Whip up just 2 ingredients to make a impressive face scrub that exfoliates and deep cleanses pores. To start with peel a ripe banana and using the again of the spoon mash it very well and transfer into a mixing bowl.
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ao3feed-darylxcarol · 7 years
Love Unknown
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2jjdLNa
by UAgirl
Her best friend had just proposed to her—her sweet, socially challenged, romantically stunted best friend, and she just couldn’t wrap her brain around what had just happened.
Non-ZA AU in which Carol and Daryl grew up as childhood friends. AKA, the fic where Shae indulges in her weakness for the friends to lovers trope and the whole fake/forced marriage thing because apparently, already having a Caryl mail-order bride story on my resume just isn't enough, lol.
Words: 1268, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: The Walking Dead (TV)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M
Characters: Carol Peletier, Daryl Dixon, Sophia Peletier, Ed Peletier, Michonne, Rick Grimes, Lori Grimes, Carl Grimes, Andrea Harrison
Relationships: Carol Peletier/Daryl Dixon, Carol Peletier/Other (Past)
Additional Tags: Friends to Lovers, Fake Marriage, Or Is It?, Friendship, Romance, Adult Language, Adult Situations, Angst, Fluff
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2jjdLNa
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itsgrimeytime · 1 year
Magnolia in May (Part Eight) || Rick Grimes (TWD) x Greene!f!reader Regency AU
Part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7...
Taglist: @loliakeoghan23 @belaballs @curlycarley
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Inspiration (in honor of Speak Now Taylor's Version): Enchanted by Taylor Swift
Summary: Your town was small, not the smallest you knew, but anyone of high fortune was the gossip of the week. Predictably, Richard Grimes was a thing of whispers -rumors of a search for marriage among the grassy hills. You weren't one to buy into town gossip, but something about him... just seemed a little too intriguing.
TWS: secrets, hidden information, and miscommunication.
[[ A/N: hey girlies <333. Time for some confrontation !!! This gif exudes gentleman Rick with like CONFLICT. The epitome of the current vibes of this series. This is gonna be a long one, babes, stay in it for the long haul. Thanks for reading :))) ]]
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You couldn't breathe, holding the ivory paper to your chest -like the words wouldn't be there anymore. It felt like your heart was bleeding out onto the page, his matter of speak so open that you found something deep within you wishing to share that vulnerability. Despite all the pain, you wished to be somewhat closer to him.
'I ask, from the depths of my heart, don't leave Alexandria.'
Words swirling around your head, you wondered distantly if you could even make any sense out of it all. Certainly not now, with the sort of touched sorrow that twisted into your stomach -guilty and ever-so-slightly hopeful.
You'd never been so confused in your own feelings, it was so easy to villainize Lori before you knew her. And now that you had, it was hard to detach the empathy, the guilt-
It was so exhausting, and you truly wished to sleep it all away. Think later, digest later, but something had been unfinished -pushed to the side.
The invitations.
Without so much as an extra moment, you held the letter to your chest and rushed down the stairs -despite everything, you were desperate for whatever you could get from him. Initially, you'd started by the door -figuring they were maybe placed with some of the mail, but after scouring that stack, you ended up empty-handed.
They were smarter than that, you noted to yourself -turning off toward Father's desk.
His desk wasn't organized, papers and files everywhere -it was a miracle he knew where everything even was. Your fingers brushed over the tops of some stacks, waiting for the rather thick texture, or at the very least the pure ivory tone. Even as you organized stacks and siphoned through drawers, you were still left disappointed.
"God," you sighed, looking in a few telling places -bookshelves, under pillows, and even in the fireplace embers.
Someplace, somehow, you'd ended right back at the entry -cleaning the dust off a shelf with some of Father's trinkets from his travels, and your eyes caught on a stack. Hidden behind one of the statues (crafted out of some sort of heavy stone) were a number of envelopes that had yet to be mailed.
Your first instinct was that these were the ones Beth had meant to send off, and maybe, that's why you'd gathered them of your own accord. Your letters, though, if how they were delivered to you was any indication, were not in envelopes -only folded. You supposed that since they hadn't gone through the official post, there was no need.
It had to be about 5 envelopes there, just based on the feel, as you placed them down on the table -shuffling through the paper for any sort of reason for them to be stashed. Your eyes caught on the handwriting -Headmistress's, all curly letters and eloquent print, it read: Mrs. Ettington.
That name had rung a bell, a sort of old friend that she'd only been reconnecting with the past few weeks. She'd said they'd gone to school together long ago, and she was delighted to catch up. It was rather pointed, her mentioning of it to you -all details and sure you remembered the name. At the time, you'd brushed it off as her wishing to cheer you up, but now-
Your fingers were quick to break the envelope seal.
It was dated the day of the dinner, in swirled lettering across the top right -not proper for postage. It was clear this envelope was just for show.
With two fingers, you fished out the thick paper -carefully pulling the texture out onto the table. To your surprise, it was two. Handwritten notes from the mere few hours before the dinner, and you knew that handwriting by now.
'Dr. Greene and Family,' it read, in far more formal writing than what your note had been consistent of, '-It is with great sorrow that I must cancel our planned dinner scheduled for later this evening. I'm sure you're well aware of my current situation from the papers, I've even heard some of my staff gossiping, so the concept is not far-fetched. And my hope of this matter being dealt with quickly has come with its fair share of hiccups, so at this current point in time, rescheduling will be put on pause. I apologize for any inconvenience and will take it upon myself to explain this matter to Ms. Greene. If you shall wish to let me, I would request she comes to my estate on the 'morrow so as to get rid of any misunderstandings. Awaiting your response, Richard Grimes.'
"'-will take it upon myself to explain this matter to Ms. Greene,'" you read out to yourself, tone rather solid and dull. That had not happened, had the Headmistress stopped it? Or had she not noticed the note until after your return?
It wouldn't have been something to bring up then -shed tears and shivering from the rain, you were sure the thought hadn't even crossed her mind.
With a quick motion, you'd picked up the second note in the pile -the formal invitation. It resembled the same as the ball's, all perfectly cut edges and balanced, elegant printing -but not as embellished.
The words were brief but said much of the same as his letter -at least pertaining to you. It was, as Mr. Dixon had explained, a summoning. A rather direct one with an explicit purpose.
Your heart had nearly cracked out of your chest, and yet your hands reached for the next envelope -detailed a mere few days later. You were going to read them all, no matter if it hurt. You'd already been hurt, all you had wanted to do was know.
'Dr. Greene,' a more direct address, seeming to note the lack of success for the last one -still formal but not as distant as the last, '-I think you know what I'm contacting you for, either from the previous letter or mayhaps from your own daughter returning late last evening. Is she well? I tried to get her a carriage but she refused and the rain hasn't even let up well into the next day. If you would be so kind as to let me know if she's ill, it would soothe me greatly. And do not hesitate to ask for any sort of monetary assistance if the care is needed, I understand she's in great hands, your own, but I wish to offer my services in case of necessity. Any other matter is of less importance than her health, so despite the complicated situation -I am at your beck and call. Anxiously awaiting your response, Richard Grimes.'
It was difficult to swallow, reading through the note -you'd supposed this one had went into his hands, however. Remembering that your Father had his hands on a medicine rather quickly, one he'd had a hard time keeping stock of in the clinic. Had Mr. Grimes sent it?
The other note was a response, thin writing was easily your father's -you recognized along the paperwork scattered everywhere in the house. You could hardly read it, though, written so hastily, only a few words sticking out but you'd gathered it was, in fact, about the shortage.
Even further supported by Mr. Grimes's response detailed at the bottom, 'I will set out as soon as possible for Atlanta for such medicine. There is nothing to repay, I would do anything for her, you must know that by now.'
It was rather rushed, words all crooked and ink bleeding -you'd imagined he'd left as soon as the quill was lifted. For you.
You felt tears burn behind your eyes, sinking into the chair you had been roaming towards -imagining the hesitance of himself at the door. Father accepting the medicine, and the pull of concern he would have had. But he couldn't come inside -you imagined it might've broken his heart to leave. No, it had to.
You'd taken the next one in your hands, it was the next day after the last and upon looking at it, seemed written faster, quicker. Like it was merely his thoughts as he scribbled them out.
'Dr. Greene,' it read -still composed but something about the letters blurred together more, '-I must make it clear that every and any intention I have with Ms. Greene is honorable. I can only imagine the turmoil she may be going through at this very moment, and it truly crushes me that it is my fault. I intended to explain it myself, but she seems to have garnered a meaning herself without my input. If you have any respect for me, I would ask sincerely that you let me explain myself. She is far more important to me than I think anyone has realized, and while I understand your hesitance, the situation does not look favorable. I fear if I cannot explain it now then, she may never know. And I truly don't wish for it to end this way, or for it to end at all. Richard Grimes.'
He didn't wish for it to end, thrummed against your skull, as you pulled out another formal invitation, same details different date. The print had no tells.
You couldn't think on it too long, or you'd never get through them. And you were determined to do so. This time three pieces tumbled out of envelope, two of which were rather familiar.
'Dr. Greene,' the fourth one started, words closer -rushed, and the ink bled, '-I'm not sure if you're even reading these at this point. But I'm at a rather, regretfully, desperate moment. I considered delivering this one myself just so I could be sure you'd at least read it. I'm not sure I could quite handle it if you refused to let me speak to her, however, so I am to send this by courier again. All I've found I can do is hope you believe me in my urgency, and at this current time, I'm not sure you even respect me enough to do so. But I cannot help but try. I will not stop trying. I can't. Please, just let me explain myself. Allow her to choose if she believes my intentions, or if she wants to accept to meeting me. I will respect that decision if it comes to pass, but truly dread if it ever comes. Respectfully, Richard Grimes.'
You recognized the invitation, all formal in it's presentation with the date changed. But it did not come alone. There was a second note to be brandished to a different face -you wondered if it had ever gotten there.
'Ms. Maggie Greene,' it detailed, '-I know it's rather unusual, writing through a sister to get to someone. And I considered addressing this directly to the eldest Ms. Greene, but I'm sure you understand my hesitancy. I'm not sure anything I send her will be seen by her own eyes, by choice, or by the ignorance of not knowing it ever existed. All I ask is simply for you to tell her I wish to speak to her. In any capacity. Or that I'm reaching out at all, I fear that she doesn't know I'm fighting for it. That my plans are set in stone, and that her assumptions, or perhaps the world's, are without a doubt the truth. You know my intentions, you always have, ever since that day near the seamstress shop. And I ask that you honor that and tell your sister I am still fighting, that I have not run away. Please. Sincerely, Richard Grimes.'
You'd reread it, over and over again like it would change a single thing. Like the words would be any different. 'I am still fighting... I have not run away-' bouncing around your skull like the words could change, like they could mean anything but what they meant-
You'd never thought about the idea that maybe he wouldn't decide to reconcile his marriage. That he'd choose you. It didn't seem possible, even now, you still hesitated to believe such a thing.
But it was here, maybe not said directly, but it was there. Underneath each written word, everything he said framed it to be seen. Maybe he hadn't meant to, but the delicate care you felt in each word -it was unmistakable. With every swirl of concern, urgency, anything, you could tell that he'd found himself caring for you. Even just a little.
It hardly felt little but you didn't wish to be too hopeful.
The last envelope felt as if it had its own set of eyes, staring you down -rooting you to your spot. Smoothed into a chair, hair surely a mess and cheeks an aggravated red from the wiping of tears, you felt quite inadequate to win the stare. And a part of you truly wondered if you'd already gone too far.
Perhaps this last letter was a recanting, and detailed that despite all of these, he had given up and wished to pursue life as a married man. For his children, for the betterment of his estate, whatever reason he chose was the most accurate. There was quite a list in favor of it, you'd done it yourself. Tried to rationalize your heartbreak, like maybe it would change how you feel. Make it seem more impossible, so your mind would be tricked into understanding that it was never yours to have.
Your hands moved before you could stop them, as you opened the final envelope -it was thinner than the others. Just a single slip of paper hidden there, not an invitation, you'd guessed. As you pulled it between your fingers, your eyes squeezed shut, instinctually, almost as if you'd said a quick prayer rather than gathered yourself for what it said.
Deep breath in and a slow breath out, you patted at your cheeks with a bit of cloth and began.
'Ms. Greene,' it started, words wonderfully composed and written but still somehow vulnerable, '-I'm not sure you shall ever receive this note. Or any at all. Not because I didn't wish it, but merely because I doubt you'll ever be made aware of its existence. I've been going back to Mr. Elliotts, asking him how you are. He says he hasn't seen you in days. I haven't seen you in days either. My head is a mess as it is, but I find something clears it all when I think about you. I've never been more certain about you. I suppose I'm just afraid I don't know if you are as certain as you once were. I want you to be. I need you to be. I can't properly voice this here, it's much larger than I'm able to quite capture in the written word. Or maybe any words at all. Ms. Greene, I wish to speak to you. It's all I want. I just want a word, and if you slam the door, I will respect it. But even with an idea that they're might be a bad outcome, I have to try. I would hate myself if I didn't try. Please. Yours, Richard Grimes.'
Please, was the word that stuck that time, please.
As you neatly stacked the bits of paper -mindlessly, you found it was all that had played on repeat. All that you could see was desperation, flitted through the stroke of the quill, the bleeding if the ink. It felt as though his heart was there, in that note -extended on an opened palm.
Like it was a simple offering, one you could refuse. Or one you could take, one you could listen to and care for.
It was there under all the notes under all the words, under every dip of ink Richard Grimes had offered his heart up -vulnerable and open and desperate.
And you hadn't known.
You thought back to your final words with the man, before you disappeared off into the rain, heartbroken and unfixable -'you're not mine'.
Stretched across your lips, holding back a sob, it was true. From what you understood then, it was true. You hadn't asked him, sure, but it seemed like the obvious choice. That you were not the one he was fighting for.
But if felt here, in these tiny little letters that you hadn't seen, that he was trying to show you: 'I am yours, all yours.'
Like there was never a doubt to him, and he only sought to prove it. To show you, because you hadn't listened-
But you were late, not of your own accord but you were still far too late. And a part of you wondered if maybe it was too late. Or if there were more, or if he was still trying, still fighting-
You could only hope so.
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we-will-begin-again · 2 years
Rick had always tried to get her flowers for her birthday since the first birthday they had shared together back when they had just been dating. It had been much simpler before with a couple of flower shops in King County, but the Outbreak had put a halt to that convenience, so he did the next best thing. He found a Hobby Lobby and spent a while picking out the perfect silk bouquet for her. He even found a little bottle that she could spray on them to make them smell like real flowers.
"Close your eyes," he insisted as he approached their shared cell where she was breastfeeding Judith. He held the flowers behind his back and was careful not to drop the vase that he'd picked to showcase them.
He moved quietly into the cell and held out the vase and flowers for her. He'd sprayed the flowers beforehand so he held one of the roses to her nose. "Happy Birthday, sweetheart."
Lori's Birthday - June 1st
For someone who kept such close track of her loved ones' birthdays, Lori sure always seemed to forget her own until —at least— some days prior to it and, in some occasions, even up to the actual date, remembering when someone who did remember would wish her a happy birthday.
The drastic changes the world had gone through hadn't made remembering her own birthday any easier, especially not when now she had two children to keep an eye on and, as much as she loved him and wouldn't trade being his mother for anything in the world, going from only child to older brother hadn't made Carl any easier to raise. So her confusion was visible when Rick told her to close her eyes.
Lori was far too curious to decline. Gently, she unlatched Judith and fixed her clothes so that her shirt covered both her breasts, closing her eyes. "Okay, I'm not looking," she told Rick.
The first thing that reached her senses was the smell. Flowers, she couldn't quite put her finger down on what kind, but they were definitely flowers. Then he was wishing her happy birthday and her eyes opened and went wide at the sight of the silk roses in the vase. Lori froze for a moment, caught off guard by both the fact it was her birthday and the sweet gesture, before Judith tried to pull the flower to her mouth and she reacted, taking the flower from Judith and moving it close to her nose again as she smiled.
"I am the luckiest woman in the world," Lori said, pressing a kiss to his lips before pressing her forehead against Rick's. "Thank you, dear."
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we-will-begin-again · 2 years
Shane hadn't even allowed himself to hope to lay his eyes on Lori ever again once he'd left the farm. Now that he'd been brought back into her life, he had done everything within his power to regain her trust, and then eventually her love. He didn't like lying to her when she asked to accompany him on his latest supply gathering trip, but he'd needed that time alone to put his plan into place.
He couldn't believe his luck when he found the perfect ring in her size. The little baby blue velvet box had been the perfect one to keep it in as he held it tightly in his pocket. He'd never been so nervous in his life. Or if he had been, he couldn't remember when. He cleared his throat a little as he stepped into the kitchen. "Lori?"
He moved to her quickly before she had time to turn around and hit one knee. As she turned, he felt the butterflies kicking up in his stomach. "Wanted to do something special for your birthday. Happy Birthday, baby." He pulled out the ring box and slowly opened it. "Wanna make me the luckiest man in the world and marry me?"
Lori's Birthday - June 1st
A smile pulled at Lori's lips when she heard Shane clearing his throat behind her. She was used to that, it was a sort of unspoken agreement between them: Shane would clear his throat when he entered a space she was in if she didn't see him walk in and, usually, he'd walk up to her and wrap his arms around her right after. But this time, that didn't happen.
There was a confused look in Lori's eyes as she turned, and her confusion only grew when she was met with empty space, then looked down to find Shane down on one knee. Her eyes widened even before he asked the question, because there was really only two reasons why Shane Walsh would be on his knees in front of her and her pants weren't down so it wasn't that thing. Then he asked the question, asked her to make him the happiest man in the world.
Lori's hands went to cover her mouth as her eyes got blurry with tears, she muffled a sob behind her hands before she beamed, dropping to her knees as well just so she could kiss Shane until her lungs screamed for air.
"Yes," she panted, pressing soft kisses all over his face before kissing him on the lips again. "Yes yes yes! I love you so much."
Tears of joy rolled down her cheeks as she let him put the ring on her finger, and then they were kissing again, holding each other on the kitchen floor like the world outside didn't exist. Lori wouldn't have had it any other way. This was her best birthday to date.
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we-will-begin-again · 3 years
Memories of Sorrow for Lori
Send "Memories of Sorrow" to see a painful and tragic memory of My Muse
The riots, as so many news broadcast channels had called them, turned out to be so much more than just some isolated incidents. People were attacking each other on the streets, in houses, in public places; nowhere seemed safe, but the CDC had told people in the area to head to the nearest safe zone, in their case: it was Atlanta.
Carl had his face pressed to the window, watching their neighbors pack their lives in as many bags as their cars could take and drive away; while Lori did the same inside their house, their bags already by the door, all that was left to do was pack food and wait for Shane to come back with Rick. Her phone was left in the living room, only meant for emergencies. Lori jumped when a car's tires screeched outside and a horn went off, gripping the edge of the kitchen counter as she forced herself to calm down.
"Carl, get away from–" she'd meant to tell him to stop looking out the window, but when she looked that way, the boy wasn't there anymore.
Dread settled deep in Lori's gut and she rushed to the living room, finding him with her phone against his head, and was about to tell him that he couldn't be playing with it when he spoke first.
"It's grandma," he said, sparing her a quick glance before his attention turned back to the call. "Yeah, mom's here. We're waiting for Shane and dad– yeah, I'll tell her. I love you too." Carl held the cellphone out to her. "She wants to talk to you."
Lori reached for the phone, then paused and instead stroked Carl's cheek. "Do me a favor, yeah? Go get the family albums," she requested, remembering that he'd been asking to help since she'd started packing everything. "And the picture from my nightstand, the one with Codger."
Carl nodded quickly, handing the phone over and rushing away. Lori took a deep breath, placing the phone to her ear.
"Hi, mama," she spoke, willing her voice not to crack.
"Hi, sweetheart," her mother spoke. Lori didn't miss the way she sounded: breathless, as if she'd been running a marathon. "How are you?"
"We're alright. Packing everything to head to Atlanta," Lori said, ignoring the hundreds of things that were making her want to cry because she didn't want to worry her mother. "How are you?
There was a pause that made Lori's grip tighten on the phone while her free hand picked at the skin of her forearm, wincing whenever she pinched a bit too hard with her nails; it was an awful habit that she thought she'd gotten over, and she did for a long time, but given the situation, it was hard to keep it at a bay, it helped her stay grounded, stopped her from bawling her eyes out to her mother.
"I'm okay, sweetie. The officers told us the next bus will be here in about half an hour," again, her voice was breathless, but she seemed to be trying to hold it back, to sound as normal as possible, it only made her sound more strained, more wheezy. "Tell Shane to avoid the main roads, yeah? It's hell out there."
"Yeah, I will. He– he and Rick will be back any minute now," Lori assured despite her own uncertainty. "Once we're there–"
Her mother said something, something Lori didn't quite get as the call became more and more distorted until it abruptly ended. Lori's eyes swelled with tears, and she turned to the door in time to watch Shane walking in, pale and sweating and looking at her like he didn't know how to tell her what happened.
Lori didn't need him to say anything, the look of failure on his face was enough.
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we-will-begin-again · 3 years
🌻- Daryl & Lori.
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No Apocalypse AU where Lori and Daryl meet because Lori has Codger and Daryl has dog. They're at a park but wouldn't have even run into each other if it wasn't because their dogs saw each other and ran off to go play. What a predicament to be in with a stranger when your dogs suddenly become best friends and refuse to leave until they've gotten tired of playing together, but at least the company is good.
AU where neither Rick nor Shane make it out of the hospital and so Lori has to get Carl in the car and get out of town,and they end up meeting Daryl on the way, maybe because their car broke down and he helps them, and travelling with him and Merle. Judith still ends up existing but she's Daryl's.
No Apocalypse AU where Lori and Daryl knew each other and were sweet on each other/dating in high school, but for one reason or another they ended up distancing and losing contact after graduation, meeting again years later as adults and reconnecting.
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we-will-begin-again · 3 years
“  stop fussing— this isn’t my blood.  ” (Lori from Daryl)
Things had only gotten more and more tense since that first clash between the communities and the whisperers. They'd lost many friends in this senseless conflict that they didn't start, but Lori knew for a fact they were going to put an end to eventually; they always did, no matter what or who came for them. She could only hope that no more lives would be lost.
Her stress levels peaked whenever someone walked through the door, and Daryl seemed to be going out of his way just to make said stress levels skyrocket.
To say he was dirty would be an understatement, he walked in with his shirt covered in blood and a limp to his walk, heading for the kitchen and downing a bottle of water in less gulps than anyone should be able to. Lori sent Judith and RJ upstairs, making sure they made it to their bedrooms before she went after Daryl.
"'m fine," Daryl said the moment he felt her presence, briefly glancing over his shoulder at her before turning to the sink and washing his hands. "Got into a fight with the big one– Beta, that's all."
He muttered something quite impolite about the man, but Lori didn't really pay attention, her focus was on the forming bruise that she spotted at the back of his neck but that got lost under his shirt. She stepped forward, hand barely lifting the back of his shirt before he flinched away.
"Come on, Daryl, you're–"
"Stop fussing–" he snapped, glaring before realizing he was doing so and casting his eyes away almost apologetically. "This isn't my blood."
He moved to leave and Lori moved faster, standing in front of him. "Sit down and let me see your back."
Daryl frowned. "I said–"
"I said sit your ass down, Daryl Dixon," Lori interrupted him, teeth gritted and voice low because she didn't want to make an scene with the kids upstairs, but the way she was glaring daggers at Daryl made it clear she would if he left her no choice.
Defeated, Daryl pulled out a chair and sat facing the backrest. Lori lifted his shirt then, already familiar with the scars that adorned his skin, but caught off guard by the fresh bruises that now accompanied them. The size of one that was larger than her palm made her gasp.
"That bad?" Daryl huffed, sounding amused.
"Got into a fight?" she hissed, wincing at the thought of how this could have happened. "More like got beaten."
"You should've seen the other guy," Daryl retorted. "Pushed him down an elevator shaft."
"Damn," Lori breathed, moving to stand by his side, her hands are her hips and her brow arched. "And was that before or after he gave you enough bruises for a lifetime."
"After." Daryl moved to stand. "And since it's just bruises, I will–"
Once again, Lori moved faster, using his moment of distraction as he grabbed the same bloody shirt to put back on to grab a frozen steak and press it against the largest bruise, located on his lower back right over his spine, hearing Daryl hiss and curse under his breath.
"Stop fussing," she spoke almost mockingly. Lori guided his hand to hold the steak in place.
"You act like I'm deathly wounded and yet you're mean to me," Daryl huffed. "You make no damn sense, Lori."
"And yet, you love me," she retorted with a smirk. "So you make even less sense."
Daryl hummed his agreement, leaning closer in search of some mouth to mouth comfort. Lori leaned back, watching him frown in confusion that she'd moved away.
"I don't fuss. I worry about you, and rightfully so, because you're prone to getting hurt," she said, pushing past him. "Go lie down on the couch."
"On the couch?" Daryl groaned. "What did I do–"
"I don't fuss, Dixon," Lori interrupted him again. "Maybe next time you'll think twice before saying I do."
And with that, Lori went upstairs to assure the kids were getting ready for school.
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we-will-begin-again · 3 years
Lori - The thing Rick adores about Lori is that she puts her kids above everything else. He loves it in fact.
What’s the one thing your muse adores about mine?
And Lori loves that he does the same. That's why they worked so well despite the conflicts that rose between them, at the end of the day, they both want the best for their kids and that's their main focus always.
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