#« outofcharacter : aigokheros. »
fireblight · 3 years
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aigokheros.  it’s been ages since i’ve ever posted like a “mun” pic & i most likely won’t have internet on the coming monday, so... putting this here while i can :3
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fireblight · 3 years
aigokheros. Keep thinking about bby karin being transferred to konoha post village raid... Oh What Could Have Been
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fireblight · 3 years
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aigokheros. happy munday :) hope everyone is having a fine moon day
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fireblight · 3 years
we were absolutely robbed of naruto & karin training together btw. like I think Karin w/ her Uzumaki chakra reserves/stamina she would be able to keep up w/ Naruto more than other characters. after all there’s a reason she can afford to let people drink her chakra like a human capri sun
also her shinobi training kinda lacking tbh, in my portrayal at least she was kind of a shitty bare-minimum genin who struggled a lot ‘til the attackers of her village jumpstarted her sensory abilities. since obvs her village went kaput after that and she got #scouted by orochimaru, a lot of her training afterwards focused more on the unethical crimes against humanity nature, more stuff prepping her for otogakure level threats ( i.e prisoner uprisings, some basic medical ninjutsu ) and conditioning her mind. but she obviously has a lot of potential and considering she’s got a long life still to go it wouldn’t hurt to brush up on some skills... 
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fireblight · 3 years
aigokheros. karin when she’s visiting konohagakure to hang around w/ her fav konoha friends and trying to suppress her otogakure/taka/criminal behaviours:
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fireblight · 3 years
do you guys ever think back to like, old school tumblr rp with the massive fuck-off icons (or gifs), the magic!anons, the way that writers & their muse would sort of just like, talk about each other/other blogs/break the fourth wall constantly, the slapdash simple graphics and HUGE themes?? or am i just nostalgic lmao
honestly maybe it’s just like, nostalgia rose-tinted glasses but that was actually such a wholesome, creative era. i actually think it’s super cute to casually integrate writing w/ the breaking-the-fourth-wall acknowledgement that we’re all just a bunch of people writing fictional characters in our spare time lol
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fireblight · 3 years
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aigokheros. general PSA for ppl interacting w/ me out of character is that while I am very jovial and stuff and I love to goof around, actual conversations/flows are very difficult for me to navigate so if I ever seem disinterested or like I’m ignoring you, I’m NOT!!! I just have terrible memory and also:
I’m an eldest daughter
I am autistic
I am a Capricorn
like that says it all... god gives his hardest battles to his silliest gooses
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fireblight · 3 years
Spread the love: 1, 10, 11
What’s a roleplay blog whose characterization you admire?
It goes without saying it that I'm obsessed w Raz's muses like both their Orochimaru @seineijashu and their Suigetsu @tankwater are so good that my Karin's portrayal is practically hinging on their interpretation of their muses, like esp Orochimaru since that's the first muse I ever wrote w them... our dynamics are just so good and their writing, art, everything is so good. And ofc they are my best friend and truly a fantastic artist in every regard I could write an essay about it. But I SHAN'T!!! also because I hate Raz and it's giving me a migraine being nice for too long
What’s a roleplay blog that always keeps you pleasantly surprised?
@bestninjaclub most likely! Idk how to put it into words, but their blog has a really sweet, warm feeling to it and every time I see one of their muse interactions I'm always just very warm and pleased by their portrayals. It's just a joy to have them on the dash lmao // also their canon divergences/narratives for their characters are always so nice, I'm obsessed with physical therapist Rock Li???
What’s a roleplay blog you admire from afar?
I really admire @murasakiirohana's dedication to their ( I couldn't find your pronouns listed so I defaulted to they/them just in case! ) character, Ino. Like idk there's so much obvious passion, care, etcー just a genuine attachment to Ino and an appreciation of all the little things that would make her tic, attention given to her griefs and her joys, idk. Just very nice to see! Plus I'm pretty sure they're a NRP vet too because I swear I remember seeing their blog for yeaaaaars and I do love seeing fellow old souls kicking around the place because for some reason our naruto phase won't let any of us fucking go
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fireblight · 3 years
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aigokheros. karin memeboard while I work on some headcanons.
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fireblight · 3 years
aigokheros. Karin and Jugo outside listening in during @uchjha and @tankwater’s thread:
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fireblight · 3 years
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aigokheros. also. thinking of bounty hunter karin lmao. community service for konoha 
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fireblight · 3 years
aigokheros. Bl rtn!karin as hokage!sakura’s advisor... Blc
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fireblight · 3 years
aigokheros. wish i could be one of those people who write in lowercase but every time i see a non-casual lowercase ‘i’ in my own writing it makes me wanna die. but when i see OTHER people’s format it looks so pretty and cute. what the hell
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fireblight · 3 years
aigokheros. Karin working for Konoha but only in interrogation & torture is very funny to me. like yeah fine I’ll work for you guys but only if I can keep being morally ambiguous because that’s all the work experience I have
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fireblight · 3 years
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aigokheros. I’ve been trying to do this bastard redraw all day & can’t get it to look how I want it to lmao so I’m goin’ to focus on threads nowwww. but in case I don’t finish this in the next few days, here’s a WIP~~ 
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fireblight · 3 years
aigokheros. writing familial dynamics w/ narutos is always so funny because it’s like naruto is the protagonist who is full of sunshine and just this radiant, do-good-no-matter-the-cost hero and karin is his shifty cousin from otogakure who worked for orochimaru and escaped from jail like. that is just so funny to me
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