sheltiechicago · 9 months
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Political and documentary photography posters from the 1970s
In the late 70s, the cash-strapped Half Moon Gallery in London developed an innovative approach to getting its shows seen. Showcasing socially engaged photographers such as Daniel Meadows, Janine Wiedel and Philip Jones Griffiths, it laminated their prints and shipped them by rail as touring exhibitions.
Political Photomontage, a DIY Guide, 1983. The rediscovery of John Heartfield’s anti-fascist photomontages of the 1930s led to new forms of visual protest against Margaret Thatcher’s Conservative government. David Evans and Sylvia Gohl played an important part in introducing photomontage theories and approaches to British audiences, with several exhibitions and publications.
Photograph: ©Rhinoceros
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life-on-our-planet · 7 months
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Looking at the their small, flexible proboscis (snout and upper lips) and thick, rough skin, the casual observer might think the tapir is a relative of pigs, or related to anteaters or elephants. Its closest relatives are actually the horse and rhinoceros. Similar to their earliest hoofed ancestors, tapirs have four toes on the front feet and three toes on the hind feet. The toes are separated widely, with the middle toes larger than the others. All toes have hooves, and each foot has a callous pad which supports some of the weight.
At first glance tapirs may look like slow and clumsy animals, and an easy catch for predators. In fact they're very capable! Tapirs have recessed eyes and short ears, legs and tail. They also have a stocky body that is rounded in back and tapered in front. When threatened, their compact and streamlined shape enables them to crash through the thickest forest underbrush with remarkable speed. They are also excellent divers and swimmers, and seek refuge from predators in deep waterways, where they can remain submerged for several minutes. If cornered the thick, hard skin on its neck helps to protect it from a predator's sharp fangs. Tapirs also have strong jaws and large teeth that can inflict a serious bite. ©
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violetvelourr · 8 months
Ok so a number of recent events made me pay attention to this old official art of Anbu Kakashi again [thank you to @skykashi for kindly providing the source image and confirming the origins 💜].
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And one thing that always vexed me about this image and made it hard to believe it was official was that absurd rhinoceros Anbu mask 🙈 and so I decided to draw my own version… while I’m trying to fight the art block…
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Being frankly shitty at design I could not think anything better than putting the Sharingan as the background 🙈
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Moments like these I am happy it’s not my job because I literally have zero imagination 🙈
☙ ❦ ❧
Hatake Kakashi © Kishimoto Masashi
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noxsatvrn · 8 months
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Archipelago Quadriptych #1: Buceros Rhinoceros + Coelogyne Pandurata.
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erikacousland · 1 year
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Sumatran rhinoceros (Dicerorhinus sumatrensis) female eating leaves, Way Kambas National Park, Sumatra, Indonesia © Cyril Ruoso/Minden Pictures
Today on Bing- May 19, 2023 Sumatran rhinoceros, Way Kambas National Park, Indonesia
How can we help at-risk animals? | EN-CA, EN-CN, EN-GB
On the edge of extinction | EN-US
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pangeen · 1 year
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" Rhinoceros " //© Solly Levi
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thecreaturecodex · 2 years
Mind Flayer, Elder Brain
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Image © Wizards of the Coast, by Daarken. Accessed at Art of MtG here
[In writing up the mind flayers, my goal has been to make a version of the elder brain that I actually like and would use. The obstacles are numerous. As I've previously said, I do not like the 2e innovations that made both beholders and mind flayers eusocial species, because it strips them of their main attributes (independence and xenophobia for beholders, extreme intelligence for mind flayers) and makes them into pawns, slaves and dupes. The elder brain specifically was said to be lying to all other illithids about how their personalities would remain intact inside of them forever. Mind flayers are geniuses; not one of them ever saw through this? It definitely plays into the 2e directive that evil should be self-sabotaging, but it just makes one of the coolest monsters in D&D seem like rubes.
The second problem was more mechanical. In D&D 3.5, a mind flayer was a (weak) CR 8, but an elder brain was a CR 25! That meant that only epic level characters could encounter an elder brain and hope to survive, but at that level, the mind flayers would be utterly useless, unless the DM gave them a bunch of class levels, which is even more work. 5e keeps the power differential between them much saner, which I have striven to maintain here.
The third problem is probably my most nitpicky, but I've never much liked the look of the elder brain as just a brain with tentacles. The recent art for Magic the Gathering gives them a more alien appearance which I much prefer.
See my post on mind flayers in general for more information about the mind flayer subtype]
Mind Flayer, Elder Brain CR 15 LE Aberration This creature resembles a distorted humanoid brain, leathery and swollen to the size of a rhinoceros. Tentacles grow from underside like an unraveled brain stem. Despite a seeming lack of sensory organs, it seems perfectly aware of its surroundings.
An elder brain is the hub of a mind flayer colony, as they are both its most typically powerful member and the source of its future. The elder brain is the reproductive female equivalent of the mind flayers, and they birth the tadpoles that will be the next generation. They are incredibly knowledgeable, and illithids and ulitharids consult them for their plans and assist with the elder brain’s schemes in return. An elder brain can access the memories of any brain it has consumed. Most illithids consider it a civic duty to have their brains fed to the elder brain when they die in order to preserve their knowledge and experiences.
Few elder brains move much, as their bodies are bulky and slow on land. They can fly magically, but find this tiring, preferring instead to stick to water. Mind flayer colonies are built around brood pools, which act as a comfortable habitat for the elder brain and the various illithid tadpoles alike. Illithid tadpoles receive relatively little care or consideration until they are implanted into a host body, but are fed various secretions that ooze from the elder brain’s glands. An elder brain on the move is much more likely to be an astral body than the actual creature. Some elder brains regularly explore the planes and other planets in astral form, often with a few privileged mind flayers as students.
Elder brains are horrifically powerful combatants, combining the magical gifts of other mind flayers with great size and strength. Each elder brain is a talented spellcaster, having learned magic as part of their extended adolescence as ulitharids. They can also dominate any kind of creature, and few elder brains are ever encountered without a few monstrous bodyguards to absorb damage. Elder brains typically fight from the safety of their brood pools, dragging enemies into the depths to have their brain extracted after having neutralized resistance through mind blasts and spells.
An elder brain is about 10 feet in diameter, with tentacles that can reach another 15 feet beyond that.
Elder Brain            CR 15 XP 51,200 LE Huge aberration (mind flayer) Init +6; Senses all-around vision, arcane sight,blindsight 120 ft., creature sense 500 ft., darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, Perception +28 Defense AC 28, touch 10, flat-footed 26(-2 size, +2 Dex, +10 natural, +8 shield) hp 210 (20d8+120) Fort +14, Ref +12, Will +17; +4 vs. emotion effects DR 10/adamantine and magic; SR 30 Defensive Abilities affectless; Weakness light blindness,sunlight sickness Offense Speed 10 ft., fly 30 ft. (good), swim 30 ft. Melee 8 tentacles +20 (1d8+7 plus grab) Space 15 ft.; Reach 15 ft. Special Attacks constrict (1d8+12), mind blast, pith (tentacle) Spell-like Abilities CL 15th, concentration +23 (+27 casting defensively) Constant—arcane sight, mental barrier III At will—charm monster (DC 22), confusion (DC 22), dominate person (DC 23), detect thoughts (DC 20), dimension door, mind thrust IV (DC 22), suggestion (DC 21), telekinesis (DC 23) 3/day—plane shift (DC 23), greater scrying (DC 25), quickened suggestion (DC 21) 1/day—astral projection, dominate monster (DC 27), project image (DC 25), veil (DC 24) Spells CL 14th, concentration +22 (+26 casting defensively) 7th (4/day)—mass inflict pain (DC 25) 6th (6/day)—disintegrate (DC 24), greater dispel magic 5th (8/day)—mind fog (DC 23), mind probe (DC 23), wall of force 4th (8/day)—detect scrying, dimensional anchor, enervation, fear (DC 22) 3rd (8/day)— aversion (DC 21), clairaudience/clairvoyance, lightning bolt (DC 21), protection from energy 2nd (8/day)—blur, eagle’s splendor, glitterdust (DC 20), paranoia (DC 21), scorching ray 1st (9/day)—déjà vu (DC 19), mage armor, magic missile, mindlink (DC 19), ray of enfeeblement (DC 19), unseen servant 0th—acid splash, arcane mark, dancing lights, ghost sound (DC 18), mage hand, mending, read magic, resistance, touch of fatigue (DC 18) Statistics Str 24, Dex 14, Con 22, Int 29, Wis 21, Cha 27 Base Atk +15; CMB +24 (+28 grapple); CMD 41 (cannot be tripped) Feats Arcane Strike, Combat Casting, Combat Expertise,Combat Reflexes,Defensive Combat Training, Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes, Psychic Sensitivity (B), Quicken SLA (dominate person, suggestion), Spell Penetration Skills Appraise +29,Bluff +28, Diplomacy +28, Fly +25, Intimidate +31, Knowledge (arcana, dungeoneering, planes, religion) +42, Perception +28, Sense Motive +25, Spellcraft +32, Swim +16, Use Magic Device +28 Languages Aboleth, Aklo, Common, Draconic, Elven, Qualith, Undercommon, telepathy 500 ft. SQ eldritch knowledge +10, no breath, psychic potency Ecology Environment underground Organization solitary, field trip (1 plus 2-12 illithids and/or ulitharids) or colony (1 plus 10-200 illithids and 1 ulitharid per 10 illithids) Treasure double standard Special Abilities Creature Sense (Su) An elder brain can detect the presence of all creatures within 500 feet and communicate telepathically with them. A mind blank spell prevents this detection, and the elder brain must make a caster level check with its SLA caster level to detect creatures under the effects of a nondetection spell. Eldritch Knowledge (Ex) All Knowledge skills are class skills for an elder brain, and it can make Knowledge checks untrained. It gains a bonus to all Knowledge checks equal to ½ its Hit Dice. Flight (Su) The fly speed of an elder brain is a supernatural ability. Mind Blast (Su) As a standard action, an elder brain can create a 60 foot cone of mental energy. All creatures in the area must succeed a DC 26 Will save or be stunned for 3d4 rounds. A creature that is stunned may attempt to recover from this condition as a full-round action with an additional DC 28 Will save. A creature that fails its save is considered to be feebleminded, as per the spell, for 1 minute after recovering from the stunning effect.  After 1 minute, the creature can attempt a second DC 28 Will save in order to avoid being permanently feebleminded. Mind flayers are immune to the effects of a mind blast. An elder brain can use a mind blast at will, but must wait 1d4 rounds between uses. This is a mind-influencing effect, and the save DC is Charisma based with a -2 racial penalty. Psychic Potency (Ex) An elder brain gains Psychic Sensitivity as a bonus feat. If it can use psychic magic, it instead gains Psychic Virtuoso as a bonus feat. Spells An elder brain gains spells as a 14th level sorcerer, oracle or psychic. It does not gain any other class abilities for that class, such as a bloodline or mystery, unless it takes levels in that class. Tentacles (Ex) An elder brain’s tentacles are treated as primary natural weapons.
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arthistoryanimalia · 5 months
For #SaveTheRhinoDay 🦏:
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Andy Warhol (American, 1928-1987) Black Rhinoceros, from the Endangered Species series, 1983 Color Screenprint on Lenox Museum Board, edition of 150, 38 x 38 in (96.5 x 96.5 cm)
(Image © The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts, Inc.)
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dciricnetworks · 1 year
the "next move" search operation from multiple locations (starting points of multiple agents) within the network, displaying distance from the point of origin
Software: Grasshopper Rhinoceros
Author / Source: © Dragana Ciric, 2023-2024, All Rights Reserved
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clicktoart · 11 months
Majestic! This is another photo in my series of animal portraits in B&W. The photo was shot in the Munich zoo a couple of years ago. I ‘ve been using this photo as a wallpaper on my phone ever since, but never got around to posting it. Previous portraits were of a zebra, a rhinoceros, an elephant and a cormorant. There are several other photos in the queue, waiting to be processed. ©…
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bingwallpapers · 1 year
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Southern white rhinoceros males, Shamwari Private Game Reserve, South Africa (© David Silverman/Getty Images)
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ahmed25646 · 2 years
Montpellier: the Lunaret zoo caring for the three white rhinos
Montpellier: the Lunaret zoo caring for the three white rhinos
By Jean-Marc Aubert Published on 11 Oct 22 at 15:24 Metropolitan See my news Follow this media The construction of the white rhinoceros enclosure is well advanced (©Zoo Montpellier) The zoo-animal park from Lunaret, to Montpellier would he be better off contrary to recent very alarmist press articles? Since Monday, October 3, visitors have been able to discover a major construction site on the…
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bluesman56 · 3 years
Fully armoured by Tony
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sitting-on-me-bum · 2 years
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Rhinoceros Hornbill
© AbZahri AbAzizis / Wikimedia Commons
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erikacousland · 1 year
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Southern white rhinoceros males, Shamwari Private Game Reserve, South Africa © David Silverman/Getty Images
Featured on Bing- September 22, 2023 World Rhinoceros Day
Sorry to crash your party | EN-CA, EN-CN, EN-GB, EN-US
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Rhinoceros Auklet (Cerorhinca monocerata)
© Michel Gosselin (MCN)
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