#|the determined mage| Agarwaenor
spam-1997 · 3 years
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@determined-magi​ sent: ‘ [Determined-magi] [Agarwaenor] " So, you want to be a big shot? Hhm? I'd say thats a fool's goal, why not... a humble hermit? Away from the the treacheries of life and tales were you're spun around? " The mage questions, red eyes staring intently as his head tilts to the side. " Take if from one big, BIG shot, the role's not all that enticing, not all that pleasant. Better be a small projectile if you ask me, you don't get noticed, you get left alone to do as you will, after all, the less your choices matter, the more likely they'll leave you alone. " ‘
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⇨   Now, those weren’t some words he wanted to hear... but they certainly got his attention, as his usually frantic and lively posture goes limp like someone put slack on his strings.  “ * A [ humble hermit ] ? ”   He grimaces through his grin, the best his forced on smile would allow.  “ * A HUMBLE..... [ hermit ] ? ”  He strains in repeat. Then suddenly, a laugh throws his head backwards as he laughs side to side, back and forth, even laughing his words. “ WOW HE’S RIGHT, IT’S JUST [ that simple ] ! I COULD JUST OPEN MY [ binterest ] AND STEP RIGHT INTO MY [ recommended for Cottagecore Aesthetic ] AND WATCH ALL MY PROBLEMS DISAPPEAR [ it JUST works ] !!! ”  His laughed ceases as abrupt as a single frame.  
“ * YOU [ don’t ] GET IT .  DO YOU?  THERE IS NO [ going back ].  THERE IS [ no data found ] SPAMTON THAT’S EVER GONNA BE A [ humble ] ANYTHING [ hermit ] AGAIN ! HE’S [ gone ] HE’S [ DEAD ] ! [ am-scray ] ! UNDERSTOOD?! ...THE ONLY WAY OUT OF THIS DEEP, DARK [ hole ] IS UP UP UP UP UP UP UP UP UP [ crawl ] OUT OF [ HELL ]  AND RIGHT INTO [ heaven ] ARE YOU LISTENING? CAN YOU HEAR ME?? ”
Well-- based on how he’s shouting and right next to them, it’d be hard not to hear him, but one could guess based on how he started pacing around and gesturing wildly at nothing that he began talking to someone else at some point.
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determined-magi · 3 years
“ ... “
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“ More than once I’ve had the intrusive urge to throw a spear at a deer looking monster, it just... brain says if its deer shaped and not Morn, then it is food. Even though they are monsters and just... turn to dust... “
“ Good god I can resist that level of stupidity impulse... “
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determined-magi · 3 years
“ ... “
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“ lesson learned... “
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“ Magic from mages with space-time magics often breaks microwaves... “
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determined-magi · 3 years
Why? Aren't you like... a strong ass fucker? What a lady gonna do?
" Oh the sweet bliss of not knowing her anger.... "
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" Listen... listen, my guy.... my partner. You don't know the blows she can punch. Ever punched a boulder? No? She can... ever crashed against a car? similar experience, if the car was a truck with the kinetic force of a bullet train.... "
" Last time we fought she punched me from the city all the way into the fucking mount, you don't want her pissed, you really don't. "
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determined-magi · 3 years
“ ... “
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“ You know you have some problems when a good amount of the Level of Violvence you get in the war... is from skeletons... “
“  Just... lots of execution points... come from skeleton monster types... “
“ Gilrin is going to kick my ass for it... “
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determined-magi · 3 years
“ ... “
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“ That said... “
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“ You can also be yeeted just as easily... “
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determined-magi · 3 years
“ Cowards... “
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“ You can yeet anything if you put the effort... “
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determined-magi · 3 years
“ Now: becoming a lowkey terrorist fighting a different terrorist group? “
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“ Now thats easier, and funnier. Some of their reactions are hilarious. “
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determined-magi · 3 years
“I have never fought a god... but... “
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“  I can at least say using their powers is a hassle... get distracted and next thing you know you wake up with one hell of a pain, an ominous feeling of having seen things you shouldn’t, and your veins feel like FUCKING ACID. Oh! I forgot: it gives one hell of a headache and leaves your soul and magic weird for some time... plus senses, very sensitive senses... “
“ Too much trouble, do not recommend involving yourself with anything with that kind of power, or meddling with those powers without preparation. Leave gods as myths and legends doing whatever nonsenses they do, it is better that way. “
“ Either way, if gods win they are most likely going to be a dick about shit. “
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determined-magi · 3 years
“ S U A V E M E N T E    B E S A M E~.   “
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“ Que quiero sentir tus labios besandome otra vez~. “
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determined-magi · 3 years
Eventually those dogs are going to return to you, what are you going to do with hundreds of dogs?
" Hopefully not... "
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determined-magi · 3 years
“ NEVER trust dog, shaped beings... never. “
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“ Contradictory to popular belief, a dog is not necessarily friend shaped, and may very well be an evil booby-trap you’d rather avoid... “
“ I have my reasons to say that. “
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determined-magi · 3 years
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“ You are... one weird ass overdeveloped rat, no offense, just saying. “
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determined-magi · 3 years
@itsraiyninmuses​ [from here]
The mage takes a few moments to react to the other’s words, merely still looking with oblivious awe for a few seconds, before mouthing something hard to define if one didn’t catch the way his breath moved as the monster turned towards him.
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“ Whut? “
Ah, yes. There go his neurons once more, starting to process information once more. Instead of leaving his penis to think for his brain. Or at least not be as much of a driving force within his thoughts, that is. Blinking for a few seconds after the tall one’s first words. Ah... he just catcalled a monster, didn’t he? And it seems he didn’t seem all that amused, right... different ages, different reactions, and most certainly not all monster were... eager with humans, he imagined. a few centuries after a war still was... pretty early to... well, try anything.
Wouldn’t stop him from trying though, just... try to be more tactful?
“ I mean... uh... You look nice? I mean... look at your body: “ He pauses, before gesturing to him, hands going from down to up whilst giving him a questioning look on his face. “ That is material for greek sculptures, no doubt. those muscles are so well defined, a little hurt and all, but... that just makes them all the more impressive along your clothes. Kind of makes me think of Heracles. That is a lot of dedication and effort. “
“ You got any pointers? I have my training methods, but... lately they aren’t as good, not anymore I guess... I don’t really want to uh... put on weight, not that being fat is bad... its just... not really my thing? I get antsy when things don’t tire me out... and antsy mean being more annoying... “ It also means being more hostile, but ssssssh, no one needs to know that.
Try to keep it cool, he reminds himself, and certainly NOT horny.
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determined-magi · 3 years
“ Aren’t spiders venomous? Might be a bit of a turn off for some. “
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“ Also being a leader, that too possibly, for some... uh, guys, it might be a discouraging trait. Not for me though, I could tap that. “
Of course Agar would say that, of course.
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determined-magi · 4 years
That’s kinda funny lmao. Wish I had the guts to do that. Sadly, I am but a coward... usually. HEY GILRIN AND BRIAGON I FOUND AN AGAR-!
“ Hey! “
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Enemy spotted
“ Oh fuck.... “
And off he goes, running like a madman, you can distantly hear the incoming train of whoop ass cooming for him.
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