#« ( Akikuni ) » HC.
nvrcmplt · 4 months
Am thinking, My Yokai can brand/mark their S/Os with a part of themselves. Energy / Corruption / Boost of their natural elements, eg; Akku can leave a brand of his suction cups along the limbs of his S/O that can be used as a barrier and/or beacon to call him / pinpoint him.
It could also be triggered to aid his S/O to breath underwater if they are ever in danger of drowning.
It could also ward away danger, give his S/O ( if not supernatural already ) an enhanced sixth sense to others intentions towards them.
These brands might not be visible to the human eye unless trained to look into the Yokai nature. A tingle to those that are welcoming to the supernatural at best without the true blood / vision of the other side.
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nvrcmplt · 1 year
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"Mitsushige" Seiryu: Azure Dragon of the East
Ambient Energy Manipulation
Asian Dragon/Transcendent Dragon Physiology
Directional Lordship - East
Spring Manipulation
Transcendent Element Manipulation
Air Manipulation
Wu Xing Manipulation (Wood Element)
Wood Embodiment
Wood Manipulation
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"Jiyuna" Suzaku: Vermillion Bird of the South
Ambient Energy Manipulation
Directional Lordship - South
Summer Manipulation
Transcendent Bird/Avian Deity/Phoenix Physiology
Transcendent Element Manipulation
Light Manipulation
Wu Xing Manipulation (Fire Element)
Fire Embodiment
Fire Manipulation
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"Tsuyoshi" Byakko: White Tiger of the West
Ambient Energy Manipulation
Directional Lordship - West
Autumn Manipulation
Tiger/Tiger Deity Physiology
Transcendent Element Manipulation
Air Manipulation
Electricity Manipulation
Wu Xing Manipulation (Metal Element)
Metal Embodiment
Metal Manipulation
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"Yukioki" Genbu: Black Tortoise of the North
Ambient Energy Manipulation
Snake Physiology
Tortoise/Dragon Turtle Physiology
Directional Lordship - North
Winter Manipulation
Transcendent Element Manipulation
Darkness Manipulation
Wu Xing Manipulation (Water Element)
Water Embodiment
Water Manipulation
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"Akikuni" Huanglong: Yellow Dragon/Qilin of the Center
Ambient Energy Manipulation
Qilin Physiology
Circadian Manipulation
Directional Lordship - Center
Eclipse Manipulation
Land Embodiment
Season Embodiment
Transcendent Element Manipulation
Aether Manipulation
Wu Xing Manipulation
Earth Embodiment
Earth Manipulation
Yin & Yang Manipulation
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nvrcmplt · 10 months
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As a Kirin, Akikuni's footfalls, hands or even body - can not harm anything that he passes over, through / against. ( Think of Gojo's infinity ), It's physically and cosmically impossible for him to harm anything with his own being. As he is a symbol of peace, balance and the center of the four sacred beasts, he is the Golden Child.
All living things are safe in his presence and the inanimate are protected from him. It's almost a strange existence of being as Akikuni has no really ability to be 'seen' and 'heard' by the world - but is also at the same time, worshiped by every living thing upon it.
Unlike his brothers, who's elements are able to change their environment, Akikuni's own aren't that destructive or painful, in fact, they are more welcomed by the Earth. Granted access to the world around them - as if the growth of his element was always there.
Akikuni is a being that the World bows towards as he is a Messenger of All Beings, All Balance but most of all, the Nominator of the Royal Line.
Like many of his mythos and tales in scrolls of wood and etched on cave walls, he is a mythical deity that can grant a singular life form the grace of all earthly heavens and the ability to change ones common blood to that of the royal line. Granting not only a grand lifestyle but endless riches, of wealth, love, favours, luck and even immortality if they are so worthy.
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nvrcmplt · 1 year
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Akikuni - [ Listen ] 
He prefers to hum, but his singing isn’t too bad either. He has a powerful voice even with his sitting posterior. Aki prefers to sing in full upon spring nights, since it’s just warm enough for his lungs to freeze with cold air, nor suffer heat stroke from the heavy sun rays. His singing can cause rain and grey clouds upon whim, though he has much more control upon the matter. He also can summon animals of fur and mammal origin to him with a singular note.
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nvrcmplt · 1 year
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nvrcmplt · 1 year
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Qilin: a mythical hooved Chinese chimerical creature known throughout various East Asian cultures and is said to appear with the imminent arrival or passing of a wise sage or an illustrious ruler. It is a good omen that brings rui; roughly translated as "serenity" or "prosperity" and often depicted with what looks like fire all over its body. It is sometimes misleadingly called the "Chinese unicorn" due to conflation with the unicorn by Westerners.
There are many different ways that a qilin have been described. Some think of them as a rare form of unicorn; others have described it as a creature that has the head of a dragon and a body of tiger with scales. Others see it as a creature with a single horn on its forehead, a multicolored back, the hooves of a horse, the body of a deer, and with the tail of an ox.
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Although it looks fearsome, the qilin only punishes the wicked. It can walk on grass yet not trample the blades, and it can also walk on water. As it is a peaceful creature, its diet does not include flesh. It takes great care when it walks never to harm or tread on any living thing, and it is said to appear only in areas ruled by a wise and benevolent leader (some say even if this area is only a house). It is normally gentle but can become fierce if a pure person is threatened by a sinner, spouting flames from its mouth and exercising other fearsome powers that vary from story to story.
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There are variations in the appearance of the qilin, even in historical China, owing to cultural differences between dynasties and regions.
During the Jin Dynasty, the qilin is depicted as wreathed in flame and smoke, with a dragon-like head, scales, and the body of a powerful hooved beast such as a horse.
In the Ming Dynasty (1368–1644), the qilin is represented as an oxen-hoofed animal with a dragon-like head surmounted by a pair of horns and flame-like head ornaments.
The qilin of China's subsequent Manchu Qing Dynasty (1644–1911) is a fanciful animal. Depictions of the qilin show a creature with the head of a dragon, the antlers of a deer, the skin and scales of a fish, the hooves of an ox and tail of a lion.
Kirin is the Korean pronunciation of the qilin. It is described as a maned creature with the torso of a deer, an ox tail with the hooves of a horse. The qilin in Korean art were initially depicted as more deer-like, however over time they have transformed into more horse-like.
The qilin is called a Kirin in Japanese, which has also come to be used in the modern Japanese word for a giraffe. The Japanese art tends to depict the qilin as more deer-like than in Chinese art. Alternatively, it is depicted as a dragon shaped like a deer, but with an ox's tail instead of a lion's tail. They are also often portrayed as partially unicorn-like in appearance, but with a backwards curving horn.
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