#« ( Tsuyoshi ) » HC.
nvrcmplt · 30 days
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My boys all looked up just :D that us.
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slamdunkhcs · 2 years
Kishimoto + Minami childhood friendship hcs pls🙏
I luv ur writing uwu
thank you kind anon 😳 hopefully you like this, i reread some of the volumes to get some inspo. ngl i didnt expect to get sm requests for those two boys 😭
kishimoto + minami hcs
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I just know Kishimoto talks mad shit towards EVERYONE that bugs him, that boy doesn’t care if he has opps. Minami would generally back him up since he’s his homie, but I think at some point he tells him to leave it be (since he’s older and more mature)
Kishimoto is literally as dumb academically as Hanamichi, boy didn’t know what the word potential meant. I don’t think he’d ask anyone for help studying for tests, but him and Minami study together since they’re so comfortable. I think Minami is a smarter student overall.
I feel like Kishimoto would be asking Minami about why he doesn’t pull girls??? Like boy would be saying stuff like “Bro why can’t I pull?” and Minami would just tell him that it’s cause he’s too good for them (or something like that)
I think as kids (and even now) the two would go on late night walks together?? Like after practice is over they wouldn’t wanna go straight home, so they walk around and just talk about their lives
The two seem to be the type that are really open and rant to eachother about how they’re feeling. As kids they probably cried about their problems 💀, they wouldn’t judge eachother either.
Definitely had hella sleepovers as kids, Minami and Kishimoto would stay up late and they messed around (doing things like prank calling or sneaking out late)
Honestly I feel like they would genuinely pick eachother over a girl?? Like they wouldn’t embarrass eachother or ignore eachother for a girl, since they value eachother as friends.
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dulcetscen · 5 years
Ooh could I pretty please have hc for Tsuyoshi Kanamori having a crush on his s/o when suddenly he gets love letter, he doesn't know who it's from. After a few weeks he keeps getting small gifts and letters when the person tells him,they want to confess and he finds out that its his crush
- A confession letter was the last thing Kanamori would expect to find, so when one fell into his hands from his shoe locker, he spent a couple moments examining it in disbelief. It could’ve easily been a prank by his sumo team mates, or even a couple delinquents that didn’t know who they were messing with. But as he read it he realized it wasn’t a prank, but a complete revealing of the feelings you had towards him - the only thing missing was your name or a way for him to know that it was from you.
- He kept the letter in his school bag, rereading it almost everyday until about a week later when he received another short note in his locker, with a small trinkets related to something that you liked. By the end of the week, he had a small collection of items and notes that you left him in secret - but he still didn’t have the slightest idea that everything was coming from you.
- On the Friday of that week you leave Kana one final note that instructs him to meet you in the courtyard after school to finally confess to him in person. With him being the serious captain that he is, he did so well hiding his excitement and somehow managed to walk over to the courtyard without skipping with happiness. The moment he saw you sitting on one of the half walls though, all rationality went out the window.
- “[y/n]! What are you doing here?”
- Out of all the emotions he felt, he was mostly afraid. Was this entire thing a prank on him? There was no way that you - the person he’s been crushing on for the longest - could possibly have a crush on him…
- He was all ears (and nerves) as you spoke to him, explaining how hard it was for you to finally gather up the courage to meet with him.
- “The letters were the best way for me to tell you how I feel. I was hoping the small gifts would help you figure out it was me ahead of time, too.”
- It all began to make sense to him - he could see it now, how all the small gifts each represented a part of you and your personality. A part of him secretly hoped that it was you all along, but for it to actually pan out that way? Kanamori was over the moon.
- So before you could even get out the words to officially confess to him, he gathers you into his arms in the tightest, most yearning hug. He didn’t have the words to describe what he felt at that moment, but any synonym of the word ‘happy’ would suffice.
- Knowing that you had similar feelings for him made nothing else matter, and from that moment on he could finally call you his.
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ashxketchum · 3 years
1. What do you think would be Hilary's parents reaction when they know TyHil's relationship? Like let's suppose they're dating. Hilary's got to say them one day... right? How'd she say? Or would they find out on their own? And their reaction?
2. Wedding day headcanons for TyHil. What are yours? Just at least a few.
Thank you for this ask Simy, I don't have a fixed writing schedule this gives me a chance to just randomly talk about my OTP hehehe 😬
1. Since I have like a billion different AUs settings for TyHil, the parents' reaction varies in every one of them so I'll just share the most common one for now. Firstly, I have a pretty extensive background for both of Hilary's parents, her dad is called Tsuyoshi Tachibana and her mother is called Emma (half-British) and they meet when Tsuyoshi is studying in the UK. Emma has Hilary when she's around 19-20 years old and isn't married to Tsuyoshi, so her parents are not happy with this turn of events and they kinda shun her from their family so Emma and Tsuyoshi move back to Japan to his hometown. Usually when I'm following this back story, Tsuyoshi is pretty open to the idea of Hilary dating and is very friendly with Tyson, he's kinda childish too so they get along very well. Since Emma's parents dislike Tsuyoshi so much, he's adamant on not following in their footsteps and always attempts to have a good relationship with Tyson. Hilary is very close to Emma, so she's pretty much aware about Hilary's crush since the beginning and is always helping her or supporting her through it. She's fond of Tyson too, since she knows Tyson lost his mother when he was very young, so she dotes on him a lot (like Grandpa with Hilary hehe). Overall both their families are pretty receptive and accepting of their relationship, since they can see how much the two care about each other and how long they've been friends → best friends → dating for.
And for their reaction when Hilary tells them, it would be something along the lines of "Finally!" or "it took you guys long enough!". Lol, long story short, they're one of the biggest TyHil shippers in my hcs 😂
2. For their wedding, in most of my AUs (cuz it involves a lot of fantasy+action) they don't get to have an official wedding ceremony, and have to jump straight to the living together and raising a family part. But in a slice-of-life-ish AU kinda setting, I imagine they'd get married in the traditional Japanese ceremony or a Beach wedding if they opt for the Christian ceremony, but it would be extremely low-key and family + closest friends affair only. Tyson would definitely tear up a little when he'd see Hilary walk down the aisle, and their parents, Grandpa, Kyouju and Max would be the loudest criers in the audience 😆
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jzrh · 4 years
Slam Dunk Pokémon edits
(possibly updating)
I live for Pokémon crossovers. So I wanted to archive these edits (and the inspo) here.
From @solar-yatagarasu ‘s tweet: Hanamichi Sakuragi with Infernape and Nobunaga Kiyota with Primeape
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From twitter user @/oyu_sanzui3’s fanart: Kenji Fujima with Natu
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“Natu, I choose you!”
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Bonus: Natu evolves into Xatu
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From Twitter user @/riku_nobu10’s fanart (Calimero kinda reminded me of Piplup): young Tsuyoshi Minami with Piplup, later evolving into Empoleon
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Bonus: Because of his family business, he’s always stocked up on Medicine and Potions. He will give Ice Heal to your Pokémon after the battle!
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ok that’s it for now. I don’t want to start hc bc I won’t stop. but Shinichi Maki trains dragon type. k bye.
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bigenderteruki · 3 years
HAI BESTIE. I know how you said you have a bunch to say abt minor/background characters in mp100 and was curious if this includes the guy in the picture below :]? If so, you got any hds of him or anything of the sort??
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Thats my boy edano tsuyoshi!!!!!!!!! My son who does not matter in the story
I have tons of hcs for him oml. FIRST OF ALL hes transgender babey.... kinda stealth abt it cuz ykno. Middle school.
ANYWAYS theres this one omake where he asks teru about his hair n teru says "i told you i dont want anything more to do with you" which got me thinking about their relationship. I think maybe possibly they were real friends at one point? And then whole hierarchy and culture of the gang took over and they became more,, tense?? Ig?? And even after they cut ties with each other edano still kinda wants to be friends
But edano is like also a bit of a scaredy cat. I mean he runs away from teru after he got beat by mob and also in the omake he stops talking to teru cuz he's scared of him getting mad basically. Which makes me think he acts tough but like is lil softer on the inside. Ik thats basically a cliche at this point but WELL I LIKE IT SO........
UM what else. He drinks red bull. Yea. also has a high score of 112 in snake on his phone.
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dotuindex · 4 years
Hunk HCs
⭐ Age 21 at debut ⭐ 6′3 ⭐ Is actually really intelligent when it comes to technical stuff ⭐ Can and will talk about engineering stuff for HOURS ⭐ Can hold his liquor like nobody’s business ⭐ But when he does get drunk he cries like a baby about stepping on Pidge’s toe 2 years ago ⭐ Huge feet. If I were to make a guess, I’d say about a size 13 (American men’s sizing) which apparently is just under 12 inches, or just over 29 cm ⭐ Did boxing when he was younger and still practices, but he doesn’t have any training partners ⭐ Very into sports ⭐ American football is his true love ⭐ May be chaotic but suddenly because responsible the minute kids are around ⭐ Actually likes crunchy peanut butter, the madman ⭐ Will eat anything, but that doesn’t mean he’ll like it. He actually has a decently refined palate but nothing can stop him. He’ll just scarf down anything and then say “eh. it was alright.” ⭐ Has a hard time falling asleep, and it takes him a solid hour and a half to shut his brain off. So when the sun rises he has a hard time dragging himself from bed because he worked so hard to get there ⭐ Knows a lot of random facts ⭐ Kind of a history buff, actually ⭐ Worked at a glass work shop in his teens ⭐ Is really into tattoos and actually considered becoming a tattoo artist when he was younger ⭐ His arms and back are totally covered in traditional Japanese tattoos. I literally do not care that we’ve seen him shirtless in canon and he doesn’t have tattoos, you can fight me on this. ⭐ Half Japanese, half black ⭐ His parents met in Hawai’i ⭐ His dad was named Tsuyoshi Seidou, and his mom Lisa Green ⭐ His father died as a result of a heart condition at a fairly young age ⭐ Hunk quickly stepped up as the breadwinner of the family, and to this day sends the majority of his paycheck from the Garrison back home, despite the fact his mother and younger brother both have jobs ⭐ Hunk’s real name is Hinata Seidou. Hunk is a nickname ⭐ He has a twin sister named Niko ⭐ Before Pidge, Niko was the 5th member of the group. She was severely injured once when the team was captured, resulting in the amputation of her left leg and almost her death. Hunk begged her to find a safer life path after that. He still misses her like hell though. ⭐ If he has to hear the “but you don’t look Japanese” line one more fucking time he is going to kill someone. Any time he tells someone his actual name they get so confused and he’s sick of it. ⭐ Likes to eat his steak as raw as physically possible without it killing him ⭐ Obscenely strong, can and will destroy you ⭐ 100% a dad friend ⭐ Loves kids and is naturally really good with them ⭐ Would probably marry some BBQ ribs if that was an option ⭐ Basically lives on carbs and meat ⭐ Can’t stand most sugary drinks
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klepto--bismol · 7 years
Voltron HC #17
Hunk has two moms
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animeguysarehot · 6 years
OHH. Oh my god, a blog that we can request cute af stuff for Hinomaru Zumou !! ): ❤️❤️❤️ I’m not sure how many characters I can request but I’ll do it in the order from most want a HC from ! May I please request some fluff HCs for my baby boy Tsuyoshi, Chihiro, and Hinomaru with a super tiny & shy s/o who loves to bake and have them taste test their stuff & asks for their help to bake as well ! Thank you so much & I hope you have fun here !!! (‘:
Yesss!! Okay babe I love the idea of Tsuyoshi with an adorable s/o who bakes!! I'll do them apart okay 🙏🙏 Thanks for the request !! I'll either post them in a few hours or tomorrow !!! 🌸🌸🌸
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nvrcmplt · 1 year
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"Mitsushige" Seiryu: Azure Dragon of the East
Ambient Energy Manipulation
Asian Dragon/Transcendent Dragon Physiology
Directional Lordship - East
Spring Manipulation
Transcendent Element Manipulation
Air Manipulation
Wu Xing Manipulation (Wood Element)
Wood Embodiment
Wood Manipulation
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"Jiyuna" Suzaku: Vermillion Bird of the South
Ambient Energy Manipulation
Directional Lordship - South
Summer Manipulation
Transcendent Bird/Avian Deity/Phoenix Physiology
Transcendent Element Manipulation
Light Manipulation
Wu Xing Manipulation (Fire Element)
Fire Embodiment
Fire Manipulation
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"Tsuyoshi" Byakko: White Tiger of the West
Ambient Energy Manipulation
Directional Lordship - West
Autumn Manipulation
Tiger/Tiger Deity Physiology
Transcendent Element Manipulation
Air Manipulation
Electricity Manipulation
Wu Xing Manipulation (Metal Element)
Metal Embodiment
Metal Manipulation
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"Yukioki" Genbu: Black Tortoise of the North
Ambient Energy Manipulation
Snake Physiology
Tortoise/Dragon Turtle Physiology
Directional Lordship - North
Winter Manipulation
Transcendent Element Manipulation
Darkness Manipulation
Wu Xing Manipulation (Water Element)
Water Embodiment
Water Manipulation
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"Akikuni" Huanglong: Yellow Dragon/Qilin of the Center
Ambient Energy Manipulation
Qilin Physiology
Circadian Manipulation
Directional Lordship - Center
Eclipse Manipulation
Land Embodiment
Season Embodiment
Transcendent Element Manipulation
Aether Manipulation
Wu Xing Manipulation
Earth Embodiment
Earth Manipulation
Yin & Yang Manipulation
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acousticguitar999 · 4 years
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^^#@! Takamine TN-520BS Tsuyoshi Nagabuchi 2002 Acoustic Guitar Made in Japan w/ HC https://ift.tt/2ZRvxKD
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Okay, so since you said it was fine, I'd really love self-ship headcanons! You know me well already and I'll let you who you want to write self-ships with (you know all my favourites - my Nerd Herd babies, Chikusa, Shamal, Iemitsu, and Tsuyoshi)...if that's not too much trouble. I'm sorry! Thank you; you spoil me too much and I love you for it!
@ciaossu-imagines My pleasure ♥ I took some..liberty here I hope you’ll not mind, please tell me if it bothers you!
- Your flat was a real relief to him, everything is in order, nothing was hanging on the floor and it smelled pretty nice as well, something that totally suits him and his little maniac fondness - Chikusa had no idea how to tell you he was interested in becoming more than friend, so he tried little rapprochements at first like a touch of shoulders as he sat next to you on the couch, or the fact he read as fast as he could the Comics he borrowed you so he could come over pick another one and spend some time with you.- To initiate your very first kiss, he lay down, facing you on the ground of the pillow-fort you both built to watch t.v.His glasses were off as well as his cap and he put one of his earphone against your ear, looking at you in the eyes until the melody push him to capture your lips.
- He has the necessity to keep you safe no matter what, and it’s not because you’re is partner that he won’t act like a dad and doesn’t lecture you as he does with Takeshi.Even more when it comes to your health. He’ll take care of everything if he feels like you need some rest and he will wear a severe look on his face if he learns that you skip a meal.Don’t play with him Sweatheart, this man has a lying radar and he’ll make you pay one way or another.- He doesn’t mind that you help him with the restaurant or house chores, he’ll even be thankful because he still has no idea how to correctly use an iron, but he won’t let you do the cooking part, even if he’s sick as hell and can barely move- Tsuyoshi is a very traditional and romantic man, so, when he invites you to go out, he’s always the one who pick you up, wearing his most well tailored suit and a bouquet of your favorite flowers in hand and he will be a perfect gentleman through the trip, bowing goodnight to you under your porch and waiting for you to invite inside to make a move.
Yang - Gangsta.
- This man is an awful tease, you thought you could make him keep his mouth shut with your sarcasm? How wrong you were, the more you tease him, the more he answers and it’s what got to him and make him fall for you, he likes how strong you are and how you’re not afraid to bite him up even if he’s a guy.- He’s handsome and he knows it, and playing with you is one of his favorite game, knowing too well how crazy his little mole and dashing smile drive you, he loves to see you blushed and embarassed but when you bodly answer him with compliments, he’s the one who has no idea of what to do.- With the atrocities he has to deal with on a daily basis, Yang want to keep you away from all of this, even if he knows that Monroe would take care of you no matter what, he needs a little bowl of fresh air away from the crazyness of Ergastulum where he can forget about everything in your arms.
And it’ll be all for tonight, thanks for all the requests, what I still have in the box and will probably be posted tomorrow
- NSFW Xanxus hcs- Dino Drabble- G./Giotto Drabble
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misterpoofofficial · 7 years
Any headcanons for the GoLion squad? (Sven also included) Whenever it will be LGBT headcanons or some random fluffy hcs?
aaaa yeah i do have headcanons!
-akira kogane is a biromantic demisexual-takashi shirogane (sven) is definitely pansexual-ryou shirogane is a demiromantic bisexual (kinda like akira)-isamu kurogane the Real Bonafide Bisexual and he’s ace!-tsuyoshi seido, he’s a panromantic asexual-suzuishi hiroshi is def bisexual and he’s aro-princess fala is also panromantic and ace
-in most aus akira is in, i hc him to be genderfluid but i love trans boy akira too! -for takashi and ryou, they’re both demiboys-SUZUISHI IS A TRANS BOY OKAY I DONT MAKE THE RULES
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minaonart · 7 years
i was wondering if you could go over all of your gender hcs for classic voltron and vld??? im curious to know!!
thank you for your message!
akira kogane > demiguyisamu kurogane > genderfluidhiroshi suzuishi > trans boytakashi shirogane > agender or nb? (edited*)tsuyoshi seidou > bigenderprincess fala > trans girl
shiro > nonbinarykeith > demiboypidge > trans girllance > trans boyhunk > genderfluidallura > demigirl
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skygemspeaks · 7 years
How do you feel about D18 and 8059?
Hmm, well, I guess I’m kinda okay about D18? I mean, I personally hc Hibari as as aro ace, but I’m not really opposed to the pairing. At any rate, I don’t dislike it as much as I dislike 1869. It’s just kinda meh to me.
But holy damn, when it comes to 8059, it is literally like my number one NOTP of all time. I actually have it listed on my faq as one of the things I absolutely refuse to write for (along with DDLG, incest, and Oikawa Tooru). The only time I’ve ever written it is a short one-shot a long time ago for a close friend of mine who shipped it. And if I’m remembering correctly, that was actually broken 8059 where Hayato ended up with Tsuna in the end.
When it comes to KHR, I actually have very few ships, mainly because I prefer the familial relationships in the series over the romantic ones. The only ships I ship wholeheartedly: 6996, G x Lavina, Shamal x Lavina, Tsuyoshi x Nana, Daemon x Elena, 3387, ColoLal, 4914, and occasionally 2759.
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Soft hunk hcs!!!
Yes!!! good this is the content I’m here to make
Hunk came into the world as Tsuyoshi Garrett. He did not cry, but rather gazed around at the world around him with such steadiness that his mamas knew there could be no other name for him than Tsuyoshi. Sturdy, powerful, steady, the name suited him, and suited him more as he grew.
Hunk was a total mamas’ boy, and 100% doted on them 24/7. Not to mention he got 3x the mom most people have, as Lance’s mom also adopted him practically instantly.
Hunk is a emotional crier. Like he will cry over anything if it makes him emotional enough. He once cried because he saw a puppy that was too cute and he couldn’t handle it.
He also totally binges rom-coms, and his favorite bonding activity with Allura is to watch the Altaean equivalent of rom-com’s.
He also really enjoys doing makeup with her, and they both look fly af.
Hunk lives to cuddle. He’s like a human teddy bear. This came in handy when Lance’s siblings were little, because they would all crowd onto him and snuggle up onto his chest, and listen to his heartbeat. It was the easiest way to get the little ones to fall asleep, and Lance still finds it soothing to sleep with Hunk because of his heartbeat.
Lance coined the nickname Hunk one summer when he saw Hunk in a swimsuit, and it stuck when a bunch of girls saw him pick up Lance and throw him into the pool like he weighed nothing. Cue the swooning and total confusion from Hunk, and Lance’s merciless teasing.
Hunk is one of those people whose anxiety will prevent them from doing something, but would do the exact same thing if a friend asked him to because his need to make them comfortable outweighs his anxieties. 
Hunk is the friend of all living things and if you leave him alone for 5 minutes, you’ll come back to find him exactly where you left him, except now with what looks like a panther sprawled out behind him, purring as he absentmindedly pets it. Hunk what the fuck
Hunk 100% meditates when they find nature based planets. He finds it really soothing to be surrounded by greenery and on a planet surrounded by something he has an innate understanding of. Meditation in nature helps keep him grounded(haha lion pun).
In addition, Hunk has a major green thumb, and seems to be able to get a plant to grow in literally anything.
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